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Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

((Ah, 'kay. And Tesla told her straight out that he had met Caine, while they were waiting for John to return ;) ))

Ellen nodded filing the knowledge away for now. "Interesting. I have more questions, but they can wait. Was there anything else you wanted to talk to me about?"
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

((Oh, had forgotten bout that, thanks for the reminder.))

"Ah yes, it seems Roger has some concerns over your potential ... intentions towards his friends, he feels rather uneasy about you. I was supposed to tell you that if you harmed them, it would take more than some enhanced strength and speed to get rid of him and his revenge. Not that I think your going to but a promise to deliver a message is a promise, and now it's been delivered."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Ellen started a chuckle at Tesla's words, but it stopped practically before it began, and her face turned deadly serious. "Roger shouldn't know anything about me, unless whatever he has that makes him freak at the sight of me somehow told him. Did he mention how he knew?" She asked, her mind trying to come up with answers on her own as well.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

"Actually I partially told him that you were vampiric after he confronted me and asked if I knew what you were, and why his sense of alarm kept going off around you. Something he said about he gets the feeling like he's a cornered animal when your near and that he needs to be on edge to prevent the quick strike. However I didn't mention what kind of vampire since truthfully, I don't really know, nor is it my place to say exactly what 'breed' if you will you are. Interestingly, he got the same read off of me to begin with, but he said now it's faded away, but you still make him feel weird. I have no idea why that would be either, he's clearly not one of us, he clearly isn't a 'necromancer' who can see through the undead, so I'm at a total loss to explain this. I've convinced him to come to the Sanctuary soon and speak with Dr. Magnus and her protoge, who's a profiler. It's possible one of them can shed some light on this. Oh, wanted to ask you, do you have any idea why Chris was so eager to have John take him to the Sanctuary to speak with Helen? He practically jumped down his throat to go immediately, so something else is up I think."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Ellen's jaw, literally dropped. She stared at him in perfect surprise, mouth gaping, for almost three whole seconds before finally getting a hold of herself again. "You. Did. What?" She said slowly, barely managing to keep her voice below a yell. "I know we're surrounded by 'special circumstances', but there's a fucking reason vampires 'don't exist' Tesla, can you tell me why?" She demanded, pissed off.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

When he spoke, it was with a darker tone, underlying some serious differentiations of their thoughts.

"Two reasons. One, because it's already begun happening with other Abnormals around the planet and is going very smoothly. Part of our JOB at the Sanctuary is to educate the general populace on abnormal life, and get them accustomed to it before the abnormals we don't already have on record make appearances we're not ready for."

There was a slight grin, and she might think he was insane if it weren't for the calculating look in his eyes.

"Secondly, I intend to revive the Ancient vampire race, my ancestors and once again allow them to peacefully intermingle with humans. When all is said and done, no vampire will ever need hide away from the human race again, and there will be no massacre like there was two centuries ago. I've waited a very long time to do this Ellen, and I'm not going to let the fact that your kind apparently is too afraid to reveal themselves get in the way of the natural progression of this world, the grand scheme of things. All I need to do is acquire one final element, and I can begin to set my plan in motion. Perhaps you'd care to join me and help me?"
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Ellen laughs, right to his face. "Looking to recover the times of Enoch, where Kindred and Kine walked side by side. It's not ever going to happen Tesla, and you're a fool for thinking so. Humans are too panicky, self-centered, and superstitious for them to accept us, and most vampires aren't going to just lay down and pretend that their anything else than food, and if you weren't so naïve, you'd know it. And this time around, they have the ability to wipe us all out. You're too young to remember the inquisition, but I survived it, Tesla. They got about two-thirds of us, and that was back when it was thirty thousand clergymen, with crossbows and torches. Now it will be damn near the entire planet, armed with shotguns, incendiary rounds, napalm, and nukes. They'll have thermal imaging, missiles, the nuclear bomb, and they would be united against us, because we're the boogey man, Tesla. Even when I had all my power, I couldn't stand against that. When I could kill a room of people before they could blink, when I could have a mountain fall on me and walk away without a scratch, when I could knock a hole in a castle wall with a flick of my finger, I couldn't survive the world knowing about us today.

I was there at Hiroshima, at my full strength, and nearly died from it. I saw it coming and ran for what little life was left for me. I was at the edge of town when it detonated, another mile and a half past that before the initial shockwave caught up to me, and if I was any closer, I'd have died right there. It took me three months of continuous feeding to recover." She ranted, actually pacing back and forth as she kept her voice just shy of yelling at him.

"If you were to go up and tell the President of the United States that you were a Vampire, right now, and he actually believed you, what do you think would happen, Tesla?" She asked him bluntly, spite evident in her voice.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

The sharky grin he had suggested he'd planned for this.

"Oh I know it's not going to be easy Ellen, nothing ever worth doing is easy. But this new race, this rebirth of our kind will be INVINCIBLE to current human technology. All I need do is acquire and use the source blood. And who do you think funds the Sanctuary network anyway? There's one right here in the midwest of your United States, just in Chicago, Illinois. Right near the Lake too. Did you really think that the existence of abnormal life would NEVER be discovered? That people on day might not be able to eventually accept the fact that Bigfoot might be their next door neighbor, or that their boss actually is a half elf in disguise? It happens more often than you think my dear, and it has been for centuries. We've walked amongst the mortal man for countless years, most of the time without them ever knowing. More recently, with some promising success of actually establishing a full out network of cooperative networks to gradually introduce them to the public eye, only the ones who aren't liable to go off mind you so far, but eventually that too will change once the public begins to realize, most abnormals are docile .... until you provoke them or threaten them, thats when they become a problem."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

"At least you aren't being completely stupid about it." Ellen conceded, not saying anything for a long moment. When she finally did speak again, her voice was back to normal, with only a hint of the outrage from just a moment ago remaining.

"Alright, I'll help you, but there is a few thing first. First off, nobody is invincible, ever, and it would be smart of you to not inflate your head bigger than it is already by forgetting that. And secondly, it's fear of the higher and their power that keeps the lower in check. Making every Kindred 'invincible' will start a war among our kind, doesn't matter how you do it. How do you plan to step around that?" She asked, taking another look around to make sure no-one had wandered up while she had been close to losing it.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

He raised a finger.

"I said invincible to human technology. Not to each other however. As for how I plan to get around that, let's just call it a built in fail safe. They disobey or get out of line with the rules laid down for peaceful coexistence, a trigger will be turned on that immediately vaporizes them, much in the same way an E.M shield vaporizes a person trying to teleport within it or into it. There may be kinks to work out in the long run of things, but the key will be to revive a few at first, make sure that we can control them before going another step further. This way if there are complications, we can deal with say three or four easily, whereas hundreds none of us could withstand."

He seemed fairly certain he could find something that would work, and why shouldn't he? He'd been ridiculed in history as a total nut when the concept of the radio had first come out, and now, in this modern day and age, radio had become the staple of the broadcasting and communications systems, just as he'd said it would all those years ago.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

"If it comes to a head, the Kine will develope something new. It's what they do." Ellen said, calm once again. "The rest sounds planned enough. There will always be some that will resent it though, especially if you wind up bringing the Sabbat or Anarchs in. Most of the Camarilla will at least be smart enough to keep any dissent quiet, but they'd be loud about it. We can deal with that when it comes. You said there was a sample of the Source blood in Illinois? Is it defended?"
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

"No, there's a Sanctuary in Illinois. The only known sample of Source Blood still in existence, so far as I know, is buried deep within the Himalaya Mountains. That's been why I haven't already gone through with my plan, getting to the vial of blood itself has proven .... extremely challenging."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

"The Himalayans..." Ellen says slowly, trying to recall if there was anything she knew of there. "There's a large pack of Garou there, isn't there? I remember them pushing Kindred out of the area some time ago, with a few exceptions. Are they still there?"
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

"Surprisingly no. It seems some shadow organization came in about five months ago and tried to force them all into leaving their homes. Some of them did leave, the rest refused to leave. Two weeks after that we were sent in to recover what remained of their bodies, someone launched a genocidal attack on them, most likely whoever this shadow organization was. The intriguing part was, it seemed to have been some form of purposefully spread viral contaminent."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

"I see." Ellen says slowly, considering the options. "So what's our plan then. Is the sample still there?"
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

"Yes it's still there, well hidden and tough to get to. As for the plan, well ... I think we need to be sure Wesker is gone for good this time first before doing this. We can't afford a two front war should that annoying thorn of a virus actually begin his plans."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Ellen nodded and turned to leave. "Agreed. The way everyone has been focusing on that problem, it shouldn't take too long. Keep in touch." She said softly, already falling back to her usual calm as she strode back inside.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Tesla nodded, then simply melted back into the shadows, intending to find John and inform him of RJ's acceptance of the invitation.

It wasn't long before he'd told him, and eventually John began searching for Roger, looking around for him.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

((Skipping things ahead some.))

It had been almost a week since the team had returned from Miami. During that time, several members had mysteriously been summoned away by Mrs. Frederick, and none of them had returned. Connor was gone, RJ was gone, along with his friends. Kelly also had been taken away.

Leena was in the kitchen, making the morning breakfast for everyone as they settled into their seats. She'd been instructed to get everyone ready for a meeting that morning, whoever all was left. So she had gone and woken Akira, Kevin, Sarah, Ellen and Regina.

After about half an hour into their meals, the door opened and Chris entered. He appeared as if he was ready for action, and when he spoke, the tone gave it away.

"Alright ladies and gentleman, here is the deal. I've managed to track Wesker down to a localized area in Nigeria. Ironically, not far from where we went earlier as some of you might recall. As of this morning, out Nigerian branch of BSAA went abruptly silent, and there has been no contact for well over six hours. I know our squad has gotten thinned out in the last couple of weeks, but I hope I can count on each one of you to help take Wesker down and stop him. Each and every one of you is going to be valuable here, as none of us can do this alone. But together, we can end this. Are you all ready to do this?"
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

A popping sound his heard from the area of Kevin's hand as he works the joints in his left hand, obviously not having used them for quite some time. He would chuckle and nod to Chris' statement "Any information on what he's got at his fingertips? Anything that might prove a threat to the.......less gifted............of our group?"