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Transdim Thieves: Celeste

Re: Transdim Thieves: Celeste

As Celeste cautiously made her way down the hall, she did not locate any indicators of traps or wardings set up to impede or progress. And so, peaking around the corner, she did note that there was, indeed, a door there in the centre of the wall between this side of the hallawy and the one running paralell. There was also another door opposite, going outside to the walkway around this level where the guards primarily patrolled.

The door itself was painted up with a similar gold markings to the doors on the top level, although again the design was unique. It also had a fairly ornate lock on the door, by all appearance one matching the large key on her ring. On the walkway outside, however, footsteps grew closer to the door behind her...
Re: Transdim Thieves: Celeste

Celeste looked for a place to hide, somewhere in the shadows behind a pillar or hunched up in a corner where the light did not fall. She would wait out the current patrol and then open the ornate door with her key once the area was clear.
Re: Transdim Thieves: Celeste

With a distinct lack of pillars to hidde behind, Celeste had little options for a hiding place. Thinking fast, she took cover beside the sliding door, laying as flat as she could manage beside it. As it was not left open, it was a safe bet that the guard would turn to shut the door behind him, meaning he would not look in the direction in which she had hidden for some moments. It was hardly ideael, but it was the best hiding place avaliable to her, and it did give her a wide open oportunity.

The guard, surely enough, made his way through the door and turned away from Celest to slid it closed once more...
Re: Transdim Thieves: Celeste

Damn... this guard hadn't seen her for now, but unless he exited by some other egress, he was bound to see her when he came back to the door. Celeste's mouth twisted in a sour expression. If she took a patrolling guard down, his fellow guards might soon notice his absence. She searched the surrounding area more... was there any place where she might hide until he moved on and out of the surrounding area?

She looked about, but she saw no such place. Very well, she thought. Then she would shadow him silently and attempt to stay out of his vision. If he wasn't aware of her presence, and he was only going through the motions of his patrol route, she might be able to stay out of sight. If worse came to worst, she'd kill him, but she hoped to avoid that.
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Re: Transdim Thieves: Celeste

Nonchalantly, the guard closed the door, giving a brief glance over towards where Celeste stood flat against the wall, causing her heart to freeze. But, he didn't seem to notice, as he turned back away once more and began walking at the same casual pace, slowly beginning his patrol of the interior hallway. After he'd taken a few steps, Celest carefully rolled on her feet forwards, before taking a few careful steps, moving in behind the guard fairly closely. From here, she could follow him closely, keeping to his blind areas and as long as another guard didn't enter into the fray she was fine.

Slowly, the pair of them made their way around the internal area, down one hall to the stairs, past them and back to towards the same door; as it appeared likely he would leave, Celeste held back at the corner and waited, surely enough he slid the door open, stepped through and slid it closed behind her, leaving her alone once more.

Moving towards the door, she gave it a quick look over for any final trips or traps that may be present, but not finding anything she draws the keyring and grasping the large key, tenderly slides it into the lock. Slowly turning it, she hears a click and feels the weight of the door shift inwards. Grasping the handle before it could build up momentum and possibly swing inwards heavily enough to bang on something, she cautiously urges it open to reveal the room she sought.

A long carpet ran down the centre of the room, between some benches sitting either side of it, facing towards the front. And before them, on a raised dais, was an altar, behind which a large runic mural, completly illegible to her as she could not read the local writting and her magic did not extend to it. Upon the altar sat a familiar symbol, the strange, multi-limbed candle holder; although this one was much larger than the one she had previosuly retreived, and appeared to be made entirely of some crystalline substence. Obviously not a particualrly valuable one given her briefing, but it certainly looked pretty enough to make a great collector's piece. The room itself was empty of life, it consisted simply of the icon on the altar, the benches and the mural at the end, nothing more.
Re: Transdim Thieves: Celeste

Her heart stuck in her throat for a moment as the guard's glance passed over her. She almost had to will him not to see her, and mercifully he passed her over, without a second look back. A silent prayer to Lady Luck was in order when she had a free moment, but for now Celeste continued with her plan to shadow the guard.

He led her on a casual walk around the inner area, before leaving by the way he came in. Celeste was relieved. Now for that inner chamber. She slid the key into the lock and turned it, letting the door open inwards, carefully.

She then crept inside the chamber and glanced with mild interest at the crystalline symbol that sat on the table. "Hrmm... not all that impressive, but I guess someone out there might appreciate it."

She examined the table, looking to see if there might be any ward or trap that could be triggered by her taking the holy symbol. If she saw nothing, she would take the crystalline object and quickly place it in her sack, then she would head quickly away from the chamber, looking to make her way back upstairs undetected, and as soon as possible. She intended to make good her egress from the same windows that she had entered the building by. A little featherfall spell should be all it took to land safely away from the temple.
Re: Transdim Thieves: Celeste

As she examines the altar for signs of a trap or warding, she finally notices something; under the cloth covering of the altar, the runic marking from the mural on the back continue, connecting from the wall seemlessly continuing the pattern, and from what she could tell by peeking udner the cloth gingerly, the pattern itself centered on the idol. Given the sheer scale of what she was dealing with, it would take her some time to discern what this warding was designed to do. Certainly, it was unlikely she would be discovered here, but this piece of work was very complex, especially considering the otherwise low level of magic in this world...
Re: Transdim Thieves: Celeste

Pausing to consider this continuation that centered on the idol, Celeste pulled the other idol that she had picked up from the priest's room and weighed it in her hand, then she compared it's size to the crystalline idol. Were they the same size? If so, perhaps she could replace the crystal symbol with the metal one, and possibly trick whatever low level warding was at work here. She would try switching the two idols as quickly as possible, but she wouldn't hesitate once the switch was made, she'd be sprinting out of the room with her prize, worried about a cage or some other trap forming in the chamber.

(swap the crystal idol with the other, then run really really fast out of that room.)
Re: Transdim Thieves: Celeste

Realising the size difference between her earlier acquired piece and the idol sitting on the altar was simply too great for the deception to have the any chance of success, Celeste simply grabbed the idol and ran for the door. Behind her, she heard a distressingly familiar noise, the sound of a magical portal opening and risking a glance over her shoulder, she saw thin crimson tendrils shooting towards her, each tipped with a small pod that opened back to reveal a small toothless mouth.

Celeste suddenly realised that those twisting arms on the icon were indeed not candle holders, but these things reaching for her right now. Fast as she may have been in her attempt to cross the room and indeed, she had made it fairly far, but they were upon her before she reached the door, swiftly wrapping around her ankles and tripping her up. Crashing to the floor, she had the breathe knocked out of her as she began to find herself slowly dragged along the ground back towards the shimmering open portal behind her.
Re: Transdim Thieves: Celeste

"Damn it..." Celest groaned quietly under her breath, still not desiring to draw unnecessary attention to herself, even though she was being dragged towards a dimensional portal by an eldritch tentacled god.

She kicked and twisted and contorted her body in a wild attempt to escape the tentacles. If that didn't work, she would attempt to reach for her knife and slice her way free as well.

"C'mon now... you don't really want me...." she muttered as she did her best to free herself.
Re: Transdim Thieves: Celeste

((Sucks to lose at initiative at a time like this))

Before she could even begin to move her arms, more tendrils wrapped around her wrists, holding her steady and denying her a chance to grab a hold of something or reach for a weapon. She struggled against the creature but it was in vain; it had her and it had her good, now lifting her off the ground. A deep, powerful voice echoed in her mind, 'It has been so long since I was last called to this place, foolish girl. Yet you seem to not be of this land. For what purpose do you summon me and flee so hastily?'

As she was drawn closer to the portal, more and more of the tendrils coiled themselves around her body, wrapping around her midriff, thighs, even one around her neck, the pod that tipped the tendril opening directly before her face, toothless mouth wide open, staring her in the eyes.
Re: Transdim Thieves: Celeste

"Well..." Celeste sighed weakly, convinced now that she was completely in the grip of this monstrous, tentacled being. "You seem like you're an entity of intelligence, so perhaps honesty would be the appropriate tactic here."

She squirmed once more, just for good measure to test how strong its grip was and if she might be able to make a last ditch bid for freedom. It was quite strong, and she would not be leaving it anytime soon. Celeste took another deep breath.

"I did not intend to summon you. I've been hired to abscond, pilfer, burgle, and otherwise steal the object whose movement has prompted this awkward conversation. I do not mind saying that I was able to get to the room where this treasure is kept quite easily... but it would have been helpful to me if I had been informed as to the exact nature of the object I was to acquire. There was a failure to mention that in grabbing said object, I would be summoning a great and powerful being. I hope you do not bear any particular ill will to a professional just doing her job... I don't suppose you might be convinced to let me go and let bygones be bygones?"

Celeste could be a bit wordy when she was nervous. Being in the clutches of an elder god or something similar, tended to make her rattle on, or so she was discovering. At least if she was still talking, she thought to herself, it meant that she wasn't dead yet.
Re: Transdim Thieves: Celeste

"Ah, I see, a thief," the voice in her mind reiterated, a combination of amused and curious. "I do not mind that you have taken it, I think perhaps these people have forgotten the signifigance of what you have claimed; the important key to that which has kept me sealed. With it removed, I am free to impose myself upon them once more and for this I thank you. So yes, I may yet let you leave here, alive, intact and with your prize..." Celeste had quickly realised that the chance of her escaping was slim indeed.

The creatured lowered her closer to the floor, before pausing. "On the other hand, I have been known to be a malevolent entity, I'd hate to ruin that reputation..." it added, cruel amsuement throughout its voice. "Still, I will not kill you, for I desire you to take this item far from this world, noble thief. But I cannot simply let you walk free from my grasp either... whatever should I do with you..." Celeste got the distinct feeling of a predator, toying with its prey from the entity, although at the same time, it wanting her to escape did make sense...
Re: Transdim Thieves: Celeste

"Ah... yes... I can, of course, *erk* ...appreciate wanting to keep up appearances. *mmf* Reputations take a long time to build and can be *nnh* ruined in seconds, after all. For instance, I would... ah... hate for anyone to think that I had encountered any trouble on this job, it *ggheh* might have a negative impact on my finding future work."

Celeste licked her lips, and found that her mouth had gone dry. She did not like the sinister turn in the monstrous voice within her mind. The tentacles had grown tighter around her body and forced her to make many short gasps for air, causing awkward pauses in her speech. She had little doubt that the entity realized this fact, and was finding mild amusement in it.

"Seeing as how I've inadvertently *hggh!* helped you, perhaps you might be willing to forgo visiting your malevolence upon me? I promise not to *gah!* spread word of your mercy, and I'll sell this seal to a collector in a far off dimension, ne'er to be *eyah!* to be seen again..."

It was a vain hope. She could sense the being's amusement, and thus she would have to appeal to it. She only prayed that whatever it ended up doing to her, it wouldn't have lasting effects.
Re: Transdim Thieves: Celeste

"Oh, but I am so very hungry... and you do look so very tasty..." the voice replied quickly. "But... perhaps we could come to an... arrangement. After all, if I were to consume you now, this infernal idol would remain in this realm... on the other hand, it has been so very long,"[/u] the entities voice was particularly savage as it spoke those last few words.

One of the tendrils coiled around her leg slid up further, running slowly between the captive girl's legs, its coarse and bumpy length firmly rubbing against her as another curls itself around her breasts in a loose figure eight pattern. "Perhaps we could come to an arrangement, yes," it repeated, more composed. "But I think I need a taste now... yes... I'll have some of you now, then I will let you go without the idol, to bring me some meals. Say... two or three others. At least one of each gender, mind you, variety is the spice of life, after all. Bring me them, and I will let you go free with your precious treasure and may it bring you wealth and... hrm... happiness." The entity's amusement came to a peak as it began to cackle darkly in her mind, even as the various tendrils shifted into action, the pods opening and clamping down on the clothing covering her breasts and lower regions, instantly soaking the clothing it came into contact with, Celeste experiencing a warm, wet sensation through the clothing.
Re: Transdim Thieves: Celeste

Celeste gritted her teeth in a pained grimace as the tentacles tightened around her and the elder being began to emphasize its hunger in ever more savage tones. The bumpy and coarse tendril sliding up between her legs all the way to her crotch caused her eyes to bulge momentarily. She might have put aside thoughts of debauchery even after that, but then another tentacle looped around her breasts after having loosened and slipped underneath her leather top.

Is... is this thing going to eat me or...

Celeste shuddered and tried her best to drive away the thought, urging herself to think. Think! There must be a way out of this. But she could not think of anything. She realized as her privates were nudged and squeezed, and rubbed faster and tighter that she was soon going to be meat on a hook.

The creature delivered its ultimatum and Celeste hung her head as the tentacles began to grow more numerous around her. "Ah... certainly *aahh* just... might I request you be *hnnk* gentle with my clothes? The straps... *mmmf* come off easily enough."

The tendrils then sank against her body, wetting her clothing and the tense, apprehensive flesh beneath.
Re: Transdim Thieves: Celeste

"Were that I could be, but alas, my appendages lack the necessary manual dexterity for such a feat," the voice mockingly apologises in the girl's mind. "Besides... the damage is done..."

Before her very eyes, at least if she turned her head enough that she could look down, the dampened patches of clothing began to fall apart, disintegrating under the fluids excreted by this entity. She had a vague grasp of this kind of magic, some sort of advanced entropy magic, causing the individual particles in the clothing to fall apart from one another. Still, it seemed to do nothing to her skin, at least not now.

The two mouths that had dissolved much of the front of her clothing attached themselves to the girl's breasts, suckling her perhaps surprisingly gently as she felt another tendril slid between her legs once more, firmly rubbing itself up against her now exposed flower as it slid through beneath her. "Mm.. so long... so tasty... do you have any more... " the creature let out another cruel chuckle. "Special requests?"
Re: Transdim Thieves: Celeste

"You aren't one for -- Aahhhh..." Celeste's next words were cut off as the two mouthing tentacles attached themselves securely to each of the mage-thief's perky, orb-like breasts. She tried to quickly silence her sudden outburst, recognizing still the need for silence. Gritting her teeth she fought against the assaulting pleasure. Her breasts had always been sensitive. She did not appreciate the casual way in which her body was being toyed with, and she certainly was done with trying to reason with the thing.

She scowled and looked away from the portal and closed her eyes, trying to do her best to resist the growing sensations budding within her. Her lithe athletic body was tense all over, trying to clench and close itself off from intrusion.

"Just... euyehhh.... be gentle..." she said, fighting back tears of indignation.
Re: Transdim Thieves: Celeste

"Mmmmmm.... but of cooooourse..." the entity answered in drawn out words. "After all, I still need you to hunt for me after this. To bring me some more delicious sustenance that I can thoroughly devour!" The suckling upon her chest grow rapidly in intensity, the insides of the pods being covered in tiny stimulating bumps that the girl could feel rubbing back and forth over her skin.

The tendril before her face closed its pod and brushed against her cheek. "Open wide~" the voice proposed in a sing-song voice, as he began to pushed itself into the girl from below, another closed pod pressing upon her flower slowly yet firmly. The moment Celeste opened her lips, be it to speak or in gasp or cry, the other tendril would slide into her mouth, just small enough to comfortably fit. "Aaah... delicious... it has been too long..." the voice resonated within Celeste's mine, growing increasingly savage.
Re: Transdim Thieves: Celeste

Celeste's young body felt like it was being stretched out upon a rack. The tentacles at each of her limbs were splaying her out for the easiest access to the rest of her body, taking advantage of her extreme flexibility to contort her in whatever perverted fashion the creature had a fancy for.

She stifled moans as the strange bumpy surface of the tentacled mouths massaged and molested her sensitive breasts. When the creature told her to open wide for a smaller tentacle intent upon violating her mouth, Celeste glared at it angrily for a moment before her eyes dulled and, realizing that there was simply nothing she could do, she opened her mouth, allowing the tentacle to race into her, sliding along her tongue and threatening to fill her throat. She made a gagging sound, then started to concentrate solely on breathing.

Inhale. *avoid gagging* Exhale. *avoid gagging* Inhale...

The tentacle was making squelchy, slurpy wet sounds inside her mouth and was so mobile that despite not wanting to, Celeste was forced to lick it with her tongue, to which the tentacle beast's voice said even more lewd things in her mind.

The pressure against her flower was becoming intense, any moment it would push through and take her. She tensed herself, attempting to brace for that horrible moment. When it came she would do her best not to make a sound, not giving the interdimensional rapist the satisfaction of her sounds of protests. She tried to go limp, breath semi-regularly, and mentally retreat to somewhere else while the violation continued until the creature eventually spent itself or grew bored with her and let her go to get it some food.