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RPG RPG Maker Vore Loli Shota [Toro Toro Resistance] もんむす・くえすと! ぱらどっくすRPG中章 / Monster Girl Quest: Paradox (RJ201109)

where did u find the demo?
Their Fantia post, link .
Keep in mind, it's only accessible from Japan apparently, you'll need a VPN with a Japanese IP, personally I recommend Freedome VPN, you can even use its Trial Version to access the link.

I also took the game on a spin with MTool...

~47 Mb of a patch, a beast (when the average game, at most, hits 4-5mb).
Seems like the game runs decently well, contrary to my expectations of using MTool on it. Maybe because its still just the Part 3 Trial. We'll have how it trucks with the full game.
(Might get to around ~65 Mb in patch, we'll see).

I'm now thinking of looking through the Part 2 Data files that are unchanged between Part 2 and Part 3, and then replace those files in Part 3, to at least use some of the proper translation as much as possible.
One of the games I enjoyed a lot but regretfully will never finish.

I lost my data due to a HDD failure, and just don't have the energy to do the grind all over again.
One of the games I enjoyed a lot but regretfully will never finish.

I lost my data due to a HDD failure, and just don't have the energy to do the grind all over again.

You can always get a full save from part 2
One of the games I enjoyed a lot but regretfully will never finish.

I lost my data due to a HDD failure, and just don't have the energy to do the grind all over again.
Just wait until Part 3, it's almos here. You'd need to replay everything for it either way. :D
Just wait until Part 3, it's almos here.
Now that is some weapons grade copium you got going there given that we are through the first quarter of the year and the developer still refuses to even give a release date aside from "this year", not the first time for that to be said either from what I remember.
Just wait until Part 3, it's almos here. You'd need to replay everything for it either way. :D
yeah, I don't think you fully got the message of me not wanting to do the grind all over again.

You can always get a full save from part 2
Valid answer, sadly I'm unreasonable in that one area that I like to do things myself in RPGs. So using a save isn't even an option in my mind.
I feel like you have to beat the game a few times to get the True route anyways. 1 with alice route and 1 with ilias route. but maybe thats what the whole choosing sides part of part 3 is for.
Monster Girl Lover is doing playthroughs of both the time loop event and the 2nd tower defence crossover event, so you might want to check those out.

I feel like you have to beat the game a few times to get the True route anyways. 1 with alice route and 1 with ilias route. but maybe thats what the whole choosing sides part of part 3 is for.
I once speculated that the Alice and Ilias routes would each have two branches, thanks to the Great Decision. It seems like that won't be the case...
Monster Girl Lover is doing playthroughs of both the time loop event and the 2nd tower defence crossover event, so you might want to check those out.

I once speculated that the Alice and Ilias routes would each have two branches, thanks to the Great Decision. It seems like that won't be the case...

Tower Defense crossover event? What is this?
Hey guys, sorry for being a lazy ass, but does anyone have a full save file on v2.41, if someone have it can i pls have it i'm playing on joyplay btw
new blog post to yesterday with news The release of Monmusu RPG Final Chapter will be in 2024, unless something bad happens such as a long-term hospitalization
yeah, I don't think you fully got the message of me not wanting to do the grind all over again.

Valid answer, sadly I'm unreasonable in that one area that I like to do things myself in RPGs. So using a save isn't even an option in my mind.

Then don't. It's RPG Maker. There are a billion and one ways to remove the grind. I wouldn't do the grind the first time, I respect myself too much to waste my life on pointless screen staring while dumbly waiting for the reward at the end. I usually up everything to much more reasonable percentages in games like this. Has made life far more enjoyable. Don't even need to go full cheat, you can up stuff just enough that whatever you're modifying (exp rates, item drops, etc) is not an insult.
i haven't played this since part 1 ended. did Laplace ever get added?
then i'm totally coming back to this if she is.

Little post saying applications for test players has closed, along with a quick survey asking what people would prefer. Wait longer to have post ending events in on release or release with the end first and have the events get added in with updates. Results won't decide though, it's just reference.

Personally, I'd like a conclusion sooner rather than later, with anything post credit just being a bonus to me.