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Violet (plmnko)


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Violet (plmnko)

The combat continued as planed or maybe better than that. Violet managged to get some attention from her foes as her shield protect her. It was then when finally Samantha got her chance to shine and Violet can hide her amusment, quickly aiming for a target to take down and put less risk on her ally or they could trap her again what would prolong the figth. Summoning a thunder spirirt and then place all the damage in the Harpy.

1.- Summon thunder spirit and Spirit Thrash on Harpy


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Violet (plmnko)

Violet summons her Lightning Spirit, and goes on the offensive!

Attack Roll:

Violet: 18 vs. Harpy: 17

Violet deals 300 damage to the Harpy, and her Spirit deals 300 more, leaving her foe with 100 HP.

Grapple Attempts:

Samantha counters the Harpy as it tries to grab her, killing it!

Tar: 21 vs. Samantha: 29

Samantha dodges the Tar Demoness!

Attack Roll:

Samantha: 20 vs. Spider: 13

Samantha uses her Wrathful Wave again, killing both of their remaining foes!

Both Women gain 400 XP.

Loot Phase:

Tar: Map Piece!

Ape: Full HP Potion.

Harpy: Nothing.

Spider: Nothing.

Samantha sifts through the bodies for loot, coming up with a new type of potion, and another map piece. Looking at the map, she shook her head slightly.

"Deeper still under ground we go. It's odd, this seems ... familiar in a way, but I don't know how."


1: Reply and Move Onward.

2: Reply but rest to full stats (2 turns, can't be caught) and then move on.

3: Other?


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Violet (plmnko)

The power on her attacks werent enough to defeat the Harpy, but Violet can frown as the winged creature rush its death at Sammantha's hands na dhtn practically all jump to the warrior who beat them, fortunately.

"Maybe... you managed to see this same place when they bring you at this planet or these tunnels are very similar between them. Lets take a moment to rest of all these battles" The spirit user told to Samantha as it has been a fight after other for a time, she sit close the fighter as she ponder what was different between both of them for the monsters aim first to her ally... she think of it for a moment before decide to ask in some way than she dont cause dissconfort on the warrior.

"Are you fine Samantha? All these creatures had aimed for you. At least, it looks to improve your dodge skills. Did this start to happen from the start?"

Said this, Violet waited some moments for an answer but if Samantha wouldnt answer then they will just continue now fully rested.

2: Take potion then Reply but rest to full stats (2 turns, can't be caught) and then move on.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Violet (plmnko)

Samantha nodded.

"Actually yes, they've been going for me right off the bat almost every single encounter. I seem to recall one of my former companions making mention about some kind of skill warriors have that draws attention to them, taking it away from the 'weaker' women, as she put it. Guess there might be something to that after all."

She paused, looking up at the roofing of the room they were in, wondering if she'd been brought down here before, when suddenly the answer came to her.

"Mathos. There was a tower like this on Mathos, it was uncovered during a rock slide. Thing had been buried for, as best as the Mathosian's could tell, over six million years. As I recall, the expidition that went down into that tower found evidence of a massive network of catacombs, man made caves that spread out from the tower, across a huge area. This tower is constructed in the same way, I'm sure of it. Now these creatures ... they don't have the intelligence to make something like this. That means whoever built the Tower on Mathos also build this one here, if I'm right."

Soon enough both women were at full strength, and got to their feet, moving onward. Entering the new area, Samantha laid eyes on what seemed to be a map piece laying on the ground.

"Hmm, could we be lucky? What do you think?"


1: Try to grab it!

2: Probably a trap, let's move on.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Violet (plmnko)

Violet frown slighty before answer not really happy with the word weaker being used by her ally "Or maybe im really good defending myself than they aim for you"

After their little talk they continued their walk to get out the planet until they get to some strange place than bring back some memories to Samantha. "So this could be a planet colonized by that same unknown culture or this planet could be Mathos... i hope than it is the first possibility" Said this they noticed a map and with a small sigh Violet move to take it. "We may hate this choice, but it will be worse if we dont take it and it was really a map"

1: Try to grab it!


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Violet (plmnko)

Samantha shrugged slightly.

"Could be. All I know is they've been gunning for me right from the start. Maybe they prefer more ... physical fighters, though if I were them ... well, not going to say that, don't want to give anything eavesdropping on us any ideas."

Samantha herself reached out for the map piece, blinking several times when her hand closed around a real one! Glancing at it quickly, she nodded.

"Just as I expected, further underground. Let's move onward then, and take another step closer to being out of this hell hole."

((Moving them on since they're both at full stats.))

Moving down the stairs and into the next area of the tower, the two women came across a shrine in the middle of the first room. Almost immediately, Cassidy appeared and began speaking to them.

"That is a Shrine of Evasion. If you activate it and defeat the guardians, Rreziki and her Sylvari Female companion, then the next time you would be raped, the shrine's buff will kick in, and you'll deal very high damage to them, possibly outright killing your would be attacker. If you do not wish to fight them, I'd suggest leaving sooner rather than later."

After a moment she was gone again, leaving them to decide. Samantha thought about it for a moment then shrugged.

"I'll leave it up to you. Seems like it'd be useful to have, at the very least it'd give us an opportunity to use their tendencies against them."


1: Let's do it!

2: Let's just keep moving and get home faster.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Violet (plmnko)

"Doubt than any of them is clever enough to stealty heard us now or think out of who could endure more their use, soo lets just continue moving to find an exit of this place" Violet said tired of be overthinking what makes Sammantha more hot for them than her, she will not earn anything of see the nude warrior plant girl out of arouse herself of course.

With their restart of find an exit they notice a map and it proved to be right so they use them to continue, moving even more down tto maybe a space ship or hidden research area, the spirit user suppose.

Then after a time they get to what it looks to be another shrine and after heard the prize to win there Violet shake softly her head as she sigh.

"Im not interested really in the idea than they could find the chance to take us, but im sure than we can defeat this pair easily" Violet answer looking to dont see too much the point of this fight, but it could help the warrior, so she accepted.

1: Let's do it!Why not


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Violet (plmnko)

Moving into the area activated a force shield of some kind, sealing them inside the 'battle area'. Almost immediately a Vampiric looking woman with long red hair appeared next to a Sylvari woman. Before Violet could react though, the Sylvari was lunging for Samantha!

Grapple Attempt:

Sylvari: 18 vs. Samantha: 1

The speed of the Sylvari is too much for Samantha, who is almost immediately taken to the ground!


1: Attack super bitch!

2: Try to help Samantha (Chance to be stopped/caught).

3: Other?


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Violet (plmnko)

As many others battles to activate a shrine, the place cause a force field around to avoid any of them to escape, it was not a worry for Violet as she was sure than they could beat these foes. Yet before she could prepare for the fight one of them already was over Samantha.

The spirit user just sigh not amused about this and then casted her guard spirit on her, sure than Samantha could handle this for herself or that strange wave would happen soon to take rid of that corrupted Sylvari.

"Rreziki, right? Such odd name... As i doubt than you can give up, then have clear than you will fall soon" Said this Violet cast a fire summon and goes to try a first hit on that woman with weird name.

1: Attack super bitch! Sumon guard spirit on Violet and then cast fire spirit... then use Spirit Thrash all the way


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Violet (plmnko)

Violet elects to start defensively, and then go on the offense, casting both of her spirits for now. Her shield up, and her fire spirit ready. she'd wait for an opening to attack, which ought to come at any moment ...

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Samantha: 6 vs. Sylvari: 17

Samantha grunts in surprise as the lithe Sylvari manages to hold her down!

Grapple Attempt:

Rrzeiki: 18 vs. Violet: 15

The corrupt woman slams off Violet's shield! 250 Shield left.

Penetration Attempt:

Sylvari: 27 vs. Samantha: 24

Samantha can't stop the Sylvari woman from making her a futa, and then taking her inside of her tight pussy. Almost instantly she's being ridden, her body shuddering at the sensation of one of her own kin riding her. Samantha suffers 70 Pleasure and gains 45 KP from her rape, and she has 202 Stamina left.

Attack Roll:

Violet: 22 vs. Rreziki: 17

Violet lands for 300 damage, and her spirit adds 300 more, for a total of 600. Rreziki has 4,400 HP left.

Escape Rape Attempt:

Samantha: 28 vs. Sylvari: 1

Samantha manages to get herself free!

Rreziki tries to attack her again, but this time Violet is ready and is able to counter her for 400 damage! Rreziki has 4,000 HP left.

Grapple Attempt:

Sylvari: 27 vs. Samantha: 23

Samantha sighs as she's tackled again!

Attack Roll:

Violet: 27 vs. Rreziki: 24

Violet deals 600 more damage between her and the spirit, leaving her foe with 3,400 HP.

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Samantha: 13 vs. Sylvari: 14

Samantha is held down!

Grapple Attempt:

Rreziki: 23 vs. Violet: 9

Rreziki slams off Violet's shield again, weakening it. 200 Shield left.

Penetration Attempt:

Sylvari: 24 vs. Samantha: 2

Samantha shudders as once again she's forced inside the pussy of the Sylvari! She suffers 70 pleasure and gains 45 KP. She has 132 stamina left.

Attack Roll:

Violet: 13 vs. Rreziki: 6

Violet deals 600 more damage leaving her foe with 2,800 HP.

Escape Rape Attempt:

Samantha: 26 vs. Sylvari: 27

Samantha is held down and kept inside the tight pussy riding her!

Grapple Attempt:

Rreziki: 6 vs. Violet: 5

Again Violet's shield protects her, but it now has 150 shield left!

Skill Activation:

Sylvari: 12 vs. Samantha: 6

Samantha can't stop the Sylvari from capturing her inside her mating bind, crying out as she's tightly bound up! Unable to resist it, all Samantha can do is enjoy herself as the Sylvari rides her, and soon enough contracts in a powerful orgasm around her cock. The sensations are too much for Samantha, who cries out again as she boils over, wildly spurting her load inside of the Sylvari Woman riding her! Samantha helplessly empties her seed into the woman, unable to do anything but enjoy it as she impregnates her rapist! As she does, her skill activates, dealing 627 Damage to the Sylvari, but having no effect on Rreziki at all. To make matters worse though, even though her adrenaline begins to flow, the Sylvari is still alive with 73 HP!

Samantha suffers 140 Pleasure and gains 265 KP. She's in the adrenaline boost state and has 264 stamina left. She is free, but the Sylvari is pregnant, 20/20.

Attack Roll:

Violet: 19 vs. Rreziki: 30

Rreziki counters Violet, but slams off her shield again. 100 left, and she's used her turn!

Samantha shakily gets to her feet, and attacks!

Attack Rolls:

Samantha: 12+10=22, 16+10=26 & 26+10=36 vs. Sylvari: 16, 28 & 7

Samantha lands 2 hits, which also hit Rreziki, dealing 220 Damage and KILLING the Sylvari woman. Rreziki has 2,580 HP left.

Rreziki used her turn.

Attack Rolls:

Violet: 23 vs. Rreziki: 27

Violet misses, but her spirit deals 50 damage, leaving her foe with 2,530 HP.

Samantha: 9+10=19 vs. Rreziki: 22

Samantha misses!

Grapple Attempt:

Rreziki: 24 vs. Samantha: 8+10=18

Rreziki changes her target, tackling Samantha to the ground!


1: Try to help her!

2: Watch what could happen!


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Violet (plmnko)

The fight was long and there was not much than Violet could do to take down them faster. She at least have a good fight as Samantha struggle to get free herself, many fights before had made the spirit user notice than free her ally would only make her prey of be taken down again, so she needed first to reduce the foe's number.

Unfortunately the foe in front of her resist pretty well her attacks and it was worrisome how much hits her barrier got.

"We are close to end this, just a little more" Violet said as the foe sylvari fall down and Samantha got the boss atttention. Violet will try to free her partner of the hold then try to cast a spell to make her foe unable to hold any of them once they are free. If all works then Samantha would have two turns to take this woman down.

1: Try to help her! then cast anti holding spell so their foe cant hold any (Spiritual Time Bomb) ...then spirit trash or free Samantha again


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Violet (plmnko)

Free Samantha Attempt:

Violet: 22 vs. Rreziki: 19

Violet shoves the woman off Samantha!

Samantha goes to attack, but their foe rebound kicks off the side of the shrine, and counter tackles Samantha, pinning her again! Instantly she starts raping her again, causing Samantha to cry out as she's ridden again! Samantha suffers 55 Pleasure and gains 37 KP. She has 209 Stamina left.

Free Samantha Attempt:

Violet: 2 vs. Rreziki: 29

Violet can't free Samantha!

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Samantha: 2+10=12 vs. Rreziki: 15

Samantha can't break free, but fortunately Rreziki can't do anything yet, having to use her time to hold Samantha down ...

Free Samantha Attempt:

Violet: 12 vs. Rreziki: 8

Violet frees Samantha again.

Attack Rolls:

Samantha: 16+10=26, 8+10=18, 20+10=30 & 15+10=25 vs. Rreziki: 27, 3, 22 & 28

Samantha lands only 2 hits, both critical for 360 Damage, leaving Rreziki with 2,170 HP.

Grapple Attempt:

Rreziki: 19 vs. Samantha: 16+10=26

Samantha avoids being tackled!

((Going to have Violet attack since she doesn't have enough MP to cast the spell you mentioned.))

Violet's shield is gone ...

Violet winds up to attack, but Rreziki rushes her and counters her! Instantly Violet is being ridden inside her pussy! Violet suffers 27 Pleasure and gains 37 KP from her rape. She has 145 Stamina left.

Free Violet Attempt:

Samantha: 6+10=16 vs. Rreziki: 17

Samantha is swatted away angrily by their foe, hitting the ground and groaning in pain.


1: Try to struggle free!

2: Sex!


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Violet (plmnko)

Soon without too much problems, the wet strange woman was taken away, so Samantha could act in this fight... only to Samantha get pinned down and used in a single move by their foe.

"Just... great, but dont care how many nude mindless women i need to push away, we will get out this planet." Violet said aloud as she continued for a while trying to free Samantha again, failing some times until get it right the timing for Samantha combo it with a great attack.

With the woman wounded and close to be defeated, the spirit user cast what she could yet the time of her shield ended in the worse moment what made her exposed for the woman to tackle her and take her. "Get away...and dont make appear dicks on people without permission" Violet shout as she try to get free of this strange event and fight.

1: Try to struggle free!


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Violet (plmnko)

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Violet: 17 vs. Rreziki: 4

Violet frees herself!

Attack Roll:

Samantha: 16+10=26 vs. Rreziki: 24

Samantha lands her weakening blow, placing Rreziki in the Weakened State and dealing 600 damage to her. Rreziki has 1,570 HP Left.

Grapple Attempt:

Rreziki: 11 vs. Samantha: 15+10=25

Samantha dodges another takedown attempt, seeming to have figured out their foe's combat weaknesses now.


1: Die die die!

2: Sex?


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Violet (plmnko)

"Just die!!" Violet shout as the prolongued battle continue, forcing her foe to stop holding her, after a long struggle it finnaly happen and soon the plant caster get up ready to fight again.

Not wasting more time her staff bright and Spirit Trash her foe all the way as hard as possible until this cant fight any longer.

1( use spirit trash and if there is enough mana use summon spirit guard on Violet)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Violet (plmnko)

Violet has 137 MP left after using the Barrier Spirit on herself. She is protected from rape for 10 turns.

Attack Roll:

Violet: 4 vs. Rreziki: 16

Violet misses!

Attack Roll:

Samantha: 24 vs. Rreziki: 2

Samantha smashes down again with her Weakening Blow, dealing 600 damage. Rreziki has 970 HP left!

Grapple Attempt:

Rreziki: 7 vs. Samantha: 1

Samantha is tackled again, having ended up off balance in her attempt to end the fight in a single blow.


1: Try to free her!

2: Let her get herself out of this mess and watch. (Potential to watch her get ridden or blown).