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This is why we don't drink unknown potions(Aust)

Re: This is why we don't drink unknown potions(Aust)

Name: Rota Ironhill
Pic: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/picture.php?albumid=1094&pictureid=16488
Level: 0
Health: 11 / 11 [+1] (Get hit and lose this)
Resistance: 11 / 11 [+1] (Get molested and lose this)
Life: 11 / 11 [+1] (Run of out the upper two and this starts to be lost. Can't get it back outside skills)
EXP: 0/150

Skill: 1d20+1 (+3) [Ability to hit things]
Intelligence: 1d20+1 (+1) [Ability to use learned spells]
Speed: 1d20+1 (+3) [Ability to run away/dodge/block]
Power: 1d10+1 (+0~1) [Ability to deal damage]
Defense: 1d10 / 2 +0 (+0~1) [Ability to aborb damage.]
Endurance: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Health]
Stamina: 1d2 (+0) [Ability to regen Resistance]

Items: (Starting Characters choose 2 of these)
Copper Sword: +3 Atk
Copper Shield: +3 Defense
Stale Loaf: 1 use to recover 3 HP/RP
Bedroll: Rota can use this to recover full HP, RP and Life, but there is a 20% chance that she will be captured when using it. This chance increases by 40% per use per floor.

Yinglet Scavenging: Higher Loot Drop Chance, Better Chests
Yinglet Recovery: Surprisingly hardy creatures when given the chance to recover. Twice per floor can recover 1d2 Life

Deck Side: 20/20/20

(Chance Roll: 17 out of 100, fails the bedroll test)

Rota thought she was safe, but unfortunately she forgot that the beings around here could move through floors as well. As it was she was sound asleep when a group of half a dozen yinglets happened upon her, and in an act of incredible sneakyness, managed to pull her away on her bedroll, so that when she woke up she found herself bound in the ruins of a house's basement. Tied to the wall by a steel chain that was attached to a collar around her neck, and around her was now not half a dozen, but dozens of the small creatures.

"Haha! Pretty lady is ours! Now we grow colony!" One of the yinglets said, and in a moment they descended on her. The creatures proved themselves to be surprisingly well equipped, with members that rivaled the kobolds that had enslaved her before. Unlike the kobolds though, the Yinglets had absolutly no sense of forming a line, and within minutes Rota was getting the experience of having multiple yinglets fucking her pussy and ass at the same time, while her mouth was a battleground between more of them until they settled on two trying to ram their members down her throat at a time. Nips and bites quickly covered her body as the creatures apparently liked the act, and the first climax flooded her with a surprising amount of seed, her womb bloating out a bit and stayed that way, as before it could escape a new team of yinglets were taking her.

Also unlike with the kobolds, the Yinglets didn't quite seem to tire, or if they did, they were much better at taking rotational shifts. As the minutes turned into hours, and from there into days and weeks and months, the only time Rota would not be getting fucked was when the Yinglets were helping her stay alive. Her muscles wore away as her belly swelled with kids and her breasts with milk, and her first daughter came out as...a yinglet, and was joined with a litter of seven more male yinglets.

Just her presence alone likely quadrupled the Yinglet numbers in the city, her giving birth around twice a year, year after year. Her body becoming painted with strange symbols after the Yinglets found some paint and took to using her body as a canvas, and by the time her daughter finally came of age she would practically have no mind left. Unlike with the kobolds she was never unhooked from that wall, and practically never was not taking at least three cocks.

Then her mind faded away, and she found herself in the nearest town to Tarbes. The world seemed massively different, what was a normal door was now one made for giants, and she barely came up to the hips on most people. A bushy tail behind her and chicken like legs. Though at the very least her equipment had shrunk down to fit her new size.
Re: This is why we don't drink unknown potions(Aust)

It was strange. She thought she'd be safe. Safe from any of the pests and annoyances that swarmed this place. But she was wrong. Apparently the yinglets from before had friends and lots of them. Before she knew it, she was not only abducted, but chained up by the crafty little bastards. Finding a collar around her neck and a chain connected to it, she was bound to the wall and she wasn't going anywhere fast. And neither were the yinglets who were upon her in moments. The litte bastards were hung and they took full advatnage of their near limitless energy. She was never not being fucked by something and in groups of at least three. She even felt various nips and bites while she had each hole fucked by 2-3 cocks at once. It was for lack of a better term...chaos.

Days...weeks...months passed. Her old strength left her, muscles growing weak with underuse and her plump breasts filling with milk for the coming young. And her first daughter would be born...as one of them much to her surprise. Little did she realize, her contribution to the yinglet population over the year caused their numbers to explode. But she didn't have much to think about that as her mind eventually faded into her new body.

And what a new body it was. Not only wasn't she nearly as tall as she once was, but she had a bushy tail and the legs of those beasts. Well...considering she was a yinglet now it only made sense. She barely went up to the hips of these people and she half wondered how people would react to a yinglet with her gear. Either way, she couldn't let this stad and she made her way back, determined to make things right. A part of her at least wanted her orc body back. Hell, any greenskin would do at this point. Even a goblin.
Re: This is why we don't drink unknown potions(Aust)

Name: Rota Ironhill
Pic: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/picture.php?albumid=1094&pictureid=16488
Level: 0
Health: 11 / 11 [+1] (Get hit and lose this)
Resistance: 11 / 11 [+1] (Get molested and lose this)
Life: 11 / 11 [+1] (Run of out the upper two and this starts to be lost. Can't get it back outside skills)
EXP: 0/150

Skill: 1d20+1 (+3) [Ability to hit things]
Intelligence: 1d20+1 (+1) [Ability to use learned spells]
Speed: 1d20+1 (+3) [Ability to run away/dodge/block]
Power: 1d10+1 (+0~1) [Ability to deal damage]
Defense: 1d10 / 2 +0 (+0~1) [Ability to aborb damage.]
Endurance: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Health]
Stamina: 1d2 (+0) [Ability to regen Resistance]

Items: (Starting Characters choose 2 of these)
Copper Sword: +3 Atk
Copper Shield: +3 Defense
Stale Loaf: 1 use to recover 3 HP/RP
Bedroll: Rota can use this to recover full HP, RP and Life, but there is a 20% chance that she will be captured when using it. This chance increases by 40% per use per floor.

Yinglet Scavenging: Higher Loot Drop Chance, Better Chests
Yinglet Recovery: Surprisingly hardy creatures when given the chance to recover. Twice per floor can recover 1d2 Life

Deck Side: 20/20/20

Heading back into the ruined town, the now Yinglet Rota would find the same paths were there as last time. She could go either north or south.
Re: This is why we don't drink unknown potions(Aust)

Making a quick decision, the now diminutive Rota would take the eastern path. She wanted to get to the next floors and fast. Maybe find something that wasn't this.
Re: This is why we don't drink unknown potions(Aust)

Turn 1, Floor 1: Rota headed east.

Name: Rota Ironhill
Pic: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/picture.php?albumid=1094&pictureid=16488
Level: 0
Health: 11 / 11 [+1] (Get hit and lose this)
Resistance: 11 / 11 [+1] (Get molested and lose this)
Life: 11 / 11 [+1] (Run of out the upper two and this starts to be lost. Can't get it back outside skills)
EXP: 0/150

Skill: 1d20+1 (+3) [Ability to hit things]
Intelligence: 1d20+1 (+1) [Ability to use learned spells]
Speed: 1d20+1 (+3) [Ability to run away/dodge/block]
Power: 1d10+1 (+0~1) [Ability to deal damage]
Defense: 1d10 / 2 +0 (+0~1) [Ability to aborb damage.]
Endurance: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Health]
Stamina: 1d2 (+0) [Ability to regen Resistance]

Items: (Starting Characters choose 2 of these)
Copper Sword: +3 Atk
Copper Shield: +3 Defense
Stale Loaf: 1 use to recover 3 HP/RP
Bedroll: Rota can use this to recover full HP, RP and Life, but there is a 20% chance that she will be captured when using it. This chance increases by 40% per use per floor.

Yinglet Scavenging: Higher Loot Drop Chance, Better Chests
Yinglet Recovery: Surprisingly hardy creatures when given the chance to recover. Twice per floor can recover 1d2 Life

Deck Side: 20/20/20

Rota finds, a chest! This one is blue. There is nothing else in the room.
Re: This is why we don't drink unknown potions(Aust)

Well, maybe she'd find something that could help her deal with her new stature. Taking a second to search for traps again, she'd open the chest. SHe needed more gear. Otherwise, she may as well just find the nearest pack of her kin and just start all over again.
Re: This is why we don't drink unknown potions(Aust)

Turn 1, Floor 1: Rota headed east.

Name: Rota Ironhill
Pic: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/picture.php?albumid=1094&pictureid=16488
Level: 0
Health: 11 / 11 [+1] (Get hit and lose this)
Resistance: 11 / 11 [+1] (Get molested and lose this)
Life: 11 / 11 [+1] (Run of out the upper two and this starts to be lost. Can't get it back outside skills)
EXP: 0/150

Skill: 1d20+1 (+3) [Ability to hit things]
Intelligence: 1d20+1 (+1) [Ability to use learned spells]
Speed: 1d20+1 (+3) [Ability to run away/dodge/block]
Power: 1d10+1 (+0~1) [Ability to deal damage]
Defense: 1d10 / 2 +0 (+0~1) [Ability to aborb damage.]
Endurance: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Health]
Stamina: 1d2 (+0) [Ability to regen Resistance]

Items: (Starting Characters choose 2 of these)
Copper Sword: +3 Atk
Copper Shield: +3 Defense
Stale Loaf: 1 use to recover 3 HP/RP
Bedroll: Rota can use this to recover full HP, RP and Life, but there is a 20% chance that she will be captured when using it. This chance increases by 40% per use per floor.
The Firetube of Mystery (DC15): 1 Use Per Floor: Causes a Random, but significant effect on every enemy in the room.

Yinglet Scavenging: Higher Loot Drop Chance, Better Chests
Yinglet Recovery: Surprisingly hardy creatures when given the chance to recover. Twice per floor can recover 1d2 Life

Deck Side: 20/20/20

Rota manages to actually get something useful out of this chest as well. It appears to be...a strange tube with a trigger attached to it. What could it possibly be? Unfortunately her Yinglet mind didn't appear to be able to comprehend the true usefulness pf this arcane item.

Maybe, or maybe it was just because it was something she had never seen before, or maybe it was arcane?

Gained, The Firetube of Mystery!

There was a door to the south, and another to the east.
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Re: This is why we don't drink unknown potions(Aust)

Well this was...interestng. Sadly her new state of mind was not quite up to the task of understanding what this item was or what it did. Either way, it was loot and she might be able to use it later..when she was in a body that understood what this was. Moving onward, she'd push south this time.
Re: This is why we don't drink unknown potions(Aust)

Turn 1, Floor 1: Rota headed east.
Turn 2, Floo 2: Rota headed south.

Name: Rota Ironhill
Pic: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/picture.php?albumid=1094&pictureid=16488
Level: 0
Health: 11 / 11 [+1] (Get hit and lose this)
Resistance: 11 / 11 [+1] (Get molested and lose this)
Life: 11 / 11 [+1] (Run of out the upper two and this starts to be lost. Can't get it back outside skills)
EXP: 0/150

Skill: 1d20+1 (+3) [Ability to hit things]
Intelligence: 1d20+1 (+1) [Ability to use learned spells]
Speed: 1d20+1 (+3) [Ability to run away/dodge/block]
Power: 1d10+1 (+0~1) [Ability to deal damage]
Defense: 1d10 / 2 +0 (+0~1) [Ability to aborb damage.]
Endurance: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Health]
Stamina: 1d2 (+0) [Ability to regen Resistance]

Items: (Starting Characters choose 2 of these)
Copper Sword: +3 Atk
Copper Shield: +3 Defense
Stale Loaf: 1 use to recover 3 HP/RP
Bedroll: Rota can use this to recover full HP, RP and Life, but there is a 20% chance that she will be captured when using it. This chance increases by 40% per use per floor.
The Firetube of Mystery (DC15): 1 Use Per Floor: Causes a Random, but significant effect on every enemy in the room.

Yinglet Scavenging: Higher Loot Drop Chance, Better Chests
Yinglet Recovery: Surprisingly hardy creatures when given the chance to recover. Twice per floor can recover 1d2 Life

Deck Side: 20/20/20

With the firetube of mystery firmly attached to her person. The yinglet would head south, entering into a clearing with...a large stairwell heading down. She had found the exit!
Re: This is why we don't drink unknown potions(Aust)

Yes! Stairs! Sweet freedom! Or at least freedom from this floor and the hell it brought her. Maybe the next one would bring her some more luck and hope that maybe her new form would grant her a little more luck.
Re: This is why we don't drink unknown potions(Aust)

Turn 1, Floor 1: Rota headed east.
Turn 2, Floor 1: Rota headed south. Rota Found the Exit!
Turn 1, Floor 2:

Name: Rota Ironhill
Pic: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/picture.php?albumid=1094&pictureid=16488
Level: 0
Health: 11 / 11 [+1] (Get hit and lose this)
Resistance: 11 / 11 [+1] (Get molested and lose this)
Life: 11 / 11 [+1] (Run of out the upper two and this starts to be lost. Can't get it back outside skills)
EXP: 0/150

Skill: 1d20+1 (+3) [Ability to hit things]
Intelligence: 1d20+1 (+1) [Ability to use learned spells]
Speed: 1d20+1 (+3) [Ability to run away/dodge/block]
Power: 1d10+1 (+0~1) [Ability to deal damage]
Defense: 1d10 / 2 +0 (+0~1) [Ability to aborb damage.]
Endurance: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Health]
Stamina: 1d2 (+0) [Ability to regen Resistance]

Items: (Starting Characters choose 2 of these)
Copper Sword: +3 Atk
Copper Shield: +3 Defense
Stale Loaf: 1 use to recover 3 HP/RP
Bedroll: Rota can use this to recover full HP, RP and Life, but there is a 20% chance that she will be captured when using it. This chance increases by 40% per use per floor.
The Firetube of Mystery (DC15): 1 Use Per Floor: Causes a Random, but significant effect on every enemy in the room.

Yinglet Scavenging: Higher Loot Drop Chance, Better Chests
Yinglet Recovery: Surprisingly hardy creatures when given the chance to recover. Twice per floor can recover 1d2 Life

Deck Side: 20/20/20

Heading down the stairs, the Yinglet that was Rota would find herself in what seemed to be something like sewers for the moment. At the very least her current form seemed to filter out the bad smell of the place. There was tunnels going north and east.
Re: This is why we don't drink unknown potions(Aust)

Sewers? A damn sewer? Well it would only make sense given that she was under a city and heading under would lead to a sewer. At least she didn't have to deal with the smells. But she had a choice of paths and this time she figured she'd head east. HEading north lead to nothing but problems.
Re: This is why we don't drink unknown potions(Aust)

Turn 1, Floor 1: Rota headed east.
Turn 2, Floor 1: Rota headed south. Rota Found the Exit!
Turn 1, Floor 2:

Name: Rota Ironhill
Pic: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/picture.php?albumid=1094&pictureid=16488
Level: 0
Health: 11 / 11 [+1] (Get hit and lose this)
Resistance: 11 / 11 [+1] (Get molested and lose this)
Life: 11 / 11 [+1] (Run of out the upper two and this starts to be lost. Can't get it back outside skills)
EXP: 0/150

Skill: 1d20+1 (+3) [Ability to hit things]
Intelligence: 1d20+1 (+1) [Ability to use learned spells]
Speed: 1d20+1 (+3) [Ability to run away/dodge/block]
Power: 1d10+1 (+0~1) [Ability to deal damage]
Defense: 1d10 / 2 +0 (+0~1) [Ability to aborb damage.]
Endurance: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Health]
Stamina: 1d2 (+0) [Ability to regen Resistance]

Items: (Starting Characters choose 2 of these)
Copper Sword: +3 Atk
Copper Shield: +3 Defense
Stale Loaf: 1 use to recover 3 HP/RP
Bedroll: Rota can use this to recover full HP, RP and Life, but there is a 20% chance that she will be captured when using it. This chance increases by 40% per use per floor.
The Firetube of Mystery (DC15): 1 Use Per Floor: Causes a Random, but significant effect on every enemy in the room.

Yinglet Scavenging: Higher Loot Drop Chance, Better Chests
Yinglet Recovery: Surprisingly hardy creatures when given the chance to recover. Twice per floor can recover 1d2 Life

Deck Side: 20/20/20

Heading east, Rota would find herself in a quite spacious sewer room, with the actual sewer part at least hidden under grated paths so she was able to walk without going into the muck. Unfortunately she wasn't alone there. There was also a very confused Red Chocobo of all things there. The creature staring at her tentatively. Though it was slowly walking closer to her. Maybe she could do something to get it on her side without having to fight it?
Re: This is why we don't drink unknown potions(Aust)

Well that's not what she expected to see around here. Another creature with chicken legs like her. Though the chocobo was decidedly different from the Yinglets. But it didn't seem all that hostile and maybe she could make a friend out of it. She quickly remembered she had the bread loaf in her inventory from her other self. She'd remove the bread and broke it in half, offering it to the bird. "Chocobo want to be friend? Rota not dangerous. Rota friend!" Wait why was she talking like that? Damnit, even her ability to speak was inhibited in this body!
Re: This is why we don't drink unknown potions(Aust)

Turn 1, Floor 1: Rota headed east.
Turn 2, Floor 1: Rota headed south. Rota Found the Exit!
Turn 1, Floor 2:

Name: Rota Ironhill
Pic: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/picture.php?albumid=1094&pictureid=16488
Level: 0
Health: 11 / 11 [+1] (Get hit and lose this)
Resistance: 11 / 11 [+1] (Get molested and lose this)
Life: 11 / 11 [+1] (Run of out the upper two and this starts to be lost. Can't get it back outside skills)
EXP: 0/150

Skill: 1d20+1 (+3) [Ability to hit things]
Intelligence: 1d20+1 (+1) [Ability to use learned spells]
Speed: 1d20+1 (+3) [Ability to run away/dodge/block]
Power: 1d10+1 (+0~1) [Ability to deal damage]
Defense: 1d10 / 2 +0 (+0~1) [Ability to aborb damage.]
Endurance: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Health]
Stamina: 1d2 (+0) [Ability to regen Resistance]

Items: (Starting Characters choose 2 of these)
Copper Sword: +3 Atk
Copper Shield: +3 Defense
Stale Loaf: 1 use to recover 3 HP/RP
Bedroll: Rota can use this to recover full HP, RP and Life, but there is a 20% chance that she will be captured when using it. This chance increases by 40% per use per floor.
The Firetube of Mystery (DC15): 1 Use Per Floor: Causes a Random, but significant effect on every enemy in the room.

Yinglet Scavenging: Higher Loot Drop Chance, Better Chests
Yinglet Recovery: Surprisingly hardy creatures when given the chance to recover. Twice per floor can recover 1d2 Life

Deck Side: 20/20/20

The chocobo chirped happily and came over and ate the part of the bread Rota was offering. Before nuzzling her cheek. It seemed like she had made a friend, but the nuzzling soon turned into the chocobo lightly nudging her under it, where she'd see that it had released a rather...significant member. It chirped and pointed at the bread she still had, then at itself, then at its exposed cock. It seemed it was trying to repay her for the bread with the only 'meal' it could currently provide. Though oddly enough enough Rota felt like she could refuse this offer and the chocobo wouldn't force her.
Re: This is why we don't drink unknown potions(Aust)

Yes! The friendmaking worked! The bird not only took the bread but the beast seemed quite taken with the yinglet woman. A victory all around. She'd even giggle a little as she was nuzzled. But then things started to get a little heavy with her new friend and she'd soon find out why. She'd be pushed under the beast and be shown his...rather large member. All this to repay her for the bread? Well at he same time what else did he have to offer her? Not much. And it seemed it wouldn't be really upset by her turning him down, but at the same time, the yinglet woman was curious to see what he might give her if she accepted his gift. Maybe a little too curious. Being mindful of her long front tooth, the yinglet woman would begin pleasuring the larger bird creature. Her hands held the cock as she tried to lick and suck as best she could.
Re: This is why we don't drink unknown potions(Aust)

Turn 1, Floor 1: Rota headed east.
Turn 2, Floor 1: Rota headed south. Rota Found the Exit!
Turn 1, Floor 2: Rota went East

Name: Rota Ironhill
Pic: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/picture.php?albumid=1094&pictureid=16488
Level: 0
Health: 13 / 11 [+1] (Get hit and lose this)
Resistance: 11 / 11 [+1] (Get molested and lose this)
Life: 11 / 11 [+1] (Run of out the upper two and this starts to be lost. Can't get it back outside skills)
EXP: 0/150

Skill: 1d20+1 (+3) [Ability to hit things]
Intelligence: 1d20+1 (+1) [Ability to use learned spells]
Speed: 1d20+3 (+3) [Ability to run away/dodge/block]
Power: 1d10+3 (+0~1) [Ability to deal damage]
Defense: 1d10 / 2 +0 (+0~1) [Ability to aborb damage.]
Endurance: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Health]
Stamina: 1d2 (+0) [Ability to regen Resistance]

Items: (Starting Characters choose 2 of these)
Copper Sword: +3 Atk
Copper Shield: +3 Defense
Stale Loaf: 1 use to recover 3 HP/RP
Bedroll: Rota can use this to recover full HP, RP and Life, but there is a 20% chance that she will be captured when using it. This chance increases by 40% per use per floor.
The Firetube of Mystery (DC15): 1 Use Per Floor: Causes a Random, but significant effect on every enemy in the room.

Yinglet Scavenging: Higher Loot Drop Chance, Better Chests
Yinglet Recovery: Surprisingly hardy creatures when given the chance to recover. Twice per floor can recover 1d2 Life

Deck Side: 20/20/20

Starting to lick and stroke the chocobo's cock would cause the bird creature to let out a happy warble and settled in to being serviced. It's member was quite large, but from what she had heard of yinglets, she knew they were stretchy enough to take anything that was sent their way. Once Rota started to suckle on the creature, it'd start to actually thrust into her, filling her throat almost comically before after a few minutes of that it'd climax, flooding her stomach with its cum. Then it'd pull back and nuzzle her again, and it seemed it was going to follow her whereever she went.

Rota gains Red Chocobo 'Feeding' +2 to Speed, +2 to Power, +2 Temp HP. All effects last until either the floor is cleared, or Rota loses

There are exist to the North and South here.
Re: This is why we don't drink unknown potions(Aust)

Well, she knew what she was getting into when she decided to service this beast. But it wasn't all that bad. Thankfully her body was quick to adapt to the large appendage and even altered a little to accommodate it. Thankfully it climaxed a few moments later and gave her a decent meal before nuzzling her again. "Rota happy zat new friend iz happy. Come on. We going to explore!" Sure she still hated her speech but it had it's charm. Taking a moment, she decided to head south this time.
Re: This is why we don't drink unknown potions(Aust)

Turn 1, Floor 1: Rota headed east.
Turn 2, Floor 1: Rota headed south. Rota Found the Exit!
Turn 1, Floor 2: Rota went East
Turn 2, Floor 2: Rota went south

Name: Rota Ironhill
Pic: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/picture.php?albumid=1094&pictureid=16488
Level: 0
Health: 13 / 11 [+1] (Get hit and lose this)
Resistance: 11 / 11 [+1] (Get molested and lose this)
Life: 11 / 11 [+1] (Run of out the upper two and this starts to be lost. Can't get it back outside skills)
EXP: 0/150

Skill: 1d20+1 (+3) [Ability to hit things]
Intelligence: 1d20+1 (+1) [Ability to use learned spells]
Speed: 1d20+3 (+3) [Ability to run away/dodge/block]
Power: 1d10+3 (+0~1) [Ability to deal damage]
Defense: 1d10 / 2 +0 (+0~1) [Ability to aborb damage.]
Endurance: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Health]
Stamina: 1d2 (+0) [Ability to regen Resistance]

Items: (Starting Characters choose 2 of these)
Copper Sword: +3 Atk
Copper Shield: +3 Defense
Stale Loaf: 1 use to recover 3 HP/RP
Bedroll: Rota can use this to recover full HP, RP and Life, but there is a 20% chance that she will be captured when using it. This chance increases by 40% per use per floor.
The Firetube of Mystery (DC15): 1 Use Per Floor: Causes a Random, but significant effect on every enemy in the room.

Yinglet Scavenging: Higher Loot Drop Chance, Better Chests
Yinglet Recovery: Surprisingly hardy creatures when given the chance to recover. Twice per floor can recover 1d2 Life

Deck Side: 20/20/20

The chocobo wasn't going to let it's friend walk! And Rota would feel it's beak close around the scruff of her neck and a moment later she found herself seated on the birds back. Riding the chocobo as they went south, and found another room with a chest. This one blue.
Re: This is why we don't drink unknown potions(Aust)

Getting pulled up high certainly surprised Rota who let out a startled yelp. "B...bird friend don't want to let me walk? Bird friend nice." She stroked the side of the chocobo's head and pressed herself up against him in a gentle hug as they pushed onward. The new room would reveal a chest and a blue one at that. "Help open chest, friend! See whatz insides! Maybe more food!"