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Touch the Sky (Blarg)


Former Moderator
Nov 11, 2008
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The village was small, and could easily be split between three groups: People who know Emelie loved other people; She loved the outside world,despite having seen little of it; and she loved cock. And pussy. No one really knew of her secret desire to fly one day - despite the alarming number of birds she sequesters off to study. Thankfully, for the precocious and smart woman, the world was her oyster... Full off sekrits.

[Current Position: Village, 0,0]

[As this is an open-world game, there's not much direction in the beginning. Make sure to check the Village thread for quests and resource pools.]
Re: Touch the Sky (Blarg)

It was a lovely morning - the sun had started to crest over the horizon, banishing the dark and cold of the night with her rays. The door to Emelie's hut slammed open, and a number of white doves flew out of it as the owner emerged into the sun, stretching in Solarises' rays, dark, chocolate skin pulling smooth over her delicate musculature, and her kinky blonde falling into place perfectly despite having just emergred from the furs and straw bedding that served as her bed. After that brief chance to a view of her completely bare physique, she re-entered her domocile, and after a few minutes, a man came tumbling out the door.

"Sorry for keeping you up so long last night, but it's sun-up already, and those fields ain't gonna tend themselves!" She cried out after him, waving at him, her long eyelashes framing big, sparkling blue eyes. There were literally more kiddies in the village than grown-ups, now, and that wasn't even counting the other Descendants, so food was starting to get a little worrisome... especially with all the deadly happenings that had been happening lately.

Resolving to do something, she wrapped herself up in her sari and grabbed a banana out of her fruit basket, and ate it totally normally and definitely not in a manner resembling something she had a lot of fun doing last night as she ran off down the hill she lived on to figure out what she could do to help, which might possibly include new and exotic forms of dick.