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Viva Luchadora Morte: Marisa Menendez

Re: Viva Luchadora Morte: Marisa Menendez

As Marisa paced back and forth, lamenting her new situation, Juan silently watched her, his expression ranging from concern to mirthful chuckles. Despite the horrors of her new life, Marisa's body, at least, felt vigorous. She could probably pace back and forth for hours without getting tired or even breaking a sweat. If her first encounter out of the sarcophagus was any indication, she could run and jump faster and further than ever before. She might even be able to pull off the feared and dreaded 50 ft quintuple flip luchirana!

It was all so strange and new. Marisa wasn't sure what to think, but just a simple action might prove that it was all a dream, a nightmare that Marisa could wake up from and fight off with a late night regiment of curls and push ups. Pinches and pricks hadn't worked. Nor had focusing really hard, but since when did that ever work anyways? It was then that she realized it, looking at the poor man she'd ravished with her fangs. Of course, that's it. It wasn't a dream... it was candid camera! All she had to do was expose all this for the ruse it was, and she could go home happily. Even better, it would ruin the surprise ending of the show. That would teach Zorro!

With her plan in mind, Marisa knelt down to lick clean those fake, latex bite wounds on the man's neck. Crawling over him, she cautiously lapped her tongue across his neck. The man grunted softly, as she licked, and at the taste of blood, Marisa felt felt another spike of pleasure rush through her body, this time not nearly as overwhelming as her first meal. She wasn't hungry afterall, but it was still noticeable. To Marisa's astonishment though, no prop appeared. In fact, the very wounds she'd inflicted vanished before her eyes with a simple flick of the tongue. The man rested peacefully in his slumber, smiling as if he was having some happy dream. No camera man rushed forward, nor any prop exposed itself. Marisa was still just alone with Juan in the Ancient Egypt section of the Art Museum.

Meanwhile, the vampire Zorro had turned away, speaking softly and urgently into his cell phone. Apparently he'd gotten a call while Marisa was lost in her thoughts and plots. When Juan turned about again, he let out a heavy sigh before smiling.

"Fantastic. Look at that smile on his face. Probably dreaming of you if I would venture a guess! I'm afraid I must go, however. As much as I would love to stay, watching you lick security guards, I have just received an urgent message from the Prince of Philadelphia that I must attend to. It will be too dangerous for a young neonate like yourself, but I can drop you off with a friend of mine who can help show you around the city. Philly can be a dangerous place for kindred of all ages, and it can never hurt to have a few more friends. I think you will like them. I will, of course, answer any questions you may have on the way my little kitten."
Re: Viva Luchadora Morte: Marisa Menendez

Marisa stared at the now-blank spot where the two wounds in the guard's neck had been. Her brain stopped working, and her mind was in revolt - what... how the hell did... what was going on??

Was she really a vampire? That couldn't be, vampires weren't real. Zorro was probably just fucking with her head - for a man running around as Don Diego, he really was a sadistic culero.

And now, he wanted to run off to some Prince of Philly (what?) and drop her off with one of his 'friends'. She turned the thought over and over in her head for a few minutes, wondering just how much he was enjoying toying with her.

"'Friends'?" she said, incredulously. "'Like them?' I have not known you for more than five minutes, and you already think you know what kind of people I like? Very presumptuous, Zorro - but within character, I suppose. ...These friends of yours, I suppose these friends also get their kicks fucking with a young lady's head as well? Or maybe turning them into monsters? What will they do when I meet them, if I may ask, eh, Don Juan, perhaps turn me into the chupacabra?" She scoffed. "I don't have any questions for you, Don Juan."

It was true. She was still mostly convinced this whole thing was a horrible and overly elaborate charade - why would she question what was not real? More pointedly, though, she had no questions for him. As... 'magnetic', as he might have been, the notion that he had overpowered her so easily, that he was toying with her, and perhaps turned her into some kind of undead monster - one superior to all the challengers she might find in a ring, thus forever taking that challenge she craved away from her... made her want nothing to do with him - least of all, now.
Re: Viva Luchadora Morte: Marisa Menendez

Don Juan chuckled at Marisa's sarcastic reply. "Chupacabra? My dear Marisa, to be quite frank, I would be more worried about you turning her into the chupacabra. Hahaha. Hmmm...." The handsome latino just watched Marisa for a long moment, stroking his chin with his fingers thoughtfully and hmmmming. He seemed to consider her for a long time, watching her and thinking.

Eventually, Don Juan began to unpack his marauding Zorro outfit from a backpack, putting on the black tunic and wrapping the mask around his face. When he completed the look with his hat and cape, Don Juan looked back to Marisa. "I think that perhaps you should come with me on this mission after all. It will be quite dangerous, but if you stick close to me, you should be fine. You will learn much about what you are and what we are about. Unless of course, you are too frightened. I could always drop you off with my friend. I must confess though that I would be quite concerned for her. After all, I might return to find you turned her into the chupacabra." Don Juan added with a smirk.
Re: Viva Luchadora Morte: Marisa Menendez

Marisa puffed up indignantly when Juan suggested she might be too chicken for whatever lunatic errand he was going on now. Living dead or not, she was still an athlete of the great art of Lucha Libre!

"Fear does not take root in the heart of a luchadora!" came her fiery statement, eyes flashing as she glared at him. "You turn me into some bloodsucker and doom me to never see the sun again, and I am to put what is left of my life on the line for--"

Marisa bit her lip. A thought had come to her... if she went with him, she might get to watch him, learned how he moved... definitely useful if she were ever going to thrash him for turning her. If it was dangerous, it might also come to the point where she could get herself into a fight... which might let her see what this 'gift' could do for her, and vent some of the frustration she was feeling through her fists.

"...I only agree to this so I can hit something," she said at last. Seeing him donning his black mask and the rest of his Zorro outfit, she motioned to them and asked, "What, don't tell me I need a costume, too? Bernardo and and Friar Felipe were both men, Don de la Vega, I don't think I would fit the part."
Re: Viva Luchadora Morte: Marisa Menendez

"Oh I think you will hit many ...somethings... on this mission," Juan said with a smile, stepping closer to Marisa and offering his hand. "As for the costume, that all depends. Do you want one?"

"We will be confronting a very dangerous man, a vampire involved in creating demon-like creatures to terrorize the good people of Philadelphia." Juan explained as he placed his sword in its sheath at his waist, waving his other hand around. "I believe it involves helping the helpless, fighting evil, chopping off the heads of zombies and demons, that sort of thing. Try not to kill any helpless if they are around, by the way."

He then opened a cabinet, pulling out a dagger, which he offered to Marisa, holding it out laying across his hands. "You will probably need this."

It looks kinda like the one the girl with red hair is holding there.

Re: Viva Luchadora Morte: Marisa Menendez

Marisa looked down at her clothes - still the nondescript hoodie and sweatpants she was in when she had her run in with Juan and that other ugly cabron, presumably - and then back up. "Not particularly. Something to cover my face would be good, though - a luchadora should not fight without her mask. A handkerchief I can tie over my mouth will do - do you have one?"

When he gave her the knife, though, she plucked it up between her pointer and thumb, looked it over skeptically. "...Uh, my lucha libre training has not involved learning how to shank people. This thing won't break when I hit things with it, right? Dios mio, it looks like something out of Lord of the Rings." Hefting it around and testing how it felt in her hands when she moved with it, she stuffed it in the oversized belly pocket of her hoodie. "Killing is not really something I wish to break into, I do not think that will be a problem. ...So, Juan... vampires is one thing, but now you tell me 'demons' and 'zombies' really exist, and expect me to believe that, too?"

She thought for a minute, and then looked at him sideways. "Don't tell me the Chupacabra is real, too. What about Nessie? Martians?"
Re: Viva Luchadora Morte: Marisa Menendez

"Never fear Marisa. A good man can always produce a handkerchief for his lady. Presto!" Juan quickly reached into his pocket, and did indeed produce a red handkerchief, making a pretty big deal of it with wavy hand gestures, smiling when she'd taken it. "This is very appropriate. You will be like my blood ninja of the night, popping out of the shadows to fell the cowardly villainous scum of the city."

Juan chuckled upon seeing Marisa's reaction to the dagger. "Do not worry. You will learn with practice, and the blade will not fail you. It has been hand crafted by the honorable Saracen Assamites of old. Sometimes it helps to use more than just your hands and feet, but you will not need to shank anyone. Besides, you may not have honed weapons training just yet, but you are quick, agile, and crafty. Oh yes, I have seen your wrestling matches. You have exquisite technique! These will all lend themselves to learning a quick strike."

After fixing up the mummy sarcophagus and leaving the security guard to lay on a bench, Juan led Marisa out of the dark museum, going down a few levels toward the parking lot. As they made their way down a few more levels of the building, Juan smirked, ruffling Marisa's hair. "Haha, zombies and demons aren't even the half of it. Where do you think all the stories come from? No aliens though. Just the standard supernatural fair, you know... werewolves, ghosts, and gargoyles, a few imps here and there. Some say that even faery charlatans flutter about, but I haven't seen any. I think it is probably a silly rumor. As for the Chupacabra... well there is no documented evidence just yet, but I think we both know it is out there! Now... let us find Toronado, my trusty steed."
Re: Viva Luchadora Morte: Marisa Menendez

Marisa cast Zorro a skeptical eye. "If you say so, cabron," she said, stuffing the bandanna into one of her shorts pockets, separate from the knife that might've sliced it up. She'd put it on when they were nearer their destination.

She didn't know if 'ninjas' and 'luchadors' mixed, but she was more troubled that it sounded like he was saying her knife was made by really old Ass-mites, or something. "It is... very shiny, for an old knife," was all she could say about it.

When Zorro asked her 'where she thought the stories came from', all she could really do was shrug. "I don't know - someone made them up? Is that not how mermaids came about - some seaman saw a manatee, and said it was a woman? ...So, what about unicorns?"

At the mention of his 'steed', Marisa felt the barest flutter in her breast. She reeeally liked horses - it was one of the few 'girly' traits the tomboy possessed, and 'a pony' graced her letters to Santa Clause for the longest time when she was very young. She preferred not to broadcast her love of them as well as she could, though - her brothers loved to tease her about it - she starved them of other 'girlish' things to make fun of, after all. If he had a horse - a real horse - that she could...


But, no. Why would he keep a horse in a parking lot? Where in the hell would he keep it? It was probably just a motorcycle, or something.
Re: Viva Luchadora Morte: Marisa Menendez

"A very silly person came up with them I imagine," Juan said in reply to Marisa's comment about mermaids. "You do make a good point. Just because many strange things exist, doesn't mean that every flight of fancy might be true. I need to remind myself of that sometimes. Ah here it is!"

As they came around the corner, there was a sleek and shiny motorcycle sitting all by itself, it's colors a blend of metallic black and copper. The vehicle was in pristine shape with nary a nick, glistening under the faint lighting of the basement parking area. Juan obviously spent a lot of time taking care of it, and it showed by the glow in his undead eyes.

"Sexy yes?" Juan said with a smile to Marisa, stroking his hand over the top of the motor bike. "Were you expecting a horse? The traffic does not agree with them! hahaha. We can visit my ranch later on the outskirts of the city if you'd like to pick out a pony. In the old days, they used to be all I would ride, but in the city, we need something a bit more agile... and slightly less conspicuous. I do confess to liking my steed sexy though..."

When Juan turned the key in the ignition, the roar of the engine filled the abandoned parking lot, bringing the silent place to life with its noisy energy. The Latin vampire grinned to Marisa as he revved the engines a few times. There weren't any helmets to wear, but the pair was already dead after all.

"Hold on tight Marisa. We may be dead, but falls still hurt like a bitch."

So much for my surprise! lol.

Re: Viva Luchadora Morte: Marisa Menendez

"I prefer choppers, myself," Marisa confessed, giving the Don's 'steed' a walk around. "The copper is nice, though. As for what I expected... it was difficult to say, cabron," Marisa shot back, when Don asked whether or not she expected a horse. "On one hand, you having kept your horse in a parking lot would have been muy loco. On the other, you run around the city with a sword and wearing a disguise, and I just became a vampire."

Reluctantly, still resenting her conversion, she mounted the keening machine and wrapped her arms around his waist. "So where are we going?"
Re: Viva Luchadora Morte: Marisa Menendez

"Don't you worry Marisa. The insanity has only just begun," Juan replied with a wry smile as the luchadora vampire got set behind him. The biking vampire pushed forward on the handles with his black clad fingers, setting off the loud hum of the bike's engines against the walls of the abandoned parking garage. It felt like he might just sit there showing off his engines all night when suddenly tires screeched on pavement and the bike shot forward like lightning.

Juan whipped the bike around the twisty turns of the parking garage and out into the city proper where the night sky was lit up with the colorful lights of the skyscrapers, night clubs, and restaurants. Instead of staying on the main avenues, which were still pretty crowded even at night, they veered in and out of traffic to quickly turn into the darker side roads and alleys where potholes were more dangerous than people.

It was obvious Juan had used this passages a lot by the way he weaved to the side of each pothole, even dodging to the side of a suddenly opening car door. They stayed on these side alleys and one way roads for a while until the road opened up to a two lane interstate along the Delaware River docks. There was hardly anyone on the road here, so Juan was quick to pick up speed until the air shooting all around them was just as loud as the roaring engines. Trees, signs, and buildings whirred past like a blur with the only constant being the bright light of the moon hovering above in the midnight blue sky.

When Juan eventually slowed the bike down, they had arrived at the outskirts of the city, not far from the river and with the occasional house here and there. The one that Juan pulled up to was an dilapidated, old Victorian. The house was missing far too many shingles to be respectable. It's windows were boarded up on the sides, and the stairway up to the front entrance way was completely missing. Apparently anyone entering the house either jumped or went a different way. What else missing was any vehicles in front of the house. Still, Juan parked the bike a safe distance away and got up.

"Enjoy the ride?" He asked with a smile before gesturing to the house. "They always pick the ugliest places to make their zombies and other freaks of nature. Looks like it might be abandoned, but we should still check to be sure."

Re: Viva Luchadora Morte: Marisa Menendez

Marisa focused on their surroundings as they rode, trying to figure out where exactly they were in the city and get her bearings. It shouldn't be hard to figure out - it's not like there were a million different museums in the city, after all - but blacking out and waking up somewhere completely different was a bit disorienting. ESPECIALLY since she'd not exactly had any time to gather herself yet - as soon as she'd awoken, she'd jumped out and almost killed a man, and then that insufferable Zorro had nattered at her about all kinds of nonsense.

Nonsense that was true. Dios mio. Vampires. And now zombies.

Did the world look any different to her now? She spent most of the ride trying to find out.

When they got to the derelict house that was supposedly their destination - Christ, it looked straight out of Scooby Doo - she hopped off and gripped the knife's handle in her hoodie pocket. "So check it," she retorted. "You're the one that knows what they're doing here, not me."

She tied her scarf over her face, leaving just her eyes and up showing.

After a moment of silence and thinking, she looked at the Don. "Say... are these things like Romero zombies, where I can just stab them in the head? Or are they like those kinda zombies where you chop off an arm, but then the hand starts crawling after you?"
Re: Viva Luchadora Morte: Marisa Menendez

"Oy caramba! I sure hope not Marisa," Don Juan exclaimed with a hearty laugh. "The blasted fiends may keep coming without the arm, but the arm itself should stay right where it is! They can be nasty little buggers, but you should be fine as long as you give them the old what for. I think you'll find that you'll be able to jump higher, run faster, and hit harder than you've ever done before."

As they approached the old victorian building, the don went quiet and pressed a finger to his lips. There was nary a sound to be heard apart from the soft cool breeze and the leaves skittering across the ground in the wind. Juan approached the porch and climbed up, drawing a squeak from the old wood. Juan cringed but then turned toward Maria with a rueful grin when he reached the door.

"One of the benefits of our clan is we possess the unique ability to suppress sound if we so choose... Perhaps I should have thought of that before I stumbled onto the porch like a buffoon!" Juan chuckled though his voice remained hushed.

"If you concentrate, you will feel the cold darkness within your heart and harness it to create silence. It does not make you move silently but actually muffles all sound in your immediate area, helping to give your enemies a nasty surprise!" Juan grinned widely but then went serious again for effect. "However, they may know that something is amiss when they can no longer hear any sounds at all. Why don't you try it now, then conjure up some of that fieriness to kick down this blasted old door?"
Re: Viva Luchadora Morte: Marisa Menendez

Marisa stared at Zorro, incredulously, unsure how to reply to this. "...What??" She asked, after some few dumbstruck moments, completely dumbfounded by what he was saying. She hadn't ever heard any tale of vampires that could just... not have sound around them...

And what did he mean, her heart was cold?! She ought to kick him through the door for that. But... well, she didn't understand what was happening, really. Everything was still a whirl, so maybe the puto wasn't messing with her.

Marisa closed her eyes, and tried to figure out what exactly he meant by 'harnessing' her 'cold darkness within her heart' (pff). Which at first, simply meant just standing there, irritated and with her eyes closed. Harness... darkness... what, like the Undertaker or something?

She thought of Zorro, who should have had a magnificent black stallion. Close enough, she thought, and imagined putting a bit and bridle in its mouth, to which it would rear up, neighing, hooves flailing in front of it. Marisa imagined the neigh quieting, until it disappeared... and then it stopped trying to throw her, letting her sit atop it, letting her guide it, so that it would work towards her purposes.

Opening her eyes, Marisa snapped her fingers a few times, to see whether or not she could hear them. Then - just in case - she dug in her ear, in case Zorro had been sneaky about putting earplugs in there while she had been trying to do his ridiculous task. And, if it seemed like she had truly banished sound from her presence... Marisa spun, envisioning the immense horse who had tamed sound for her kicking. She hit the door right on it's handle, jumping into a spinning back kick.
Re: Viva Luchadora Morte: Marisa Menendez

It was a strange sensation, but Marisa felt her power kick in right away. She felt something anyway. There was a slight tingle throughout her toned undead body from the ancient power that now lay in her blood. Who knows what else she might be able to do with that power?

Marisa checked her ears anyway, but the quietis power was definitely working. It was like coating the world around her in a translucent blanket. It snuffed out every possible sound. The fluttering of the leaves, the whistle of the wind, the creak of the floor boards, and the singing of the birds. The only thing Marisa could still hear were her thoughts.

When Marisa kicked the door, it flopped right down just like a wrestler in the World Wrestling Federation. Zorro smiled approvingly and crept up to the door to look before moving in. Then, Marisa realized that she couldn't even hear him in this silent stealth mode of her's.

There wasn't much time to think on it because Don Juan went right into the creepy old building The area in their immediate vicinity looked abandoned. Dust covered the sheets that covered the furniture, and the place had cobwebs everywhere. Marisa's silent power added to the effect by making the area eerily quiet. Not even a pin drop could be heard as Zorro made a few motions that looked like he wanted Marisa to check upstairs while he looked in the lower areas.
Re: Viva Luchadora Morte: Marisa Menendez

He wanted to split up? Damn Zorro, didn't he watch TV? Splitting up never meant anything good in Scooby-Doo! Still, Marisa wasn't going to let him have even the slightest whiff that she might be scared of this place.

Marisa pulled the knife out of her hoodie-pocket, and made her way up the old stairs, keeping her hands on the railing and wall, and taking each step carefully, in case the thing fell through.