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ULMF Complex [BF 68]

Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

Sam takes a deep breath, then suddenly steps forward, holding her hand gun up and pointing it at the creature, wondering what the hell was going on, "Someone kindly tell me what's going on before I shoot all three of you..." She shifted her gaze to the two women, wondering if this creature was capable of some kind of control... or if the two girls were simply sexual deviants that liked what the creature gave...
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

Lila stays behind with Suzy. She stays as quiet as she can to listen to Sam and the other voices, looking up the corridor.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

Cynthia grimaced as Kuro explained, disgusted with the idea of what the Directive were doing, only saying. "Ew, I knew it was bad, but that's sick. What can they hope to gain by breaking people? And what's up with you? Do you actually need to fuck people all the time, like, that's part of you or something?"

She stiffened as Sam spoke, slowly turning around with her hands held loosely by her sides. She blushed a little redder as she saw Sam, naked as she was, before saying "Erm... We're trying to get out of here, and judging by you being naked too, you want to leave as well? Kuro can show us the way out, but not if you're pointing a gun at him..."


During this time, Suzy simply sat against the wall near the stairwell, as quiet as Lila as the two listen for Sam.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

"I'm not sure why they're doing what they're doing, they don't tell us the reason why we're allowed to rape their test subjects. Though from what I've gleaned from studying humans, it maybe something to do with breaking their enemies will to fight back. And no, I don't have to fuck at all. But, just like you humans I find it feels so great." Kuro sounds excited at that, though as he turns around and see's Sam he cowers behind Cynthia.

"It's true, I know the way out of here," Kuro's words rush out of him in a panic. "J-just put that gun down and I'll help you out of here too."
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

Kirsten held up her hands defensively and peacefully as she backed up a little bit before saying, "With the exception of Kuro here, me and Cynthia are just innocent unsuspecting victims in this deranged place just like you. We don't have any damn clue what the hell is going on here, or why they are doing this shit to us. We're just trying to get out. Kuro claims to know the way out, whether or not he's just saying it to spare his life I don't know; but he appears to be the only one who seems to know, so we don't have much other choice but to trust him and follow him for the moment." She saids timidly and rather panickedly as Sam points her gun in the trio's general direction.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

Sam keeps her gun raised, then lowers it slightly, but keeps her finger close to the trigger, then moves so that she was closer to a wall, "Well, get going then. I have no reason to trust any of you three, yet, so I'm just stay behind you for now." She turns and looks down the staircase, "C'mon, get up here, looks like we have some people who might know the way out."
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

((Adopting blue for Cynthia, green for Suzy then.))

Keeping her eyes on the guns muzzle, Cynthia spreads her arms to cover Kuro as she faces Sam. Gazing coldly at her, she said "Come now, we're hardly going to feel safe knowing theres a gun pointed at our backs are we? Though since we are hardly going to convince you... Kuro? Ready to go? Just keep in front of me, it's fine."


Hearing Sam's call, Suzy stood, with "Come on then Lila, seems Sam has made it safe."

Reaching the others, she stopped, her mouth twitching as she spotted the cowering monster. "So Sam, what's up here then? A monster that isn't trying to rape us? Is that what you mean by something to show us the way out?"

Cynthia flushed as Suzy spoke, clenching her free hand. "God damnit! These guys are as much prisoners here as us! It's just that apparently most of them aren't sentient like Kuro! Now are you coming or not?" and with that, she span around, ushering Kuro onward.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

Lila follows Suzy as she goes up the staircase. She stands next to her while looking to the cowering beast. Studying the Kuro.

"Be careful. Some creature who are afraid have a tendancy to attack using the minds defensive mechanism, report.wav."

The small former robot looks to the creature cautiously. A slight blush to her face as she tries hard to supress her fears.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

"R-right, lets get moving," Kuro stammered for a second, feeling an odd sensation from the way Cynthia was treating him, as if he was just another person and not some demonic being that people think will just rape them without a second thought. Kuro continues his march and for now everything is quiet.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

"Good. Come on Kirsten, these guys can keep up if they want." Cynthia said, casting a wave at Sam, Suzy and Lila as she quickly followed Kuro, not bothering to look back at the others.

Suzy looked blank for a moment, before shaking her head, muttering under her breath as she took a few steps forward, hesitated, and looked back at Sam and Lila. "Well. I dunno whether we should be following them, do either of you two reckon we should go it on our own? No telling what that thing will try and do the moment our backs are turned."
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

Sam lowers the handgun, but keeps her finger on the trigger as she starts to follow the trio, muttering under her breath, "...And that's why we we'll be behind them the entire time." She raises her voice slightly as she looks at the other two, "C'mon, let's get moving..."
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

"I'm butt naked and unarmed. You have a gun. And even if I did want to attack, there is absolutely no telling what god forsaken abominations could be waiting in the further corridors and floors of this hell-hole. And I seriously doubt Id be able to deal with all of them on my own. I may have let my judgment get clouded by my hormones with Kuro at first, but he seems rather harmless and cowardly now, and he saids he knows the way out of this god damned place. And me and Cynthia just broke out with no memory of anything, so our choices are either follow him or wander aimlessly while something else comes up to violate us." Kirsten replied rather haughtily and defensively as she followed Cynthia and Kuro.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

Lila followed along with Sam, looking to Kirsten as she listens.

"Logical. We have no choice. But we are still perfect strangers, observation.wav. I will have to study your credibility for a while longer. No offense meant."
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

As the group continues to move through the twisting corridors, occasionally stopping and double backing on themselves as Kuro tries to remember the correct path they eventually come to a door. Though this door seems to have been ignored by the monsters or even gone unnoticed. However as the group got nearer to the door it did not automatically open like the rest of them, and upon further inspection they'd notice that it needs a key card to open.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

Lila looks to the door, and remembers the make of it, miraculously. But she does know there are plenty of magnetic combinations that go with it. She stares at the door with deep interest. This reminds her of when she used to be a robot. She was programmed to override any locks to get into superpowered peoples' headquarters.

"Hmmm.... it seems that our access is blocked. But if I can remember......"

It would seem to anyone else that she is being rediculous, but she actually tries to remember the algorithm of keycard models, as she once knew before humanization.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

After reaching the door, Cynthia gave it a shove, and when it didn't open, turned to Kuro. "Are we supposed to be going this way, Kuro? Since we're going to have to go traipsing around for a card by the looks of things if we are."

As Lila spoke, she turned around, raising an eyebrow as she looked at the tiny woman. "Right, remember what? have you worked with things like this before?"

Suzy simply hung at the back of the party for now, standing next to Sam as she watched Kuro coldly.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

Lila stares at the door. She processes in her mind EVERY code she remembers that security doors use.

"I used to have worked with these in the past, confirmation.wav. There is a special way to magnetically alter a surface to make these doors read the code input. But as a human, I can't remember how...."

She frowns a little, lost deep in thought as she tries to remember how. It might be easier to look for the cards at this rate.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

Glancing up and down the stairwell for movement, Sen begins her ascent to the floor above. Hopefully, most of the escaped subjects that were planning on using the stairs have left already, but she couldn't be certain. Once she reaches the floor above, she would glance out to see if there is anything there. Generally, since stairs are often near the elevators, she hopes to see if there's an open elevator shaft nearby. Sen still believes the safest way out of the building by the maintenance ladder.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

Confused, Cynthia stared at Lila for a few moments, before shaking her head, and saying "What? What do you mean 'as a human'? And what's with the suffixes?"

Suzy only laughed at the exchange, "I wouldn't bother arguing, we haven't got time to waste. You, monster, what are we looking for, and where do we find it? Best answer quick, mate." she said, pointing at Kuro.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

Kirsten looks over to Lila with a somewhat scrutinizing and sceptical expression, "Are.... you some kind robot or something? No offense, but you don't sound or act entirely human. And I will admit, my mind isn't under Kuro's control, but he did lure me in with sex when he was in human body the first time; but I'm not going to let that happen again. And he claims to know the way out, but if he's just trying to dpare his life but stalling for time, we'll make him regret it." Kirsten saids to both Suzy and Lila as she continues to follow her group.