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TLE:A Discussion thread

Re: TLE:A Discussion thread

how true, also if Zoey continues the way she is going it seems very posible for things to go almost the same has it did for Laura at the end of the first book

onto current -->
Voxx is very clearly just trying to manipulate Ella and I would much rather put more trust in the ones who honestly want to kill or control me rather then trick and manipulate us into doing what is best for them and not us

fighting Olivia and/or Alumae only helps Voxx at not us since we have no real reason to fight them and Voxx wants them out of the way since they are one of the few powers able to take him out
Re: TLE:A Discussion thread

Personally I was just thinking about how badly fighting two of the greatest powers currently on the planet at once could go, but you have a good point. The problem is that they may both try to follow if Ella runs, but even then that might work well if she can run fast enough. More distractions for the demonic presence to focus on n'all that
Re: TLE:A Discussion thread

your right, it's very likely, but there is no chance they will work together and will likely get in each others way or fight to see who gets her giving Ella a chance to get away or try and talk while running to try and get better terms from them

Ella still has no idea what other factions are up to, giving yourself up to the first person who wants to defeat the demons cause he only tells her stuff she wants to hear is not going to save the world

does Ella really want to hand the world over to what Xozz wants? sounds like an eternity of test tubes and nonstop birthing
Re: TLE:A Discussion thread

Xozz would break down the tentacle authorities and put them on par with the humans, then enforce the equal prosperity of both.

Both species would survive and eventually thrive, while neither species would have an advantage over the other or be able to rule the other.

The assumption that Xozz would force breed the humans isnt far from the truth, increasing the number of women would allow the tentacle population to increase as well without conflict over limited resources.

Though the world would be peaceful and both races would benefit in the end, neither race would be in control, instead being managed by their benevolent machine dictator, that is of course, if everything goes according to plan.
Re: TLE:A Discussion thread

This is an old thread, but with the new TLE, I got curious.
Did the tentacles build anything with their advanced technology other than xozz? Why was xozz the only technology that remained in the later TLE episodes?

Also, if xozz had the ability to build shuttles and robots, why doesn't he just build tanks and bombers, and take over the world that way?:confused:
Re: TLE:A Discussion thread

The tentacles had many years where they were the dominant race on earth, after taking over they controlled humanity entirely. Tentacles are intelligent creatures who created and utilized technology to help manage the humans as well as help terraform the land to be more optimal for their lairs; the ZZ model is a reproduction assistance model which directly work with the young tentacles and the humans.

Xozz or Model ZZ Unit 10 as it is called in 'Fresh Meat' likely knows the location of the other ancient technologies and has worked to restore them between Overlord and Apocalypse, that is what 'the habitat' was, a restored facility for researching and creating androids; it has since become a lair for the red tentacles, a race of superior tentacles with the best traits from all of them.

The red tentacles are essentially the 'tanks or bombers', in terms of physical strength, speed, intelligence and endurance, they are the most advanced creature on each, with Olivia's Matriarch seed having helped create them.

Currently at the end of Apocalypse, Xozz recognizes the potential demon invasion as the biggest threat to the world, and he understands that only Elly is capable of stopping it because she can cross into their realm which is why he spends Alumae after her in order to rescue her from Olivia.

There is a whole lot of crap happening in the blue tentacle plains, Olivia and Ella have arrived, Sylvia is currently raiding that land, Laura is backed into a corner, and Alumae is coming to rescue Ella from the superior Olivia, on the other side of the continent Xozz, Rachel, Cecilia and The Black overlord all have their plans and April gets taken as a slave as Orange declares it's fealty to black all while the world is close to being invaded by a ruthless race of demons come to destroy them all.

who will prevail?