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Wendy (Archer)

Re: Wendy (Archer)

"How about there?" Habaki says, pointing his sword to a shelf nearby. There indeed seems to be some clothes piled on there
"But no wonder the thing couldn't last even one pass of blades, being something awfully weak like that. The item I have already, and by the looks of things, I believe this to be nothing more than your average demon invasion" the man continues, turning to leave once more
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Re: Wendy (Archer)

"Oh thank god." Wendy hurries over and grabs a skirt out of the pile making herself decent again though opting out of underwear. "Well even if it's average me and Teresa are going to keep looking around, you never know when you might find a secret room or something in a place like this." She nods to Teresa giving her a moment to reequip herself with anything if she wants before headed back to the main hall. "They had to have a leader or important room somewhere, let's go as far in as we can okay?"
Re: Wendy (Archer)

"Do as you wish." Habaki says as he starts going up the steps again, leaving the girls behind to gather new equipment.

Teresa picks up a new mace along with a shield. As Wendy looks for a new wand, the nun brings her a few books from the nearby shelf.
"These could be helpful..." she says, still sporting her ripped-up dress. As she holds the books for Wendy to read, a pop-up can be seen hovering over them

Spellbook: Spiritual Weapon
Trait book: Tantric Magic
Re: Wendy (Archer)

"Oooo nice find, an extra weapon I can summon up and a book of sex magic....I'll have to study that later." There was a brief hint of an evil grin on Wendy's face before she tucked the books under her arm and headed deeper into the hideout. "I'm kinda surprised we're the only two girls they've caught around here. I wonder if there are other dungeons around..."
Re: Wendy (Archer)

Teresa blushes once more as she notices Wendy's evil smirk, but doesn't pay it further heed

The pair go further down the stairs past the armory, reaching another dungeon on a level deeper below. The girls search the cells, finding a nearly naked,black-haired girl with an average figure shackled to the wall in the last cell. The girl gasps occasionally, sporting a set of leather underwear with two different-colored spots on it. She's clearly being stimulated non-stop.
Re: Wendy (Archer)

"Oh wow I'm glad we investigated more after all, let's see I wonder...." Wendy waves her wand at the bars making a few disappear and sigh, "I was shooting to make them all disappear but I'm still a newbie after all...." Sliding through the makeshift opening she removes the leather garments and tosses them aside before flicking her wand to make the shackles disappear, ready to catch the obviously exausted girl. "Don't worry we're escapees too. I'm Wendy the mage and that's Teresa the nun....though I guess if you fight hand to hand that would make you like a paladin....sounds cooler too. Anyways, we're escaping this place after exploring it a bit more, would you like to travel with us?"
Re: Wendy (Archer)

The girl lets Wendy hold her for a while as she tries to catch her breath, panting heavily. She sits down on the prison cot next to them after a while.
"I-It's nice to... meet you people. And thanks..." the girl says as she tries to gather herself.
"I'm Remi, a maid. Those things ambushed and dragged me here when I was gathering herbs for my master. After that, it's been constant sexual torture for what, 5 days... I'll accompany you back to the town, but I need something to cover myself with and a weapon"
Re: Wendy (Archer)

"Welcome to the party Remi, there are a bunch of clothes and weapons upstairs in the armory. Me and Teresa will wait down here and make sure nothing comes sneaking up from below. Oh and....watch out for the chunks of wolf demon splattered all over the place up there." Wendy helped the young girl to the stairs before standing guard at the bottom with Teresa. "We'll give you a couple of minutes to change, oh and if you see a samurai guy don't worry, he's the one who got us free in the first place."
Re: Wendy (Archer)

Remi heads up the stairs, leaving the pair behind to dress up and arm herself. Nothing ambushes the girls, for there is now way deeper below. She returns a few minutes later, now wearing a long dress to cover her body and a battleaxe in hand
"I'm not skilled with weapons, but I'll help as I can." she says
Re: Wendy (Archer)

"It's okay, don't feel like you have to charge into a fight or anything. There's gotta be something around here I mean every dungeon or evil lair has a boss room somewhere or something. Maybe we need to find the big key....I wish we could find the treasure chest with the map inside. If we have to do a bunch of block pushing puzzles I swear I'm going to scream." Wendy grumbled to herself as they headed back to the central room to see if there was anywhere left to explore, ignoring her companions confused looks behind her.
Re: Wendy (Archer)

"Yes, let's head out of here, I have no desire to stay here anymore" the maid says at Wendy.

As they head back to the main hall, the huge altar on the back wall catches the girl's attention. The floor near it sports scratch marks, as if it was dragged along the ground before
Re: Wendy (Archer)

"Ah ha! I should have known, secret door under the altar. here help me move this!" Wendy ran over and threw her tiny frame against the stone opposite of the scratch marks. "Be careful not to fall into whatever it's covering!"
Re: Wendy (Archer)

Teresa and Remi join Wendy in pushing the altar. The huge stone construct reacts to the girls pushing it, pivoting from one corner to open up a torch-lit stairway going downwards
Re: Wendy (Archer)

"Awesome, be quiet, it looks like the ronin missed this area it might still have a monster or two in it. We might finally get to the bottom of things too." Wendy headed down first followed by Teresa and then their new maid companion Remi. "I wonder what they gain from capturing girls and having sex with them....other than the obvious..."
Re: Wendy (Archer)

The trio head down the stairs, staying as silent as possible. After a few dozen steps, Wendy steps on a hidden pressure plate, causin the steps to change into a slide. The screeching girls slide down a long way into the sudden darkness below

They land in a fairly big, lightly lit chamber. The place is dominated by a tall, tree-like thing made of intertwined tentacles of various lenght and thickness. As the girls recover, a multitude of eyes open across the creature's trunk, gazing at the girls with intense stares as tentacles emerge from spots all over the main body. The slimy appendages wiggle around in anticipation as the creature no doubt looks forward to having it's way with the three pretty girls it has been offered

Tentacle Tree 10/10 HP

Wendy 5/5 FP 3/3 MP 0/10 AP
Teresa 5/5 FP 5/5 MP 0/10 AP
Remi 5/5 FP
Re: Wendy (Archer)

"Oh SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-OOF!" Wendy rubs her head as she crawls out from under the other two girls. "That wasn't very fun...and that's.....wierd." She tilts her head at the tree curious before shreiking when it opens it's eyes. "I think we can take it...at least it's standing still....I think. Teresa, Remi, kill anything that comes towards us. I don't think trying to wade in close to it is such a good idea. I'll keep throwing spells at the main trunk." Raising her wand Wendy let loose a bolt of lightning straight at the wiggling mass.
Re: Wendy (Archer)

15 vs 10 | 7 vs 20
19 vs 10 | 16 vs 11

Wendy and Teresa both blast the tree with their respective magics, Wendy's lightning blowing a small chunk off the target, but Teresa's holy bolt fails to damage the creature. Remi stays close to the pair, holding her axe in a defensive position

Thinking they are safe, the girls stand far from the tree's main body. They are surprised by tentacles bursting up from the ground beneath them, grabbing both Teresa and Wendy. As they slimy tendrils attempt to ensnare the girls, the slightest touch of the slime causes feelings of pleasure as it drips on them from the thick feelers

Tentacle Tree 9/10 HP

Wendy 5/5 FP 3/3 MP 1/10 AP (grappled, -2 to attacks)
Teresa 5/5 FP 5/5 MP 1/10 AP (grappled, -2 to attacks)
Remi 5/5 FP 0/10 AP
Re: Wendy (Archer)

"Gah they can burrow?!" She blushes at the tentacle latches onto her, "Be careful this slime has something in it.....Remi if me and Teresa get caught try and hide in the stairwell. You're not in good shape to have this thing play with you." In desperation Wendy tried to burn the tree down before it's roots could drag them back to the main body.
Re: Wendy (Archer)

15 vs 11 | 9 vs 9 | 11 vs 5
5 vs 10 | 6 vs 5

Wendy struggles against the slimy tentacles, managing to let out a fireball at the tree. The ball explodes against the main body, burning it somewhat.

"I can't escape, the stairs are still in slide form!" Remi tells Wendy as she hacks the tentacles off Wendy with the axe.

Teresa escapes the tendrils holding her, but another batch burst up from the ground before she can do anything else. The appendages creep under Teresa's already torn clothing, feeling her up as they do so and causing the nun to gasp with suppressed pleasure

The tree also tries to snare Wendy again, but she is quick on her feet and manages to avoid being captured

Tentacle Tree 8/10 HP

Wendy 5/5 FP 3/3 MP 1/10 AP
Teresa 5/5 FP 5/5 MP 2/10 AP (grappled, -2 to attacks)
Remi 5/5 FP 0/10 AP
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Re: Wendy (Archer)

"Thanks Remi, good idea, you keep cutting us free while we zap this thing with everything we have!" Twirling her wand Wendy conjured up several icicles before sending them flying at the tentacle monster. "Give it up and we might go easy on you!"