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Tria Class Ancient Warship


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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With a sudden flash of light, Caitlin, Sho, Nova and Siphon appeared on the bridge of the Ancient Warship.

Immediately Siphon moved to a control panel, checking it over before shaking his head.

"Locked out from here, I have to get to their power center and control interface chair. Can the rest of you spread out and see if there's anything else we should be worried about?"


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

"I'll stick with Caitlin," Sho states. Not that she didn't see the other woman with that rifle earlier, but spreading out too far apart is never a good thing and she knows Sha--Nova is capable enough on his own. "I'll try and give you a head's up if we run into any trouble. If not, just listen for the signal." She grins.


Demon Girl
Feb 22, 2010
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Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

Nova nods his head. "Roger, ill blow something up if i run into trouble." He draws his dagger and readies himself beside a door giving anyone a moment to say something to him.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

"Just make sure it's not the hull," she smirks at him. "Be careful." She knows it's not necessary, but she has to say it anyway.


Demon Girl
Feb 22, 2010
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Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

With an polite bow he turns and dissapears into the ship. Nothing can be heard from him. As he journies through the ship he camouflages himself by masking his thermal print to that of the ship around him.

'Wow this area seems to be in decent shape.' he thinks to himself as he sneaks around.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

Caitlin looks around quickly as they arrive, even going so far as to roll over and touch the nearest wall, almost in awe of the age of the ship. It takes her a second to pick back up on the conversation, so she answers a bit late. "Sounds good to me." She says with a smile, unpacking and re-assembling the rifle she had before. "What say we head down towards where all these people are suspended, someone will have to be there if we can wake them up."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

"Sounds like a plan. Now we just need to figure out where we're going." Hopefully, Siphon, having at least passing familiarity with the type of ship, would be able to feed them directions. For the most part though, it pretty much hinged on his getting to the controls to give this baby enough juice that they would be finding people and not, say, a whole mess of corpses.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

Siphon nodded.

"Alright, lets see if I can get more power for us, the air is just a tad too stale for my liking."

With that, he took off down one of the connecting service pods, correctly assuming that the in ship transports would be offline with the current power situation.

Elsewhere on the ship, Nova would soon come along what appeared to be the remains of an Ancient. The body was skeletal remnants only, and part of the rib cage appeared to be broken. A quick check to the body would reveal that a human sized hand might have been responsible for the breaks in the rib cage. A moment later, he heard a hiss behind him.

At the same time, Sho and Caitlin would find their own body, with identical results in play. However, the two of them might also notice that the two pods within the small room here were empty, the doors still left open. A further inspection revealed that said doors hadn't been opened by any mechanism, they'd been literally ripped open to get to the occupants. And that was when the two women heard something hiss behind them, followed by light footsteps coming their way.

Back on the Kara, Vanessa was monitoring the progress of her friends when suddenly she noted a hyper-space window form. After a moment, she relaxed, noting it was simply a wraith hive ship. She reached for the controls to hail, when suddenly her systems warned her that the hive had powered up weapons and was preparing to open fire.

"The hell? OK, fuck that."

She hit the controls for the shields, and quickly was glad she had as a sudden barrage of hive fire slammed into the shields. Reaching for another button, she hailed the hive.

"This is Vanessa, I am aboard the Alveran vessel Kara, currently in command. Wraith vessel I am not a threat or an enemy to you, why have you opened fire?"

Much to her shock, the hive began to launch darts, even as a female wraith replied via audio only.

"Your name means nothing to us human. Only what you can give to us."

Vanessa simply blinked in surprise before replying.

"And what would that be?"

The reply she got, just before the channel cut off and the barrage of weapons fire continued chilled her to the bone.

"Your life force. You have trespassed upon our little snack, and our property. For that, you shall be eaten as well. Looks like you have a very tasty snack on that ship with you too, I'll take great pleasure in watching both of you squirm as I eat you. Now be a good little meal and surrender when those shields drop, and they will eventually."

Left to shudder about that, Vanessa reached over and opened a private channel to Sho, listing it as a priority one urgent transmission.

Siphon meanwhile had found the power relay center, and now sat in the chair, securing the door behind him. It would take him a few moments to restore power, but he was certain he could pull it off.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

Sho takes one look at the damage and sums it up in one very succinct assessment.

"Fuck. That ain't good."

Of course, the noise snaps her to attention and she spins around, putting her back to the wall and herself between Caitlyn and the noise.

We have company!

Of course, that was precisely the moment she'd get Vanessa's call.

"What's going on, Ness? Might be a little busy over here.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

When she heard the hiss, Caitlin was bent right over the corpse, examining the hole in the skeleton closely, prodding it with the barrel of her gun. She sat bolt upright and paled, spinning to aim the direction the sound came. The hands holding her gun were visibly trembling. "We need to leave." She said slowly. "We need to get everyone off this ship, and blow it from a safe distance."


Demon Girl
Feb 22, 2010
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Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

Nova Immediatly put his back to a wall and hightened his awareness.

'shit i need some way to talk to the others.' he thought a little to late. he could hear way off in another part of the ship the faint voice of Sho.

'Come out come out whatever your are.' he thought again his dagger ready to strike and his left hand ready to grapple.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

Vanessa's voice came over the channel fast, the sounds of impacting weapons fire on her end very audible.

"A single wraith hive ship just came out of hyper-space and has opened fire. Shields are up and holding, but I have no fucking clue how to fire the weapons back at them, and since I can't use the chair ..."

She trailed off, making it pretty clear she was a bit out of her element here.

About the same time Sho also got a reply from Siphon, as the lights suddenly came back up to full power all around the ship, all systems green.

What do you mean?

The hiss that Sho and Caitlin had heard suddenly rushed forward in the form of a single wraith warrior, it having gotten behind them earlier it seemed. Regardless of how it had gotten there, one thing was clear. It was aiming to feed on Caitlin.

At the same moment, Nova also found himself face to face with a wraith commander, who sneered at the sight of him, then promptly charged at him, swinging in an attempt to hit him.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

Crap, we need to get back to the ship. Ness' taking fire from...SHITWRAITH!

Given that the creature was fixed on Caitlin, it gave Sho time to concentrate. "Back off, sucker," she growled, throwing her hand out and letting a vortex slam into the thing in an attempt to push it back, or at the very least, give Cait time to get her rifle up and make use of it. "I'll hold bug boy back. Get back to the bridge."


Demon Girl
Feb 22, 2010
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Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

As the wraith comes in for the swing Nova kicks off the wall and over the wraith's head. As he lands behind it a sharp spear of ice forms on his elbow as he attempts to slam it into the wall and impale it.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

Caitlin already had her rifle pointed down that hall when the wraith appeared, letting out what sounded like a curse in some unknown language as she opened up at the wraith, the first few shots going wild. Once she saw exactly what it was though, she seemed to settle down somewhat, and her aim improved.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

Your kidding me ri ... SON OF A BITCH!

Another wraith had tried, rather unsuccessfully to sneak up on Siphon and attack him. Luckily he had seen the bastard coming and had time to raise his personal shield, growling as the stun blast smacked off his shield.

"Fuck you asshole."

A single pistol blast right between the eyes silenced the wraith for eternity, blowing half it's head clean off.

Nova found that the wraith moved quickly, but not as fast as he could. His ice spear impaled it, but through the stomach and not anything technically vital. In most creatures, this would be more than enough to cause massive blood loss and end the fight, if not kill outright. However, the wraith simply tore the spear out of his stomach, wincing slightly as it healed up rapidly.

It then withdrew a dagger of some kind, and thrust at Nova, aiming to slice him open.

The wraith coming for Caitlin froze as it was shoved back some, clearly confused for a moment. Then, realizing it had misjudged the other woman due to her lack of weaponry, it hissed loudly, crouching to leap at her.

And that was when Caitlin's shots found their mark, spinning the half bug creature around in a circle, dropping it to the floor. Still, it got to one knee, trying to get back up ...

OK, she's taking way too much hive fire to risk dropping the shields to beam us aboard. I'm gonna try something here, and hopefully not blow out half the power relays doing it. PRAY.


Demon Girl
Feb 22, 2010
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Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

Nova in one fluid movenment used the wraiths arm to aid in a sidestep spin around the exposed backside. As he turned his left hand shot for his dagger and drew it with a simple flick of his wrist he gently tossed the dagger up to his face hight, allowing him to grab it with his right and use the momentum in an attempt to completly decapitate or at least sever the spine first. A thin line of ice formed around him maintaining his thin profile offering a slightly better protection then his regular clothing, and opened some other methods of attack if the battle need continue.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

Little busy for prayer, but if you blow us up, I'll hate you forever.

The tunnel shifted, actually arching upward and pressing down on the wraith, trying to keep it pinned to the floor and give Caitlin time to put more shots into the thing. If that didn't work, well, she had another couple tricks she could try. It was just a matter of keeping bug-boy at bay long enough for them to work.

"Head's up, Cait. Siphon's doing...something, so knowing him, brace for impact."


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

"'Kay!" Caitlin hollered over the staccato burst from her rifle, which continued unabated until the wraith finally lay motionless. Afterwords, she calmly released some sort of clip from her weapon, storing it in a compartment in her chair and replacing it with an identical one. "Also, nevermind my previous statement, it's apparently just some Wraith, thank God. Shall we keep moving?"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

The wraith simply lay there motionless, the body pooling out blood to beat the band. It was pretty obvious with the number of holes in it that it wasn't getting up any time in the forseeable ... well, not ever again actually.

Nova was able to catch his opponent off guard and slit it's throat handily, allowing the wraith to bleed out rapidly.

With both wraith disposed of, all parties involved suddenly heard a humming noise, and then the ship shook massively as the hive ship fired upon them. From Caitlin and Sho's positions near a 'window', they could now see the massive hive engaging both ships. Nova too could witness it, but his was a more direct view as he suddenly realized that the room he was in was breached into space, only a thin force shield preventing his compartment from decompressing.

And that was when they all noticed the Ancient Warship's own weapons fire, a wall of drones engulfing the hive and shredding it apart, but not before the hive scored a number of hits, the poor ship they were on shuddering and protesting every single punishing blow.