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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Dante suddenly found himself standing in a much different area than what he remembered having been in. For one, it was windy and getting dark here. For another, it was a hell of a lot less flat than the room he'd been in. Rocks were all over the place, yet no sign of life other than the five of them. Then, he could hear John shouting over the wind, which was starting to whip up some.

"There should be an entry point in the rock somewhere near here. I bet Nikola is already under ground the sly little weasel. We need to move quickly though, seems a storm might be blowing in."


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Tibet

Dante shakes his head as the whole world changes, then rubs his eyes to make sure he's not just seeing things. "Okay, wow. That felt kinda weird." he says to himself, before noticing the wind kicking up. As he looks about at the others, he raises his voice "So how the hell are we supposed to figure out where the entrance is?"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Tibet

It was James who shouted back in reply to Dante.

"There should be markings on some of these rocks, or a crease in the rock where there shouldn't be. It will likely be covered by the soil and grass though, not above them. Keep your eyes open though, the layout of this land has changed over the last ten thousand years or so."


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Tibet

Dante shouts back over the wind as he begins to search the area, his right hand raised in front of his face to shield him from the howling winds. "Ten thousand years?! How old are you people?!"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Tibet

The group, minus Clara all shared a look before John shrugged and shouted back "All of us save Clara are around a hundred and fifty years old, give or take a decade."

Clara for her part looked to Dante as she moved nearer him, and when she was close enough to whisper in his ear she said "I'm twenty two. Guess that makes me the kid amongst old farts huh?"


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Tibet

Dante blinks several times at this revelation. "Well, damn." he says in a normal voice, then shields his face from a particularly nasty gust of wind. "Come on! Where is this place!?" he shouts, looking about for any sign of where it might be


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Tibet

It was about that time Dante saw something, a piece of rock at an unnatural angle. A closer inspection revealed that said rock was more like half a mountain in size, seeming to stretch on forever, with one strange seam in it.

Clara seemed to have spotted it as well and she spoke again to Dante.

"Hmm, you think this is it?"


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tibet

"Gotta be." Dante replies as he starts investigating the seam in the rock "Hey! Found something!" he howls over the wind, hoping his curiousity didn't land him in hot water like it always did


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Tibet

James was the first to reach them as he was the closest, followed by John and then Helen.

James bent down to investigate the rock, and after several moments nodded.

"That's it alright, good work. Now to see if the door will actually open."

He poked and prodded at it for several moments before shrugging.

"It would seem it isn't going to open by normal methods. being a vampire fortress I think it's safe to say the doorway probably requires blood."

At that, John stepped forward and withdrew a switchblade. Taking a moment to cut just a small slice into his own hand, he drew blood then allowed it to fall onto the crack in the rock. Almost immediately, the rock began to glow, and then a large chunk of it, and the grass simply vanished, revealing a stairwell. Before any of them could react to this, a voice hollered up at them.

"About damn time Helen, what took you folks so long?"

The voice belonged to a man who at first glance appeared less than intimidating, however Dante might get the impression from the way Clara stiffened that perhaps appearances were quite deceiving. She seemed unsure of the situation, almost as if she half expected the man to leap at them.

Helen for her part simply moved to the front, shaking her head.

"I should have known you'd be inside already Nikola. How long?"

Nikola grinned, revealing teeth that were a little too perfectly white and sharp for just a normal person.

"Oh I'd guess fifty or so years? Why don't you come in and join me, I'll bring you up to speed on what we're dealing with."


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tibet

Dante puts his hands on his hips and bends over to look down the stairwell at Nikola. "I'm starting to get the impression you people have a lot of time on your hands." he says, his right hand coming up to scratch the side of his head. "Vampires, monsters, and demons. Today's shaping up to be a hell of a day." he says, then stands back upright, waiting for the others to descend the stairwell before following.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Tibet

When they were all inside, the doorway shut itself, and several lights came on. As they descended, Dante could see the inside of this cave was more like a fortress, lined heavily with areas that could become staging grounds for hand to hand combat, as well as dozens of devices that he couldn't even begin to guess what they were for. Nikola waited until they were all in place near a table before he began to speak.

"Since there isn't much time apparently, I'll be as brief, but informative as possible. I've managed to break down a large portion of the Lazarus Virus, and in doing so determined that those of us who have been directly 'touched' by the source blood are immune to it. We seem to exhibit normal anti bodies to it, but the problem is it's in insufficient quantities to actually derive a cure from it. Several other abnormal species seem to be immune as well, but I've had the same problem with samples there. Our method of action is simple. Helen, your father left a sample of the source blood here, protected by five tests, each one attributed specifically to our 'gifts'. We need to pass them and gain access to the sample. Once we have it, I should be able to derive an antidote in short order by extracting a few small samples."

Helen looked at him and shook her head.

"You already tried to access it, didn't you?"

Nikola half nodded, which drew him a look of semi-amusement from Helen.

"What? I had to try at least to see if I could without wasting time."

John spoke up now, shaking his head.

"Really? You're sure it wasn't earlier with you trying your little experiments on resurrecting the vampire race?"

James cut in suddenly with a sharp tone.

"Enough. Nikola let me see the notes you have, I know you do."

Without a word, Telsa turned, and withdrew a small stack of notes from a hidden drawer on the table. James looked them over, as well as the model samples that Tesla led them to moments later, and slowly he nodded his head.

"Unfortunately for your accusations John, he appears to be correct. Much as I am hesitant to remove the sample from here, I believe we have no choice if we intend to stop what could well become a global pandemic soon."

Nodding slowly, Helen instructed Nikola to show them where the various 'test' doors were for them, and he quickly showed them all around. The place was far larger than Dante might have expected, possibly stretching for miles below the ground, having been hidden for gods knew how long. Yet his mind would keep drifting back to the fact that he now knew that the Lazarus Virus, one of the things the Cabal had told him was a problem and needed his skills to help cleanse, was actually a bio-weapon they had made to justify otherwise senseless murder of innocent, unsuspecting beings.

Soon enough the doors had been shown to the group, and Nikola stopped.

"Alright Helen, how do you want to run this? Split up, or go one by one?"

John spoke first, his eyes still on the vampire.

"Split up I'd say, we'll cover more ground faster, and be done sooner. The sooner we're done, the better."

Helen nodded in agreement.

"Alright, agreed. John and James your doors are next to each other so you split off and go together. Nikola and I will handle our own 'trials' as they are also nearby to each other. Dante ... would you accompany Clara to hers? If your OK with that of course, both of you."

Clara shrugged slightly, then chuckled.

"Yeah sure. Come on Dante, us younger folks get to go off and play without the old adults watching over us."

This of course drew quite a laughing spree from James, John and Helen, Tesla simply shook his head and started to walk away, clearly not one to be amused easily.
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