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Toonpimp's Palace

Re: Toonpimp's Palace

Siphon smirked only once at the sight of the Thembrihkal being slaughtered by the new weaponry. It seemed his research had paid off in more ways than one, and they had a very effective method to killing them now. He could only hope that the T.A.L.O.S project hadn't been activated yet though, for he truly had no idea if the weaponry they had could harm it.

And then he spotted Kane. He had to admit, the man had an impressive army of weaponry to utilize, and the burrowing tanks had NOT been there the last time things had gone down in the ... could he really call it an alternate time line now that certain aspects wouldn't happen again? She hadn't been kidding when she'd told him that things might change differently, and not to completely expect the same exact thing, to be looking for changes to indicate the proper time line HAD in fact been restored. The sight of those tanks had made him question if it was even his dimension, but seeing Kane alive with the guards confirmed what he'd already known and just needed proof to certify. He was back where he belonged. But now wasn't the time to dwell on such things. There was work to be done, people to be slain, and nothing would stand in their way for long. Anything that did would die, and that was how the day would be. There was no tomorrow unless this day was won, so everything hinged on these next few hours.

Siphon took the opportunity to simply jump down off the tank as they came closer, preferring to be on the ground ready to move at a moments notice rather than have to move there first. This might or might not startle the guards, and it was true, Kane might not even recognize him anymore. The only thing really that was the same about him from before was the black trench like coat he wore, everything else about him had changed, and he wasn't sure it was all for the better.
Re: Toonpimp's Palace

The guards were indeed startled by Siphon, not recognizing him and raising their weapons to aim at him. The only thing stopping them from shooting was a signal from Kane to lower their guns. They did so, and the Prophet began to walk forward, the flame tanks stopping and letting the group off "Brother Marcion. Inform the troops that it is time to press forward, and pierce their defenses. The Redeemer is here, so we should be able to break in easily." Kane says, his charismatic voice still as gentle as ever. "What's the situation with the fortress? Have your men breached it?" Burrito asks as he hops down and walks towards Kane. "No, we have not. But we were waiting for you and our Redeemer before breaching in and destroying the enemy."
Re: Toonpimp's Palace

"So, we didn't miss the fun part." Grave got out of the tank, making cracking sounds with his transformed arms, spine and as much joints as possible. "This body is getting stiff... Can't wait for the main event." The guards would probably be alarmed by the presence of an unknown man with claws instead of hands - or at least, they'd remain alert. The darkling cast Kane a curious glance, but didn't say anything.

'Hmm... NOD leader himself... I guess I can see why people follow him like that...'
Re: Toonpimp's Palace

"Dont worry about it, heat doesnt affect me," Oni replies to Burrito's concern with a blunt response.

Once they had arrived and everyone was vacating the vehicle Oni got up and walked out as well.

"Now you're speaking my language," Oni says in response to Grave, a twisted smile stretching across his face. A moment later he summons his sword, and slamming the tip into the ground he kicks the sword, a section of it comes loose. Snapping his arm towars it he catches it in his grip, he then pulls the other half back out of the ground by its hilt.
Re: Toonpimp's Palace

Siphon nodded, glad this was about to get on with, and once more casually drew his swords.

"Good, now this can end one way or another. Again."

Then, while the guards and Kane might be puzzling over that one, the hybrid knelt down and chanted something, a fuzzy overlay of several areas in the immediate vicinity appearing in the air. As he did so, the wind slightly picked up, moving their hair, and a faint aura could be seen around Siphon.

It then would dawn on the rest of them what he'd truly become. He;d become something of a hybrid vampiric druid. Only he didn't have control over elements of nature, but elements of space/time, and limited at that. But to be able to project a 'map' like that, meant his mind, for the moment, was operating at 100% capacity, and clear as a lovely spring daybreak.
Re: Toonpimp's Palace

Once the tanks stop, Copper hops off, watching the boys interact with Kane and just listening casually to the conversation. Her attention seems more on the battlefield beyond, watching the flicker of the laser shots and the smoke that creeps up into the sky. Carefully reaching into her jacket, she pulls out her cigarettes and lights one up, adding her own tendril of smoke to the horizon. She lets out a little bit of a snort as she watches Siphon craft the map, there being disbelief in the sound more than anything.

"Aren't we just a new bag of tricks?" She moves over to take a closer look at what he's constructed.
Re: Toonpimp's Palace

He smiled slightly.

"Perhaps, but it's only as good as the range I can project outward to, which goes maybe three to five hundred meters inside of the palace. Anything beyond that is completely beyond my ability to read until I'm closer, and that is assuming they don't ave psionic shielding to prevent me from scanning beyond a certain point. So long as there is a Thembrihkal alive in there, they can accomplish that. I'm afraid I can't do any better than this right now."

((Leaving it up to Burrito what exactly pops up on the map there since the Palace is his idea. Take it away fearless leader!))
Re: Toonpimp's Palace

From the area that would most likely be breached, there was only one hallway visible on the map, leading around, and what appeared to be half of another hallway, but no one could really tell due to the fact that there WAS something jamming Siphon's ability. The hallway appeared to be six feet wide, and had a foot-thick wall leading between it and the half-hallway. The fortress wall, as most could discern, was five feet thick, and probably reinforced to withstand a tactical missile strike.

"Well, ain't this fine and dandy. We get a map, and it barely works." Burrito says in a smart-assed tone, looking over at the battle scene as well. Kane would simply release a chuckle from his lips, and motion his right hand. Six sets of tread marks seemed to APPEAR out of nowhere, with a large central tread mark and two smaller flanking marks. The vehicles making the marks soon slowly came into existence, two large green pods mounted on either side of the sleek vehicles. "Say hello to our Stealth Tanks. Capable of slipping in unnoticed into an enemy blockade or outpost, and destroying it from within. They should help you get close enough to the palace to breach in after we bust a hole in the wall. If I know Toonpimp, he'll be expecting you. Hopefully, you'll make it in before he can have his snipers pick you off." Kane says, motioning for the group to make use of the stealth tanks, a clear spot on either tread of each vehicle open for a person to sit on during transit. "Looks like it's time to disappear." Burrito says, hopping onto one and sitting down on the tread, motioning for the others to follow suit.
Re: Toonpimp's Palace

Headshots were one thing that could be potentially damaging, if the bullet could get past her Fortitude. Definitely something to watch out for.

"I'd be disappointed in him if we actually managed to surprise him," the vampire quips. "Though I don't like the look of that hall. Way too easy to set up a trap there." Just saying what they likely were all thinking. She, like Burrito, finds a spot to perch on the tank and wait, stubbing out her cigarette before she does so. "Of course, that's half the fun."
Re: Toonpimp's Palace

Siphon frowned, trying to remember details from another life time ago. Finally he gave up, figuring it was likely to be different anyway.

"Figures they'd put something that could block me that goddamn close to us. Sneaky bastard."

Nevertheless, he found a spot by Burrito and Copper and made ready.

"So, once we're in, who goes first? If there are snipers, as long as I can pinpoint them I can probably teleport to them and take them out, but I'll have to know where I'm going first. Or we can do it the old fashioned way and lob a few flash bangs first?"
Re: Toonpimp's Palace

"And if you can see them to teleport to them, then they're bad snipers. I'd offer to go, but obfuscation's not my strong suit, not when I'm relaxed anyway," she chuckles. "Can always stick with the tanks and then see if we can't figure where the shots are coming from."
Re: Toonpimp's Palace

Siphon nodded.

"Right. If we can get them to fire, I can pinpoint where they are. Once I've done that, I can teleport close, and take them out easily."
Re: Toonpimp's Palace

"If I may say something," Oni interrupts the others as they decide how to go about things. "Nothing they can do can kill me, so why not send me through there to give the place a once over. And if I'm lucky I may get the chance to slaughter some people." It's now obvious why Oni willingly offered to do this.
Re: Toonpimp's Palace

"And even if that fails, I can easily pinpoint - and assasinate - any living creature. Snipers are merely an annoyance." Grave quickly took a place on the stealth tank, making himself comfortable. "Of course, like our new homicidal friend I'd like to kill someone soon."
Re: Toonpimp's Palace

"The snipers are positioned on the top floor of the palace. They've been harassing our infantry for quite some time. The Stealth Tanks should be able to get you to the opening undetected, as for what's inside, we can't tell. There will probably be more of those beasts, and our infiltration team told us of an even larger version of it before they were killed. We know they have some way of creating an army of Adbots quickly." Kane states, looking over to one of the Stealth Tanks and nodding, seemingly giving him orders with that simple action. The tanks disappear, their cloaking fields activated, as Kane motions for them to go. Burrito's voice comes from where he was last seem, the tanks not having moved an inch "Oni, take care of the snipers whilst we get ready to breach." he says, then the rest of the tanks disappear and they begin to move towards the wall
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Re: Toonpimp's Palace

((Uh... Didn't I state that I got on a stealth tank as well?))
Re: Toonpimp's Palace

If it were even possible, an even more twisted smile stretched across Oni's features. "With pleasure," He says simply before walking from the group in the direction of the palace.

He had only walked several hundred feet before the sound of gunfire signalled his entrance into the snipers range. A half dozen bullets slammed into Oni, seemingly tearing flesh and bone asunder. Quite suddenly he fell forward, the shots seemed to have finished him before the battle started.

He lay there for a couple minutes, unknown to the snipers he was merely gauging their whereabouts from where the bullets had hit him. His body was healing as well, whilst not as fast as it used to, his body could still heal any and all wounds he recieved.

"PSYCHE!" Oni shouted as he raised to his feet, still grasping his swords. The snipers would no doubt be shitting themselves at the sight of someone who should by all rights be dead now getting back up and laughing hysterically. "Come out, come out wherever you are!" Oni shouted again, while he hasn't fully figured out where they are he has a good enough idea to try and goad them into shooting again.
Re: Toonpimp's Palace

((You did Grave. I think that was meant for all of us the cloaking bit.))

Siphon nodded, a slight smile on his face. He'd partially let it slip in his mind that the snipers probably couldn't even hurt Oni, let alone kill him. With Oni taking care of any snipers, it both saved him the teleporting trouble, AND accomplished their goal of breaking through enemy lines. He did however frown at the mention of a larger version of the Thembrihkal.

"Kane, this larger one, did it have dual mounted weaponry the size of a tank on each shoulder?"

He was praying not, but had a bad feeling now.

((Take that as having been asked before they left.))
Re: Toonpimp's Palace

((Also potentially said before we leave.))

"Wonder if they've got another one of those gates like Grave blew up the last time? That might be how they're bringing their troops in so quick. Something to look for." And great. A big, mean, nasty Timbuktu. From the sound of it, might be the bigbad Siphon was worried about earlier, though he did say it's possible to kill the S.O.B. Just takes a lot. Her chuckle was barely audible. Just like everything else, lately.

She watches Oni walk up and let himself get gunned down, having to hold in a laugh at the entire scenario. She just shakes her head. Poor bastards. Poor stupid bastards.
Re: Toonpimp's Palace

Kane had responded with a shake of his head to Siphon's question, diverting his attention to watch the spectacle Oni was creating.

At the wall of the fortress, the Stealth Tanks stopped, allowing the group to step down and wait for the breaching force to show up. It never did. Only a large red beam from the Redeemer shot towards the wall, followed by the other two, forming a triangle, which began to spin and slice that section of wall out. It only took a simple kick from Burrito to break in, revealing the palace in all it's glory.

The walls seemed to be made of pure emerald, shining and reflecting the group's images as they entered. There were virtually no lights visible, the light inside the palace coming from down either end of the hall the group stood in. Off in the distance, a familiar roar is heard, like the one Burrito heard back at the TP forums. "Shit. They made THOSE as well? Anyone remember the white monster that attacked me back at Toonpimp's forums? Looks like they've managed to recreate that thing."