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ULMF Complex [BF 68]

Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

Lila looks to Cynthia, then to Kirsten, then back to the door.

"I was a robotic apparition in the past until technology was used to turn me into a human experiment, history.wav. I was since rescued, but I am back in the same situation apparently."

She almost does not notice the group moving, until she turns around and nearly squeaks.

"Hya!! Wait for me, command.wav!"

She follows by the end of the group.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

"Uh, well the last time I was transported through a door like this they used some kind of card," Kuro turns to face the group and begins his explanation. "I remember one of the scientists used their I.D. card though I'm sure the other employee's would use normal card keys to go through the doors as well. As to where you can find one, I'm unsure."


As Sen searches for an elevator she'd soon realise that maybe the one that had recieved all that damage was the only elevator to go between at least this floor and the next couple.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

"Right. Now we need to go find one, yes? What say we find some kind of staff room? I'm sure with all this trouble there could be a keycard lying around? Unless of course someone has a better idea?" Cynthia said, giving the door a shove, just in case.

"Yeah yeah. Let's just get on with it, though what might be better is finding us some clothes at the very least. Even if we do get out of here, it's not going to be good wandering around naked. Weapons would be useful too." Suzy said, indicating the nude women around her, with a slight inclination of her head towards Kuro.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

Lila looks to herself at this, then nods in agreement.

Cracking that door would definately spell danger, warning.wav. You have a good point.

She looks toward the door, then shyly at Kuro, slowly approaching it.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

Kirsten simply nodded and slowly followed Cynthia and the others, keeping behind the two with weapons in case they ran into any other baddies along the way.

(Short post is short.)
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

As the girls talked about what they should do, Kuro began to hear sounds behind the door that was giving them problems.

"Uh, guys, er, girls, theres sounds coming from behind this door," Kuro calls out, though a moment later a 'ping' sound rings and the door slides open. Standing in the doorway is an armed security guard, it was quite obvious by the gore staining his uniform that he had to fight his way here.

"RUN, NOW!" Kuro shouts at the girls as the guard takes aim. Before he could let off a volley of shots Kuro shoots several tentacles at the man and restrains his arms, the gun, an assault rifle, drops to the ground with a loud clatter.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

The security man tries to pull free from the graps of Kuro, and he tries really hard to. After a few times, he rips Kuro's tendrils from his round body. The man then picks up the rifle and takes aim to Kuro on the last breath. He would possibly run out of breath due to cardiac shock from so much damage right as the trigger is pulled, spearing Kuro in the eye.

Lila watches in terror as this is the first time she has seen this brand of violence. The situation happens so fast that she stays in place, finding non-existant functions to replace the escaped memory. She stays there, prone as the guard approaches her, then lands on his front.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

As the door opened, Cynthia took half a step forward, standing next to Kuro, only to be knocked aside by the little monster as he restrained the guard. To his command, she struggled back up to her feet, staring fearfully at the guard, before crying out "No!", reaching forward as the man pulled his trigger. Biting her lip hard enough that a thin trickle of blood dribbled down her chin, while her face blanched, the thought of fleeing the man completely escaping her mind.

Suzy however, stepped to the side of the opening door, grimacing at the violence, before she made the recognition. Him. The grimace being replaced by a wide grin, Suzy stepped forward, bringing her arms up to force the rifle to point at the ceiling. Staring directly into the guards eyes, he would see nothing but grim satisfaction in the small woman's green ones. "I fucking knew I'd be seeing you soon mate. Payback time, motherfucker." she said, before suddenly lashing upwards with her knee, sinking it straight into his crotch. Should she succeed, Suzy would throw the rifle out of his reach, leaving herself standing over him, with a "I'll teach you to use me as your cum dumpster, you bastard. You'll never fuck anything again!", and she drew her leg back, going for a stronger kick this time as she looked at him, hate burning within her.

((Figured I'd leave it so if anyone doesn't want this, they can stop her.))
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

((OOC: Short post will be short))

Kirsten would just stand there shocked and confused and would wait until Suzy was finished before thinking about asking her anything or doing anything else.

((She really doesn't know Suzy or what happened and is wanting to escape, so I doubt shed care about she does to some damn guard XP ))
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

The man then dies on the spot, bleeding to death as Suzy kills him deader than he already was. His strength taken completely out.

Lila then looks to the gun, tilting her head, then she goes to the dead man, trying to undress his clothes. She then puts on the button shirt. A bit big for her size. She remains without pants, but covers herself up despite. She then goes over to the rifle and picks it up. She looks to it curiously.

"Anomaly.wav.... I never seen somthing of this calibur to transpire..."
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

Seeing the man fall before her eyes, Suzy stood, breathing heavily. After a minute she gently prodded him with her foot, biting her lip. "I... I... He... But... I..." She stuttered, before falling to her knees by him. "I... killed him...? But... How...? I only kicked him a bit... I didn't mean to! I killed someone! But..." she trailed off again, staring aghast at the lifeless body before her.

Cynthia, on the other hand, was more concerned for Kuro. Stepping gingerly towards him, and sinking to the floor, the extinguisher clattering to the floor. "... Damnit! This isn't fair! What are we going to do now! He was our guide to getting out of this hellhole and now he's gone! We're... We're just gonna have to go on by ourselves..." she said, before pushing herself back up, and walking over to Suzy. Pushing her to the side Cynthia then pulled his vest off and threw it to Suzy. "Pull yourself together woman. And cover yourself up. We'll do no good wandering around butt naked. At least you're small enough for that to cover you as long as you don't do any bending over..."

Flushing, Suzy seized the vest, grimacing at the feel of blood and sweat on it, and stared coldly at Cynthia. "You know what? I don't really like you. So I'll be leaving. The way's clear now, so I don't need you lot. Anyone who wants to come with me can come now. Otherwise I'll see you all in hell.", and as she spoke, Suzy reached down to the mans belt, pulling out his sidearm, and straightened up, turning, and walking through the door her rapist had come out of without a glance back.

Cynthia watched her go, completely gob-smacked. After Suzy had faded from sight, she shook her head, and grabbed her extinguisher, turning to the rest of her group. "Well... Uh... That was wierd... I don't knnow how she thinks she's going to survive on her own, but whatever. I think everyone should take what they need from this poor guy, then we can move on. You there, the short woman...?" she directed at Lila, before continuing "What do you mean? You don't recognise that gun or something? Does it matter? Anyway, isn't a full sized rifle a little big for you? Care to trade?" she said, offering her own weapon to Lila, before bending down to swipe the guards card-key, sticking it into a fold of her gown.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

Lila looked up to Cynthia with a blank expression, looking into her eyes to 'identify' her until she responds.

"No, the anomaly is... I have never withnessed a real organic death before. It is quite shocking, opinion.wav."

Lila then takes a glance at the extinguisher, then her gun. She nods and hands it to Cynthia. She then looks toward where Suzy left.

"I have a suspicion Suzy is headed headlong into danger. I'd advise staying on our original path. Emotions are unreasonable at this point, but I will miss her."

Lila then waddles in the giant shirt she is in, holding the extiguisher in her arms.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 68]

"Yeah... Not nice, eh...? Still... I have a feeling we'll be seeing more of this if we don't get out of here soon... Ummm... Yeah... Let's, uh, let's get going then?" Cynthia said, hefting the rifle up to a firing position, before slipping it down so the butt was on the floor, and she was holding the barrel, using it like a staff. "Lead on then, I'll cover you." She motioned to the other two.