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Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Re: Alexandra (Termite)

HP = 25/50, PP = 40, EP = 42, Status = Moderately Injured

Attack (Alex): Hit.
Damage: 1 + 8 + 12 - 12 = 9 damage.
Pleasure (Juggernaut): 1 + 2 + 10 = 13 PP.
Aescila drains 4 EP.

Kimi seems oblivious to Alexandras words, and continues her work even as Alex rushes off to try and free Creshnibon. The giant and its victim didn't notice Alex as she snuck up on it, and it didn't react at all until she stabbed her sword through its neck, cutting it right through the middle where its spine should be. The massive gray thing threw its victim aside, the naga landing several feet away, panting but still conscious. It roared, the blade going through it apparently not having much effect, and tossed its weight around, hurling Alex away before she could drag her blade downwards through its torso. When she'd struck, she had felt no bone beneath, and it didn't bleed through the massive hole now going right through its neck, just as the other massive creature hadn't bled. It turned toward her as she got back to her feet, its massive arms wide and its body set to lunge at her, its titanic member promising her treatment similar to what it had been giving its previous victim. It did have massive burns on the front of its body, suggesting that at least it had been wounded, and that perhaps she could bring the massive thing down before it managed to get its hands onto her.

Meanwhile, Aescila was still on her knees, pleasuring the first of the large monsters. Its member had started to throb as her hands stroked along its length, and a massive glob of precum had pushed itself out of the tip of the creatures cock, only to be gobbled up by the demoness long, forked tongue. It still showed no further signs of aggression, apparently content with what was happening to it, for the moment.
Re: Alexandra (Termite)

Alex soon heard the slightly unsettling squelch of steel sheathing itself within flesh, but that was all she heard. It was also all she felt. No spine, no true muscle, just a towering mass of a monstrosity that held no true weakness she could exploit. She tried to do what little damage she could, but once Creshnibon was tossed aside she knew she couldn't stay perched on its back. The sudden thrashing at having its throat impaled sent the dragon-kin flying back a few feet only to land and watch as it turned and refused to bleed. "Great..."

With its massive arms opened wide and it's even more intimidating cock waving around nearly right in her face Alex started taking a few steps back. She could see that its body was burned, and a part of her said she could actually kill this thing if she just pressed her attack, but she still had no idea how much damage these things could take. Besides that her sword and shield proved rather ineffective against its dense flesh, and this time she wouldn't have a demon nearby to save her ass if that thing managed to grab her just like its brother had only a few moments earlier. "Matriarch!" The fear of that thing forced her to call out, and all she could manage was a quick glance to see if the naga was still alive before her shield came around to her front. No matter what she wasn't about to allow that monster to touch her.

Activate Skill: Shield Cover
Re: Alexandra (Termite)

HP = 25/50, PP = 40, EP = 42, Status = Moderately Injured

Pleasure (Juggernaut): 3 + 4 + 10 = 17 PP.
Aescila drains 8 EP.

The creature slams its fists repeatedly against Alexandras shield, pushing her back several steps with every hit and putting dents into it, but at least she hadn't been touched by the thing. It pushed her almost all of the way back to where Aescila was sucking off the first creature. As she was pushed back, Alex got to watch as the monstrous creature finally spewed its load all over the demons face, its massive member firing over a dozen ropes thick cum in her mouth, which she somehow managed to swallow most of, even though her face and large breasts were still covered in semen. The juggernaut falters as it recovers from its climax, but doesn't fall, which might be even more frightening than when it didn't notice the injuries she'd given it. She'd seen men collapse at the slightest touch of a succubus, and it had just spewed cum all over Aescilas face and wasn't even visibly tired.

Still, Creshnibon had shakily regained a standing position after Alex had shouted at her, and was slithering toward her position, preparing to cast a spell. A line of lightning lanced out of the nagas hand, hitting the creature in the back. Its maw opened to emit another of their loud, high pitched screams, as it is held in place by the powerful spell. After a few seconds, it simply exploded, showering Alexandra in the creatures remains. Creshnibon, still nude, strode through the remains, preparing to cast another spell, at the creature whom Aescila was still kneeling in front of.
Re: Alexandra (Termite)

Disgusting. Totally and utterly disgusting. Bits and pieces of the behemoth seemed to coat every inch of the dragon no matter where she looked, and it felt like it was trying to seep into her skin the more it oozed around what sections of her body lay unarmored. But it still wasn't as bad as what she saw just before. Aes looked as if her upper body were completely drenched in alien spunk. Of all the things Alex could have seen while desperately defending herself her eyes just had to rest on the demon and her partner. That thing had cum just as Alex had been pushed just past it, and the explosion that followed nearly made her gag. And watching Aes swallow most of it nearly made her wretch. How someone that small could consume so much was a mystery in itself, but even that wasn't enough to prevent the succubus from being plastered with the juggernaut's release. Her face was covered in semen, and it ran down her jaw and neck only to join the mess pooling across her chest. Even if Alex was covered in gore she was still glad she didn't have to suffer THAT.

With one monstrosity down Creshnibon looked like she was about to turn her attention to the other. For a moment Alex was tempted to simply sit back and watch the display of power that was sure to follow, but she knew better than to let things be. The matriarch had already been overwhelmed by one of those titans. To simply sit back nearly begged the thing to simply pick her up and start fucking her like its brother. It's attention had to be focused elsewhere. "Aes, move!" As soon as those words were said Alex rushed forward. The abomination was still recovering, and its defenses were down. She would be able to run right by it, and as she did she knew what she had to do. Her shield led her charge, and as she passed the arm that held it whipped forward. The edge would strike against rigid flesh, and her sword would flick by as it left. What would follow would be a cry of pain and anger. With the beast momentarily resting its oversized rod was left completely exposed. All she had to do was attack it and give that creature the shock of its life. Even if she somehow fumbled her strike the simple threat of having its most sensitive flesh being torn into would surely piss that thing off to no end. And that would be all Creshnibon would need. The monster would scream at Alex, its back wide open for the naga to finish whatever spell she was charging.

Fight Defensively: -20 to Hit for +20 to Dodge
Attack: Juggernaut
Move to the opposite side from where Creshnibon is approaching
Re: Alexandra (Termite)

HP = 10/50, PP = 40, EP = 42, Status = Badly Injured

Attack (Alex): Miss.
Attack (Enemy): Hit. By 1!
Damage: 1 + 25 - 11 = 15 damage. Armor at 36/50 TP.
Casting: Success.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 1 + 2 + 10 = 13 x 6 = 78 - 12 = 66 damage.

Aescila seemed to revel in being so covered, licking up more of the creatures cum, right up until Alex issues her command. The succubus pushes away from the titanic monster, the creature staring down in confusion as its member was released. It stumbled back, finally bothering to dodge a strike as Alex swung her blade at its cock, apparently concerned enough about that part of its anatomy to pull its cock away from her blade. It slammed its fist into her body once more, pushing her back, but that proved to be a good thing as Creshnibon unleashed another spell. Its chest suddenly burned red, and Alex only had a second to dodge aside as a beam of red light tore its way through the creatures body. The brilliant light lasted only a second, but it left a charred hole about a foot in diameter in the beasts chest. It crumpled to the ground with a loud thump, apparently finally dead.

The naga sorceress came to stand besides Aescila and Alexandra, grinning widely, but as she looked around and saw that they were the only ones still fighting, she said; "We need to leave. Now. The village is lost." Her voice was grim, and indeed, all of those around them were being taken towards the center of the village, where a beam of blue light went between the ground and the monster floating up above them. Dots floated up from the ground toward it, likely the inhabitants of the Hidden Village who'd been captured by the invaders. Aescila looked grim beneath her white slimy coating, which she was currently scooping up with her hands and putting into her mouth, licking her fingers greedily. "Mmmm.... Alex, d'you think you can carry Kimi? It looks like she's all tuckered out over there..." Indeed, her fellow dragoness was lying motionless on the ground, close to their battlefield.
Re: Alexandra (Termite)

Fuck that lucky bastard's aim!

That fist... Damn that fist! Alex had set herself to block a strike from the front. Shield and shoulder were locked in place to deflect that frontal attack that giant asshole so fondly used, but it just had to change tactics. That fist swung in from her side, and she couldn't reposition herself. It caught her. Hard. Her body tumbled along the ground a good number of feet before she somehow managed to plant herself on one knee, but when she finally came to a rest she nearly doubled over as a cough brought out a touch of blood. She couldn't believe this one thing was systematically tearing her apart, and there was nothing she could do to stop it.

But when her eyes returned to the fight she found the behemoth's chest glowing. For a split second the dragon was confused, but when she spotted his flesh starting to bulge just the slightest bit. Her instincts told her to run, and she jump out of the way before a beam of intense searing heat tore through the creature's body. When it had finally passed Alex turned to take a look at her tail, the fear that it had somehow been consumed in the blast fading once she found it slightly charred but still intact.

When Creshnibon told them all to retreat Alex hesitated. There were still people struggling, and even if she couldn't deal with the mammoths she could still strike down the little tentacle freaks quite easily. They could still help a couple more people escape! "Alex, d'you think you can carry Kimi? It looks like she's all tuckered out over there..." She turned toward Aes and immediately regretted it when she saw her friend 'cleaning' herself, but the sight of Kimi laying helpless helped to put things in perspective. The dragoness had only spent a short time in these monsters' clutches, but she was reduced to a mindless sex-addict. Everyone else had been held for far longer, and even if she freed a couple more there was no way she could drag them all to safety. The creatures that weren't busy fucking their captives would surely notice her trying, and even if they didn't there was no telling when the floating blob would decide to drop even more of its spawn. She hated to do it, but she had to admit that there was nothing more that she could do.

With reality weighing down on her battered body Alexandra dragged herself over to her prone cousin. Her own body ached as she bent down, but she persevered and lifted the yellow girl into her arms. At the very least she could ensure that someone who had suffered these things' touch would be brought to safety. She immediately started heading for the forest, and the moment she broke through the treeline a small amount of comfort started to seep in. The dragon had spent a good time wandering through the wilderness, and she had developed an uncanny knack for knowing what surrounded her at all times as she moved through the underbrush. All she needed now was a direction. "Where to, Matriarch?"
Re: Alexandra (Termite)

HP = 50, PP = 40, EP = 42, Status = Fine

Despite the fact that she was carrying her unconscious cousin, Alex proved to be the swiftest of the fleeing group. She reached the line of trees at the edge of the village first, Aescila not too far behind, and Crshnibon following along shortly. The Naga glanced about, both to get her bearings and to let the slightly winded succubus catch her breath. "There is a glade about two miles to the South of the village that the Fey frequent. Hopefully, we can seek sanctuary there. Once we collect ourselves, perhaps we can go back, and see if anyone else got away." The matriarchs voice wavered, but it was still meant to inspire hope in them. Indeed, despite the battle and the run she'd just been through, Alex did indeed feel slightly rejuvenated, though perhaps that was more because of her dragons blood than because of what the naga had said. After adjusting her armor to help alleviate some of the damage the repeated blows had done to it, Alex felt as ready to go as she ever would be. Kimi was still unconscious, Aescila was still covered in cum, and the Matriarch was still nude, but all in all, the situation could certainly be worse. As Alex glanced her over, the succubus even smiled at her, and gather up some cum on her finger and extended it to her invitingly. "Want some? It's really good. And it's good for you!" Her tone was light, and the demoness offered her a wink as the thick white goo dripped toward the ground, elongating slowly.

Alex knew that South was fairly easy going. The forest was old growth, with lots of oak and pine and very little undergrowth for them to worry about. The animals around her were mostly harmless, with only the occasional natural predator such as an angry bear or hunting cat, or perhaps a pack of wolves for the people of the Hidden Village to worry about. She didn't know of any glade that the Fey frequented in that direction, but the naga seemed to know what she was talking about, and it wasn't like they had any better options. The nearest other settlement was Artmirst, and Alex knew for sure that she didn't want to go anywhere near that cursed place, even if Aescila was with them. So, Alex and her group set off, not moving in great haste as they had when they fled from the village since nothing seemed to be following them.

Gain 8 experience for escaping and killing a whole bunch of stuff by the way.
Perception (Alex): Failure.
Perception (Aescila): Failure.
Perception (Creshnibon): Failure.
They rolled 20. :/

As she moved through the woods, the sun high in the sky, Alex began to feel peaceful. It was a beautiful day, the sun warm but the shade and a slight breeze keeping her cool despite the warmth brought on by the midday sun. Birds and insects chirped and shrieked about them in a natural cacophony that Alex had come to know well over the years. Still, a vague sense of unease crept over her as she traveled. The wild creatures seemed to avoid them, though that was something Alex had come to expect, given that they occasionally hunted the creatures of the forest for food. Occasionally, a strange scent came to Alex notice, but it was gone swiftly, and she just wrote it off as coming from the release that was slowly drying on Aescilas body. But, Alexandra couldn't help but begin to feel uncomfortable, as though they were being watched. Her companions clearly didn't notice anything, though both of them were being watchful, Creshnibon careful to watch behind them at all times and Aescila glancing to either side.

After a while, they came to a narrow stream. There was no bridge, but it was barely a foot deep, and only about two feet form this bank to the other. There was a six foot drop that would be aggravating to climb, especially with Kimi still being unconscious, but they had made good time, traveling at least a mile in the roughly half hour of hiking. The area around them seemed to be clear, and Creshnibon quickly said; "We should take a rest here. Alex, could you try to wake up Kimi? And Aescila, do clean yourself off. You might not mind being covered in cum, but it doesn't do much for either of us, particularly the smell of it." The demoness huffed, but hopped down into the stream, making a show of lathering herself in the shallow water as she began cleaning off the monster cum that was dried to her head and breasts.
Re: Alexandra (Termite)

"Want some? It's really good. And it's good for you!"

Alex turned, her face red yet a bit pale as embarrassment and disgust mixed into one glorious emotional whirlwind. Why the hell would she be interested in THAT?! Dammit, Aes always did this! Every time she came home from one of her little excursions the first thing she did was practically jump on top of the green dragon and flaunt whatever leftovers of debauchery she had hanging off her body. And Alex would do nothing more than try to shrink away while she turned zero to crimson in under a second. It seemed to be some kind of game to the demon, and she took great pride in teasing the dragon every chance she got. Well not this time. The dragon had her own pride, and she wasn't about to let Aes claim victory once again. A hand came up and scraped some of the mess and gore from Alex's still covered body, and she gathered it into a handful before presenting it to her friend. "I'll try yours if you try mine." It was delivered with such a deadpan voice that even the succubus would realize she was serious. All she had to do now was hope Aes wasn't willing to go that far...

No matter what happened the group had a destination, and even though she was still carrying her unconscious cousin Alex still chose to take point. Creshnibon may be more familiar with the area, but with those aliens still in the village Alex wanted to make sure the way forward was clear of any threats. The last thing they all needed was to walk into a tentacle nest. Thankfully the way forward was uneventful, and none of the invaders chose to pursue the three women as they journeyed to this glade the Matriarch said was farther out. But something felt...off. The animals that surrounded them kept their distance, more than they should. Even with a demon among the group the creatures shouldn't be this cautious. Something was bothering them, and they were staying clear of any potential threat. There there was that smell. Bits of it kept drifting past her nose, but every time Alex tried to single it out it simply dissolved into the natural odors of the forest surrounding them which dissolved into the very unnatural odor of the hardening layer of spunk covering Aescila's entire upper body. Add into that mix the smell of dead flesh hanging all over Alex and she had trouble believing that mystery smell wasn't something that was hanging from one of the women.

The small stream interrupted her thoughts, and at the Naga's suggestion Alex gladly took a moment to place Kimi on the ground and stretch out her back. While carrying someone for a mile was surprisingly not as difficult as it sounded it was still a constant strain. It felt great to relieve that continual pressure, and Alex even let out a low moan as she felt her muscles unwind. Once she was done she turned to her yellow cousin, but when she remembered Creshnibon telling Aes to get herself cleaned Alex took a moment to look at her own hands. Even after walking all that distance she was still covered in random bits and pieces of that exploded abomination. When she looked back down she realized a bit of it had transferred to Kimi during the trip. "I guess we need a bath, too. Come on, Sleeping Beauty, time to get clean. We don't want to be as dirty as..." Alex had brought her fellow dragon with her to the water, but the moment she realized what the demon was doing she stopped. "Dammit, Aes, quit showing off!"
Re: Alexandra (Termite)

HP = 50, PP = 40, EP = 42, Status = Fine

Apparently, there were some depravities to which the succubus wouldn't stoop, as she simply shrugged and gulped down the blob of cum herself. The demoness rolled her eyes, sucking on her finger, and mumbled; "Suit yourself!"

Once they reached the stream, and Alex set about trying to awaken Kimizyrex, her yellow cousin groaned, her eyes fluttering for a moment before they lazily opened. "Morning..... Where am I?" Suddenly, her eyes snapped open, and she sat bolt upright, or at least tried to, as she had to hunch over her bulging belly. "What happened? Where are we?" She half-shouted, looking about in confusion. Aescila giggled slightly, and said; "You went and got yourself fucked silly and knocked up, hun." When Alex told her to stop, Aescila pouted and replied; "Awww, let me have my fun!" Her cheerful demeanor suddenly ceased, and she became almost deadly serious; "I've been walking for I don't even know how long after watching my home get torched in about fifteen minutes. Something the size of an ogre tried to beat you to death, and I managed to keep it off you the only way I know how. And you didn't even let me get past foreplay! I've been covered in its scent the entire time. Let me have my fun."

She suddenly grinned again, and issued another playful giggle before saying; "Why don't you take that armor off and take a bath with me? I'll wash your back." She winked, but then pouted and said pleadingly; "I promise not to bite..... Hard." Creshnibon watched the demons display impassively, but moved to go down into the stream, and began washing herself off. It was at this point that Alex noticed the slight increase in the size of the nagas belly, though it wasn't nearly as large as Kimis. Her cousin glanced about quickly, but then discarded her slightly mangled armor and joined them, standing a bit closer to Aescila than was probably necessary as she began cleaning herself off, her motions slightly clumsy at first, though she gradually got used to them.
Re: Alexandra (Termite)

For a moment Alex simply blinked in surprise. Was Aes truly considering riding that thing? She'd heard that demons could endure far more than the average being, but two feet of cock so thick that the succubus couldn't even get her mouth around its head? It was ludicrous!

Even with the sheer madness of even thinking anything could take in that massive a prick Alex let out a small sigh and relaxed a bit. "You're right. I'm sorry." The only reason any of them were standing here was because Aes had managed to distract the behemoth. If she hadn't Alex had no doubt she would have either been a stain on the ground or a broken mess once that thing used her as its cock sleeve. "I'd rather not think what would have happened had you not kept it...'distracted'. I owe you a great deal and have no right to tell you what you can and cannot do, but..." The dragon stopped for a few seconds as if she were searching for something. "I just don't feel comfortable." The unease from before, that feeling that the group was somehow being stalked still lingered in the back of her mind, and it forced Alex to be a bit on edge no matter how much she tried to relax.

But no matter how hard she looked the dragoness could find nothing. All she could see were the forest and the creek and the bevy of women all soiled to some extent. That forced her attention to the mess still clinging to her own skin. It was starting to stink, and that smell would act as a beacon for any hungry predators nearby. With that in mind Alex finally removed her damaged armor and placed it over her sword and dented shield. The rather modest undergarments she wore underneath were next, and once she was as nude as the others she waded into the water and began to wash herself. Bits and pieces of gray flesh began to float downstream, and once she felt she was no longer covered in gore Alec would turn her attention to the small bundle that lay nearby. While she doubted dunking her armor in water would do it any good she still needed to clean whatever chunks were still sticking to her breastplate. Maybe she could just use her undershirt and suffer feeling a little damp for a few minutes.

"Matriarch." Alex paused her bath for a moment to catch the naga's attention. "The Fey we we are to meet, will they welcome Aescila?"
Re: Alexandra (Termite)

HP = 50, PP = 40, EP = 42, Status = Fine

Aescila looked at Alex for a moment, but then nodded, and went back to bathing herself in the stream. The demoness continually glanced her way as Alex stripped herself naked, however, and when she was finally free of the last of her garments, Aescila whistled lewdly, and winked at the dragoness, earning a cold glare from Creshnibon. Alex found the water to be cold, but not unbearable. The water in the lake had been warmer, but it felt refreshing against her skin, even if it did give Alex goose bumps, and cause certain parts of her to harden as she washed herself off. The matriarch was the first to finish cleaning herself, and as she had no clothes, simply slithered out of the stream silently.

The naga turned to Alexandra and smiled reassuringly at her question, and replied; "Yes, the fey of the glen we seek know that we accept demons among our people. Aescila, and all of her kind that live in the hidden village, chose to abandon her peoples march against us, and sought sanctuary in our world. The fey know of this, and most accept them with kindness just as we do." The matriarch smiled wrily, and added; "Besides, with the way many of the fey behave, Aescila will likely find herself fairly popular, particularly if she's left to her own devices among the satyrs." Aescila giggled openly, and gave a shake of her rear as she bent forward, still actively showing off her curves, and Kimi stiffled a giggle as well from Creshnibons comment.

After a few moments of cleaning herself, during which she'd slightly stopped paying attention, Alex felt hands on her shoulders, and jumped in the water. Aescila giggled from behind her, and said; "You've missed a lot of gunk that got onto your back. Let me clean it off you, and you can help me clean out my hair, kay?" She didn't wait for a response, but imediately rubbed her hands against Alexs back, occasionally dumping water on her as well. Kimi had finished cleaning herself, but was still bloated around her belly, and she stepped gingerly as she climbed out of the stream. Her clothing had been left in this village, and so she would be as naked as Creshnibon until they found sanctuary. The two clean but obviously pregnant women waited for Aescila and Alex to finish cleaning themselves patiently, and Creshnibon in particular didn't seem to be in any hurry to leave just yet, despite the unpleasant feeling Alex still had.
Re: Alexandra (Termite)

At Aescila's whistle Alex simply turned her head away with a rather indignant look on her face. But there would be no hiding the rosy blush that graced her angry cheeks. She hated to admit it, but as much as she disliked the near constant teasing from the succubus Alex rather enjoyed the attention. Any form of praise stroked her sense of pride, and even if she was only part dragon her pride was a treasure she coveted above all others. It was one of the few quirks she picked up from her father.

With her ego starting to kick in a bit she excused the near catcall and began to bath as she listened to the Matriarch. The knowledge that Aes would be welcomed was reassuring, and the fact that she may even have her hands full with the satyrs meant that Alex may be able to get some peace and quiet. She did enjoy the demon's company, and when Aes was focused on a task proved just as diligent as anyone else, maybe even more so, but whenever that woman got into one of her 'moods' it was almost unbearable.

With her mind bouncing from place to place while her eyes occasionally peaked to the surroundings and to her equipment Alex was caught completely off guard by the hands landing on her back. She nearly jumped out of her skin at the surprise, and her hands balled into a pair of fists that were nearly swung around to catch the sneak in the side of their head, but the giggle that followed stopped her in her tracks. She nearly turned to start screaming in her friend's face, but she forced herself to relax. "Dammit, woman..." At the mention of the mess on her back and the insistence that she allow herself to be cleaned the dragoness hesitantly relented and sat down in the water to give her companion an easier time.
Re: Alexandra (Termite)

HP = 50, PP = 40, EP = 42, Status = Fine

Aescila didn't seem bothered by Alex startled reaction, and silently knelt behind her in the water as she slowly cleared all of the blood and body parts that had dripped down onto Alex's back. The demoness hums tunelessly as she works, and her hands softly rub the tension out of the dragoness's back as she cleans off all of the gunk. She starts at Alex shoulders, and slowly works her way down until she reaches her hips, where Alex body meets that water, the way her hands move and her constant humming showing clearly that the demoness was enjoying the contact. Once she'd done her back, she rubbed her way along Alex arms, and then down her sides, but when that was done, the succubus hands slowly trailed along Alex belly, and she felt the tips of Aescilas breasts pressed against her back as her hands trailed up her belly, toward her bare breasts.

The demoness suddenly pulled away, however, and she smiled sheepishly, slightly blushing at Alex as she said; "Sorry.. Got carried away." She moved to the center of the stream in a crouch, and then actually laid down, keeping her cum covered head above water, and said; "Would you mind helping me get this out of my hair, before it hardens any further?"
Re: Alexandra (Termite)

With those hands rubbing along her back Alex couldn't help but sigh and relax. Aescila's expert touch worked wonders along even the tough scales of her back, and the slightly sore muscles underneath slowly but surely unwound and practically melted against the demon's gentle massage. Her mind began to wander on its own, the sudden image of a castle keep filling her vision as she lay on top of a luxurious bed with some random person massaging her back. Her tail swayed back and forth in the water, that small motion matching the quiet sighs and moans she let out that signaled her content. She was so caught up in her world that when her masseuse started getting a little more friendly that random person in her daydream suddenly changed. She could feel two excited points poking into her back, the very tips simply teasing her scales as those hands started to trace sensual little circles around her sides then to her stomach. That light touch kept rising higher and higher, Alex's body starting to tense in anticipation, her tail starting to twitch uncontrollably as her arousal slowly built.

"Sorry.. Got carried away." The sudden movement and the apology brought Alex out of her little fantasy, and when she finally realized just how far things had gone she dared not turn around. Her face was a mix of anger and shame and disappointment, and that last bit somewhat scared her. Why the hell was she so disappointed? Was she about to let herself be played with like that? Was her body truly so starved for attention?

Whatever thoughts were swirling through the dragon-kin's head she forced them into a corner and brought a scoop of water up to her face to cool herself down. Once that was done she turned to find Aes practically laying in the water with only her head managing to break the surface. With her request made and Alex's unintended acceptance she eased herself forward a bit until her legs were resting under the demon's head. "All right... Just relax, okay?"

With the succubus resting against her lap Alex soon found Aes's hair starting to get caught in the current that was meeting them head on. It splayed across the dragon's torso, and as it did traces of the juggernauts release came loose and loosely clung to her skin. Alex couldn't keep herself from grimacing at it, and as she brushed it away she realized she was going to run her hands through far worse before she was done. She was none too pleased, but there was no backing out of it now. Her fingers started to slowly rake through the ends of the demon's hair, her motions cleaning the disgustingness from her friend's head bit by bit as she slowly rose and eventually brought her hands to the woman's scalp. The only time she stopped was to rinse whatever mess had gathered on her hands, and by the time she was nearly through she was leaning over Aescila's face and carefully picking away at whatever mess was left over. "There we go. All done."
Re: Alexandra (Termite)

HP = 50, PP = 40, EP = 42, Status = Fine

Alex had been pointed away from the rest of the group, so none were present to notice her expression as Aescila pulled away. She had plenty of time to neutralize her expression as the demoness lowered herself into the water.

Aescila relaxed as Alexandra let her rest her head on her lap, and smiled up warmly at her. The water was cool, and Alex could see the womans rosy nipples hardened beneath the water, just beneath the surface. As the first clumps of semen were pulled out of her hair by the current, and Alex grinned down at her, Aescila grinned, but managed to avoid giggling or offering a quip as the dragoness might have expected from her. After a few minutes of running her fingers through the demoness hair, occasionally rinsing her fingers free of clumps of semen that had accumulated on them, she had worked her fingers down to Aescilas scalp, and cleaned her dark hair of all of the cum that had covered it. The demons own hands had cleared the left over release from her chest and face while Alex cleaned out her hair.

By the time she was done, Alex face was extremely close to Aescilas, their lips barely six inches away, and her breasts were pressed around Aescilas head. The demoness red eyes looked into hers as she smiled warmly, and for a second, Alexandra fell into that hypnotic gaze. Aescila slowly pulled her head upwards, and kissed Alexandra on the lips unless she tried to pull away. If she allowed it, the demoness softly kissed her lips, her mouth open and her breath warm, but didn't go any further unless Alexandra herself took the initiative, and deepened the kiss.

When she pulled back, Aescila smiled, a bit of smugness mixed in with her charm, and quietly whispered; "We can do more later..... If you want...."
Re: Alexandra (Termite)

Those eyes...

As soon as Alexandra's gaze was caught by those demonic eyes her world seemed to slow to a hazy crawl. The Matriarch, Kimi, her gear only a few feet away, everything simply turned into a blurry mist. All she could see was that perfect form laying on her legs. Her glazed stare rose to watch the water rush over Aescila's body, those rosy nipples immediately catching the dragon's focus as those hardened points silently demanded some attention. Her mouth suddenly wanted to lean forward catch one within her mouth, but a sudden movement against her chest caused her eyes to shift and find the most luscious lips she had ever seen rising to meet her own. She was completely awestruck, her body refusing to do anything more than stare until she felt the softest of touches gracing her mouth. Her body reacted on its own, her own mouth opening to return the gentle kiss while her eyes closed to simply bask in the sensations running through her.

For what felt like minutes Alex simply sat there, her lips lightly wrestling with her friend without a care in the world. But when Aes pulled back the warrior started to feel her senses return. "We can do more later..... If you want...." "That sounds nice..." She didn't even register her own whispered response, but with those words rolling through her head her mind suddenly snapped to attention and realized what she had just said. She immediately turned a dark shade of red, and when she recalled her actions over the past few seconds that red turned even deeper. It was only made worse as Aes simply laid her head in Alex's lap, that smug look on her face claiming victory while Alex tried to collect herself.

In her panicked state the dragoness didn't know what to do. She very nearly looked up to see if Kimi and Creshnibon had been watching, but the indignity she would suffer if they had forced her to look back down at the still grinning demon in her lap. Something about that smile made her feel even more mortified, and without any thought she simply reacted. Alex's hands quickly rose to Aes's shoulders, and a moment later she pressed down. Aes was quickly pushed under the water, and with that face no longer bothering her she quickly scooted herself back while she let go. When the demon finally popped back out of the water Alex nearly screamed before catching herself and making sure she whispered. "N-no more hypno eyes!"
Re: Alexandra (Termite)

HP = 50, PP = 40, EP = 42, Status = Fine

Perception: Enemy wins.
Attack: 4x Automatic Hit.
Damage: 2 + 1 + 19 = 22 x 2 = 44 damage.
Damage: 4 + 4 + 19 = 27 x 2 = 54 damage.
Damage: 4 + 1 + 19 = 24 x 2 = 48 damage.
Damage: 4 + 1 + 19 = 24 x 2 = 48 damage.

Aescila sputtered up water as she came up from having her head ducked underwater, but after a moment, she still smiled up at Alexander, and said; "Sorry... It's not like I do it on purpose.... I can't control it, and I like looking at you...." She kept her voice at a whisper as well, even though Creshnibon and Kimi were staring at her, but then, the demoness raised her voice slightly, though it still wasn't particularly loud; "Especially when you're naked!" The succubus then stood up, and walked past Alex and climbed out of the stream. She paused for a moment to shake the water off of her, and as she did, the naga matriarch, whos belly was now noticeably swollen, said; "We need to get moving. Get your gear together and lets go, Alexandra."

As soon as she was done getting her gear together, Creshnibon led the group across the stream, and they continued onwards. The going was much easier now that she didn't have to carry Kimizyrex, even though the ground was fairly uneven, and there wasn't really a trail for them to follow, the matriarch seemed to know where she was going. Eventually, after about three more hours of travel, they came to a glade, and Creshnibon stopped in the center of it, looking about in concern. "They should be here....... Something's wrong..." As she finished, Alex thought she spotted something moving, but before she could cry out a warning, four loud thunks sounded out, and Aescila, Kimizyrex and Creshnibon all collapsed onto the ground, the two pregnant members reflexively curling around their rounded bellies. Around her, where her allies once stood, four creatures materialized as if out of thin air.

They were vaguely humanoid, with flat reptilian heads with grinning mouths filled with long, sharp teeth. Their arms were unnaturally long, and ended in five fingered hands with thick, six inch claws that looked like they could tear through solid steel. Each was covered in greenish skin that gradually shifted into visibility as the creatures materialized. Two tiny, beady black eyes stared at her from each of the creatures, who were in a half circle around her now, each standing roughly ten feet away from her.
Re: Alexandra (Termite)

If her eyes could speak Alexandra would be screaming bloody murder as she suddenly felt far more exposed than she would have ever wanted. And it was all that woman's fault. That damned demon kept teasing her, touching her, caressing her, embracing her with that tender almost loving kiss... And it was working! That gentle yet constant pressure was starting to break through her defenses, and if this was kept up then Alex feared she'd soon be squatting in front of the succubus and raising her tail, her womanhood on full display, her hips shivering in anticipation as she waited for a finger, a tongue, anything to-

STOP THINKING ABOUT IT! Shock, embarrassment, arousal, they were all rushing through the dragoness and leaving her in a confused state that left her nearly frozen in the water until the Matriarch told her to gather her gear. Alex practically bolted out of the stream and got herself dressed and armed in record time, and once she was done she was already moving in the general direction they'd been heading. Then she suddenly froze once again and pulled off to the side for a bit, her eyes not looking at anything in particular until the rest of the group had finally passed her. Now that she was guarding their rear she felt a little more relaxed knowing that Aes wouldn't be staring at her backside.

With Creshnibon leading them forward and Kimi no longer dead weight the group made surprisingly good time and broke into the glade that the naga spoke of. But as she strode toward the center and looked around confused Alex realized something was off. If this was truly where the fey gathered then it shouldn't feel so-

Her hand quickly rose to her back and plucked the sword and shield from their harness, but by the time she had them ready the other three women were already collapsed on the ground, Kimi and Creshnibon curling around their stomachs to instinctively protect whatever abominations they carried. She saw the faintest flicker of movement, and with her comrades now lying unconscious Alex wondered if there were some stalker demons looking for a prize. But the moment the camouflage peeled back to reveal scales and claws she almost dropped her guard. "Brethren?" She considered it, the resemblance between their reptilian features hard to miss, but the way their bodies were shaped didn't seem right. It just didn't seem natural, at least not for this world.

With her friends floored and herself outnumbered Alex wasted no time in getting her shield ready. She briefly considered pulling back a bit to gain some room and throw one of her axes at one of the lizards, but with them spread around her at such a close range she doubted she would be able to keep herself protected after her attack was made. And backing up just begged them to grab some hostages. If Alex was going to protect the others then she needed to stay put. "Are you in league with those abominations in the village?" Even as she was pulling herself into her defensive stance Alex couldn't help but bring her sword under her chin and show it nearly running across her neck. A good taunt should get them to focus on her.

Fight Defensively: -5 to Hit for +5 to Dodge
Skill: Defensive Strike
Re: Alexandra (Termite)

HP = 50, PP = 40, EP = 42, Status = Fine

Attack (H1) : Miss.
Counter: Hit.
Damage: 5 + 4 + 2 + 18 - 8 = 21 damage.
Attack (H2) : Miss.
Counter: Hit.
Damage: 4 + 4 + 3 + 18 - 8 = 21 damage.
Attack (H3) : Miss.
Counter: Hit.
Damage: 5 + 6 + 5 + 18 - 8 = 26 damage.
Attack (H4) : Miss.
Counter: Hit.
Damage: 1 + 6 + 2 + 18 - 8 = 19 damage.

As she considered the four creatures before her, and called them "Brethren," each of them issued a low, gurgling sound, which caused their bodies to shake slightly as their wide reptilian grins stared at her. It might have been considered a laugh, but form where Alex was standing, with her friends and allies collapsed around her, she doubted that it was the pleasant sort of laugh. The beings heads were flat and wide, almost like those of a toad, but with a mouth filled with triangular sharp teeth that reminded her of a massive predatory fish she'd seen once when she'd visited the ocean. Their arms were two long and heavily muscled for them to be properly balanced, akin more to those of a large ape than what she'd have expected from one of her own sleek, agile kindred. Were they kin to the dragons, as she was, they were at best distantly related.

As she issued her taunt, and her sword was against her neck, one of the creatures that had teamed up on Creshnibon suddenly lunged forward, four inch claws coming right at her face. Alex barely got her shield up in time to take the blow, a loud scraping sound issuing out as its claws scraped against the metal, and she drew the shield away and issued a quick swipe at its chest. The other three had moved to surround her, however, with one coming form each side while another circled behind her. She blocked the one on her left with her shield, and warded off the one one her right with a quick swing of her sword. The one coming from behind her was similarly warded off, but despite the fact that each of the creatures had taken a gash, none of them seemed at all slowed by their bloody wound.

Now, Alexandra was surrounded, with a creature on each side of her and no avenue of escape available to her. They made no offer of surrender, and despite their injuries, each of them still fought as though they hadn't taken a scratch, preparing to lunge at her once more. With each of them coming at her at the same time, things were about to get a lot more difficult.

(After your next post, I can just go round by round until the combat is over in the next post, if you want. Of course, going through it all is equally fine.)
Re: Alexandra (Termite)

((Hm, continuous battle sounds good. Let's try that.))

With her blade so close to her neck Alex found one of the monkey-lizard-fish rushing forward to claw at her face, the thing probably thinking it could get her to slit her own throat by surprising her. But if it had hoped for her to panic it was woefully disappointed. Her eyes simply narrowed in contempt before her shield met the creature's talons, a push brushing that attack to the side and giving her a chance to draw her sword across its chest. The others wasted no time in surrounding her, and with three attacks coming from three different directions she knew she needed to act quickly. Her shield rose to catch the threat from the left, and as it was held at bay her sword swung to her right, the arc catching the lizard there before it could get a clean shot. Her body then spun around itself, her sword striking the one held at bay but leaving her exposed to the final set of claws aiming to rake down her back. Surely that grin would be spreading as the monster nearly tore large gashes through both her armor and her scales, but a blur whipped through its arms and forced the creature off balance before her body lined up to thrust forward and stab the monstrosity through its chest. Its own quick reflexes most likely saved it from being impaled through the lung or heart, but it could not escape the edge of the dragon's steal tearing into its flesh.

With all her opponents suffering some injury Alex took a moment to catch their reactions. What she saw simply made her frown. As soon as one creature was done reeling it was already lunging once again, the cut that it suffered not even seeming to bother them in the least. Even worse was the fact that they were preparing to coordinate their attacks. With claws raining down on her from all sides it looked like she wouldn't escape without some type of injury. She just didn't have enough limbs. But she refused to make this any easier for them. Everything she knew, from a simple block to a preemptive strike, from a single step back to a surprise tail whip to the face, all her skills would be used to force them off-balance, and she would slowly pick each one apart until she was the only thing left standing.

For now...
Fight Defensively: -5 to Hit for +5 to Dodge
Skill: Defensive Strike

If Alex's HP drops below 30...
Fight Defensively: -10 to Hit for +10 to Dodge
Skill: Defensive Strike

If two lizards fall and Alex's HP is over 20...
Attack: whichever enemy has lower health (Murder him!)
Skill: Shield Slam the one that's left
While yelling at the thing
And finish it by stabbing the shield into its throat right under its jaw