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Werewolf: The Apocalypse RP (WARNING - Read thread *CAREFULLY*)


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
((Finally getting something up...))

First off: I am not running this one, Hardware is. It's just he's a bit of a lazy/forgetful bastard about making this.

So, Shrike's been running a VtM game in SHC, and after finding my old Werewolf (WtA) book while trying (and massively failing) to work out a character idea for that game, I came up with an idea. After talking it out with Shrike and Hardware, the idea is starting to take shape, namely getting together a WtA game.

As this game may end up tying into/crossing over with Shrike's game, by agreement with her: All players in Shrike's VtM game are currently barred from the WtA game. This restriction may get lifted, should the potential mix end up being nixed. The mixing is definitely being considered, though.

Now, as for the actual pertinent details about the WtA game...

Starting point will be Red Deer, Canada.
Speak to Hardware about allowed books.
Also, by the man's own words: "No, this will not be an ERP smut-fest." Although he's done some ERP-ish things before (...I think...), it's not going to be the focus. Expect bad things to happen to your character if you try to force the issue.

Character sheet specifics will come later, courtesy of Hardware once he gets the lead out of his pants.
Re: Werewolf: The Apocalypse RP (WARNING - Read thread *CAREFULLY*)

Also, this isn't going to be a play-by-post thing; I think the companion game is being run via chat-thingy...

EDIT: Additional caveat: This is mostly just to begin to see if there is even interest in doing this. I have (potentially) a major gig coming up that will take up a lot of my time until Halloween, so probably the earliest this would start would be November.
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Re: Werewolf: The Apocalypse RP (WARNING - Read thread *CAREFULLY*)

So, Shrike's been running a VtM game in SHC

He lies! I've been -Failing- to run a game in SHC. XD

Just got back from vacation, so once i get settled into work again, i will hopefully have free time once more.

All that aside though, Werewolf is a very interesting system, It would be nice to have our own little world of darkness with everyone running about, i think.