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White Winds


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H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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The pair had watched the blizzard approaching from over the mountains; a wall of white quickly encroaching upon them as they trekked through the mountain passes of the northern most territories of the Empire. They had hoped to reach the nearby trading post before the snows found them, but neither luck or wind was on their side. Soon they couldn’t see in front of them, the world had become a swirling and chaotic whiteness that hid the path from view. With cloaks tightened around their form, packs tightened to their form, they kept their arms linked so as not to be separated from the other.

Rynn felt her teeth starting to chatter despite the scarf tied tightly around her face, leaving only green eyes exposed to the wild. But they were starting to burn with the wind, and the skin around them starting to go numb. She glanced at her companion, the Elven princess Arlenia, her own eyes, nearly matching in colour, the only part exposed.

Feeling was starting to leave from the fingertips and toes of both women, and they knew they had to get inside, somewhere. Anywhere. Pressing forward, Rynn tried to peer through the snow whipping around them, to find a copse of trees with low branches, a cave, anything at all. When Arlenia’s hand squeezed, and she shouted, pointing ahead, Rynn squinted, trying to see what Elven eyes had easily picked out.

The princess had been taught in the ways of the ranger, the most elite of Elven warriors, but also perhaps the best trackers in the world. So she grasped Rynn’s hand, and led the human knight forwards, through the blizzard, until she could start to see glimpses of brown occasionally showing through the winds. With each step, the object became clearer; wooden logs, carefully laid and cut. It was a cottage, most likely belonging to a hunter or forester, for both were profitable trades up here at the base of the mountains.

Rynn started to move faster, lifting her feet high to move as quickly as she could through the snow already up to her knees, though Arlenia was able to seemingly dance across the drifts, the skirts of her tunic, slit up the centre, whipping around her in the wind, and made it to the door first, but she waited, in the instance that someone was within, and that violence might ensue.

When Rynn came up beside her, the Elf pulled the door open, and the knight went inside, numb fingers wrapped around the hilt of her sword. She really hoped there would be no fight, she couldn’t battle like this. Stepping in however, she found only darkness. A pitch black broken only by the stark white of the blizzard showing through the windows, even if the snow let no light within.

“Hello?” Rynn called out, but she heard no response even as Arlenia closed the door behind them. The roar of the winds cut down immensely, but both could hear windows rattling in their frames, and the muffled howl of the blizzard. Both women stayed still, as Arlenia lowered her hood, letting dark brown hair cascade over her shoulders, clumps of snow falling from her with the small movement. She listened before looking to her companion.

“Deserted,” she said simply and Rynn let out a breath of relief, and lowered her own hood, letting out own raven locks spill forth, the braids on either side of her face keeping the rest of the unruly style stay out of her eyes. Pulling off her thick leather gloves, lined with fox fur, she blew into her hands, willing the blood to start pumping into her fingers again.

“Here,” Arlenia said gently, the front of her fur cloak was open, the ties keeping it closed deftly undone whilst Rynn had concerned herself with the gloves. The elf gently took the human’s hands, and slid them within the confines of the cloak, rubbing against the specially crafted green leather long tunic of a ranger, and beneath her arms. Rynn tried not to think of the breasts resting against her forearms, their skin separated only by tunic and thick woolen arm wraps. Then she couldn’t think of them and she winced in pain as blood came thundering back into her previously numb digits.

For a few moments they stood like that in the darkness, a chill settling over them, but at least they were no longer in danger of frostbite. Hypothermia was still an issue though, the cottage was frigid.

“How are your hands?” Arlenia asked after the pause and Rynn flexed her fingers, dragging them along the Elf’s sides, and could feel the contours of her body beneath them. So familiar to her.

“Good enough,” she said and pulled her hands free with only a hint of hesitation, and looked into the darkness. Arlenia looked around, her eyesight letting her see clearer in the dark than Rynn could, and she took the knight’s hand, and led her deeper into the cottage, curling around something across the floor. Something flat and oval in shape, Rynn assumed it was some kind of rug.

Arlenia knelt, and Rynn could hear her rummaging, heard the tap of wood against itself and stone.

“A fireplace, and luck would have it, ready for a fire.”

“The owner more than likely wanted it ready to go in case they came by in such conditions,” Rynn suggested, and knelt by the Elf, and held out her hands. She felt another chill sweep through her, but this had nothing to do with the cold pervading the cottage, it was an unnatural cold, deep in her veins. She gathered all her heat towards the palm of a single hand, until she was shivering furiously. But the flame caught upon her skin, and within a second of holding out her hand, there was a small fire resting in her palm. As it flickered and danced upon her skin, not burning her, she felt the chill vanish as the flame fed itself from the natural world, instead of her own blood.

Lowering her hand, Rynn let the flames leap from her palm onto the gathered logs. The wood caught, and with the aid of further magic, the witch knight soon had a crackling fire before her. Smoke rolled up the chimney, while heat and light bathed the room, and the two women let out a sigh of relief. For a moment they simply kneeled before the fire, the snow on the garments melting and soaking into fur, leather, and wool. Then Rynn slowly got to her feet.

“Stay here, I’m going to see if I can find some spare wood,” she said, and the Elf nodded with a gentle smile. As Rynn turned, she saw the shape on the floor was indeed a fur rug. She stepped around it, not wanting to get it wet from the snow caked onto her boots. The thought made her pause for a moment, and she undid the buckles running up her calves, and pulled the well made leather off, leaving them beside the fire, and padded across the wooden floorboards in stocking clad feet.

The majority of the cottage was a single room, a small cot tucked into a corner, the rug before the fireplace, and the entrance. It seemed the place was nothing more than somewhere for the owner to lay their head down and wait out the harsher weather. There was however a single door that led to another room, and Rynn quietly slipped through it.

What lay on the other side appeared to be some kind of storage room. One side of the wall was dominated with stacks of wood, kept dry from the elements. There were a few barrels that were empty, perhaps holding furs, or meat, but Rynn could not determine what they had once held. There was also a small pot with a loop and a hook to hand over the fire in the hearth.

Grabbing the pot and looping the hook on her belt, the witch knight grabbed an armful of split logs, and started her way back to the fireplace.

Arlenia had pulled off her cloak, and had hung it on the wall by the hearth, her boots nestled alongside Rynn’s own, though her stockings had been pulled out beneath the leathery skirt she wore, and draped over the top of the boots to dry as well. She was standing with her back to the storage room, unlatching her belt and pulling it free, setting the case for her bow down against the wall with her sword. Then Rynn watched as fingers began to undo the lacings of her rigid tunic.

Her heart began to thump heavily in her chest as she stood there, the fire crackling, leather creaking slightly as it was peeled off smooth Elven flesh. Rynn’s eyes did not waver from the woman before her as shoulders and back were exposed to her eyes, the removal of the skirts showing off the tight dark brown leather of her trousers, firm against her toned rear. The Elven princess hung her tunic up, wearing only a simple brassiere for her breasts now.

Rynn could not stop her tongue from slowly rolling across her lips as she finally stepped forward, and Arlenia turned her head slightly to look over her shoulder, a coy smile curling her lips, and she made no further movements. Staring at the beauty before her, the smooth curve from ribs to hips, the well muscled back from years of running, climbing, bow use, and sword play.

Carefully setting the logs down, and holding the pot, Rynn could feel Arlenia’s gaze upon her, as if peeling back the clothing she herself wore.

“Fill up the pot. I have something to help warm us,” Arlenia suggested, and Rynn smiled, wondering what treats the Elf had brought with her on the journey. So with pot in hand, Rynn walked to the front door, and braved the blizzard for but a moment as she opened the door, and filled the metal contained with snow. All the while, Arlenia’s gaze never left her body.

Forcing the door closed against the rushing wind, Rynn shuddered, cold running through her all over again, but she moved to the fire and found the iron bar running above the fire. She quickly hooked the pot in place to let the snow melt, before feeling hands at her chest, and breasts against her back. Agile fingers deftly undid the hooks holding closed Rynn’s cloak, and slowly peeled it off the warrior’s shoulders. Rynn bit he lip, not wanting Arlenia to pull away just yet, and felt the barest sting of loss when she did, though taking the cloak with her.

Rynn turned, her eyes sliding over the exposed back, the expanse of skin broken only by the soft green of the brassiere wrapping around her form, down to the swaying hips of the Elf as she moved to hang the wet cloak beside her own, a few last clumps of snow falling to the floor from the motions.

Finally the Elf turned, and took a few gentle strides towards Rynn. Those nimble fingers danced up Rynn’s own thick fur lined tunic, her armour having been left in the south, undoing the tight laces that kept her skin hidden from the elements, the two women keeping their eyes locked upon the other. As fur and leather peeled back from pale skin, Arlenia let her gaze drift downwards, looking over the wrap tied around Rynn’s chest, and the expanse of her muscular stomach, before finding the ties keeping the warrior’s trousers firm on her hips.

When the two let their eyes meet again, the Elf’s were brighter, almost sparkling, and Rynn felt a heat growing ever more rapidly between her thighs. She’d seen that look in Arlenia often enough, knew what it meant, and every time it sent her heart fluttering. Leaning in, until their breasts pushed together, separated only by the thin layer they wore, their lips met in a soft and gentle kiss.

They stayed like that a few moments, hands gently holding the other’s arms, lips gently caressing as heat began to swell in the room from the crackling fire. The wind continued to howl outside the cottage, the beams creaking under the force of nature, but neither woman paid any attention, finding solace in the lips of the other. Finding comfort in the gentle caresses as hands slid along bared arms, fingertips trailing across the napes of necks.

The sizzling snow in the pot caught their attention, and with a final peck they turned to face the now steaming water. Arlenia smiled, reaching down to a pouch on her hip, lifting it up before Rynn’s face. The witch knight sniffed gently, and smiled at the scent of cocoa that drifted from within the small pouch.

“Elven chocolate,” Rynn said gently, as the ranger began to pour some of the contents into two mugs she had found, before filling each with the water, which turned to a rich dark brown when mixed.

Sitting upon the bear fur rug, the two leaned against each other, and sipped at the hot drinks, feeling it rush to their bellies, warming them from within. They relaxed in silence, one hand holding their mugs, the other gently and almost absent mindedly exploring the other. Rynn’s fingers deftly undid the ties holding Arlenia’s brassiere in place, the straps coming undone, sliding off her shoulders, and dropping from her back. The Elf made no effort to stop the garment from falling off her chest, revealing her breasts to the warm air, her pink nipples stiff and waiting for attention. Licking her lips, Rynn drained the rest of her chocolate, and tossed the mug away, hardly hearing it rolling across the wooden floor.

Moist lips descended, finding one of those stiff nipples, pulling it into her mouth, trapping it gently between her teeth as her tongue flicked across it, back and forth like a whip. The Elf’s eyes closed gently, as she leaned back, prompting Rynn to lean further over her lover. The mug dropped from her hands, forgotten as it joined the other in rolling away from the pair.

Back upon her hands, breasts in the air, Arlenia sounded her pleasure with soft moans, letting the hunched over witch move between both swells of sensitive flesh, the knight’s hands trailing down over the princess’s sides, callused fingers ghosting and turning cool to the touch. Small snaps of blue energy sent shivers into Arlenia’s flesh, sending shivers through her body, until those snapping fingers dug into the waist band of her tight trousers.

Lifting her hips off the rug, Arlenia let Rynn pull downwards, the firm leather sliding off like shedding skin. Rynn’s fingers swept from electrical, to icy, to hot, sending the various sensations along the Elf’s long toned legs, feeling each curve of hard muscle beneath the smooth flesh, until finally the trousers were pulled free, leaving the princess naked and beautiful beneath her lover.

Sitting on her knees, nestled between Arlenia’s legs, Rynn couldn’t help but let her eyes swim along the form beneath her, a picture of Elvish beauty, strength, and bared regality. Every inch of smooth skin, from the gentle slope of her shoulders, to the bare sex between her thighs glistening with desire, down to her slender feet, the Elf was nothing but beautiful to Rynn’s eyes.

Arlenia smiled upwards, appearing the princess even when stripped of cloth and in the midst of lust. Long fingers reached upwards, and began to slowly unwrap the fabric tied around Rynn’s chest, rolling it off her body with a hungry smile.

As the warrior’s breasts came free, Arlenia let her own eyes run over the firm muscle and soft swell peaked with dark brown nipples, stiff with arousal. Even the stark snow white scar running from near the peak of her left breast to her shoulder was beautiful to the Elf, and she leaned upwards, running her tongue along the years old sword wound, her fingers gliding down Rynn’s sides, pausing to run a fingertip over another scar just above her right hip, a slash along her side from an arrow.

That was when Rynn felt her pants sliding downwards, off her hips, down legs marked with a few scars, and a tattoo of swirling runes that ran from just above her left hip, all the way down to her knee, curling over her thigh. Arlenia licked her lips, glancing downwards as she kicked off Rynn’s pants, with some difficulty as the witch was above her, on her knees, and let her eyes fall upon the womanhood between her thighs. A flash of memory from before this journey, a private room, and Elvish waxing, the two women sharing another personal moment as they were now.

For a few moments, they merely looked at each other, letting their naked skin bask in the warmth of the fire, their eyes flicking from memories of other stolen moments to present desires. Soon it became too much, and they collapsed onto the rug together, their lips hungrily kissing, parting to let slick tongues dance together as hands roamed, exploring such familiar expanses of flesh, legs rubbing together. They rolled upon the fur, feeling it against their backs, their sides, all while becoming further entangled with each other.

Rynn’s leg slid upwards, tight between Arlenia’s thighs, grinding firmly against her womanhood. Warm wetness spread down the witch’s leg, as the Elf moaned into their kiss, thrusting her tongue deeper, caressing and curling around the witch’s.

Fingers trailed over Rynn’s hips, making her shudder in delight, especially as those fingers found the round swell of her rear. A hard grip pulled the woman tighter to the Elf, her thigh dragging over wet petals and engorged clit, making Arlenia moan into Rynn’s mouth. The wind outside didn’t cease, but neither woman heard it, too focused upon the other as they twisted and turned along each other, their mouths breaking from the kiss to explore further. Wet trails from licks shimmered in the firelight, and long red lines from scratching nails stood out against pale skin.

As they twisted and writhed together in the glow of the fire, their skin starting to glisten with a sheen of sweat, they found themselves between each other’s legs. The scent of desire filling their minds as lips and tongues found the slick petals that waited for such stimulation. Arlenia found her head trapped between powerful thighs, holding her close to the heat of Rynn’s womanhood, so thrust her tongue deep, curling within her lover and tasting her most intimately.

The warrior moaned in response, warm breath washing over the princess’s thighs, a cascade of desire, before her teeth gently nipped at the Elf’s clit, treating it as she had her nipples before. Muffled moans sounding between her thighs told Rynn all she needed to know as her fingers raked up the back of Arlenia’s thighs. Their hips thrust into the mouth of the other, as breasts pushed tight against their bodies.

The scent of sex and wood smoke curled through the cottage as the two forgot about the world around them, forgot about the blizzard and merely dove into pleasuring the other. Arlenia’s tongue drove hard and fast into the witch, her nails gliding up the woman’s sides, feeling her breasts pushing hard against her as Rynn’s breathing came faster and faster. All while Rynn toyed with Arlenia’s bud, bringing her closer to the peak both so desired.

Arlenia’s exploring fingers slid into the cleft of Rynn’s behind, a single finger pushing deep into her rear entrance. The witch moaned hungrily, the final push before she rose into the heights of orgasm. Her thighs clenched tighter, and magical energy sparked off her tongue and fingertips. It sent pulses of energy that glowed blue beneath Arlenia’s skin, small sparks popping off her body as she howled in pleasure. The heights of passion claimed both women, entangled together upon the floor. Their ecstasy claimed their minds, swirling through their bodies until they could scarcely move, before collapsing together.

For a few moments there was only heavy breathing, as the scent of their loving wrapped them in a warm embrace. Their faces glistening with the lust of the other, they stirred, slowly shifting that their lips might find each other, tasting themselves upon the other. Soft moans filled the cottage, overwhelming the calming crackle of the fire.

Resting their foreheads together, princess and witch smiled at the other, wrapped in tight embrace, gleaming with sweat and the juices of their womanhoods. Gentle caresses relaxed each other, as they simply held each other.

“Storm doesn’t sound like it’s letting up,” Rynn said gently, her voice slipping out between heavy breathing. Soft lips brushed her neck, a stiff nipple gliding over her own breast, and Rynn closed her eyes before Arlenia laid her head upon her lover’s chest, sweat matted hair clinging to the warrior’s form.

“Nope,” was the only word to slip from her lips, full only of lust and love. Rynn smiled, resting back upon the rug, and hugged Arlenia tight.

Outside the white winds howled and raged, but within, two lovers held their bastion against the elements.