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Together (Koel & Irene)

Re: Eyes of Flame (Koel & Mantis)

The feeling of her blade cutting through one of the Kunoichi's tails and then the sound of the deamon getting impaled on a branch made Mantis feel a small bit of battle rush. She wished she would get a moment to bask in that victory, but that wasn't happening. The entire battle was going downhill very fast and she soon found herself left alone vs a number of the Kunoichi, and she also had some rather terrible images stuck in her mind of her fellow sisters being cut down.

There was only thing she could even hope to do, taking to the air and soaring far above the trees that she knew the Kunoichi could climb like they weren't there. As she took a bare moment to look around at that time she saw smoke in the distance, more specifically smoke rising from where her village was. Now with a clear worried frown on her face she flew off toward the burning village. Trying to find and hopefully rescue her mate before the Kunoichi could kill him.
Re: Eyes of Flame (Koel & Mantis)

Dread was all the kid could feel, his teeth clattering as he witnessed what had just happened, wishing he wouldn’t have lifted the blindfold a bit, the smoke in the air and the light were already stinging him, but that was by far the least of his worries. His hands gripped tightly of his daggers, his lone eye drifting a bit from the shinobi that had just greeted him to the body of the mantis girl… Asking silently for forgiveness, as even as he wanted to go check on her, his body knew that any wrong move before the shinobi would mean his assured death.

“Wh-what do you want?” The kid managed to spit a shaky response, taking a step back as he readied his muscles, keeping himself tensed and ready to spring into action despite not taking any kind of fighting stance just yet. What was he supposed to do anyways? He mentally sighed, at the very least, he didn’t need to make an unnecessary move uncovering an eye, he just hoped this gave him any chance at all to make it out alive.
Re: Eyes of Flame (Koel & Mantis)

Mantis had to take to the skies. That left her outside of the range of the kunoichi blades that sought after her flesh, though the demon ninjas were not without their tools. From their belts, they threw their kunai. Mantis found many daggers fly past her as the kunoichi tried to bury their small blades into her. As best she tried to dodge, one of the kunoichi's kunai struck Mantis in her thigh. Likely poisoned, she would be wise to quickly remove the blade from her flesh. Indeed, in but a few seconds, she could feel the venom in her blood. It was a numbing sensation, her leg gradually developing complete loss of sensation. Given the Mantid knowledge of kunoichi poisons, a fair estimate would be that she had fifteen minutes before her body's natural resistance would fail, and her heart would stop completely.

There were medicines in her village, but the kunoichi likely destroyed them. The next best option was to search the forest for the Honeylion plant, which has fluids in it's stem that when applied to a wound, disinfects it, and can be eaten to directly ingest the cure into one's bloodstream and prevent a poison such as that belonging to the kunoichi from killing it's victim. She would have to do all she needed to do, before her time was up.

Approaching the village, she had eyes on her home. It seemed the guard was not there. There was also a distinct color of red on the leaves and branches. Blood was spilled. Drawing ever closer, Mantis heard a distinct demonic laughter that could only belong to an arrogant kunoichi. Another battle was likely on her hands, and would likely accelerate the process of the poison. There would be no shame in retreating in order to find the cure. Koel would be captured, but at least she would be able to live in order to save him.


"Every time I've helped slaughter a bug colony, I'm always asked that question." The kunoichi chuckled. "I'm here to squash bugs, boy. What else would we be here for?" she inquired back at him, before looking to his weapons. "... What are you going to do, boy? Do you honestly believe you have any chance in the world to even escape me, let alone harm me?" she chuckled. "Oh, I love a spirited one!" She said, approaching Koel menacingly. "I've never raped a blind man before, seems there's a first for everything! Ha-ha-ha!" She laughed, as Koel would hear her steps growing ever closer.
Re: Eyes of Flame (Koel & Mantis)

Mantis almost thought she escaped cleanly, but unfortunately that was not to be, and she flinched as a kunai dug into her thigh. Yanking the blade out was the first thing she did (a bit awkward while flying but she didn't have much other choice) and by the time she got it out she could see her village. The sight of it was not something she was happy about at all, the village had been attacked and she knew that if she landed she would be in for another fight without much of a chance at curing the paralysis growing within her.

She almost, let out an annoyed growl, but the emotion she was feeling wasn't strong enough for that as she turned midflight from the village insearch of a Honeylion plant to cure the poison. Then she would be back, and she would kill all these deamons to get her partner again and avenge her family.
Re: Eyes of Flame (Koel & Mantis)

Koel could only stare for so long, his eye starting to sting already, but he couldn’t just handicap himself just yet. At the very least, the shinobi girl thought he was blind; could he make that work in his favor?

Of course, the kid could only curse his mind for not being able to focus at a moment like this, with his life on the line, all he could think was about the weight her steps carried, and the way she breathed. The shinobi was underestimating him… he hoped. If he could do anything, it would have to be before she got to fighting seriously… Meaning he just had one or two seconds at best to get the upper hand in the fight before he became a farm animal.

With a quick movement, the edge of one of his daggers cut through his bandages. He wouldn’t be needing them if he died anyways. Letting both of his eyes loose. “Sadly for you… now that you’ve seen my eyes…”

The kid hoped everything would come out alright, there was no room for error after all, one wrong move… or having had underestimated his enemy would cost him his life, in one way or another… He didn’t even tense up, his body jumped into action the moment he ordered it to as opposed to preparing like a spring for the powerful leap he had just taken.

“You will die!!!” He screamed, swinging his daggers, one aiming for the throat, one aiming for the torso to try and cut her open. His eyes completely glued on her hands, ready to try and spot any movement the shinobi would take to adjust accordingly…

Varan… please, let this work…
Re: Eyes of Flame (Koel & Mantis)

Forced to turn and flee, Mantis began her search for a honeylion. It'd take about ten minutes to find it, and by then, most of the poison had worked it's way through her body. It'd be as simple as taking the plant and ingesting it so as to let her body absorb it into her blood stream. After that, and hopefully taking it easy so as not to encourage the poison to spread through rapid heart beats, she'd be free to return to her village... Which she'd find in shambles following the kunoichi attack. Many mantis homes burned, and many more slaughtered and laying on the grass. Not all were killed however. Sibyll, her leader, and a few other elite fighters were returning at the same time as Mantis.

"They killed the defenders and took the men." Sibyll announced, taking a moment to let not only her soldiers, but also let herself deal with the emotional surge from losing a mate to the demon ninjas. If Mantis were to check her own home, she'd find Koel was missing as well. "We'll have a strategy meeting in the usual place in an hour. Please attend to what you have to in that time." Sibyll announced, before going to wait at the meeting place, by the river.


When Koel sprung to action, his blades cut the kunoichi successfully, slicing her throat and stomach, causing her to collapse to the ground. Though, as he might bask in the glory of his victory for a moment, he'd witness the kunoichi's blood lifting into the air, and moving like airborne worms through the air, returning to the wounds which they were split from, before the wounds Koel inflicted closed entirely without scars, as if his blow had lever landed. The kunoichi sprung to her feet, any further attacks from Koel being blocked by lightning fast speed. "I guess you aren't blind." the Kunoichi noted, before unleashing a flurry of attacks against Koel. She became a flurry of blades that no human being could ever hope to match. With Koel pushed back, the kunoichi grabbed his wrists and threw him over her back such that his back was against her own. Like that, she wrenched his wrists painfully, forcing his hands to let go of his weapons. Then, Koel would see her tail squirm up, directed at him. In a flash, it lunged forth, and stuck him in his neck. He felt a strange sensation come forth from the poke, such that quickly left his mind blank...

When Koel would next come to, he was nude mind a slave's loin cloth, and laying on a rather comfortable bed with one wrist tied to a bed post by rope. The room he was in was made seemingly entirely of wood and white paper walls. Said paper had foreign symbols written on them that he wouldn't be able to understand, but they seemed familiar to the symbols the Kunoichi had on her clothes. Said kunoichi was also within the room, laying on her side, with her purple eyes intently focused on Koel's face. More importantly, on his eyes. "Awake, are we? I want you to tell me about what you did, how you were able to move fast enough to surprise me. You're the only human man who has ever managed to wound a kunoichi in a century that wasn't blessed by an angel."
Re: Eyes of Flame (Koel & Mantis)

Mantis internal anger was growing every moment, impotent rage against the poison moving through her, and again after she found the honeylion when she had to fly slow to avoid stirring the poison further.

Even worse was when she managed to get an up close view of her burned down homes and slaughtered sisters. Her new partner had been taken by those damned kunoichi! Then with a deep calming breath she pushed the feelings down, they would only harm her in the coming fight, and returned to listen to her leader, who and some other elite manti had survived.

In the hour break she had she made a quick search of her wrecked house and the surrounding area for any sign of where the kunoichi might have taken her partner. Then she would do some meditation trying to get herself centered again for whatever plan Sibyll would come up with, and when the time came she headed to the meeting site.
Re: Eyes of Flame (Koel & Mantis)

“I know some moves…” The kid replied, giving a mental sigh as he realized what his current situation was, tied and restricted and under vigilance, all of those words quickly leaped into his mind as he moved his body as if to make sure he was correct. Ultimately, situations like this were familiar to him, the only difference being he hadn’t been captured by humans, and it was unlikely he would get free as easily as those other times, even if he did manage to get rid of the bindings.

He knew what the searing sensation in his eyes meant, but he didn’t want to let on the, by now, intense stinging his skin and eyes were feeling. -It is manageable- he kept thinking weakly as his brain racked for the ‘right’ things to say. The fact that he was still alive, plus prior experiences meant he wouldn’t be killed… at least he hoped not, but he didn't want his new captors becoming unpleasant now.

“… Why am I not dead yet…? Wait… that’s a bit of a stupid question…” At the very least, there was a part of his body that was ready for action… even if it wasn’t the kind of action Koel was hoping for, given he didn’t exactly like being captured. Not like that little fact would deter his manhood from appreciating a nice body.

“Can I ask another question or is this some kind of I get to ask nothing and only answer?”
Re: Eyes of Flame (Koel & Mantis)

Meditating, Mant would be able to think over the clues that she had found during her search. There were traces of kunoichi tail poison, used to subdue unruly prey. This meant that Koel put up more of a fight than she was willing to deal with, and forced her to use it. The kunoichi and their insignia were without a doubt of the clan that resided none-too-far from their current position, so Koel's location wasn't so uncertain. The tools used for the murder of the guardian protecting Koel were of high quality. Though such would be normal for kunoichi, the quality was even above that of what they normally use. A leader of some description had kidnapped Koel, or perhaps an official of a house from that particular clan. Regardless, this kunoichi was important, and considered herself as much. A little bit of recon would be all it would take for Mantis to identify the woman who had captured Koel, and thusly, where he is held.

Then, came the meeting. Sibyll gathered the remaining forces she had left, a pathetic task force of just one dozen. Almost a hundred Mantids were either missing or dead. "I'm aware that most of your loved ones were stolen, but I'm afraid that there is no chance that we will lead a group effort against the kunoichi to get them back. We must retreat, acquire new partners, and regroup before we exact vengeance. I understand that they may be important to you, and that it may be close to impossible to let them go... But an attempted rescue within the lands of the kunoichi is nothing short of a suicide mission." She declared, concluding that leaving Koel to his fate was best.

If Mantis protested, she wouldn't be alone.


Koel's answer to his second question came in the form of the kunoichi getting a handful of his genitals and squeezing enough to get his full attention. "You also know how to piss me off, not a valuable skill to have nor to use for someone in your current position. If you're not going to answer, then I shall get to the interrogation post-haste, because I don't intend on wasting my time."
Re: Eyes of Flame (Koel & Mantis)

Mantis was rather torn between following her leaders orders, and going to save her new partner. Deep within her she felt something bubbling just a bit, what was most likely a bit of indignation at the world that had taken away her mate so quickly after the had acquired him.

Said indignation brewed other emotions inside her, not the least was growing animus toward Sibyll's suggestion to leave and start again, that was like letting the world and those damned kunoichi win! She'd rather die then let that happen.

So she said in her most forceful monotone, "Then its a suicide mission, I'm still going to try!"
Re: Eyes of Flame (Koel & Mantis)

Pain, not good, not good. He grimaced in response, not entirely sure how to proceed from there, he knew it would be hard for anyone to believe him, unless Varan’s ‘training’, if it could be called that, was special it had been all through effort that he could make movements like that.

“I’m telling the truth! I mean, a friend of mine helped me train when she was alive… but I don’t think THAT could be called training… I mean, it was barely anything out of the ordinary…” His mind rushed, fairly certain pain was coming if he didn’t say anything more… but what else could he say that would spare him some more torture? It wasn’t like Varan was that famous… was she?

“Her name was Varan.” He added, quite uncertain of if it would help him in anyway, but if there would ever be a moment that she’d be able to help him from among the dead… he wished it would be now.
Re: Eyes of Flame (Koel & Mantis)

The other Mantids raised their blades in cheer for the decision of their sister. "Most of us are married to our partners. A bond made through the sacred and skilled threads woven by a Sea Bishop. We love our husbands, and it is as you say, master. Love transcends all reason!" A mantis girl declared, one of the stronger but passionate fighters. "There can be no others, we desire our true loves back!" another followed up, before it became clear that if Sibyll wanted to regrow her clan, she'd have to do it on her own.

It was with a heavy sigh of resignation that Sibyll nodded to the members of her clan. "... Then let us at least die with both intelligence and honor, knowing that we gave it our truly best shot." she declared, before announcing that a strategy would be formed to retake their stolen lovers. Quickly, the idea of destroying the kunoichi was shoved aside despite the strong desire to wipe them out. They simply didn't have the power to do that, but they did have a chance at taking back their loved ones, even though the chance that they'd even find their location was slim. "Even if you find a man who is not yours, you will not have the luxury of leaving them to go find them. When you find a man, take him and flee. One can hope that we will be reunited properly if we escape. The least you can do is rescue someone else's love. It is likely also the most you can do, lest the kunoichi mobilize and exterminate you." Sibyll announced.

With the introductions to the plan out of the way, it came time for group discussion about strategy. Naturally, everyone went silent. Despite being open, the kunoichi territory was like its own fortress. Its sentries had eyes that could detect even the slightest strange movement, camouflage be damned. During the night, their senses are even further improved, to the point that many believe that kunoichi can detect the heat coming off of flesh. A kind of scary ability during night only rivaled by vampire lords. With all these problems in the way, discussion began to whisper various thoughts.

They could seek help from another group of mamono, but the problem with that is that they have little to offer due to the kunoichi raid. However, a zippangu god might be willing to absorb them into her own territory and offer assistance. It would mean Sibyll's clan would be no more, but it would be better than total annihilation.

They could attempt to sneak in during the day, with the consequences being obvious, as well as the problems.

Or... They could do the foolish. Attempt to bargain with the kunoichi. Though, Mantis was free to give her own suggestion. Such was merely what the othes spoke of.


Another squeeze, and another feeling of pain would hit him. "My patience is now gone, wasted like your words. You clearly aren't saying why your eyes are important to your technique. If you're going to go so far as to assume I wasn't listening when you claimed I'd die for seeing your eyes, then you don't even deserve to speak. I revoke that right from you." she declared, soon to produce a needle and thread, before gripping his face in a painfully tight hold, before moving the needle forth, apparently intent on sowing his lips shut. "Don't fight, because if you do, this will hurt far more than it should."
Re: Eyes of Flame (Koel & Mantis)

Mantis had a brief moment of doubt as the girls went over there options. One of their options was outright suicidal, one of the others would be forever embarrassing to their tattered clan, and whoever suggested the third should probably get slapped.

Still though in Mantis Girl's opinion, getting the mates back with the least amount of potential casualties was definitely more important then worry about being subjugated to one of the gods around here.

So she cast her vote in her quiet monotone, "I vote for look for help with the zippangu gods. It is our best chance to get the mates back and not be annihilated in the process."
Re: Eyes of Flame (Koel & Mantis)

Koel went silent immediately, following the order all too well despite the imminent threat of pain. That’s what he needed to explain away? Just his luck, for once Koel was cursing that stupid rumor. There was no trick to why he needed his eyes for the attack, if he could see the enemy’s stance, he would likely land the blow… that is unless Varan had forgotten to mention him something when she first taught him that move…

The rumor started on its own to begin with, people talking of himself and Varan, the rumors that made everyone fear them both were now the new source of the pain he was about to feel… Koel could only chastise himself for what was about to happen to him.

And he remained silent. Knowing the pain of the needle was nothing compared to the pain of his burned body back when his city was destroyed. He would make no sound when and if the needle punctured his skin to start the process, he had screamed enough for a life time back when he was a child…
Re: Eyes of Flame (Koel & Mantis)

The very suggestion being supported among the Mantids met natural argument at first, though those who argued against the point did not have a more reliable plan. The plan laid before them by the more vocal mantis sacrificed honor for the sake of obtaining their loved ones. It was a hit to their pride as an independent clan, but after the annihilation they suffered, no one argued against it. No one liked it, but no one could argue in the end. "Very well. We will search for a goddess who will aid us in stealing back our loved ones from the Kunoichi. I want you all to go out in search of various different goddesses. Talk with them, and determine who might be the most kind to us, or whoever offers the best deal. I want you all to find a different goddess each, to make sure we branch out our options." Sibyll announced to her remaining daughters.

Obviously, the most promising goddesses were snatched up by the community. Many quick to try and talk with the presumably most agreeable goddess. Mantis was free to try her hand in this as well, which could run the risk of her ending up with not even the moderately good options, or she could just bet on a choice that was both good and bad. Though, if she was truly stoic, she could head to one of the prolific bad gods about the land. Regardless, they were all Oni, Kitsune, Bunnies, and various other creatures of Zippangu. One good choice in particular was Fio, the most famously good natured goddess of Zippangu, and one everyone sought after. Ryu as well, a serpent dragon known for her ability to keep and maintain the peace. Rather than disgraces, it'd be honors to join with them, so everyone was eager. More moderate choices would include one such Kitsune, Suika, who had taken up residence recently. She seemed to have been behaving ever since showing up, but her reputation was unknown, and bad according to some rumors. Though there was little telling what her disposition was now.

The one bad choice that looked like it might remotely benefit were the Oni. Vicious, violent, but powerful enough to take on the kunoichi thanks to their immunity to their poisons. There was little doubt the Oni could contend with the kunoichi, but they'd likely expect Mantis limbs in exchange. They were a brutal species.


As Koel went silent, the Kunoichi went silent as well, getting to work. The needle went through Koel's lips, drawing blood. In a zigzag motion, the only good thing to note about the punishment was that the kunoichi worked fast, and made it over quickly, before fetching a rag and cleaning up his bloody face. "You are a kunoichi slave. Since you will be rebellious, you're only good as meat." She announced. Despite his lips being shut, he still had enough room to open his mouth, even talk a little. But it hurt a lot, and likely would hurt even more if he went to eat. But such seemed to be the intention. "Perhaps you'll get those wires removed from your lips, but until that day, you will be on your best behavior if you ever hope to see it happen."

With that, she rose from the bed, giving Koel a rag and telling him to hold it to his face until he stopped bleeding. "Do not walk elsewhere from where I leave you. You will be detained." she warned him, before leaving without telling him where she was going.

A minute after leaving, Koel would feel the presence of something supernatural in the air, the threads of magic being manipulated and changed. The pain in his lips went away, and the blood stopped flowing. A tile in the ceiling shifted to the side, and a pair of eyes peeked out at him. "How come you didn't say anything?" inquired a youthful female voice.
Re: Eyes of Flame (Koel & Mantis)

Mantis wasn't sure which would be the best choice at this point. The two major goddesses were likely to be busy and unable to be that helpful. Instead the mantis girl was rather interested in the Kitsune, who likely would be looking for some allies after just moving in, though her rumours were a bit worrying.

Mantis would make her choice and said, "I will visit the Kitsune, I think we might have a chance getting her on our side."
Re: Eyes of Flame (Koel & Mantis)

There were no tears, but the pain was clear in the kid’s face as the needle pierced his skin and flesh, clenching his teeth to suppress the quiet whimpers his body produced with each pierce. The metallic taste in his mouth bringing many unpleasant memories to his mind in flashes as the sewing of his lips continued.

Definitely, the pain was constant, and nearly hazardous to his sanity, but Koel continued reminding himself of the pains he’d suffered before, and the one he continued suffering to this day. His eyes were already feeling as though a pair of red hot horseshoes had been pressed against his face. He only nodded in response to the kunoichi’s words, gingerly grabbing the rag and pressing it to his mouth, bringing up the intensity of the pain a couple notches. A grunt escaped his mouth, the involuntary movement of his lips causing an ever continuous pain.

-I’m seriously out of luck, aren’t I?- He exhaled a long breath out, surrendering to the idea the burning sensation in his face and the painful stitches on his mouth were going to rob his mind from any free moment to think at all.

But the thought lasted for only a moment as he felt a strange presence coming close. Weird, he had never been a spiritual one before to feel auras or presence before, but he was glad he had some kind of heads up beforehand to prepare himself mentally. The presence turned into an indescribable warmth as he felt the pain from his lips slowly seceded, the flow of blood stopped, leaving him with a semi-soaked bloody rag in his hand.

And a female voice came in. Surprising the pained kid some, who lifted his eyes to see into the ceiling, only to be reminded that his eyes were now becoming too sensitive, just as well as the skin around them. But he did manage to see a pair of eyes looking back at him before he had been forced to cover his face with his hand. The question was, should he answer? There was no reason not to, but was there a reason to give an honest answer? Within a few seconds, Koel concluded speaking would at least keep his mind off of the pain.

“W-well… I figured I would have gotten the same treatment if I answered honestly.” He replied, pushing those last few words out through clenched teeth.
Re: Eyes of Flame (Koel & Mantis)

By going for the kitsune, Mantis found no competition. An unknown Kitsune with a perhaps less than desirable reputation was not on the top of anyone's list. Sibyll would nod at Mantis upon her decision. "The kitsune Suika should be expected to be much like every other kitsune, selfish and indifferent. Do not make it seem like we're too desperate for aid or she may seek to take advantage of us." she declared, before giving Mantis directions, to head to the South East, and seek a red tailed kitsune living in a mixed village named Kyoto. Sibyll trusted that she'd be able to find her own food and make her own way, as the reserves were too little to spare for anyone, mind those going into the mountains where food was expected to be more scarce.

At that point, plenty of other mantids were already heading out with haste. Those ones were the ones that spoke out the loudest against their stolen mates, and were passionate about getting them back. Whenever Mantis decided to set out, she'd need her own plan for how she'd make her way across the land to seek out this kitsune. Though she had been given an objective: "Return here before a week's time." Sibyll instructed everyone before they left. Many left immediately on that note, as that left them with very little time.


The reply to Koel was instant. "What!? That's crazy!" the youth declared. "You went through that just on a hunch? I thought you actually had a big secret to keep..." she said, sounding disappointed.
Re: Eyes of Flame (Koel & Mantis)

Mantis wasn't expecting much competition over dealing with the Kitsune, she was an unknown with a bad reputation after all. Someone had to do it though, and it might as well be her. She was also hoping that the Kitsune would be looking to make some allies and that might make things easier.

Given her time limit she gave a short bow and departed. Praying that her mission would go well so she could get her partner back.
Re: Eyes of Flame (Koel & Mantis)

“…” Well, he was being criticized now, Koel himself became slightly depressed for a second. But why did anyone had any expectations on him to begin with? “What is crazy about it? I mean, the only big secret is that I’m not blind, and that I’d have an easier time landing any hit on my target if I can actually see them! If there’s a secret to it, my friend certainly didn’t tell me about it when she taught me.”

Koel sighed, still feeling the strings on his mouth, the situation couldn’t be any more tiresome for him at that point. His eyes continued hurting covering them with his hands was doing nothing at all, and Koel didn’t have much of an idea of what to do about that particular problem, unless there was something in the room he could use to cover his eyes.

“I doubt my mouth wouldn’t have been sewn shut if I told HER that.”