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Tower Descent

Re: Tower Descent

Zana remained panting on all fours, her changes now hidden beneath her wide-rimmed hat as she'd rest "Zana!" Yuna called out looking to her, but dared not approach just as Lilian who knew it was best not to touch the witch for now.

"You want us to draw another card?" Yuna blinked "After that?!" who knows what other effects lied in store on the table. Lilian meanwhile was much more serious about it as she without any objections took a card "We likely don't have a choice." she'd flip over one of the cards and braced herself.

Meanwhile Zana seemed to remain silent, exhausted and panting on the outside, but inside the witch magic both shadow and elemental mixed and weaved, the girls own will fighting against the darker changing influences!
Re: Tower Descent

Zana: HP: 24 MP: 38/40 WP: 30 Status: fighting the dark elf corruption
Taint: 5 Corruption: 4

Yuna: HP: 37/42 MP: 15 WP: 16/16 Status: Fine
Taint: 5 Corruption: 0

Lilian: HP: 45/48 MP: 15 WP: 20 Status: Grappled tentacle party
Taint: 5 Corruption: 1

Looking at the cards the dark elf just gazed at her. Reaching down she drew one only to see her self wrapped in chains. Lillian looked at the card a moment before a black sphere of shadow enveloped her. From the outside it seemed Lillian just vanished from sight a small black orb hanging in the air. Delilah giggled "Oh this is so fun. Its how the master broke me!" In the sphere Lillian was soon wrapped in slimy tendrils that coaxed and caressed her body binding her legs and arms to their mercy. At first the tendrils just teased her but soon they started getting more aggressive wrapping their slimy tendrils around her breasts and squeezing them. This caused her to call out in pain letting another tendril force's its way into her mouth while a duo of tendrils raided her ass and flower. Pounding her in and out with only her moans echoing from the orb.

"She's gonna be busy for awhile. Your next ms fighter." The dark elf turned to Yuna and offered her a draw.
Re: Tower Descent

Zana rested in her collapsed on knees state, her hands holding her as under her breath she seemed to be uttering some-sort of incantation. The shadows around her appearing briefly, swirling, before dispersing and reappearing again and again! The witch knew just how potent the energies in her were, though she also knew the importance of getting them under control!

Meanwhile Lilian flipped over her card and blinked "What is---" before she could speak up suddenly sheer darkness seemed to swirl from her feet and around her body! A solid black matter orb consuming the girl and lifting off to float half a feet above ground! "What did you do?!" Yuna called out angrily as Delilah only snickered "Don't worry about them, I'd be more worried what these will do to you." she'd wink playfully to her offering the three cards for Yuna to pick this time...

"And if I refuse?" Yuna asked and offer that was given by Delilah, though she herself quickly grasped the dangers of such a choice. If choosing the cards had these effects... what would happen if she did not pick.

Taking the middle one the girl grasped it and flipped it over looking over what it displayed.

With Yuna picking her fate, Zana fighting her own fate... Lilian was left to deal with her own! Trapped in the orb the girl attempted to escape, though the holds were absolutely immobile "What---" suddenly all around her echoes of something forming rang out. Much to one moments later slimy tentacles to wrap around her wrists, legs and waist "What the---No! Let go!" Lilian had only heard of such 'tentacles' or at worst seen them from a fair distance, cut-off from a failed ambush at their adventuring party... though now trapped in the orb she was helpless to stop them!

It seemed even her 'gift' would quickly switch to betray her. Lilian shook her head side to side not allowing the tentacles to slip in, her armor providing some protection to boot only for it's red runes to suddenly glow and the armor to shift?!! Without warning the armor seemed to shift it's form to reveal her pussy and ass to the eagerly awaiting tentacles, who wasted little time to thrust inside! "Aaah--mmph!" the girls shocked cry giving way for the other tentacle to slip between her black lips and thrust away into her mouth! All manner of curses and promises of violence rushing through the girls mind as she was helplessly trapped inside the orb, the tentacles all too eagerly having their way with their victim!

Lilian struggled briefly, though as much as she tried there was just nothing she could do to stop the slow thrusts into her. Even biting hardly helped as the tentacles appeared to be made of darkness made material! All the while another presence or unknown energy inside her seemed to slowly calm her down, heightening her senses with each thrust and slimy slide along her supreme body. Even the girls bust was now exposed due to the armor opening up to allow the teases on her! Even if she resisted for as long as she could Lilians initial frown and resilience seemed to fafe. The girls expression seemed to slowly soften more and more into a neutral one... until she'd relax completely the tentacles getting a far juicier fuck than their initial dry streak! As if not completely herself, soon enough Lilian was almost eager towards the tentacles rapists as more cock-ending tendrils appeared all around her inside the orb!!
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Re: Tower Descent

Zana: HP: 24 MP: 38/40 WP: 30 Status: fighting the dark elf corruption
Taint: 20 Corruption: 2

Yuna: HP: 37/42 MP: 15 WP: 16/16 Status: Fine
Taint: 5 Corruption: 0

Lilian: HP: 45/48 MP: 15 WP: 20 Status: Grappled tentacle party
Taint: 9 Corruption: 1

Yuna gains +1 damage to her punches

With a trembling hand Yuna drew her fate only to be shown a gleaming sword on her card. Looking at it caused it to shine brightly till it burst its energy entering her gloves making them stronger and adding some metal spikes. Delilah frowned "Daw thats no fun." standing the girl blew Zana a kiss and spoke. "Erl'elee l'dumoas dalninil (Embrace the blessing Sister)" Leaving she kissed Yuna on the mouth before vanishing in a strike of red lighting.

Meanwhile in the orb Lillian was treated to endless waves of pleasure as the tentacles violated every hole they could find and fit. In the back of her head she heard a voice speak. "Just accept that your a slut and this will all end." only this one was countered. "Is that all my hero has in her? Resist my love and be rewarded."
Re: Tower Descent

Yuna braced for the worst... was she going to get impaled? Get swords thrown at her?! Be challenged to a duel?! Though a sad sigh from Delilah quickly hinted at something else entirely as the girls hands gleamed for a brief second before her gloves appeared empowered?! "E-Eh? Eh?" she'd look to one fist to the other, seemingly expecting them to explode at any second!!!

Meanwhile as Delilah seemed to be disappointed she'd look to Zana who remained silent throughout and snickered wickedly "Natha fift?" ("A price?") suddenly Zana spoke up in the dark tongue as well, slowly standing up "Zana!" Yuna looked to the witch with a smile "Dos phuul nau dalninnil d'usst, d'anthe." ("You're no sister of mine, dear.").

Zana looked to Delilah with a confident smile, the witch seemed to retained her human appearance?! While perhaps surprising to Delilah, Zana was hardly an amateur witch... much less one unfamiliar with the dark pacts and arts. Though the 'contract' seemed to leave a tattoo marking only hinted beneath her body or near one of her eyes.

With a lightning strike the card dealer disappeared, spurring a deep sigh from Zana who'd sit down on a nearby gravestone. Her gaze downwards once more as quite clearly, containing the darkness had taken its toll.

Meanwhile Yuna seemed to have completely lucked out!... as per the girls usual! "I think I've got my hands locked..." the brawler quickly removed the gloves and looked over her hands then over the gloves. Not believing that there was no catch to her gift!

However as the duo recoup'ed Lilians will was tested inside the orb as she was fucked through! The tentacles now much more thick and fucking her with far greater force! Though just as Lilian felt the unknown presence seemingly lul her away... another voice echoed out, coupled with the brief image of her little sister...

Instantly the girls eyes shunned their glaze as she looked around to her predicament seemingly just awoken from a slumber! She'd not give over no matter how long or how hard these bastards screwed her! Her Emily was in this tower, cursed armor and tentacles be damned!
Re: Tower Descent

Zana: HP: 24 MP: 38/40 WP: 30 Status: fighting the dark elf corruption
Taint: 20 Corruption: 2

Yuna: HP: 37/42 MP: 15 WP: 16/16 Status: Fine
Taint: 5 Corruption: 0

Lilian: HP: 45/48 MP: 15 WP: 20 Status: Grappled tentacle party
Taint: 14 Corruption: 1

Yuna gains +1 damage to her punches

Just as she resolved to fight Lillian was suddenly free of the tentacles as her body went limp caught be the demoness from before. "Well done my hero I can't let the master have it all his way." Leaning down the demon's lips met her own as the creature shared a deep kiss with Lillian. For the Knights part she felt instantly revitalized and full of energy. Though she didn't notice her breasts swell, butt plump and hips widen. "Now back you your friends!" And like that Lillian was back with the over still covered in cum from her tentacle party.
Re: Tower Descent

Zana smiled to Yuna concern, as she looked over her "Where is Lilian?" the witch looked to the brawler with warm smile, seemed at the very least Zana was back to normal! "She's er..." Yuna looked to the orb and pointed it out "In that..." the witch blinked and covered her mouth to hide a knowing smile, she had an encounter with a similar spell-trap herself... albeit these conditions are far different.

As Yuna went off to inspect the globe, maybe try to listen in what was going on inside. Zana remained seated and looked to her palm closing and opening once to reveal a flame, twice to reveal water, thrice to reveal earth, for the fourth time to reveal a gust of contained wind.... and for the fifth time to reveal an orb of utter darkness! The witch looked to the magic and smiled slyly to herself... she had done it!

For Lilian however, the changes were not so easy to spot, especially due to their rounding and subtle nature... still the sudden kiss straight out of the fucking was a complete surprise! Though before she could get her bearings or at the very least meet the demoness eyes she'd hit the graveyard dirt!

"Lillian!" Yuna beamed a smile quickly hugging her deeply in the seated position, before blinking and leaning out "Ew.... what is THIS." much to Lilian only now gathering her bearing, she'd smile a the hug but couldn't help, but be embarassed at what accidentally rubbed on the brawler "You... might want to clean off you." she'd look over her not noting any harm to her? "Wait you didn't draw a card?" the knight blinked almost surprised at no changes on her "I did! Got an upgrade!" she'd show her gloves with a beaming proud grin.

"Oh~ Someone had quite the fun party.." Zana spoke up, for once walking up to Lilian with a smile and a quite pronounced jiggle to her bra-less robe, the human appearance being a clear shock to Lilian as last she saw the witch had taken on a drow appearance "Zana! You're...--" "Ofcourse. It was just some parlor trickery afterall, I'm quite fine" she'd giggle, looking to her "Good job on resisting it." she'd add, looking to Lilian in a seemingly knowing fashion, spurring a subtle blush and the knight to stand! "Resisting what?" Yuna blinked as just as quickly as she asked throwing off some of the spunk away from her unknowing what it was...

"L-let's keep going..." Lilian quickly glanced away with a blush dodging the question only for a sudden rush of water to pour over both of them, soaking them, but cleaning them.. Zana keeping a smile as blue mist dispersed from her fingertips "Trust me, best to wash those stains off as quickly as possible." she'd give the duo one embarassed, the other confused a sly wink.
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Re: Tower Descent

Zana: HP: 22/24 MP: 40/40 WP: 30 Status: Fine
Taint: 20 Corruption: 2

Yuna: HP: 41/42 MP: 15 WP: 16/16 Status: Fine
Taint: 5 Corruption: 0

Lilian: HP: 48/48 MP: 15 WP: 20 Status: Fine
Taint: 14 Corruption: 1

Yuna has +1 damage to her punches

EC 2
Encounter Roll 5 nothing Ec +3
Search roll 2 noting Search now 11
EC 3
Encounter Roll 9! a monster attacks! EC 0
Search 4 the party triggers a trap Search now 7

Moving forward the trio passed threw what once looked like a urn wall, though what ever remains had been here had long been spilled. The urn's smashed and left scattered threw the tiled room. Long black thorned vines choked the remaining walls as the trio moved threw. Sadly as Lillian's heavy foot falls echo across one room in particular the floor gave out send all threw of our hero's sliding down into a tangled web of vines and thorns. Even Zana didn't escape harm as her hover magic followed the ground into the tangled mass. Being unarmored the girl got a few minor cuts while Lillian felt nothing even if her sexualized armor didn't cover as much skin as it used too. Yuna didn't suffer overly much either but her injury was perhaps the most comical as she landed on a large thorn that stuck in her tush. Still comedy aside all threw girls realized they where in trouble when the vines began to move...

Blackthorn Rose (greater)
Re: Tower Descent

"Y-ow!" Yuna instantly jumped up as she cleared herself off the stupid thorn "Doh... why me." she'd grumble lightly, as Zana fixed her hair none too pleased at the drop that clipped away at her thin silks. Lilian however was the least damaged and almost the one that enjoyed the slide the least "Crap... sorry..." she'd curse her luck giving the duo an guilty look, before the wines all around began to move? "Eh..." Yuna looked to the rumbling behind her, as even Zanas eyes widened, Lilian wincing lightly at the display.

Before they knew it, a massive petal opened up right before them as whatever the building was... in its basement a huge flowery bush had bloomed, easily filling most of the area! Worse yet, it seemed to have equal measure of thorned wines as plain floral ones!!!

"Damnit!" Lilian quickly got into position, followed by the duo. They had quite the fight on their hands!

Yuna Dragon Punch!
Lilian Retaliotion
Zana fireball! /Parry
Re: Tower Descent

Zana: HP: 22/24 MP: 34/40 WP: 30 Status: Fine
Taint: 20 Corruption: 2

Yuna: HP: 26/42 MP: 15 WP: 16/16 Status: parry reduced by 4 2/2 turns
Taint: 5 Corruption: 0

Lilian: HP: 48/48 MP: 15 WP: 20 Status: Fine
Taint: 14 Corruption: 1

Yuna has +1 damage to her punches
Enemy Status
GBR Hp: 46/60 Mp: 25/25 Will: 35/35
Yuna uses Dragon punch! 14 damage!
Lillian Will retaliate!
GBR Pollen takes effect
Yuna 18 vs 20 fail
Lillian 22 vs 20 success!
Zana 33 vs 20 success!
GBR uses mounting tentacles on Yuna auto hit! 15 damage
Zana charges her spell

Fast as ever Yuna dashed forward letting her fist trike a bulbous growth that looked vital. Indeed the fiery blow caused the plant to quiver but not before pink pollen spurted into the air covering all three of the party members. Zana just simply laughed having dealt with this before and Even Lillian shrugged of its effects with ease. However Yuna seemed dazed and after stumbling around for a bit was hit dead on by the creatures attack. It seemed that the thing would not be baited into am attack that Lillian was prepared for.
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Re: Tower Descent

"Hyaaah~!" Yuna punched the bulb as it exploded covering her in sweet, pleasantly scented water? "Ew~" the girl shuddered lightly only to see a massive tentacle come her way! "E-eep!" with a slam the girl was sent flying! Though due to her sturdy nature no doubt would quickly get back on her feet.

Meanwhile her companions would soon enough be washed over with the pleasant incense as well... to little effect. Lilian kept her resolve sharp as she looked on to the plant, before charging forward. Zana seemed just as unaffected as Lilian, though perhaps more due to her experience with dealing with similar chemical effects. The Blackthorns petals and venom were of exceptional value to any alchemist after all... or in this case, for the Elderwood witch.

Her fireball ready, Zana looked to the petals bloom and prepared to let loose!

Yuna rushed back with a Hurricane kicks attack!
Lilian mocking slashes
Zana finishes cast /parry still
Re: Tower Descent

Zana: HP: 22/24 MP: 34/40 WP: 30 Status: Bleeding -4hp and will 4/4 rounds
Taint: 20 Corruption: 2

Yuna: HP: 16/42 MP: 15 WP: 16/16 Status: parry reduced by 4 1/2 turns bleeding -4hp and will 4/4 rounds
Taint: 5 Corruption: 0

Lilian: HP: 48/48 MP: 15 WP: 20 Status: Fine
Taint: 14 Corruption: 1

Yuna has +1 damage to her punches
Enemy Status
GBR Hp: 16/60 Mp: 25/25 Will: 35/35 Taunted Lillian
Yuna uses Hurricane Kick 4,1,1,5
Lillian mocking slashes for 7
GBR Pollen takes effect
Yuna auto success
Lillian auto success
Zana auto success
GBR uses Thorn wave
Yuna fails to parry 10 damage and bleeds
Lillian parries no damage and counters 7 damage
Zana parries 3 damage and bleeds
Zana cast fireball! 5 damage

Confidence soaring the girls let loose with their attacks. A flurry of kicks from Yuna seemed to beat back the swirling vines long enough for Lillian to get to heart of the plant and lend a telling blow. Reeling from the attacks the plant lashed out at everyone in a desperate bid not to perish. Sadly Yuna was caught off guard as the plant smashed threw her defenses shredding her top and leaving a deep cut across her chest. Lillian however managed to block the blow and stab at the creature again causing it to spasm. The sudden twitch of the plant almost caught Zana off guard but thankfully enough her magical shielding blocked most of the damage though some did get threw drawing a line of crimson across one of her legs. Maybe it was the sudden jerk of pain that made the fire ball form unstable as it exploded against the creature hardly denting the mad plant.
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Re: Tower Descent

Yuna landed as another clean blow landed her... "A-tut-tut..." she'd wipe off some dirt from the impact "B-bastard!" still if she attacked like this it would mean trouble. Taking a moment breathers the girl steadied herself as her body seemed to calm briefly, recouping some of the damage she took.

Meanwhile Lilian was in the thick of it, her shield blocking the whipping wines as she'd spin and slash in relation! She'd keep it busy till the others could finish it off! Heck the Knight seemed doing a fine job against the darkness on her own!

Zana tisked lightly as she fixed herself post impact. The witches fireball grew unstable at the last second! Even if the attack slammed into her barrier, it was more than enough to shake her... perhaps it was time to test it. No... not against the floral creature, the girls hand once again formed a much lighter fiery spell as she let loose a bolt of intense flame at the swirling mass of tentacles!

Yuna uses Inner vitality
Lilian keeps the beast busy with mocking slash
Zana uses Spark (T1)!
Re: Tower Descent

Zana: HP: 11/24 MP: 30/40 WP: 30/30 Status: Fine
Taint: 20 Corruption: 2

Yuna: HP: 15/42 MP: 15 WP: 12/16 Status: Fine
Taint: 5 Corruption: 0

Lilian: HP: 45/48 MP: 15 WP: 20 Status: Fine
Taint: 14 Corruption: 1

Yuna has +1 damage to her punches
Enemy Status
GBR Hp: Dead Mp: 25/25 Will: 35/35 Taunted Lillian
Yuna uses inner vitality and heals 12 and halts bleeding
Lillian mocking slashes for 8
GBR Pollen takes effect
Yuna auto success
Lillian auto success
Zana auto success
GBR uses Thorn wave
Yuna parries 9 damage
Lillian parries 3 damage
Zana parries 3 damage
Zana cast fireball! 8 damage

Steadying her breath once more and feeling her chi replenish and seal her wounds Yuna stood up to see Lillian stab the vile plant once more sending black green icor all over covering her and splattering the grey stone walls. Still the beast lashed out once more catching Yuna in its strike. Thankfully the brawler was able to mount a defense but was still pushed back by the blow almost undoing her handy work from before. Seeing the plant limbs lash out agan, Zana braced herself concentrating on her spell and letting it loosed fully formed just as the flailing tendril struck her mystic shielding again sending her skidding to the ground as the mystical energy broke. Hitting the ground Zana felt her arm twist painfully. Looking up however she saw her ball of fire connect and incinerate the vile flower once and for all.
Re: Tower Descent

Victory!... though only one of the trio felt like a victor. Flicking her blade and shield from the ichor Lilian subtly smiled and looked back, with fair confidence to a most unheroic sight.

"Ow... ow... ow..." Yuna winced picking out the thorn buds from from her, as Zana sat nearby resting as well dusting her oversized styled hat from the "Well... that was a surprise." the witch commented with a smile "A nasty one.." Yuna growled as she winced with each thorn taken out.

Still they all made it fine "You're more durable than you look, Yuna." Lilian praised Yuna, without a shield or heavy armor the girl had most certainly showed remarkable tenacity and bravery in the fight! Zana didn't say a thing, but only smiled to her in a praising manner spurring a subtle blush on the girl "Y-you guys..." she'd blush cutely and wince as she raised her hand to high, reminding her of her injuries! In a moment of piece the group shared a laugh among themselves as they indeed had come done quite well so far.

The girl would take a moment to just relax and recoup, Lilian keeping fully on-guard already busy scanning the area for an exit. With the flower dead it seemed it's tentacles and thorns slowly dried and withdrew revealing more and more of the area.
Re: Tower Descent

Zana: HP: 19/24 MP: 40/40 WP: 30/30 Status: Fine resting stat regen at 200 %
Taint: 20 Corruption: 2

Yuna: HP: 29/42 MP: 15 WP: 16/16 Status: Fine resting stat regen at 200 %
Taint: 5 Corruption: 0

Lilian: HP: 48/48 MP: 15 WP: 20 Status: Fine guarding
Taint: 14 Corruption: 1

Yuna has +1 damage to her punches

As the plant died around them a fresh set of stairs would reveal themselves. They seemed to lead back up and out of the basement. Still as her companions recovered Lillian noticed 3 gleaming lights in withering mass. Checking the glittering out Lillian finds 3 weapon charms made out of solid gold. Sadly only one seems to sparkle with energy.
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Re: Tower Descent

"Hey... Look at this." Lilian would shun aside the now dried remains and pick out one of the gleaming stones, bringing it closer to Zana and Yuna "What is that?" the brawler looked over the stone "Seems similar to that armor charm we found."

"It's a weapon charm." Zana answered picking it up and looking it over, before taking out the armor charm as well floating them both mid-aid for inspection "Perhaps..." she'd suddenly float the weapon token to Lilian and the armor to Yuna "You two should use these." Yuna looked to Zana unsurely "What about you?" "I don't wear armor." she'd snicker "Besides I've other means to guard myself."

With that it was settled. Yuna and Lilian picked up the runes as they'd activate as floating blue runes quickly flew to each of the girls equipment.

Yuna gains +1 armor.
Lilian +1 damage

Can continue post rest with the trio heading onwards
Re: Tower Descent

Zana: HP: 24/24 MP: 40/40 WP: 30/30 Status: Fine resting stat regen at 200 %
Taint: 20 Corruption: 2

Yuna: HP: 42/42 MP: 15 WP: 16/16 Status: Fine resting stat regen at 200 %
Taint: 5 Corruption: 0

Lilian: HP: 48/48 MP: 15 WP: 20 Status: Fine guarding
Taint: 14 Corruption: 1

Yuna has +1 damage to her punches
Yuna has +1 armor
Lillian has +1 damage

Taking the charms and activating them made each glow briefly before zooming to their targets. The rune that hit Lillian's sword seemed to make it denser and sharping giving the blade a wicked sharp edge. For Yuna her simple cotton shirt repaired itself knitting back together before extra material made of black leather puffed out of the battle harness making a a firm combat vest over her white shirt. Meanwhile Zana looked over the other two. Their power had faded over time and where useless for anything other than paper weights or to be sold for their raw gold value.

Eventually though the party left the confines of the moldy basement and into the relatively clear air of the graveyard. At the top of the stairs the trio found a group of adventures who had long passed their bones scattered and lost to time. However in the hands of a lightly armored figure sat a glowing rune stone.
Re: Tower Descent

Yuna would be the first to catch the glint of magic "Hey! I think I see another one!" she'd rush over and quickly pick up the stone, her companions joining up.

[if its nothing related to the escape of the graveyard best to get to exploring the ruins
Re: Tower Descent

As Yuna charged up she knew that this was different. Looking over the item it seemed to resonate with the energy at the sealed gate. Zana smirked confidently. "Looks like we found our key." Lillian nodded and took it from Yuna. "Aye lets head there now." Nodding the girls left the fallen adventures behind their names lost to the tower and its master.

Their travel back to their goal went unassaulted and they soon found themselves standing before the eerie gate. The key in Lillian's hand warmed considerably the closer she got. Looking to her party the knight stepped forward only to have them all swallowed by a swirling blue portal. A moment later the girls stepped out onto a wood floor in a dusty tavern like atmosphere. Wooden seats and table filled the floor with various mal contenets sipping on beer or eating food while a nearby bar wench made her rounds. In one far corner sat Deliah and her cards while the corner next to her sat a goblin merchant hawking his wares. Along the closes wall stood a Neko bartender pouring drinks for the unsavory lot that filled the bar. Nearby sat a board with keys on them. 21 keys lined the board with only 5 missing or in use.