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They didn't come to sell cookies...

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Iris and Emily made their way to the lobby, where the Director and Shiva were about to give their briefing for the mission.

The Director sat with her hands interlocked in front of her face, with her eyes gazing over them


"Thank you for offering to assist, your assistance is appreciated. Shiva reports that there is a breeding den located near here, the monsters there are the flying variety, grounding our air support."

The Director paused for a second.


"They must be eliminated. Shiva is bringing explosives, which she will use to purge the building of all hostiles."

She laid her hands on the table.


"This will be your first real dangerous mission, the monsters will come from above, so be wary."

She locked her hands back together.


"Any questions?"
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

As Emily was listening she crossed her arms. She was somewhat disturbed. Flying creatures? These things can fly now? Have they always been able to fly or are they evolving... She didn't know if she would sound dumb asking these questions but went ahead anyway.


"Well first off we need to know which way we are going."
She motioned to Iris standing next to her.
"Also how long have these things been able to fly? I already got chased by a giant tentacle monster in the streets and it trashed my bike, but they can fly? Why haven't we seen them before now?"

Emily still didn't like the director. She still only saw her as a dictator over them. She also believed if she got in the directors way she would kill her or something worst to her instantly.

(( I wish burning was here <.< ))
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...


"It's in an abandoned warehouse, Shiva will know where to go."


"Yes, we believe they may be evolving. Either that, or whatever brought them here is spawning more, different types of creatures."


"Any other questions?"
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

"So they are evolving." Emily thought, "and if they couldn't fly before... just how fast are they evolving? They must have a shitload of dens if they can evolve this fast."


"Will Shiva be able to help us or is she going to be too busy carrying the explosives?"

(( I'm done with questions and I guess we have to wait for burning to come back now... also I forgot to add in that question are they evolving thanks for catching that RJ <.< ))
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...


"That's the sole purpose she's coming with you, I wouldn't trust anyone else with this mission but her, and I hope you'll do the same."
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

Iris sat there, listening to every word the director said. So they were going toa breeding den that was hidden in a ware house and they were going to leave bombs there to blow up the entire thing. Iris felt nervos inside, however did her best not to look it. Not only was she risking being captured and kept as a breeder for a bunch of horny monsters but she also risked being killed in an explosion left by Shiva. Iris was starting to have second thoughts about going on this mission. Was she really ready for something like this?

Iris glanced over to Shiva and then Emily then looked back away. Iris felt if she walked away now she would look like a giant coward and would of shamed herself so bad she wouldn't be able to stay at the inn any more. She was in to deep at this point. She was going to have to face her fears go on this mission.

Iris felt somewhat prepared for this. She had eaten before and had two clips of 9mm ammo stuffed in her pockets. Her short sword was in its sheeth and her 9mm was in her right hand as usual.
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Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

The Director saw that no one else had questions, so she got up from her desk.


"Good luck."

Then she turned to Shiva.


"Shiva, I leave the rest to you."

Shiva nodded at her, then proceeded to address the two girls as the Director left.


"Don't fall behind."

Was all she said, as she began walking out of the building, followed by the two girls.

Without much being said, the three began their trip, both Emily and Iris having to jog a little to catch up with Shiva at her fast pace.

*Talk during the walk? Or skip?*
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

(( I'm in a game <.< it's nice to see blood's back though XD ))
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

(( Its TheWeirdOnes turn to post. ))
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

Anyone can post... Do you guys not wanna say anything?
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

As Iris continued walking, having to go a little faster because of Shiva, she glanced over to the other girl who was going on this mission Iris didn't know her name, Iris also didn't know if she knew hers. Iris figured now was a good time to introduce herself to her. Iris turned her head to face the girl and said to her-

" Hey. My name's Iris. Whats yours?"
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

Emily was walking alongside Iris. She knew that she was on the mission to gather supplies, and she couldn't help but wonder about a few things.

"Hey I'm Emily."
She smiles a bit arrogantly at Iris

"I heard you were on the mission to gather supplies. I was kinda wondering... I've only seen one of those things really and it didn't get too close to me... Do they really... uh put eggs into you?"
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

Iris looked away for a moment, looking down at the ground. Iris hated beng reminded of that damn mission she went on with River and Lin. She had been eaten by a plant then was pumped with eggs then giving birth on that helicopter... Iris could honestly say that was the worst and most shamful moment of her life. Iris had felt weak and useless afterwards. The sole reason she had gone hunting with Lin before and taken this new mission was get stronger and not feel usless anymore. Answering Emilys question, still looking down, Iris said

" ... Yeah they do."
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

Emily saw Irises reaction to what she said. She wondered what had happened to her. All she knew was that she was part of the team that helped bring back supplies to Apple Inn. Emily decided maybe she should try cheering her up a bit since this seemed to be her fault. Also she knew that she would need everyone with her to be in the best of moral to be able to complete this mission hopefully without getting raped.

"Hey I wanted to thank you personally as well."
Emily smiled again at Iris with her eyes closed.

"You see because of you and what your team did we all have better weapons. Especially me. I bought a gun and a shitload of ammo when they came in stock after your mission. Before that there was nothing useful at all there, except for maybe this sword I got strapped on my back. Hey that reminds me... are you used to fighting? I bet I could kick some ass although I haven't really fought one of these things..."

(( I forgot that Iris was the one that got the eggs implanted in her <.< Accidental plot device wooo!!! ))
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

When Emily thanked Iris for what she had done she felt her spirits lift a little. When Emily brought up fighting and what was strapped tp her back Iris noticed the girls short sword. Iris herself was use to fighting, she had battled a crab, a giant egg monster , and a centapied monster. With each one of the monsters she faced she had done great damaged, or killed each of them. Iris looked back at Emily and answered

" I'm use to fighting. I'm alright with a sword but I'm a lot better with this. "

Iris pulled out and showed Emily her 9mm handgun.
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

When Emily had saw that she seemed to have lifted Iris' spirits a little she was a bit satisfied. "Good," She thought to herself "if we went in there with one of us being depressed who knows what could happen." She also saw her 9mm handgun though. She looked at it and got a little jealous. "Oh well," She thought to herself "You can't have it all. Besides even though I bet I can kick ass with guns I haven't really ever fired one in my life" Then she thought maybe she could life Iris' spirits a little bit more.

"Damn that sure beats what I got."
She pulls out her .38 handgun.

"Still though you and your team managed to save that shop from being a shit hole. It's good you can fight too... I bet we're gonna need all the help we can get on this."

Emily really couldn't shake the thought about how fast these were evolving. Could they destroy all the nests in time to be able to stop it? The only regret she'd have is how much she'd have to help the director.
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

(( Want to skip ahead to the action now? ))