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TP forums: Aftermath

Re: TP forums: Aftermath

In typical Pale fashion.. the mage had been examining her nails during most of that conversation. Despite appearances, though, she was both listening, and taking everything in. Including the things left unsaid.

"Well... perhaps, then, rushing straight in and killing them all -isn't- the best plan, for once? I might be able to cover us all with a ShadowWalk, but it's not easy. Plus, it doesn't cover sound,so.."
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

"I've got my own ways of sneaking around and hiding, but that won't cover everyone else. If you think it can be done," she holds up her hand in a gesture that seemed to give the mage free reign. "Of course, I default to Burrito, but sounds feasible to me."
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

"Okay. I have a plan." Burrito says, crossing his arms and looking at the pilot "Grave and I will wait outside of the hive whilst you all go in as stealthily as possible. Find Siphon, get him out, and then we'll handle the genocide. You up for that, Grave?"
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Grave laughed again. "Oh, Hell yeees." The warrior was close to thanking Burrito for this idea. He didn't do that because his subconsciousness screamed at him 'YOU'LL DIE, FAGGOT!'. However, like any other subconsciousness, it was easily ignored.
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

((Time to spice things up a tad here.))

Once the group had arrived near the landed hive, they would notice the pilot had been right in thinking something on the hive had blown up. There was a massive gash in the side of the hull, large enough to permit easy entry. What was more was it didn't seem to be making any attempt at regenerating.

The pilot let out a low whistle. "Wow, looks like something blew up real good inside that hive. Wonder why?"

To their surprise, the voice of a male wraith answered them, the wraith coming into full view, unarmed and hands slightly raised in surrender. "That's because it did, and I'm the reason for that. Before you jump the gun allow me to say that I am alone, and do not intend to harm any of you, but rather help you. You've come seeking the hybrid they called Siphon yes? I do hope you brought some kind of tranquilizers then, he's gone completely insane. The queen attempted to.... torture him I suppose is your word for it? Part way through I managed to kill her to free him, but apparently his body became flooded with our feeding enzyme. It's done something to him, something I have never witnessed before. I had killed her hoping to give him a chance to escape, but instead he's gone on a total rampage in there. I caused the explosion just before we landed in the hopes it would rattle him enough to leave, and cause the guards to enter a state of confusion. NEITHER worked. You probably are wondering why another wraith would be helping him escape and the rest of you. The answer to that is... CIVIL WAR. Not all of us are against you, some of us have been trying to sabatoge key systems to give you a chance here. Unfortunately, I'm the last of them left alive within this hive grouping. The male commander has fled to the last hive, which was landed some distance from here. Perhaps I can... show you where it is? It's not completed yet, but when it is.... this hive will be close to unstoppable."
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

The warrior was impressed. Whatever caused the explosion had to be powerful. Perhaps a part of the ship's self-destruction system had a bug? His thoughts stopped when he noticed the messenger.

Grave looked at the wraith. He wanted to lunge at him and tear him apart. The warrior spoke to his companions, whispering. "That's a really interesting bait they're using... A peculiar trap, in my opinion. Should I deal with him?"
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Burrito looks on at the wreckage, not even phased at the fact that there was a massive hole in it. When the messenger arrived his right hand came up to rest on his blade, but as the messenger spoke he slowly lowered his hand "Leave him Grave." he says, reaching into his armor and grasping his cigar case, taking one out and putting it in his mouth "Looks like plan A has been scrapped" he says, bending the tip of his thumb backwards with a click as a flame ignites from the lower half, which he uses to light his cigar "We're going right in. Show us where Siphon is." he says, inhaling and blowing smoke out of his nostrils "I want to have a little chat with my second in command."
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Grave shrugged. He didn't trust that wraith, but provoking Burrito wasn't a good idea. The warrior kept his guard up, though. Even if what the messenger said was true, there would be a lot of enemies on their path.
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Pale shakes her head, in disgust.

"A traitor to his own kind.. is a traitor to all kind. This piece of garbage has already betrayed everything he was -created- to believe in.. he'll betray us as quickly as he betrays his own people. And that's just if he's telling the -truth-. Come on, civil war? These things are -Hive Minds-. They don't think independently. I say we kill him, storm that thing, and kill everything inside."

There is a long pause.

"Barring Siphon, of course."
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Burrito shoots a look of anger back at Pale "I'll not have the death of a possible informant on my hands. If he decides to betray us. I'll tear him into five individual pieces." he says, taking another puff from his cigar "Let's move." he says, grasping his shotgun and cocking it "I'm ready for anything they throw at us."
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

"Actually... I'm not following this guy anywhere. In case you've forgotten - he -tortured- me. If you don't want his blood on your hands, that's fine. There won't be any blood. None whatsoever."

Behind her back, Pale's hands trace a delicate symbol in the air, and to buy time, she keeps talking.

"Besides, we'll be better off without him. We kill him, dump his body in a hole.. these guys will be all over the place looking for him. It's not like he has any friends nearby to help us. And if we find some of his friends.. well, we tried to save him, and he died a hero..."
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Burrito raises his shotgun and aims it at Pale "Best stop. I WILL pull the trigger if you don't follow my orders." he says, a yellow dot appearing in the center of his red right eye "Or would you prefer to kill me as well as him to get your vengeance? Revenge isn't the way to live a life."
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

The wraith nodded. "I can understand their reluctance to trust me. She's right, you have no reason to trust me except my word, which probably isn't that good here. I can take you to where I know he was last, and I can try to trace him. As for the hive mind, let's just say there are ways around that. There is much you do not know about us. No my dear, the one who tortured you has left here for the other hive."

He pulls out a padd of some kind, showing a location on a map. "You'll find the other hive here, preparing for a full assault on your forum. It is the same hive that crushed the one west of here. Some of those soldiers are still alive inside this hive. I freed them, but they tried to kill me in turn. I barely managed to escape with my life intact."

He chuckles at Pale. "You still don't get it do you? I'm THE LAST OF THE REBELS HERE. The rest are dead. But go ahead and destroy the only one who knows what happened to your precious Siphon. I can help undo the changes he's gone through some what, but some of them are permanent. The choice is yours. Let me help you and you may be able to help him. Kill me and watch him turn on you. He will, his mind... it's messed up beyond all belief, even I won't dare try to enter it now."

((I'm doing this here for Coppers sake since she can't be here and she had said I could if we needed to. In this case, it's vital info.))

"He's not lying about that. I tried to reach out to him before we got here and his mind.... well let's just say it wasn't a pretty sight."
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Pale brings her hands out in front of her as her spell finishes, the familiar protective bubble closing around the mage... but no one else. She turns furious grey eyes from one, to the next member of the group.

"Are you seriously going to follow this nutcase? He's less human than I am, and is still trying to cling to "humane" traits! This is -war-. They are the -enemy-. In case you hadn't noticed, that man, standing right there.."

An angry, slender finger is stabbed in the direction of the Wraith.

"He was trying to kill us all, not hours ago! He doesn't get to walk away, and he sure as hell doesn't get the benefit of the doubt, so he can lead us into a trap!"

She pauses for breath, and swings back round to Burrito.

"Besides. I won't kill you, cyborg - not that it wouldn't make the world a cleaner place, not that you don't deserve death. You're fighting on the right side, for now - so you can live. I'll just blast you aside and do what needs doing! Now stand down, or be stood down!"
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Burrito lowers his shotgun and then walks between Pale and the Wraith "You kill him, you kill me. He's our only chance at finding my FRIEND. If you want to kill him, then you might as well kill me. But know this. You kill me, you bring down a shitstorm that not even your magic can stop."
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Pale locks stares with the cyborg for a long moment, energy fizzing, and crackling inside her shield. Finally... she blinks, realising what she was about to do.

"....Sadly, we can't afford infighting. Our numbers are slim enough. I propose a solution. I can lock this... thing.. up, here. In a magical cage, of sorts. It won't hurt him.. just confine him. Like an inside-out version of my shield. Then, we go save Siphon. He already said there was nothing he could do to help us.. and how hard can that guy be to spot when he's on the rampage? We might even have a -better- chance without the Wraith with us.. he might recognise us."
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

"Lock him up. But we're coming back for him after we find Siphon." Burrito says, walking towards the opening "Let's hurry."

((Transferring to new thread.))
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Pale lingers until most of the group have passed.. then she turns to the Wraith. Her smile is bright.

"Now that we're alone... I could kill you. But I'm not going to. Instead, I'll leave you here.. and kill you when I get back! That sound good? Anyway, look at me, talking.. there's work to do! HorrorCell."

With that, casual word, a dark stream of energy flows from her right hand, swelling and growing until the newly formed sphere encapsulates the Wraith completely. At first... there is nothing but darkness inside.

"Don't worry. Nothing will be able to hurt you from outside. Enjoy!"

The mage skips off, after the group, leaving her spell to do its work. The HorrorCell was named, because of its construction. Energy formed from dark thought, hatred, a desire for revenge.. formed a Cell that teemed with malevolence. Phantasmal shapes curl within the edges of the trapped Wraith's vision, images flashing past too quickly to comprehend. Ghost-touches at his skin.. sudden, clawing scratches that leave no mark when he gets distracted. A terrible keening...

HorrorCells were famed for driving men mad. It was said, to step into one was to confront your deepest fears... and no one came out unscarred.
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

The Wraith nodded at her then spoke only a few additional words. "Be careful of the Thembrihkal. They got loose in the confusion and they WILL try to kill you all... or rape you."

With that he seemingly sat down and then.... passed out?
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

(A bit late... but I'm doing it for Shrike)

Tsuki loaded up a couple drones and had them scurry over to help Shrike with the equipment for the ship.

(Should I keep posting here if I need to help Shrike or... should I just follow anyway?)