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Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

"Trust me, Viral is NOT high on my list there," the girl hissed a bit. "I'm more into mutative agents myself, prefer to assist the body to give it what it needs to get the job done."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

There was a brief pause, and an almost flashback look on Chris's face before he finally replied. "Very well. Mutative I'll allow here, just be careful with that please."

He had noticed Claudia bring in the new person and nodded over at him. "Great, another person, welcome to Warehouse 13. I'm supposing you have questions yourself? Ah wait, how about we all get to know each other? I'm Chris MacLeod, though you probably guessed that already."

He points to Claudia and adds, "this is Claudia Donovan, the daughter of a former Warehouse Agent."

Claudia waves almost impishly, seeming to be about eighteen, if that. "Hi there folks. Next generation of ... "

"Claudia, enough already with that? You scared off the last person we had here with that, remember?"

Claudia frowned and sat down, busted on that one.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

The girl nods simply. "Sarah, nice to meetya," she says, a slight brittish accent slightly noticable in her voice, as she goes back to her notepad, scribbling move information in there, not that she was letting anyone look either.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Dex straightens her shoulders and puts her sunglasses back on rather dramatically. "Special Agent Kelly Dexter", she introduces herself formally before cracking a little smile. "Just call me Dex. Every time I hear Kelly I have to think of that blonde airhead in Married with Children. Specialist in recon and infiltration, which I guess is why I'm here?" She tilts her head as she looks at Chris.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

To this Chris shrugged. "Ms. Frederick does all the recruitment, I have no say in it. She obviously chose you for her own reasons, though god only knows what those were."

He pauses for a few moments then adds, "alright so, who wants to have a look through everything in storage? Just remember, please don't touch anything on the shelves. These artifacts .... some of them can be dangerous. One of them actually stopped the clocks of the two people who used to work here, trapping them for .... oh the next hundred or so years in limbo."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

"Pass. I tend to look by touching," Sarah said simply.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

The other man spoke up suddenly. "And even the ones that aren't dangerous can still be troublesome...Like that tea kettle that's in here somewhere..."

There's a few signs that this man may be a bit absent-minded...The aforementioned tea kettle is on the table less than 3 feet away from him, in plain view.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Chris looks up, suddenly realizing the tea kettle is there. One moment it was on the table, the next it had appeared in Sarah's hands.

"Oh lord. Ok Sarah, don't move, and whatever you do, DON'T wish for anything!"

He moved to get a bag filled with some purplish liquid, and by the time he'd gotten back, a ferret had popped out of the kettle.

"Oh lord, not another one...."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Roger sighed, looked at the paper he was given once more, and then returned his gaze to the large metal warehouse in front of him, as well as the various cars parked around. "So, I guess this is the group she was talking about... But why the hell is it all the fuckin' way out in the sticks? Like some Area 51 shit..." he thought to himself, and narrowed his icy blue eyes in thought, before slowly getting out of his red pickup truck, and proceeding towards the door as quietly as he could manage. After getting close enough, he made sure to make as little noise as possible, in order to peak inside, and check on what was happening inside.

"It's not like I don't owe them for bailing me out of jail, but that doesn't mean this doesn't make me feel... I don't know... Like something's weird..." he said, peaking into the warehouse, trying to remain unnoticed...
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

The man suddenly pops up from his stack. "Son of a bitch, it did it again?!"

He suddenly paused, then said, "One moment...Back in a second."

He hopped over his mini-wall, and headed outside, nearly bumping into Roger. "You were sent here, right?"
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

The girl stared at the kettle. "Um, ok?" she said, looking at the object.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Kevin chuckles at the ferret incident "I'm not one for introductions, but...." he uts off as he turns around and reaches his right hand inside the darkness that shrouded his face, seemingly adjusting some type of eye-wear "Kevin Anderson. Former Soldier. I specialize in combat tactics and intel manipulation. That's all you need to know." he says, the left arm of his trenchcoat seeming to shift as he said so.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Roger was a bit surprised to see someone heading in his direction, but ended up deciding his presence would have been noticed eventually, and allowed himself to be found by the pale, white haired man.

Roger nodded a little at the man's question, but didn't say anything, only giving a grunt of acknowledgment, while keeping his hands in his pockets.

"Right... People with white hair... This guy doesn't even look old enough to have had it granted to him through age... Now, I've seen everything..." he thought to himself, and blinked a few times, heading silently past the white haired man who found him, and leaning silently against the nearest surface he could find, keeping his hands in his pockets.

"... Weird shit... I'm wishin' I stayed in that prison, now that I see what-" Roger gasped suddenly when a ferret ran by his legs, watching it run outside with his icy blue eyes, unable to determine what to think after that weird little distraction...
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

The man looked down as the ferret darted past. "How the hell did that stinker get out the scanner door?"
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Quite shocked by the events taking place, Connor managed to shake himself out of things with laughing it off.
Well, I did want life experiences, and I'll be damned if this isn't at all interesting
Seeing that people were introducing themselves, he took the time to wait out a bit before speaking up with a little half wave, half salute.

"Name's Connor. I don't wish to presume my reasons for being here, I'm content on waiting until I'm told why I'm here."

He hoped his introduction didn't seem a little harsh and forward. At this point, he can't decide whether or not to stick around and risk the danger for some search of personal adventure, or to be ticked about this being a waste of his own time. He wasn't given a choice about being here, but it didn't mean he had to be hostile, even if he decides to tell them to go fuck themselves.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Roger's attention was diverted away from the ferret as the red haired guy suddenly introduced himself, not long after Roger slipped in. And since, to his current knowledge, not many payed too much attention to the new arrival, he sighed a little in relief, "Out of sight, out of mind... My favorite motto..." he thought to himself, and continued to remain in silence against the wall.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Ellen sighed as she looked up at the intersection, then down at the hand-drawn map in her hands, copied from google Earth. She had no idea why she had to come here, there wasn't even any buildings when she had looked the location up. Revving the engine of the motorcycle she had taken earlier, she took off to the left, raising an eyebrow as a large warehouse came into view. Parking it outside, she took off the leather jacket the cycle came with, and tossed it on the seat. Stopping for a second, she heard voices inside, so she simply walked in.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Sean looked up from where he was standing outside the scanner door, trying to get an answer from the man out there. There was another person coming. "More people getting sent here?"
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Claudia met Ellen at the scanner door and let her in, already somehow knowing who was supposed to be there and who wasn't. At this point Roger also would be let inside, if Sean hadn't already allowed him entry.

Chris on the other hand was shaking his head. "Damn ferrets, ok, slowly hand me the kettle."

He then stuffed it into the purple liquid, and sparks flew. "Ok, that should stop it ... for now. Gods, where the hell did Sean go to now?"
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Sarah does as instructed, gladly getting rid of the magic object.