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ULMF Complex [BF 68]

Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

As Cynthia screams into the room the creature stops what it is doing as it turns to face her.

"W-what the fuck?!" It shouts in it high-pitched voice as it pulls its tentacles out and off Kirsten and directs them towards Cynthia. But it was too late, the tentacles streak past the screaming girl as the extinguisher makes contact with the possessed body. The tentacles drop limp as the body slumps forward, a snapping and crunching sound coming from where it was hit and as it falls forward onto Kirsten it rolls to the side and drops onto the floor. Twitching violently for a couple of seconds the body then makes an audible tearing sound before it is pulled in half. blood, bone, tissue and organs fly everywhere as the creature, a black spherecial being with a single eye at its center climbs out of the mess.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

Yelling and leaping back as the corpse exploded, Cynthia stood aghast at the damage she had caused, before stopping dead as the monster clambered out of its disguise. "W-what? What are you!" She cried out at the black beast, raising her weapon against it.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

"Please, don't kill me!" The creature screeches out as it darts behind the door, cowering underneath its own tentacles. "T-the Directive, they made me do this!"
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

Cynthia, looked questioningly at Kirsten, before lowering the Extinguisher and turning back to the beast. "Relax, I don't want to kill anything, but you sure seemed to be enjoying yourself there, and it's kind of gross to be using a corpse as a host isn't it? Just what are you, and why would these people want you doing this?" she says, gesturing vaguely out the door.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

Kirsten finally managed to get free of the disgusting creature finally fell to the floor and exploded out of the womans body it had inhabitated. She managed to catch her breath and regain her composure and strength before she had heard it speak, "The fuck they did you disgusting monster! You said you wanted to see my will broken and seemed to be enjoying it! Not to mention what had happened to the poor girl's body you hijacked! Tell e why I shouldn't pick you up and send you into the monitor and fry your black inky ass!"
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

"Well, it's true that I was enjoying myself....But it's not my fault! I was created like that! You can't expect a cat to go around and not eat mice, can you?" The creature pleads, backing further into it's corner. "And that woman was dead before I got to her, how else do you expect me to survive in this chaos? I'd be torn to shreds in a second! Besides, I'm more useful to you alive than dead." The creature then smiles wickedly, as if it knew something the two girls didn't.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

Kirsten looked down scrutinizing and skeptical of the creature before closing on it as it shrunk back into its corner. "You just tried to violate me and choke me and you are expect us to just be willing to trust you like that? How the hell are we just supposed to trust you without worrying about you raping us in our sleep or when our backs are turned at the very first opportunity you get?" She asked.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

Glancing up at the taller, naked woman, Cynthia blushed slightly. Turning back to the creature, she added "Uh,yeah, you aren't exactly radiating good will here. Just what help can you be to us anyway? I kinda need reasons not to smash you to pulp right now."
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

"You really think I could do much in this body? Why did you think I took control of that woman's body? Besides, even if I were to try and rape you, one of you would be able to kill me before I got the chance. I'm not that strong on my own after all." The creature paces back and forth for a moment, as if it was wondering how best to win them over. "You know, I do know the way out of here. It's obvious that you want to escape this place and I know the correct way."
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

Letting her weapon hang loose in her hand now, Cynthia stepped in front of Kirsten, a smile on her face. "Really? How come? Will you show us? Please?" she asks, extending her free hand towards the creature as a peaceful gesture.

Turning her head to look at Kirsten, she said "What about you? Are you fine with that?"
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

"Well, assuming you actually do know the way out of this place, and that neither of us know what the hell happened or how the hell we got; it would seem like we have no choice but to take you at your word, 'squid'. But don't think we're going to let our guard down and don't even begin to think about trying anything funny." She finished off with a warning tone before turning to Cynthia, "Thank you for your help. I guess I was careless and let my hormones get carried away, not to notice anything funny about it when it was in that girl's body. My name's Kirsten." She said to Cynthia before extending her hand outwards.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

"Umm, err, yeah, Cynthia... I'm pretty sure you'd do well to sort that out, friend." Cynthia says, followed by "What about you? Do you even have a name?" which she directed at the creature.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

As Cynthia offers the creature her hand it raises a tentacle, and for a moment it would seem as if it was about to attack her, however a second later end of the appendage transforms into a hand and clasps Cynthia's own, shaking hers for a moment before releasing her.

"Sure I'll show you the way out, but from the noises I heard earlier it isn't going to be easy. And I'm not a 'squid'," The creature says to Kirsten with distain. "I'm a KuroKuro. But, you can just call me Kuro. So are you two ready to leave?"
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

After having her hand released, Cynthia clenched it, before letting it hang loose at her side. After Kuro has finished speaking, she placed her hand on Kirsten's arm, and looked up, "Come now, let's not fight, or we'll never get out of her will we? Kuro, I'm ready as I'll ever be, so lets go."
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

Kuro nods, or at least what could be described as nodding, turns around and hops out of the room and into the corridor. Looking around for a moment, it then decides on the direction they need to head.

"We'll need to go that way first," It points in the direction that they had come from earlier, and begins slowly hopping in that direction.


As Sam, Lila and Suzy climb the stairs they'd hear faint noises in the distance, as if people were speaking. They'd also notice that there seemed to have been no fighting happening on this floor. Or at least none in this area.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

"Alright. You're right, Cynthia. I just don't respond well to being violated. But if you really do know the way out of this god forsaken place, the it would seem we have no choice but to simply trust you for now. And ready or not, it would be better to move on then stay around here waiting for something else to attack us." Kirsten saids as she gently places her hand on Cynthia's and proceeds to follow Kuro down the hallway.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

Lila stops midway up the stairs, listening to the voices up ahead.

"We are not alone, observation.wav."

She hesitates moving as she listens closely. Then hears footsteps.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

Sam takes a deep breath as she tries to listen to the footsteps. They could just be another group, if so, they might have weapons... on the other hand, it could just be more monsters, and for now, losing the robot this early was not an option. She put a hand on Lila's shoulder and signaled her to be quiet before slowly moving up the stairs herself, whispering to the other two, "Wait here..."
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

"Hrmph. I doubt anyone does." Cynthia murmured, before hefting her weapon once more and moving out the door, checking both ways as Kuro had done. Catching up with the black beast, she fell in step beside it. "So... Do you have any idea why this 'Directive' wanted you to... violate Kirsten? I mean, it isn't something normal people would ask you to do is it?"


"Gah. More things, lets just hope these ones are human at least... Sure, I'll stay here with Lila, get back soon." Suzy says, flashing a grin to Sam as she sits against the wall, arms and legs folded to cover herself as she settled down.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

"'Normal'? There's nothing normal about this place," Kuro begins as he glances up at Cynthia before looking back in the direction they wrere heading. "You don't know what these people do? They perform all kinds of experiments on people; men, women and even sometimes children. Though most of their 'experiments' are merely to see how much sexual torture their test subjects can take before breaking, mentally and physically. I was...created, I guess, for that very reason." A slight waver appears in Kuro's voice, as if the thought of his creation depressed him. "Kirsten, was it? She caught me not long after I had been put into an experiment, that woman I was possessing, she was the test subject I was with. Though she seemed to have gone through one too many experiments and before long she just died. And once the alarms started going off I decided I wanted out, but I hadn't released anything since the experiment started and so I needed to find some way to release it all. Thats where Kirsten came in."


As Sam slowly stalks up the corridor she'd eventually see the other group; two women, one armed and in some kind of gown the other completely naked, and with them is a black spherical creature which came to just below the clothed woman's knee. From this distance Sam wouldn't be able to make out what they were talking about, however it seems as if the group appear to be friendly with the beast.