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Undying Devotion (AshPrince)


Tentacle God
Feb 4, 2011
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As she deswcends deeper into the winding tunnels of the abandoned Dolvehk mines, Loa moved swiftly through the icy cold depths of the mist-filled caverns. The cold seemed to embrace her, accept her, and even welcome her into its depths. As she periodically checked the portable seismic scanner she was given by her employers, she could tell she was getting closer to her entry point. She eventually reached a dead end in the tunnel she was in. As she scanned the area, Loa could determine that the thinnest portion of the wall was at the dead end. All she needed to do was strategically position the seismic charges she was given and detonate them.
Re: Undying Devotion (AshPrince)

A thin layer of stone stood between her and the one place no one had ever been before. Or at least that was as much as she’d been told. The city no one leaves, and no one enters, Dolvehk. It still seemed like a dummy job. Why would someone on the outside, want to kill someone on the inside? It didn’t really make sense to Loa, but it wasn’t really her place to judge, besides, she didn’t question jobs. People wanted other people dead; it was the way of the living world. Three charges, two at the bottom one at the top, as equidistant from one another as she could manage, didn’t want one to go off and trigger the others… that would be bad.

She looked for something to shield herself from the coming explosion, she didn't actually know how much damage a blast-wave could do to her, it wasn't like she needed her organs; at least as far as she knew, but 'whether or not _____ can kill you' isn't exactly something you want to find out if you don't have to. A few feet back down the mine she found a decent sized stone and crouched behind it to set off the detonators.
Re: Undying Devotion (AshPrince)

Upon ducking behind the large mass of stone in the tunnel, she set off the detonators triggering a large explosion. The immediate moment before the tunnel started to collapse, there was a loud mounstrous cry. Out from the dust-filled opening, created from the seismic blast, flooded a massive wave of cold. After this split second, the tunnel started to shake and collapse.
Re: Undying Devotion (AshPrince)

Figures. If you gave your own employees a seismic charge that could cause a cave in, people would complain, but if you gave a mercenary one… well no sense in complaining about it now. Now she had to break out into a sprint as quickly as she could to charge through the hole she hoped was there behind the veil of explosion smoke and rock debris. Charging in headfirst, literally and figuratively.
Re: Undying Devotion (AshPrince)

Loa safely ducked out of the way as the wall caved in behind her. She stood up an emerged in what appeared to be a large fleshy cryo-storage area. However, she didn't have time to look around because right ontop of her was a large, six-legged creature with a large, pod-like thorax. The creature had mouth with several small tentrils dangling from it. It seemed to be scanning the collapsed wall, and nothing else. It didn't even notice Loa, either because it didn't care, or perhaps it couldn't even see her.
Re: Undying Devotion (AshPrince)

Her gut reflex was to defend herself; but her gut was dead. Her brain on the other hand wasn’t, and it was telling her that while within enemy territory, with no means of reinforcement, and with the intention of murdering their leader, stealth was preferable over violence, and so Loa didn’t leap to engage the thing, though her hand did lay itself across the hilt of her knife.

Instead she crept back, moving till her heel was against the wall, keeping her eyes on the potential adversary as she skulked around the perimeter of the room. If there were something in here with her, and the way she had gotten in was shut, than there needed to be some means for the other thing to have entered, hopeful a means by which she could leave.
Re: Undying Devotion (AshPrince)

There were two ways out of this area at the time:

1) Keep going down the cryostorage hallway.

2) Exit through the nearby door labeled "Symbiote Storage."