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ULMF Complex [BF 68]


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Much like the other floors, floor 68 has various rooms leading to test subject cells, experiment chambers as well as mind wipe chambers and science labs.

The battle had not broken out on this floor yet from by the looks of it, though noises can be heard coming from several rooms as well as the floors above and below it.


Kirsten stumbles out of an experimentation chamber, a table with shackles as well as various machines with tubes and liquid-like substances all over them sits in the middle of the room.

She'd find that her stomach was slightly distended, and that pressure was building up not only in her bowels but in her bladder as well. She'd find that the feeling wasn't as painful as it should be however it would most likely be pretty uncomfortable.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

Uuuuuughhhhhh........... Aaaaahhhhhh........... My stomach feels like it's going to explode....... Kirsten thinks to her self as she stumbles out of her experimentation chamber, holding a hand gently on her mid section. "They must have given me another enema." She thinks as she hears her stomach gurgling louder. "Agh! Oh, god..... I don't know how long I can hold it...... I'm going to have to find an abandoned room or corner bathroom somewhere pretty damn soon...... I'll be lucky if I don't shit it all out here......" She saids as she begins stumbling along the hallway, trying her best to keep control of her bowels and bladder, the water and other liquids that were pumped into her asshole swishing around more and causing her stomach and ass a good deal of discomfort.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

Kirsten would notice that there doesn't seem to be any bathrooms readily available in the corridors, and soon the pressure in both her bladder and bowel would get too much for her to try and fight back the inevitable.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

"Gaaaaaaahhhhhhh! Uhhhhhhhnnnnnn! Nnnnnnnnnn!" She can't help but to grunt and moan out as her insides are swishing around with water, oils, chemical and only God knows what else they have pumped into her ass. "Oooooooh, Gaaaaaawwwwwwd! I can't hold it much more!" She saids, as she looks around the corridor to make sure there were no lewd eyes watching her as she would soon have too find a corner or some abandoned area to relive her self, spilling the contents of her stuffed and inflated belly, and letting out a pool of urine, liquids and probably feces onto the floor like an animal.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

As Kirsten squatted over the floor, a torrent of urine and excrement mixed up with the fluids from the enema gushing out of both orifaces she may be able to hear the sound of light footsteps coupled with the occasional groan.

"Oh eww, that looks unpleasant," A soft female voice spoke to Kirsten, and when she turns to look at the new arrival Kirsten would see a woman with shoulder length curly blonde hair, with a slender frame save for her bulging stomach, quite obviously from being pregnant as well as her having swollen breasts. She was also wearing a surgical gown. "Are you alright"?
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

Kirsten remains kneeling down on the floor for a few moments, holding onto her recently emptied stomach, double over letting out weary moans, before she turns her head to respond the new voice. "A-a-are y-you o-one of them? No, your in a patient's gown too. And you're pregnant. I guess I should be asking you that as well. Ooooooh my stomach. But my a-ass feels s-slighlty better now. God..... I'm thirsty." She saids before finally attempting to get up on wobbly knees only for them to give out on her and falling face first into a pool of her own filth.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

"Oh, nah, I'm not in any pain. I woke up like this. All I remember was being sent into a room and suddenly some filthy beast started raping me." The woman looks around for a moment, seemingly taking in her surroundings. "I'm Eliza, though my friends just call me Li'," She says to Kirsten, holding a hand out to her.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

Kirsten accepts Eliza's hand as she helps her back to her feet out of her self made toilet on the floor; "I'm Kirsten. I woke up here one day., and they've been sticking me with drugs, developing my body like this and pumping water and stuff into my ass. What do you think is going to happen now?" She saids as she has to lean her self up against the lithe pregnant woman to stabilize herself, still not fully recovered from her enema.
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Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

"Well, I'm not too sure on the specifics, but from what I could gather from the noises and screams from the floor below something bad has happened." Eliza explains as she pulls one of Kirsten's arms over her shoulders to help her. "You want to try and escape this place?" She asks, a mischievous grin spreading across her face.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

"Yes. But do you have any idea how or where we should go? This is the first time I've ever even been out of my chamber before, Li." Kirsten asked uncertainly as she looked up and down the corridor they were both in, a look of worry and concern etched on her lean face.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

"Uh....erm...Well, the sounds from downstairs were coming from that direction though the signs near the stairs said that those stairs led to floor sixty nine, whereas this floor is floor sixty eight," She says as she points behind her. "Which leads me to believe that this building must be underground. So I'd say we go in that direction." She says as she points ahead of them.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

"Underground? That makes sense. A place like this is probably something whoever runs it wouldn't want to be in full open public view. So you say that the way out is over in that direction? I guess that's where we need to be heading then" she saids finally managing to get her legging back and support herself. "But we should stick close together, Li. If you say that the screams and noises were over in that direction, and that it was something bad, I have a feeling we can expect to run into things a lot worse then what we were already put through." And with that Kirsten takes a hold of Li's hand, leading her along the direction she pointed her to, slowly and nervously beginning her trek out of the twisted place she had woke up to.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

The girls walk for quite some time, Eliza choosing not to say anything but letting out the occasional moan of pleasure that, one more than one occasion threatened to break out into something more but she managed to contain it.

"C-can we rest for a bit?" She asks Kirsten through deep breaths as she leant against her, their walk through the labyrinth-like corridors seeming to have taken its toll on the pregnant woman. Just a little bit down the hall they're in is a room, its door is open slightly.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

"Sure" she saids as she takes Li's arm and drapes it over her shoulder, stopping and resting up against the wall, allowing her to lean against her chiseled muscular body; the stronger and larger woman supporting the lither and pregnant acquaintance she had just met. "It looks like there's a room open up ahead. But I don't know what's in there. If it's another escapee like us, or a trap" she saids as uses her other hand to point the room out to Li, "Are you sure you're okay?" she asks with concern for her new travelling companion.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

"Y-yeah, I'll be fine in a bit," She stammers, her left hand instinctively carresses her swollen stomach, a small moan of pleasure escapes her lips. "I think..I think this baby's telling its mama its almost ready to meet the world." She says with a small laugh.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

But what the hell is this baby going to be? It could be some kind of inhuman monster if she was raped by some kind of disgusting creature in her cell. Kirsten thought to herself as she watched Li caress her bulging belly and let a small moan of pleasure. "I've never experienced child birth before, or would know what to do if you get pregnant. But whatever happens, I'll stick around for you." she saids as she places her hand on Li's offering the smaller woman comfort and support.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

"Thanks, I really appreciate it," She replies, taking Kirstens hand into her own, her grip feeling a little more tighter than it probably should have. "Well, shall we?" She asks Kirsten as she goes to make her way to the room.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

"R-right," Kirsten saids as she takes Li's hand and rises from the cool floor, "Stay behind me, Li. I am going to go to the door, and open it a little more and look inside. If something happens you should run or try to get to safety." She saids as she cautiously tip toes to the door, cracking it open just ever so slightly more and nervously peeks her head in to scope out the room.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

"Uh, okay," She replies, moving behind Kirsten she rests her hands lightly on her shoulders, her stomach and breasts leaning against Kirstens back.

As Kirsten looks into the room she'd see nothing out of place, the room appeared to be some kind of surveilance room, many monitors were lined up against the rear wall with a deak in fron of them. There was a single bed in there, probably for any guard that needed to sleep whilst his partner monitored the screens. On the screen's themselves there flashed images of the horror that was currently happening on some of the other floors. Men and women alike were being raped and slaughtered as monsters roamed the corridors. The room itself was only lit up by the screens and the lights from the control panel.

"Is it safe?" Eliza whispers in Kirsten's ear, her breasts now squished up against the girls back. Kirsten would also feel Eliza's warm breath up against her neck.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

Kirsten shivered a bit as she felt Li's breath against her neck and ear, along with her breasts and belly pressing against her bare back. "Y-yes. It looks like some kind of watch room. There's monitors lined up along the wall. T'theres men and women, being killed and raped all over this place. Just what kind of hell are we in here?" she saids as takes Li's hand and leads her over to the single bed so she can lie down and rest, the fatigue and stress of carrying a child inside of her likely wearing the poor girl down, as she goes to sit her next to her, her eyes never leaving the monitors or the scenes of pure and utter horror they displayed.