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Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

  • Freeform

    Votes: 6 75.0%
  • Traditional RP

    Votes: 2 25.0%

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Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

Along with LWR ERP I think I will atrempt to reboot this as well. So I shall make efforts to post go people over the weekend.
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

OH KAY! It seems as at least one if not mire origianl players has dropped out I this; bit I'm not ready to five up on it just yet. So, RJ- would you mind if someone; another member perhaps who might be interested in playing, took the helm of Maiko's char, since yours were connected somehow. Also termite alpaca and any other players who signed it's not dead yet; so please post your expectations, desires, and stuff you want to have in the game as well a notice for me if you intend to continue or stop posting in here so I can know ahead of time, please. And I will do my best to be faithful in my updates a well. Thank you for your patience and involvement. TentanariX
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

Well, it's true Maiko and my own character were directly involved with each other before the game started. Because of that, there's not really any kind of replacement for the character that could make it seem like nothing's changed. Ergo, it's probably best if, since Maiko's no longer participating, that her character sorta vanishes from the canon story. There's almost no way someone can take Maiko's character over and have her interact with Minasa in a way that will 'fit' Minasa's relationship with her, as Minasa views her in a very unique way.

Even if I 'can' continue, I won't be able to continue anything with Maiko's character, no matter what's done, now that Maiko isn't playing.
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

I really don't have any expectations, and I really can't think of anything to post right now. Well, I have something in mind, but I can't seem to get it down on paper.
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

Sorry Tentanari, RJ, everyone, but I just really think that if I play again, the same thing will happen for me as before. It'll come up that I can't think of a good post, get depressed and quietly drop out. I mean, I'd like to continue, it seemed like it had some promise for me, but I just don't think I'll be able to keep up with it, so... again, sorry.
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

Okay, so here are the options; I can either one- continue on as we did before and just ignore Maiko's char and are if RJ would be okay with going on without his char; or two- just do a complete reboot. Which do you think I should do?
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

I vote we keep trudging on as before, allowing Maiko's character to fade quietly into that sweet night. That way, should she ever find herself wanting to come back (and since it's free-form, she easily could), the option is there.

Hopefully, I'll be able to break free of this writing funk I've been in lately.
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

Alright now that that's decided; alpaca, RJ Termite and others, once again it's time to start brainstorming plot and encounter ideas and desires to get the ball moving as well as some action and smut ;)
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

Right now Eichiro has one goal in mind: Get into Minasa's pants. Of course if some other hot girl started showing some interest in him he wouldn't pass...

As for action right now he's the scrub of the group. He can and most likely will get his ass handed to him by everyone he meets. And there's probably someone out there who wouldn't mind torturing the guy for all he's worth until he finally finds a way to stand up for himself.

As far as the main plot is concerned I think we'd need to flesh out the school some then start filtering in some spies from other schools or some other similar thing to start things rolling.
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

I noticed about a week ago when a thread was updated with this name, and thought a new PbP was starting up, with a name I recognised from somewhere but just couldn't place...

So with my inquisitive nature, and curiosity already piqued, I began reading... And it turned out... I HAD been familiar with Battle Vixens before... Just forgot about it's alternate Title of Ikki Tousen, What I missed was that it was based on Rot3K, Possibly due to my having watched it so long ago and so few episodes...

And I like what I read, what I saw, and what I could be seeing in the future...

The Idea of a Magatama holding the spirit of the dead warriors of the three Kingdoms era was... Interesting... Bound to there fate, to relive the same battles, to die the same ways...

A very interesting Mechanic for a PbP, I like the Idea for it very much... Shame to see the "Destiny Link" part scrapped just cause some people were a bit lazy...

Now one more thing I noticed... Was that most of the forced removal of clothing is done through Ki arts, Either directly after or during a physical attack. Creating four different forms of attack: Direct Physical, Direct Ki, Inverted, and Delayed.

It would seem you had a problem people launching Energy waves and beams, such as with Dragonball's Kamehameha, I do not fault you for that, as it IS ridiculous for regular people to do such things, where as the closest I could see a Toushi realisticly "Throwing" there Ki would be to channel it through the ground... Which would take great training as to not misplace it with the natural flow of the Earth... Or Delayed attacks, which is kinda farfetched, but used in the latter parts of the series, when a small mine of Ki is left after an attack... Waiting for the foe to just move into it... (Mostly used after a Direct Physical as an "Anti Counter Mechanisim") And would like a clarification as to what IS and ISN'T considered Legal in this...

Now as for the Combat... If you still need a judge... I'll let you know... I have run a sucessful PVP freeform forum with Much less restriction than this...

THIS would be a piece of cake to judge for me... No teleporting... No dopplegangers... Just nice crisp punch, kick, block... Basics... Gotta love the Basics...

(Think of a fusion of all the Shonen Jump characters duking it out... God mode style... THATS what I'm used to judging for... This would be a refreshing change of pace, along with some ERO thrown in!)

A few things that I've learned over the years,

People WILL try to do "ADP" Or Arbitrary Damage Posts, perhaps it works better on my own forum... Where people are more likely to rip limbs off and beat you over the head with it...

Enclosed ADP Data...
Say one weapon user stabs one other without allowing the other to even make a defensive post...
Such would count as a an ADP

I ended up making an Counter-ADP for these occasions, It takes some thinking, but the Judge or Fighter, if he's aware that it wasn't a justified ADP, Can post to minimize the damage and make a single unblockable attack.

As for a Justified ADP it would require a "Charge Up" Post... Basicly a loud speaker telephone punch that saying "If you don't evade this next one correctly... Your gonna be in some pain!"

The obviousness of the Charge Post makes it so people don't use it often, And the penalty of an Uncharged ADP is grave... Making it a danger to use them without the Charge...

Halting an ADP would be either: If it's focus knock them out of that focus... If it's physical... It need to be evaded... If it's submission... It needs to be escaped...

Generally... The time when these will be used most will be multi battles... 1v2 2v2 Both instances it will then be objective to disrupt the Charge Post or prepare a defense

Multi-ADP would need multi post charge times, equall to the number of opponents being simultaniously defeated...

Cant say I can see very many of these going on here... But It's nice to have the Info on hand just in case, Ya'know? You CAN disregard it though... Just trying to help with something I got A LOT of past experience with...

But with an ADP even an F rank can inflict significant damage upon an A Rank Prime

But currently, I'm not sure whether or not I'll just sit idly by and Judge fights, (granted your still in need of an experienced Judge) or actually participate... With a Ling Cao base character...

(Kinda funny... How nobody took a Dragon of Haou type Character... Even when they complained they couldn't find a historical figure to base themselves on... The Dragons seemed to be thrown in FOR those indecisive people... Yet nobody took the hint...)

MBS said he would be willing to assist as cogm/fight judge for the rp; and sent in some very interesting and helpful ideas for the game- but what I new to know is what the players think. For me I can allow projectiles and ki attacks - as he said it's what makes the clothes explode and give us the fanservice. Abd I'm on board with the destin link stuff too. But still this is halfway for you guys an half for me, so your opinions and preferences do matter. With that being said, fire away.
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

Took me a while to understand what the Hell he was writing, but I get the gist of it... The combat mechanics he talked about make sense to me, it's something I accept. Altough I'd like to know how an Inverted attack works, but that's just my curiosity talking.

As for the dragons, I daresay no one made a dragon character because A) no one said it was acceptable and B) dragons are too freaking dangerous to be toyed with. I really don't want to imagine the damage Yagami would inflict if she was a dragon and decided to go wild.

And what the Hell is a Destiny Link?
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

If I may attempt to explain, In the canon an Inverted Attack is a Ki based move when your strike is not focused on the external, but the internal...

Ranging in damage from, Loss of bodily function (Highly bathroom related "accicents"... Occur) , sprains, dislocations, bone fracture, Organ rupture, Body bursting... (Ribs poking out your back, innards are a paste, skull is blown away and the large surge of blood pressure pressure even blows out the calves... Overall... Wasn't exactly pretty... And the dude was definatly dead... All from one hit... Sousou is beast...)

And what I meant by a "Destiny Link" would be under the follow of the Magatama's contained "Soul"

Whom ever the Warrior of the three kingdoms is... They have battles they participated in, battles they won others they lost...

And in some... They fell during combat...

In MY instance... I am in the process of writing up a Ling Cao character,

If I already know the battles he has fought, the battles he has won or lost, and who the hell kills him... I have all the information I need to roleplay a sucessfull Ling Cao... A bit of research... And then a bit of creativity... Can strech a long way...

But knowing the script, doesn't mean you have to follow it...

According to Magatama fate, Kanu was supposed to fall by Ryumou's hand... But didn't... Ukitsu was fated to Kill Sonsaku, but gave her life to save her instead...

Knowing the "Fate" delivered to your character's Magatama allows you to alter it slightly... And little by little... Change your future history...

Example: Ling Cao is struck with an arrow fired by Gan Ning and dies... Well if such a strategy were to be introduced that Gan Ning was no longer in position to snipe Ling Cao... Time itself with try for another chance encounter later on...

Afterall... These events HAVE cycled for over 1800 years... Changing them too drasticly creates a paradox... And time abhors a paradox...

And no... I'm NOT actually saying YOU should study what battles your guy was in and what was the win/lose ratio he sported... (Thats something only I do cause I do that sort of stuff... I'm kinda kooky...)

But the important stuff... WHO is your kryptonite? HOW did they do you in?
And maybe even WHAT what your warriors accomplishments?

Basicly... You only need the Highlights... Earlier in this thread was a link to the Wiki page on everyone assaciated with the Three Kingdoms Era... If you HAVE a 3K character... Look em up!

If you have a feudal Japan character? Look THEM up! Your no different! Just cause you Magatama was imprinted a few hundred years later or so... Still follows the same rules!
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

Ah, that. I've picked a character and did some research on his history, just didn't dwell too deep... But yeah, this is a nice idea, and I'll definitely look for more sources.

Also, while I like the Inverted attacks due to the fact they're horribly destructive (at least potentially) I doubt they'd go well with my character's fighting style. Oh well.
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

I have a bit of a dilemma, it looks like the new fighting system doesn't sit too well with RJ. I don't want to do anything that would run our few current players off. Though I really don't have a problem with it, but we already have Maiko drop out, and I don't want to lose more people. What do you think I ought to do?
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

If RJ has a problem, he ought to tell us what's wrong. We can try to reach a consensus.
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

I saw more then three paragraphs and was like, 'ugh,' when I was reminded I still had posts to make in MGI.

Ergo, too complicated for me to stick around.
Re: Thoughts of an Ikki Tousen RP

Sigh.... It looks like we've lost RJ as well now. His character was kind of dependent? on Maiko's character, and the new combat system ideas seemed to scare him off. So we've lost two of the original characters.... Unless they wouldn't mind handing them over to other players. So do you think I should just keep going with you (Cross,Alpaca, and Termite)? Or just reboot and give everyone a clean slate; and also make it easier for new people who might be interested to join as well?