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Vina [devild]


Dec 9, 2008
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Vina [devild]
Age: 23
Sex: Female
Race: Human
Appearance: Bright vibrant red hair past shoulder in length well toned body while having clear muscle her yoga allows her the flexibility. (has one will upload soon)
Bio: she always hated education, the one thing she did enjoy was track and field, in this event she would excell from here she went onto kick boxing and yoga, her first was her sparring partner but when she found that he had cheated on her, she kicked the sence out of him and knocked him into a hospital.

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][140/140]} {[Stamina:][170/170]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

Vina wakes up on a stone cold floor and the first thing she is greeted with is a man in a solid white robe, hood covering his face. "Hello young lady, I would advise you to run." He said as he stared down at her on the ground. A quick scan of the surroundings could tell her she was in some kind of dungeon and there was a humanoid figure in one corner but it wasn't human, it was of some kind of liquid.

{Wait} {Run} {Attack(which?)} {Talk} {Examine Room}
Re: Vina [devild]

Vina awakens startled with a jump as she hears the mans voice, unfamiliar to her she pauses looking to him, he speaks to her saying run, seeing what else was in the room she would as the man says she gets up and runs for the nearest exit, hoping that the next room will be empty so she can get her bearings.
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Re: Vina [devild]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][140/140]} {[Stamina:][170-10=160/170]}

Status: Trapped (Sexual Trap/A Bit Winded)

Vina starts a dash for the exit only to feel her foot trip slightly as the stone under her goes down a bit and as she starts to fall foreward she feels something grip her bust. Some kind of cups came out of the wall and started to massage and suck on her breasts through her shirt. Though the cups also latched between her arms and around her back to keep it on tight. As well as all the ruckess alerted the blob creature.

The man in the robe just stood there.

{Wait} {Run} {Attack(which?)} {Talk} {Try To Break Free Of Trap}
Re: Vina [devild]

"what? whats going on hey!" she cried out as the she is grabbed by the suction cups " you bastard you tricked me!" she noticed the blob slithering around finally catching on to her presence, she tries to break out of the trap
Re: Vina [devild]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][140/140]} {[Stamina:][160/170]}

Status: Pinned (A Bit Winded)

ENCOUNTER: Blobanoid, Large Class, Level 1, {[Health:][50]}
Vina struggled with the trap and luckly for her she brought free of the trap. Though as soon as she broke free she felt wet 'arms' grasp her arms from behind, holding her in place. When she glanced back she could see the blob creature was shaped completely like a human but was made completely of some kind of slime or liquid.

The man in the robe just shook his head, "No my child, I am not here to trick you. I am...an observer more than anything. Though if you had paid attention and looked before you leapt too, this dungeon is very dangerous."

{Wait} {Try To Escape Pin} {Attack(which?)} {Talk}
Re: Vina [devild]

Vina grunted and groaned as she tried to break free finally snapping free she was about to sigh but the cold wet feeling on her exposed arms made her ghasp, turning her head to see the blob she decides to attack the Blobanoid "Thanks for the warning!" She says sarcastically, meanwhile she slams her elbows and head back in attempt to knock the slime off her.
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Re: Vina [devild]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][140/140]} {[Stamina:][160/170]}

Status: Free (A Bit Winded)

Blobanoid, Large Class, Level 1, {[Health:][50-6=44]}
Vina struggled hard and she felt as if her elbows and head went straight into a slimey substance or a water before she moved her body out and the blobanoid let go. "You're most welcome miss Vina." The robed man said as he watches the fight continue. The blob creature didn't make any more lunge towards her but it seemed to reform and stare at her, as if it was sizing up where to attack.

{Wait} {Run} {Attack(which?)} {Talk}
Re: Vina [devild]

Vina glares at the Blobanoid sizing it up aswell, she couldnt think of any weaknesses its essentially water after all and she didnt have a hair dryer, taking up her sparring stance she readies herself to unleash another flurry of blows to smack the thing into a fine mist.

Attack the Blobanoid
Re: Vina [devild]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][140/140]} {[Stamina:][160/170]}

Status: Free (A Bit Winded)

Blobanoid, Large Class, Level 1, {[Health:][44-8=36]}
Vina unleashed her flurry of blows to find that the creature seemed to have its arm splash to the ground but almost as much as it did splash, it reformed into the creature and 'regrew' the arm. As soon as it regrew the creature lunged towards Vina and tried to grab her but as soon as it did, she was able to step out of its way and it slammed into the wall. Its body going flat against the wall, before almost popping back into shape.

{Wait} {Run} {Attack(which?)} {Talk}
Re: Vina [devild]

"nows my opening!" as the blobanoid slams itself into the wall Vina plans on using its own momentum against itself, she charged following it into the wall and as it began to reform she kicks at every leg and punch at every arm hopeing that hitting it while its reforming will cause more damage.

Attack Blobanoid
Re: Vina [devild]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][140/140]} {[Stamina:][160/170]}

Status: Free (A Bit Winded)

Blobanoid, Large Class, Level 1, {[Health:][36]}
Vina's kicks and punches were blocked at a wild rate, everytime she swung or kicked towards the creature, it'd split its body up and then reform. Quite literally, spliting its body to dodge each blow and no matter how many she threw at him at the moment, he kept dodging but when he went to grip her wrists, she was able to pull away fast enough that she wasn't snarled up in his nasty grip once more.

{Wait} {Run} {Attack(which?)} {Talk}
Re: Vina [devild]

"ok that didnt work! any advice!?" she shouts out to the robed man waiting for the blobanoid to reform and once its finished reforming itself she goes in for another attack this time aimed for the center of the blob, hoping that should it split in half she can follow up with a kick

Attack the Blobanoid