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ACT [Toonpimp] Pepe Le Rapiste

Re: Pepe Le Rapiste

Baldur's Gate 1 & 2... Bitches.
Re: Pepe Le Rapiste

Fallout & Fallout 2. Star Craft. Dungeon Keeper & Dungeon Keeper 2. Age and quality certainly seem to have a correlation.

I never pay attention to correlations. I mean, hell, I could probably make a correlation to the number of times someone farts each year and the amount of birds that die each year.
Re: Pepe Le Rapiste

On the topic of farts, cowfarts contribute more to the 'greenhouse effect' then most human towns.
Re: Pepe Le Rapiste

On the topic of farts, cowfarts contribute more to the 'greenhouse effect' then most human towns.

Ah, but cows wouldn't be so prevalent without humans.
Re: Pepe Le Rapiste

Whatever happened to the Diablo series?

Anyway Papanomics I know you may not look well on us, but trust us. We don't want to argue over who is better, or w/e. Ok?

Also; farms cause global warming. Fuck your economy. Fuck it to hell.
Re: Pepe Le Rapiste

To hell with all of your Toonpimp, LineMarvel nonsense. Zetar is my new hero. She actually made me fap to furry hentai, which was an amazing feat in my eyes.
Re: Pepe Le Rapiste

*Pokes head out from in between posts hesitantly* ...Well I find myself leaning more and more towards Raptor's argument. Ish. Thing. Okay it's a statement but that's irrelevant. LM made some pretty damn good stuff in his hayday, and TP too. The horizon looks bleak, so let's just enjoy what we have so far, and remember to be thankful for what we have. Why, I bet there are kids in Africa who have never even heard of LM!
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Re: Pepe Le Rapiste

The one who made RJ touch himself while watching amy from sonic, a remarkable feat.
Re: Pepe Le Rapiste

To hell with all of your Toonpimp, LineMarvel nonsense. Zetar is my new hero. She actually made me fap to furry hentai, which was an amazing feat in my eyes.

Should we start a forum called "UZF - the Unofficial Zeta Forum"?
Re: Pepe Le Rapiste

Do not forget Half Life.
Re: Pepe Le Rapiste

I don't understand the argument.

Don't be silly Toxic, everybody knows old games can't be good. Look at Pokemon R/B, Mario 64, Ocarina of Time, Tetris, Football, Poker, Rock Paper Scissors, and Chess. Nobody respects or plays those games any more.
Re: Pepe Le Rapiste


There is the point to be made that he could have been talking about free games, not old games. I wanted him to be as specific as possible, so when I shut him down with logic it would UTTERLY DESTROY HIM
but thats just me
Re: Pepe Le Rapiste

American Football sucks.

English Football is awesome.
Re: Pepe Le Rapiste

Re: Pepe Le Rapiste

American Football sucks.

English Football is awesome.

Sorry, my fault, should have been more specific.

For all the Amerikies, I meant to say, Soccer's cool, but American football sucks roid'nuts
Re: Pepe Le Rapiste

I will agree. Whenever somebody talks to me about football, I say:

American football sucks. Football is awesome.

It's tough living in America and hating the two big icon sports of the nation.
Re: Pepe Le Rapiste

thats almost as tough as when i went to england and had to explain to people that i didn't want tea OR coffee.

also american football is called gridiron
Re: Pepe Le Rapiste

If it's played with a round ball or a stick, it doesn't count. That's my philosophy.

Also...on the subject of gridirons...
