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Unknown's Blank Page

Re: Unknown's Blank Page

Just a little pic to share. A photoshop request from a friend. Just a simple thick lined tracing over a photo of him. Took just over half an hour. Background is of course, not my work, but with a little editing fit nicely.

Re: Unknown's Blank Page

I've been playing with gif making again. Characters from games 6 to 9 done. Many more to go. May still change some of the individual artworks used.


Re: Unknown's Blank Page

Lol doodles!


Creepy fellow down the bottom here is my characters Kars, first created for Rule34's old RP 'The Dividing Line'. Thanks for that game Rule, whilst unfortunately short as it was, this rogue alien remains one of my favourite characters.


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Re: Unknown's Blank Page

Nice artwork, very cute doodles! Will you be adding moar in soon?

It's good to see all the writing your also putting in, ack I know it's not too helpful, can't think of much else. ~.=.~
Re: Unknown's Blank Page

Thanks Dragon. Like I've said before, it's always nice to have visitors. I'm not looking to receive detailed critiques or anything, so that's plenty enough for me. =)

The original plan was just to post the mug shot of kars, but the rest of the doodles on the page amused me, so I posted the whole scan as it was too. I didn't really have anything else planned to add here, but you asking made me think about checking through my files for any other doodles of sorts I might have not posted. Got a few after all.

I refer to these things as photoshop doodles. Done with zero planing, normally from a blank page.

"Carpet forest"

Alternate version

Some kinda crystalish place? I really dunno what this is...

Alternate version

Electric Eye


Lurking Things

This one is something else, a picture I drew in paint of my flat during a very tense and quiet moment.

I'm trying to upload a map of a fictional setting I created as well, but so far Photobucket seems to be having none of it.
Re: Unknown's Blank Page

You're welcome, I know you know that receiving little in the way of replies, little notes or big critiques, is disheartening somewhat.

All your current uploads are very abstract, and very varied.

"Carpet Forest":
Quite beautiful, I really like the mist-fog effect you have going on, gives it a great sense of depth... if it had stronger edges, you could have called it a crystalline forest.

Alternate; Nightmarish and organic, either in the wrong sort of forest or a body - and the eyes. O.=.O Sparkly. Bad place to be around with shopping bags on a return trip.

Crystal Palace?
Like an entirely dream-like world, psychedelic indeed. Looks like a nice place to physically in if you don't mind the spikes...

Until you inverted it, now looks quite scary. Those sparkly eyes could be added to the robed figure's face, or where it would be.

"Electric Eye":
Alien, bold and perhaps intimidating, either a literal eye or looking at the belly of an alien craft.

The alternates look like magical circles, with the second seen through a recording from a camera, really nice stark effect.

"Lurking Things":
AKA 'Hello Cthulhu and friends', like the Evil Sun, Lurking Spider, Demented Slug and floating Eye Ball. O.=.o' I think that everything is glaring at you in an evil, distant manner gives this a profound, 'in your face' effect.

"Last image here plz":
I thought, right upon seeing it, that it looked like the overview of a city, with all the shades of grey and lines appearing like blocks and alleyways, then I thought it was the side-view of a city... And after actually paying attention, realized it was your flat, if you meant that, with what seem like iPhones scattered around. All the scattered lines translate the tense moment well, as it doesn't feel as homely as anybody would suspect of an interior image.

Edit; You can use Paint or instead?
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Re: Unknown's Blank Page

Hmm, I wouldn't say I'd ever find it disheartening to not receive comments. Since I do most of these more for myself than to get a reaction or any kind. I was just saying that it's nice to know who's visiting and that people have seen it. I guess I wonder a little more about how many people read the small written entries, since I know how much people are less likely to spend 5 - 30 minutes reading something than 5 -30 seconds looking at something.

The photoshop doodles are always fun to do. I just remembered some other ones I've done, but those are stuck on my external hard drive. The Carpet Forest is the only one that wasn't entirely random, being inspired by a scene in the SBS RP. The programs I use are MSPaint (Vista edition) and Photoshop CS2. I've always had a thing for the simplicity of MSPaint. Though the changes they've made to the Windows7 version of Paint are downright blasphemous. :(

In the tension pic, I'm the blue "iPhone". =)
Re: Unknown's Blank Page

An imaginary conversation between two of my characters in the SBS RP. It neither fully fits in the RP, nor has really had an opportunity to be written. So after floating about in my head for a while, I thought I'd write it out here. Primarily concerning my own fictional setting of Etheria. The conversation however, takes place at a corner table of an English school cafeteria. Even people in the RP or those I've specifically talked to about my Etheria setting will probably be confused by what these two are talking about, it's largely written purely for myself, but meh, maybe you can figure some out. Also since this is all one long back and forth dialogue, I got lazy with the he said she said stuff. I did it in the normal character colour coding I do in the game, which will at least allow readers to track who's saying what.

"Hey, by the way, did you get any of the recent news about Maia Ve?" Harrel asks Ellisia as he comes back to the table with some condiments.

Ellisia takes the ketchup, though looking far more interested in this news from home than the cafeteria dinner in front of her, "Maia? No I've not heard anything. Not really had the chance to follow non order channels."

"It's pretty big stuff. Everyone's talking about it back home. Turns out that Maia Ve actually survived and has been alive all these years. We started receiving signals not long ago."

"Really? That's incredible. I thought we were the only ones to survive the avarice. What do the signals contain? Are there any plans to send a team?"

"No mission plans yet, but well, that's where it gets strange. They're calls for help, sung, in perfect ancient Etherian, but including nothing to explain the situation. The messages emotionally claim, get this, to be 'dying of loneliness'. Stranger still, is that there's no relay signature. Nothing at all. The analysts have gone over it a hundred times looking for any manipulations or anomalies in the signals, but they all come up clean." The young man says, falling into a casual grin as his friends face twists a little trying to understand the news.

"Wait, so your saying that, the signals are coming from Maia Ve without any input? The tower itself is sending these of it's own accord?"

"Yup. That's what all the evidence points to. The most spoken theory is that Maia's population perished along with the rest during the avarice, but the tower somehow survived it's own disjunction, and has since been slowly recovering automatically."

"And Maia itself, the tower, is lonely? How does that make sense?"

"Well if this is the case, if it did survive that catastrophe, I'd imagine it must have received damage during that right? And think of how long it's been out there rebuilding itself. Remember that rogue orbital that was acting up when you first came to Etheria? If you don't maintain and recycle these constructs, they can become quirky and form personas. Maia has developed self awareness. I'm not surprised it 'feels lonely'."

"To think there's another functional tower out there, and that this one's sentient. So if that's the case, how come no investigation teams have been sent yet? If they could make out actual messages, the signals must be clear enough to trace right?"

"They're not sure if it's safe. Whilst there may be no natives to complicate the mission, if the leading theory about Maia is correct, then think about how powerful this thing is. It's probably been consuming vast amounts of nearby spirit to maintain itself, and may not distinguish between living and ambient. Plus it's developed this sentience without any form of guidance, with only the history of the old empire and the information available to it at the time of the avarice to build on."

"Hmm, I can see what you mean. That's hardly the best set of memories to be born with, so to speak. A single conciousness wielding that kind of energy. It is concerning."

"The messages we've received so far have been desperate and come off as almost childish. We know it's 'lonely', and that's about it. It potentially has the power of a god, and likely has never had any contact with any living thing. We don't possess anything that could protect an agent from that kind of misguided power. Again, still largely speculation, but it has the power to send these signals after all. It's been trying to talk to Etheria itself, as if our tower might be the same as it and reply directly. If it receives a relay from a human speaking through the tower, we don't know how it might react."

"Though I suppose we can't ignore something like that sitting out there in the void can we? For a start, however unlikely, it's a potential back door into Etheria. Also there must be massive amounts of lost data and history contained in it's memory. There's a lot to be gained if we are able to communicate with it."

"True. Most people are very keen on trying to make contact. Though a few others believe it's too dangerous an artefact to leave standing and think it would be better silenced. Even heard some already talking about deploying a spear to deal with it, as if that was the solution to everything." said with a hint of distaste toward the end as he shakes his head lightly. "Aw snap. My foods gone cold. I've been talking to much."

"I know the types. They'll try to requisition golems to deal with a kitten stuck in a tree." Ellisia says with a sigh, pushing away an empty plate. "But it certainly is an interesting development. I'll have to check in on how the situation progresses. Right now, I need to be getting to an 'earth history' class. It's strange how much information there is to cover despite only focusing on the last two millennia."

"I don't know how you put up with this school stuff. Call me crazy but I'd say you actually enjoy it. But I'll catch you later then. Have fun..."
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Re: Unknown's Blank Page

You know what. Making good looking concept art is hard. Using Photoshop, is hard. And MS-Paint? I'll always love paint.

So here's another doodle from me, about this "Etheria" place. For reference again, the central tower is 100km tall, and the rest is fully to scale with each other.

Re: Unknown's Blank Page

More illustrated diagrams and notes about Etheria.
[Edit note: There is of course more to this setting than big rocks and strange empty spaces, but that stuff will come latter, after I've got the cosmology properly figured out.]


I've been drawing these things to help solidify the world and setting better. It's been excessively vague and morphic for years now, and putting things down on paper (or BMP/PNG/PSD etc) has always worked well for forcing me to fill in the gaps and iron out concepts. Purely personal fiction for the sake of fiction.

Right now, it's more strange ancient structures and twisted dimensional astronomy. The current challenge being to name parts of it, which is proving harder than I expected. That picture was intended to have notes and names included, but I'm stuck on the names for now. Perhaps I'll update the pic latter.

For the time being I'll refer to them simply as the 1st, 2nd and 3rd sphere, with the "first" being the smallest centre sphere (excluding the light blue orb).

1st sphere
- This region of space houses the tower and surrounding landmass and city, and is the most stable portion of Etheria. Semi regulated weather patterns occur in this area imitating the natural weather of normal worlds. It has a balanced breathable earth like atmosphere throughout, and 1G gravity that pulls downwards towards the apparent planet bellow. Multiple lesser orbitals and satellite structures also occupy the outer regions of this sphere. The illusionary planet bellow and the stars above can be seen when looking out from here. A vast blue sky filling the view during the day time.
2nd sphere - This fairly expansive region houses notable greater orbitals and servant structures such as I.O.S and E.O.S as well as more lesser constructs. The atmosphere here (both above and bellow the central landmass) is somewhat thinner, being comparable to tall Earth mountains, and also exhibits strong and near constant high speed winds. The winds move in a consistent outwards spiral, blowing out towards the edge of Etherian space. Living beings visiting this region for extended periods will also be subjected to slightly abnormal spiritual pressures, commonly resulting in temporary soul sickness if without training or a particularly resilient soul. Gravity in the 2nd sphere is also weaker, being comparable to earth moon gravity, with the exception of the space directly beneath the 1st sphere.
3rd sphere - The outer most region of Etheria. Once crossing the border between the 2nd and 3rd sphere gravity begins to divert and pull strongly and dangerously outwards. Once within the 3rd sphere the dimensional warping that makes the planet and stars visible from central Etheria will fade and be replaced with the true edge of Etherian artificial space, apearing as a gigantic dark stormy ocean of water in constant turmoil. Ferocious winds rip the waters surface without end, and the water itself is in constant motion both at the surface and bellow. Looking back "up" towards central Etheria, dark clouded skies will obscure much of the view. Anything that travels beyond the depths of the sea itself, if the violent waters don't destroy it first, will be met with the void. Items that sink through to the void are utterly destroyed and returned back into the ether as raw anima for Etheria to reuse and form into new mass or energies.
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Re: Unknown's Blank Page

More abstract conceptual stuff. Using this one as a desktop now. I doubt it makes much sense to the casual viewer. Basically it's a message from Maia Vee to Etheria, with stylised random stuff. Maia Vee is angry you see. Prepare for a shitstorm.

Also, you see that pretty blueish thingy? That's Etheria's shiny new emblem. The red tinted one is Maia Vee's emblem. Poor MV is a very confused and emotional god powered entity. It's a dangerous combination.

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Re: Unknown's Blank Page

This is a "for fun" extra character for Dark Gate that I imagined up and felt like writing out properly.

~ Lyra Song ~

Character Sheet
Name: Lyra Song
Class: Glass Wand
Race: Crolian

Body: 4
Mind: 58 (+16 SoM)
Spirit: 2

Hit Points: 34 [4+29+1]
Pleasure to Orgasm: 61 [2+58+1]
Spirit Energy: 33 [2+29+2]
Speed: 6
Dodge: 32
Armour: 1
Resistance: 29
Grapple: 4

Experience: N/A
C͙̗̾̄ͫ̈́̑̐ǒ̧͇̭͙̣͈̖̼̐͒̈̃ͤ̑r̮̼̙̝͉̫͒̔r̵͍̪̫̥̜ͯ̓̏͗ṳ̻̘̳̬̩ͤ̔̄ͅp͐͗ͣ̀t̨̺͕̹͓̠̦̳̓̓̋ĭ̝͊̌̏o̭̺̥͈̲ͮͭ̀ͫ͊ͣͅͅn͔̙̰̓͊̈́̽̿: 0 (+Mutated flaw)

( = Paid for via flaw)

Strong of Mind: The character gets a +8 bonus to their Mind stat.
Strong of Mind: The character gets a +8 bonus to their Mind stat.
Focus in [Arcane]:
Focus in [Light]:
Focus in [Entropy]:The character chooses an Element. This Talent allows the character to cast up to 5th level spells in that Element, and in addition, they gain a total of +10 to all Casting checks for spells of that Element, all spells of that Element which deal damage deal an additional +2 damage per spell level, Buffs increase the chosen stat by an additional +1 per spell level and round up instead of down, and creatures summoned by spells of that Element gain +2 to their Body stat per spell level.

Experienced Caster: The character can cast up to 3rd level spells in any Element.
Evoker: Whenever the character casts a spell that deals damage, increase the effective spell level of that spell by 1. This has no effect if the character casts a spell that can either heal, or do damage, and the character chooses to heal.
Natural Succubus (Knowledgeable) : Instead of using Body as their base stat for determining the amount of pleasure damage they deal, the character uses Mind.
Magic Feats: Choose two magic feats and add them to the caster’s list.

Selfish (RP) : The character, no matter the circumstances, thinks and acts only toward their own interests. They cannot aid another unless the benefit of such an action is obvious to them, and will not shy away from abandoning or betraying their allies if it would benefit them enough.
Fragile: Whenever the character’s HP falls below ½ of its maximum value, the character gains an instance of the Weakened status.
Alien Lover: Any pleasure dealt to the character by Alien creatures is increased by +8.
Mutated: The character gains 3 mutations of your choice.
Fetish (Rape) : Whenever the character comes on the receiving end of their fetish, they start taking +10 to all pleasure rolls.

Foul Aura: The character has an aura about them that causes others to know to distrust them. Non-hostile NPCs are less willing to work with the character due to them being seemingly corrupted.
Lustful (RP) : The character is a frequent enjoyer of physical pleasure. They are more likely to seek sex from their allies, or accept it if it is offered to them, and are even more likely to give in if they are raped.
Odd Hair: The characters hair has faded to a ghostly white.

Spell Casting:
Base Casting: 29
Spirit Ceiling: 7
Favoured Elements: Arcane, Light, Entropy.

Commonly Carried:
-Obsidian Wand with sheath
-Personal Mage's Grimoire

Misc Possessions:
-Preserved Gemini body parts
-Jars of inert grey slime
-Various certificates and awards

Unarmed attack, aka "anaemic slap" (+4) [d4 + 1] {None}



Orphaned via a domestic tragedy at an early age, she was left with only the educational trust fund provided by her father. Led into academy accommodation and a life of magical study, it is the only world she has ever known. Finding it difficult to adjust after her fathers death she became withdrawn and did not form friendships well, instead dedicating herself to her studies. Although of keen mind and excellent ability, a spree of early incidents involving fainting during extended casting practices called attention to not one but two weakening disabilities. Lyra suffered from anaemia and a frail soul, making prolonged or high energy casting highly taxing on her body. Whilst unable to match some of the highly charged displays from some of her classmates, she did however continue to demonstrate exceptional control and technical mastery of the magical arts. Achieving exemplary grades in all fields, she was marked out as one of the star pupils of the academy, albeit no more popular amongst the other students for it. Her talents gaining the attention of a prestigious Crolian mages guild, she received an advance invitation to the guild, as well as a sponsorship to continue funding her education. Lyra aspired to a future of magical research and composition, where mages across the nation would practice spells of her design from books bearing her name.

Then came the Gemini. During the chaos of the early invasion, Lyra was one of the many unlucky victims caught in the panicked streets. All concerns of grades and school work thrown aside as she was publicly raped by an alien creature. Although eventually rescued, as with many, the incident left a mark that would remain ever after.

Two years latter, now a senior student and beginning to receive some of her first minor commission work from the guild. Lyra continues her study, with a lesser degree of focus than before. Now haunted by regular nightmares and fantasies of the invaders returning. Becoming something of an obsession as she diverts her time into learning and collecting all she can related to the invasion. Accounts from victims and witnesses, information on the invaders, and even physical specimens. The concept of tracking down and capturing a living Gemini specimen being of particular interest to her. Although what she would ultimately choose to do with it, unknown to even herself.

Outwardly, she pursues a futile and vindictive vendeta against the departed invaders. Inwardly, she strugles with a deep sexual frustration engrained into her from her relatively brief experience with them. Before the incident, Lyra had barely spared a passing moment on thoughts of sex or companionship. In her mind, such things were mere distractions from her studies, and the reason the other frolicking fools of the academy remained bellow her. This all changed after her ordeal. Whilst she remains as reclusive as ever, if not more so, she is plagued with endless lewd thoughts and inclinations that fill her days. She still despises her desires as wastes of time and mental focus that would be far better spent on her studies, but has found that trying to suppress them only results in the problem welling up inside until she can no longer think straight at all. Erotic fantasies and self pleasuring becoming regular routine, with more than one jar of grey slime samples purchased "for research purposes" being put to use in alternative ways over the days. The concept of actually approaching others for help quenching her needs generally remaining an impossibility in her mind.

Description & Personality:

Of uncomplicated Crolian lineage, pale skinned and of tall but slender frame. Long fine straight hair, that was originally sandy blonde in colour, but became bleached a seemingly permanent white as a result of her violation by the Gemini. Prefers relatively simple but elegant apparel when in public and on business. Cold calculating blue eyes that contrast against her pale face and hair.

She views the world and it's inhabitants with a typically detached and unsympathetic attitude. A tendency to bury her real feelings and layer herself in protective excuses to hide a plethora of personal issues and insecurities from the rest of the world. Though quite good at maintaining the sharp persona she projects to protect herself, when flustered and this breaks down she can display ample emotion. She is comfortable interacting with people in a formal or business basis, or with most things relating to magic, but prefers to avoid most other social situations. She especially dislikes rowdy people, and those that she feels fail to respect her talents and accomplishments in magical study. The more social and popular students of the academy are in fact often an object of jealousy, which unfortunately only manifests as scorn.

Ref images:
Remove the knives, and these are good refs.


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Re: Unknown's Blank Page

~ Lily ~

Character Sheet
Name: Lily
Class: Huggy Plant (Warrior)
Race: Alraune

Body: 50 (+16 SoB, +4 racial)
Mind: 14 (+8 SoM, -4 racial)
Spirit: 18 (+8 SoS)

Hit Points: 66 [50+7+9]
Pleasure to Orgasm: 48 [25+14+9]
Spirit Energy: 50 [25+7+18]
Speed: 30 (+8 Quick)
Dodge: 41 +10 when unarmed (all the time) also (+10 to Dodge and Resistance checks against Spirit based attacks)
Armour: 0
Resistance: 33 (+8 Res) (+10 Resistance checks against Spirit based attacks)

Experience: N/A
C͙̗̾̄ͫ̈́̑̐ǒ̧͇̭͙̣͈̖̼̐͒̈̃ͤ̑r̮̼̙̝͉̫͒̔r̵͍̪̫̥̜ͯ̓̏͗ṳ̻̘̳̬̩ͤ̔̄ͅp͐͗ͣ̀t̨̺͕̹͓̠̦̳̓̓̋ĭ̝͊̌̏o̭̺̥͈̲ͮͭ̀ͫ͊ͣͅͅn͔̙̰̓͊̈́̽̿: 0 (Warped)

(Ⓡ = Racial, Ⓕ = Gained via flaw)

Unarmed Fighter: The character deals Improved Unarmed damage when attacking without a weapon. In addition, the character gets a +10 bonus to Dodge so long as they aren't holding any weapons.
Grapple Expert: The character gets a +12 bonus to their Grapple stat.
Heavy Hitter: The character deals +8 damage on all melee attacks.

Quick: Increase the character's Speed stat by 8.
Resistant: Increase the character's Resistance stat by 8.
Strong of Body: The character gets a +8 bonus to their Body stat. Can only be taken at character creation.

ⒻStrong of Body: The character gets a +8 bonus to their Body stat. Can only be taken at character creation.
ⒻStrong of Mind: The character gets a +8 bonus to their Mind stat. Can only be taken at character creation.
ⒻStrong of Spirit: The character gets a +8 bonus to their Spirit stat. Can only be taken at character creation.

Idealistic (RP) : The character is unfailingly kind, no matter the circumstances. They will always try to help others to the best of their ability, even to their own detriment, and even if that help is not asked for or met with hostility. This does not mean, however, mean that they will let things attack them without responding. They’re idealists, not pacifists.
Sensitive: The character takes an additional 4 PP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.
Sensitive x2: The character takes an additional 4 PP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.

ⓇPlant: The character is a plant. Their skin is naturally green and leaf-like, though additional specifics about their biology are up to you to decide. They are also immune to any effects that would damage or drain their EP. Plants also automatically become pregnant whenever they would receive a pregnancy roll, but unless the creature is an egg layer, they give birth to seeds that eventually sprout into alraune. Creatures that they themselves impregnate give birth to shorn weed seeds.
ⓇTentacles: The character has a number of tentacles that they can use for a variety of purposes. If used for penetration, the character deals and takes pleasure as if they were penetrating their opponent, and can impregnate as if they had a penis. In addition, group grappling rules no longer apply against the character unless the creatures that they are grappling with also have this Special Mutation. The character can, while in a grapple, attempt to grapple another creature so long as they win their grapple check for that round, but if they do, they also need to succeed on an attack roll against the targeted creature.
ⓇWarped: The character has started becoming something other than completely human. Characters with this mutation cause any creatures that do not have this mutation to take an amount of corruption equal to 1/2 the pleasure that they deal. Racial Mutations and other Special Mutations do not count toward getting this.

Stunning Blow (Activated) – The character can take a -8 penalty to their attack rolls and damage on their attacks, but if they hit, their target must make a Resistance check against them or be Stunned until after your next turn . Requires Unarmed Fighter.
Disarm (Activated) – The character can forsake the damage done by their attack to instead disarm their opponent. A creature wielding a weapon that is hit by this attack loses any weapon they are holding, and must take a turn to retrieve it if they want to continue using it. Requires Duelist OR Unarmed Fighter.
Stranglehold (Activated) - The character chokes a bitch. When the character has something in a submission hold, they may make a Resistance check vs the target. If the character wins, they deal the difference between the check in damage to the target's Resistance. When their Resistance hits 0, they are knocked unconscious. Requires Grapple Expert.
Powerful Embrace (Passive) - The character is well versed in the art of the bear-hug. The character automatically deals 2d10 damage that ignores armor per round when in grapples when they're the dominant grappler (i.e. they've won the grapple check that round). Requires Grapple Expert.
Defensive Grappler (Activated) – When the character is in a grapple, they can forsake any other actions in order to make an unarmed attack against any creatures that are grappling them. This attack is treated as though the character was not grappled, and takes a -4 penalty to attack rolls and damage for each hostile creature participating in the grapple. Requires Unarmed Fighter.
Spirit-Oppressor (Passive) - The character gains +10 to Dodge and Resistance checks against Spirit based attacks. Requires Spirit 14+.

A lovely green birthday suit
Occasional collected flowers

Unarmed attack (+50) [1d8 + 27] {None}
((Base Damage: 2d4 + 13))



One of seven Alraune birthed by Red during her misadventure in Artmist. Unaware of what the seedlings would grow into at the time, the half Su-Ku-Ta mother left the other six behind to be raised by nature, taking a single seed pod with her out of idle curiosity. This was that pod. Sprouting out a short time after departing from Artmirst, the strange green skinned child grew rapidly, rivalling her mothers height in a matter of days. Named Lily after the flowers kept by the circus mystic, and continuing to stay with her human/Su-ku-ta mother, Lily's first day were spent travelling long distances, and observing her mothers day to day survival routines. These highly mobile days continue to be seen in her notable speed and enjoyment of movement when compare to most other Alraune. Whilst red was quite wary of her new and surprisingly fast growing plant daughter at first, Lily demonstrated a gentle and dependable nature. Whilst affectionate, she quickly came to understand and respect personal boundaries, and would listen attentively to anything and everything that Red said around her. When given an instruction she would obey it without question. Finally settling down at an abandoned farm stead, Lily met for the first time, others of her species. Initially things were friendly, Lily proving to be an object of much interest to the local Alraune clan, however upon inviting these new friends to come meet her mother, things turned sour. A tense stand off occurring when the plant folk rounded on Red, with intentions that most certainly discarded any considerations personal space, and a horrified Lily left to pick a side. Choosing to deny the Alraune, Lily helped to defend Red and angrily drove the lewd assault away from her home, built of stone and timber. After that day the Alraune seldom came near the farm, and eventually moved away deeper into the forest.

With the birth of Maya, Lily gained a sister, which she accepted as her family in the same way as Red. The two soon becoming the best of friends, and spending most of their time together. As Maya blitzed around her small world, learning new things each day, Lily fell into the role of a watchful protector. She would keep Maya off of the tall rocks, make sure she never strayed too far, and pick her up when she fell. They talked together constantly, making endless little observations about the world. When Red asked Lily to make a promise, to "never hurt or do anything bad to Maya" Lily promised right away. Not understanding the need for the promise, but taking it in uttermost seriousness regardless.

The eventual return of the wild Alraune proved a testing time for Lily, making her ask herself a lot of questions, but eventually turned for the better. Lily and Maya together managing to come to an understanding with the creatures, and a gradual but solid peace was established. Though Lily remains the odd one out among her fellow plant folk, she retains their respect now, and is identified as an interesting member of the garden (I just made that phrase up. Referring to a mentally linked community of Alraune). She has steadily been teaching them to speak verbally via casual sharing of information.

Description & Personality:

Slightly tall for an Alraune, Lily's smooth leafy skin bares one of the lighter shades of green typically seen among her kind. Her hair a pleasant spring green and long at the back down to her shoulder blades where her vine tentacle limbs sprout. Amber eyes like her mothers. As a young Alraune she has not yet developed any extra plant or floral growths, and her two head flowers remain subtle features. Two modest white lily like flowers, sitting at the upper back of her head in a 4 and 8 o'clock arrangement. Gentle and patient in all her dealings, yet also possessing an interest in exploring her surroundings and a desire to understand things that aren't immediately apparent. She is highly mobile for her kind, happy to stay on her feet for longer periods of time than some would care for. Her strong legs a small something of pride for her. Though slightly less curvy than most of her Alraune friends, they assure her that if she slows down and starts mating more often, she'll be fine.

Ref images:
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Re: Unknown's Blank Page

Another one for fun. This one is both a small exercise in munchkining for the lulz, and writing up a novelty character concept that came to mind.

~ Annerose Everset ~

Character Sheet
Name: Metal
Class: Sentient Anomalous Mass (Warrior)
Race: Living Slime

Body: 94 (+12 Racial) (+40 SoB)
Mind: 2 (-4 Racial)
Spirit:10 (+8 Racial)

Hit Points: 100 [94+1+5]
Pleasure to Orgasm: 54 [47+2+5]
Spirit Energy: 108 [47+1+10] (+30 MEP)(+20 GEP)
EP Normal = 208
Speed: 31
Dodge: 56 (+3 knight)
Armor: 3 (+3 knight)
Resistance: 39 (-8 Weak)
Perception: 46 (-48 Oblivious)
Stealth: 78 (-16 Obvious)
Grapple: 106 (+12 GrpEx)

Experience: 0
C͙̗̾̄ͫ̈́̑̐ǒ̧͇̭͙̣͈̖̼̐͒̈̃ͤ̑r̮̼̙̝͉̫͒̔r̵͍̪̫̥̜ͯ̓̏͗ṳ̻̘̳̬̩ͤ̔̄ͅp͐͗ͣ̀t̨̺͕̹͓̠̦̳̓̓̋ĭ̝͊̌̏o̭̺̥͈̲ͮͭ̀ͫ͊ͣͅͅn͔̙̰̓͊̈́̽̿: 0 (Supernatural)

(Ⓡ = Racial, Ⓕ = Gained via flaw)

Grapple Expert: The character gets a +12 bonus to their Grapple stat.

①Strong of Body: The character gets a +8 bonus to their Body stat. Can only be taken at character creation.
②Strong of Body: The character gets a +8 bonus to their Body stat. Can only be taken at character creation.
③Strong of Body: The character gets a +8 bonus to their Body stat. Can only be taken at character creation.
④Strong of Body: The character gets a +8 bonus to their Body stat. Can only be taken at character creation.
⑤Strong of Body: The character gets a +8 bonus to their Body stat. Can only be taken at character creation.

ⒻTwo Weapon Fighter: Allows the character to fight with a weapon in each hand, attacking once per round with each of them at a -4 penalty to attack and damage rolls with both weapons.
ⒻMassive Energy Pool: The character gets +30 max EP.
ⒻGreater Energy Pool: Grants the character an additional 20 max energy. +20 EP, in other words.

ⓇWeak: The character takes a -8 penalty to their Resistance stat.
ⓇOpen Soul: The character takes an additional 4 EP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.

Honorable (RP) : The character cannot break their word once given. Every contract, agreement and promise is totally binding, and the character must seek to fulfill them even at their own detriment.
Lustful (RP) : The character is a frequent enjoyer of physical pleasure. They are more likely to seek sex from their allies, or accept it if it is offered to them, and are even more likely to give in if they are raped.
Idealistic (RP) : The character is unfailingly kind, no matter the circumstances. They will always try to help others to the best of their ability, even to their own detriment, and even if that help is not asked for or met with hostility. This does not mean, however, mean that they will let things attack them without responding.

(extra) Obvious: The character takes a -16 penalty to their Stealth stat.
(extra) Oblivious: The character takes a -16 penalty to their Perception stat.
(extra) Oblivious: The character takes a -16 penalty to their Perception stat.
(extra) Oblivious: The character takes a -16 penalty to their Perception stat.

ⓇMalleable Form: The character's body is made of a liquid instead of a solid. They can change their shape at will, but generally have some sort of normal form that they usually keep. This form is almost always feminine in nature. The character cannot become pregnant, and can only impregnate others through magical means. Instead, they reproduce by splitting once they have absorbed enough energy.
All damage against characters with this mutation is reduced by 1/2. In addition, purely physical attacks are reduced by an additional 1/2, meaning that they only deal 1/4 as much damage. Attacks that ignore AV also ignore this damage reduction. Unlike other races, Slimes do not have an HP stat, nor do they have a maximum EP. Instead, they add whatever their HP would be to their starting EP. This is considered their normal EP, but it can be exceeded. Any damage that the character takes goes to their EP. Any HP they would regain or EP that they would drain causes their EP to increase, even if it would exceed their normal maximum EP. Once a character with this mutation reaches 3 x their maximum EP, they lose exactly 1/2 of it, gain 8 experience, and split in half, producing another slime with their memories and personality. The two generally diverge from there, not wanting to stay too near one another as they compete for food.
A character with this mutation that is reduced to 0 EP is permanently destroyed.

ⓇSupernatural: The character is magical in nature. They can no longer take corruption, and cause any pleasure they deal to other creature to cause an equal amount of corruption. Racial Mutations and other Special Mutations do not count toward getting this.
ⓇSoul Eater: The character must feed off of the souls of others in order to survive. They cannot regenerate EP beyond 1, and whenever they are at 1 EP they must actively seek to feed regardless of any possible consequences. Whenever they deal pleasure to a creature, they drain half as much EP from that creature.
ⓇTentacles: The character has a number of tentacles that they can use for a variety of purposes. If used for penetration, the character deals and takes pleasure as if they were penetrating their opponent, and can impregnate as if they had a penis. In addition, group grappling rules no longer apply against the character unless the creatures that they are grappling with also have this Special Mutation. The character can, while in a grapple, attempt to grapple another creature so long as they win their grapple check for that round, but if they do, they also need to succeed on an attack roll against the targeted creature.

Whirlwind (Activated) – The character attacks all enemies within range of them, but take a -10 penalty to attack rolls, damage, and Dodge until their next turn. They attack with both weapons, if they have two.
Whirling Death (Activated) – The character gets a +8 bonus to their melee damage and AV, but takes 4 points of damage per round. This damage ignores AV.
Flurry (Activated) – The character takes two attacks with each weapon, totaling to 4 attacks, but all attacks are made at a -12 penalty to attack rolls and damage.
Scissor Defense (Activated) – The character forsakes all attacks for the round, and takes a -10 penalty to Dodge for the round. In return, they get a +12 bonus to AV, and automatically attack any enemy that hits them in melee with both of their weapons.

Stranglehold (Activated) - The character chokes a bitch. When the character has something in a submission hold, they may make a Resistance check vs the target. If the character wins, they deal the difference between the check in damage to the target's Resistance. When their Resistance hits 0, they are knocked unconscious.
Powerful Embrace (Passive) - The character is well versed in the art of the bear-hug. The character automatically deals 2d10 damage that ignores armor per round when in grapples when they're the dominant grappler (i.e. they've won the grapple check that round).
Pummel (Activated) - The character can choose to allow whatever action that the creature that they are grappling to succeed, and it will do so before they can take any action. In exchange, unless they acquire some status that prevents them from taking any actions (such as being stunned or put into a submission hold,) they can make 3 attacks with their unarmed attack or a one handed weapon against the creature they are grappling. These attacks use grapple attack rolls rather than grapple checks to determine success.

Quick Draw (Passive) - The character can draw their weapons without spending a turn.
Knight (Passive) – The character gets a +3 bonus to AV, Dodge, attacks rolls and damage for all melee attacks. Requires: Honorable.

Longsword x2 (+97) [2d6 + 50]
Throwing Knives (+97) [2d12 + 27] 20 foot range

Unarmed attack (+97) [2d4 + 27] {None}
(+3 knight)


The life of a questing paladin is not an easy one, nor safe. Young Annerose of Everset was fully aware of the dangers that the world would present her with when she decided to invested her recently acquired inheritance into expensive magical armour and weapons, and set off to help the helpless and further the cause of justice across the land. She had spent long hours training each day in the ways of the warrior, read countless books about the various challenges that she might face, and had the resolve to improve the lives of those less fortunate than herself. And in this violent world, she would do so with her sword and her honour. This was the plan, at least...

Having scarcely set out on her quest, evil proved far easier to find than expected. No sooner had she stepped into the first rural village inn, intending to enquire about any suitable leads, than a rabble of grey alien creatures burst into the building and began assaulting people. Launching into action Annerose slew the beasts and cut a path to safety for the patrons of the inn. With the innocent protected, and evil smote, her first act of heroism proved to be a triumphant success! Right up until the point she was dragged into the basement by an unseen gelatinous foe. Her magical plated armour doing little to nothing to prevent the strange foul slime seeping under to caress her skin. Her expensive sword proving of little deterrent to her inhuman assailants determination. And her honour and ideals failing to restrain her cries of shameful ecstasy as the creature ravaged her without tire. In the dark of the basement Annerose could not properly tell the time of day or how many hours she spent with the creature. Her world turned to a floating haze of mind numbing pleasures and strange inward sensations that she couldn't comprehend. Before long she couldn't feel anything but the slime, and knowing where her own body ended and the slimes body began became impossible to tell. In time all the sensations seemed to merge into one perpetual feeling of internal warmth, and she felt her conciousness fade away into the blackness.

When she awoke...

Things seemed different. Her mind still fuzzy, but collected enough to go over some basic thoughts. Things, looked, sounded, felt, different. Different in what way exactly, she could put her finger on, not being able to properly remember how they were before. But something about the world, or herself? Had certainly changed. Seeing a faint crack of light from the basement door, she awkwardly climbed the stairs, initially having great difficulty in preventing herself from sliding back down, but managing eventually. The door proved to be partially blocked by some fallen object preventing it from opening far, but squeezing herself through the gap, Annerose bypassed this without much trouble. Coming into the light, she looked down to her semi liquid metallic body, and became confused. Where was she going? What was she doing? She could scarcely remember a thing. The one thing that rung strongest in her mind, was that she was hungry.

Description & Personality:

(See pic)
The amorphous yet feminine body of a "slime girl", though with a distinctive and unique opaque metallic-silver colouration. The strange colouration/consistency being a result of the enchanted items that Annerose wore. The slime feeding on the magic contained in each item, gradually consuming them alongside Annerose herself. Capable, with a little extra concentration, of sustaining a fully humanoid shape when desired, and possessing speed and "agility" unlike most of her kind. When she attacks she does so with frighteningly rapid and precise blade like formations issuing forward from her arms and body. Her body becomes cool at night, but warms up greatly under prolonged sunlight.

"Annerose" personality is a murky hybrid of the optimistic and idealistic Annerose that once was, and the blank minded slime that corrupted her and eventually merged into her. Whilst much of her memories and previous self remain, misplaced and locked away within, her new "slime mind" is incapable of properly processing that which her human mind was once responsible for. A creature largely driven by instinct, coloured by surfacing behaviours and habits of the previously strong soul it attempted to consume. A battle continues to rage on deep inside, between the intermingled souls of Annerose and the slime. Which one will survive and inevitably consume the other, and to what result, remains to be seen.

Ref images:
Re: Unknown's Blank Page

A DG Monster
Template: Skyray Facehugger

Body: 12
Mind: 2
Spirit: 2

Hit Points (HP): 14
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 9
Spirit Energy (EP): 9
Speed: 19 (flying)
Dodge: 18
Armor: 0
Resistance: 6
Perception: 11
Stealth: 24
Grapple: 24

-Grapple Expert (+12 grapple)
-Quick (+8 Speed)
-Hard to Hit (+10 Dodge)
-Sneaky (+8 Stealth)


Monster Name: Gemini Skyray
Monster Type: Alien
Monster Class: None
Differences from Base Creature: None

-Grapple Expert (+12 grapple)
-Quick (+8 Speed)
-Hard to Hit (+10 Dodge)
-Sneaky (+8 Stealth)
-Stealthy: The character gets a +5 bonus to their Stealth stat. In addition, whenever the character attacks a creature that is unaware of them, they automatically hit and deal double damage (after armor) on all attacks.

-Aphrodisiacs 1d6

Description: Flying sleek grey manta ray like creatures that hunt for vulnerable prey to violate, doing so tirelessly and paying little attention to anything else. They feed on spiritual energies, but require only a negligible amount to sustain themselves in most conditions. Their true purpose is to spread the Gemini influence where ever they can inflict it, picking on stragglers and those who wander too far from home.

Seemingly able to glide on the wind with ease, with a tendency to dive out of the night sky. Measuring approximately 1 to 2 foot across, with a long tail and two thin whip like tendrils extending from the tips of their wings. During an attack they use their wings and tendrils to wrap firmly round their target. An individual Skyray will aim for whichever hole is most open to it, which 90% of the time will be the mouth, thus they are best known for latching onto their victims faces. If other opportunities present themselves, or there are other Skyray to compete for space with, they will attempt to use any space they can get at. A character that is impregnated by a Skyray will birth several dozen small jelly like eggs.

They are largely indiscriminate in their targets, possessing only just enough intelligence to distinguish suitable and unsuitable prey. The only sure-fire way to avoid their attention is to appear to be a Gemini. They often hunt solo at longer ranges, but are more likely to be encountered in loose packs closer to Gemini hot spots.

Special: A character that is grappled via the face by a Skyray will be unable to see and thus count as blinded.


Monster Name: Gemini Skyray+
Monster Type: Alien
Monster Class: None
Differences from Base Creature:
(Extra Grapple Expert Talent for total of 36 Grapple.)

-Grapple Expert x2 (+24 grapple)
-Quick (+8 Speed)
-Hard to Hit (+10 Dodge)
-Sneaky (+8 Stealth)
-Stealthy: The character gets a +5 bonus to their Stealth stat. In addition, whenever the character attacks a creature that is unaware of them, they automatically hit and deal double damage (after armor) on all attacks.

-Aphrodisiacs 1d6

Description: A slightly more insistent Skyray. Better at grabbing and staying put to finish the job.

Special: A character that is grappled via the face by a Skyray will be unable to see and thus count as blinded.
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Re: Unknown's Blank Page

Was playing with Photoshop. Made this.

Re: Unknown's Blank Page

Oh my gah

How did I not think of that myself? Was I legitimately too horrified by Chrysalids that I couldn't see the game's ero potential?
Re: Unknown's Blank Page

Oh hey, sorry I didn't see you there Host. Not used to other posts. :p

But yah. Tis a fun idea huh?
Oh my gah

How did I not think of that myself? Was I legitimately too horrified by Chrysalids that I couldn't see the game's ero potential?

Just an "updated sheet for my old DG1 character "Red". Felt like seeing how she'd look under the current rule set. As it turns out... not too different really. Mostly just number tweeks. Don't quite feel like updating the background/bio at the moment, so nothing of much interest to see.

A few unfinished bits that I'll get back to later.

~ "Red" ~

Character Sheet
Name: Red
Class: Acrobat (Combat)
Race: Half Breed Su-Ku-Ta / Anudorian

Body: 36 (+8 Exceptional, +2xp)
Mind: 10
Spirit: 14

Hit Points: 48 [36+5+7]
Pleasure to Orgasm: 35 [18+10+7]
Spirit Energy: 57 [18+5+14] (+20 GEP)
Speed: 35 (+16 Quick)
Dodge: 30
Armor: 1
Resistance: 18
Perception: 27 (+8 Perceptive)
Stealth: 24 (+5 Stealthy)
Grapple: 48 (+12 GrpEx)

Experience: 0
C͙̗̾̄ͫ̈́̑̐ǒ̧͇̭͙̣͈̖̼̐͒̈̃ͤ̑r̮̼̙̝͉̫͒̔r̵͍̪̫̥̜ͯ̓̏͗ṳ̻̘̳̬̩ͤ̔̄ͅp͐͗ͣ̀t̨̺͕̹͓̠̦̳̓̓̋ĭ̝͊̌̏o̭̺̥͈̲ͮͭ̀ͫ͊ͣͅͅn͔̙̰̓͊̈́̽̿: 0 ???

(Ⓡ = Racial, Ⓕ = Gained via flaw)

Quick: Increase the character's Speed stat by 8.

① Quick#2: Increase the character's Speed stat by 8.
② Hard to Hit: Increase the character's Dodge stat by 10.
③ Exceptional: The character gets an additional 8 points to spend among stats.
④ Perceptive: The character gets a +8 bonus to their Perception stat.
⑤ Natural Spirit Wielder: (Spirit Warrior)

Ⓕ Two Weapon Fighter: Allows the character to fight with a weapon in each hand, attacking once per round with each of them at a -4 penalty to attack and damage rolls with both weapons.
Ⓕ Grapple Expert: Any action attempted by the character while in a grapple, such as escaping, or forcing the opponent into submission, gets +12.
Ⓕ Greater Energy Pool: Grants the character an additional 20 max energy. +20 EP, in other words.

ⓧ Stealthy: The character gets a +5 bonus to their Stealth stat. In addition, whenever the character attacks a creature that is unaware of them, they automatically hit and deal double damage (after armor) on all attacks.

Ⓡ Fertile: The character is more likely to become pregnant, or to impregnate their partner. Mechanically, rolls of 2 or more now indicate success.
Sensitive: The character takes an additional 4 PP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.
Open Soul: The character takes an additional 4 EP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.
Plant Lover: Any pleasure dealt to the character by Plant creatures is increased by +8.


To be finished later
Spirit Powers:
Spirit Ceiling: 11

Spirit Warrior
~Battle Aura:
~Jump (Flight): (RP Limited to single "jumps" only)
~Energy Blade

Twin Curved Daggers x2 (+36) [2d6 + 9]
Rogues Knife Belt with pouches
Simple clothes

Unarmed attack (+36) [2d4 + ??] {None}

DG1 Bio/Description:

Receiving the best traits from both her parents, Red is strong, able and with no known physical defects. An overall slender but well shaped figure, with warm coloured lightly tanned skin and strikingly red hair. Her appearance leans a little more to the human side, but the ears, tail and cat like eyes are a clear sign of her mixed heritage. She bears subtle claws and marginally pronounced canines, but these are too slight to be of any real significance in combat.

Though she barely realises it, she has a small degree of spiritual ability. She has learnt to use this small power to complement her physical abilities. While it comes very naturally to her, she doesn't properly understand what she is doing. When using the “flight” ability for example, she has always used it sparingly to bolster a jump. The concept of sustaining it hasn't yet crossed her mind.

Red was adopted by a travelling circus in her infancy. She has never known anything about either of her parents, nor the details of how she was found or came into the care of the circus. Her days were spent working with the circus under the care of the tyrant ringmaster, who gave her the rather uninspired name of “Cat”. As she grew she naturally began to take part in the shows, proving to be a capable acrobat from an early age. She received no salary for her performances, being paid only in food and a place to sleep. Often regarded more like a working animal than a person with any kind of rights.

Despite the harsh treatment, she knew no better and still looked up to the ringmaster as a loose sort of father figure. She worked hard attempting to earn his approval, always pushing to improve on her abilities as an acrobat, and when she could, prying into the trades of the other performers as well. The knife thrower, the tightrope artist, the circus mystic, the show fighters. Within the limited fame the circus had, she proved over time to be a crowd favourite. On her eighteenth birthday the ringmaster decided to add her to one of his ever popular traditional side shows. After taking a special medicine, she was to do private back room “performances” for high paying customers. This was not the sort of recognition she had been striving for. She realised, perhaps a little late, she would never earn the respect of her current master, and neither did he deserve her loyalty.

One night a customer broke one of the rules, managing to get admitted without handing in the pair of fine curved blades hidden on his person. While the well off rogue had no intent on using them during his service, an unhappy young Cat considered something extreme. In a desperate and very spontaneous act, she seized the blades and turned them on the man atop of her. Bursting from the tent the blades were next turned on her old master. Escaping the scene they were turned upon the Badarian soldiers that confronted her. The image, of the unstoppable knife wielding girl running through the street wearing nothing spare the blood of five men, has since remained firmly in the minds of the residents living in the small town she fled from. The authorities dubbed her “Red Cat”.

She didn't know what kind of life waited for her now, but her old one was certainly over. After some time wandering aimlessly, becoming increasingly battered by the wilderness and tired of evading both bandits and bounty hunters, she found herself heading for yet another remote Badarian township.
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Re: Unknown's Blank Page

(The weapons section of a work in progress. It's very annoying how forum posts can't use tabbed spaces.)

///////:Weapons & Equipment:///////

All agents possess a special “Sub-Storage” inventory system. A personal hidden space in which they may securely stow items and equipment to retrieve at a later time. All items kept in sub storage incur no weight or encumbrance on the agent whilst kept there, allowing multiple weapons and special items to be carried. All equipment and any other world objects have a “file size”, determining how much inventory capacity is required to place the item into storage. Due to equipment being susceptible to the virus and the suits inability to externally carry or protect items, sub-storage is typically an agents only inventory beyond that held in her hands.

Inventory Capacity = 10 + (Control x 4)

AVA’s have available to them a wide selection of weaponry to take with them into their missions. All weapons are capable of being stored in sub-storage and follow the same rules as other equipment. Most melee weapons add the wielder's full power stat to their damage roll, whilst most ranged weapons add half of their power.
= Power
[#] = Storage size/cost

Unarmed: [N/A] 1d4+Ⓟ/2

Energy Blade -
- Short Blade [4]: 1d6+Ⓟ Light
- Long Blade [8]: 1d8+Ⓟ Medium
- Great Blade [12]: 1d12+Ⓟ (Reach 2) Heavy
- OTT Blade [18]: 1d18+Ⓟ (Reach 3) Massive
Energy Spear/Pike [8]: 1d8+Ⓟ (Reach 2) Medium
Stun Rod/Staff [10]: 1d6+Ⓟ (Reach 2) Medium
Energy Whip [10]: 1d8+Ⓟ (Reach 5) Medium
Gauntlet [10]: 1d6+Ⓟ or 2d6+(Ⓟ/2) (-/Range 10) Light
Claw Gauntlet [10]: 1d8+Ⓟ Light
Pile Bunker [18]: 1d12+Ⓟ (ignores armour) Massive
Ogre Arms [20]: 1d8+(Ⓟx1.5) (Reach 2) Massive
Arm Shield [10]: 1d6+Ⓟ, +4 defense Medium

Pulsar Pistol [6]: 2d6 +(Ⓟ/2) (Range 10) Light
Polar Star [16]: 2d8 +(Ⓟ/2) (Range 15) Light
Micro Pulsar [4]: 2d4 +(Ⓟ/2) (Range 5) Light
Pulsar Rifle [12]: 2d8 +(Ⓟ/2) (Range 20) Medium
Hyper Pulsar [16]: 2d10 +(Ⓟ/2) (Range 20) Heavy
Heavy Pulsar [16]: 2d18 +(Ⓟ/2) (Range 20) Heavy
Pulsar Sniper [18]: 2d18 +(Ⓟ/2) (Range 50) Heavy
Aser Array [20]: 2d8 +(Ⓟ/2) (Range 20) Medium
Frag Rifle [16]: 5d6 +(Ⓟ/2) (Range 10) Medium
Frag Cannon [24]: 5d8 +(Ⓟ/2) (Range 10) Heavy
Arc Caster [20]: 2d6+Ⓟ/2 or 2d10+(Ⓟ/2) (Range 5 / 10) Heavy
Throwing Weapons (x3) [6]: 1d6 +Ⓟ (Range 5) Light
Hunter Bit [8]: 1d6 +Ⓟ (Range 5) Light
Energy Bow [12]: 1d8 +Ⓟ (Range 15) Medium
Launcher [6]: N/A (Range 50) Medium
BFG [30]: 4d20+(Ⓟ/2) (Range 20) Massive
Gungnir Aser Lance [30]: 12d12 +(Ⓟx2) (N/A) Massive

Melee Weapons
Energy Blades: Reliable, versatile and powerful, energy blades come in a wide variety of sizes and styles. Like all melee weapons they are capable of making full advantage of the wielders power stat, adding the full power rating to the damage inflicted. Certain other bladed weapons such as axes can also fall under this category. Some larger blades blades also allow extended reach. In the case of the huge OTT Blade class, at over 3 meters long, the weapon may actually prove to be impossible to wield effectively in tight spaces, and forces allies to remain out of the way or risk obstructing the weapon.

Energy Spear/Pike: Long shafted melee weapons capable of striking out to longer reaches, sporting an energy blade on one end. The drawback is requiring both hands to use effectively.

Stun Rod/Staff: A long shafted weapon much like the spear or pike, but sporting a blunt tip charged with irregular frequency energy capable of stunning opponents. To stun, the weapon must first hit as part of a normal attack, and then succeed on a check of, d20 vs the targets power stat. The weapon features the unique trick of being able to shorten or extend between staff and rod configurations at will, adding to its versatility.

Energy Whip: Able to lash out at ranges of up to five meters, a skilled energy whip user can slice opponents clean in two. The whip can be shortened at will, allowing it to remain effective at any range within its reach.

Gauntlet: The gauntlet is a versatile weapon, combining an armoured hand and forearm for blocking and parrying, 3 inch retractable energy claws suitable for melee combat, and a special compact pulsar for ranged attacks. The combination allowing excellent flexibility without having to pause and switch weapons. Another advantage is that is does not prevent or impede the use of other two handed weaponry or equipment at the same time.

Claw Gauntlet: The claw gauntlet discards the micro pulsar in favor of boosting the energy blade claws. The claws may be extended to anywhere up to 12 inches in length and mounted either upon the fingers or from the back of the palm/wrist. Like the standard gauntlet it allows use of other two handed weaponry and equipment whilst worn. The claws are of course retracted during such use, but can be redeployed in an instant at no penalty.

Pile Bunker:

Ogre Arms:

Arm Shield: Arm shields are forearm mounted devices that project a shield of solid light like energy in either a circular or rectangular shape. Looking somewhat similar to modern transparent riot shields, though come in a wide variety of colours. They are capable of efficiently deflecting incoming shots and blows to protect the user, granting a +4 bonus to defence. The shield is sufficiently obstructive to prevent other weapons being used in the same hand, but can be easily activated and deactivated at will, meaning that users do not need to send it away to sub-storage when choosing not to use it. They also provide a moderately effective improvised weapon when used to strike opponents with the energy field.
Ranged Weapons
Pulsar Pistol: The basic pulsar pistol fires out a modest blast to short ranges. Compact and reliable, it remains useful for it’s small sub-storage requirements, and for being easily usable in one hand.

Polar Star:
A deluxe pulsar pistol model utilising advanced and complex coding. Firing “twin-linked-resonating-micro-pulsars” from vertically stacked barrels, the Polar Star achieves performance competitive with a full sized pulsar rifle, whilst in a stylish package scaled to be comfortably used in a single hand. The obvious downside being the heavy storage costs, but those that can afford it get to boast about a superior quality weapon.

Micro Pulsar:
Smaller than a pack of playing cards, the micro pulsar is the most compact firearm an agent can carry. Commonly mounted on the wrist, the back of the hand, or even mounted on another weapon, the micro pulsar has the small extra bonus of being possible to carry and use it alongside other equipment without taking up a hand.

Pulsar Rifle:
Pulsar rifles mark the standard of standard issue. Accurate and providing decent firepower. They are cheap and can cover all situations. Their drawbacks are a lack of any specialist strengths and requiring two hands to operate.

Hyper Pulsar:
A juiced up version of the pulsar rifle, the Hyper Pulsar fires at a increased rate, delivering more shots to the target. A simple trade off of sub size for firepower.

Heavy Pulsar:
Very simply, a larger higher energy pulsar rifle. Firing fewer shots at greater power improves the weapons armour piercing effectiveness. The rifles cooling cycle however restricts the weapon being fired more than once per round.

Pulsar Sniper:
A variant heavy pulsar rifle modified for enhanced range and precision, fitted with an improved targeting setup. Able to deal out high power shots to longer ranges. The rifles cooling cycle however restricts the weapon being fired more than once per round.

Personal Aser Array:
Aser weapons fire unique beams that can be made to home in on targets, changing course at abrupt angles to seek their targets weak points and even strike foes hiding behind cover. The Personal Aser Array is a mid sized weapon achieving moderate firepower and range. It grants a +6 bonus to hit targets, and ignores enemies cover bonuses. In addition it never has to worry about allies or opponents blocking the shot to the intended target. It comes fitted with an advanced targeting and penetrating optics system allowing the user to see through walls and obstacles to spot and fire upon foes before they emerge.

Frag Rifle:
A brutal close quarters weapon. Fires a powerful shock wave to rip targets to pieces. It differs to other ranged weapons in that rather than becoming less accurate at ranges, it instead simply loses damage potential. For every range increment shot beyond the Frag Rifle loses one damage die.

Frag Cannon:
The violently abusive big daddy of the Frag Rifle, the F Cannon is the same beast made bigger. It works on the same principles of losing damage over distance.

Arc Caster:
Another short range special purpose weapon. Arc Casters fire wild streams of lightning out in a broad 5 meter long 90 degree conical spread, able to strike multiple targets simultaneously. In a secondary firing mode it may also fire a concentrated and more controlled stream of lightning out to a single target up to 10 meters away.

Throwing Weapons:
Despite the wide variety of ranged death machines, the simple act of throwing something nasty and solid at an opponent remains a valid tactic. Throwing weapons have the advantage of being quiet, and unlike other ranged weapons can make use of the wielders full power rating as a bonus to damage. They are always issued in sets of three (6 storage space gets you 3), and if possible may be retrieved from fallen foes. In a pinch they still make reasonable melee weapons.

Hunter Bit:
A morphic and aggressive micro entity, Hunter Bits come in a variety of shapes, but all share a similar purpose and programing. They acquire a target and attack it via reforming into dangerous shapes and striking the target, until either it or the bit itself is destroyed. Sometimes found as drones of more complex weapon systems, as well as employed as personal weapons, often in a manner like a throwing weapon. They take primitive geometric shapes, including some comparable to knives, short spikes, polygonal balls, caltrops, and sharp discs. Wielding a Hunter Bit as a weapon, a user has a small degree of control over its form and can prevent it attacking indiscriminately. When the wielder strikes something with the Hunter Bit, whether in melee or thrown, the bit will accept that as it’s target, which it will continue to then attack autonomously. The first strike includes the wielders full power rating as a bonus to damage as normal, but all subsequent strikes by the bit are at the weapon's base damage only. If the agent misses with a throwing attack, the bit will return to her hand provided it does not accidentally hit an alternate target. If a Hunter Bit is left as a caltrop like trap, it will attack anything that fails to spot and steps on it.

Energy Bow:
The Energy Bow is another alternative ranged weapon, that relies more heavily upon its user to be effective. Using the full power rating as a bonus to damage, in the hands of the right agent, the bow can prove quite deadly.

A special purpose weapon, the Launcher serves to deliver grenades to longer ranges and with more accuracy than an agent could normally throw them. It requires physical grenades (taken from the equipment list) as ammunition, without which it does nothing. Any grenade loaded into it is transformed and refitted into a self propelled guided missile. Targets beyond 50 meters can be locked on to by spending an action before firing. A lock on provides a +10 to hit. Since grenades can be called from storage straight into the launcher, there is no action required to reload or swap ammo types.

A gun built around “the bigger the better” design philosophy. A shoulder carried cannon featuring unrivaled power. Too cumbersome to move and fire in the same turn, the user must dedicate both their turns actions to firing the weapon. The blasts fired by the weapon explode upon their targets with a small 3 meter splash radius, catching any within the radius for half damage. Care should thus be taken to avoid friendly fire. The weapons fire rate prohibits it from firing more than once per round.

Gungnir Aser Lance:
Standing out on any battlefield the long narrow form of the Aser Lance can strike down targets with deadly power and precision at phenomenal ranges. The main body and barrel of the weapon being four meters in length, it is more than unwieldy to operate. Preparing the weapon to fire requires it to be deployed, requiring a good clear space ahead of the user, followed by requiring a full two rounds to charge, lock on, and fire a shot. Upon firing the Gungnir another round is required for it to cool down before either beginning to charge the next shot, or being sent back to sub storage. It may be un-deployed and moved during cool down however. The weapon may not be fired without having acquired a full target lock on which it does during the first round of charging. If the user intends to change target, a round must be spent re-acquiring the new target. A target that flees or moves out of sight after being locked onto does not impair the shot or it’s accuracy. The Aser beam is capable of homing in on and chasing down its prey through almost any obstacle course.
Round by round diagrams...
Move to position & Deployment > Lock-on & Charging > Charging > Fire > Cooling >
Draw weapon & Deployment > Lock-on & Charging > Charging > Fire > Cooling >
Does not fit in post.