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Wicked Child (Pheonix)


Former Moderator
Nov 24, 2009
Reputation score
Sen: HP:50 MP:4 STR:60 INT:40

Sen awoke after having another fitful night of sleep, strange urges and dark visions all mashed together. They chilled her soul but sometimes gave her an unsettling feeling of comfort. The dreams faded from her mind as she rolled out of bed in the hotel room she had rented after fleeing east, her research at the nearby internet cafe had finally paid off and she knew of two different areas within travel distance that seemed thick with supernatural activity. There had been increasing sightings of some kind of demonic monster in New Jersey and a rumor of malevolent spirits in Ohio wreaking havoc. Now all she had to do is decide which she wanted to investigate.
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Re: Wicked Child (Pheonix)

The spirits would probably draw a safer group to talk to, but if I had to say one was more related to me, I'd have to say my problem is more demonic than ghostly. Damn it. Sen mentally plans before gathering her things and leaving the room. She would drop off the keys as she left to find a bus heading towards the New Jersey demon sightings. The damn dreams are getting worse, too. I hope I get some answers soon.
Re: Wicked Child (Pheonix)

Sen's bus ride is uneventful minus the wierd people who get on the bus. At first glance when arriving at her destination it seems she's chased a red herring. Stalls and shops along the way advertise merchandise for a "Jersey Devil". Something in the pit of her stomach though told Sen that there might be more than just a tourist trap at work here.
Re: Wicked Child (Pheonix)

Well... Now I guess I just need to find some supernatural investigation people. Sen mentally murmurs before starting to wander around town. Her main objective would be to check out any inns or coffee shops or the like where such people might hopefully gather before they go investigate. It will be worth a try at least and she could always ask someone there where to find such people if she has to.
Re: Wicked Child (Pheonix)

As Sen searches she spots many people with cameras but none of them seem serious, one group with a tall skinny guy and a short fat guy are acting like they're seeing and hearing ghosts everywhere. "You....you want to see the real devil don't you?" A man in his late 50's points at Sen from his chair on a store porch. "You aren't a tourist are you? You have a look in your eye that you're searching for something important...." He picks up a cane and stands. "I can take you out to the pine barrens, near where he lurks. But I won't be staying. The last tour that stayed out after dark didn't come back in one piece."
Re: Wicked Child (Pheonix)

Wh-what? Do I really look like I'm an upgraded tourist or something? Um, thank you, but no thank you. I'm actually here to try and find a few paranormal investigators to ask what they would consider a few of my personal problems to be. I don't suppose you could tell me where to find a few investigators, though, would you? Sen says after spending a moment in shocked thinking.
Re: Wicked Child (Pheonix)

The man chuckles, "Paranormal investigators? Missy all these people do is go out in the bushes behind the store and shake a camera around like something is chasin' them. If you came -here- for answers..." He raps his cane on the ground. "You'll find 'em out there." He points his cane to the vast rolling hills of endless pine trees
Re: Wicked Child (Pheonix)

I.. I... This is not going the way I was hoping, still, maybe once I find an real investigator... It's not that I want to find a paranormal being, it's just... I'm afraid I might be one... Sen says, voicing her suspicions to the old man and hoping he might be able to help her to at least find actual help.
Re: Wicked Child (Pheonix)

The old man raises an eyebrow, "Well that's a new one for me, I'd say you meet those new fellows who hang out at the old ruined church at night. Only a couple of em and kinda eerie but they seem to know everything about what you're looking for, at least....more than them." He points across the street to a guy running through the bushes screaming into a camera acting like he's in danger. "Ugh....I hate those guys..." The old man shakes his head and sits down. "The church is on the edge of town, can't miss it, looks like a bomb hit it. I hope I was helpful miss, ya got kind eyes." He smiles and nods before going back to his afternoon nap on the porch.
Re: Wicked Child (Pheonix)

Th-thank you. Sen says, waving at the man before moving off towards the edge of town where the man indicated the church would be. At the same time, she keeps glancing at the guy running and screaming. What is he doing anyway? He looks mental.
Re: Wicked Child (Pheonix)

Sen reaches the church just as night is falling, inside she can hear voices speaking. "Soon our lord will rise thanks to our help. And this time we will finally be victorious!" A man in a hooded robe speaks to 4 other people in a hoods. "What's this?" He looks straight towards Sen making eye contact with her. "That power.....come in young one, you are with your family now." He waves for Sen to come inside with them.
Re: Wicked Child (Pheonix)

Taking a small step back, Sen speaks, Who... Who are you? What do you mean, family? She finishes, slightly afraid of the people who definitely look like cultists. From what she has heard, cultists like to rape and then sacrifice their victims, and Sen really doesn't want to have either happen to her.
Re: Wicked Child (Pheonix)

"The wonderful gift flowing through your blood, you are destined to serve our glorious dark lord Count Dracula as one of his servants just as we are!" He holds his arms up. "By his side we will spread darkness across the world and snuff out the blight of humanity."
Re: Wicked Child (Pheonix)

Wha-what? What gift? Sen says while backing up, They want to sacrifice me, don't they? That's why they're mentioning my blood. They want to kill me. She thinks, her mind jumping to conclusions at the odd things the man is saying.
Re: Wicked Child (Pheonix)

"You....are one of us...." They drop their robes, the four silent ones revealed to be women in corsets with wings on their back and the man has a large pair of wings along with a set of horns and a spaded tail. "Join us sister...we will teach you to use your powers and you can destroy all those lesser than you. They all hold out their arms invitingly.
Re: Wicked Child (Pheonix)

Falling down onto her butt, Sen starts scrambling backwards. Wh-what are you? What do you mean, "I'm one of you"? She asks, terrified now, and trying to get away from the monsters that seem to want her for some reason.
Re: Wicked Child (Pheonix)

The four women seem to speak in unison their voices complimenting each other like a song. "We are succubi, demons of passion and lust, and you carry our blood within you, come, join us little sister..."
Re: Wicked Child (Pheonix)

Freezing in place, Sen stares at the women, Huh? What do you mean I carry your b-blood? I mean, s-sure my hair is freaky and my lovers have been having problems, b-but, I'm still human aren't I? She replies, now confused as well as scared. At least her confusion is keeping her from fleeing for now.
Re: Wicked Child (Pheonix)

"You are only half succubus at the moment. We can help you embrace your destiny and you will have a place to belong..." The women begin to slowly advance smiling.
Re: Wicked Child (Pheonix)

What do you mean destiny? I've just been trying to figure out why I put my last lover in a coma. Sen replies, confusion keeping her from fleeing.