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Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

The Tyrant roared in some pain, dark liquid spewing to the ground and actually BURNING it. It seemed it's blood might be acidic, which wasn't a good thing. Roger's kick connected, though the Tyrant only moved about a foot due to it's sheer mass absorbing most of the kick. Still, it was enough for what Tesla wanted.

Even as Roger would prepare to stand up again, and the Tyrant turned towards him, there was a voice spoken, clearly that of Tesla, to the Tyrant.

"Hey, big tall and ugly! Yeah you tentacle bag face! I got a surprise for ya!"

As the Tyrant turned to face Tesla, RJ saw a brief flash of light from the vampire's hands, and suddenly the air was alive with an electric hum. Lightning danced from Tesla's hand and the cord in it to the Tyrant's body as something close to half a million volts slammed into the creature. It shuddered as the voltage went to work, the smell of sizzling, cooking flesh permeating the air as it's skin began to peel away, literally burning off. RJ was probably close enough to feel the heat from the electric shock, though not close enough to be caught in it, and as he watched on the Tyrant took one, two faltering steps, struggling with it's attacker. Finally the laws of physics won out, and the beast crashed to it's knees, unable to withstand that kind of force, crashing onto the floor in a heap, twitching for about a half minute before going still.

Through it all, Tesla simply had one hand on the exposed electrical wiring of the cord, the other hand pointed at the Tyrant, and seemed completely unfazed by the fact electricity had just torn through him. Even in the books one might have read of vampires, and indeedly true of most vampires, he should NOT have been able to do what he'd just done without being harmed himself, yet there he was, completely unfazed by it. He now spoke to RJ in a normal tone, as if he had just performed a demonstration and not slaughtered a seemingly powerful foe.

"Oh yeah, Roger, you might just want to put three rounds in it's head and destroy the brain core now. Pretty sure those bullets will destroy what's left of it's control centers. I should probably plug this back in now shouldn't I?"

He set to work on that, leaving RJ to do what he would, though he made a mental note to speak with him about what he'd just seen, perhaps even offer him a chance to look in the Sanctuary some time.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Roger stretched a little, as the adrenaline slowly started to leave his body, and reminded him of just how worn he was, even more now that he fought with such a powerful foe. Cracking his neck, Roger slowly walked over to the beast, sheathing his knife, and drawing his gun. He didn't put 3 bullets in it's head, he emptied his clip into the skull of the monster, making sure he didn't miss a single spot. The clip of the gun slid out, falling to the ground, as Roger reached into his pouch, pulling out another, and properly placing it within the gun, chambering the first round firmly, while his eyes never left the beast's body.

Roger, to anyone else, would appear in deep thought, staring at the creature strangely... With who-knows-what going through his mind.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

"Or you can empty the clip to be sure, bravo lad, bravo. Ah, there we go!"

Power went back on inside the Bed and Breakfast, visible to those outside.

"Now ... I suppose I should leave you alone then and go drag that body somewhere."

He moved over to take the body.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Ellen holstered her gun as Tesla went to carry the dead creature, surprise evident on her face. Unlike most people, she knew enough to realize exactly how Tesla had managed that, and she was more than a little perturbed...

Unless someone tried to stop and talk to her, she'd just wander back inside, not saying a word.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

As Tesla walked over to the body, Roger kept Ellen in his peripheral vision, until he was sure that not even with monstrous hearing she could hear his words, before actually following Tesla as he dragged the body. The little thinking he did at the pond helped him come closer to what he thought was a conclusion, "Hey, Tesla," he asked the beast, "I saw that girl, the one with the black hair, running just as fast as that monster... Do you know what she is?" Roger asked simply, hoping he might assess just how much danger his friends might be in.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Tesla looked up to him and thought for a moment.

"I'm operating on the assumption you mean Ellen, yes?"

Assuming he got a yes answer, he would then push on.

"Well I'm not entirely certain on what species, but I do know she's some form of vampire. Full breed vampire, unlike myself. I'm actually a Dhampier, half vampire half human, significantly harder to kill than a full breed. One of the traits of vampires is enhanced speed, but we can also have physical toughness, strength enchancements and a multitude of other abilities going far beyond what a human ever could accomplish. In her case she was changed into a vampire most likely by another one. In my case .... well let's just say it didn't involve another vampire biting me, and it involved an injection of blood into my body, and it wasn't an accident. It was an experiment that's worked far better than I ever could have imagined. But enough of that, your asking me because you fear she will feed upon them to survive, yes? I doubt you need to worry, she doesn't drink human blood to survive so far as I can see. Even weakend she could have taken on everyone inside of the Bed and Breakfast minus myself if she'd wanted to earlier. Hmm, though it seems perhaps I may have made her a bit uncomfortable. I probably should speak with her tonight."

They finally reached a small area where Tesla pulled out some sort of lighter, then sent a spark from his finger to light it, then hit the button which set the Tyrant ablaze, incinerating the body in a matter of minutes.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Roger shook his head, "I'm not assuming she's gonna do anything... But... The strange thing is, I get this feeling when I'm near her, like a strange kind of fear. It's the kind of feeling you get when you feel backed into a corner, like you have no other choice but to stand up and fight, or die at the hands of whatever's gonna kill you..." he explained, before mentioning why he was saying this, "I felt the same thing around you for a while, but, as you can see, I feel fine now... But I don't think it went away for when I'm near her... I still felt that fear crawling up my spine as I watched her go back into Leena's..."

Roger reached up, and scratched the back of his neck, "I'm going on gut instinct, Tesla, and it's telling me she ain't a friend of mine by any means. The same instinct that is the reason for why I'm still alive, and not six feet under from some punks from another gang. So I'm gonna believe it." he said simply.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

He was silent for a moment before he answered.

"Well I'm not sure what to tell you there RJ. It's possible your having an adverse reaction to her because she's a full blooded vampire, in conjunction with all the other auras Leena keeps telling me are flying about around here, though how the hell that woman keeps them all straight is beyond me, I'd have gone nuts years ago trying to figure them out. I wonder if you feel unthreatened by me because I'm half human still, or if there's something else there. Maybe because we're two different species? My advice to you is this, don't act rashly on it since you've all been chosen specifically for a team, but keep tabs on it, and if you feel the need, share it with Chris or one of the others higher up who can do something about it if need be. As the saying goes, keep your friends close, and your enemies, or possible enemies closer. Make sense?"
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Roger nodded, "Makes perfect sense." he said, before shrugging, and shaking his head, "... I'm just not used to asking other people for help... Never really had to until all this wacky shit started happening. But, if that girl is bad news, it'll take more than just a few enhancements to strength and speed to stop me from killing her if she even thinks about doin' shit to my friends..."

Roger tilted his head, "But, I promise not to act rashly, unless I find somethin's up. But, if I do find that she even went through a fucking thought process involved with hurting anything I care about, I'll won't stop till the bitch is dead. Don't mistake that." he said coldly, before turning about, facing towards Leena's, "Also... Could ya do me a favor before you leave? Tell Sean's faggot, bleached hair ass to keep his fucking hands to himself, and to keep his distance from me. I'm beyond a hair's length before I fucking snap with all this shit going on, and getting manhandled by a bitch like him means I'm gonna fire a Tesla at his ball sack the next time I see a faggot with white hair."

His head rolled back along his shoulders to look at Tesla, "If you don't mind, that is. I'd hate to see you go out of your way. You seem like a nice dude, after all."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Tesla nodded, then shook his head slightly.

"I'm afraid Sean already has headed off to scout ahead on things, garner information on what Wesker may already have gotten his hands on. As far as I know, he didn't take a Farnsworth with him."

He chuckles at the comment of his being a decent person.

"Well I suppose my decency is relative to your thoughts, John tends to think at times I'm a total asshole, but I do it just to piss him off sometimes in good humor. In actuality, he and I are pretty close friends, actually used to be two of the most feared, still are really, vampire types on the planet. Let's just say the way in which we were created left us both quite ... insane for some time before we came to our senses. He was formerly Jack the Ripper and I ... well, does the name Vlad the Impaler ring a bell?"

Another chuckle.

"Thankfully that's all in the past, and neither one of us wishes to be like that again. Oh, I was supposed to ask you since you've seemed to take an interest in unnatural things suddenly, would you care some time to come to the UK and visit the Sanctuary?"
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

At the Vlad the Impaler mention, Roger shrugged, "It's not like I'm any different from either of you... Except I don't have the excuse of being insane..." he said distantly, seeming to be remembering something as he spoke the words. And then he turned with interest at the invite to his sanctuary. Roger blinked in confusion, surprised at the invitation, "...What?" he said, uncertain for the reasons behind Tesla's words. He folded his arms, "Who said I should check out the Sanctuary?" he asked, curious about the purpose behind the reason for his invitation.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

"I thought you might want to come and have a look, see that not all of us abnormals are monster like, that some of them are actually graceful and not just strong oafs. Dr. Magnus thought perhaps you would be interested so she asked me to extend the invite. Hell, we've even got a real living mermaid there."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

With his arms folded, Roger closed his eyes, and lowered his head in thought. "Never heard of a Dr.Magnus... At least, I don't think. Why would she be sending me an invite? Just to try and clear things up with me and these freaks? Why go through the trouble of inviting me to what I'm guessing is a pretty important place..? Just to get buddy-buddy with me, and then toss me back here?" Roger lets out a sigh, unfolding his arms, and figuring he'd bite, even though he had an assumption it'd be a waste of time, he gave Tesla the benefit of the doubt, and assumed this Magnus must have wanted to invite him for a good reason.

Roger nodded, "Fine, I'll pay this sanctuary of yours a visit." he agreed.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Tesla nodded.

"Very well, next opportunity we get we'll arrange your trip there. Well, I think perhaps I'd best go and have a few words with Ellen and clear some things up, though I don't think she much likes me right now. Anything else I can help you with before I go?"
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Roger nodded, "Yeah, one thing; when you talk to her, Ellen... Tell her about my disposition towards her. I want her to know what'll happen if she tries anything that might piss me off." he said. Roger then turned, and began a leisure walk back to Leena's, his only working hand sliding into his pocket. "And remember what I said about Sean, I'm fucking serious about that. Next time I see that faggot, I'm taking a shot at him." he reminded Tesla, not missing a step in his walk back.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Tesla nodded.

"Understood, though you may see him before I do."

With that he took off at a sprint for the Bed and Breakfast, hoping to catch Ellen before RJ got there.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Ellen followed Tesla back outside, taking a quick look around to make sure they were alone before speaking again. "You've spent some time with the Feinds, haven't you? I've seen some of them do the exact same thing that you did to that beast. Did you teach them or did they teach you?" She asked, looking interested.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

To her surprise he looked at her blankly.

"The fiends? Haven't heard that name before, so I'll have to say neither. Actually I got this power over half a century ago when John, Dr. Helen Magnus, Dr. James Watson, Nigel Griffin and myself all purposely injected ourselves with a sample of the source blood to test the boundaries of the world as we knew it. John garnered the ability to teleport through time and space, Nigel Griffin's skin became photosensitive allowing him to become invisible at will, Dr. Watson's intelligence was heightened and he'd become the basis for the Sherlock Holmes stories, Helen garnered longevity and is nearly two hundred years old now, and me ... well, you saw what I've become. Mine was the most dramatic change, it turned me into a half vampire of the Ancient kind, and I gained a limited amount of control over electricity. I'd been meaning to talk to you regarding that since we got back but ... well you seemed somewhat wary of me already so I was going to give you some space at first. Now ... don't have much choice but to tell you everything now since you've already seen me in full form."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

((Fifty years ago Helen became immortal, and now she's over two hundred? You sure you got your math right on that one? ;) Also, meeting Caine in the past fifty-some years is damn incredible, there isn't a kindred on the planet that knows where he is.))

"Fiends, fleshcrafters, Tzimisce?" Ellen asks, then nods through the rest of his explanation. "I'm wary of everyone, its in my nature. You've proven yourself to be worth more of my attention than any other though, if it makes you feel proud. Is there a thought process when you deal with electricity like that? How does it feel?" She asks carefully.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

((She had some form of longevity even before then from what I understand, her father was immortal. How I have no idea though, near as I can tell THAT little nugget was never explained. I didn't say he'd met Caine, and I'm pretty sure Ellen and Tesla are two different species of Vampire entirely.))

Tesla nodded, understanding well enough.

"How does it feel? A little tingly depending on the voltage. A high enough amount will still cause some pain though. Helen's father devised a test for me using a geo-magnetic powered electrical field that I ran into a few years ago. Now THAT one HURT."