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ULMF Complex [BF 69]


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Winding corridors and various labs and test subject cells make up most of this floor.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Close to the mind wipe chamber, a door busts open with a fiery 'fwoom', as both Seraph and Sarah scamper outside it.

"I. HATE. FUCKIN. SCIENTISTS!" curses Sarah, looking a tad furious and gripping a clipboard like it was a cleaver- even more disturbing was the fact that there was blood on it.

Meanwhile, Askias, still looking demonic, even though the features were swiftly demorphing, grinned a bit while blowing the fire off her fingers. "Aw come on, you look cute when you're pissed. If we're escaping together, what's your name?"

"Sarah," she replied with a slight blush. "And you?"

"Askias. Now that's done, let's make like a tree and get the fuck out of here!"
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

The corridor, like everywhere else, was bathed in a red light as the alarm continued to scream throughout the complex. Guards and scientists alike were running around in a daze, for a moment the girls would be confused as to why but then they'd see what had everyone in a panic; in the ensuing chaos several monsters had broken free of their cells, these ones were canine, almost wolf-like in appearance save for the long tendril sticking out of the back of their head that stretched to about seven foot. This tendril looked like it replaced their tail, though it was also currently being used to rape some of the female scientists.

Upon their exit of the room a couple of the canine-beasts saw Sarah and Sandy come into the corridor, they turned and snarled at them before charging. As they neared the naked girls a guard who had just dispatched several of the monsters saw them running at Sandy and Sarah, the man took aim and fired; the dogs went down instantly.

"What the fuck are you two doing out here?" The man shouts at the girls, whilst he isn't angry he does sound a little more than confused about the whole situation. "Oh, fuck it. This place is in a state as it is, I'm not going to care if some test subjects have broken free. Anyway, are you two alright? Do you have any way to defend yourself?"
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

"Allright!?! What the fuck is going on here!?!" Sarah cursed, before Askias had to hold her back to keep the guard from getting brained by the clipboard. "Ya, we can handle ourselves, just what the fuck is going on here, like she said? Or else I'll let go!"
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

"Some monsters broke free of their confinements and did extensive damage to the main generator, the back up one is running but it's not powerful enough to supply electricity to the whole building." The guard explained, unfazed by Sandy's threat. "Well if you can handle yourselves then I've no more reason to keep you here, just be wary of the creatures, they'll stop at nothing to rape you to death."
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

"Great, another GenX..." Sandy muttered, with a small undertone of 'at least it wasn't my fault this time!~<3"

Meanwhile, Sarah just grumbled and shrugged off Sandy. "I dunno bout leaving yet, I wanna get back at whoever put me in that sleep drug shit..."
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Seeing as the girls appeared to not need his assistance the guard had long since left them to their own devices.

The rest of the guards were too busy taking out the wolf-monsters that had broken free, which were putting up quite a bit of resistance. Along the floor amongst the monster corpse's and blood there lay a couple of guards, killed by the monsters and stray gunfire. Their equipment seemed to have taken some damage, but possibly not enough to hamper their use in combat.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Sarah quickly gathered up one of the guard's guns, as well as anything else she could loot, as Sandy strethed her wings a bit. "About time this place went to hell... now we can get out!"
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

The only salvagable armour the guard had on him was his lightweight full body suit, though that was torn in places from bite and claw damage. The weapon however was a HK416, fully working with minimal damage with four cartridges of ammunition.

From the noise created whilst 'acquiring' the dead guards equipment several wolf-monsters, six in total, were alerted to Sarah and Sandy's presense. Growling at them they charged at the girls, ready to attack them.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Sarah had barely enough time to slide the armor over her bare flesh before the hounds howled out a challenge. Noticing the incoming creatures, Sarah raised the rifle and started firing, trying to take them down. "Stupid monsters! RAPE LEAD!"

Meanwhile, Sandy gave a small chuckle, the claws on her hand ready should they be out for more then pleasure. She was sure she could slip her way out and let the semi-psychopatic survivor take it. Carefully she slid back slightly and prepared to run.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Nearby, a door burst open slightly, followed by four metallic tentacles ripping it open, and a scientist with those tentacles attached to his back walks out of the door "This way, ladies." he says to the group of women behind him, his top set of tentacles reaching up and grasping the ceiling, lifting him up into the air "It seems that all hell has broken loose. Such a pity." he says, looking around at the chaos ensuing
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

"Alarm.wav! I don't think this would be a good idea without setting the emergency status off in the lab! It would be much better..... rush.wav."

Lila frowns slightly, but generally knows the mutated scientist has things in control. She rushes behind him and the others in a slight 'panic' of sorts. Scanning the eyes of everyone in the pandemonium.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Suzy comes quickly out of the damaged doorway, and surveys the scene around them with a grimace, as the test subjects that broke loose killed and raped, standing next to Sam behind the Doctor. "Well. Isn't that lovely. I'm guessing you know the way around here Doctor?" She says to Michael, holding her gun at her side.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

As the dog's rush at the girls Sarah's gunfire manages to hit, and kill most of them. Though one of the creatures only recieves minor damage, it continues to charge at Sarah, and bringing its head down low it leaps at her, headbutting her in her solar plexus. The armour absorbs most of the impact, but Sarah would probably still be pushed backwards by the attack. The two girls would also hear the sound of a door bursting in the distance, audible over the sound of gunfire, the alarm and the monsters.

"W-What the fuck are you!?" One of the guards scream out as he turns to find out what had just broken through the door. He was about to fire until he saw Michael's name tag as well as the test subjects.

"Uh, sorry about that, sir," The guard says, his tone changing to that of someone addressing his superior. "It's just that we're all on edge due to these attacks." He then turns to gun down a couple more wolf-monsters that rounded the corner.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Getting shoved back, Sarah growled and unloaded into the remaining monster, cursing a bit at the beast in her fury.

Meanwhile, Sandy wisely decided to try and slip away, quickly darting down the hall and moving to escape alone.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Against the wall, Suzy ejected the magazine in her gun and checked inside, 12 rounds left. 'Looks like an M9' she thought to herself, before pushing it back in. Ignoring the guard, Suzy turned shortly after, to Michael, and said "Doctor! What the hell kind of experiments do you conduct here that turns out shit like these wolf-things and the tentacle guy I first got thrown in with?"
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Lila nods and frowns to Suzy's statement, facing the doctor.

"I was promised improvement on my robotic habits before I got tossed into this situation. What is going on? Did I get taken into the wrong place, question.wav?"
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Samantha shakes her head as she looks at the dog things warily, biting her lower lip before speaking softly, "T...they probably arrived that way..." She had remembered a distinct scratching noise coming from of her boxes a few weeks ago, but she had thought nothing of it at that time, of course, she couldn't be certain, but in her mind, she thought for sure that this was what she was delivering.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

"Indeed they were delivered. I merely joined the directive because they would fund my diabolical and horrendously perverted experiments." Michael says, one of his free tentacles coming down to rub Lila on the cheek "I do not know how or why they chose you, or how they tricked you, but I think I can fix you slightly. If we make it out of here alive, that is." he says, then begins to move along the hallway, becoming the girls to follow with a free tentacle.
Re: ULMF Complex [BF 69]

Holding her gun loosely at her side, Suzy's facial muscles twitch, but she says nothing to Michael, and heads off down the corridor after him.