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Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Nireniel Darkstar: HP = 49, PP = 49, EP = 98/116, Status = Fine

Ceri (Marceri) Wisptail: HP = 31/46, PP = 82, EP = 81/96, Status = Bruised

Naia Darkstar: HP = 85/92, PP = 51, EP = 81, Status = Lightly Wounded, Armor at 43/50 TP

Karelia: EP = 78/81, PP = 23

Inquisitor: Gone
6 soldiers, probably fucked

Naia still uses Shield Cover.

Nereniel uses Ray of Paralysis.
Casting: Success.
Attack: Miss.

Ceri tries to break through her collar with X = 5 Mind Cutter in order to sever her bonds.
Resistance: Failure again, this time on a 36.

The inquisitor uses Instant Transmission and drops Blessing.

Karelia, unnoticed by all up until now, removes Ceri's sealing collar and cuts her bindings. SLIME POWERS ACTIVATE.

The dudes next to him reload and fire, but again Naia can block them all with her shield. The guy guarding Ceri swings at Karelia with an axe.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 1 + 2 + 10 = 13, 13/4 = 3 damage.

Firing a ray of energy that was again refracted off of his defense barrier and ended up flying harmlessly skyward, Nereniel was able to at least see the look of frustration on the inquisitors face as they traded shots to such minimal effect. "Get around her! She can't block from every direction at once!" he called, but then suddenly things turned for the worse for the humans as Karelia, completely ignored and unnoticed by all, suddenly jumped up on Ceri's shoulders. Her latest effort to free herself proved a failure, but when the small slime suddenly lunged onto her she found the collar that had been keeping her in place suddenly pulled off and tossed aside. She dropped down, cutting through the bindings around her arms, and then oozed off to the side with a smile.

As he had already been preparing another attack, the inquisitor saw the kitsune suddenly set free beside him and cursed. His energies were suddenly diverted, and in an instant he dissolved into rays of light that all flew into different directions. That left the soldiers without his boon, and their reloading and firing as they tried to circle around Naia took on a panicked edge. None of them got past her shield, however, and when the guns went silent they looked about ready to bolt and run like the now long gone peasants had. One man had not moved, however, and with his leader gone the man guarding Ceri turned his full attention upon her. Raising an axe, he swung it not at her, but at the tiny slime that had freed her. His axe sunk into her substance and passed through it, taking a few pieces of slime but otherwise causing no apparent harm whatsoever before thunking into the ground. The little green slime frowned at him, and rose a finger which she shook at the now confused soldier.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Finally free of her bindings, Ceri has to refrain from crying out in joy and giving the mysterious slime girl a hug on the spot. The axe slamming down on said slime made it easier to get back to reality, however. All the shame, hatred, and sorrow that she'd suffered came back at that moment, eager to be unleashed. Finally able to release all the pent up emotion, she reaches for the axe wielder's mind with her mental talons to rip it to pieces. She would have preferred to slowly squeeze him to death for that blow she'd suffered earlier, but she didn't have the time. That and using her more subtle power would be less likely to draw the ire of the gunmen.

Now that her arms weren't blocking them, she unfurls a pair of elegant violet and black wings that look something like a surprisingly pretty combination of bat and moth wings. In case the axeman hadn't been taken down by her attack, she flies a good distance and gets behind a tree to try and give herself some cover from the rifles. Her instincts were telling her to bolt for it, but she'd just been saved by not just two, but three strangers out of nowhere. No one would go through this much trouble just to trick her, would they? She had to know now.

Mind Crush! Mind Worm of the lethal variety with X being 8

Also this is what her wings look like.

Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Nereniel smiled as she saw the inquisitor vanish and teleport away.Seeing her little slime pal freeing the damsel and aiding her. Nereniel knew the little slime would likely be capable of handling the guard for the moment. Turning her attention to the remaining gun men she gave them a kind smile. "I will give you a chance to leave here alive and in one piece. If not you can end up like te others." A ball of crackling violet energy once more forming between her palms as she waited for an anwser. Getting ready to unleash it upon them should they attack.

Should the remaining guys attack, Energy Wave at the gun men while making sure to avoide hitting Naia.
Spending 6 Ep and choosing the 30 foot 120 degree cone of effect.

Also isn't Kareila purple? Or is that colour of slime not allowed?
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Naia blinked as the Inquisitor suddenly vanished! She looked around warily, even as she deflected another batch of shots. Kareila had freed her new friend! She was so happy! But then the bad man hurt Kareila! The gun people seemed to be handled, so she snarled angrily at the man. "You hurt her, you hurt my friend, now pay the price!"

She hurled her javelin at the man, hissing in rage.

Naia throws one of her javelins at the man who hit Kareila. 1d20+60 for 4d6+18. Ignores 8 AV and causes -4 speed.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Nireniel Darkstar: HP = 49, PP = 49, EP = 98/116, Status = Fine

Ceri (Marceri) Wisptail: HP = 31/46, PP = 82, EP = 69/96, Status = Bruised

Naia Darkstar: HP = 85/92, PP = 51, EP = 81, Status = Lightly Wounded, Armor at 43/50 TP

Karelia: EP = 78/81, PP = 23

Inquisitor: Gone
6 soldiers, probably fucked

Ceri Mind Worms X = 8 on a dude.
Resistance: He loses and dies.

Naia chucks a javelin at him and kills his body.

Nereniel causes the rest of ye soldiers to start running for the hills.

The man who had struck her turned towards Ceri with eyes filled with hate and rage and fear as his companions received Nereniel's threat, and with a lunge he grabbed for her. Naia hurled her javelin at almost the same time, but the newly freed kitsune's psychic strike was faster than any thrown length of wood, reaching into the most primitive and simple portions of the man's brain and rewriting a few key neurons that were tied to key functions in his body while the brunt of her attack ripped apart his mind. He was already essentially dead when Naia's javelin thudded into his chest, piercing through his light armor and going right into a lung, adding a slight wheeze to his last few breaths as he collapsed.

The rest of them split off and ran at that point, hurrying off in various directions after the rest of the fleeing peasants leaving Naia and Nereniel at the base of the hill while their new acquaintance and Karelia stood near the top of it. Ceri, on the same token, had just been rescued and freed by a pair of demons and their little slime ally, leaving her to respond to that as she chose. One of her tormentors lay dead at her feet while the rest all ran off, though the most dangerous of them had escaped and was still on the loose somewhere.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

The first thing Ceri does is grab her things, though she doesn't put on the robe immediately, not wanting to sully the garments. Sneering at the dead man by her feet, she pokes him with her toe to make sure he's dead and stares at the two demons and the slime girl. Her thoughts were still wild with questions, but for now she wasn't in danger of getting killed. Looking from each one of her saviors to the other, she feels her natural distrust creep up on her again. Her black fox tail swishing behind her, and her wings spread as if to run, she stays silent, observing the three. Unbound and unsealed, she has an entirely different demeanor. The tears are gone, and she's not whimpering anymore in the slightest. She looks more cautiousness than anything, and there's a weariness in her eyes that look somewhat wrong on someone who looks so young. "Thank you for rescuing me," she tentatively says, "It was brave of you to stand up to the inquisitor. Something I'm sure must be staple for demons. But not usually under such strange circumstances. But this is neither the time, nor the place. Do you have somewhere we can hide where I can thank you properly?"
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Nereniel gave a small smile as she watched the men fleeing after her threat. Turning she quietly waited while the newly freed damsel gather her things. While she waited she laid her hand on Naia's wounded shoulder, her hand glowing a soft white as she healed her daughter. Moving to look up at Naia's face, giving her daughter a large beaming smile of pride. She gave her daughter's shield arm a soft squueze as she continued to smile.

Turning to the released kitsune she gave a nod as she approached her calmly. "We do, though it would set us back a few weeks." Tapping her chin she shrugged. "Though we can head back into the forest a ways. Once we make camp, we can see about getting you healed up." The curvy demoness giving Ceri a soft and kind smile before turning around and starting off towards the woods.

Use Lay on Hands on Naia and spending 2 ep to heal her back to full.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Naia grunted as she saw her target drop to the ground in one go. She felt a little bad for ending his life, but that hatred in his eyes, the way he hurt her friend. It had to be done. She looked about and seen her opponents had been scattered to the wind.

Naia felt a hand on her shoulder and looked up with a happy smile. Her mother looked so proud of her. Naia gave a sigh of relief as her wounds were healed, before looking to her new friend.

Naia felt slightly disappointed at how wary the pretty girl seemed. Maybe she had heard too many stories, but weren't people who were saved from death usually overjoyed and hugged their saviours and such? Instead she seemed to be greeted with hesitation and fear and exhaustion. The girl had pretty wings that looked to be ready to flap away in fear, and a soft looking black tail.

Naia clenched her tail hand slightly but looked up to her mother as she responded to the strange woman's question. She nodded at Nereniel's words, and smiled at the foxy girl. "Come on, it's okay. I'm Naia. what's your name?" She quickly fetched her javelin. Even if it was busted, she could still use the metal parts to make a new one maybe.

Naia hoped the new girl would relax, she had some nice dresses her size she'd love to see her in. And that tail looked super soft.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

"You can call me Ceri. It's a pleasure to meet you, Naia," the kitsune nods politely as she flies after the older looking demon, though there's still an unspoken tension about her. She wasn't just about to trust these three yet, even though she was following them into the woods. It was hard to trust anyone these days, especially since this wouldn't be the first time she'd been "saved" only to be enslaved again. That being said, it was better than taking her chances with the townsfolk and an inquisitor. Badaria. She briefly wondered what in the blazes had possessed her to come to this wretched land? The sooner they left, the better. Maybe there'd be a stream or creek she could wash herself off in. Her poor hair and tail needed grooming, and as soon as she got the mud off of her she'd wear her silken robes again.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Nireniel Darkstar: HP = 49, PP = 49, EP = 98/116, Status = Fine

Ceri (Marceri) Wisptail: HP = 31/46, PP = 82, EP = 69/96, Status = Bruised

Naia Darkstar: HP = 85/92, PP = 51, EP = 81, Status = Lightly Wounded, Armor at 43/50 TP

Karelia: EP = 78/81, PP = 23

With their immediate threats dealt with, the odd group had a decision to make regarding where they wanted to go. The road that Nireniel and Naia had been following led in two directions besides the one they'd come from, one going into the village that Ceri had been imprisoned in and a narrower, less well kept pathway leading off to the Northeast. Alternatively, they could go off the road entirely and into the woods in more or less whatever direction they liked. The human villagers had scattered, but they might be back, and given how many of them had been killed so far it was unlikely that they would be friendly. How they would decide such a direction, however, was up to them to figure out.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Once they arrived at the crossroads she turned around to look at the battered kitsune. Gesturing to Ceri's cheek. "Here let me heal that nasty bruise." She gave Ceri a kind smile before letting her hand glow and lightly touching the kitsune's cheek to heal her. Once done she removed her hand with a smile. "All done. You are free to go where ever you want to now. Though do be a little more careful next time." She then turned to her tall companion with a grin as she spoke. "Now where should we go next, Sweetling?"

She crossed her arms underneath her large bosom as she thought a moment. Speaking kindly to her daughter. "Hm... Guess we can't go to that village. Shame that the other road might lead to one more village in that naughty man's territory." Looking about at the woods and the sky a moment. "Well we can head in the general direction of north. Did you know it snows their most of the year? Or maybe head south to the sea and the beaches there? Have some fun in the sun and see a wonderous sight." Humming in thought as she spun slowly on the spot, a little upset she hadn't bought a map from a merchant before. "Or we could head east or west and see what we stumble upon. Which way do you want to go?" Looking at Naia for her opinion. "Any where you would like to go or see?"

Use Lay on Hands on Ceri for 3 ep

Also didn't I heal Naia during the fight?
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Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Ceri blinks a few times as she's healed, feeling the soft hand on her cheek, her bruise disappearing. She's even more shocked as the pair of demons seem to be just letting her go off on her own. Yeah, they definitely weren't slavers. The Kitsune immediately blushes at her paranoia and feels a twinge of guilt for having believed her saviors had been actually trying to kidnap her. Of course, she had plenty of reason to from experience, but in simply assuming that these demons were just like the rest, she'd inadvertently mirrored the actions of those who'd just tried to kill her not too long ago.

"Wait..." she says softly, easing up a little bit on her nervous demeanor, looking more embarrassed now than anything. Her fox ears flatten a little, and her tail puts itself between her legs, making her look even more adorable than usual. "I have to apologize for a little misunderstanding... I thought you guys were trying to kidnap me, but I'm seeing that I might have been a little hasty. Granted, this is the first time I've been rescued without someone having an ulterior motive. Umm... I don't know how I can repay you for that, by the way, but may I travel with you until I think of something?"
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Soon the three of them were back at the road. Naia smiled happily as she watched her mother heal the poor little foxy girl. She was sad that the fox wasn't coming, but nodded to her mother, listening to her choices.

"Beaches! I like looking out at the ocean and stuff.," claps Naia happily, "And I don't gotta wear lot's of clothes."

However the foxy spoke up, Naia looking over curiously, her own wings fluttering a bit. She frowned a little at Ceri's confession, while resisting the urge to hug her for being so cute. In the end the urge won out, as her tail reached out, the hand wrapping around Ceri's hips and pulling the Kitsune into a hug.

"It's okay, you don't owe us anything! I'm glad you don't think we're bad though.," says Naia happily as she snuggles in, before looking up to her mother. "Can we bring her along, mom? Can we please, she's cute and wants to come and I've got a few dresses I saved that are her size and she'd be so pretty in them! Pleeeeease?"
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Nireniel giggled at Naia's reaction, watching the younger demon hug and snuggle the kitsune. Smiling at the pair as she spoke. "I am not sure if she will be safe from you and your dresses. Though I find no problems with her coming along with us. So she is welcome to travel with us, sweetling." Watching her daughter snuggle Ceri, her mind already picturing Naia chaising Ceri with frilly and lacey dresses. "I am Nireniel and Naia's mother. I am sure we will have quite the adventure together."

She thought a moment before shifting back into her true form. Stretching her black wings with a smile. "So Ceri, would you like to go visit the beach and sea with us? After we get you cleaned up of course." Smiling kindly at the pair as she looked up to determine south.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Ceri squeaks at the hug, freezing up at the unexpected contact, but smiles at the friendliness. With a wry grin, she hugs the demoness back, her wings fluttering happily. "Nice to meet you, Naia and Nireniel. I would be happy to accompany you to the beach," she says softly.

In truth, she'd be happy to be anywhere that wasn't in Badaria. And her company certainly helped. She'd been alone for so long, she'd forgotten what it was like to be around decent folk. And the part about Naia's pretty dresses was certainly appealing. Ceri had a few herself, folded neatly in the bag she's carrying. God she wanted to be in anything but this rough sack cloth garment, but she really needed that bath first. Giggling to herself, she pictures how giddy Naia might get when she finally cleaned up. Her silken hair would be back to its lustrous and sleek self, her soft ivory skin would shine once more when all the mud was off, and she'd be able to wear her sexy red robes.
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Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Nireniel Darkstar: HP = 49, PP = 49, EP = 116, Status = Fine

Ceri (Marceri) Wisptail: HP = 46, PP = 82, EP = 69/96, Status = Fine

Naia Darkstar: HP = 92, PP = 51, EP = 81, Status = Fine, Armor at 43/50 TP

Karelia: EP = 78/81, PP = 23, Status = Fine


With their direction and general destination decided on, the strange quartet would be able to proceed on their merry way on that gloomy morning, taking the road that Naia and Nereniel had originally been on South and East. The ocean wasn't exactly close, but that wasn't necessarily a huge obstacle if they didn't mind walking a good bit, and over the course of the day they would be able to converse and get to know one another better. A while after mid day, they would be able to stop at a creek where they would be able to clean up a little and Ceri could change into more pleasant attire, though whether or not she would opt to try and get some privacy while doing so was up to her.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Ceri for the most part, shares a bit of her past travels. It seems she's simply been wandering for a place to call her own. Naia and Nireniel would hear of how she in fact was the youngest of eight siblings, who'd each gone their separate ways in search of their own goals. Some for power, justice, a quiet life, and others for love, and adventure. Ceri diverts the conversation away before her own reason is revealed, instead telling the true reason why she'd been captured. It seems the little kitsune has had plenty of reason to be as cynical and suspicious as she has been. While she only reveals a small portion of it, it's clear that her scars run deeper than she may ever be willing to show. From slavers to aliens, it seems everything has tried to harm her at one point from many different ways.

When they get to the stream, Ceri sheds her rough sack garment without a second thought. After all the abuse she'd suffered in the past, it would seem that she's not all that unfamiliar with being naked out in the open. As she washes herself, clean, her skin picks up a soft glow, looking as soft as silk.

If Nireniel and Naia were to take a peek, they'd see the kitsune's lithe body in all its splendor. One look and it would be hard to not stare at her slender and graceful form. Despite being generally petite and svelte, she sports a bust that's easily in the D's and has a lovely round tush. As she works the tangles out, her silky raven hair shines with a dark amethyst hue when the light catches it at the right angle. An enchanting sight for sure, if Nireniel and Naia were to peek.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Nireniel would smile at the kitsune woman, listening attentively. Being very reassuring and supportive as Ceri talks. Waiting for her talk at the harder parts of her story. For her part, Nireniel was just travelling to see the world. Hoping that such a journey would help her magic studies. After a short while though, Nireniel couldn't resist telling Ceri about her three children. Speaking with pride and love as she her a few funny and likely embarressing stories about even Naia herself. The matronly demoness, taking great joy in talking of her three children and easily causing her to smile.

Upon seeing the stream, she gave a smile. She gave the stripping kitsune a look over and grinned. Knowing Naia had a very good model for her various dresses. Speaking kindly to the bathing kitsune. "Take as much time as you need to wash up. We are in no hurry." After a moments thought she grinned and decided to strip and hop in the stream herself.

The kitsune being able to clearly see Nireniel massive J-cup breasts, and her heart shaped and jiggling rump. Small drops of white clearly visible leaking from her inky black nipples. Smiling as she decided to walk into the water of the stream and wash some of the rigors of travel. "Oooooh~ The water feels good." She beckoned Naia and Karelia to join her. Hugging both happily and splashing them playfully should they join her.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

"Thank you, Nireniel. Gods its been forever since I've had an opportunity like this," Ceri smiles sweetly, washing herself. Her pale skin takes on a light sheen from the the water she pours over herself, creating a distracting steam running between her breasts.

Ceri's eyes flick over Nireniel's features, the kitsune finding herself licking her lips as her gaze lingers for a moment on the ebon-skinned beauty's rump. The leaking nipples catch her attention too, and Ceri briefly wonders if the milk they were producing could heal. Her sister had that ability, after all.

Turning to Naia and the goo girl who'd saved her, Ceri grins and beckons them to join in as well, wanting to personally thank the goo girl for getting to her first. The Karkastan girl would have her chance right afterwards though, for she was the one who had eyes for the kitsune. Maybe she'd even let Ceri take a little nibble to replenish herself.
Re: Those Who Dream (Zilrax, Paramort, and Rathuris)

Nireniel Darkstar: HP = 49, PP = 49, EP = 116, Status = Fine

Ceri (Marceri) Wisptail: HP = 46, PP = 82, EP = 69/96, Status = Fine

Naia Darkstar: HP = 92, PP = 51, EP = 81, Status = Fine, Armor at 43/50 TP

Karelia: EP = 78/81, PP = 23, Status = Fine

Normally, Karelia would have gone straight to Nereniel, the little ex-goblin slime having taken only a very minor hit but more than willing to take a bit of energy from her "mistress" while providing all sorts of wonderful relief. The inviting look from Ceri, however, gave her a moment's pause, and the slimegirl oozed into the water by the kitsune instead, looking up at her curiously and with a slightly tilted head. She didn't talk much anymore, the transformation having done something of a number on her mind, but to the new friend of her friends she said; "Pretty!" And then simply oozed into her legs, starting to slide tendrils up over Ceri's thighs in a fairly unmistakable direction. It would be hard for Ceri to miss the modest hunger in her eyes, the slime ready to replenish herself on a bit of the kitsune's soul, but she didn't need much at the time and she could easily restore herself with the eager young karkastan waiting to have a turn with her next. Of course, she could just as easily dissuade the slime from feeding on her instead, but the decision was hers to make.