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Unlimited Nanie Works - The ULMF Lab


Oct 6, 2009
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Alright! A brief intro!

What the fuck is Unlimited Nanie Works?
Unlimited Nanie Works is the rough idea of my game company. Seeing as how I'm not rich, popular, good looking, or skilled at art, programming (worthwhile programming), and the like, it is very unlikely to go very far. Unlimited Nanie Works in itself is a reference to Unlimited Blade Works from Fate/Stay Night, as a joke about how I work on game after game after game after game but never finish them. It's not a GOOD joke mind you, but it amuses me. Anyway, anything released under UNW was always intended to be something neat, catchy, and free. It could be anything from pen and paper systems to card games, board games, or crazy computer games maybe one day. Anyway, currently there are a couple members (kinda) of UNW aside myself. We just haven't really buckled down and made anything yet.

You'll find all manner of types of things by us. Erotic thing, serious stories, silly wtf things, you name it.

Anyway, the main reason I'm throwing this up right now is so that I can alert people to any updates of interest I may be doing. I am also offering some RPG Maker 2003 help (as much as I can anyway) for making things work in games. I'm pretty good at making maps and I can help people fix stuff that doesn't work right.

Current Projects (And approx attention percentage given) [Approx percent done]
Nanie's Tutorial to RPG Maker 2003 RPG 2k3 Project; as it sounds, a tutorial for RPG Maker 2003. I guess I got really lucky with this. A friend commissioned it by giving me a computer to make it on. I still lack internet with it, but none the less it is technically my first commission. No time limit. It will come out fantastic. (40%) [5%]

Forsaken Days BYOND RPUnlimited and Pen and Paper project - gonna be a crazy open world thrown up for people to join and play to their content. Has some good potential. (35%) [8%]

Nanie-Mon RPG 2k3 Project; I just got inspired randomly to make a pokemon game. It will either be exactly like the others in most sense except your trainer can fight too and it's usually life or death terrible battles for survival, or it will be from the perspective of a team of Pokemon revolutionaries far in the future who try to break their chains of slavery. (2%) [0%]

If anyone wants to check out my shitty neglected site feel free to. I have a couple very incomplete games up there as well. Basically two intros. Also a very epic D100 'where would my bullet hit that guy' chart for those who are running campaigns involving ballistic weaponry.

Requests Being Accepted:

D100 Charts: Running a game where people wind up searching through stuff and have no idea what the hell to make them find? Players trying to pull shit like "Hey, so I'm gonna search this Bed," or "I'm going to look inside the corpse's shoe." Request a chart be made and I'll make it for you if you give me the following information.

I would require Container Being Searched, about what general Campaign Setting you're running so you don't wind up with off technology, and how much on a scale of 1-10 do you want actual useful stuff to be there? For a friend I made four sheets of "What Can I Find in a Dumpster?" Most of which useless crap. The way these are meant to be used is first they search and you roll whatever roll makes you decide the odds that they actually found something. Then roll an object on the chart. These things are really handy to anyone hosting a pen and paper game. After I make them though, I also want to keep a copy and upload it to my site for others to enjoy. That's the one condition and it's pretty simple.

RPG Maker 2003 Help: I'm NOWHERE NEAR the best at 2k3. Ever played Kindred Saga? That shit was AMAZING. That's the kind of work people nothing short of MASTERS can make, and they made that thing on 2000! I however, am pretty decent. And can more likely than not answer any questions slung at me. I also am willing to upload things for people if they want help with something being made. I can use the RPG Maker 2003 experience anyway. I don't care if I'm credited, unless I for some reason am making like 40% or more of that shit. Then you should slam at least a thank you somewhere in there, even if it's obscure and an Easter Egg.