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Toonpimp's Palace

Re: Toonpimp's Palace

Grave chuckled as he entered the palace. "How nice. I'd like to get a taste of them. Perhaps I'd be able to get something useful from it's corpse... Burrito, what kind of abilities did it have?" The darkling made a meaningful gesture with his claws. His grin radiated pure malice.
Re: Toonpimp's Palace

Siphon took a deep breath ... or what passed for one since he no longer needed to breathe. His shoulders squared slightly, a small frown creeping onto his face.

"Rotting flesh. Lovely, zombies. Get ready cuz I think the footies are coming."

For a brief moment, he was tempted to let his demonic side loose, but then he remembered her words.

Don't use your full power and reveal your true self to the two you seek until the end, then they will be unprepared for it, unable to retreat by then. Be patient, be smart. Use your mind as your deadliest weapon, not your claws or teeth or inhuman abilities. A sharp mind and a solid plan will be your best friends here, go now, help your friends, save your world. I will be waiting Velon Tah.

Shaking his head slightly, he once more withdrew his swords, holding them out in front and ready to go. While he probably wasn't as skilled as TP, the way he held them indicated he'd had PLENTY of time to get used to fighting with them. At this time, he was unaware that HER voice had radiated from his mind to the rest of the group, and even if he had, he probably wouldn't have cared unless someone confronted him about it.

Once he heard the roar though another frown crossed his face.

"Hmm, that wasn't there last time. Good. Very good."
Re: Toonpimp's Palace

Grave cast a glance full of suprise at Siphon. He wasn't sure what the message meant, nor who said that. He wasn't sure whether he was supposed to recieve it - but on the other hand, it kinda sounded as if it was... If that was true, then Siphon - or the being that spoke through him - knew a bit too much about the darkling, in his opinion. Grave shook his head. He couldn't waste time on worrying about this. He just had to do his best - and he trusted himself and his own judgement. His smile died a little, though. "The more the merrier."
Re: Toonpimp's Palace

((*Chuckles* Caused chaos without even trying to lol. I actually have no idea about your character Grave, only what you've said. I suppose one could assume the woman who spoke WOULD know, but other than a passing reference to Siphon being with her at times, she won't be making any appearances here where she'd be using her powers, unless Burrito REALLY wants me to bring her in that way. For the most part she's one of those type who watches, teaches Siphon, but doesn't directly interfere due to her nature. Also, for anyone who's character MIGHT know Ancient Vampire, Velon Tah literally translates into My Love.))

Siphon probably hadn't seen Grave's frown, though if he had he likely assumed it was due to the enemy, and not the words.

"Indeed. This should be a perfect start to things. With the zombies, take their heads. They can't regenerate or mutate that way. Clean kills, five by five?"

When the first wave arrived, they would be met with flashing blade, and shown no quarter by the Vampiric Druid.
Re: Toonpimp's Palace

"Grave. Remember that big-ass white thing that broke half of Toonpimp's old palace back in his forums? Picture that." Burrito says, taking the initiative and stepping forward, his stride long and pounding on the floor, which looked like it was also made of emerald. He would be greeted at a corner by a squad of twelve men, all wearing uniforms with Toonpimp's logo on them, and in a standard firing formation of six in the front crouching and six standing, all aiming down different guns. "GENTLEMEN. I believe it is time to die!" he yells, suddenly appearing behind the group of men, his blade in hand. Were the others to round the corner, they would see him sheathing the blade, the soldiers weapons suddenly falling in half, then the soldiers themselves falling over in a pool of blood.
Re: Toonpimp's Palace

Grave applied a bit less "clean", but a very efficient way of fighting. He slashed, hacked, tore and mauled his opponents, letting the heads fly like balls. He seemed to be enjoying himself, fighting with vigor. Each of the darkling's strikes cleaved his opponents with ease, and one would notice a dark aura surrounding Grave's claws... "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Finally a chance to test my new body!"

((If you want to know in detail how Grave fights, look for some Prototype videos on Youtube where the main char uses claws against humans or lesser infected.))

((Siphon, I realized what kind of character she might be and that this message wasn't aimed for Grave - but he doesn't know a thing. And some things she said may apply to him one way or another. Also, what kind of an Ancient vampire we're talking about?))
Re: Toonpimp's Palace

((Sanctuary's Version of them, depicting them as a highly advanced, powerful race of Abnormal life forms. Dhampiers like what Siphon are were rare, but the few that existed generally were more powerful than their full blooded brethren and could walk in daylight. Actually come to think of it, there were very few ways of actually killing a half breed. I got this idea from a friend of mine, and decided to test if I like it before committing my other character in WH 13 to this. So far, this seems to be working well, and I plan to modify for the other RP. And yeah, for Grave he'd have no way of knowing that message wasn't actually meant for him directly, though it DOES fit well for him. An interesting oversight on my part that actually works well, so I'm happy to leave it there.))

Siphon for once did not actually showboat his abilities, nor was he teleporting. He simply took two running steps, jumped into a pair of enemies and attacked.

His swings were carefully measured, quicker than any human could hope to match. He swung each blade twice, then stood there.

His two opponents had shocked looks on their faces, and then suddenly split apart into four equal pieces, dead before each quarter of their bodies hit the floor. It had happened so fast, their blood was only now beginning to rush out.

Normally, the hybrid would have stopped to either make some comment or something. However, this was not the same Siphon they had known, and neither was he in the mood for idle discussion.

Nor did he directly rush into the fray like one might expect him to do. Rather, he stood there a moment, then casually pressed forward, sticking close to the team for the moment, unless something forced him to scatter.

((Poor cannon fodder enemies. They didn't really have a prayer. I should make a note now for you Burrito, that he no longer uses the viral needles or the like for the ad bots. He'll simply just cut them down til they can't reform.))
Re: Toonpimp's Palace

Burrito was amongst the fray, seemingly dancing around enemies, leaving them behind in a heap with a gash across either their back or front, or wherever he sliced. As he moved through the crowd, he simply chuckles at their futile attempts to hurt him. He seemed to have gotten stronger from his repairs, but neither Siphon nor Grave could properly gauge how, except for the exceptional dance skills he was displaying at the moment. "What's the matter? Too fast?" he asks as he cuts down a zombie, looking over to Siphon and smiling "Best hurry. We've got only a few hours before doomsday is upon us." he says, his high-powered thermal vision activating and looking deeper into the palace, another wave approaching fast, and this time they were supplemented by a Thembrihkal. "Heads up people! Incomin uglies at 12! They've got a monster with 'em too!"
Re: Toonpimp's Palace

The dim lighting doesn't seem to bother the vampire any, though the gleam of her eyes tends to stick out a little more in the darkness, even behind her sunglasses. Her claws already out, when it comes time to engage the footsoldiers, she's in the middle of them as well, her kills not exactly as clean as Siphon or Burrito's, more a page from Grave's book, but they're getting the job done as the bodies fall around her. "And me without a helicopter," she grumbles as they announce the presence in the next wave of enemies. She can be seen pulling out the bottle Siphon gave her, pulling from it before sticking it back in her coat. "Time to tie that thing up in knots."
Re: Toonpimp's Palace

Siphon grunted.

"Never an electrical mage around when you need one. Ah well, thank god there's power in these walls."

He reaches up to the lighting fixtures, and rips loose a decent chunk of cord. The resulting arch of electricity that sparks from him channeling it through his body likely would flash fry any zombie caught in it, though against the Thembrihkal it probably would just server to piss it off even more than it already was. Then again, Siphon was hoping it would get pissed off. In the meantime he flashed a grin to Burrito.

"Three hours twenty six minutes and twelve seconds to be precise. Plenty of time!"

When the juice was gone from the cords, he'd slat them to one side, then go back to melee combat.

((I'm ASSUMING there are lights and shit he can use cords from in there, if not I'll have to edit. Had to pull a Resident Evil/Sanctuary moment there lol, too good to pass up.))
Re: Toonpimp's Palace

Grave laughed at Copper's comment. He remembered the incident when the vampire made some octopus-on-a-stick. The darkling didn't seem to be phased that much by Siphon's stunt - he was standing far enough not to get fried, but it seemed that electricity no longer impressed him. "You know what, Copper? When this ends, Siphon's going to treat us all to some takoyaki. That reminds me, I'm hungry..." He lunged into the fray, cutting his way to the armored tentacle beast. "MAKE WAY, MAGGOTS!!!"
Re: Toonpimp's Palace

Burrito was actually laughing as he danced and twirled around the enemy footsoldiers, slowly making his way to the Thembirhkal, which was sporting more armor and sharpened claws on the end of it's tentacles, trying to impale Burrito and missing, impaling several of it's own troops, there flesh decaying in seconds "WHOA! These guys can suck your life out in a heartbeat! Try not to get impaled!" he yells, jumping up on the back on the monster, stabbing his sword deep into the armor and using it as a hand-hold as the beast flails about trying to get him off. "Yo, Copper! Cut this bitch to ribbons!" he yells, punching his left fist into the beast's armor, denting it and hurting it's flesh beneath.


The snipers were in disbelief, looking between each other and back at Oni. They immediately re-aligned themselves for another set of shots, taking aim and firing, hitting Oni with another half-dozen bullets.

((Sorry about the snipers bit, Oni. IRL stuffs and all that.))
Re: Toonpimp's Palace

Not really liking the light show, Copper keeps away from it, though she does laugh as the zombies get flash fried. She heads after Grave, laughing. "More of a calamari girl, myself!" Her claws are starting to decapitate the zombies with each swipe, a clear indication she's jacked her strength up even further.

"Sir, yes, sir!" she calls out to Burrito, the tone of her voice a bit manic as she hastens to comply with his order, though it's likely not only her claws doing the cutting. She's moving faster than the Thrembukal can lash out, her strikes mostly focusing on cutting off the thing's tentacles and rending into its main body whenever she can. From the way the wounds are getting left, it's clear she's using more than just her claws to cut into this thing. Suddenly, she stops for a second and actually giggles.

"Time to pull some wings off of this fly." She gets in close, her hands planted on the thing's body near the spot where one of its tentacles comes out and she twists and pulls, actually separating the appendage from the thing's body.

((I'm assuming there's no bone to get in the way of her fleshcraft, given that it's a tentacle. And I'm also just playing around with it so Grave can have some fun, too *blowskiss*))
Re: Toonpimp's Palace

Anticipating their next shots Oni swings his twin swords in one fluid motion, the bullets ricocheting off the blades. He looks up towards one of the snipers and smiles, now having found one of their locations he leaps into the air and, with a boost from his negative energy he shoots towards the sniper.

"Hey there," Oni says to the man, who would most likely be shitting himself right now. He lunges at the man with the longer of the two swords and impales him through his stomach. With another swing of his sword Oni throws the man down to the ground. "Okay, which one of you fuckers want a piece of me?!" Oni screams at the remaining snipers.
Re: Toonpimp's Palace

Grave lunged forward, dodging one of the tentacles with minimal movement. When another one lashed out at him, jumped over it. Those who paid attention would notice that his jacket began to transform, releasing threads of black matter than quickly caught the tentacle. For a moment, the darkling struggled to keep it in place before turning around and slashing with his left hand. The appendage transformed as well, turning into a long blade. Dark energy wrapped around it, creating a matter-distorting field which Grave used to amplify the damage as he began to cut through. "This one's not as tough as I thought! A shame."
Re: Toonpimp's Palace

"The gas probably has had an effect. Oh no you don't."

The last comment was in regard to a tentacle thinking about a sneaky back attack on his friends, which was quickly quelled by Siphon.

As the appendage swung forward, his hands reached forth and grabbed it out of mid air. For a moment, beast and Druid locked eyes, or what passed for it's eyes locked with his. Then the beast blinked first, and suddenly the limb turned to practically nothing. Siphon was still getting used to this new ability, and it wasn't one he liked to use.

Using the beasts own feeding power against it, he reverse fed, and forced the creature to give away some of it's own energy to him, most likely making the beast recoil in shock, if it even could think. After all, it was a test tube baby after all. Regardless, Siphon was content to just stand there and ensure no sneak attacks from the beast came forth, at least until the point it dropped dead from it's injuries. Once that happened, he'd be moving with the group, acting as if nothing had just happened.

((At some point we'll need to talk Burrito on an idea I've had.))
Re: Toonpimp's Palace

Burrito yanks his sword out, then jumps up and plants his feet on the cieling, staring directly down at the creature and then kicking off, his feet flashing in a short milisecond burst from his rockets, sending him flying down into the beast swordfirst, shattering it's armor and killing it with a loud howl. Burrito would then stand up and dig his left hand into the creature's flesh, grasping it's heart and pulling slowly. "Can anyone tell me the best way to put down both a big monster and a rebellion? By tearing out it's heart." he says plainly, ripping the heart out halfway through the flesh and then stabbing it, ensuring that the beast was dead. It was obvious from this display, that he had actually become MORE ruthless, and that there was something inside him blocking out his emotions.

The snipers watched on in horror as their friend was impaled, dropping their rifles and drawing pistols, what appeared to be Colt .45 Peacemakers, then taking aim and unloading all six shots from each gun, impacting Oni with 30 high-powered bullets in the course of a few seconds.
Re: Toonpimp's Palace

Oni, not expecting the snipers to blast him with another weapon couldn't react in time to their shots. All thirty shots had hit him, and seemed to have actually done quite a bit of damage, though a moment later he composed himself and burst out laughing.

"Is that the best you can do?" He screamed at them, the wounds slowly healing. Rushing at the closest one he headbutts the man, most likely shattering his skull on impact. Oni then slamed the flat side of his swords against the man, sandwiching him and threw the man behind himself, sending him plummeting to the ground. Again he rushed towards the next closest sniper, though this time he threw his blades at the man. They spun towards him, impaling him in the chest. Oni slammed his feet into the mans chest and they both fly off the edge towards the ground, though as they neared the floor Oni wrenched his blades out and boosted back up. Now he waits to see what the remaining three men will do.
Re: Toonpimp's Palace

"Head, heart, same difference." Copper backs off as the beast crumples, taking care to avoid any residual death throes that the thing might go into. Of course, there's still a few grunt troops to be dealt with, which, so long as the Thrembrukal is put down, she can put her attention to without too much worry, the goal still being to get clear of the grunts and to the...heart...of the situation.
Re: Toonpimp's Palace

"Aw, f***!" Grave yelled when Burrito destroyed the monster's heart. "Next time, leave it for me! I need a living one for a meal, metalhead." The darkling seemed to be pretty pissed off - and of course, remaining enemies around him were the ones to suffer because of that. Long story short, Grave decided to re-paint the corridor with a nice red color.