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What have you been reading lately?


#1 Hero
May 7, 2011
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I'm up to date on the Dresden Files, so while I'm waiting for the next book (Peace Talks, finished but no release date dammit) to come out, I've been immersing myself in the Star Wars legends books. Also ran into another promising urban fantasy series called the Iron Druid Chronicles.

Readers of ULMF: What have you been reading? Anything counts, even if it's the bathroom shampoo bottle because you forgot your phone.
Lately the Monster Hunter International series which then led me to start going through John Ringo’s work.

Monster Hunter has nothing to do with the video game series. Basically it’s horror but the heroes come loaded with assault rifles and rpgs and such and collect bounties on every monster they bag. But somethings don’t exactly die when hit with heavy artillery. That’s when it’s time to get creative.
Ooh, I'll have to look into those! Horror is one of the unfortunate gaps in my personal library, with only a few King and Koontz novels in there. Don't suppose you're familiar with the ? There's some good horror reading there. Also some terrible work, but that's to be expected in a fan-based writing community.

Edit: Link
Try to read "The door into Summer" by Robert Ernest Heinlein. I think you may like it :3