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TINGO The PBP version


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
Reputation score
Based off Mamono's TINGO for hellchat. This is going to be an attempt at a Play by Post version as unfortunately I cannot make another sessional RP fit into my schedule.

Though I am offering a slightly different version of the plot, so if you are interested vote for one or the other please. Though if I decide to do this as a collection of solo RPs instead of a group one, you could pick whichever plot you prefer.

Plot 1: TINGO's original plot, you are a woman cursed with immortality through reincarnation, but in exchange pretty much every male you come across, either human, beastman, or straight up feral creatures, want to capture you and turn you into a breeding bitch. Something they can do quite successfuly as you are fertile to any species now as well. Everytime you are captured you are reborn as your daughter, gaining parts of your captors strengths, your previous 'body' still continuing on as a slave for whatever captured you.

Plot 2: Similar to the above plot, except your entire family line has been cursed. You are not playing as a single character, but generation after generation of the same family line. Each time the next heir to the family curse is born they are teleported to a safe place to be raised so that they may attempt to remove the curse when they grow older, and maybe rescue their parents on the way through.

The Game: Like TINGO, the idea is to reach the 10th floor in a single run, with each floor getting progressively harder, with more dangerous creatures and beastmen to fight. When you lose you are sent back to the beginning but your character gains growth rates based off what you lost to. Losing to more powerful creatures obviously means your next generation will have stronger growth rates, making further advancement easier. Any money you collected on your last run will be able to be spent on better equipment or single run boosters.

Each floor you have 20 'turns.' Each turn is a movement from room to room, so if you find an exit you shouldn't get too far away. If you end up running out your time limit and you are not at the exit, you will be dropped down to the next floor and take damage.

Traaaaps: You thought you were just going to be against enemies? Well you were wrong! Traps are your other biggest problem. Chests, and sometimes doors will occasionally contain traps, these could cause status ailments, or maybe even cause you a loss if you get hit by one really close to death.

Combat: In combat you get 7 cards. These are drawn in any ratio you decide from three decks. Attack, Mental, and Defense. You can use two cards from any deck in a combat round, adding them together to get the final result. If you beat the enemy in this catagory you either do damage (Attack), Magic or Sexual Damage (Mental) or counter damage (Defense.) If you don't get enough then the enemy will cause you damage in that catagory instead. You have a total number of 20 cards in each deck. Once these cards run out you will be stuck drawing only one card at a time until you either eat a ration, or lose. This total will be able to be increased with upgrades.

Ex: You draw 4/2/1 (Physical, Mental, Defense) and receive 14,7,5,20||5,7||7. These can be assigned as 14+20 (34)||5+7(13)||7. With the 7 and 5 returning to your deck as they would be unused.

Skills: You don't start with these, but depending on what defeats you you may pick up a skill from them. This is not a garuntee. If you lose multiple times to the same creatures then you might gain higher level versions of a skill, and some skills may combine with others. This skill comes with a number. This is the number (or numbers) that it can be used on when drawn. For example. Punt(16): +5, would mean that if you drew a 16, you could use punt and gain +5 to that draw.

Town: (Taken directly from TINGO for now) When you lose, you go back to town, and get to spend dosh! Shop is here:
Small Meal (Deck 6 Skill): 5g
Large Meal (Deck 12 Skill): 15g
Small Candy (Deck 6 Int): 5g
Large Candy (Deck 12 Int): 15g
Small Water (Deck 6 Spd): 5g
Large Water (Deck 12 Spd): 15g
Lunch Bag (Deck 4 All): 15g

Ointer Grass (Heal 25% HP, round up): Cost=10g
Panola Oil (Heal 25% Res, round up): Cost=10g

Ovulation Pill (Improved Stats and Skill chance by the next creature that captures you, higher chance of complete race change, and also of Recessive Genes returning.): 50g
Sterile Pill (Avoids a Pregnancy, regenerate in your current race and skill set instead of risking change): 50g

Red Sand (Bonus +1 to Weapon): 10g * (1+X, X=Current Bonus)
Blue Sand (Bonus +1 to Shield): 10g * (1+X, X=Current Bonus)

Vial (Store Semen from 1 Monster, but why would you want to do that?): 1g

Whore (Gain gold in exchange for sex, but Kristie might become pregnant): +1-10g
Note: If Kristie becomes pregnant, her genes will get randomized based on her partner.

Character Sheet:
Level: 0
Health: 10 / 10 [+1] (Get hit and lose this)
Resistance: 10 / 10 [+1] (Get molested and lose this)
Life: 10 / 10 [+1] (Run of out the upper two and this starts to be lost. Can't get it back)

Skill: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to hit things]
Intelligence: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to use learned spells]
Speed: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to run away/dodge/block]
Power: 1d10 (+0~1) [Ability to deal damage]
Defense: 1d10 / 2 (+0~1) [Ability to aborb damage.]
Endurance: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Health]
Stamina: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Resistance]

Short Bio: Just a few lines about what your character did before they received the 'blessing' (read: curse) of immortality, and what prompted them to go search out the blessing.

Items: (Starting Characters choose 2 of these)
Copper Sword: +3 Atk
Copper Shield: +3 Defense
Copper Staff: DC12, 1d10 damage that ignores defense
Copper Rod: DC12, Heal 3 HP/RP.
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Re: TINGO The PBP version

Name: Sandra
Level: 0
Health: 10 / 10 [+1]
Resistance: 10 / 10 [+1]
Life: 10 / 10 [+1]

Skill: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to hit things]
Intelligence: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to use learned spells]
Speed: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to run away/dodge/block]
Power: 1d10 (+0~1) [Ability to deal damage]
Defense: 1d10 / 2 (+0~1) [Ability to aborb damage.]
Endurance: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Health]
Stamina: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Resistance]

Items: (Starting Characters choose 2 of these)
Copper Sword: +3 Atk
Copper Shield: +3 Defense
Re: TINGO The PBP version

Name: Alice Tervin
Pic: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/album.php?albumid=184&pictureid=16764
Level: 0
Health: 10 / 10 [+1]
Resistance: 10 / 10 [+1]
Life: 10 / 10 [+1]

Skill: 1d20+0 (+1)
Intelligence: 1d20+0 (+1)
Speed: 1d20+0 (+1)
Power: 1d10 (+0~1)
Defense: 1d10 / 2 (+0~1)
Endurance: 1d1 (+0)
Stamina: 1d1 (+0)

Copper Sword: +3 Atk
Copper Shield: +3 Defense
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Re: TINGO The PBP version

Character Sheet:
Name: Talia Setell
Pic: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/album.php?albumid=1051&pictureid=18016
Level: 0
Health: 10 / 10 [+1] (Get hit and lose this)
Resistance: 10 / 10 [+1] (Get molested and lose this)
Life: 10 / 10 [+1] (Run of out the upper two and this starts to be lost. Can't get it back)

Skill: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to hit things]
Intelligence: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to use learned spells]
Speed: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to run away/dodge/block]
Power: 1d10 (+0~1) [Ability to deal damage]
Defense: 1d10 / 2 (+0~1) [Ability to aborb damage.]
Endurance: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Health]
Stamina: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Resistance]

Copper Sword: +3 Atk
Copper Rod: DC12, Heal 3 HP/RP.

Species History (For my own amusement):
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Re: TINGO The PBP version

Name: Rota Ironhill
Pic: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/picture.php?albumid=1094&pictureid=16488
Level: 0
Health: 10 / 10 [+1] (Get hit and lose this)
Resistance: 10 / 10 [+1] (Get molested and lose this)
Life: 10 / 10 [+1] (Run of out the upper two and this starts to be lost. Can't get it back)

Skill: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to hit things]
Intelligence: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to use learned spells]
Speed: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to run away/dodge/block]
Power: 1d10 (+0~1) [Ability to deal damage]
Defense: 1d10 / 2 (+0~1) [Ability to aborb damage.]
Endurance: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Health]
Stamina: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Resistance]

Items: (Starting Characters choose 2 of these)
Copper Sword: +3 Atk
Copper Shield: +3 Defense
Re: TINGO The PBP version

Name: Yleine
Pic: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/album.php?albumid=1259&pictureid=17920
Level: 0
XP: 90
Health: 10 / 10 [+1] (Get hit and lose this)
Resistance: 10 / 10 [+1] (Get molested and lose this)
Life: 10 / 10 [+1] (Run of out the upper two and this starts to be lost. Can't get it back)

Skill: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to hit things]
Intelligence: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to use learned spells]
Speed: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to run away/dodge/block]
Power: 1d10 (+0~1) [Ability to deal damage]
Defense: 1d10 / 2 (+0~1) [Ability to aborb damage.]
Endurance: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Health]
Stamina: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Resistance]

Short Bio: The child of the goddess of the hunt and the god of war, Yleine was the result of a clandesteine meeting between the two, and her very existence enraged the goddess of love whom had been betrayed by the god of war. She was raised among the heavens, but her own arrogance offered the goddess who hated her just the excuse to punish her. She was stripped of her power and cast down to the mortal realms, and given the curse to be sought by man, monster and beast alike to dirty her own accursed line in order to strengthen theirs, her divine essence reincarnated into her firstborn - always a daughter - on the day that they come of age.

Copper Sword: +3 Atk
Copper Shield: +3 Defense
Collar of the Slave Goddess: Can be used to instantly beat an encounter with EXP gained from it and no penalties, but each use has a 20% chance of causing Yleine to lose instantly and have a new iteration. (Upgradable)
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Re: TINGO The PBP version

Name: Kanako, Oni of the East.
Pic: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/picture.php?albumid=1210&pictureid=18312
Level: 0
Health: 10 / 10 [+1] (Get hit and lose this)
Resistance: 10 / 10 [+1] (Get molested and lose this)
Life: 10 / 10 [+1] (Run of out the upper two and this starts to be lost. Can't get it back)

Skill: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to hit things]
Intelligence: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to use learned spells]
Speed: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to run away/dodge/block]
Power: 1d10 (+0~1) [Ability to deal damage]
Defense: 1d10 / 2 (+0~1) [Ability to aborb damage.]
Endurance: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Health]
Stamina: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Resistance]

Short Bio:
Born in poverty, raised on the streets, Kanako had a harsh childhood. It wasn’t until her teenage years, that she finally decided to do something about it. She joined up with a group of famous bandits, and within months managed to climb their ranks. Starting off as a lowly whore, and ending up as the leader’s right hand. However, Kanako wanted more, and decided to betray her leader. After she murdered him, she claimed his position, and anyone that challenged her met the same fate as him. Under her rule, nothing could pass the eastern mountains safely, unless they paid her proper tribute. Kanako’s bloodthirsty behavior and impressive stature earned her the nickname Oni of the east. Sadly, her fame also became her undoing. To get rid of her once and for all, the nearby cities send a fake trading caravan through the pass, to get ambushed by her. Within the caravan she found a journal hinting at a blessing of immortally. Without any hesitation, she took the bait, and left the camp to find this blessing.

Copper Sword: +3 Atk
Copper Shield: +3 Defense
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