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Tina Johnson (ToxicShock)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Tina woke to a dimly lit room. Shakily standing, she took note of her clothing, or lack of rather. She was completely nude, no sign of her clothing anywhere. Looking around she spotted a note dangling in front of her face from a string. Peering at it, she read the following.

"Welcome Tina Johnson, to the Citadel of Corruption. I have brought you here to amuse myself as you struggle to escape from here. Know that you must defeat a total of five bosses in these caves to reach my city. Once there you must defeat another five bosses. If you manage to get past all of them, you will face ME in the flesh. I guard your only way back to your home, your own planet. Let the fun begin!"

Try as she might, she couldn't remember anything before waking up here, save that she had been on her way home before blacking out.

The room seemed to be lit by a dozen torches, and it appeared to be part of some kind of cave network. With two exits before her, and nothing else of interest in the room, she had a decision to make. Should she choose to leave and try this challenge or stay and hope for help that might never come? It didn't seem like she'd get home without trying, so was there really any option?

Available Actions:

Stay in the room.
Take the left exit door.
Take the right exit door.
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Re: Tina Johnson (ToxicShock)

Tina almost spoke out loud in shock of the message, but composed herself in case anybody was in listening range.
What the hell is going on here? Defeat bosses, what am I, a gladiator? Josie started to look around in a half-assed attempt to see if she was being filmed.
If I'm just supposed to fight things, why did they take my clothes? She started to think about how she could get out and saw two exits.

(head out the left exit) That bastard better watch out when I get to him
Re: Tina Johnson (ToxicShock)

Tina Johnson's Stats: 0/500 XP, 0/500 KP

Strength: 45
Dexterity: 35
Vitality: 35
Energy: 20
Intelligence: 15

HP: 105/105
Stamina: 75/75

Tina enters the room, shutting the door behind her, taking several steps into the room. She spots a doorway in front of her, the only one there, but it is guarded by a nasty looking four foot long bug. Shuddering, she didn't notice that there was another person behind her until it was too late. She heard an "ooh, yummy!" from behind her, and then felt human male hands wrap around her body, barely managing to get a grip on her. As she started to struggle, she felt the man's penis penetrate her ass, causing a small yip of surprise as she was penetrated.

As she continued to struggle with him, the bug looked up, saw prey and pounced quickly. Tina was helpless to move out of the way in time, and the bug tackled her to the ground, pinning and sandwiching her between it and her male rapist, who was still inside her ass. Before she could even blink, the bug had shifted on top of her, lined up and in one fluidic motion, thrust an eerily human looking penis inside of her vagina. Tina struggled for a few moments more before she felt her body begin to betray her, and suddenly she began to shudder. The intense pleasure of being double penetrated like this was just too much for her, and moments later she suffered a pair of orgasms, one centered in her ass where the human male spilled into her, the other in her pussy where the bug too spilled into her. Both continued to pound away at her despite unloading into her, though luckily she was able to tell that despite the bug filling her, she wasn't pregnant.

Enemy Information:

Level 1 Possessed Human and Level 2 Demonic Bug.

Possessed Human: Human Males who have been corrupted and now seek to rape any warm human Female they can get.

Demonic Bug: These things have a rather large human looking peniss that they try to stick into you. Other than that, they appear to be about four feet long, don't stand up and love to tackle rape.

Adjusted Stats:

0/500 XP, 151/500 KP

HP: 105/105
Stamina: 64/75


Tina is unable to move, escape penetration or offer any resistance to both enemies raping her on her next turn.
Re: Tina Johnson (ToxicShock)

Tina starts to head towards the other door before she spots some strange creature on the floor in front of her. Before she even had time to register it, she was grabbed from behind and forced to the ground. Next thing she knew, she was being penetrated by both the man and the bug. She tried to think, but her mind went black as she was being completely abused by her assailants. In no time, all three of them orgasmed, and her, now semen-filled, body went into shock while they continued to rape her.

*Tina has done nothing*
Re: Tina Johnson (ToxicShock)

Tina Johnson's Stats: 0/500 XP, 151/500 KP

Strength: 45
Dexterity: 35
Vitality: 35
Energy: 20
Intelligence: 15

HP: 105/105
Stamina: 64/75

Tina's body continues to be ravished by both creatures, and she is helpless to resist them as they continue to pleasure her, and ultimately bring her to two more orgasms in record time. Again she managed to avoid getting pregnant as the bug filled her again, but the pleasure was too much for her and she passed out from it.

Adjusted Stats:

0/500 XP, 364/500 KP

HP: 105/105
Stamina: 0/75 (Passed Out)


None. Tina is unable to resist or get away due to suffering an orgasm, and in addition she has passed out. When she wakes up, she'll still be getting pounded by both enemies.
Re: Tina Johnson (ToxicShock)

Tina tried to regain herself, but it seemed futile. her body and strength had hardly come back to her when it was flushed away again in another orgasm. This one had been so powerful, she felt herself completely black out. She was now completely unconscious, and yet her attackers still did not yield in their violation of her.
Re: Tina Johnson (ToxicShock)

Tina Johnson's Stats: 0/500 XP, 364/500 KP

Strength: 45
Dexterity: 35
Vitality: 35
Energy: 20
Intelligence: 15

HP: 105/105
Stamina: 39/75

Tina woke to the continued thrustings of her rapists, and unable to move. They continued to pound her, but somehow despite all the pleasure, even though she passed out again, she managed to resist having any more orgasms this time, which was a partial victory for her.

Adjusted Stats:

0/500 XP, 498/500 KP

HP: 105/105
Stamina: 0/75 (Passed Out)


Tina has passed out, but has a golden opportunity to attempt escape when she wakes up. She may either attempt to escape penetration, or allow the enemies to continue raping her.
Re: Tina Johnson (ToxicShock)

It seemed like Tina had just reached consciousness once more before it was pulled away again and she fell limp, continuously pounded between her two attackers.

When she awoke for the second time, she decided now was the best time to make her escape, gathering her strength and wasting no time.
Re: Tina Johnson (ToxicShock)

Tina Johnson's Stats: 0/500 XP, 364/500 KP

Strength: 45
Dexterity: 35
Vitality: 35
Energy: 20
Intelligence: 15

HP: 105/105
Stamina: 70/75

Stamina recharge:

74+19=93%. 93% = 70.

Escape Room Rolls:

Tina: 15+43=58 Vs. Possessed Human: 49
Tina: 15+20=35 Vs. Demonic Bug: 30

Tina escapes the room easily, and enters a room with only one exit, and completely devoid of anything. An empty room.


Move on.

Wait and regen.
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Re: Tina Johnson (ToxicShock)

Tina was glad to be away from her rapists. Finding an empty room and a possible opportunity to stop and rest, catching her breath. However, she felt strangely recharged since the last time she awoke. She decided against it and moved on, forward to the next room.
Re: Tina Johnson (ToxicShock)

Tina Johnson's Stats: 0/500 XP, 364/500 KP

Strength: 45
Dexterity: 35
Vitality: 35
Energy: 20
Intelligence: 15

HP: 105/105
Stamina: 70/75

Trap Evasion:

Trap: 55 Vs. Tina: 15+13=28

Tina enters a room with just one more exit, and her eyes bug wide at the sight. First she spotted two enemies in the center of the room, one some kind of gigantic humanoid with a dick dangling between it's legs, already rock hard. The second was some kind of walking plant human thing. She also spotted some kind of bottle on the floor that she thought said something about a booster, but she couldn't be sure.

Tina took a cautious step into the room, and her heart sank when she heard a click! noise. Before she could move, she suddenly felt something grab her from behind, something that felt like fleshy tentacles. She was quickly pinned up against the wall, backside to it, tentacle vines... wait, VINES? To her horror, she watched as several vines began squeezing toyingly at her breasts, while several more wrapped around her inner thighs and her legs, forcing them apart. Then, a single strange tipped tentacle lined up with her body, and quickly was thrust inside of her now open pussy.

Pleasure Roll:

Plant: 79 Vs. Tina: 35+23=58

Orgasm Roll:

Plant: 34 Vs. Tina: 15+9=24

Tina barely had time to scream in fear before she was being insanely pleasured by the trap she'd walked into. Soon, any scream of fear she might have had would be quickly replaced with moans and screams of pleasure, and soon her back arched, toes curling as the plant found her g-spot, driving against it and triggering an orgasm that caused her body to convulse wildly in it's viney embrace. At the same time, she felt the tip of the tendril inside of her suddenly bite gently into her insides, and she felt light headed after that, somehow knowing the bastard had just swallowed some of her life force down it's gullet.

Enemy Stats and Descriptions:

Level 3 Humanoid Plant: These things are literally walking tentacle plants. They will grapple you in their vines, then attempt to penetrate you.

Level 1 Sexual Predator: These things are fearsome creatures. Resembling a walking humanoid amphibian, they stand roughly six feet tall with powerful arms designed to pin victims. They have a rather large member between their legs, and are just waiting for someone to get close enough for them to use it.

Enemy Notice Rolls:

Humanoid Plant: 44 Vs. Tina: 15+20=35
Sexual Predator: 26 Vs. Tina: 15+33=48

Tina's heart sank even further when the walking plant seemed to notice her, moving closer to where she was currently being raped, but it made no attempt yet to assault her, seemingly waiting to see if she could break free from it's larger trap styled brethren. The Predator for now, had not noticed her, but unfortunately, that was the only GOOD news she saw.

Tina suffers 21 pleasure, gains 91 KP, loses 5 Stamina and 6 HP.

Adjusted Stats:

0/500 XP, 455/500 KP.

HP: 99/105
Stamina: 65/75


Tina can't move due to her orgasm.

((Damn dude, this is the worst rollout I have seen thus far. My advice to you is IF you manage to get free, run like fucking hell and PRAY you get high ass rolls. Your low int stat has you at a SEVERE disadvantage in the orgasm and avoidance rolls right now, hence why I said, don't ignore it.))
Re: Tina Johnson (ToxicShock)

(well I tried to have higher strength and dexterity, but that didn't exactly pay off for me in the past anyway)

Tina squirmed away at the tentacles that trapped her against the wall and fought against it with her body, but it seemed to only help it's cause more as she let loose and orgasmed from being ravaged. She couldn't escape the tentacles, and there was even more trouble waiting for her if she could, ready to take her the second she broke free. But there was nothing she could do now, as her body refused to move, despite her brain screaming at her to ger out of there.

Re: Tina Johnson (ToxicShock)

Tina Johnson's Stats: 0/500 XP, 455/500 KP

Strength: 45
Dexterity: 35
Vitality: 35
Energy: 20
Intelligence: 15

HP: 99/105
Stamina: 65/75

Pleasure Roll:

Plant Trap: 57 Vs. Tina: Unable to resist.

Orgasm Roll:

Plant Trap: 66 Vs. Tina: 15+48=63 (Low Stat killed you again.)

Tina's body just could not handle the massive pleasure coursing through her young body, the tendrils of the plant trap working her into a second quick climax, causing her to convulse once more in pleasure. Once more she could feel the gentle, almost pleasurable bite deep inside of her, coming right as her orgasm hit, intensifying the experience.

Notice Roll:

Predator: 60 Vs. Tina: 15+36=51

Tina's eyes widen as the Predator takes note of her delicious body in the room, currently being dominated by the trap. Like the humanoid plant, it currently had no way of getting to her without freeing her from the trap, and it clearly wasn't going to do that. Instead it sat and watched, waiting alongside the human like plant, likely praying for it's own chance to get a piece of Tina's body.

Tina suffers 57 pleasure, gains 107 KP, loses 12 Stamina and 8 HP. Tina gains Corruption Level 1!

Adjusted Stats:

0/500 XP, 562/1000 KP. KL 1/6.

HP: 91/105
Stamina: 53/105


None, unable to move due to massive orgasm.
Re: Tina Johnson (ToxicShock)

Tina tried saving her strength for the right time to break out, but was railed by a massive wave of pleasure before she could act. Once again, her body was failing her, and she could do nothing but continue to get raped, and by her luck, if she did escape, it would only be into the arms of two more rapists, ready to violate her.

*Pirates have ARGH-asms!*
Re: Tina Johnson (ToxicShock)

Tina Johnson's Stats: 0/500 XP, 562/1000 KP. KL 1/6.

Strength: 45
Dexterity: 35
Vitality: 35
Energy: 20
Intelligence: 15

HP: 91/105
Stamina: 53/75

Pleasure Roll:

Plant Trap: 46 Vs. Tina: Unable to resist.

Orgasm Roll:

Plant Trap: 33 Vs. Tina: 15+27=42

Tina squirms as the plant continues to work her, but manages to resist having an orgasm, giving her a chance next turn to try breaking free of the trap.

Tina suffers 46 pleasure, gains 46 KP and loses 10 Stamina.

Adjusted Stats:

0/500 XP, 562/1000 KP. KL 1/6.

HP: 91/105
Stamina: 43/75


Attempt to escape the trap.

Be raped forever.
Re: Tina Johnson (ToxicShock)

Finally, she felt some sense of energy in her body, able to hold off her body's temptation for once. Even as the plant continued its penetration, she fought against it. She tried to pull and squirm and escape this trap once and for all.
Re: Tina Johnson (ToxicShock)

Tina Johnson's Stats: 0/500 XP, 606/1000 KP. KL 1/6.

Strength: 45
Dexterity: 35
Vitality: 35
Energy: 20
Intelligence: 15

HP: 91/105
Stamina: 43/75

Escape Trap Roll:

Tina: 45+41=86 Vs. Plant Trap: 70

Tina frees herself with a bit of effort, ripping free of the tentacles holding her to the wall, removing the one inside of her dripping pussy...

Grapple Attempts:

Humanoid Plant: 67 Vs. Tina: 35+29=64
Predator: 79 Vs. Tina: 35+48=83

Tina dodges the Predator as it come's flying at her, but her momentum carries her into the viney embrace of the humanoid plant!

Orgasm Roll:

Humanoid Plant: 37 Vs. Tina: 15+3=18 (What is it with you and low rolls on critical junctions?)

Tina once more feels fleshy tentacles fluttering across her opening, and this time with it doing so around both her pussy and her ass, but not yet pushing in, it is too much for her to handle. With a eye opening shudder, Tina rockets into an orgasm, going limp.

Tina suffers 3 pleasure, gains 53 KP, loses 1 Stamina and 1 HP.

Adjusted Stats:

0/500 XP, 659/1000 KP. KL 1/6.

HP: 90/105
Stamina: 42/75


Tina can't move due to her orgasm, and will be multiply penetrated on her next turn due to her being unable to resist it.
Re: Tina Johnson (ToxicShock)

Ducking and rolling under the giant humanoids pounce, Tina gained a bit of confidence, which was quickly shot down as she rolled right into the roving tendrils of the plant, similar to the one she just escaped from. And just like that plant, she couldn't resist the sensations she received when it grabbed her as she once again had an orgasm and could not fight back.
Re: Tina Johnson (ToxicShock)

Tina Johnson's Stats: 0/500 XP, 659/1000 KP. KL 1/6.

Strength: 45
Dexterity: 35
Vitality: 35
Energy: 20
Intelligence: 15

HP: 90/105
Stamina: 42/75

Tina suddenly finds herself in even more trouble, as since she can't resist the plant takes full advantage of her situation, and quickly sticks tendrils in her ass, her pussy and into her mouth, triple penetrating her.

Pleasure Roll:

Humanoid Plant: 61 Vs. Tina: Unable to resist.

Orgasm Roll:

Humanoid Plant: 53 Vs. Tina: 15+16=31

Tina thrashes as she is triple penetrated, and the thrusting inside of her works her body beyond what the other plant had done. Soon, Tina stiffens, then shudders as not one, but two white hot orgasms rip through her body, centering in her ass and pussy. Once more, she can feel the slight bite inside of her coinciding with her orgasm, only intensifying the experience.

Tina suffers 61 pleasure, gains 221 KP, loses 13 Stamina and 8 HP.

Adjusted Stats:

0/500 XP, 880/1000 KP. KL 1/6.

HP: 82/105
Stamina: 29/75


Tina is unable to move due to her orgasms.
Re: Tina Johnson (ToxicShock)

In her tired state, she felt the plants tips insert themselves all over her body. It all was just too much for the poor girl, this sensory overload, triple penetration driving her mad. She spasms again, feeling her hips shoot forward and she released herself, orgasming all over the plants tendrils.