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To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Bakan: HP = 88, PP = 38, EP = 54, Status = Fine

This could hardly be called one of Bakan's best days, all things considered. Firstly, it had rained all day, so his clothes were soaking wet. Secondly, he was staring at a half-ruined castle that he was set to enter, one of the rotted wooden doors fallen aside and leaving it open for him to walk right into the courtyard. He had been told by the locals that demons had appeared here, and kidnapped some people not too long ago. They'd even offered him a 300 denarii reward if he could return the people that had been taken, which was a fairly high sum for such a small village as Bayleaf to offer even for the return of a half dozen of its young people. And thirdly, he had had to go alone, despite being told that this place was extremely dangerous even without having to worry about the demons guarding it, having been the sight of an ancient battleground long ago, and with some of the traps that had been erected to defend it still in place. Some of the treasures that it contained might still be present as well, however, which was always a plus.

The tower stood on top of a hill, and the once-paved path leading up to its gates had been practically overgrown by the surrounding forest. He had spotted movement several times amidst the trees while coming up, but hadn't ever gotten more than a glimpse of whatever had caused it. It was approaching dusk, when the demons in the fortress were said to come out to prowl the countryside in search of victims, but Bakan had spent the better half of the last three hours climbing his way up this damned mountain to reach this point, so turning back wasn't really an option at this point.

The crumbling stone walls might be scalable if walking through the front door seemed like a poor idea, though he would risk causing a collapse of a part of the wall if he fell. That would put him on top of the wall, which would give him easy access to two of the four towers that stood at the corners of the ancient fortress, all of which were connected to the central tower. Finally, walking around the edge of the castle might reveal some other way in, but then he would be moving through the fairly dense woods surrounding the castle, in which he would be much more vulnerable to things that might try to sneak up on him.

The villagers hadn't had any insight to offer on where anything might be within this castle, so the people that Bakan had been sent to find could be anywhere for all he knew. That wasn't the sole reason that Bakan had come here, however. The fact that demons had arrived here meant that they had to have been allowed to pass into this world in some way, and the only way that a demon could remain permanently would be if they had come through a gate. That meant that what he had sought for so long, a gateway between worlds, might be lying inside of this castle, waiting for him to claim it.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

"Achoo!" Bakan sneezed as a breeze passed him. He shivered from the chill that the rain had brought, holding his arms to himself as he found himself approaching a long ruined castle at the top of a hill, and took a moment to marvel at the sight. "Such a thing... It is akin to those story books Ash read to me. I only hope this need not require the skills of a powerful hero." He said to himself with a bit of hopeful thinking. He wasn't too bothered by the castle itself, nor the announcement of demons. He'd fought demons before, and they were only a little stronger than the normal creatures of the world he'd encountered (he never encountered any demon larger than himself, nor a succubus). Either way, he was fairly certain he could tangle with whatever attempts to kill him the monsters made.

Picking himself up, and shaking some of the rain off, Bakan began making steps towards the gates, ignoring the dancing movements in the side of his vision as he had been since he began to saw them. He had called out to them in challenge before, but when they didn't come out, he apologized if he had frightened any creature that was simply curious. It was a living thing, he was sure of, but it's intentions were another matter. Those who are quick to judge are equally quick to see the other end of their own judgment, as he would always say, not that he wasn't guilty of quick judgment. But he does attempt to make his best effort.

His approach to the castle, with the crumbling walls to climb on one side, a possible entrance through the forest, both were ignored as he continued up the hill, straight towards the front doors, holding his hammer tightly in one hand. "The doors are wide open, so I assume they're accepting guests." he stated openly as he made his way up to pass through the doors. Meanwhile, an interesting thought crossed his mind, "Given that demons corrupt, it might be already too late to save the slaves... I suppose I'll try to save any survivors of the wretched curse... But my real goal is the gate... It would be so fortunate if one was here..."

Bakan chuckled, hefting his hammer over his shoulder as he walked, "Stay out of trouble, Idian, your big brother will be there soon!"

[Bakan marches straight through the main gate, like a boss]
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Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 88, PP = 38, EP = 54, Status = Fine

Squeezing through the gap in the ruined castle gate, Bakan strode through the long tunnel that led into the castle's courtyard. Narrow slits ran along both walls, through which the defenders of this place could have fired arrows at any invaders without risk of reprisal. Such defenses had been made less effective with the advent of weapons that could tear through stone walls, however, and had long since fallen out of favor. Luckily, no arrows streaked out to end Bakan's life, and he passed through the dark, narrow passageway and into the large open area beyond.

The first thing that Bakan saw upon moving back into the dim light of the evening was a huge fountain that had a statue of a robed woman with massive, wide spread wings standing in the center. The stone angel was weeping water into the basin beneath, which remained at about 3/4 of the way full. Beyond the edges of the fountain, the courtyard was empty of much of anything besides some scattered rubble, a few patches of scraggly grass that had managed to force its way through the cracks in the stone tiles that covered the ground of the fortress, and a large overgrown patch of land that ran along the far right and far left sides of the fortress, and likely behind the massive keep that stood in the center of the courtyard.

At each of the four corners of the castle with a door into the courtyard, a tower stood. All four doors were closed and seemingly intact, though the two in the back were too far for him to see from here. There was no door into the central tower, but a narrow bridge spanned across the gap between each of the outer towers, each roughly one additional floor above the level of the wall. If he wanted to reach the central tower, he would have to get to the third floor of one of the other towers. Though, if he didn't want to start on the first floor, there was a set of stairs leading up to the wall on both the left and the right, each a long way away but in good enough shape for him to climb safely. Only the rear left rear right towers had entrances on this side of the wall, however, the two forward towers instead having entrances facing one another from across the gatehouse.

The courtyard was devoid of any life that Bakan could detect, no sign of any demons besides a handful of footprints in the dirt that had accumulated on the ground.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

"What a strange situation," Bakan deducted. "Architects of older days certainly had a both simple and odd concept of castle design."

Upon seeing the angelic statue, however, Bakan approached to investigate it. His eyes first looking into the water, he looked up at her crying eyes, feeling somewhat depressed himself while looking at it. "... Why can't anyone ever make a statue of an angel that's actually pleasant for once?" Bakan asked aloud with a sigh at how almost every depiction of an angel he'd ever seen was always constructed in a negative fashion.

Glancing at the ground, Bakan noted the footprints, and knew that someone was definitely here recently. "It's probably no secret that they know I'm here. Actually, I prefer it that way." he announced, glancing around once more at his desolate surroundings. Spotting the stairs, he decided to head towards them, rather than immediately step into the dark of the towers, where an ambush was likely to await him. At the very least, he'd like to see his opponents coming.

(Bakan heads towards the stairs leading up to the wall, his sights set on the tower that was to his immediate right.)
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 88, PP = 38, EP = 54, Status = Fine

Perception: Success.

Climbing up the stone steps, Bakan found himself able to see for miles around as he stood on top of the wall, the endless sea of forest green unbroken within the limited range of his sight. He couldn't even see the village from here, even though it was only a few miles away.

Moving along the partially crumbled wall toward the tower on his right, Bakan noticed something odd about the stonework. Much of it was showing its age, but part of it looked like it had been repaired recently, a fairly sizable section of the stone freshly mortared together so as to preserve its integrity. Stepping on that section cautiously revealed that it was completely solid. No traps either.

Moving on toward the door into the tower that was his destination, Bakan was still unbothered. Strolling forward and casually opening the door into the rear right tower, Bakan found himself looking in upon a gathering in a spacious torch lit room. Six people were sitting around a table, playing cards. Each had a small stack of coins sitting in front of them, and a small pile sat in the center of the table. All six turned toward Bakan as he opened the door, staring at him for a moment before turning back to their card game without anything more than the one facing him from across the table keeping a wary eye on him.

In that quick glance, Bakan had seen that each of them possessed inhuman features. The two on the right side of the table (from where Bakan was standing at least) were both goblins, one male and one female, their greenish-black skin making their features difficult to make out in the dim lighting. They were quite obviously cheating, passing cards to one another under the table and openly looking at each other's cards, but that didn't seem to have helped them much. On the left side of the table was a blond woman dressed in red robes that barely concealed her body, at once both skin tight and cut so as to show off a great deal of skin. She had the smallest pile of chips, and was hunched glumly such that her breasts rested on the table, staring at the cards in her hand with a frown. A man with smal horns growing from his brow and dressed in dark leather armor sat with his back to Bakan, and in the corner between himself and the blond woman a satyr crouched, though it was unlike any satyr that Bakan had ever seen. The fey had dark red tinted skin, and its horns were longer and curved forward to form sharp points, quite unlike the ram's horns that normal satyr's sported. Finally, on the opposite side of the table, a woman with crimson eyes and raven black hair sat with a wide smirk on her face. She was dressed in dark leather armor just like the man across from her, and had by far the largest pile of coins sitting in front of her.

"Howdy stranger!" She said exuberantly, giving him a wave with her left hand. "Are you another one from the village? And did ya bring any money?"
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Reaching the wall, Bakan looked at the sight, and the sky with a grin. "Truly a beautiful thing." he said with appreciation for it, before going about testing the stability of the wall, treading carefully along it's foundation so as not to have it crumble underneath him to meet an unfortunate fate. "I wish I had wings..." he complained about his wish to fly like Ashloriel, one of the many things he envied of her.

Reaching the door, Bakan braced himself, imagining all kinds of terrors and evils just waiting around the corner with weapons of sharp, pointy, and heavy design to ambush him and murder him in the worst ways. Placing his hand against the door, he pushed against it, and took a leap back, clutching his hammer readily... Before the poker game came into view, and everyone saw him acting in a manner they might deem to be silly. As the goblins saw him first, the rest did as well when Bakan eventually stalked inside, holding his hammer to his chest defensively, his brow furrowed together with confusion.

Taking in the sight of the group playing their game of cards, Bakan only stood, dumbfounded, as the human who likely came from Badaria, a place of xenophobia and violence, holding a hammer, and approaching demons who couldn't seem to care less about the fact. Or perhaps they didn't care because... 'They must be extremely powerful...' Bakan thought with a worried expression, a bead of sweat going down his brow.

"G-Greetings..." Bakan replied to the woman with hesitation. Invited to the game, he waved his hand casually in polite decline. "I had a lot of bad experiences with gamblers... I must decline," he answered her, before leaning forward at the bit before she asked him for money. "Did you say others were here?" he asked, before clutching his hammer, attempting to assume some authority, "I'm going to have to ask you return them to their families," he stated firmly, before his serious expression faded as he scratched his chin, "Also, is there's a dimensional gate here?" he asked curiously.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 88, PP = 38, EP = 54, Status = Fine

The woman simply shrugged in response to Bakan's refusal to join the game, politely replying; "Suit yourself!" The game continued before he could speak again, but he received a polite nod at his first question from the woman across from him. When he demanded that they return to their families, she looked up from her cards and arched an eyebrow, but laid her cards down on the table, saying; "Looks like I win again. And it also looks like you're all out of coin until we get paid next month! Ha!" She scooped up the pot with a wide grin, accompanied by a chorus of groans from the other demons gathered around her. It was as she was pulling the coins toward her that Bakan delivered his final question, at which point all of them froze, and slowly turned to look at him.

A moment passed by in awkward silence as all six of those gathered at the table stared at him, in the same positions as they had been when he has spoken.

The tension was broken, however, as the group began to laugh hysterically in unison. The goblins both tumbled out of their chairs, rolling about on the ground as they laughed hysterically. The normal looking woman was holding both hands over her mouth, trying to hide it, but Bakan could easily tell that she wasn't containing the fit of giggles very well. The satyr had had a reaction similar to the goblins, in that he had fallen on his backside in a fit, but he had only rolled once, onto his belly, where he laid as he pounded the floor with his fist in an attempt to control himself. The male soldier's face was twitching as he fought to control himself, but every few seconds a bark of laughter would escape him despite his apparent desire to control himself as he eyed Bakan warily. The woman who had up until now done all of the talking made no such attempt at control, and was clutching her belly as she laughed deeply.

As insulting as their laughter at his question might be, Bakan was astute enough to tell that they weren't laughing at him in a scornful manner. After a moment, they had largely gotten control of themselves, and the speaker, still giggling, wiped a tear from her eye and said; "That's... That was.... That's rich... Haha! Who... I'm sorry, I mean.... We're sorry, we mean no offense, but.... You just walked in here... And told us... And then.... and then you just asked... Just like that... Ahahahahahaha!!!" Another fit of laughter, but this one at least was much shorter than the first.

Once more getting control of herself, she at least adopted a semiserious face this time before she said; "I'm sorry, again, if we seem rude... But that... That was rich! Are you a comedian? I mean... You just walk into a room full of demons, and ask them if they have a dimensional gate! It's.... Priceless! So... I'm guessing you're not from the village then." She paused, and then grinned with glee as a thought apparently struck her. "Tell you what, good sir.... I'll answer all of your questions, honestly and without trickery, if you will play a hand of cards with me. Most of this lot is about to go on duty anyway, and I've beaten them out of their earnings anyway. If you win, I'll even take you to where we're keeping the people from the village, no traps, no tricks. On my honor. If I beat you, you have to help me with a little... Task, that needs doing. It won't involve anyone getting hurt or anything, it's just something I'd rather have a little help with than do on my own. Whatdya say Mister?"

Before Bakan could answer, however, she suddenly started, and quickly added; "The name's Cory, by the way. What's yours?"
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Having seen a certain pair clearly cheating during the game, Bakan was glad he had made his decision to not play, given the fact that the cheaters were being beaten by this one, extremely confident woman. And with her black hair, and crimson red, demonic eyes, he could tell that this woman was one of likely very dark intentions. But that thought quickly left at the reaction he was given to his questions. Ignored about the prisoners, he expected at much. In fact, he expected them to turn hostile, which wouldn't have bothered him in the least. If there were any prisoners, demons wouldn't give them up without a fight. Bakan realized long ago that if he was going to teach demon kind to live peacefully with the other races, it'd be by speaking their language of power. But it was after that initial reaction, that he was completely caught off guard.

As if having caught a sickness, all of them laughed hysterically. He was genuinely worried about their well-being, until they made it obvious that they were just laughing in utter humor. More than anything else, the only thing he concluded at that moment was that their conversation would now be much more difficult. Unable to be taken seriously, he felt a pain in his stomach as he felt like he'd have to attack them, or at least let them know he was serious.

Leaning his arm back, and using the handle of his hammer as a back scratcher while he stared blankly ahead while the demons raved with laughter around him, Bakan found this situation only slightly irritating, as he'd gotten worse treatment for his views, words, and stances on morality. At this point, he was just waiting until the time was right to start swinging.

"When it comes to innocent people having fates forced on them by the ill will of others, I'm not willing to gamble," he replied to the raven haired woman, Cory. "Even though, to be honest, if these people are anything like most Badarians I've met, I won't lose any sleep over their suffering, I will lose sleep over the innocent being subjected to cruelty and slavery. I await the moment you laugh and mock my words, so that I may return your comments on my person in kind with the end of my weapon. That always seems to work better than arguing, especially with Badarians, but also demons as well, who have nearly as much arrogance."

"I can't agree to just let these prisoners go, but for the sake of a peaceful resolution..." he sighed, and stepped forward, taking a seat at the table, grumbling under his breath about how he hated gambling, having sworn to himself already that he'd never do it. "... I'll play this game of cards..." he agreed, but only with a grimace.

"I would say it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Cory, but on the terms of gambling using people as the stakes, I don't exactly find pleasure in that," he replied to her greeting, "My name is Bakan Jeru. I'm known as the fool who does not belong. My primary concern is to use your demonic gate and return to my birthplace. And before we start any other conversation past this greeting, I must ask that you hear this one request, and grant it..."

Bakan pointed outwards to the window in the tower, where the angelic statue was located, "... Please make that statue less depressing..."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 88, PP = 38, EP = 54, Status = Fine

At Bakan's more serious tone, and his undoubtedly threatening words, the group finally went completely silent. The male soldier and the satyr both scowled darkly at Bakan and tensed slightly, as if expecting him to attack at any moment, while the goblins glanced nervously at each other, and the red robed woman's eyes darted around the room as if looking for someplace to hide. Cory, however, kept a relaxed smile on her face. When Bakan sighed and agreed to the card game, the woman's smile became more genuine, pleasant to look at even. Were it not for her crimson eyes, Bakan might easily have mistaken her for a normal human woman who was happy to see a friend. The other demons moved aside, and Bakan took the male soldiers chair, the other demons quickly clearing away from the table to give him space.

"You're all on duty, I believe. Go on, clear out." Cory said, though only the goblins took her up immediately. It took a glance at the red robed woman to get her moving, and a commanding glare at the soldier and the satyr to get them to leave the room. Once they were alone, Cory began to shuffle the cards, flipping them expertly between her hands as she simply listened to Bakan's words with a cool smile on her face.

Only when she had dealt out the first hand did Cory begin to reply in turn, looking at her cards rather than Bakan as she maintained a calm conversational tone; "We're not using people as the stakes, really. I'll be taking you to them whether you win or lose, so really all you're betting is a little bit of your time. Don't worry though, I forgive you for our difference of opinion. You certainly seem to have good intentions." She paused, and then placed cards down and drew an equal amount. Bakan did the same, and their hands were revealed, Bakan having only a pair of threes, while Cory won with a pair of sevens. "Well, Bakan Jeru, one who does not belong, I don't think you'll find what you're looking for here. We aren't from Hell, at least not directly, but from Acheron. I suppose you could ask the lady of the keep, but I don't know if she'd even be willing to help you, much less able to."

Cory shuffled the cards once more, and as she dealt out the next hand, she said; "Ahhh, yes. That fountain. We do intend to remove that dreadful statue, but we haven't even received the supplies to fix up the door yet, and there's going to be a lot of work that needs doing if we want to get this place in working order. We're still pretty short on manpower too, even with all the people from the village that answered our call for help in making the renovations. That's where the people you're looking for are, by the way. They're in the barracks right now, having helped us fix up a few things with what little resources we could bring with us. They came of their own free will, and will be paid appropriately for their services."

The hands were played, and this time Bakan won, a pair of aces against a pair of threes. Cory simply continued to smile confidently, the woman utterly unphased by her loss. They had agreed to best two of three, after all, and with a single victory each, the next hand would decide who won. "But, back on topic, yes we do intend to get rid of the statue, and replace it with something nicer. But it's pretty low on our priorities right now, to be honest, and I'm really just a guard. I'm not the one who gets to decide who fixes what first."

The cards were shuffled and dealt, and this time, as she looked over her cards, Cory asked him a question; "So, since you're look for a gate, I can guess that you weren't born on this world. Where are you from, if I might ask? Any gate that we had would take you to hell, and I sincerely doubt that you are a demon, so you would have to get someone to change the destination of any gate you found in the hands of my kind anyway. You must have someone or something of great power helping you as well. Am I right?"

Bakan had a choice to make. In his hand, he had an ace, a king, a 10 and a 7 of the same suite (clubs,) and a queen of another suite. If he discarded the queen, he might draw a card of the same suit and gain a flush, but if he discarded the 7 he might draw a jack, which would give him a royal straight. Both were high hands, and from the look on Cory's face and the number of cards she discarded (3) she didn't have much of a hand. Deciding to go with what seemed more likely, Bakan discarded the queen of hearts, and Cory silently handed him his replacement card. He had drawn the jack of diamonds.

"Pair of fours, what'd you got?" Cory said amicably, and upon seeing happened, cracked into a grin. "Wow.... That really sucks. Guess you made the wrong play huh? Well, I guess that means I win... So, you're going to keep your word, right?" When, despite his reservations, Bakan responded affirmatively, Cory smiled and clapped happily, and said; "Excellent! Come with me!" Once she had collected her cards and put them back into a small pack, and stowed that into a pocket in her vest, she grabbed Bakan by the hand and led him off. They passed the goblins he had met earlier, who immediately began to giggle upon spotting Bakan being led like that, and she got a similar reaction upon passing the red robed woman, who was now standing beside a woman in similar clothing. The male soldier and the satyr just stared and shook their heads when the two passed them.

Bakan was taken through stone corridors that were at least reasonably clean, though they looked like they had seen much better days. Eventually, Bakan was led into a narrow hallway, lit only by a section of glowing crystals that had been hung from the torch scones on the walls. Cory led him down the hall to a slightly moldy door, and opened it into a small bedroom. It looked like it hadn't originally been used for such, judging by the chains and shackles on the wall, but the moderately sized bed in the corner and the assortment of personal effects affirmed the idea that it was now used for a residence. More specifically, Cory's residence, as the demoness pulled her helmet off, and shook loose a long plate of shiny, silky black hair. Letting out a contented sigh, she turned toward Bakan as she tossed the headpiece aside. The leather chestpiece she wore fell to the floor, the lacing having been undone somehow, and she wore only a bra beneath it. "You agreed to help me out so long as it didn't result in anyone being hurt, right? And you're a man of your word?" She said, a slight nervousness evident in her voice that was likely surprising coming from the up until now confident woman.

"Take off your clothes, and lie down on the bed, your arms and legs spread. and your arms over your head. Please." She continued, the commanding voice returning, but the nervous tension remained detectable beneath it, particularly when she added her polite finale.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

(A hell of a lot of things were said that we had to cover in chat. I'll just throw in the logs for anyone interested.)

Bakan: Bakan's eye squinted as Cory clarified further on what they were gambling for. "... I suppose I appreciate your understanding of my intentions... But I am skeptical... My time is really all you want?"

Cory: "Well, a little more than your time, but nothing that'll hurt you or anyone else. I wouldn't want to force you to do anything that you really didn't want to do."

"And it's not like there's anyone that I'd want to hurt anyway."

Bakan: "The common stereotype does you no credit," he replies as he looks to his cards.

Cory: "Common stereotype?"

Bakan: "Demons were the invaders. Always hostile. Rare did I meet a demon who didn't want me dead for any reason, including whoever I was defending, most often a woman, but there was a rather disturbing... Boy... Who looked like..." he shakes his head, "Dangerous."

Cory: "I see.... Well, I suppose that reputation isn't undeserved, but..... It's not what we from Acheron are. Not anymore, at least."

Bakan: Bakan sighed at the mention of a lack of a portal. He raised his hand to rub at his eyes in clear agitation, "Just finding a portal at all would be a start... Why the hell are these things so rare?" he cursed his luck.

Cory: "I wouldn't know anything about portals, I'm afraid. I'm only a common soldier, really, and that's a long ways above my pay grade. Though, at least as far as it was explained to me, was that our queen at the time, Natalie, required the power of the Devourer to create the Dark Gate to your world. I imagine that long term portals must require a great deal of power."

Bakan: "Perhaps that's it..." Bakan wondered, pushing a set of his discarded cards ahead, "If I could acquire a similar power or force, I could create my own gate, just like the one I entered. When I returned to that gate, it was gone, so maybe..."

"Did you say lady of the keep? I'd assume she doesn't mind my presence too much, since I wasn't attacked on first sight."

Cory: "Well, we have orders not to attack anyone unless they attack us. You were probably spotted coming. How did you come in here, by the way?"

Bakan: Bakan looked back to her, "I walked in through the front gate."

Cory: "Ahhh, yeah you were definitely spotted then. The lady probably knows you're here, and she'll probably want to see you.... At some point."

Bakan: He blinked, "I would just appear as a traveler, what would she want with me?" he inquired, unaware that travelers don't walk into demon territory through the front gates holding a heavy looking hammer.

Cory: "Well, you came in here for a reason. She probably wants to know what it is, if nothing else. Again, it's a bit above my pay grade. But, I suppose I ought to warn you.... The lady's, ahh...." Cory paused, and glanced around, before lowering her voice; "She's kind of a man eater. You know? Likes to go to bed with every man she meets."

Bakan: Bakan's expression turned to surprise as he lowered his voice as well, his tone seeming to be that of one facing great danger, "She leads men to bed in order to eat them!?" he whispered back.

Cory: "No! Not literally.... You've never heard that expression? She doesn't literally eat people! She just..... Well, she has sex with them, and then shows them the door. Usually without enough time to get their clothes back on."

Bakan: Bakan's expression went blank. His mouth hung open as he stared at Cory in silence, as if left speechless through shock, confusion or otherwise. Blinking, he tilted his head to the side, "But won't she get pregnant?"

Cory: "Errrrr....... I don't know, really. She hasn't had any children while she was here, and I'm pretty sure she worked through all of those village boys within a couple hours of them showing up, but.... I just, don't know. Some of our kind are sterile, while others are extremely fertile, and some can choose when they wish to become with child. I couldn't tell you which she is."

Bakan: Bakan seemed even more confused than before, "Are you sure she's a woman?"

Cory: "Yeah, I'm pretty sure that she's a woman. Why?"

Bakan: "Why would a woman do all of that...?" he wondered aloud.

Cory: "Well, because she's a whore, would be my first guess." Cory says, but then looks shocked at herself, and glances around nervously

Bakan: Bakan nodded, as if it all made sense now, "So she does it for money!"

Cory: "No..... A slut would be more appropriate, I guess." Cory said, now very nervously

Bakan: Bakan blinked, "What's a slut?"

Cory: "Errrr.... A whore that doesn't get paid."

Bakan: "I'm confused again..."

Cory: "Best not worry about it too much."

Bakan: Bakan nodded, moving onto the next topic. "The people of the village said that they wish their loved ones returned. I assumed that meant that they were taken against their will. Since this is Badaria... Why would they help you?"

Cory: "Sometimes the young make decisions that do not agree with the mindset of their elders. It is not surprising that those in the village thought that their children were kidnapped, when some came to answer our offer to hire them as laborers. They were offered safe passage back to their village by our guards every day once their work was done, but, well..... None of them seem to want to leave anymore. For some reason."

Bakan: Bakan smiled, "That's wonderful that they want to help so much."

Cory: "The simple answer is, we offered to pay them, and there isn't a lot of work to be had around here except farming and soldiering. I don't begrudge them for not taking up the sword or the plow, as I've tried my hand at both."

"I wouldn't call masonry easy work either, but they're making more coin from us than they would working the fields, and at no risk. Plus, there are... Benefits, to working with demons. Particularly to young men."

Bakan: Bakan nodded, "Benefits indeed, creating peace between the races should be something their parents should be proud of."

Cory: Cory smiles, and nods.

Bakan: Bakan lowered his head a little as she asked him where he was from. "That place... It was a world filled with danger... Often times, I could barely tell how many sides there were fighting against each other. The whole world I remember was one of conflict, beings of beauty and charm were deceptively dangerous. My father used to say, 'not even ten men could take on a single succubus,' and he meant it as well. Our land has it's fair share of demons, to be sure, but demons are not the only threat. Dragons, vampires, witches, men operating unheard of golems, claiming to be bringing forth a new era of 'human power,' and too many other factions to list."

Cory: "........Damn. That sounds pretty rough. And you want to go back there?"

Bakan: "When I ran from home, my family was attacked by men who believed we were associated with monsters. One survived, my brother, Idian. He was not harmed by the soldiers while I ran. I was too weak to do anything but run, truly... And I know he's still alive yet. One day, I'll return, and find him, just to put my heart at ease."

Cory: "Ahhh, say no more. A bond of family..... That I can understand."

Bakan: "Not only that... But as the elder brother... I swore I'd guide and protect him..." Bakan sighed sadly, "... I'm ashamed of myself still..."

Cory: Cory looked about to say something, but then shut her mouth, saying nothing as she seemed slightly uncomfortable

Bakan: Laying his cards down, he pales as he notices the difference between their hands. Holding his hands to his head, he growls in frustration, "This is why I hate gambling! I always lose!"

Cory: "Don't fret too much about it. The stakes are low, this time. Though, if you ever visit Acheron, I'd advise that you avoid the gambling houses, if you dislike losing. They cheat there."

Bakan: "Says the cheater..." he pouts.

Cory: "I didn't cheat!"

Bakan: "The winner of gambling is always a cheat!" he announced with a huff as he stood up, ready to follow her.

Cory: "............"

Taken by her hand, Bakan let out a surprised "Hey!" as she seemed eager to take him to where she wanted his aid. "Is it really urgent? Why must I be led like this?" he asked her with a nervous glance at the goblins, who giggled at him yet again. He stared at them in confusion, his mind now beginning to try and comprehend what they found so amusing, and only drawing blanks. He could only assume he had something on his face, perhaps from his last meal.

"Why is everyone giggling?" he asked Cory as they passed the red robed woman and the woman she was with, although there was little time to hear much of a long response before they walked through the hall, and found themselves in Cory's bedroom.

This is why they were giggling, Bakan would find.

Watching Cory toss her helmet aside, and let her leather chestpiece fall to the floor, his jaw fell to the floor with it. His face flushing red, Bakan took a retreating step back as she turned to him, and pinned his feet to the ground using his own honor. Otherwise, he'd have already left the room, even if only to step outside to give her the privacy he figured a woman should have in her own room. Swallowing a lump in his throat, he nodded at her question, "I-I am... A man of my word..." he replied meekly, even more nervous than she had become. While he may have appeared dangerous and confident when he walked in with his hammer, it was as if that tool wasn't even in his hand. Resting the head of the hammer against the ground, he gripped it with both hands as if to use it for stability.

And then he was told to strip naked, and lay in such an embarrassing position on the bed.

Picturing himself in that situation, he immediately paled as he imagined himself restrained, with Cory above him, holding a ritualistic dagger as she chanted in a tongue he didn't understand, before driving the dagger into his gut in order to sacrifice him to some devil god. Defensively, Bakan held his hammer, lifted, and pressed against his chest as if to use it as a shield. He offered no words in response to what she asked of him, only giving her a terrified look and a trembling, defensive stance.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 88, PP = 38, EP = 54, Status = Fine

Cory began to fidget nervously as Bakan looked upon her with fear in his eyes, and glanced between his face and the hammer in his hands. She paled slightly, and spread her hands wide in a peaceful gesture. "Look.... I promised no one would get hurt, right? That includes you.... And I really hope that it includes me too." She said, her confident tone now missing entirely as she took a step back. "Ummm...... If... If you're not comfortable.... With keeping you word.... I guess you don't have to... Lie down like that."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan lowered his arms a little as it seemed Cory was actually intimidated by him. He almost seemed to relax until she suggested that he wasn't holding up his promise to her; that was when he seemed to be irked. A man not of his word is no man at all, he reminded himself of his own lecture. Setting his hammer down on the flat of it's top, as if it were a pedestal, Bakan reached his hands under his arms to release the straps of his breast plate, which fell to the ground with a loud clang. "I am a man of my word..." he replies to her with a solid tone, as if he was quite sturdy about his statement, even if his flushed face, and awkward motions suggested otherwise. Toying with the collar of his shirt, his eyes looked to the bed, unable to focus on her much at all given the situation. "It's just... I'm not sure at all why you'd want me to... Lay... Like that..." he trailed off as he visibly grew more shaky about touching the subject. He wasn't quite sure if her intentions were vile, given how she seemed so ready to drop the fact, and let him off the hook.

Removing his shirt slowly, he folded his arms over his chest once it was off without even questioning why he'd do that. There were a number of marks, ranging from small bruises to scars, all over his body, as if he'd been used as a punching bag for a wolverine in the past. He seemed quite ashamed to show something he'd been keeping hidden with his clothes. His hands gripping his belt, he only glanced at Cory, before turning his back to her, and unfastening it, and letting his green trousers fall to the ground next to his shirt, revealing his perhaps very intriguing pair of starry boxers. Small, cloth shorts that clung to his skin, acting as underwear, were decorated with golden star shapes over a deep blue background, nothing at all like the average man's underwear. "Even if you may want to laugh... They are very comfortable." he announced, directed at his underwear.

He didn't seem to continue after stripping down to his underwear, finding no need to make himself completely nude as he moved to the next step. Approaching the bed, he crawled onto it while casting several glances at Cory. "Is this pathetic feeling something you intended...?" he asked her as he awkwardly assumed the position she instructed. Raising his arms was one thing, but his legs didn't seem to want to cooperate. As if it wasn't embarrassing enough to be in his position, but now he was struggling to convince his own body to spread it's legs before an attractive woman. His legs were drawn up a little, his position very embarrassing still yet, before he asked Cory a very important question that had been bothering him.

"Why did you want me to do this...?"
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 88, PP = 38, EP = 54, Status = Bound

Cory let out a sigh when Bakan's hammer was placed aside, and adopted a puzzled expression when he declared that he wasn't sure why she wanted him to lay like that. Though he didn't look at the demon as he removed his shirt, and folded his arms over his chest immediately afterwards, Bakan could feel Cory's eyes on his bare chest. She let out a quiet little hrm as her eyes roamed over the scars and bruises that covered his body, and when he glanced in her direction the only emotion that he detected in her gaze was curiosity.

Another quiet thoughtful sound accompanied the removal of Bakan's pants, and at his defense of his undergarments Cory only shrugged and evenly replied; "I'm sure they are. I'm not judging you." She watched him lie down on her bed, and get into the slightly compromising position as she had instructed, but she still had a slightly troubled look on her face. She quickly cast it aside at his question, and smiled mischeivously as she said; "Maybe~!"

She started toward him just as he began to ask why she had asked him to assume this pose, and paused mid step to giggle quietly. Rather than respond verbally, her hands reached for the front of her black trousers, and undid her belt and the front of her pants. She slid them down slowly and casually, revealing that she wore only a thin black thong underneath, and then straightened again and continued forward, eventually reaching the edge of the bed. Once there, still without saying a thing, she simply climbed on top of Bakan, straddling him, and holding a wide grin on her face.

Staring down at him, she quirked an eyebrow at him and said; "Have ya guessed yet?" Before Bakan could do much in the way of curling away from her, she leaned forward until her chest was pressed against his, and their faces, included her bright red demonic eyes, were only an inch or so apart. Irons suddenly clacked around Bakan's wrists, placed there by Cory's hands, and if he hadn't responded verbally to her question she said; "How 'bout now?"

In that position, with his arms manacled to the bed posts and the demoness straddling him in her underwear, Bakan was in a fairly helpless position, able to move only his legs. Cory suddenly laid a kiss on his forehead, and then leaned back, grabbing one of his ankles if he hadn't started kicking and bucking wildly by now and tying a band of some strange silky material around it. Unlike the manacles, the band was actually quite comfortable against his skin, but it also performed largely the same function, retracting and holding Bakan's left leg close to one of the corners of the bed. His right soon followed, regardless of any protests that he might make. Finally, Cory placed both of her hands on his chest and leaned forward once more, albeit not getting nearly as close as she had when she had manacled his hands together, and said; "Much better, wouldn't you say? You gave me quite a scare there."

Now, with the two of them almost naked, him bound to her bed, and her straddling over him, it seemed that, if Bakan hadn't figured out what she wanted from him by now, that he was going to find out shortly. And it also seemed like he didn't have much choice in the matter. She shifted, her barely covered breasts hanging over Bakan's face, and retrieved a small bottle of something from her bedside table, and held it up with a slightly menacing grin on her face. With a degree of mock solemnity in her voice, the mock part quite possibly being lost on Bakan, she said; "Are you ready to begin?"
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan only stared at Cory with a flushed face, silent, until she undid the belt of her pants, when the realization struck him. 'This is just like that time with... Her!' he remembered, recalling the time with the woman he encountered in the forest where fey were dense in population. A sorceress who at first appeared to him as the nicest, and most considerate woman he ever met, until she revealed herself to be quite the lecherous type. It wasn't the fact that she took advantage of him, drugged his drink, or was so arrogant as to give him the power to summon her to his aid, it was the two words she uttered that continue to haunt him whenever he thinks about it.

"You're cute~" she had cooed to him.

Those two words brought Bakan more shame than he had ever felt in his entire life. He trained every day to be powerful, and muscular. He constantly conditioned himself to hold an intimidating air about him, and he wields a giant hammer for crying out loud! The entire image he had constructed crumbled when that woman uttered those two crushing words, as if she saw him as pitiful! After that, he spent more time than he wanted to, trying to prove her wrong while living under the shelter of her home.

He crushed a log of firewood into splinters with his hammer. "So cute~" she said, while sitting in a chair on her porch. He showed her his training exercise, wearing 100 pound weights on his limbs. "So cute~" she said, while leaning forward on her elbows over the wooden railing of the second porch in her backyard, more meant for showing guests her garden rather than simply to go outside and relax as her front porch was made for. He displayed his carpentry skills he learned thanks to Ashloriel's guidance, and fixed the woman's house. "A man's job cannot be cute!" Bakan told her with both confidence and a frown, but the woman simply giggled, holding her cheek with one hand. "I'm sorry, but the way you're trying so hard... It's cute~" she replied.

Bakan, exhausted and defeated, left the sorceress' home in foul spirits. And here he was again, in a situation where he was now considering that this woman might find him just as 'cute' as that woman did. Simply staring at her blankly, he was silent through all her questions, his face flushed read while considering the dreadful possibility that he was not the intimidating presence he tried to present himself to be, although the feeling of her weight pressing down on his groin where she mounted him brought an all-too-familiar sensation to him. She kissed his forehead, bound his arms and legs, but when she announced she was scared, Bakan might surprise her as he'd look up to her with a smile.

"You mean you don't think I'm cute? I really am intimidating!?" he asked her as if that's what mattered most in this situation.

(Dat sorceress)
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 88, PP = 38, EP = 54, Status = Bound

Cory quirked an eyebrow as Bakan seemed to become happy when she had said she had been afraid of him, and then giggled quietly as she leaned over him, still holding the bottle. As she popped the cork off of it, she said; "Oh yes, definitely. You were very frightening, clutching that big hammer." She upended the bottle onto Bakan's chest, pouring out a thick, yellow liquid. She slowly spread the liquid over his chest with her hands as she began to hum quietly to herself. The stuff spelled slightly, and made his skin tingle in a not unpleasant manner wherever she worked it into his skin. It was, in combination with her fingers, a highly relaxing sensation, and the tension in his muscles became a thing of the past. She scooted down as she began to go lower on his body, a slight shudder running through her body as she ground herself against his member, before her fingers began to work over his belly. She continued, only speaking if spoken to, until she reached Bakan's undergarments. Then, she paused and glanced up at his face with a wide, somewhat frightening smile.

Setting the bottle aside, her hands reached behind her back slowly, and a soft clicking sound before she pulled off her bra and threw it aside. She didn't have the largest chest that Bakan had ever seen on a woman, by any means, but she wasn't flat chested either, and her pert mounds seemed to fit her body perfectly. She leaned forward again, and climbed over Bakan like a cat, until her chest was pressed into his face as her arms reached for something underneath the pillow that his head was lying on. Cory remained in that position perhaps a little longer than was truly necessary, her chest pressed into Bakan's face, and the pink tips of her breasts within easy reach of his mouth.

After a few moments of that, Cory pulled back, and drew a small black object out from under the pillow. Smiling down at him, and pressed a button on it, and a straight, shining six inch blade pushed out from the top of it. Cory only remained poised over Bakan, dagger in hand for a moment or two before slowly descending down again, until she was lying over his knees, and her hands and face were next to Bakan's groin. Then, perhaps strangely, she gave an apologetic look, and said; "I'll fix them for you.... When I'm done." He felt the blade pressed against his hip, as if she was going to stab him there, but then it slid downwards along his thigh, cutting the left side of his boxers open but never even breaking through his skin.

Once his undergarments had been cut away sufficiently, she leaned back once more, and clicked the blade closed to set it on the table. Taking up the bottle once more, she drew aside the ruins of his clothing, exposing Bakan's manhood to the open air. Upending the bottle once more, this time onto his crotch, Cory began to rub along his length, the tingling brought on by the oil enhanced by the sensitivity of the parts it was being applied to. She took it into her hands and began to rub it slowly, being gentle and staring up at his face, examining his reaction to what she was doing.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

"That's a relief..." Bakan let out a sigh, but then a yelp as she began to apply the contents of the bottle to his body. The very touch of it sent odd sensations through him that he couldn't exactly comprehend, other than the fact that he was growing strangely relaxed by her massaging that onto his front. "I don't really understand..." he commented on what she was doing, before closing his eyes shut as he tried to swallow a bit of the sensual treatment, desperate to endure it. "This... Lotion... Why are you rubbing it on me?" he questioned her, groaning even more as she began grinding herself against his member. "T-this isn't right... As immoral as this already was, this is going even further! I-I mean after all, I'm a man! Men cannot wear lotion! It's for women!" he announced passionately to Cory, albeit his embarrassment was showing.

But then, he went silent at her frightening grin, and red in the face as she threw her bra aside, before the blush faded instantly as he stared at her breasts for a moment in thought. They're not as big as Ashloriel's, he realized, before letting his head fall back as he stared at the ceiling. I thought of Ashloriel in such a way! He scolded himself. I ought to be flayed for imagining her like that! I don't know how many times I had to confess something similar to Ashloriel already!

He clasped his hands, getting on his knees and prayed to Ashloriel, "Forgive me for my sins, for I have had my eyes linger on your gown while attending to my training!"

He got on his hands and knees, bowing before Ashloriel, "Forgive me for my sins, for I have caught sight of your nude form because I was not cautious enough!"

He got on his hands and knees again, this time his head to the ground, "I... I peeked again... Forgive me..."

He laid completely flat on the ground, face buried in the earth, "... Peeked... Again... Forgive..."

He was then caught peeking while she was bathing the very next day. "... It honestly wasn't intentional this time..." he told her half heartedly.

Bakan wasn't sure she was extremely upset each and every one of those occasions, but he didn't want to stay and find out before quickly running away in fear of his own life. It was a rough challenge, coming into puberty with an angel to give you your standards of women, and such a beautiful angel at that. Bakan wouldn't lie if he said his body moved on it's own to pursue Ashloriel in those regards. The demon invasion came as a perfect excuse to escape doing something he might regret with her, as it was a chance to move out on his own, and put his training to action. Eventually, he stopped thinking of her bust altogether.

Snapping out of his day dream, he found that Cory's breasts were right in front of his face, with her hands reaching behind his head. Cory's pink nipples were enticing, but he'd always constantly think of Ash whenever lewd thoughts arose. It's Ashloriel's grace trying to protect my heart, he reasoned, before those perverted thoughts switched to Ashloriel instead. And that's my bad side coming back again, with a vengeance...

Then, he saw the glint of light off of a knife, and immediately screamed at the top of his voice, the horrible thoughts of Ashloriel defiled by his mind gone, and the terrifying thoughts of becoming a sacrifice returning. "Don't do that! You can't do that! I won't taste very good to your demon god! I'd make a horrible sacrifice anyway! He'd try to send me back for a replacement! I don't want to die!" he cried, before she went down to his pants, and all the blood left his face.

"Something like that... You can't fix that... It's something very precious to me..." he said slowly, before the knife dug in, and he cried out in terror as the knife went through. The blade tore it apart, digging through the skin, and peeling it off of him like a potato. He cried tears of agony as he watched the mutilation, begging her to stop all the while, until she left his gored underwear torn, and cast out of her way. That was a birthday present from Ashloriel... She'll cry if she finds out they got destroyed like this...

As Cory took his length in her hands, Bakan fell backwards, twitching and suddenly convulsing with pleasure as she began to apply the lotion to his length. He barely uttered words for Cory to stop, his hands gripping his restraints as he was clearly trying to move to pry her off. Whatever his condition was, the pleasurable lotion was making it much worse. Every other second, he twitched, and jerked around on the bed as long as she continued, and would continue not for long, before Cory would find him releasing his load, displaying the sexual endurance of a common animal with no self control.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 88, PP = 38, EP = 54, Status = Bound

"Why? Well, I thought it might make you a little more comfortable... And it's massage oil you dunce, not lotion!" Cory explained as she ran her fingers over his chest, smoothing the oil into his skin.

As he began to flail about wildly following the reveal of the knife, Cory tried to keep from hurting him as she removed his undergarments, doing so quite successfully after a great deal of care, and before she put the knife aside she berated him; "Are you crazy? You could have hurt yourself!"

All seemed forgiven and forgotten by the demoness, however, as Bakan barely seemed able to tell her to stop as she stroked his member. It likely came as no surprise that Cory did no such thing, her hand motions becoming swifter the more that Bakan writhed beneath her attentions. The pressure of her hands increased whenever he twitched in her hands, as if she was trying to hold off his release, but the woman's pace never let up. All of Bakan's struggles proved fruitless, his bindings around both his ankles and his wrists too strong for him to break by main strength alone.

As he drew closer to his release, her strokes changed, one hand holding onto the base of his member and his balls, while the other wrapped around his manhood tightly and stroked him from base to tip. The tingling substance that she had used for lubricant only heightened his sensitivity, pushing his already stained endurance to the limit. Cory gasped in surprise as the first shot of his semen erupted into the air and fell upon Bakan's torso, but she continued her hand motions anyway, and suddenly dipped her head down, her timing perfect, so as to take the head of his cock into her mouth. Continuing to stroke him, Cory milked every drop of cum from Bakan's cock out into her mouth, still massaging his shaft for a while even after his eruption had ceased, and sucking out the last few drops that he had to offer.

After a moment, she looked up at him, her crimson eyes glowing as she held a triumphant grin, before opening her mouth slightly, allowing him to see the cum that he had shot into her mouth. Still grinning at him, she closed her mouth and noisily swallowed all of his cum, opening her mouth to show no trace of it. That which had fallen onto his body, or remained on her hands was quickly scooped or licked up, and vanished just as quickly down Cory's throat. She examined his member for a moment, and then gasped again in surprise as she took it into her hands, saying in amazement; "Are you still hard? You were really backed up."

After a few more strokes, she climbed off of the bed, only to slide her thong off, dropping it to the floor and bending over in plain sight of Bakan, giving him a view of her glistening pink flower and her sculpted, athletic bottom. Indeed, even if Bakan had begun to soften, she eagerly climbed on top of him, straddling him and positioning his cock against her nether lips. "You aren't finished yet, Bakan.... That was only the beginning." She said, and began to rub the tip against her petals slowly, her hands rubbing along his length again as she did so. "I want more.... More than just your cum..." She said, and her eyes blazed red just before, in a low, sultry voice, she said; "I want your soul.... And I am going to take it."

Helpless to prevent it, Bakan felt Cory's soft folds slowly engulf his manhood, taking it in slowly as he stretched her out, until the demoness had swallowed every inch of his member. She had let out a long, lewd moan under her breath as she did so, but she didn't begin to move immediately. Instead, she purred; "This time... Will you... Warn me?"
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Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan flushed blood red as Cory stroked him until orgasm, his mind mostly blank as she pleasured him, only to go completely blank as his vision flashed black, overcome with the stimulation. Just barely able to pick his head up, and look down at her, before his eyes went wide at her act of actually ingesting his semen. "Immoral...!" he groaned during the process of her milking him. Being emptied into her mouth, and shown his next generation as she stuck out her tongue, Bakan turned his head away and shut his eyes in both shock and repulsion of the act. "Isn't that foul!?" he questioned her. "How could you drink... S-something like that!?"

Even the sorceress didn't do that. She was more concerned about her own pleasure than his own, granted she still turned his whole world upside down during those few hours when she thought his inexperience cute. But rather than gaining experience from her, it seemed he was starting all over again with Cory. Showing the cum in her mouth, and showing off her ass, it seemed she was also trying to help him enjoy it as well, trying to please him. But once she seemed to move on to what she could pleasure herself with, his heart skipped a beat. Straddled, and his length in danger of being swallowed, his arms and legs tried to pull him back in an attempt to retreat from her lower hole about to swallow his manhood.

His heartbeat was on a rampage, and her lewd promises brought another kind of dark excitement. He'd be lying if he didn't admit to feeling a certain part of him eager to be inside of Cory, and spread his seed inside of her. But he was thankful for what he was in control of, and resisted such thoughts. Even though he was proud of himself, his heart still sank at Cory's words. She wanted more, and much more than what his body could give. To grant his very essence of his life to her, Bakan actually trembled under her. "You... You really are a devil...!" he accused her with embarrassment at his position, before his back arched, and his head leaned back as she slowly engulfed his length.

"I already feel like I'm on the brink..." he told Cory as she sat upon him, panting in short breaths, "If you don't want to get pregnant, you have to get off now...!" he warned her.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 88, PP = 38, EP = 54, Status = Bound

Cory moaned, half in protest and half in pleasure as Bakan announced that he was already about to cum. Despite his proclamation, Cory's hips began to buck excitedly on his member, her folds quivering around his length almost as if she were trying to suck his seed from his body using her pussy. As was fitting with her lithe, muscular body, she was unbelievably tight, to the point that it was almost painful to feel her wrapped around his manhood. The only thing keeping him from pain was how equally soft her inner walls were, and the combination of the two made for an incredible sensation as she rode him, pumping her hips up and down almost as if she wanted him to cum inside of her.

Suddenly, she violently pulled herself off of his member, and leaned over him while panting heavily, her hands on his chest. She offered no further stimulation of his member, instead sitting on his pelvis and groaning; "Not fair!" She opened her crimson eyes to glare down at him and continued; "Selfish! It's my turn! And you lost the card game! This is what I brought you here for, don't you have more stamina than that!?" She seemed quite irate with him to say the least, but from the way she was grinding her petals against him, the source of her frustration was easy enough to determine.

Though he had been cut off from his own release, Bakan knew that he hadn't felt anything strange when Cory's soft folds had engulfed his member. No sudden weakness or drain upon his spiritual essence had been present. It seemed that his soul was untouched, at least for the moment, by the lusty demoness on top of him. Before any inquiry could be made in that direction, however, Cory suddenly climbed up his body, moving in a single agile motion until she was straddling his head.

With her damp, pink womanhood positioned over his face, she grabbed Bakan by his hair and pulled his mouth up to her pussy in a commanding fashion. "Lick! If you can't last long enough to please me, then you can do so this way!" She said, disgust and disappointment evident in her voice.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan's eyes rolled back as she began her motions, his limbs pulling on his bonds. What made his heart skip even worse was the fact that she continued on with humping him despite his warnings. He tugged on his bonds holding his arms desperately as she pumped herself on his waist. Her tight pussy made him want to cum immediately inside of her, and he tugged on his bonds in an attempt to stop that from happening. But it almost seemed like she wasn't going to let up as he felt his peak approaching, his face went red, and his body tense, before she suddenly rose from his length, denying him relief from the stress she built up. But rather than complain, he shut his eyes, and tried to chew down his urge to cum.

Bakan grew upset with her accusations given after she lifted herself, "Shut up!" he spat, "It's your fault for doing this! Just masturbate and be done with it!" he shouted at her, before he was cut off near the end of his sentence by her crotch in his face. Turning his head away, he grunted as she gripped his head, and forcefully brought his lips to her pussy. Angry at how she was treating him, he did as she wanted, but with a vengeance. His teeth found her clit, and teased it with a small pull, before he pressed the tip of his tongue hard against it, letting his teeth's grip go to press her clit inwards like a button. 'I'll make you regret doing this!' he thought towards her with a vindictive motive, proceeding to roughly pleasure her pussy, never causing her harm, but getting as close to the brink as he could.