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United Kingdom, Europe


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Nov 10, 2008
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United Kingdom, Europe. Sanctuary Interior.

Things had gone fairly smoothly up to now. RJ had been asked to help this guy who had seemed to be nothing more than a newbie at things in recovering a animalistic abnormal, while the rest of the main team had pursued a much more aggressive creature. In the end, the two abnormals had ended up in the same spot. RJ had quickly discovered that his companion wasn't worthless when the guy had fully transformed into what could only be described as a big ass werewolf.

The mans name was Henry Foss, and if it hadn't been for him distracting the larger abnormal, it was likely they wouldn't have been able to capture it.

Now though, RJ was left to wonder what would happen. Would he be sent back to the Warehouse? Or would he be shipped elsewhere? At least his friends were in a safe spot, or as safe a place as one could be with Albert Wesker still at large.

His thoughts were interrupted by the door to the room opening, and a woman he had only met once stepped in.

She was about five foot ten, and had jet black shoulder length hair. Her name was Helen Magnus, and from what he'd been told, she was in charge of this place. Now though, she spoke to him directly.

"Roger, how are you feeling?"
Re: United Kingdom, Europe

In his room, which was surprisingly fit for someone much richer than he ever could have been in his normal life, Roger was looking out of his window, eyes shifting to and fro at everything that moved, the recent events having made his mind alert, and sharp... Not to mention paranoid.

Recalling the events of that pursuit, Roger remembers, albeit not fondly, being left to deal with the other creature all on his lonesome. While the larger was a fierce Silverback Gorrila, the other was still a quite deadly Black Panther. And it didn't help that it was dark when he fought it. After the main group, and the newbie-turned-werewolf defeated the Gorilla, all but Helen Magnus found the fact that he not only was unharmed, but actually defeated the transformed animal, something worth talking about. Which he found out many times when overhearing an occasional group of friends speaking. A very odd feeling overtook him, when one of him referred to him as 'inhuman,' when they spoke of ideas on how he actually managed to accomplish what he did.

Roger stood at the window, wondering himself, just what was going on. No matter what happened, he knew what the enemy was thinking, he knew what it was planning to do, and he knew exactly what to do to stop it. "Well... Things aren't so bad here... My friends are safe... So I guess those other freaks at the Warehouse can handle him on their own... But still... I kinda miss Leena and Regina..." with that thought, Roger's heart sank. After what they went through before saving his friends, he found himself feeling for the woman. No matter how hard, or mean he acted, Leena stood firm, and only acted with care, and kindness towards him...

He was yanked out of his reliving of memories when Helen walked through the door, but did not turn about when she spoke to him, nor when he answered her. "... Does it matter how I feel? I feel like shit, if you really want to know." he said bluntly. Then, he turned about, facing her with a stern look on his face, and a scowl to match it, "What do you want? Another freak you want me to put down?" he asked bluntly, with the mindset of a simple soldier, who's only purpose was to fight for his leader's cause, and die for the same.
Re: United Kingdom, Europe

If she seemed taken aback by his attitude toward her, she didn't show it. Of course, she might be used to it for all he knew.

"Actually, I was wondering if you might want to join your old comrades in Nigeria. They left earlier this morning after the Nigerian branch of the BSAA went dark. I had a close friend of mine checking into the possibility of an abnormal in the area, and I haven't heard from her at all. John told me to let you know that Regina went with the others there, and we have reason to believe it was Wesker who initiated an attack there. I also thought you might want to know the results of that abnormal DNA test you wanted me to run for you, but if you'd rather not I can just leave you here. Truth be told, I'd enjoy it if you'd decide to remain working here, but the decision is yours of where you want to be. Here or at the Warehouse."

There was a pause while she considered something else, and then she spoke.

"The person who's missing you already met. Her name is Clara Griffin, you met her when you first got here. She was the one who tried to prank you by going invisible and startle you your first day here."

She paused when another head stuck in the door. This woman was a mirror image of Helen, minus the fact she had blonde hair instead of black.

"When you get a chance mom, Sally said you should come down to the tanks, she has to talk with you."

Helen nodded.

"I'll be there shortly Ashley, thank you."

It took Roger a moment to recall that Ashley was Helen and John's daughter, and as such was quite a strong abnormal herself. He took notice that she smiled at him and blew him a kiss before exiting the room.

Helen shook her head slightly before adding, "sorry about that Roger. Though I think my daughter now has taken an interest in you."
Re: United Kingdom, Europe

Roger sighed, even while his face went crimson, "I thought I knew women... But the difference now is like light and day... I can't even remember the last time I flirted with a girl, or asked her out... They've been asking me out... Kinda..." he thought. And at Helen's statement, he shrugged, and shook his head, "Yeah... So has the mermaid, and the wolf girl..." Asides from Henry, he'd found out another girl who he'd had an exchange with both liked him, and was another werewolf like Henry... Must have been why she was so aggressive in such a fresh relationship. He'd also found a woman inside of a tank, called a mermaid, also immediately took a liking to him, going as far as to asking him to join her in the tank...

Roger shivered with another fluster of his cheeks, taking a deep breath to relax himself. He was about to say, just like he did when he first arrived at the warehouse, that he wasn't nearly as helpful, or powerful as someone like Chris, or any of the others. But, he corrected himself, when he remembered that he was the talk of the Sanctuary for his abilities. "Did that old woman know...? Did she know I could do this? I didn't know..."

After remaining silent for a moment, simply appearing flustered by Ashley's flirting, he asked Helen with a regained, serious tone, "Anyway... Sorry if I forgot, a lot of shit's happened these last few days. But, what DNA test? I've been more focused on listening for my door to open, before a certain furry friend of mine decides she wants to jump me..."
Re: United Kingdom, Europe

Helen chuckled.

"Ah yes, Anna I take it you mean. You won't have to worry about her for a few days, she's gone out with Nikola to check into a few things. As for the DNA test, you had asked me to run a few tests a while back on your blood to see if I could figure out why Mrs. Frederick sought you out. You didn't leave me much to go on, but what I found was rather ... interesting to say the least. If your interested I can tell you."
Re: United Kingdom, Europe

While the news of not having to worry about a certain horny doggy was a gift to his ears, what really caught his attention was the fact that she might have an answer for exactly what makes him what he is. Roger's eyes focused on her with interest, and his head perked up as well. "And?" he asked urgently, eager to hear whatever she had to say.
Re: United Kingdom, Europe

She looked at him for a moment before replying.

"Well, I discovered that you have abnormal DNA inside your blood stream. Not typical abnormal DNA though. You have a rare strain of visionary blood in you. Now I'm not entirely certain what kind of abilities you HAVE shown, but my guess would be you sometimes see flashes of things that could lead to your harm or death before they actually occur? If I'm right, honing that power could ultimately lead you to being able to sometimes predict events that could harm your closest friends or comrades as well. Truth be told, I've never seen this in a person who has no history of their family tree having been abnormals. I'm at a loss to explain how you got such a unique gift that normally only full telepaths have."

He might get the impression the way she said she was at a loss that this was the first time in a very long time that she'd been stumped like this. On the outside she didn't seem to be very old, but he could recall Henry and Will once mentioning that she had served as an ambassador during world war two in a failed attempt to end the Nazi reign without bloodshed. It had also been mentioned that some of the Nazi's hadn't even been human either.
Re: United Kingdom, Europe

Roger's shoulders, and his head fell in disappointment. He exhaled a deep sigh as all of his built up hopes were shot down in all but a moment. "That doesn't tell me anything..." he said in a lower pitched tone. Then, he picked his head up a little more, in hopes that there was something he could salvage from this, "What about the other thing? The memories? There has to be something that documents that!" he told her.

Of what he was talking about, was the rush of memories that were not his own, occurring mostly during combat, but also in his dreams as well. Memories of others, a Viking who never lost a battle ages ago, who led his men to riches and glory, a Mafia man who betrayed his gang, and could not be stopped in his goal to get revenge for his family, and a Romanian assassin, who was renowned for never having been touched in combat, and for his ability to fell entire armies, even though that was exaggerated.

All of this memories, as Roger explained, somehow became his own. Among his current arsenal, was a short sword, and a small dagger in addition to everything else. And Roger claimed that it was because he felt comfortable with these weapons, and couldn't stand to be apart from them. Roger even went as far as to speak in foreign languages unconsciously, and by force of habit. And when asked to repeat what he said, he had no idea what the words he spoke meant. Usually, it was simple things, such as distant insults, and quiet threats.
Re: United Kingdom, Europe

For a moment Helen was silent, too long of a moment really. Finally when she spoke, it seemed hesitant, as if she wasn't sure of what she was saying.

"Well, nothing in the abnormal database suggests any kind of power would allow you to do that. So either it's something we've never seen before in the almost twelve centuries this network has existed, OR ...."

She paused for a moment, then continued.

"I've been checking around with a few friends. They believe that you may have come under the influence of an artifact somewhere that has bound itself to you. They suspect it's your blades causing it. Actually, they think the blades are two pieces to a much larger type of artifact, one that may have been broken apart long ago and reacts like this when more than one piece is brought together. To be completely honest with you Roger, this is well over my head. I can't do anything to help you if this is artifact related. If it's abnormal related, I can conduct further tests, but at this point I'm flying as blindly as you are with it. I'm sorry."

Unlike most people who said it, Roger would get the impression from her that she truly was sorry for not being able to help him, and that it bothered her not being able to. Bothered her enough to be almost upsetting.
Re: United Kingdom, Europe

Roger slowly shook his head, "No... That can't be it. You guys gave me these, and I wanted these things after the memories occurred... It didn't matter what kind of blade, but the feeling of a sword attached to me made me feel secure..." he explained truthfully. Then, after thinking on what she said a little, he did feel now was the time for some honesty. "And... I was called an artifact by a certain someone... Like, he referred to me as one of those... Things you guys collect." he told Helen, trying to convey it to her the best way he could explain it.

Roger took a few steps, walking past her, before turning his head a little to look back at her, remaining silent for a moment before uttering the question, "... Who is Selmahn?" he asked her, hoping that in all her years, she might have heard the name. And in the back of his mind, Roger heard a toneless voice whisper, "I am Selmahn..."
Re: United Kingdom, Europe

Both statements clearly caught the woman by surprise.

"Who the hell said that you were an artifact? This is the first I've heard of this!"

The second question drew a blank look from her, but she recovered quickly.

"I ... I have no idea, I've never heard the name before. Shouldn't be too hard to look the name up, but I doubt it exists within the database of abnormals. It sounds familiar though, but I can't place why. Why, what's the connection to you?"
Re: United Kingdom, Europe

Roger simply shook his head, "Nobody important, just a man with a death wish." he said simply, before shrugging at her following question, "Honestly? That's what I'm trying to find out. And the funny thing is, he could have killed me... But when he had the chance, he let me go... I think he said something like wanting me to grow more powerful, or something." he told her, before throwing up his hands, at a loss for proper words.

"At first, I thought he was just a crazy lunatic... Well, maybe he is. But..." Roger trailed off, and went for his blade, drawing it, and wielding it with artistic skill, watching with his own eyes at the way he played with the blade like he never thought he could before, before stopping, and gripping the hilt firmly in his hand, "... But, that was before the memories."

He turned around to face Helen again, sheathing the blade, "Like I said, with all of these memories, half of the time, these... Visions I have don't even show up, because of all of the skills and experience with combat I'm remembering," he said with emphasis on his last word. Then, a hand went to his forehead, rubbing the sweat off of his brow, "I'm even remembering fights with monsters I didn't even know existed... Hell, I even remember staking some kind of fucking vampire! And then removing it's body parts, piece by piece!" he exclaimed, trying to get Helen to understand his situation, even if he has to go into depth, the severity of his visions.
Re: United Kingdom, Europe

Helen was silent for a very long time before finally speaking.

"I'll try to find out what I can Roger, but I have to admit to you, this may be beyond my ability to help you with. It won't stop me from trying though. As for that vampire memory ...... I'm going to have to ask Nikola about that, he knows more about the Ancient Vampires than I do."

A sudden thought occurred to her.

"This man with a death wish ... he wouldn't happen to be in Nigeria right now would he?"
Re: United Kingdom, Europe

Roger tilted his head to the side, and shrugged, "I'm fairly certain he is... Don't know where else that mother fucker would be." he said coldly, showing obvious dislike for the man.
Re: United Kingdom, Europe

Helen nodded lightly.

"Would you like for me to get John to take you there so you can finish the job?"

By that it was clear she meant if RJ wanted the chance to kill the guy, which led him to believe she had a fair idea of who it was, but found the name too vile to speak.
Re: United Kingdom, Europe

Roger twisted his lips, "That is the reason you came here to see me, isn't it? To send me off back to Nigeria?" he asked a rhetorical question, before nodding, "Sure, I'm game. But, I'll need to see the armory again. I think I've got a few ideas on what might, at the very least hurt that bitch. I'm pretty sure he won't like fire, Los monstruos never do." he said, partly in Spanish when remembering that most monsters the others in his memories fought often were defeated with only a hefty dose of flame across the flesh.
Re: United Kingdom, Europe

Helen nodded.

"Very well, I'll take you there myself. I don't think you've met the big guy yet either, he guards the armory. Before you ask, he's big foot."

She chuckled at his usage of spanish, then added in, "si senor."

She had just the faintest hint of a smile on her face as she said it, the look suggesting she hadn't had a chance to speak like that in a long time.

A few minutes later they reached the armory. It was typical of any military like armory, complete with a massive steel door.

True to her word, a very large Yeti waited just inside the doors, and when he spoke it was in a deep, almost gravelly voice.

"Good Afternoon Helen."

He regarded Roger for a moment, not sure what to make of him at first, then put his hand out in an offering to shake.
Re: United Kingdom, Europe

Arriving at the Armory, and meeting the Bigfoot himself, not to mention meeting his outstretched hand as well, Roger recoiled a little bit from the idea of having his hand crushed in a firm handshake from the yeti, tilting his head to look up at the massive yeti, "It's... Roger... Er, RJ..." he said hesitatingly, raising a cautious eyebrow at the large monster's hand, then immediately made up an excuse not to shake his hand, "Sorry, but, uh... My hands are... Greasy... Just ate..." he said slowly.
Re: United Kingdom, Europe

It took Roger a moment to realize that the rumbling sound coming from the big guy was laughter.

"You need not worry about my breaking your hand RJ. I know my own strength and long ago got used to having to watch it when greeting someone. However, it is your choice. I take it you came here for weaponry for some kind of trip, let me know if anything catches your eye."

How quickly the big man went from a humorous situation right back to business. He also would take note that the big guy pronounced the letters as "Arrrre - Jayyy".
Re: United Kingdom, Europe

After a few minutes of gathering many of the 'specialty' items, such as a new set of freshly sharpened blades, a dagger and a short sword, to be specific, some incendiary grenades, and a brand new Desert Eagle with a small laser sight installed, as well as three clips to compliment that. Next, he reached up for the desert outfit, meant for very sandy places such as the desert itself, and turned his head before he went off to go change, looking at Helen. "Hey, no peeking," he said sarcastically, before vanishing, and reappearing a moment later, donned in a combat ready, tactical desert operation outfit, complete with his gear, and a large white cloak to shield him from the airborne sand.

Roger lifted the hood of the cloak over his head, enough to hide the main features of his face, since he didn't want to immediately clue the people from the warehouse just who he was, should the likely event come that they see him.

And, dressed in his foreign outfit, his weapons hidden underneath the cloak, except for the short sword sticking out over his shoulder, Roger nodded at Helen, "I'm ready." he said simply, before giving the yeti a small wave, "Thanks, big guy."