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UN to ban yer hentai


Demon Girl Pro
Nov 7, 2015
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[sorry if wrong section, sorry if a repost, feel free to delete if topic already exists, i couldnt find it]

I'm not sure how many of you know this, but an United Nations committee is circulating a draft that would effectively ban loli/shota content from the net.

(click on "Word" to get the full document. this shit that affects hentai is buried inside there. basically, global ban on all sexual material involving minors. drawings, cartoons, sounds, words, whatever, all gone)

Yeah, it won't DIRECTLY affect hentai as a whole, but loli/shota is a significant part of AHEM hentai culture. A TON of hentai artists and works are at risk. Look, I personally don't fuck with loli shit but some of my favorite doujins and games do contain traces of lolicon, and some of my favorite artists will often draw those types of characters. So even I, who prefers voluptuous babes with big honkers will probably be affected by this shit. And besides, we're all in this together. They all hate us. We gotta stick together, our survival depends on it. So, sign the petition on the bottom of this article, please.

Dunno what this site is about, feel free to make your own petition on change org or whatever. Post this shit on your favorite hentai forum. Tell your friends. Tell your dad. Do SOMETHING. Not sure if it will help, but hey, I think we should do as much as possible so our FREEDOMS aren't curtailed. Today, it might be lolicon. Tomorrow, it's gonna be guro. Before long, they're gonna start telling us to cut back on the rapey stuff. Wouldn't that be terrible? So please SIGN.

Am I being alarmist? Is it too late?
Can’t sign cause I’m not from the u.k. :(
Wait... it's a UN thing but only the UK can petition against it...?
Hm? I'm not from the UK and I managed to sign it...

Regardless, you can copy/paste the text from the petition (or just write your own comment) and mail it to [email protected]
Yeah, I just tried it myself. I put United States in as country and it went through just fine.
I mean they banned torrenting illegal content and we still have it? Loli/Shota isn't going anywhere. And if it goes away from mainstream sites, there's Nijie, Pixiv, a bunch of free-speech tumblr alternatives (eg. Mastodon). Twitter/Reddit already disallow it, chan/booru sites don't really give a shit. Western artists that do draw loli/shota will move to an alternative site, that's pretty much it.

I'm still signing the document, but I wouldn't worry about this. This is basically censoring free-speech/freedom of expression, and people don't like that
Well if it becomes illegal worldwide, I imagine more sites would need to ban it, mainstream or not. Moving to an alternate site won't work if no site feels it's safe to allow. H-Games that may have that one token underaged character will probably have to be removed entirely from dlsite and similar places as well.
What falls under "drawn underage porn" anyway? If you draw Usagi from Sailor Moon getting fucked, is that illegal? How about drawing her with a more developed body? Is that okay? Because I've seen some people calling hentai featuring girls in school uniforms "CP". Just because of the school uniforms! The girls in question were actually thic af. What about artists who draw all of their characters really young and cute? (Rei Todoroki comes to mind) Who decides if those drawing are appropriate, even if the character in question is of legal age? What about petite girls in their 20s-30s? I've know a few girls that were in their mid 20s but could easily pass as teenagers. Are their body types bad now? Can someone's drawing style suddenly become illegal? This is so stupid lmao

I just feel like this will make all viable sites go "fuck it" and ban all hentai across the board, just to be safe, kinda like what tumblr did. They don't care. It just doesn't make any sense. Life is shit as is, they don't need to fucking ban my big titty anime drawings as well. Can I at least have thaaat
Honestly the latest legislations are actively trying to ruin the internet, take Article 13 for an example. They'll take the fair use license away from the public, and now with this proposal, they're essentially taking away your freedom of expression.

Actual child abuse is heinous and in my books pedophiles are the worst scum on earth for exploiting innocent children, but drawn porn of characters that look like "children", drawn in a style that many people find unattractive, with huge fucking bulging eyes and impossible proportions that would never happen ever irl, should be absolutely fine.
What falls under "drawn underage porn" anyway? If you draw Usagi from Sailor Moon getting fucked, is that illegal? How about drawing her with a more developed body? Is that okay? Because I've seen some people calling hentai featuring girls in school uniforms "CP". Just because of the school uniforms! The girls in question were actually thic af. What about artists who draw all of their characters really young and cute? (Rei Todoroki comes to mind) Who decides if those drawing are appropriate, even if the character in question is of legal age? What about petite girls in their 20s-30s? I've know a few girls that were in their mid 20s but could easily pass as teenagers. Are their body types bad now? Can someone's drawing style suddenly become illegal? This is so stupid lmao

I just feel like this will make all viable sites go "fuck it" and ban all hentai across the board, just to be safe, kinda like what tumblr did. They don't care. It just doesn't make any sense. Life is shit as is, they don't need to fucking ban my big titty anime drawings as well. Can I at least have thaaat

That's why this is an issue. They'll use it to capture anything you can make a case for even if it doesn't make sense. When fighting against "loli", people try to have it both ways.

If the character actually IS underaged, it's loli.

If the character LOOKS underaged to the person deciding if it's illegal or not, it's loli.

It doesn't matter what the actual case is. Porn of most anime characters would be illegal because most anime characters are high schoolers (15-16 yo). If anyone can make a case that they're actually under 18, you can potentially get in trouble for it. And if the art style makes them look questionably young, you'll certainly get in trouble for it, no matter what age you claim they really are.

That latter really bothers me on a personal level because I've always looked significantly younger than I really am. That's basically suggesting there's something wrong with me and my body, something I can't decide. It took me until I was in my late 20s before people said "well... MAYBE you're legal?" and drinking? Forget about it... I STILL get ID'd.
Yeah but then you get all the lazy shits that draw a child and say "It's a 1000 year old vampire / demon REEEEEEEE" and fuck those people.
You leave my dragon waifu out of this! Next you'll be dragging in my shark and raptor waifus!
first tweeter about to ban animu and now this. They really disrespect art.
If the character LOOKS underaged to the person deciding if it's illegal or not, it's loli.

This reminds me of that one Australian law banning A and B cup actors from doing porn because 'they look like kids'
It's not a good standard to hold because the people deciding if it's illegal often don't know what they're deciding on either, and nobody can be arsed to figure out every individual case either
This reminds me of that one Australian law banning A and B cup actors from doing porn because 'they look like kids'
It's not a good standard to hold because the people deciding if it's illegal often don't know what they're deciding on either, and nobody can be arsed to figure out every individual case either
A and B cup women look like kids...? Fuck, that's just discrimination!
Here's a tiny update.

They are just upset no one watch "real" porn now a day.
Why would they? You can get anonymous sex hookups these days with minimal effort
And if you're not into fucking randoms, you're likely also not into seeing randoms fucking. Why watch when you can just do?
Nah man the real question is, why the sudden rage? Take a chill pills or something. It's obv a joke.