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Trapped in the Underdark - In Character


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
Reputation score

A purple light cascades down the spires of the drow city. Perhaps you have heard of such cities. If you had, you'd notice this one to be a rather small city, build around a central building, the same building you are being lead to. Something is not right. Your thoughts feel like lazily wandering through your head, taking their sweet time and then some, preventing you from stringing things together. Perhaps digging out how you go here will help.

You wanted to explore the underdark. Infact, you were sucessful, there was a hidden mithral ore source that you had just begun analyzing when you felt a sting and then suddenly felt sleepy. You must have made too much noise..

You remember fighting the drow at their outpost, actually. But you were captured, chained up and now.. it appears you are dragged along to whatever dark destination they want to bring you to. Interestingly you catch up snippets of discussion, something disaparaging you in a lewd way, and an auction that will happen.

Lily (auto sucess on check)
You and a group of dazed women are lead off to be auctioned away. Apparently you have been 'Aquired' by a specialized drow team that works for a powerful matron. With one of the drow holding your Phylactery close in hand there isn't much you can do but observe as you are lead into the backrooms of what you assume is an auction hall. You do notice several exotic potential buyers on your way there, so apparently this is a bigger event of sorts.

The injuries had been clearly created by a drow raid, so much you had expected to deal with. You didn't expect for them to return for one of their own.. and you had just been looking foward to get a closer look at drow anatomy. Well, it seems you still might, though perhaps not in the way you intend.

(All, Constitution DC 10 )
You are lead along in a tranquilized daze, to the backroom of a larger auctionhouse like structure.
In the distance you hear an announcement:
"Laaaaaaaaaadieeeeeees and Geeentlemen! Next up our big auction for the month, a group of heroes, freshly collected to serve YOU! These unilkely heroes will be auctioned off as a group, and we begin at 2500 Platin! Keep in mind, they are untrained, but will be provided with their full equippment and in top condition! We'll be right back and start in 10 minutes!

Your daze finally fades slowly, only to see a group of male drow:

moving to strip you naked, removing any gear you have on yourself and instead beginning to squabble how to make you 'look good' There is exspecially some hesitation about the aasimar.

? ? ?
Underdark Slave market
Tag: All

A very richly dressed drow with oddly calm, blue eyes enters, beginning to speak in elvish:
"Ah, finally, you gathered the harvest. what are you waiting for, dress them up pretty, put their gear in the slave-bags for later. We got a lot of higher calibre sellers ready for the purchase." Under her direction the drow rush to produce a row of revealing outfits and before long, the heroines find themselves wrapped up in Harem outfits that emphatize, rather than hide, if they don't struggle.

Indeed, by now they can struggle and look around. It seems that they are in a 30x40 ft preperation chamber illuminated by purple crystals. There are rows of clothing as humiliating and revealing as what they are forced to wear, their gear already carried away. To their right there is the entrance they entered through.. if their foggy memory does not betray them, to their left is a large crimson curtain, from behind which muffled sounds of many people can be heard.
Infront of them stand two male drow assistants and behind them a female high elf thrall, yes, thrall seems to be the right word, with her empty eyed smile, wearing an outfit similiar to yours.
The male drow seem reasonably well equipped, but you think you can take them, however, you find yourself in the company of other adventurers each of them just wearing a harem outfit and a metal collar with a purple gem, faintly glowing in it. A touch to your neck will reveal you wear a similiar collar currently. (With the exeption of the Lich.)
The female drow reaches out to pull back the courtain again, leaving and exiting, showing you that ahead of you lies a stage and a table of.. clearly not surface people:


From outside you hear the female drow speak, her voice loud and clear, perhaps magically enhanced and in fluent common:
"As you all know we are at Vei'naran, the greatest exotic slave market of the underdark.. that place where you come to when you want more than an ordinary drow, duergar, human or orc and this is the heroes auction!

Only once every few weeks we gather enough heroes, make them yours, only to show you that you don't need to fear them, if you can enslave them! Remember, these heroes are fresh from the surface world, not completely trained, but as we all know.. that can be most of the fun. Remember, this is a VIP bidder auction only, you can only participate if you bought a pass. Now then! I shall introduce the heroes for your buying and viewing pleasure.

First, Lena Weiss, a half-angelic slayer of beasts." Suddenly, Lena felt a strong urge to walk forwards. (Roll a will save if you want to resist!)
"She is actually a well hung Futanari, knowing how to pleasure a cock. She will service your cock eagerly and dutifully, present herself to be impregnated and serve your every perverse desire. Outside of the bedroom she will delight in smithing weapons for your armies of terror or slaughtering your foes herself." I seemed, whatever was going on, if you wanted to stop it, you'll have to think fast.

(Knowledge Arcana DC 20: Those collars look like slave collars. You don't think you are under complete control of yourself right now.)
(Perception Dc 20: You hear some of the mumbling outside. Apparently the main attraction is happening soon. You have a sinking feeling that attraction might be you.)
(Sense motive DC 15: The male drow seemed rather intimidated by the one that just left.
(Feel free to do other checks as apropriate!)
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Underdark Slave market
Tag: All

(Constitution check 7, Fail. Knowledge Dungeoneering 8, fail)

Lorelai shuddered, trying to keep her brain together in the fog. It was shadowy and hard for her to see anything. She seemed to be dressed in something atrocious, her burn scarred legs on display. She thinks she's supposed to be somewhere between aghast and furious but it was hard to pin any emotions down.

She had no idea what these deep hued elves were, or any of the things she was looking at right now. They were somewhere underground, she knew this much. The two guards seemed out of her league though, since she couldn't cast anything and was completely unequipped. Evidently they were being sold as slaves.

For now she just stood and waited. There wasn't anything that she could do at this time even if she could get her thoughts together long enough to... To... Plan, the word was plan. Yes. That.
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Underdark Slave Market
Tag: All

The captured archer blinked her green eyes and stirred from her lethargy, her consciousness once again alerting her that the nightmare was still real, and that she was no longer home in the Bright Wood, nor free to roam her beloved nature. She was in this alien place that she both feared and instinctively despised. This was the place that had turned the hated drow into a mirrored reflection of her people. Little that was good dwelt down here, and she had sworn her spirit and her bow to keeping this threat in check.

Now she was their prisoner, and from what her ears could gather, she was to be officially sold as a slave. That was a humiliation, but not so very surprising. Her people had long known what it was that the drow did. She told herself that being sold down here didn't matter. It was their twisted laws, not hers, and she did not acknowledge slavery. She would bide her time, weather this trial as the willow bends before nature's furious storms and does not break.

Dasyra grimaced.

Obsidian skinned male drow grasped at her, unbuckling her garments, armor and weapons, then stowing them away in a 'slave bag.' Ah yes, the drow matriarchy. Down here, females ruled the males, who in turn grew spiteful and took out their need for dominion on any other race - but most especially high elves. She suspected that if they were not under strict orders, all three of them would have had their way with her. The idea repulsed her, even though drow men were on the whole, a warrior caste and therefore extremely fit. Their evil and sadistic nature however was enough to make them unwholesome in the ranger's eyes.

A richly dressed woman bade them to dress Dasyra and the other odd assortment of slaves in revealing outfits. The high elf was proud of her own femininity and her pure, athletic body. Under normal circumstances, wearing a slightly revealing outfit would not have bothered her. But to know that the demented drow and other unsavory things might be leering at her - it turned her stomach to think about it.

Swiftly she was garbed in a few meager strips of green cloth, to apparently match her eyes. Well, at least these drow were not devoid of fashion sense she pondered ruefully. Then she was lined up with the others, watching as the first girl, Lena Weiss, was prodded onto the stage and shown off to the crowd.

It did not escape Dasyra's notice that a strange collar was affixed to each prisoner's neck. However, she did not know if they were magical or merely to acknowledge who was currently selling them.

Arcana check for collars, fail.
Perception Check, passed.
Sense Motive Check, failed.
Knowledge Dungeoneering for knowing about the drow Matriarchy, passed if 15 is enough.

Most chilling of all the sights Dasyra currently saw was not the drow or the assorted underdark buyers, but rather the lone high elf... thrall. She saw the girl's glassed over look and foolish smile. What had happened to her? The poor thing's mind must be broken. How cruel these drow must be! Dasyra resolved that once she was bought and her gear given back to her, if they were so foolish as to do so, she would flee and fight her way back to the surface. Or failing that, she'd take as many of these drow down with her as she could. But now was not the time. She needed to be patient and wait for her moment. Let these matriarchs have their little auction ceremony, she would never let them break her spirit.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Lily Cynder
Underdark Slave Market
Tag: All

(Knowledge-Arcana: 10, critfail)
(Perception: , 26, pass)
(Sense Motive: , 31, pass)

To say that Lily was unhappy with her predicament was an understatement. The drow strike team that defeated her couldn't keep her addled or subdued for long, but she had too little power to defeat them as well. What was worse, they had seized her phylactery as well. While the little box was pretty damn durable, she wasn't certain if they couldn't damage it somehow, or keep it away from her long enough to get it in the hands of someone who could break it. Sadly, with much of her old might gone, her options were severely limited and the under-elves capitalized on that.

At least she was fully conscious of what was going on, unlike the other women. She could even hear a distant announcement, one that made her frown. Friggin drow. After her tribulations with that treacherous mage that tried to get her sacrificed Cynder had little love for their kind. Though ultimately she had herself to blame for her predicament. Had she been more discerning, none of this would have happened. Such was the downside of hindsight and clarity of undeath, she supposed: you noticed things you didn't necessarily like, such as your own mistakes.

Being herded into a building only to be stripped and squabbled over didn't help Lily's mood any. At least she had a way to dissuade any drow who tried to get too grabby. A single touch wouldn't do much damage, but the paralysis wasn't to be taken lightly. It didn't appear she needed to worry about that: a small mercy, considering how downright slutty the replacement outfit was. At least it sounded like she could potentially get her stuff back later if she recalled the announcement from earlier right. After all, as she listened to the noises beyond the curtain she quickly realized what was in store for her.

The woman that seemed to be in charge of the whole event drew Lily's attention. The lich was no fool, she immediately picked up on how the men acted around her. They were scared. Whether it was due to the clout she possessed or personal might, she had no idea. Sure, they acted professionally, but Cynder gained impressive powers of perception from her transformation. It was easy for her to pick up how intimidated they were. Though as she processed that, she seemed to practically miss the collars the slaves were forced to wear, too focused on other things.

As the slave auction began, Lily continued to assess the female drow. Enhanced voice, likely through magical means... A spellcaster, then? Quite likely. That would complicate things greatly if she tried to escape, not that she had any chance of doing so successfully in the first place. No, she had to bide her time. See where fate took her, then do her best to regain freedom somehow. How, she wasn't certain. But she knew one thing: she had time. She needn't fear age, in fact she'd only keep recovering her old power with each passing day. And once she managed to get her hands on her phylactery back, she could flee this place. For now, she'd bide her time and see what developed.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Lena Weiss
Location: Slave Market
Tag: All

Exploring the underdark, Lena's eyes lit up as she finally spotted some Mithral, and she quickly got her pickaxe out to start getting some of it out. Just as she was though, Lena felt the dart hit her neck, and she quickly fainted, collapsing over her pack, which she'd left next to her.


When she woke back up, Lena groaned groggily, and found herself being stripped naked, and... really kind of prettied up on the orders of the drow woman. Lena was still a bit shaken, and out of it, and didn't resist being put into the slave's outfit. Looking around as she was dressed up, trying to cover herself as much as she could with just her hands, Lena took in her surroundings, and tried to see a method of escape, hoping to find one, and later make her escape. Lena would test her bindings as she was led out to the stage, though not trying to break free just yet, and she complied obediently with the drow woman's orders to come on out, figuring it was in her best interests to do so, since she was surrounded by quite a few drow and whatnot.

As she stood there on stage, while the drow woman, likely a matriarch of some sort, played her up to the crowd, Lena tried her best to get a feel for her captors, specifically the drow woman speaking, and the guards around her. "Well, at least I know what the name of this place is," Lena thought to herself as she stood there, fidgeting, and obviously embarrassed, as well as frightened.

OOC: (Sense Motive: 10, fail)
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Tag: Sophie, Lorelai, Dasyra, Lily, Lena

Sophie: (checks like in the first post)
You find yourself shoved in last, with the other four. Your memory is a bit jumbled as well, you do recall defending a cute elf girl from a ruffian in an alleyway, and as thanks she turned around and gave you a kiss on your cheek. Weirdest thing, you could have sworn that girl turned all black. Can elves do that naturally? You are pretty sure they don't..

The Drow servants examine Lorelais legs, beginning to argue amongst themselves in elvish. Anyone that speaks this language will note that they don't have time for a cleric, so ultimately, they just decide to attach a skirt to Lorelais outfit, hiding her legs.

Dasyra: (You know about the basics that you already rped out in post about the drow. You do notice that Blue is a very odd eyecolor for a drow in a high position.)

Lily: Its propably wisest to keep that collar on for a while, it may have protective spells on it that keep you save right now.
Looking very close at the male drow you decide that they are not afraid of whoever that female was. They are terrified, even if they have learned to hide it well throughout the decades.

The male drow had roughly nudged Lenas hands apart and her in place, whenever she got in the way of making herself look extra slutty, before she was made to head out. Lena was unbound, the only thing limiting her movement was around her neck. She could try and make a run for it anytime. As she walked out she couldn't help but notice a lot of the audience focusing on the, through careful adjusted clothing, prominently displayed bulge of hers..

Drow Auctionesse
Underdark Slave market

"Next up is Dasyra, a mighty ranger and an even mightier slut. Rumour has it that she can fell a man, or woman faster with her tongue than with any arrow! She will offer your team ranged support and your body close comfort, whenever you desire!" The auctioneer claimed, as Dasyra, like Lena, found an urge to walk forward on command. If she did, she'd find quite a few eyes on her.

"Next.. a genuine LICH!" a mumbling going through the crowd.. "Thats right, a powerful Lich! I tell you, I have a mind to claim these for myself! Don't worry about any dangers, with your phylactery in your hands she'll be as tame as a kitten, why, try it out! Put a buttplug-tail in her, cute kittie eyes on her head and let a displacer beast mount her.." The drow clapped her hands together and as she said the next bit, some of the audience fell in, mumbling with her, as if this was a well known routine: "Just an idea I had!"

"Our fourth heroine is no less impressive! Lorelai, the Necro-Cleric! Rumour has it that she spent so much time kneeling to worship cock and pussies presented to her that her legs are all damaged up now.. but don't worry, she is a powerful healer.. and if healing doesn't work anymore, she can keep your heroes going even beyond death!" The audience whispering hushedly among one another.

"Finally, Sophie the Puppy-fighter. She is your obediant, loyal best friend, ready to follow every command, from 'attack!' to 'Bukkake funtime!' Yes, a real hengeyokai, moreso this color is 100% natural, a rare, exotic breed. Go out, show us your beastial side!" Unlike the others Sophie did not only feel an urge to move outside, but also shift into her animalistic form, for but a moment..

"But enough of the introductions. ALL VIP Bidders can ask their future slaves questions as they desire anyway. I will introduce the bidders soon. As a reminder, we start the bidding at 25,000 gold, 2500 platinum, 5000 for each of those lovely beauties, thats practically a steal. This auction is hosted by house Vier'enven, I am Vara Vier'enven and these.. are our beloved bidders!"

Ashh'kara The Fungal Queen
Slave Market
Tag: The Heroes

"Ashh'kara, Fungal Queen of Zuggmoyv." The first.. interest stood up, as the music changed to her theme:

"Known for her delicious little symbiotice enslaver plants, our tentacled beauty is really invested in the GROWTHs of her slaves! She is known to be relaxed and easy going."

"You'd want that, wouldn't you?" She cooed and approached the stage, with her so close, it suddenly got hard to focus, an odd warmth suffusing your bodies as her pollun permeated the air. "I liked the mixture you have there. A good cobmination of different hosts for me to experiment on.

They'd make good Mushroomslaves. I bid 2500 Platinum!"
She nodded, stepping back finally. The heroes could see an assistant by her side, noting down the bid. At first the womans asssistant seemed like a mushroom themed dryad, but on closer examination.. it was a normal human, overgrown with plant-matter that kept playing all over her body, fucking her.. her eyes empty, with a glint of bliss in them.

Vashj and Xargas
Slave Market
Tag: The heroes

"Lady Vashj and Lord Xargas of the Mindflayer conclave. If their slaves can't make up their mind, they'll do it for them. I want to clarify to everyone that Vashj and Xargas are of a strictly non-brain diet for almost a decade now, devouring your delicious brainwaves instead."

A very.. odd.. sound began playing.

This is the last time you get to select the music. Oh come on Xargas, its very hmn.. cerebral. A female mindflayer smirked, wiggling a tentacle at the heroes. she looked.. far .. lewder than the male mindflayers. Speaking with a voice that was more thought than heard. I think they got lots of potential, though I'm not quite sure how to work on the Lichs mind.. oh, we'll get creative!. They have quite the mental potential hmnn delicious. She thought over the obnoxious music. "Why yes, it would be delightful suckling on their intellect and making them our obediant Bimbo-heroes.

2600 platin."

"Well, yes, their team cohesion might need a little work. Eh eh. Give them a little time to adjust to one another, I merely gave.. a subtle nudge." The drow chuckled with the mindflayers critique, while the heroes felt mental probings and nudgings.
You want to be all mine, right? Stop having all those bothersome thoughts and worries.. its a good life, trust me, just think about becoming mindflayer slaves and I'll put in some extra coin, my hubbys always so.. limited.. The female mindflayer cooed, openly groping her own breast, for all the heroes to see and infact, those that let their eyes linger, felt a wave of dizzy hornyness wash over them..


A poster??
Slave Market
Tag: The Players

"The next one.. needs little introduction.."

A large picture got unrolled by two muscular, nasty looking demons, with loud music accompanying it, someone.. knowing how to make an entrance.. "Ooooh yeaah!" Suddenly, the picture was torn apart, with a demoness walking out of it, flexing demonstratively. Clad in a fleshy armor, with several eyes looking about, an image of pure sexuality as she posed, only shortly glancing at the heroes on display.
"You know who it is!" The demons,.. and anyone close enough that the demons could strong-arm into it began chanting: "Arch-Succubus Xirce! Arch-Succubus Xirce!"

"Oh yeah! Who knows, I might let those heroes serve me, after my demons broke them in throughoutly and taught them their place in service.. for Evil!" She cooed, sensually caressing a hand along her body, a sensual display of pure lust as she bit her lips, hissing out temptingly at the heroes.
"I can see them barely able to stop from touching themselfs and prostrating their bodies before a true mistress of evil.. 4000 platinum!"
She grinned, posing and exposing her voluptious body, something thick and lewd hidden between her legs, no doubt.


Ventus Nightsong
Slave Market
Tag: The Players

The next theme was a lot more solemn:

"Her unholyness, death knight Ventus Nightsong, who once told me that love, loyalty and servitude all go hand in han."

"Tzk. You are turning this into a show." The suprisingly humanoid, all things before considered, elvish seeming warrior stood up, approaching the enslaved heroes. "I'd rather give you some dignity. You could be beautiful, exspecially this wonderful lady lich of yours. I am sorry for the predicament you are in right now. Ventus bowed her head apologetically. "I can liberate you all from the disgusting stink of live, let you serve a true purpose, for all eternity." She extended a hand to caress Lilys cheek.. an ice cold hand. "These creatures, would toy and toss you away.. I will make you beautiful, and keep you.. forever. You'd rather want me, than them, right? You are tired of this terrible life." Interestingly, despite being fully armored and modest by comparison, there was thick bulging between the deathknights legs.

The cold elf-warrior cooed, then, her piece said, she added: "4500 Platinum from me."


Ogra Gianthammer
Slave Market
Tag: The Players

Ogra Gianthammer, called so for her giant hammers and her tendency of hammering giants that get in her way. Her powerful fertility magic is for sale for any that want to see their husbands bathe them in cum and their cocks swelling.

"Gruumsh balls, are ye all ever gonna stop slobberin about?" The last of the bidders stomped on the ground, an orc, looking a lot like a shaman. "Less talkin', more blessing these sluts with orc cum, A say.. A'll just take 'em if dey look -strong- enough. Da rest.. a lil hex here, lil curse there, they'll know ta jump when A say jump and lick when A say lick. She smirked, presenting a strange little doll, picking it up and uncereomniously lowering it under her loincloth.. giving all of you a sensation of somehing large and hot rubbing along your sides for a moment..


The powerful orc bellowed.

Slave market
Tag: All players

(wolfish theme: )

"The Alpha wolf Moren, strongest VIP we have around. No slave could escape his masculine, bestial charms so far."

"Enough of your prattling! My pack needs new bitches. I look forward to teaching the little pup how to serve a real man. They will do. 60,000 of your worthless golden coin!" The werewolf growled, flexing, looking at each of you with bestial eyes and letting your noses fill with a scent of primal musk that was rather .. distracting. Forced to inhale any of this close you'd indubitably fall in heat...

Merrium Weatherbee
Slave Market
Tag: All players

( )

"You know mutt, whoring a slave out to a beast is an important part of training.. but far from all of it. 65,000"
"Who said that! WHO DARES!"

"Down here. Need me to repeat myself, fuzzy?"

"Now now, we don't want any conflicts breaking out.. outside of arena matches. For now, it seems all VIP Bidders have shown interest in our magnificent group. The last one you heard was Mistress Weatherbee, the slave trainer."
"Hmnn. Anyone who thinks a little halfling can't break them, be my slave for a week, there is a 100,000 gold reward." The halfling smirked over to the group of heroes with calm, cute, yet somehow dangerous eyes.

"With a 65,000 gold bid standing we are off to a good start! But look at these magnificent heroes presenting themselves, whos eye will they truly entice enough to go and bid more! Remember, if there is no definite final bid, I shall claim them myself." Vara proclaimed, after all, 65,000 would barely cover the cost to.. aquire these exquisite servants, while the potential buyers looked at the group of heroes, seeming to consider their value and pondering a next move with leering, lustful gazes.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Underdark Slave Market
Tag: All

(Knowledge Religion on Deathknights, 14 so Fail. Knowledge Religion on Liches, 27, Pass)

Lorelai resisted sighing in relief as they covered her legs. She felt a lot better now. Whatever these weird elves were, it was obvious they wanted to sell her and weren't afraid to hide her... flaws...

They were all dragged out one by one. Was her companions really so slutty? She doubted it, as when she was brought out they claimed she was too. She favored the auctioneer with a flat look of disinterest. Her thoughts may be foggy, but she had enough to know that was not what happened. She'd look forward to... Correcting her.

More concerning however was who they were being sold too. Monsters, demons, werefolk, orcs... Even a Death Knight. She wasn't sure who was worse. Though the fact one of her allies was a lich and the Death Knight was all over her was a little funny all considered.

The intrusions into her mind and senses were... Unpleasant but she tried to stay firm. She wouldn't break so easily. Soon as she had access to her spells... She could get out of this mess. Course, her odds were better if they were together. And it seemed like they were being sold as a set. So there was that at least.

She took stock of the lot. The plant woman and the mindflayer were the worst options. They wouldn't have a mind left in either case. The demons were bad, but there was the possibility of banishing them, so escape had potential. Plus while demons could easily plan out on the macro scale, on the micro scale they were disorganized, leaving the possibility to escape when they over delegated guard duties to go murder something.

The Deathknight was uncertain. She was all over the Lich, something that seemed amazing to her. How the hell did something as powerful as a Lich end up down here, with phylactery in tow? The Death Knight seemed confident in her ability towards the lich, which meant she must be at least on par with such power. Which meant Lorelai probably couldn't control her. Pity that.

The orcs would be trouble. Similar to the demons, except they clearly intended to reproduce, and given half-orcs were a thing, she was definitely against that as there was good odds she couldn't get away before that happened.

And then the werewolf was horrible too, as he'd likely take her silver weapon away and the infection would rob her of her senses and magic. He seemed more interested in the puppy-girl though.

That left the halfling... A true gamble with her, a proper slave breaker would be difficult to escape, but she also didn't have any unique circumstances either.

There was also of course the strange elf auctioneer, who was an equal gamble to the halfling.

That just left on pressing questions. Why the hell did so many of these women have penises? Were they all part gnoll or something? The demon, sure, outsiders didn't obey natural laws. But the rest? Was there something in the water around here?!
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Slave Market
Tag: All

Con: (12, pass)
Perception: (16, fail)

Note: Cannot post dice results due to URL rule, but can provide them through other means if desired.

As Sophie was finally able to clear the fog out of her mind and realize the situation she found herself in, she wished it had all been a really strange dream after all.

She attempted to lash out against the drow that stripped her and dressed her in a slinky outfit, but found that her body would not respond until after they had finished and stepped away. She glanced down at the outfit with clear displeasure, but froze as she felt a strange stiffness at her neck. Reaching up, she immediately felt the collar.

"What the hell is this!? I'm not gonna be your pet!" she growled, taking a step towards the drow with fists balled in renewed anger, but stopped as she heard the announcement from outside.

Slave auction... as she feared. She got captured somehow, but how...? That damsel she rescued... when she last remembered. Something wasn't right there. Was she put to sleep at that moment? She must have been!

She then saw others suddenly stepping forward, those in similar outfits to her own, and also collared. The first was a very pretty girl, almost angelic, but with a strange bulge in her skirt. Sophie didn't quite understand, but it was far down the list of things she currently concerned herself with. The second appeared to be an elf girl... introduced as a slut. Maybe she was one of the girls that worked the brothel in town or something... elves were popular there, or so Sophie heard at least. She scowled at the introductions of the third and fourth- a lich and necro-cleric? Sophie didn't know a lot about those, but knew they were trouble... but perhaps not too much if they were captured and sold like pets.

Sophie then heard her own name called- and described in a very demeaning manner, as far as she was concerned- before feeling the strong compulsion to walk out like the others. Although her mind told her to resist the command, she found her feet betrayed her and walked her out onto the stage. She growled and brought her hands up as if ready to punch anything that walked close to her, but at the invitation of her... bestial side, she once again felt another compulsion. Between the anger, fear, and embarrassment of the situation, Sophie could not help but embrace the urge to shift into her dog form.

Moving towards center of the stage upon finishing her transformation, Sophie lowered herself into a pouncing position while and arching her back and baring her teeth towards the audience, barking and growling angrily. Gawk at her, will they? We'll see if they're still amused when they have a dog latched onto their neck and mauling wildly!

As the bidders were introduced, Sophie turned and challenged each one with a series of angry growls and barks, daring them to make a move against her. She attempted to drown out their themes and the announcer's voice, in part to challenge the control over the event, and in part to just return frustration right back to these people.

As the one called Moren was introduced, however, Sophie felt herself falter briefly. She had seen a couple other dog hengeyokai before, but none were so... masculine as this one. And the scent he released... it made her feel strange. The distraction was strong enough to break her from her rage, and in her regained senses, she shifted back to her natural yokai form.

Still, she kept herself in a combat stance, ready to attack anything aggressive that invaded her personal space. Although she never really trained in brawling, she knew that her punches had a solid enough follow-through to let someone know she was there.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Slave Auction
Tag: All at the auction

Dasyra was caught off guard by the compulsion to move forward onto the center stage. She instinctively resisted with as much willpower as she could muster.

Will Save = . I'm going to guess it's a failure. ;)

However it was not enough and she stepped lightly and gracefully onto the stage, her hips sashaying slightly to show off the length of her fair, unblemished legs. Her posture was upright, chest out, putting herself on display. She rushed to test the things she could control, and found that at the very least, she could maintain a stoic expression. She took in the various VIP buyers with a cursory glance, and then spent the rest of the time looking beyond them. They were all evil and contemptuous to her, and so she would not give them the satisfaction of seeing her meek and cowed in spirit.

When Vara, the auctioneer, introduced her to the crowd, the elf gave the barest roll of her eyes to the comment about her sluttiness. Even despite the fogginess in her mind and memory, Dasrya still knew herself. She was no slut. She could remember lovers. Male and female, true enough, but she was a loyal and sincere person. She was not some wanton, and neither, she gathered, were her fellow prisoners.

On that account, she observed her companions in misery. The celestial named Lena was an oddity, especially with her hermaphroditic nature. Dasrya didn't know what to make of that, for she had never seen such a creature before. Apparently they were more common than she had ever imagined, as she would find out shortly once the buyers were introduced. Still, she was of a mind to feel sympathy for the aasimar, for she seemed good and therefore a potential ally.

The mention of a lich among them made Dasyra turn her head and do a double take. No, this girl could not possibly be a lich. Could she? She had not confronted a true lich before, but she was a forsworn enemy of the undead. She did not recall all the details from her hassled memory, but she remembered fighting against an undead blight alongside a companion whose name she could not remember - though she could remember the woman's taste... and that was memory enough to suggest what their relationship had been. Her mind flitted back to the lich girl. She was not skeletal as she had assumed all liches were, but if she were undead, then it was enough to assume she was evil, or at the very least a lost soul trapped in a horrid existence.

The human cleric was next. Necro-cleric, that is. That was unfortunate. Bad enough that one of the prisoners was in a state of undeath. There was a human who purposely animated the undead as well. The elven ranger's sensibilities rankled. Drow and undead seemed to be everywhere - her two declared foes!

The last girl, a fifth captive that had been hastily added in to the group, was an oddity as well. A dog girl shapeshifter, it appeared. At least she was a tenacious little thing, barking at the captors and disrupting their ceremony. It heartened the elf, who would love nothing more than to put an arrow through each and every eye that was currently leering at the five of them on the stage.

Vana went on to introduce each of the buyers, and they in turn stood up to address the slaves. Dasrya maintained a look of stoic disdain and would not meet their gazes. A fungal queen? No, the elf had no desire to become infected with mind controlling spores. Double that for these non-brainivorous mindflayers who wanted to enthrall her mind. Dasrya valued her thoughts and wished very much to regain her precious memories as soon as possible. Still though, as each of these mind controllers ventured nearer to the stage, Dasrya felt her defenses weaken, and the fluttering thoughts of a happy, carefree existence without needing to worry about making her own decisions played across her mind. She shook her head slightly to remove the daze as each potential buyer walked away.

The arch succubus' entrance would have been comical, if it weren't for the pure and obvious evil this succubus represented. A demonic mistress - hermaphroditic by the bulge in her crotch - would be a horrid fate. Her alluring body was touched by all the signs of her nature - a soul monger and corruptor. Dasrya would sooner die than be her puppet. Still, there was much to be said for her confidence, and there was no doubt that Dasrya would feel pleasures unheard of under the leash of such an entity. Looking to one side, she noticed Lena's growing member, and went slightly rosy at the thought of what such hermaphrodites could do to her. An unbidden dampness was forming between her thighs, and the elf swallowed hard to control herself.

And then there was the death knight. Her words were actually encouraging at the beginning. If only she hadn't clearly indicated that she wanted them to all serve her in undeath. The ranger did her best not to shudder at such a prospect. Death would be a welcome release, so long as her soul could find its way to the starry realm of the elven gods. To be condemned to life as an undead thrall or a banshee would be as bad as eternity in the Abyss. And yet, the death knight was beautiful and at the very least respectful. Perhaps, there could be a way back from undeath?

The Orcess and the Alpha Wolf were next. Snarling savages the pair of them, and perhaps the best prospect for escape. She knew she'd be brutalized by either of them, but she could outwit them, she felt sure of it. The one called Moren seemed to be concentrating on the puppy-girl, and so it would be better for the elf if she were sold to him. He might ignore her as being something not quite so interesting. And she certainly didn't want a follower of Gruumsh to sully her womb with some horrid half-orcling.

The halfling slaver was strangest of all, for her presence among all these blatantly evil and horrid creatures was out of place to the point of being disconcerting. To be a halfling woman, a surfacer race, and to be welcome at a gathering like this suggested some fairly gruesome achievements. How twisted and repugnant would this small folk need to be to earn these creature's respect and not be chained and sold off herself? Dasrya became momentarily distracted, thinking of fanciful ways in which such a slave trainer might handle unruly slaves to teach them dominance. It would take an extremely firm hand and amazing skill... so much so that the ranger discovered she was becoming far too curious as to what this little mistress Weatherbee's talents were...

Dasyra strongly suspected that she did not want to find out. That left only the drow hostess, Vara, who apparently was interested in keeping the five of them if the price didn't go high enough. To be kept in the hands of the hated drow would be a fate worse than death as well. It seemed there was no easy way out of this. The best option would be for one of the more straightforward and bestial buyers to purchase them. The lack of creativity and brutishness would lead to an escape opportunity eventually, she was certain of it. And even if not, the orcs and the werewolves could not damn her eternal soul nor control her mind - she hoped.
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Lena Weiss
Slave Market
Tag: All

Lena whimpered softly as her hands were forced apart once again, the bulge in her outfit obvious to any looking at it. She listened as the drow auctioneer played up the crowd for her, and all of the other girls here. As the fungal queen stood and spoke, Lena smelled the scent in the air coming from her, and shuddered slightly, as her cheeks flushed pink with arousal, the bulge in her outfit growing larger.

Seeing lady Vashj's quite lewd body as she and the male mindflayer both spoke through their thoughts, Lena felt her shaft growing even harder as she stared and listened. Gulping, Lena couldn't help but feel tempted at least a little bit, but she shook her head to try and keep from giving in so easily. "N-No I... I don't want to be anyone's slave," Lena thought back to Vashj, looking flustered as she did.

Then the pair of demons came out, and Lena couldn't help but stare at the arch-succubus, feeling her shaft grow to full mast in her outfit, the bulge plenty large enough to for anyone in the audience to see it. "N-Not a demon... please, I... I'll be corrupted," Lena thought to herself, despite the arousal and attraction to the voluptuous succubus.

When Ventus, the lich lady, came up, Lena tried to not stare at her obviously beautiful body, and shuddered when she mentioned basically turning them all into liches themselves, under her obviously, Lena figured, as Ventus raised the bid for them even higher.

After that, the orc Ogra made herself known, and Lena shuddered a bit in fright, and did the same when the werewolf came up after Ogra and raised the bid even higher. "P-Please... anything but them," Lena thought to herself, feeling little attraction to the latter, as she preferred the female body, mainly because she herself had a dick.

As the halfling spoke and upped the bid even further, but when the drow woman mentioned that she would be taking them herself, if nobody made any definite bids, she couldn't help but actually feel that was the best thing that could happen for them, because the others here would likely take them far away from here.

Lena didn't know what to really do here, but she did know that if she tried to run, that she would likely be taken and tied up, or worse, beaten for trying to run. As the bid war would go on, Lena's mind couldn't help but wander, imagining all of the females and herms in here riding her like a wild stallion, or plowing her with their big thick cocks, thanks to how hot she was getting from the fungal queen Ashh'kara's scent and the mindflayer pair's mental probing. A small stain would begin to appear the more she let her mind wander, her pre leaking out and doing so as she fidgeted around in embarrassment.

Shaking her head again, trying to refocus herself, Lena found she was panting slightly from the arousal, and looked over towards the drow auctioneer lady. "I... I can make s-some magical items t-too, with the proper materials," Lena mumbled softly to the auctioneer, hoping to maybe persuade for better treatment perhaps, from whoever intended on buying her.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Lily Cynder
Underdark Slave Market
Tag: All

Sense Motive: to check the Death Knight's sincerety.

Lily glared as she was presented before the rest, resenting the mockery. Dressing her as a cat? ...Okay, maybe not the worst thing ever. But she didn't enjoy sticking things up her ass. And being raped by a beast? The lich grimaced. She had to calm down. If she gave in to anger, she'd only give those bastards more ammunition to use against her, figuratively speaking. No, she had to endure this, for now. At least some of the people she was being sold together with seemed like they could be helpful. The cleric in particular, if she truly practiced necromancy.

Lacking other things to do for now, Lily examined the potential buyers. The mushroom immediately inspired thoughts of fire in her head, applied liberally and without restraint. And while mental manipulation interested her as a researcher, being robbed of her thoughts by the mind flayer was not something the lich was willing to accept. The succubus brought back memories of the backstabbing bitch that got her into this mess and the demon she tried to summon, also souring Cynder's already unflattering opinion.

The orc and the werewolf were both louts, altough the latter had the excuse of being half-beast. The former was simply a brute playing a spellcaster. While they would be likely easier to outwit, there was no doubt they'd treat her as a toy at best. And the halfing was was just creepy. Lily knew better than to call her bet. Obviously she had renown around here, which meant she had to be effective. The lich found herself missing her power again. She needed to recover it quickly.

This left the two people that actually managed to spark her curiosity. The Deathknight and the drow. The former was an oddity among the crowd. She acted respectful, in a way, making the lich pay extra attention in case this was merely a mask hiding some depravity underneath. The fact the undead elf paid extra attention to her was another motivator. Perhaps she could gain an ally in this dark place, assuming she could somehow avoid being locked in a gilded cage. Still a better fate than what the others offered.

The drow, Vara, also made her feel curious. Not in a good way, though. Lily could recall how terrified the men from earlier were. That kind of terror wasn't born from simple wariness of one's power, political or otherwise. No, she was dealing with someone incredibly dangerous. There was no telling hat she was capable of, though. Still, maybe ending up with her wouldn't be the worst thing to happen. At the very least, she didn't seem to be a mind-stealer or a savage.

Sighing, Lily waited for the bidding to conclude, feeling trepidation. So far the halfing was in the lead, with the werewolf coming in second, well ahead of everybody else. Not ideal. The lich herself would prefer the other undead over them for sure. At least she didn't treat her like an object from get go. Though it probably wouldn't work that well for others, seeing as they were still alive. Not that undeath was all that bad, really. It did help her not get dizzy from all the pheromones, mental pushes and other signals reminding the girl of her long suppressed libido.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Tag: Lorelai, Lily

The Deathknight seems the orderly and honest to a fault type to you.

(I figure you know the knowledge table for liches)

Vara Vier'enven and the Bidders,
Underdark Slave market
Tag: All

Vara observed, while Moren seemed to be entertained by Sophies wild response, adding: 66,000 gold with a defiant growl towards the halfling. Truthfully the drow had played with a naughtier way to hush the puppy, but there'd be time for that soon enough, plus as long as it increased prophits..

"I think the little angelbood is standing at attention for ME!.. 6,700 platinum!" Xirce grinned and slapped her bottom at Moren.

"Did you hear that? She can create magical items too, surely, these delicious morsels are worth more than whats offered so far!" Vara proclaimed, cheerfully.

"I like the liches expression. She looks at me like someone that knows whom to respect. 6,800 platinum." The halfling calmly interjected.

"Alright then, I figure you want to question and then sample the merchandise.. So I will allow one question from each of you, don't worry, we got a lovely zone of truth set up on stage.
Remember, one question each... go right ahead, they will be yours soon after all!"

Indeed, the heroes would feel themselfs compelled to speak the truth.. that didn't mean they had to answer or answer in full, though perhaps, refusing to answer too many would have negative reprecussions as well..

"A question.. ah yes. Do you love plants?" The Fungal queen chuckled, not seeming to take this quite serious.

Don't you sometimes wish to just let go of your worries? The mindflayer thought-questioned.

"Which part of me would you want to worship first?" The demoness posed.. and posed.

"What is more important: Honor or Loyalty." Ventus added with a serious expression.

"Ugh, this is dumb. .. fine. Do you want to get it over with and just be enslaved?" The orc, before the werewolf rushed in:

"Are you ready for my cock!"

"After you all answered, our honored host will use those collars to bring forth your most primal desires, to entice us, supressing your reasoning. How does that make you feel?" The halfling finally added, observing your reactions.
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Lena Weiss
Slave Market
Tag: All

Lena stood there, as Vara cheerfully proclaimed what she'd just said, and her cheeks flushed even redder with embarrassment, as she stood there. When Vara made it known that there was a spell on the stage itself, intended for them to question her, and the other "merchandise" on stage, she shuddered and could only await their questions, fidgeting as she felt her cock twitch slightly as Xirce grinned at her. Figuring it was in her best interest to answer properly, instead of trying to weasel her way out of it, or staying quiet, Lena nodded when Vara looked over at them, when the questions began.

"I... d-do kind of like plants y-yes... I... I have a garden back home, t-that I like to relax in, on a hammock, and I t-tended to the many plants in it," Lena responded to the fungal queen's question, trying to not look her in the eye and looked flustered quite a bit.

To the mindflayer Vashj, Lena fidgeted and pressed her thighs in, rubbing them together a bit as she nodded. "Y-Yeah... I don't think anyone can admit they w-wouldn't like to just relax and l-let go," Lena said to the mindflayer woman truthfully, as she had actually thought of this very thing a few times before, just relaxing and forgetting all her troubles.

When Xirce spoke, Lena could almost feel all eyes on her, and she closed her eyes, and grimaced a bit, as if trying to resist speaking the truth, but with how aroused she was, her mind wasn't thinking straight, and was racing like crazy. "I... c-can't d-decide between your p-pussy or your cock," Lena stammered out finally in total truth, unable to stop her mouth before she spoke, before looking over towards Ventus.

"B-Both are equally important... I would think. B-But... i-it depends on the situation, r-really. I k-know that might not be a-an answer you wish to hear, b-but that's w-what I think. If forced to pick just one though... loyalty, a little more than honor, m-maybe," Lena answered Ventus, this one being the second most honest of her answers so far.

Then the orc woman spoke, and Lena shuddered slightly at her question, with the orc seeming to be a bit fed up with the questions, or not in the mood for them at least. "I... I don't want to be enslaved... I d-don't know anyone that w-would like to truly be enslaved," she replied to the orc woman, before the werewolf asked his question. "N-No... please," she answered him, shuddering in fright, more so than towards any of the others.

Then finally, the halfling slaver girl spoke, and Lena blinked at her question, unsure how to respond really. "I... d-don't know. H-Horny... m-maybe, for some, f-frightened towards others. N-No matter what my mind says, my body sometimes w-won't listen, when it's aroused, n-no matter how hard I try. M-My papa said it was p-part of having her blood, as an angel of Arshea, flowing through me," Lena responded, giving a little shrug, as she spoke, her eyes drifting towards all of the female, and herms in the audience, despite not wanting to, her arousal easy for everyone in the room to see, trying to gauge/see their reactions to each of her responses.

OOC: , if it would be more appropriate. Or , if it would be the more appropriate for gauging reactions to her answers, as I'm not sure which would be the better to use in this instance really, since she is more just looking at their facial expressions and body language to her answers.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Slave Auction
Tag: Answering the potential buyers

The elven ranger waited along with her fellows for each of the monstrous buyers to question them in turn. It was rather telling, what each of these would-be masters asked, because each inquiry was as much a gateway into their minds as it was meant to be into the slaves'.

When it came time for her to answer, Dasyra proudly and calmly answered in full.

"A question.. ah yes. Do you love plants?" The Fungal queen chuckled, not seeming to take this quite serious.

"I love and value nature, having grown up in the forests of the surface world.That which grows is to be nurtured. But there must be balance. All cannot be decay and rot in favor of one species or another."

Don't you sometimes wish to just let go of your worries? The mindflayer thought-questioned.

Dasrya frowned, keenly aware of the zone of truth that she was in.

"Sometimes, as a way to deal with the stresses of my life, I wish to let go of them for a while. But it is important that I return to them, for they are what give me an identity."

"Which part of me would you want to worship first?" The demoness posed.. and posed.

"Your heart, once it had turned to good. For such an impossibility would be a miracle beyond my ability to comprehend, and worthy of my obeisance."

"What is more important: Honor or Loyalty." Ventus added with a serious expression.

"The two go hand in hand often enough. But would I demean myself to stay true to someone worthy of my loyalty? Yes. I would take a stain upon my honor to remain true."

"Ugh, this is dumb. .. fine. Do you want to get it over with and just be enslaved?" The orc, before the werewolf rushed in:

"Are you ready for my cock!"

"No I'd much rather you all proved your worthiness as masters with mortal combat among one another."

She paused then looked at the werewolf's pelvis. "Probably never."

"After you all answered, our honored host will use those collars to bring forth your most primal desires, to entice us, suppressing your reasoning. How does that make you feel?" The halfling finally added, observing your reactions.

"It makes me feel afraid and angry. I would rather die fighting than to sully myself in this way. Why do you need to see us like this anyway? Surely if you're all such good masters, you could make any of us do anything you wanted."

Dasrya shifted uncomfortably, then added. "And... I suppose I'm afraid that I might end up liking any part of this."

The elf blushed furiously now, realizing what she had just said. She'd spoken those words because deep down, she'd always known herself to be a submissive lover. Whether it was with a man or a woman, she liked to be handled roughly and dominated, and when her lovers hadn't done this, to a certain extent she had been disappointed.

She looked away from the rest of the crowd and towards her companions, hoping that their answers might overshadow her own exposing answers.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Lorelai frowned a bit as she observed the creatures. When the comments came up, and them being in a zone of truth, she rolled her eyes. She felt the impulse to answer, so why not.

"Hmph. I like useful plants. And my concerns are concerns because they are valid, to let them go would be known as incompetence.," said Lorelai as she looked at the first two, shrugging a bit.

On the demoness, she gave her an unemotional look as she answered., "Your heart. Don't worry, I can make sure you're still alive with it on my shelf. I've practiced."

When the Deathknight spoke up, Lorelai favored her with a wry look. "Loyalty. Though not everyone deserves loyalty, honor is a subjective construct that means different things based on your systems. And thus is not particularly a worthwhile basis of anything, especially when it hampers what one should be doing. But neither is what I consider most important, but that was not your question."

Next she looked at the orc, looking a little amused. "Not particularly. I'm curious to see how much effort and resources you're all going to sink into something this pointless."

Lorelai then looked at the wolf with a cold smile. "Yes. It will go on the shelf beside the heart. You probably don't need it, you're a strong completely self assured male who's not insecure at all, and it'll further scientific understanding and the healing of others. You don't need some chunk of flesh to prove you're a male, right?"

She then finished up by answering the halfling. "Disappointed I'm not properly equipped right now to demonstrate my primal desire. I doubt this will be of much interest."

She doubted she needed to elaborate what her primal desire was. They wanted a rise, it was the most she'd give them. And she was honest for certain. Well, no matter. This farce would continue awhile yet. She was curious to see how the others would answer. Particularly the lich.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Slave Market
Tag: All

Sophie stayed on her guard, but didn't resist the compulsion to answer the questions, one by one.

"I don't really care either way about plants," she responds with a slight mumble towards Ashh'kara.

"No, someone always needs me, and helping them is what keeps me going," she responds stubbornly towards the mindflayer.

"Your strength," she blurted towards the demoness, a bit taken off-guard by her answer, but not too troubled as it was the truth.

"Loyalty," she responded towards the deathknight. Although honor was important to Sophie as well, protecting those she cared about felt most important.

"Never," she said with a growl towards the orc.

"Yes," Sophie said suddenly to Moren's question, causing her eyes to widen and her cheeks to quickly flush bright red. That was not the answer she intended to say! She shifted awkwardly afterwards as her tough demeanor was diminished temporarily by the embarrassing confession.

"Angry, I'm not some pet," she responds to the halfling, her voice sounding a bit flustered at first but ending with resolve once more as the question brought her back into her resistant mood again.

She continued to angrily stare defiantly at the bidders, as well as anyone else daring to make eye-contact with her, although she would avert her eyes from Moren with an expression of awkward uncertainty crossing her face, as if finding a harder time at the moment with putting on a strong front against him.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Lily Cynder
Underdark Slave Market
Tag: All

Well, this was suprising. Altough she couldn't be absolutely certain, Lily had a gut feeling that the Deathknight, despite her company, was actually a very honest type. Perhaps she used to be a paladin? Interesting. The lich found herself curious about her. And while it was unlikely being bought by her would be the end of troubles, she still seemed to be the lesser evil compared to others.

At the moment, however, Lily found herself having to answer the questions of her captors. And after tarrying a little to come up with some answers, she decided to take a page from the necro-priestess's book and let some barbs fly. "I have no strong feelings about plants. I do prefer them in bite-sized pieces and tastefully arranged on the plate, however." She began.

"I do have worries I'd like to let go of, they're people who cause me grief. And those I could do without." She continued. "And I'd take whatever the priestess would leave behind. Never tried to start my own cult, especially with a demon corpse, but I think I could bullshit my way through it." She stated with a straight face. To tell the truth, the idea was amusing enough to maybe make it worth trying.

"As for loyalty and honor..." Lily paused here. She'd grant the undead elf the courtesy of a serious, honest answer. "I am tempted to go with honor. I do not enjoy the thought of demeaning or compromising myself. That being said, I don't think I ever met someone I could trust enough to stick with them through thick and thin. Last time I thought I'd made a friend, I nearly ended up as demon chow before getting dragged here after the whole debacle, so haven't seen much of real loyalty." She shrugged.

With that out of the way, it was back to being sarcastic. "No, I am quite fine with dragging this show out even longer and no, I am not ready for or interested in a dick that tiny." And that brought her to the second proper question of the day, asked by someone Lily wanted nothing to do with. "And I feel like I'd be doing anything else, really. Something more relaxing, like setting myself on fire." She finished. Her answers were... Mostly truthful, actually, if phrased in deliberately provocative ways.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Tag: Lena, Dasyra, Lorelai,

It seems as if all but the orc and werewolf were pleased with the answers they got from Lena.

Only The Fungal Queen and Deathknight liked Dasyras answer, though somehow the orc grinned as well while at it. The Halfling just grinned silently at the other half of Dasyras answer.

Lorelais answers only found the liking of The Deathknight.

Sophies answers somewhat found the Arch-Succubus interests as well as the Deathknights and the werewolfs.

Lilys answer was the first to find Ventus distaste, infact, it got the werewolf growling out in anger, reaching out with one claw to cut her down.. Only for The auctioneer to step in between, gripping it and.. apparently overpowering the orc? "I will not have you damage the merchandise. You will heal." She said, letting go of Moren only after she was sure he had calmed down, the werewolf panting while she strode back to her podium.
Amusingly, Xirce seemed to have enjoyed Lilys provocation, licking out a long tongue at her along the way.

Lily felt a severe headache coming on. What was going on? (Will save against zone of truth, DC 19)


Ventus Nightsong
Slave Market
Tag: The Players

"I think I'd like to up the ante, going to 75,000 gold. Their preferences aside, they do understand that debasing themselves for the right lord is more important than upholding a system of honor that is false, for the most part at least. I can respect that."

Vara Vier'enven and the Bidders,
Underdark Slave market
Tag: All

"You heard the bidding, you heard the heroes voices, but now, let us see what their true, lustful hearts speak." Vara grinned, waving a sign into the air. Anyone but Lena felt a sudden rising of passion, their bodies heating up.. that included the lich, actually, that drow must be doing something to her phylactery, her very soul filling with lust..

"Now everyone. Let us see who these heroes truly desire if nothing but their perverted lust speaks up. All that bravado out of the window, nothing but them lusting after the things you could do to them, it'll be fun."

Ash'kara the Fungal queen grinned, caressing along a tentacle like liana, watching the show as the heroes arousal drove higher. Xirce the Succubus caressed her hands along her form fitting body. Death Knight Ventus seemed annoyed by the lewd display, standing tall and confident instead. The halfling meanwhile snipped, A nude woman on all fours crawling in on all fours, presenting her back as chair for the small woman to relax and take place on, two thick sex toys in the slaves sex and bottom.
"Now.. watch who our heroes truly desire!" Vara grinned, clearly intend to show off her already aroused merchandise more..

The Mindflayers, Werewolf and Orc are considering dropping out of the bidding if it goes much higher without anything to entice them on display. Vara wants it to go higher before letting the heroes go.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Seemed only the deathknight was particularly interested. Great. And now for the annoying part. Lorelai shuddered as she felt her lust forcibly rising up, wincing a bit. She winced a bit at the feeling, and tried to keep control of herself.

(Will save 25)

She took a deep breath and composed herself despite her raging lust, trusting in the will that kept her moving before looking to Moren. "You're the only male here so you're, somehow, the only one I'd be interested in. If you weren't a crude, infectious beast I possibly could find something to like about it. Pity I suppose. But if you just want to hear me to struggle through dirty talk using medical jargon for a minute, well... I'll be amused. Hell why not."

Lorelai takes a deep breath as she gives a sickly sweet smile to Moren. "Oh baby, you're making my vulva engorged by 23 percent. The way you stand vertically of above average height with a muscle mass exceeding standard averages is making me produce Arousal-Induced Vasocongestive Vaginal Lubrication. Your pheromone emissions are of significant potency, causing the activation of the pilomotor reflex in my nipples."

She looks over to the auctioneer, "I'll keep going until you stop the effect."
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Lily Cynder
Underdark Slave Market
Tag: All

Will save against Zone of Truth: , passed

The responses to Lily's answers were about halfway as expected. The Deathknight's distaste was a tad unexpected - it seemed she wanted perfectly obedient servants and nothing else after all. Pity. The demoness seemed oddly pleased, though. Perhaps she liked her spunk? Or her capacity for insults? Hard to tell with that lot. The werewolf... Cynder only slightly winced when she saw him gear up for an attack. That was going to hurt a bit. Oh well, she'd fix the damage easily enough, perk of being undead she supposed.

The blow never came, however. Lily raised an eyebrow as the auctioneer stopped him. The lich guessed she wanted to prevent any damage to the "goods" before she got sold. Still, the girl probably made an enemy. Something she didn't have time to dwell on as she felt a mounting headache. Did the truth spell react to her little speech? Cynder focused, closing her eyes briefly as she centered herself, enduring the pain as she concentrated on banishing it. She could take this much easily enough, even when diminished in power.

The brief distraction had a price, however. Lily almost missed the moment when Vara began to tamper with her very being, somehow managing to fill her with intense arousal. The lich gasped, her voice coming out shaky as she let out a moan. Mortified, she closed her mouth immediately, teeth clenching hard as vice, but the damage was already done. Her body was shaking, muscles tense as she fought with a level of lust she had never experienced before. Shivering, she wrapped her arms around her body, shrinking away as her earlier defiance began to peel away.

Her thoughts hazy, Lily found herself at a loss. She had been ignoring her sexuality in favor of magic for a good few years by now, not that she was experienced at all. Thus, she was finding herself with a lot of pent up frustrations and no idea how to handle them. Panting shakily, she glanced around at the assembled buyers, her shivers getting even worse as she began to image what sort of depravities they'd visit upon her once they got their hands onto her.

Violated by a fungal parasite. Mindfucked by the illithid. Corrupted by the succubus. Bound by the Deathknight. Humiliated by the orc. Mounted by the werewolf. Broken by the slaver. Each fate played out vividly in her mind, scenes of violent rape mixing with fantasies of carnal indulgence. In each of them, she was robbed of her ability to act and decide for herself, ultimately reduced to an obedient, or at least passive plaything. A fucktoy to be used as her master pleased, a slutty bimbo addicted to cock.

Rubbing her tights together, Lily was startled to realize that her pussy had become wet, juices slowly dripping down her legs from all the images in her head. It took all she had to keep herself from reaching down and fingering herself on the spot, public indecency be damned. Especially with how her treacherous libido begged her to just let go and allow these people to make her their cumdump and relieve her of this tension. Caught between lust, indecision and reluctance, the lich was effectively paralyzed by her own desires, helpless like a kitten.