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Winter Night (thetwo)

Re: Winter Night (thetwo)

Ashley: HP = 52/52, PP = 72, EP = 47/78, Status = Okay, Weakened, Light, Find on Jenn, Ring at 18/20 EP

Jenn: ???, spent 76 EP, Injured, Weakened, Low on EP
Karena Arselone: Injured, Weakened, Grappled by a Tentacle Horror
Dornhall the Troll Slayer: ???

Daniella Boulay: ???, spent 18 EP
Ryon Toma: ???
Alex Kovisto: ???
Professor Laura Steiner: ???, spent 4 EP

Arclan Clay: ???

Jiub the Slaver: ???
Ayeila: ???
Caragor: ???
Grumush: ???
Gronkor: ???
Dalmen: ???
Scortha: ???
Nilsin the Red: ???
Trogo son of Trondor: ???
Ylsig: ???

Group 1
Steiner, Ryon, Jiub, Grumush, Arclan, and Gronkor

Group 2
Ashley, Jenn, Dornhall, and Karena

Group 3
Daniella, Dalmen, Ylsig and Trogo

Ashley tries to cast Haste.
Casting: 17 + 70 - 10 = 77, success.
Enemy ??? casts Counterspell.
Casting: Success.
Focus vs Focus: 18 + 30 + 8 = 56 vs 39 = 4 + 29 + 8 + 3 - 5, Ashley's been countered.

Jenn tries to cast Cone of Cold while using Quicken Spell to cast the same.
Casting: Both succeed, one barely.
Enemy ??? casts Counterspell, but may only do so once.
Casting: Success.
Focus vs Focus: 3 + 30 + 8 = 42 vs 28 = 6 + 27 - 5, one of Jenn's spells has been countered.
Attack: 74 vs 48, electing to roll once for the goblin group.
Damage: 1 + 1 + 9 + 2 + 1 = 14, 14 x 5 = 70 damage, which is enough to make numerous goblincicles.

Enemy ??? casts Blightning at Jenn and Karena.
Casting: Success.
Attack: 59 vs 49 for Jenn and 106 for Karena, but Karena elects to block for Jenn and take the hit, in so doing allowing her to use Parry Magic.
Parry DC: 48 + 5 = 53, but capping out at 50.
Resistance Check: 2 + 25 = 27, failure. Spell parried.

5 more goblins are summoned.

Jenn's spell wiped out half of the goblins, so there are still 5 left. They all attack Karena.
Attacks: 52 vs 101, miss. 50 vs 96, miss. 54 vs 91, miss. 53 vs 86, miss. 54 vs 81, miss.

The Tentacle Horrors attack Karena. Each makes 5 attacks, with the first four purely targeting her armor and the last being a grapple attempt.
Attacks: These are vs 76; 65, 44, 64, 54, and the grapple is 79.
Attacks: These are vs 71; 45, 68, 63, 58, and the grapple is 60, which hits because Parry penalizes dodge against grapple attempts.
Karena has been grabbed by both of the Tentacle Horrors.

Perception: 2 successes vs ?? successes needed.

Ashley's offer, spoken confidently though it was, initially earned only a light titter of laughter from the voice emanating from the darkness. "Ahhh, yes... Yes we DO know who YOU are, ahahahaha!"

The wind mage's well honed training allowed her to push past the lingering pain and exhaustion caused by her injuries, concentrating upon a more esoteric use of sorcery. Altering the flow of time on any king of large scale was impossible, at least according to everything she had ever learned of it, but while such a hard rule could not be broken entirely, like many it could certainly be bent. Her mental reactions began to heighten, allowing her to process input far faster and more efficiently, and while it wouldn't allow her body to move much faster than normal, it would ensure that she could react to multiple threats at once... At least until an opposing magical force rent into her construct with the brutal efficiency of one who was well practiced in the art of disrupting an opponent's magic.

Her energies dissipated as quickly as they'd come together, wasted with no real benefit to her cause. Even as it did so, however, Ashley felt Jenn capitalizing on the distraction she'd caused, conjuring a pair of bursts of intense cold. Like her spell, one of them was rent asunder, but the other worked and lashed out, splashing across the cavern in an expanding wave from one of her outstretched hands. The goblins in it's wake froze in their place and promptly seemed to wink out of existence, leaving behind icy shells in their image that provided a small group of silent sentinels standing in the darkness beyond the edge of their two conjured lights. The tentacle-bearing creatures retracted their limbs into their main bodies, using the cover of the pillars to protect them from the brief burst of cold, and where it splashed into the wall of darkness it seemed to splash against some unseen barrier.

Even as a group of the lesser demons vanished, however, another squad of them emerged at the edge of that darkness the moment that Jenn's ice burst faded. "Our primary target is here! Go, bring her down quickly, but make sure not to kill her!" the voice commanded, and the quintet of freshly summoned goblins began advancing towards Ashley, picking their way between the pillars.

Another, perhaps more distressing distraction came before any significant reaction could be given to the group; More magic, coming from the back of the room in relation to Jenn and Karena, and more or less directly to Ashley's right. Power gathered, and was unleashed in a burst of black lightning that seemed to weave towards the besieged pair through the columns. Karena moved quickly, and could have gotten out of the way completely, but Jenn lagged in the back of their alcove. The knight halted and reversed, putting herself between Jenn and the oncoming blast only to take it directly on the chest... Or seemed to. The black energy splashed across her body, causing her to wince, but rather than incinerate her the lightning seemed to gather rapidly around the woman's sword, which she slowly lifted and then swung. The captured power splashed across the ceiling, causing the ice above to crack ominously, but it left the pair unharmed. Even looking where it had come from offered Ashley no sign as to what the deadly spell might have come from.

Unfortunately, the mages weren't the only threat. The bunch of goblins that had escaped Jenn's spell, even as more of their kin were summoned, stalked back into range and began jabbing at Karena with polearms, forcing the knight to shift and parry desperately to evade the attacks. They didn't so much as touch her, but the tentacles that had retracted away from the cold shifted back out and began to lash at her. Covered as they were in bony clubs, points and blades, they might have proven dangerous had Karena not apparently been quite an adept fighter, blocking every strike that came for her.... Except the last pair. As she fought, two tendrils had snuck towards her from below, and at the opportune moment they grabbed her by the ankles. She was yanked from her feet just as she took off the stinger-like tip of one of the tendrils, falling on her ass with a shout of surprise only for the tendrils to begin dragging her into the darkness.
Ashley pushed through the fatigue and pain of what she'd suffered already, while trying to continue to look casual, hoping the fight wouldn't start until she was ready. Which she almost was. The wind mage reached out into the world and pulled, twisting it around her, slowing... and gasped in shock as something seemed to sucker-punch her, splintering the spell into painful shards. At the same time there was a double-burst of magic from Jenn, one splintered the same way hers had. The other went off, sending a wave of frozen death across the minor goblins in the cavern.

Which explained why they had been doing so badly. Not necessarily an overwhelming force, but two counter-mages. One able to shut Ashley herself down. If Jenn had been injured to start the same as Ashley, she would have had no chance to do anything but hope the unseen enemy ran out of power first. And with two of them that seemed unlikely, despite the water mage's excellent magical stamina. In which case it was possible that the enemy had been holding back, using Jenn as bait. Especially if their taunts were true, and they really were after Ashley.

Confirmation came almost immediately, on both counts. More goblins, summoned either from the darkness or... elsewhere. And a third blast of magic, this one offensive. Straight at Jenn. Ashley could only stare, helpless. But the knight stepped in front of the blast, using an anti-mage technique to turn it away. Into the ceiling. The wind mage winced. Bringing the cavern down... would be a last resort. And only if she could touch Jenn. Then it might be worth trying to blink up to the surface the same way she'd crossed that chasm. There was no way to know how deep they were, but she could spend every last drop of energy in the amulet, and trust that in the open air she and her lover could feather-fall down, their matching enchanted earrings activating even if they didn't manage it themselves. A last resort, though. If they were too deep that would end badly.

For now the fight was still winnable. Probably. Now that she knew her casting would be opposed... Ashley had proved extremely adept at Arcane, nearly as much as Air, and with focus she could beat just about anyone. The fact that she couldn't see her adversaries was an issue, but not insurmountable. She just wasn't focusing properly. That would have to change, now that she knew her foe's strength and wouldn't be hiding the fact that this was a fight.

Which was well and good, but the first order of business was to figure out exactly where her opponent was. The magical darkness would make it hard to hit them otherwise. Fortunately, she'd cast the appropriate spell what felt like ages ago. She could feel the psychic tug, guiding her on a path towards Jenn. She knew where the water mage was, and didn't need it anymore. But rather than dismiss the magic, or take the small comfort in knowing better where her lover was, she redirected it. The process was entirely internal, the spell already fixed in the real world. Possible to dispel... but not to counterspell. And with a moment's effort, it suddenly pointed the best way towards the source of the voice.

Which was... to leave the cavern, and walk some incredibly roundabout route afterwards, before the knowledge of where to go faded into intangible mist. Ashley blinked. She could see the path to the edge of the darkness, and to be countering her spells the caster had to be in sight. She was confident that her spell wasn't lying. It just wasn't telling her something obvious. Not that the caster was far away. But that there was something blocking the obvious path. More than just darkness, magical or not.

There wasn't time to figure out what. Not time to sit idle and do that, anyway. With this knowledge, the plan changed, but only in its details. It was still time to attack. The wind mage's left hand shoved towards the darkness, flinging her magical light towards the center. And her right hand moved upwards, as she drew on the ambient water magic to draw from the ground a blast of unearthly cold that would leave the ground under the darkness near frictionless, concentrating on the spell with practiced focus.

The goblins were a distraction. One that could get important before long, but if she killed or disabled their summoner quickly, not a big problem. The other things... as she casted, Ashley yelled. "Jenn! There's something we can't see! Hold on as long as you can!"

So, three things:

First, as my action, redirect Find (The target of this spell may be changed at any time at no EP cost by spending a standard action.)

Second, as a free action, move my Light, in a straight line towards the center of the magical darkness, to the best of my ability.

Finally, use Quicken Spell (4 EP and -2d10 casting) to cast Ice Slick as a free action ({C} Ice Slick (Ball) [This spell deals damage as a spell one level lower, but creatures affected by this spell and any who enter its area of effect up to 3 rounds later must win a Focus vs Reflexes check against the character or be knocked Prone.]) (Level 3 Water spell; with +water from the environment 2 EP). This is aimed as best I can with the information I have, to be centered on whoever was talking.
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Ashley: HP = 52/52, PP = 72, EP = 1/78, Status = Bound, Weakened, Naked, Sealed, Low on Energy

Jenn: Bound, Weakened, Naked, Sealed, Low on Energy
Karena Arselone: Bound, Clothed, Weakened
Dornhall the Troll Slayer: ???

Daniella Boulay: ???, spent 18 EP
Ryon Toma: ???
Alex Kovisto: ???
Professor Laura Steiner: ???, spent 4 EP

Arclan Clay: ???

Jiub the Slaver: ???
Ayeila: ???
Caragor: ???
Grumush: ???
Gronkor: ???
Dalmen: ???
Scortha: ???
Nilsin the Red: ???
Trogo son of Trondor: ???
Ylsig: ???

Group 1
Steiner, Ryon, Jiub, Grumush, Arclan, and Gronkor

Group 2
Ashley, Jenn, Dornhall, and Karena

Group 3
Daniella, Dalmen, Ylsig and Trogo

Goblins x5
Tentacle Horror
Stalkers x3
Demon Mages x2
Orc Sorceress

Ashley's Casting Check: 10 successes, definitely works.

Someone tries to counterspell her!
Casting: They succeed.
Resistance Check: 7 + 38 = 45 vs 41 = 6 + 35, Ashley has been counterspelled.

Jenn double casts Ice Slick with Quicken Spell, trying to hit the tentacle monsters.
Casting: 7 successes, then 2 successes. Both succeed, the second barely.
Counterspell again.
Their casting: Succeeds.
Resistance Check: 13 + 38 = 51 vs 30 = 9 + 21, countered
Attack: 68 vs 62 and 58, hit
Damage: 17 x 3 = 51 - 2- = 31 damage.
Resistance Checks: Neither falls Prone.

Karena tries to break the grapple: 102 vs 92, she actually manages it.

The goblins going after Jenn still get free swings at her.
Her Dodge vs their attacks: 52 vs 27, 58, 38, 38, 35, one hit.
Damage: 26 - 8 = 18 damage.

The goblins looking to jump Ashley do so.
Her Dodge vs their attacks: 75 vs 27, 55, 56, 52, 37, all miss.

The tentacle horror that wasn't grappling tries to grab Karena.
Attack: 85 vs 108, miss.

??? casts Agony Matrix on Ashley
Casting: 8 successes, enough for +12 to hit and +1 damage per level.
Attack: 98, with an automatic glancing hit even if it hadn't beaten Ashey's Dodge from a 26 on the base dice.
Damage: 11 x 2 = 22, 22 - 20 = 2 damage.
Focus vs Willpower: 45 with nat 20 vs 38... Also with a natural 20. Automatic successes, so dice off to see who wins, 11 vs 6 means Ashley is Stunned.

Well... That's unfortunate.

Guess I've gotta do another turn then.

Jenn can cast unmolested this round.
She casts Cone of Cold and Ice Slick.
Casting: 6 and 12 successes. Wow.
Attacks: not automisses, and I am incredibly lazy so... Yeah. Some dead minions.

The two casters both cast Energy Drain, one targeting Jenn and the other targeting Ashley.
Casting: 6 and 10 successes...
Attacks: 78 vs 55, 73 vs 65, both hit.
Damage vs Jenn: 3 + 9 = 12, 12 x 3 = 36 EP drained
Damage vs Ashley: 6 + 10 = 16, 16 x 3 = 48 EP drained
Both Ashley and Jenn are down...

The redirection of her direction finding spell turned from Jenn to whoever lay beyond the veil of darkness, and the magic promptly went fully haywire. While her magical light approached the darkness only to vanish into it, leaving Ashley stuck in near blackness save for what little of Jenn's spell reached her, the magics seeking a route to whatever lay beyond the shadows but finding themselves foiled by blockage that took several seconds to get around. Eventually it settled on a route leading out a passageway to the right... To a point that she could see, or would have been able to see were it not for the cloud of magical darkness that had just extinguished her light magic.

That meant that some physical barrier barred easy travel, which could mean a magical defense was in place... But there were ways around that. The nature of their surroundings made it much easier to enact water magics, like what Jenn was most practiced in, and some of those magics could appear where directed rather than requiring a direct line from their caster. Even as she called up the power necessary to enact her plan, however, Ashley felt the same burst of magic she'd felt earlier rip suddenly into her power. It rent apart the spell effortlessly, leaving Ashley's efforts to take to the offense stalled out once more as the advancing waves of demons rushed towards them...

But Jenn managed to get off her own bit of magic, sacrificing one but succeeded at the second. Mimicking Ashley's spell and causing the air around the two tentacle creatures that were working to disable Karena. They let out rattling shrieks as the chill dug through their shells, but the added slipperiness of the floor wasn't enough to topple the multilegged creatures, and a single casting wasn't enough to kill them outright. Karena shifted and kicked aside the tentacles holding her, at least, freeing the knight of the limbs making to drag her away from Jenn and allowing her to scramble her to her feet to resume her guardianship.

But not before the goblins descended upon them. Five to Jenn, and five to Ashley, raising spears and clubs. Ashley managed to avoid the jabbing spears and flailing clubs, all aimed to disable rather than kill, but Jenn was not so lucky. One of the diminutive demons got lucky, however, jabbing her in the hip with a spear and digging the cruel hooked weapon into her flesh. "Aaahn!"

Whatever Ashley's response to seeing her lover's blood spilling upon the icy ground, however, she wouldn't have much opportunity to do anything about it. From the side a burst of magic came, chaotic and destructive, just like what Karena had parried earlier. This time, however, the target wasn't the knight or Jenn... It was Ashley. The magic coiled around her before she could move aside, breaking through the protective wards on the wind mage's clothing and gear, though such at least protected her flesh from any direct damage. It did not, however, stop her from being lifted off of the ground, suspended a foot off the floor as agony suddenly sang from every nerve. It was indescribable pain, making the pain of her broken arm seem like nothing in comparison, and for the following few seconds Ashley's other senses faded in the face of the pain. Jenn cast another spell... Or was it two? The goblins in front of her froze solid like the others, as did the pair of insect-like tentacle beasts. Karena got to her feet and made to move towards Ashley.

And then... "Now! Drain the other dry! The target is mine!"

Magic lanced into Ashley just as the pain of the entropy magic was starting to recede, and this time a new pain erupted... Of a very different sort. A tendril of dark energies coiled out from the wall of blackness, and when it met her it reached into her very soul. Ashley was forced to tighten, every muscle tensing as she was dragged forward with the force of the magic that pierced and then hooked. Her very soul felt like it was being dragged out of her body, the anchors to her physical form straining to their very limits, such that she could see a phantom of herself - less detailed than her real form but still perceptible - that was connected to the dark magic. Suddenly she felt a painful tug, and a portion of her essence crumbled as a glowing orb was drawn down the tendril of magic. The tendril dug deeper, drinking up another portion of her soul's power greedily, first drawing away the simpler energies - the "meat" of her soul - while driving inexorably towards her core.

Out of the corner of her eye, Ashley saw Jenn rising much like she had, another tendril drinking bursts of her already spent energies. She watched it connect with the very core of her lover's soul, the hyperdense sphere of intense energies containing the very fabric of her being, even as the tendril drinking Ashley's spirit did the same. The light winked out, and then an even deeper darkness descended upon her as consciousness lapsed...


Ashley awoke, who knows how long later. It was pitch darkness, but she could hear movement - the shuffling of feet and grumbling of raspy voices - and feel that she wasn't alone. Her arms were tied behind her back, her legs were tied closed such that her ankles were pressed against her thighs, leaving her kneeling on the floor. Her dress and all of her jewelry were conspicuous by their absence, robbing her of their assorted utilities and protections, but the deathly chill that she might expect was held at bay by a smouldering warmth emanating from somewhere nearby.

She had only a few moments to squirm before a familiar voice called out from the dark; "Ahhh, our little playthings are waking up!" There was a flicker of magic, and a floating orb of blue light appeared over Ashley's head.

Standing over her was a woman of statuesque features, wearing a sparse, tight fitting robe in red and blue colors. White horns curled from her forehead and wrapped around her head, forming a bony crown of sorts, from which dangled a number of colored stones on silver chains, all playing sharp contrast to her silky black hair. Possessing a lean figure, albeit one curvier than Ashley's, and long red nails, the demoness stared down at Ashley with violet eyes and a knowing smirk. "You were a tricky one to track down, you know... But this assignment will make my reputation for centuries!" She declared brightly, a very mild smile coming over her handsome features.

Behind her were a cavalcade of demons, as well as her companions. A squad of surly, impatient looking goblins milled about in one corner of the icy chamber, a different one from the place where they had had their fight. A black carapaced tentacle horror, a multilimbed monster with the head of an ant, the body of an elongated turtle, and dozens of tentacles rising from its back lay in another corner, staring at her with detectable malevolence in its multifaceted eyes. A trio of the ugly, gray skinned demons with sharp claws and teeth stood clustered behind the demon who had addressed her, and beside them was another demoness who was bustier but shorter than the one who was talking to Ashley, with red hair and goat-like horns. Beside her stood an orc woman in clothing made of thick, brown furs whom Ashley hadn't seen before.

A few feet to Ashley's side, against the wall like her, were Jenn and Karena. The knight looked like she'd been beaten severely, but was still glaring hatefully at the demons that she could now see, albeit only through one eye given that the other was swollen shut. Jenn, thankfully, had been far less abused, and was merely bound like Ashley. On her neck was a mark, a symbol that Ashley found oddly familiar, and as she saw it Ashley would realize that she felt nothing. Not nothing from her physical nerves - those were working just fine - but nothing in the air. No wind, not a burst of air, nor even the spirit of it... Or anything else of magical origin. She couldn't discern the heightened affinity for water magic, couldn't see the arcane designs in the patterns of energy that naturally ran across Donevrion. Nothing. Even exhausted, her essences still totally expended, she felt as if she'd been cut off from her talent, or as if it had been numbed to a similar degree.

"Storm caller... Ashley... I apologize for the delay, but I am afraid that you will have to pay the repercussions for your actions... My mistress would like a word with you," the demoness declared, grinning widely and cruelly as she stared down at the bound wind mage.
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Ashley gathered her power to strike again, this time concentrating harder against the possibility of an interruption. Aimed. And felt her spell burst apart before it left her hands. Again. The wind mage let out a cry of frustration. Clearly the only way this was going to work would be just to throw as much magic as she could at her foes. The cost of doing that would leave her vulnerable later, but better than doing nothing while her enemies took shots at her. Speaking of which... the goblins were upon her.

They didn't represent much threat, on their own. She would have preferred to take to the air and leave them completely impotent on the ground, but even grounded and with no wind at her back, dodging was relatively easy. More distressing was the fact that they didn't seem to be trying to kill her. They weren't in charge. Which meant whoever was attacking... hadn't been bluffing. They knew she was coming. Knew what she was capable of. And planned to capture her. They picked the location. Had time to prepare, with only a fraction of their resources keeping Jenn pinned down to draw her in. Fighting here, then, was stupid. Maybe she'd grown since the last time she'd done something worthy of note across the world. But... would it be enough? Had they planned for that, too, knowing she was still at the Academy, learning?

The only serious advantage she had, then, was her gear. That hadn't been shown off in any major fight, yet. And the amulet around her neck was a failsafe. A way to teleport her - and anyone she was touching - straight back to the Academy, in an instant. That would mean abandoning her fellow students. The orcs that had been with them. It would mean breaking a deal with the Fae court, which would surely have a price. But if the alternative seemed to be death or worse... all she had to do was get to Jenn and twist the 'gem'. And suddenly, at the very least being in range to do that seemed like a great idea. She turned, willing her light back out of the magical darkness it had failed to pierce. Felt herself pale, as she saw blood dripping freely down her lover's leg. Definitely time for plan B. She took a step.

And had an instant's warning, as dark magic lanced out of the darkness towards her. Instinctively she tried to gather up her own power to split it, the same way the unseen attackers had broken her spell. But her mind was still reeling from losing her spell, already casting as fast as she could, already planning her next attack. The magic hit her. She felt some of it peel off her dress, but not enough. It gripped her and squeezed from every direction all at once. She screamed and struggled to break free, distantly seeing more magic flash between Jenn and the darkness, more enemies suddenly turning into icy statues.

The wind mage tried again to pull in magic, painfully aware that while she screamed the battle continued. But her attackers didn't let up. Something else tore into her, far deeper than her skin, and the magic was suddenly beyond her grasp as the pain intensified. A ghostly shape pulled away from her, and suddenly even the pain felt distant. She looked to the side, and saw Jenn suspended in the air. Saw a ghostly figure pull out of her. Jenn's very soul, being pulled from her body to feed whatever lay in the darkness. And... the same thing must be happening to her. She turned to her own shadow, and nodded as she saw it was true. And then everything went so much darker.


She awoke in darkness, aching. It took a moment to remember. The ambush. The fall. The search. The fight. The... defeat. Instantly she jumped to her feet. Or tried to. Instead, arms and legs jerked against bonds. Ashley painfully stifled a groan as something unseen dug into wrists and ankles. She was kneeling. Hands behind her back. Feet tied to her hands. And everything tied to something else, or she would have fallen over. And the cold. Held off by some unseen source of heat, but still there. She could feel it more intensely. Because her dress was gone. And her bra. And her panties. And... and the ring that protected her from the cold. She shook her head. And didn't feel the slight weight of her earrings. Or the amulet around her neck. No gunbelt at her hip. Naked. She was completely naked. And tied up. She tested her bonds again, more gently, and stretched her fingers. But whoever had tied her knew what they were doing. She couldn't even touch the knot. Even if she were left alone, it could take days to struggle free. If she ever could.

But it seemed her struggles hadn't gone unnoticed. A light appeared out of nowhere, revealing a woman. Or... no, not quite a woman. A demon, most likely, by the horns, and red motif. Ashley stared up at her. Not quite sure yet how to respond, but certain that wiping that grin off the woman's face was suddenly very high on her list of priorities. This wasn't the first time she'd been captured, and most of those who had done so had lived to regret it. Briefly.

But the woman wasn't alone. As she blinked in the sudden light, Ashley saw others. Goblins. Several different types of demons, less human than the woman, including the tentacle beasts. Who were... were suddenly a lot more terrifying, now that she was naked and tied up. She knew what they did to beaten women. What all demons did, of course, but seeing the tentacles waving around... she suddenly wished Jenn had managed to kill all of those, instead of hitting the goblins. There was also an Orc. Which was interesting. Not one of her companions. But that didn't mean they weren't in some way responsible for this. Or, of course, that they couldn't be involved in her escape if it turned out this wasn't their doing. The orc was definitely one to watch, either way.

But her eyes saw pale flesh, and were drawn to it. The swordswoman, beaten badly, with a black eye likely the least of her worries. And beside her... Jenn. Naked, held in the same pose as Ashley. Some dried blood on her outer thigh, but the wound that had caused it seemed to be gone. Ashley realized that, despite her general aches, her arm felt fine as well, her own healing clearly supplemented by someone else. Jenn seemed awake, but dazed. What else had they done to her? The wind mage instinctively reached out to cast a simple spell to find out... and nothing happened. She blinked. Nobody had countered her. She hadn't drawn in energy but failed the spell. Nothing happened at all. She reached out again, trying to feel for the wind. Or the water that was all around them in such abundance. She was cut off from her magical senses and abilities.

And the slight fear she'd felt seeing the tentacled horror instantly multiplied. She knew what had happened. Near the end of the fight, the enemy - presumably this woman - had targeted her very soul. It was the same sort of damage she had done to herself half a dozen times in her life, when she'd pushed her magic too far. She would have to rest, possibly extensively, before she could use magic again. And it left her vulnerable to more permanent damage. But more important at the moment was that she was really, truly helpless. Her bindings meant she couldn't stand up. Couldn't run away. Couldn't put so much as a hand up to block someone touching her, or worse. And even if she was left alone with a single guard - or, worse, one of those tentacled horrors - she wouldn't be able to magic her way out of a paper bag. Much what stop them from shoving those tentacles... she felt sick. And Jenn was here to. Presumably just as helpless. This was... bad. Really, really bad.

There was also something on Jenn's neck. Familiar looking, but too small to make out in complete detail, and Ashley couldn't quite place where she'd seen it. Probably some sort of demonic symbol, though to what purpose she couldn't guess. She could guess, however, that the same symbol was likely on her own neck. And that it wasn't good.

But finally she could ignore her captor no more. The woman spoke, enigmatic. Ashley glared up at her, wishing beyond hope for a fair duel, where she didn't start exhausted, or have some unknown number of foes countering her every spell. But that wouldn't be. Not yet. So, after a moment, she answered, managing to keep the tremor of fear out of her voice. Hopefully. "Fine. I'll speak with her, if that's what you want. But let my friends go. There isn't anything you want from them."
Ashley: HP = 52/52, PP = 72, EP = 1/78, Status = Bound, Weakened, Naked, Sealed, Low on Energy

Jenn: Bound, Weakened, Naked, Sealed, Low on Energy
Karena Arselone: Bound, Clothed, Weakened
Dornhall the Troll Slayer: ???

Daniella Boulay: ???, spent 18 EP
Ryon Toma: ???
Alex Kovisto: ???
Professor Laura Steiner: ???, spent 4 EP

Arclan Clay: ???

Jiub the Slaver: ???
Ayeila: ???
Caragor: ???
Grumush: ???
Gronkor: ???
Dalmen: ???
Scortha: ???
Nilsin the Red: ???
Trogo son of Trondor: ???
Ylsig: ???

Group 1
Steiner, Ryon, Jiub, Grumush, Arclan, and Gronkor

Group 2
Ashley, Jenn, Dornhall, and Karena

Group 3
Daniella, Dalmen, Ylsig and Trogo

Goblins x5
Tentacle Horror
Stalkers x3
Demon Mages x2
Orc Sorceress

"Ohohohoho.... Nothing? You give your lover too little credit... And I am SURE that a warrior woman already broken once by orcs will prove an entertaining toy for at least a little while," Her captor replied brightly, though the eager malice playing over her face wasn't the only place where such an emotion might be mirrored. The other demoness, issuing a girlish giggle as her heart-shaped face lit up with sadistic glee, stepped up to Jenn. Her light bob of orange hair danced as she practically skipped up to the dazed water mage, but as she leaned down it wasn't quite enough to hide the crimson glow of her eyes. Jenn looked up in confusion, but when she met the giggling demon's eyes she seemed to tense briefly only to go totally slack.

"Teehee.... Such a weak will!" She declared, before descending further and claiming Jenn's mouth with her own. Ashley was helpless to do anything but watch as one of their assailants vigorously invaded her lover's mouth with her tongue, an act that the dazed water mage was apparently on some level made to enjoy given the noises that quickly began to burble muffled but all too familiar from between their point of contact. The demoness pulled away a moment later, and something immaterial and almost invisible - yet another portion of Jenn's soul - briefly trailed between them before the succubus drew what little essence her lover had managed to regenerate to and beyond her lips. "Mmmmm... Delicious! We've done well this time, huh sister? Maybe I'll even be able to keep this one! Mistress only wanted the redhead, right?" She declared, tilting her head to look over at the demon standing over Ashley.

[color="darkorchid"]Maybe.... I'm sure she has some plans for that one, but maybe when she's finished you can have what's left,[/color]" she replied to her cohort, "[color="darkorchid"]we'll just have to ask.... But for now, there are a few debts to be paid![/color]"

The orc woman suddenly cleared her throat and solemnly grunted; "I ain't payin any of 'em when there's meat around... They're goin ter the... The boss, yeah? She won't mind 'em a little spoiled, 'specially not the extras!"

"Dawwwww... And I wanted to see if what sis says about you was true!" The orange haired succubus said mirthfully, still cupping Jenn's chin. "Of course... You have done your part here, don't be concerned. I am sure that our guest of honor here will be happy to help with the payment... Lest she leave her lover and traveling companion to please so many! Though, remember that our mistress has plans for her womb... No cumming inside her!"

There were murmurs of discontent from the goblins, hisses from the stalkers, and a grumbling, grinding growl from the tentacle beast. "Pssshhhh... Psssssshhhh!!! Don't be silly, sis! It'll be DAYS before we can summon mistress... There's so far to go and so many preparations left to do! She'd look so nice with a big, round tummy! Besides, she ought to get used to her new role in life... However long she'll have left, anyway~"

"Well... I suppose you're right... But WE ought not to, at least. Ours will take longer than theirs... So, mighty storm magus, do you have a preference? I think any of them would enjoy you... But who will end up suffering most, hm? The goblins REALLY want a piece of the lady knight, she cut down quite a few of their number before we dropped her... I suspect they'd be even crueler in breeding her than they were in beating her into submission. Your lover seems to have done similar for our tentacled friend as well, and HIS kin weren't just returned to Hell like the goblins. I can't imagine it will stop even after she's unconscious... She might even die if it gets too aggressive~ And it was our helpful fellow magus who made you vulnerable to us, so perhaps that makes the most sense, hm? You to the stalkers... Jennifer to our excitable little assistant... And the knight - Karena, was it? - to the depredations of the goblins... Unless you'd like to suffer the abuse for one of them instead, of course!"

The other demons were already creeping closer to their prescribed victims, but Ashley would apparently have an opportunity to speak before their abuse actually began.
Ashley squeezed her eyes shut. The way they used the other mage as bait there wasn't much chance that they didn't know what Jenn meant to her, but even that little was gone now. Her eyes snapped open at a familiar sound coming from the water mage, to see the demon's hands on her. Their lips touching. Jenn writhing against her bonds. Still too insensible to know how much trouble she was in, her body responding automatically to the predatory touch. Ashley pulled tight against her bonds, but she was just as helpless as before, just as utterly unable to do anything to help her lover. And kisses were only the start. These were demons. If they wouldn't just leave the others behind, worse than kisses would come. Soon. And for Ashley herself, too. She darted another glance at the tentacled beast, and felt her stomach churn.

Her mind snapped away from that dangerous point, and to the conversation. The orc spoke of debts. An important topic, for the orc's kind. But 'meat'. And 'spoiled'. And 'extras'. Not the kind of encouragement Ashley could have hoped for. And it only got worse from there. No more hiding from it. Rape was coming. A lot of it. For all of them. Ashley reached out for her magic again. Failed. Tugged against her bonds. Failed. She felt a tear form at the corner of her eye.

This wouldn't be the first time she'd been taken against her will. But it had been years, and it never got any easier. So far she'd gotten lucky each time, and nothing unwanted had taken hold in her body. But, worse yet, while the demons seemed to be under some kind of prohibition against impregnating her, they seemed to be suggesting that no such prohibition held against their quicker-gestating fellows. She wanted to clutch a hand over her flat belly. And worst of all, the reason for that prohibition, the suggestion that she had been captured to be... to be bred like some kind of animal by this demon's mistress. She would have days. Plenty of time to heal her abilities, if she was careful. But they would not be pleasant. And even then, if they came prepared for mages they might have other ways to suppress her talent. In which case she'd be just as helpless in a few days as she was now.

The only hope, really, then, was one she hadn't let herself think of. The others. The Knight. The orcs. The professor. Her fellow students. They were still in the ice caverns, and known to be missing. If they held out long enough, stayed here long enough... rescue could come. Or if she was lucky, some other opportunity.

But there wasn't time to think of that. She was being given a choice. It was all horrible. All rape. But Ashley had a strong idea which would be the worst, and it was creeping towards Jenn. The worst for any of them. But if the demon was telling the truth, if it bore her some special grudge... her instinct was refuse to listen, to refuse to play the Demon's game. But if Jenn might die... She gritted her teeth. "Not her! D-don't let that thing touch her! N-not if what you say is true."

The thought occurred that she could suggest a rotation. To give the beaten knight to the horrible thing, though it was hard to imagine the goblins being worse. But no. That was playing the game. That was deliberately forcing a woman to suffer it's attentions. Still, Ashley couldn't quite bring herself to offer her own body, either. "Send it where you like, but don't risk... hurting her..." She bit off there, before she could continue, could beg or debase herself. She gave the thing another apprehensive look, as it crept closer to her lover's naked, vulnerable body, what seemed like dozens of tentacles ready to violate her in every way possible. To defile her, and fill her with its spawn... "No! Make it stop!"
Ashley: HP = 52/52, PP = 72, EP = 1/78, Status = Bound, Weakened, Naked, Sealed, Low on Energy

Jenn: Bound, Weakened, Naked, Sealed, Low on Energy
Karena Arselone: Bound, Clothed, Weakened
Dornhall the Troll Slayer: ???

Daniella Boulay: ???, spent 18 EP
Ryon Toma: ???
Alex Kovisto: ???
Professor Laura Steiner: ???, spent 4 EP

Arclan Clay: ???

Jiub the Slaver: ???
Ayeila: ???
Caragor: ???
Grumush: ???
Gronkor: ???
Dalmen: ???
Scortha: ???
Nilsin the Red: ???
Trogo son of Trondor: ???
Ylsig: ???

Group 1
Steiner, Ryon, Jiub, Grumush, Arclan, and Gronkor

Group 2
Ashley, Jenn, Dornhall, and Karena

Group 3
Daniella, Dalmen, Ylsig and Trogo

Goblins x5
Tentacle Horror
Stalkers x3
Demon Mages x2
Orc Sorceress

"And what if I WANT to let it take her?" the demon lording over her replied mirthfully, though still she held up a hand, prompting the rape-ready lesser demonkin to pause. They glowered, each in their own way, but they obeyed. The demon standing over her seemed to revel in Ashley's fear, her vulnerability, as she leered down at the captive wind mage and cupped her chin. "What if I'd LIKE to watch her squirm and thrash in its grip... She's already lost some blood, and I can't imagine she can spare too much more... But for her, it WOULD be particularly mean. It would make her bleed while it rapes her, claims her in ways you're only now imagining a tiny portion of. I would so enjoy watching the understanding dawn even as her life ebbs, wouldn't you?"

The other demon didn't seem to like this notion quite as much as her sister, though if Ashley was hoping for any kind of strong ally she might be easily disappointed. "But siiiiiisssss! I wanted to KEEP this one!" She declared, but was silenced into a pout with a single reproachful glare. The demoness quickly diverted her gaze back to Ashley, grinning with utter pleasure. "So, what say you, hm? My will is that it gets to do whatever it likes to dear Jennifer... Are you going to do anything about it?"
Ashley stared hatefully up at the demon, trying to find a way out of this. Any way. Any way that didn't involve someone being raped by the monstrosity. How many tentacles did it have? Too many to count. Would it want to use each of them? She wouldn't get any say in that. She might get a say in who it abused, though. Jenn was out of the question. It would be worse for her than anyone else, and she couldn't leave her lover to that fate if it was in her power to stop it. Which left either giving up the near-stranger to the most horrible rape she could imagine. Or volunteering for it herself. Both options made her want to throw up. But one would let her sleep with herself at night. If she survived it.

She turned away, unable to meet the demon's eye. Not now. Not let her see the tears.
"I c-can't... c-can't stop you. But p-please... don't let it take her. L-let it t-take me, instead... p-p-please..."

The wind mage could already feel her pulse quicken. Realized she was clenching her ass, and her exposed pussy, but couldn't make herself stop. She knew it wouldn't matter. Fighting would just make this hurt more. But even beaten and helpless, it wasn't in her nature to give up.
Ashley: HP = 52/52, PP = 72, EP = 1/78, Status = Weakened x6, Naked, Sealed, Low on Energy, Pregnant with three tentacled horrors

Jenn: Weakened x4, Naked, Sealed, Low on Energy, Pregnant with two stalkers
Karena Arselone: Bound, Clothed, Weakened, Pregnant with twin goblins
Dornhall the Troll Slayer: ???

Daniella Boulay: ???, spent 18 EP
Ryon Toma: ???
Alex Kovisto: ???
Professor Laura Steiner: ???, spent 4 EP

Arclan Clay: ???

Jiub the Slaver: ???
Ayeila: ???
Caragor: ???
Grumush: ???
Gronkor: ???
Dalmen: ???
Scortha: ???
Nilsin the Red: ???
Trogo son of Trondor: ???
Ylsig: ???

Group 1
Steiner, Ryon, Jiub, Grumush, Arclan, and Gronkor

Group 2
Ashley, Jenn, Dornhall, and Karena

Group 3
Daniella, Dalmen, Ylsig and Trogo

Goblins x5
Tentacle Horror
Stalkers x3
Demon Mages x2
Orc Sorceress

Some Rolls...
Something: 45/100
Ashley, Jenn, and Karena are all given +9 fertility via the Manipulate Fertility succubus power.

Something: 97/140

The stalkers will all cum inside Jenn once each.
Babbiesdice: 21, 25, 29, twins rolls with bonuses are 3, 11, and 25, triplets is only 16 total though so Jenn only ends up with twin deemins in her belly.

The goblins will likewise make sure they all put in a bid for fatherhood.
Babbiesdice: 29, 11, 29, 13, and 10, twins rolls with carried bonuses are 29 and 12, triplets is only 14 though so... Twin gobbos for the knight lady.

Ashley, on the other hand.... Averaging 41 PP/round means she peaks in two rounds, whereas it takes her 4 rounds to get it off. It will fill her up 3 times in the time allotted, so +14 then +16 then +18, the second and third time with 3 dice each for... Reasons. It grants +10, naturally.
Babbiesdice: 37, then 31, then 25 and 16, then only 14 for two total. 36, 44, 32 into 29, 25 but nat 1, 26, then 22 and 21, then only 10 and 11 for three total. Then 34, 42, 32 into 19, 18, 27 into only 10, so she ends up with triplets.

Something: 179/180...

The hate in Ashley's eyes was matched point for point by the mirth in the gaze of the woman at whom it was directed, and when she looked away to deliver her pleading she could still catch the look of glee out of the periphery of her vision. A deep laugh erupted, originating clearly from the demon's belly to signal how genuine it was, and it echoed through the icy tunnel in which they were gathered. "Oh, but so selfless! It's so unfortunate that I don't even get to enjoy you myself... Oh, the things that I would do to you... Ahhh well, if you wish! But you don't get to take it back... In fact, no more talking from you - except begging for more - or the deal's off! Booys! Change of plans!" The demoness declared mirthfully, and raised a hand to snap her fingers, again prompting the other demons to stop. "You lot may continue... Have fun! But you... You will have to content yourself with her. I am sure you'll make do~ This one, however... This one goes to you!"

The goblins, grinning with glee, closed in around Karena as the battered knight glared at the group with untamed revulsion. The succubus who was tending to Jenn briefly left the water mage with a light pat on the head as the stalkers, alien features illegible, redirected to surround the hypnotized girl. "Heheh... C'mon bitch, you're ours now... Treat us nice, and we'll go easy on yah eh?" One of the greenskinned demons said as he drew near first, grabbing her by the hair and dragging the kneeling woman's head down. Already they had done away with their loincloths and scrappy portions of leather and metal armor, revealing members obscenely large given their body size that would have likely been impressive on any human-sized being, though as her mouth was dragged towards one the knight parted her lips as if about to accept it... Only to lunge forward and gnash her teeth. She would have succeeded in her bite if the goblin hadn't apparently been expecting it, as he turned his hips to bring his rod out of reach and promptly responded with a vicious backhand that knocked the woman face first onto the icy floor.

"Tsk tsk tsk tsk... Shouldn't have done that!" The succubus declared casually as she came to stand over the now prone knight. Even as Karena tried to right herself, however, the demoness planted a foot onto her upper back and pushed her face into the ground. "Now now, no need to get up... They have access to everything they need right where you are!"

The goblin who had slapped her was already taking up a position behind her, and promptly begin to run his fingers over her exposed nether lips. She tried to shift away, but the goblin simply grabbed her hips and dragged them back into place, letting the tip of his green and purple cock do the work to get her aroused. "Dumb human bitch... You had your chance to make this easy! Now we're just gonna be rougher on ya!" He grunted, before beginning to forcibly thrust himself into her. Karena grunted in obvious discomfort during the forced intrusion, and the goblin only managed to get about halfway in before stopping. "Nnn... Nnn... Tight bitch, this one... Gonna enjoy loosening you up!"

The succubus pressing onto Karena's back giggled as the goblin began to saw back and forth, managing to get a little deeper over his first few thrusts but making little progress. "Ahhh, still putting up a fight? Why... Why why why? Hm? Such a waste of energies... I think I'll help change your outlook, hm hm... A slave to orcs is surely no stranger to nice, hard, long, green cocks? You should have learned to enjoy them by now, but maybe you're just a little embarrassed... Here, let me help~" The demon's tail flickered down, seemingly extending along the way. It snaked down under Karena, seemingly to touch her belly, and the woman's next defiant grunt turned to a shocked moan. The goblin's next thrust let him go hilt deep into her, drawing a groan from him and extending the knight's shocked groan, and undercutting it all was the demon's triumphant giggling. "Seeeee? Not so bad once you accept your place~" The demoness declared as she began to lean forward, looming further over Karena even as the first goblin to claim her began to thrust into the prone woman with wild abandon.

"You're just a fucktoy and a breeder now... You're going to have a goblin's children~"

Karena groaned in mixed pleasure and anger, but still managed to grunt; "Nnn... No! Nnn... Never!"

Chuckles erupted anew from her captors, but even as the succubus withdrew her foot and stepped away the knight proved unable to rise from her position - face down and ass up - as the diminutive greenskin's brutal reaming left her meaty rear clapping audibly with every stroke. "Nnnggg... Hnnggg... Yeah.... Ngyuh.... Gonna fuckin.... Nnnkk... Knock ya up!" The goblin declared, and though she was surrounded by the lesser demons Ashley could still see the woman's eyes were now wide open, her teeth clenched with the failed efforts to suppress her moaning.

That left the demoness returning to Jenn, who was now surrounded by an even uglier trio. The water mage, even dazed by demonic magic, looked up at the three grey demons standing over her with slightly inhuman cocks aiming individually at her face, each with a rim of nodules extending from the rim and a slightly pointed tip compared to what Ashley might normally expect from such an appendage. Her trepidation eased only slightly as the succubus resumed her position over the water mage, pushing two of them aside. "Now now... No need to worry... These are our friends!" She said, causing Jenn to mouth the words back at her a few times before muttering; "Friends... Them.... Y-yes... But... What.... What's going on? I can't... Can't think... This is... Isn't this... Wrong?"

"No, no... This is alright... Mmm, undo her bindings... What were they on for? Must have been an accident... No, no, this is what we're supposed to be doing right now! We're all having fun together... You like fun, don't you? They've done a lot of work... To help us, you see. Now you're giving them... A little reward. You want to make your friends feel good, right?" There was an odd melodic tone to her voice, and Ashley could see Jenn's head beginning to nod from side to side, her expression going back to the slackened look she had worn before the demon had kissed her earlier. Her eyes did widen as the sorceress pulled open her own garb, however, revealing the sort of impossibly alluring statuesque build one might expect on a demonic succubus... And a foot long appendage of purely alien design jutting from her crotch. It waved in mid air, seemingly of its own accord, coiling like a snake as it aimed at Jenn's face. The shaft was thick and covered in layered waves of extremely short ridges that made half circles in alternating patterns, and the head was an elongated, bulbous blob covered in hardened nodules.

"Wha... What is that?" Jenn asked, dumbfounded, but the demoness snickered lightly and Ashley felt the periphery of the hypnotic magic layered into her next command. "Taste it," she commanded simply, and seemingly without hesitation Jenn leaned forward and obeyed; Ashley could do nothing to stop her lover - even if she did try to call out to her - to stop the water mage from parting her lips to lap at the inhuman appendage's mutant tip. The demon's purr of pleasure was soon joined by one from Jenn as she leaned further, her hands coming forth to gently grasp the shaft, stroking it as she leaned in to lather licks and kisses across the alien member.

"Mmmm... Now now... I'm not the only one here~" One of the stalkers had moved behind Jenn to undo her bindings, but the other two remained at either side of the succubus, their members likewise pointed at Jenn's face. Hesitantly, she reached out to them, but when her fingers closed over the fore portion of either demon cock they began to jerk shamelessly, causing the two demons to hiss with pleasure. The one behind her rolled onto its back and slid under her, forcing Jenn's hips to rise, and the lightly muffled gasps and moans soon emanating from her signaled clearly enough what it was doing while the water mage worked her mouth and hands upon the trio of demons still standing over her.

Ashley, however, had only so much attention to give to her lover and current ally respectively. She had her own problems, and they came in the form of an army of writhing appendages. They coiled around her thighs, her shoulders, her abdomen and her neck. Her bindings were torn aside, but the tentacles coiling around her limbs held her fast against any struggles she might make. "I wouldn't struggle too much if I were you," the demoness said in a tone of faux brightness while Ashley was hoisted fully into the air. Whether she took the demon mage's advice or not, the tentacles wrapped around her thighs pulled them apart, forcibly exposing what lay between her legs for all to see. "Mmmm... Why don't we make sure that you're properly ripe first?" With that she raised a hand, gently brushing her fingers over the wind mage's stomach, and even without full access to her supernatural perceptions Ashley felt the magic spread into her body like a bubble of warmth. It burst in her belly, spreading to the shape of her womb, slowly coiling down her passage and out on the arms reaching to either side... Where they ultimately concentrated, gathering at either of her ovaries until Ashley felt that pressure disperse with a pair of familiar twinges from either side of her uterus, the light pinpricks of pain and ensuing tingling of light excitement telling that she had just been rendered fairly exceptionally fertile.

"There ... I think she's properly prepared now!" The demoness declared, and with no further adieu Ashley was hoisted bodily into the air. A moment later she was hanging with legs splayed over the hideous tentacle demon's body, her arms dragged out wide as tendrils coiled around them. The ends of the creature's myriad limbs were all tipped in different ends, seemingly organized without any sort of rhyme or reason. Scythe-like blades, hardened bony clubs, spears, spiked clubs, curved daggers... Fortunately, those now were seemingly only being used to hold her in place. Others, however, clearly served a far more insidious purpose. Only some of the phallic tipped tentacles resembled what she might expect, however, and those all seemed to aim primarily at her face and torso, pressing at her cheek and lips and at each of her breasts. The others ranged from the vaguely familiar - one sporting a knot, another the flared tip one might expect from a stallion - while others were totally alien - one with a dozen or so bulbous nodules on the head all of which were already leaking pre, another that squirmed more than the rest and sported ridges running along the final foot of it, another with a pointed tip with a triangular flaring rim followed by a series of fleshy knots, and yet another with three lines of individually wriggling fleshy barbs that circled the shaft and fattened peg-like head.

It was those last, oddest of the bunch that jockeyed around between her legs, where Ashley could see them but do nothing to prevent the oncoming penetration. She could feel them all rubbing between her nether lips at various points, all firm but unfamiliar while a pair of them continued to seek access to her mouth. "You may want to play nice... The less pleasant you are to him, the more likely it is to get... Mean~" In the end, the tentacle sporting wriggling barbs was the first to forfeit the right to inject its virile payload into her, though it didn't retreat far. Instead it slipped down as the bulbous, nodule-covered tendril began to push aside the other two, and all too soon Ashley felt the fattened head pressing against her anal ring. That pressure quickly mounted, and it yielded before the upper battle was decided, allowing the to tentacle surge with a single firm push deep into her rear passage.

More discomfort than pleasure might ignite from that initial penetration, but as it began to squirm inside of her it began to hit the natural sweet spots in her ass, particular the perineal sponge that sent toe-curling stimulation coiling up the captive wind mage's spine. It began to give slow thrusting motions, and within a few moments it wouldn't be the only one. The bulbous-headed tentacle won the battle going on for her sex, and with the competition left hovering nearby it forcibly slid into the wind mage's defenseless flower, thrashing from side to side as it went. The parting of her folds sent yet more stimulation surging up Ashley's spine, mixing discomfort and yet more pleasure with the latter increasingly dominating the sensations ravaging the wind mage's body. It slid in deep in a single push, forcing itself all the way into her until that bulbous tip was rubbing against her cervix, where it briefly rested. The tingling to either side of her womb returned as her body acclimated to its presence, as if it were somehow replicating the magic that the succubus had inflicted upon her earlier and prompting her ovaries to prime yet more of their contents to offer up to the creature violating her.

However she might feel about her present situation, Ashley would be given no opportunity to voice it. The moment she opened her mouth, for any reason, one of the waiting tendrils snapped forward and forced itself down her throat. Ignoring her gagging as the squirming thing rushed as deep as it could, the tendril descended nearly a foot past her lips before it simply began to vigorously squirm back and forth, thrusting wildly into her mouth regardless of her discomfort at having her ability to breath so heavily restricted. Only when it was retracted such that only the tip was resting in her mouth would Ashley be able to quickly draw in a portion of air, but with every hole now filled her ravaging took on an increasingly vigorous pace.

Over the course of several minutes Ashley's ass and pussy were fucked increasingly hard and fast, every stroke inevitably driving the sensations from discomfort and pain to pleasure. The attention to her deepest reaches produced burst of pure physical satisfaction, her a-spot and perineal sponge producing increasingly intense bursts of pleasure every time the tentacles pressed into them. Each stroke into her sex led the bumpy nodules on the tendril's top to grind against her g-spot in turn, and though it didn't seem to care much for her pleasure every one of those passes produced a massive explosion of pure pleasure.

Meanwhile, the rest of the room's depravity continued without sparing the wind mage's tentacle violation any heed.

Jenn dutifully worshiped the inhuman tentacle-like cock presented to her by the succubus with ever increasingly enthusiasm. She licked and kissed all over the shaft, lapping up the pearly pre adorning the cap while her once-hesitant strokes of the two nearby stalkers were now quick and steady.

"Nnn.... S-so good... It tastes..."

The stalker beneath her slid out from under her and turned, before reorienting itself such that it slid under Jenn in the other direction, driving her to raise her hips as she straddled him, her sex hovering over the demonic cock aimed at her defenseless flower. The succubus' tail slid down once more as Jenn swallowed her tip and gave a few shallow bobs onto her shaft, rubbing against her stomach near her navel. Jenn gave a surprised gasp, and popped away to drunkenly mutter; "What... What did you..."

Teehee... Don't worry! It's just to make sure that you don't get pregnant~" She replied, and Jenn seemed to accept the lie at face value, as she turned her head back to glance at the gnarled face of the ugly demon that she was poised over. "It's okay.... You can cum inside..." Then she sank down with a moan and returned to sucking off the giggling succubus, occasionally giving the demons to either side some oral attention to complement her regular stroking. Her hips began to move vigorously as the stalker, hissing with pleasure, grabbed her hip and a handful of Jenn's pleasantly rounded ass. Every buck of her hips prompted Jenn to unleash a muffled moan around whichever cock was in her mouth at the time, the rising pace with which she rode the demon underneath her drawing her closer to one inevitable conclusion...

Meanwhile, Karena was being brutally fucked by the first goblin to take a turn on her, all while the rest stood around girding themselves for their own turn in violating the helpless knight. She grunted through gritted teeth, but obviously couldn't fully suppress the pleasure arising from the shaft plunging into her sex as the goblin railed her remorselessly, and her dispassionate groans and grunts only seemed to spur the greenskin on. The lesser demon's stamina wasn't to last long at such a pace, but as he began to throb inside of her Karena parted gritted teeth to say; "Nnn.... No! Hnn... Nnnk.... Gyuhh.... D-don't.... Not inside!"

The goblins merely laughed, including the one pumping into her tight cunny, as he hastened his pace even further. "Nnn... Nooo.... Nghyuhhh.... Nooooo!!!" Her protests were to no avail; the goblin continued, producing wet claps with every impact of his body against hers, before finally burying himself to the hilt and giving a satisfied groan. Karena's moan took on a deeper note, primal satisfaction hidden mostly behind desperate frustration, but once the goblin finished cumming inside of her he pulled out. She was left panting lightly on the floor as semen oozed from her freshly used sex, but the demons were far from done with her; she was given a handful of seconds before the next replaced the first. He pushed into the captured warrior with a satisfied groan, forcing another frustrated moan from Karena, but her comfort was given no concern as the goblin began to simply pound into her folds just like the first, no doubt planning to add his own bid to seed Karena with a goblin's child.

Ashley, in the meantime, was suffering the most brutal violation of the captured trio. The two tentacles below pumped into her holes relentlessly, gradually going faster with every passing moment. The pain of being so heavily filled had long since passed, leaving her more full than she'd ever been before as the mutant appendages alternated their thrusts to ensure that she was never fully empty. The intense pleasures provided by the unusual members built a knot of pressure in her belly, the telltale sign of an impending peak, but however she might feel about allowing such a wretched creature to bring her to orgasm Ashley would have little choice in the matter. The horrific tentacle beast did not slow and did not stop, it pumped its tendrils into her ass and pussy relentlessly until, finally, the pressure building inside of her finally burst in a climactic barrage of utterly overwhelming pleasure that lasted for what felt like hours though in effect was only minutes.

And still, even though it had made her cum, it did not stop. The tendrils just kept up their motions, changed in no way, from when her peak began to when it finally tapered off and beyond. Another peak began to rise after the first, promising to follow all too quickly. "Hahahaha.... Cumming your brains out already? Don't worry, I don't think you'll be alone for the next one!" The succubus watching from below declared brightly, and she pointed towards a point within the writhing sea of tentacles around Ashley. Even delirious with pleasure, the wind mage could see small bulges in the tentacles heading toward her, getting closer by the second even as her own second orgasm coiled inside of her.

"Ooohhh.... Nnn... Gonna.... Hnn... Gonna cum! Nnn... Do it... Aaahn... With me!" Jenn demanded suddenly, and from her own corner of the icy chamber Ashley could only watch as Jenn's wildly bucking hips took on a fevered pace. The stalker below her hissed and tightened its grip on her body, bucking up to meet her as an unnaturally long tongue rolled out of its mouth. She abandoned her cock sucking long enough to make her request and look back at the demon as she prepared to hit her own heights of pleasure, all while the demon that she was riding seemingly prepared to erupt into her undoubtedly fertile depths... Which, of course, it inevitably did. Moments later Jenn was crying out in orgasm, a sound all too familiar to Ashley, except this time it wasn't she who was causing it. The stalker let out a reptilian groan in turn as it found its own release, prompting Jenn to moan all the louder as she undoubtedly felt the rush of its hot, sticky seed pouring into her depths.

While that left her as the only member of their group unfilled, Ashley wouldn't have to wait long before joining Jenn and Karena in being full of demon cum. She could follow the path of the tentacle horror's cum as it made its way toward her, and eventually felt the tendrils thrashing around inside of her widen with the first dose to come... The first of over a dozen. The tendrils tensed inside of her, throbbing and bulging, giving her a moment of warning just before the eruption finally began. Cum poured into her bowels, down her throat, and against her cervix in lava-hot globs of thick semen, immediately prompting yet another orgasm on Ashley's part that only served to pull the virile seed deep into her fertile womb. Legions of the horrific creature's sperm were introduced into her uterus to hunt for her defenseless eggs, and every second brought fresh reinforcements as her womb was flooded with potent cum. Liquid heat pooled inside of her, gathering in thick sticky globs that seemed to fill every portion of her and cling to the walls of her innermost sanctum, her stomach, and the deepest recesses of her ass.

And still it wasn't over. The tentacles came and came and came, pouring their virile payload into her while the tentacles outside erupted onto her body, spraying sticky ropes of cum onto her chest and thighs and stomach and face and quickly leaving Ashley dirtied with its release in every way imaginable. But when it finished, it simply began to move again, albeit slowly at first. The tendrils in her lower holes began to squirm, gradually working back up towards outright thrusting, but the one in her mouth seemed to hesitate after withdrawing slightly to rest solely in her mouth, offering her the opportunity to pleasure it deliberately and perhaps avoid more abuse of her throat. The two tentacles that had lost the contest for her pussy began to press at her entrance, however, and even though she was already occupied there it seemed that she wouldn't long be left with only one tendril occupying her sex.
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Ashley grits her teeth, wanting to spit back insults at the demon. But also knowing that half the reason she wants to do that is so that the horror won't touch her. Which means it'll rape Jenn instead. So she keeps her mouth shut, hating how difficult it is. She can do nothing but jerk against her bonds as the goblins practically swarm over the knight. Wince as she tries to bite, and look away as they mount her, bent over on the ground.

Which brings her eyes to her lover. Surrounded by the succubi. Hearing them mentally overpowering her, tricking her into foulness. Tears form in the wind mage's eyes as Jenn tried to fight back, but ended up leaning forward to lick a demonic cock. But it wasn't the only one, and her hands went to the other two with much less hesitation. That was almost a relief. If she managed to give them hand-jobs, maybe they wouldn't...

Her attention was pulled away as suddenly the tentacle beast was on her. It didn't hesitate. No sooner was it in her field of vision than it was on her, tearing her bindings off in one easy movement, and replacing them with its own tentacles, lifting her into the air. Ashley couldn't help it. She let out a cry of shock. Then set her face, and tried to hold her legs together with all her strength. With this to worry about it was hard to even notice what was going on in the background, but a few words cut through to her. Pregnant. She hadn't really thought about that. But all demons were able to breed with human women. Some were supposed to be incredibly virile. She didn't really know about goblins or the beasts assaulting Jenn. But the tentacled horrors stuck in the mind as one of the worst in every way. Including that one. She swallowed hard.

And the succubus who seemed to be enjoying taunting her seemed to read her mind. Telling her not to struggle, as if she could help it. And... she felt the feminine hand brush her stomach just as the beast irresistibly pulled her legs apart. And felt something warm flow into her. Felt it pooling in two spots inside her. She squeezed her eyes shut, denying it. It was a trick. An illusion. Just Warmth. The succubus didn't really care if the thing got her pregnant. In fact, she had apparently been ordered not to get Ashley with child. And she could be infertile... there had been chances and scares enough that she should have gotten pregnant before, but it had never...

Something brushed her exposed pussy, and her eyes snapped open even as she reflexively tried to squeeze herself shut. Whatever the succubus said, whatever the consequences might be, she knew she couldn't stop fighting. Even though the outcome was inevitable. She watched in horror as a dozen different tentacles presented themselves. As three bizarrely shaped ones jockeyed for position at her pussy like they were independent entities. Were they? She hoped not. If they were, each one might want a turn. And there were so many. Dozens. But seeing the way they moved, it almost seemed like they might be separate.

Her musing was abruptly cut short as something shoved itself up her ass. She screamed, and felt her butt close tight around something far too big, with odd bumps on the side. Too little, too late. It shoved further, painfully in, each bump forcefully stretching her a little as she continued to reflexively try to stop it. The scream didn't last long. Not because the pain and horror of the rape stopped, but because the beast took advantage of her open mouth to shove a waiting tentacle inside it, gagging her. This, too, shoved in relentlessly. She gagged, and felt it keep going, well into her throat in a way that was painful enough to make her scream all on its own, if she could. Instead she just quivered, silently hoping it didn't choose to go any deeper. It did, and suddenly she couldn't even breathe in through her nose.

As soon as both tentacles were as far in as they seemed to intend to go, they started fucking her helpless holes. And before the second thrust had finished, she felt something slip into her cunt as well. And the sensations left no doubt which it was, as the outline of it imprinted itself on her most intimate parts. She found herself trying to scream around the violation in her mouth, and while the noise would come out as a gagged moaning, she did at least find that she could breathe, when the tentacle violating her throat pulled back so that it was just barely deep enough to make her gag. She felt drool running down her chin and onto her breasts, as every thrust pushed her around in the beast's inescapable grip.

And while it was the most painful, humiliating, violating thing she'd ever experienced... the beast couldn't seem to help but to cause a certain amount of pleasure as well. Ashley blushed as she realized that the muffled moans weren't all actually screams, and felt what she was sure was her own juices mingle with the monster's precum as it dripped out of her snatch with each thrust. She could feel an orgasm building, and she hated it. She tried biting down on the thing in her mouth, but it was like biting solid rubber, and didn't do any more than hurt her teeth... but she could hope that it would piss the thing off, that it would deliberately stop causing pleasure alongside the pain. It didn't, and she felt herself cum, hard, spasming in the monster's bonds.

It didn't stop. Of course it didn't. It wasn't trying to make her cum. Didn't care about her pleasure. It just wanted to get its own rocks off. She felt a warmth grow inside her again, like the succubus's hopefully-illusory spell, and it seemed like she was suddenly more sensitive. Which is fine if you're lying with a careful lover. But not so desirable when you're being raped by a monster. She screamed and moaned around the ruthless tentacles, as they seemed to speed up.

The wind mage was distantly aware that she wasn't the only one in the room. That Jenn was here too, experiencing something just as bad. And the knight she hardly knew. And the other monsters. And the succubi, taunting her. But over the full body violation she couldn't pick out any individual noise or sight, it was all just turning to a blur of pain and pleasure. Until, suddenly, she realized she could see something different in the tentacle that was raping her pussy. It was swelling, a distinct bulge making its way down the length. Towards her. Towards her womb. Her eyes went wide, and suddenly she struggled harder than ever against the beast. Biting it. Squeezing her ass. Pulling with all her might to get free.

And her body betrayed her, choosing that moment to orgasm again, turning her struggles into random spasms. She felt the thing in her cunt swell. And then felt the warmth spewing into her body, the tentacle holding itself in, pressed right up against what she was sure was her cervix, even as her pussy rhythmically pulsed, drawing the spraying cum straight into her womb. A single thrust later she felt a similar swell pass her ass, spraying in there as well, and her breath cut off as the one in her throat start spewing hot cum straight down her throat, not even giving her the choice to swallow or not.

But only a moment later, all three stopped, and Ashley felt a surge of relief. Not as bad as she'd feared. Jenn had cum in her more than that, and she wasn't pregnant. Then she felt her pussy lips swell apart again. A second spurt straight into her, her orgasm still not over, nor her 'partner' either, it seemed. A third. A fourth. She could feel hot, sticky liquid dripping out of her ass, out of her pussy, she choked up more around the one in her mouth, unable to keep up with the rate.

And then, finally, after more pulses of cum than she had been able to count, it was over. Really, truely over. She felt sick. Aching. Violated. Dirty. She felt all three horrible tentacles pulling out. It was finally...

The tentacle in her ass slammed back in, barely seconds having passed between the end of its orgasm and when it resumed fucking her rear. The one in front started as well. And she felt more tentacles pressing at that entrance, apparently not content to have one violating her for the second time. She felt herself trying to scream, and realized that the one in her mouth had pulled out. Almost all the way out. The wind mage remembered how it had darted in at her first scream, and tried to suppress it, to close her mouth. But she couldn't stop it entirely. And it didn't matter anyway, because the thing hadn't pulled all the way out, just left itself in her mouth, so that she bit down uselessly on it again.

She struggled, already feeling weaker, and knowing that even before it started she hadn't been even close to strong enough to get free, to slow it for even a second. But she had to. This had been a mistake. Once was the worst experience of her life. A second time... the woman had said it might kill Jenn because of how angry it was. But that didn't mean it wouldn't hesitate to be just as harsh with Ashley, who had denied it its preferred victim.

Ashley is going to. Uh. Keep getting raped. Yeah. That's the... plan.
Ashley: HP = 1/52, PP = 72, EP = 1/78, Status = Weakened x3, Naked, Sealed, Low on Energy, Pregnant with sixteen tentacled horror eggs, arms tied behind back

Jenn: Weakened x2, Naked, Sealed, Low on Energy, arms tied behind back, Pregnant with two stalkers
Karena Arselone: Bound, Clothed, Weakened, Pregnant with twin goblins, hogtied
Dornhall the Troll Slayer: ???

Daniella Boulay: ???, spent 18 EP
Ryon Toma: ???
Alex Kovisto: ???
Professor Laura Steiner: ???, spent 4 EP

Arclan Clay: ???

Jiub the Slaver: ???
Ayeila: ???
Caragor: ???
Grumush: ???
Gronkor: ???
Dalmen: ???
Scortha: ???
Nilsin the Red: ???
Trogo son of Trondor: ???
Ylsig: ???

Group 1
Steiner, Ryon, Jiub, Grumush, Arclan, and Gronkor

Group 2
Ashley, Jenn, Dornhall, and Karena

Group 3
Daniella, Dalmen, Ylsig and Trogo

Goblins x5
Tentacle Horror
Stalkers x3
Demon Mages x2
Orc Sorceress

The tentacles writhing about in her ass and pussy didn't take long to resume their earlier pace, leaving Ashley's insides practically squirming as bumpy nodules were made to grind against her G and A spots, and squirming barbs dragged across the inside of her anus. The vigor of their pace, now lubricated fully by the massive quantity of semen they'd injected into her, only served to renew the unwanted pleasure coiling up her spine and promise to force yet more orgasms onto the helpless wind mage.

Even with her pussy already occupied, however, Ashley's violated cunny wasn't to be spared further abuse. The two tentacles that had tried to force themselves into her sex, seemingly with a will of their own, began to push more insistently now, and the presence of their sibling didn't seem to dissuade them this time. The tendril with the pointed end was the first to push past her already stretched outer lips, squirming into her pussy very slowly at first only to suddenly surge past the tight squeeze of her inner walls to press its pointed head against her inner gateway. The bulging sections proved rock hard as they rested against her insides, and every motion of the thing seemed to make them thrum inside of her. With two unique textures now inside of her, Ashley was treated to their competing sensations as the two began to squirm in and out of her in alternating motions, ensuring that she was never fully empty and the tingling sensation to either side of her womb grew more intense by the moment.

The bulging knots made the motions of the new entrant feel as if she was even more excessively filled than she was, producing a disturbingly satisfying note among the forced pleasure, and the pointed tip seemed to coax her cervix into dilating without the normal discomfort that that might cause, ensuring that the next dose of their seed would have no barrier between it and her increasingly fertile womb. The bubble-headed tip continued to strike her inner gate and surrounding tissue to add its own bit of primal satisfaction to the pleasure that she was being forced to endure. Unfortunately for her, two didn't seem to be enough for the horrific tentacled creature; the last that had been jockeying for access to the warm confines of her sex was pressing more insistently at her already stretched sex with every passing moment, and a few moments into being doubly penetrated in a single hole she found out what it was like to be triply stuffed instead. The last tentacle to force its way into her pussy had its own unique texture, a normal rounded cap that was followed by a series of raised ridges that seemed to drag across every surface of her soft folds whenever it was the one buried to the hilt.

With three writhing around in her freshly abused cunny at once and one still filling her ass, Ashley was flooded with an overwhelming level of stimulation unlike anything that Jenn - or indeed any single humanoid partner - could ever have provided. Each of the three in her sex alternated their motions perfectly such that one was resting at her entrance, one was pushing in, and one was pulling out at any given moment, leaving her hopelessly overwhelmed. The vigorous ravaging of the tendrils left her pussy oozing with a mix of their cum and her aroused juices, the pain and misery not nearly enough to stop her from experiencing physical sensations that easily overpowered her emotional reactions to what the demon was doing to her. The familiar pressure built in her belly as the tentacle demon settled into its steady rhythm, the oncoming orgasm left inevitable and coming far faster than even the last two.

Even as she grew ever nearer to her orgasm, however, the tentacle occupying her mouth responded to her efforts to bite it by forcing itself even deeper down her throat than it had been before. The wind mage found her supply of precious air totally choked off as it held to the hilt, squirming slightly but not retracting more than an inch or so. Her vision began to darken, but the lack of air only seemed to intensify the pleasure being forced onto her body, and as she drew nearer and nearer to passing out her entire frame was left shuddering with pleasure as her next peak hit her. Wave after wave of pure physical bliss once more washed away all thought, burying within it yet another slight twinge signalling that her body had released yet another egg, one that inevitably descended into the thick soup of the horror's semen that lay within her womb. Already the first two were totally surrounded, their cell walls weakening by the moment as the horde of sperm dug into them from every possible angle, and the third almost immediately began to suffer the same assault... And yet, even now the creature simply continued to violate her through her peak and beyond.

Unfortunately for Ashley, the thing didn't let her pass out either. It retracted the tentacle in her mouth midway through her orgasm, allowing her to gasp in enough air to potentially vocalize her pleasure for all to hear, but once the black tunnel into which her vision had been descending had receded the tentacle that had been using her mouth thrust right back into it before the increasingly exhausted magus could close her lips. From then on it simply thrust relentlessly, regularly closing off her wind pipe but always retracting enough that she could draw in a quick breath, just enough to keep her conscious but never enough to let her regain any sort of concentration.

And so it would go, on and on and on. The tendrils began to swell again, bulges of fresh seed making their way toward her abused body. They began to swell with it as the first globs began to pass the tightness of her entrances, and the first onrush of liquid heat into her core left Ashley cumming again in turn. Each of the tendrils seemed to shoot off into her cunt in different ways; the bulge headed one seemed to spray in every direction at once, the knotted one with pointed tip shot off like a firehose and let its released shoot directly against the roof of her uterus, while the ridged tentacle offered the more standard interspaced globs. Both of her holes began to leak copious amounts of the tentacle's cum as it overflowed her, forcing her belly to bloat slightly with the volume that simply couldn't escape. The tentacle in her mouth gave shallower thrusts as it came, forcing her to taste as many globs of its salty release as it shot down her throat. By the end of it she was almost painfully stretched, and her entire reproductive system was flooded with the demon's virile release; not a single nook or cranny remained in her womb that wasn't totally inundated with the creature's seed, and every bit of it writhed within her in an almost tactile manner as it sought to take root.

But still it wasn't over. Exhausted, aching, barely able to breath and bloated with cum, still the creature refused to cease tormenting her. The tentacles stopped thrusting with their release save for the one in her mouth, but after it was finished the beast seemed to need no rest. Now thoroughly lubricated by its own release, which dribbled in thick globs from her abused holes, the demon began violating Ashley's stretched body just as it had before, as if it had never stopped. On and on it went, this time forcing her through a pair of increasingly exhausting orgasms before it came in her again, with no reduction in volume. This time her belly distended visibly, as if she were already several months pregnant, but even as yet another climax washed over her Ashley felt the ability to remain conscious blessedly leaving her.

The other demons had not been idle during her violation, however. Karena was made to suffer, helpless to stop what was happening to herself, much less to Ashley. Jenn, in the meantime, was left totally oblivious to the context of her surroundings due to the succubus' hypnotic gaze, leaving her as a seemingly willing participant to the debauchery taking place around her.

Karena's grunts grew lower over the course of her repeated violation, each goblin that came in her replaced promptly by another who was ready and willing to breed the helpless knight. Pleasured gasps intermingled more and more with her defiant grunts, and with the second to blow his load into her the woman let out a choked groan that was unmistakably a sign that she'd hit her own orgasm upon being filled. "Heheh... Slut just came for me! Knew she liked gettin nutted in! Dun worry, I bet we'll be around to enjoy you again plenty of times!" The goblin grunted as he pulled out, pausing only long enough to give the blonde's shapely rear a sharp smack that left it jiggling and going red before he made way for the next greenskin to take his turn in violating her. "Nnnnghhh... N-nooo... Hnnn... I didn't... Nggghhh... Hhyah!" Her refusal was cut off as her third partner buried himself to the hilt into her sex, leaving her once more groaning and grunted as the goblin simply started hammering away at her.

Jenn, in the meantime, had switched her posture slightly as one stalker replaced the first to fill her no doubt fertile pussy with his seed. Now she was riding another while one arm was wrapped tightly over her ample bosom, and the succubus that had hypnotized her was steadily thrusting through her cleavage. The water mage's other hand was tightly gripping the base of another stalker's rod as her mouth bobbed back and forth onto it. That was the one that had already cum inside her, the third now simply girding itself for its turn to try to impregnate her while watching Jenn in action. Her enthusiastic oral attention apparently worked quite effectively, as shortly before she received her second creampie the stalker that she was sucking off groaned audibly and pulled back slightly, causing Jenn to let out a choked gasp. Some of the demon's release oozed out of her mouth, but it quickly pulled out, at which point she began steadily jerking the rest of its release out, catching much of it in her open mouth but still receiving a facial that glazed her chin, lips and one cheek in demonic cream. The stalker's released proved thick and sticky, to the point that she practically chewed the stuff before swallowing.

"Nhn... Now now, don't be wasteful!"

The order prompted Jenn to dive back down, her cheeks dimpling visibly as she gave a few shallow bobs onto the stalker's rod, extracting the dregs of its release before lapping up globs of cum from around her mouth with a swirl of her tongue. The water mage was left groaning again before she could fully clean herself, however, her eyes rolling up into the back of her head as she hit another peak in response to the stalker thrusting into her from below burying himself to the hilt and giving off a satisfied hiss. Even with her womb flooded with seed yet again, however, the stalkers weren't finished with her. The third pushed her down until she was onto her side and raised her leg, kneeling between her legs and thrusting himself into her sex even though it was even then oozing with fresh cum. The succubus knelt down as well, going from fucking her tits to fucking her mouth, this time moving more like one of her less kin as she sought her own release.

Even once all of them had had a turn, however, it seemed that the demons were not satisfied. Jenn was left lying on her side, Karena face down in the icy floor with her ass raised, and Ashley suspended by the tendrils still violating her even as consciousness began to blessedly spare her from further torment.

"Aright, ye've had yer fun!" the orcess declared grumpily, having watched the abuse without any apparent interest in participating. "Yer all carryin' this lot until we're out of these fucking ice caves too, now lets get the fuck outta here before any of their friends show up. I think I just heard some armor clinkin around!" The urgent nervousness in the orc's voice was seemingly lost on the demons, who glanced back at her with derogatory skepticism. "Now now, don't be so nervous~ We sealed the way into this section behind us and blocked tracking magic. We've still go plenty of time, and I think a prize like this merits a bit of special consideration~" The demoness strolled over to Ashley as she spoke, giving the suspended wind mage's abused, cum bloated frame an appraising look. "Hmmm, I think you'll last a while... It'll keep going even after you've passed out! And as for your friends... Well, they'll be awake a little longer to enjoy it~"

Ashley's last sight as her vision darkening was of Jenn being rolled onto her back, her legs pressed to her shoulders as a stalker oriented itself over her for a second round...

The stalkers all opt to go another d3 times on Jenn. D3 = 3, but at least that's still just +9.
Go one: 20, 22, 17 into 19 and 5, no more than before.
Go two: 26, 22, 23 into 8, 13 and 10, still no more than before.
Go three: 26, 16, 12 into 16, so Jenn is left with just twins still.

The goblins go d2 times each on Karena. D2 = 2, naturally. Still only +9 though.
Go one: 26, 20, 24, 27 into 13, 20, 21, 20 into no more successes, still just triplets from last time. Just dropping those that didn't roll high enough on the first roll here.
Go two: 22, 26, 21, 24, 21 into just a 21 and some failures into a 16. No additional goblins made.

The tentacle horror uses Ashley another d6 times. D6 = 6, naturally. Bad luck for Ashley and company. So, +20 then +22, +24, +26, +28, and finally +30.
Go one: Autofail, 28 and 25 into 30 and 27 for nothing added.
Go two: 24, 41, 30 into 15, 29, 27 into no more successes.
Go three: 26, 40, 40 into 9, 37, 28 into 25, 19 into 8, still just three.
Go four: Autofail, 37, 37 into 37 and autofail into 20 into 2, still just three.
Go five: 41, 42, 32 into 27, autofail, 30 into 19 and 28 into 24 into 11, so one more added.
Go six: 39, 46, 40 into 39, autofail, 30 into 21 and 13 into 17.

Each multiplies to d4+1, so 4d4+4 = 16 horror eggs total.

Ashley gains a total of 631 corruption from when she was conscious, and then we'll say another 600 from when she was out. That's... Probably some mutations gained at 1231 corruption total. Starting at 0 corruption and 2 mutations, that's 300 for one, 400 for another, 500 for another, and 31 in change for three mutations total. Jenn and Karena didn't get hit that bad, but they'll be sporting some mutations when they wake up as well.

Ashley should also gain, uhhh, we'll say 4 XP. This is probably a learning experience. Probably.

The pain was much worse the next time Ashley came to. Waking up took longer this time as fatigue, cold, and the pain of her body's overexertion left her plodding from the darkness of unconsciousness back to opening bleary eyes. Her legs felt like jello. Her hips felt like they'd been broken, glued back together, and broken again about a hundred times. Her stomach still felt inflated. Her abused orifices burned with overused. Her jaw ached from being stretched wide. Her stomach roiled with bile as the liters of cum she'd been forced to swallow left her nauseous. Her head felt like it'd been used as a block for chopping wood, but some greater discomfort lay beneath it... Some strange, almost undetectable lightness. Beneath the raging headache caused by her ravaged and still vastly depleted soul, something like a block left her thoughts even more sluggish than exhaustion would have left them, a pulsing demand at her attention that drifted in and out of her attention.

There had been studies of this, though subjects were rare. Taking in too much corruption at once, too much exposure to uncontrolled magics - like she had just been forced to endure - could leave lasting damage. Mental scars beyond even what the trauma of rape could cause. Madness and idiocy had come hand in hand with the physical mutations that could leave a body twisted, and with crystalized manifestations of the corruption could grow like cancers anywhere in the body. Ashley had seen victims of it before, in Artmirst... In the first woman to rape her. Had seen it again in the victims of the aliens who had managed to keep their souls intact. It was hard to tell how bad the damage was now, so soon after it had been delivered, but the thought of it was likely not a comfort.

Unfortunately, her list of comforts would be lacking. Her eyes opened to dreary sunlight filtered through a dull gray haze and the descent of fresh snow, flakes of it falling lazily on a light breeze to land all around her, though a few of the tiny crystals landed on her face. Having possessed an enchanted earring that protected her from the extremes of cold for some time now, the sensation of the icy precipitation was likely odd now that she lacked such protection, but in a way it was refreshing. A thick layer of furs covered her, protecting her from the Crolian cold but also tightly bound by lines of rope to ensure that she couldn't move. Her hands were tied together behind her back by thin lines that ran all the way up to her elbows, and seemed to be bound to whatever surface on which she lay. What felt like the pelt of something lay directly beneath her, but the padding was thin enough to affirm that wood and metal lay beneath it. Whatever it was must have been a sled of some sort, as Ashley could feel herself moving as more of her senses returned to her.

A moment later the ant-like head of the tentacled horror came into view over her, bulbous red eyes staring down at her as the creature snapped its mandibles together no more than a foot above her face. Then it was gone again as her sled pushed on, the change in tilt that came a few seconds later suggesting that whoever was drawing her forward had begun dragging her up a slope. Pained as her neck might be, tilting her head was about the only motion afforded to Ashley at that point, allowing her to look around to some extent.

Back behind her sled by a few paces was the creature that had violated her, crawling across the snow on six pointed limbs that it carefully raised and then lowered back into the thickly packed precipitation. There was at least a foot and a half of snow judging by how deep the demon's feet sank into it, perhaps more. The lightness of the breeze meant there were no flurries, and the thick bunches clinging to the pines passing them by was blessedly kept from falling onto either of them. Any comfort that she might have at feeling moving air again was likely mitigated some by the fact that, even if she hadn't been totally drained of energy, the block between her and her magic remained. Behind the tentacled horror were two more sleds, each made of timber and furs but with skates made of metal to ease their passage through the snow, and each bearing a humanoid figure wrapped in tightly tied furs much like Ashley. Briefly, she caught sight of Jenn's face, her eyes closed and expression slack, among the nest of furs on the front sled.

Ahead of her, ropes extended from the side of the sled up towards a humanoid figure clad in thick furs of their own. Boots and a full, form fitting coat of elkskin and a cap made from beaver or raccoon covered most of their body, but Ashley could glean a few things. Green skin, but tall, so likely an orc. Feminine shape overall. Grumblings in a familiar voice, recognizable as that of the orc who had accompanied the demons that had captured them... Attacked them... Raped them. There was no sign anywhere of any of the other demons; no goblins hung about, no stalkers crept all but invisibly through the snow, and no haughty magi strode beside the sleds bearing Ashley, Jenn, and presumably Karena. It seemed to be just the tentacled horror and the orc with them now, but what Ashley might be able to do with that information in her current state... The bindings and her exhaustion would have left her barely able to move individually, and between them she was all but paralyzed. Her magic was kept at bay by the seal still present on her neck. She could look around, and she could speak, albeit hoarsely... And that was about it. For now, at least.
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True to her fears, there was only seconds for Ashley to gasp in breath as she felt the horror's semen drip out of her. Seconds for them to reach the same intensity as before, leaving her unable to do anything but writhe uselessly as she was held suspended in the air and mercilessly raped. The semen - what felt like gallons of it - only seemed to make it easier for the thing to thrust all three tentacles smoothly in and out of her mouth, her ass, and her pussy. And as much as she hated it, wanted nothing so much as for it to stop, she could still feel another traitorous orgasm building inside her.

Before that could come, though, she felt pressure on her lower lips. From the outside. Even as the first tentacle continued violating her, she felt a second pressing against her already-occupied entrance. The wind mage felt her eyes go wide, and she screamed weakly around the tentacle still forcing itself up and down her throat, clenching down hard. It didn't work. She felt the second tentacle force its way in. And a third, pressing on the opposite side from the second. It was too big. Impossible. And the two tentacles in her pussy were alternating now, so that there was always one thrusting in. All three inside her at once would -

She screamed again, gagging as the tentacle in her throat pushed a little deeper mid-scream. It was too much. Instead of three separate and unstoppable assaults on her body, there was suddenly just one, all the pain and pleasure fading together. She felt the pleasure starting to peak.That alone would have left her incoherent. And the pain was even worse, stretched beyond her wildest fears, beyond what she would have imagined was possible, being raped by a monster with no regard for her as anything but a tool for its own pleasure, and perhaps thing to be punished for the death of its fellows. Before she could peak, though, Ashley suddenly found herself unable to breathe. She felt panic, realized the tentacle was so far down her throat she couldn't even breathe through her nose. And instead of thrusting, it was just holding itself there. She thrashed against her bonds, suddenly able to think and feel. Feel everything. So clearly. She felt her hips bucking, trying to match the rhythm of three tentacles thrusting in frantic, synchronized rhythm. Felt her back arching as the one in her ass pushed against her inner wall so that she could feel herself pinched between that and the ones stretching her pussy. She could feel an inevitable orgasm coming, just a little bit faster than the blackness from lack of oxygen.

She tried to scream, but with no breath left doubted if the thing would be able to tell even if it cared. The orgasm hit, and she lost all control of her body, all control of her mind. It was almost a relief, as she had been growing increasingly certain that she was about to die. The invading tentacles didn't seem to care. Didn't slow down, or pull out, or react at all. They just kept going. And then, suddenly, she gasped in a breath, faintly realizing that the tentacle in her throat had pulled out. A little. And immediately thrust back in. And out. Raping her throat again, deeper than before, cutting her air off with each thrust now. Leaving just enough breath that she would remain conscious. There was again a feeling of swelling, and all five invading tentacles thrust in at once, just before spilling a torrent of seed inside her. This time she felt certain that at least a gallon had spilled, entirely inside her. And realized that while she could feel some dripping down her thighs, it was only drops. The vast majority had been forced inside her to stay. In her belly. Her ass. And straight into her womb. She felt sick, from the last more even than the first. If wasn't by some miracle infertile, she would be pregnant now.

The helpless mage sobbed, and collapsed again in her bonds. Sure that now it must finally be done. She felt one last spurt from each tentacle. And then the thrusting started again, immediately. As fast and hard as before. She felt herself cum, and the monster, again and again, and never noticed when she finally passed, from exhaustion alone, and despite her continued rape, into unconsciousness.

3 Mutations:
1.) Connection (pregnancy rolls from anal.)
2.) Breeder (halved gestation times)
3.) Fertile Mouth (pregnancy rolls from oral)
And because I want to have it (but not counting towards Warped):
+1.) Fertile (+5 to pregnancy rolls)

Ashley woke with a sobbing cry. Everything hurt. Her head. Her throat. Her breasts. Her stomach. Her ass. And most of all her pussy. Not like she'd had a pleasant night with Jenn. Or even spent the entire day locked in their rooms. Like it had been used for... for... The memories came back. Bound, helpless. Violated. So much. Again. And again. And again. She almost threw up. Whimpered. Reflexively reached for her magic. Nothing.

Focusing was hard. She felt nearly shattered, physically and mentally. She had seen people left too long in the clutches of the demons before, and suddenly almost envied the way they couldn't think. Almost. The damage wouldn't be permanent, not if she could still think. Not yet. Probably. And after what that monster had done to her, for her to be awake again... if she still couldn't feel magic... something must be blocking her. Which meant that she was still helpless. She had the sudden vision of the tentacle horror, turning at the sounds she was making. Crawling over her. And immediately raping her again. The wind mage's eyes sprang open, knowing from the whimpering sound she couldn't quite stop making that her captors would already know she was awake.

She looked down and was immensely relieved not to see her naked body. She tried to move, and realized that she was still bound. Tightly. Still helpless, but at least she wouldn't freeze. And... and they would... would have to take a few seconds to move the furs before they raped her again. That wasn't a huge comfort, but it was... was all she could really come up with, right now. There had to be more. She tried to look around. To find Jenn, and her friends. She realized she was bound to some kind of sled. Moving, though she couldn't turn enough to look ahead. And as she tried to look around... and suddenly found herself looking up at the tentacled horror. She saw the tentacle that had been in her pussy. The first one. Barely a foot away from it now. She froze, tried in vain to scramble away, to reach her magic, anything, certain it was about to rape her again. And then it was gone. Not gone. Still there, just out of sight. Right behind her sled. So that whenever they stopped, it could take another step or two and be right on top of her.

Ashley tried not to think about that, and looked again. They were above ground, either first thing in the morning or just below sunset. And another sled held Jenn, bound as she was, still apparently unconscious. A third sled likely held the defeated knight. No help from either of them. Not bound as they were, and certainly not while unconscious. Which left the figure Ashley could barely make out pulling her own sled. An orc woman. Some orcs would be her enemy, but others had been her ally, before the ambush. Since this one was with the demons... likely the former.

She turned back to herself. Now that she was above ground, with the air brushing her cheeks, not feeling the magic was even more worrisome. But another glance at Jenn showed a peak of her neck. Just enough to make out a symbol there, one that hadn't been there before the ambush. Almost certainly there was one like it on her own neck, and that sort of thing could be used to suppress magical ability. That made her feel a bit better. It would be absolutely no help escaping, but if hers and Jenns were the same symbol, she felt confident she could... well, if not break it herself, at least help talk another mage through doing it. And it suggested the demons thought she was still a threat, with magic. What else? Aside from the obvious pains, and the fact that she could do barely more than wiggle her fingers, bound as she was, her stomach felt oddly bloated. Ashley felt a chill, imagining her stomach swollen with tentacle spawn. But Jenn and the third sled weren't obviously pregnant, so likely it was too early to be showing... and she vaguely remembered feeling gallons of cum pouring into her pussy, being sealed in by the tentacles, forced into her womb. And feeling her stomach as extremely bloated even then. She had the sudden vision of herself leaving a trail of semen behind as the sled was dragged, and someone using that to track her down and rescue her, and almost giggled. She couldn't feel it leaking out of her, not now, but given how much went in, and how much her pussy ached, she wouldn't be surprised if that really did happen while she was unconscious, or if even now some was trickling out of her. It left her feeling dirty, but the absurdity of it was somehow comforting.

She took a minute to try to compose herself - at least she wasn't whimpering anymore, even if the occasional sight of the tentacle horror made her flinch - and turned her attention back to the orc. Probably she would be no help, but she couldn't possibly make the situation worse...

"W-who are you... and wh-where are we going..." It came out weaker than Ashley would have liked, barely loud enough for the orc woman to hear.
Ashley: HP = 1/52, PP = 72, EP = 1/78, Status = Weakened x3, Naked, Sealed, Low on Energy, Pregnant with sixteen tentacled horror eggs, arms tied behind back

Jenn: Weakened x2, Naked, Sealed, Low on Energy, arms tied behind back, Pregnant with two stalkers
Karena Arselone: Bound, Clothed, Weakened, Pregnant with twin goblins, hogtied
Dornhall the Troll Slayer: ???

Daniella Boulay: ???, spent 18 EP
Ryon Toma: ???
Alex Kovisto: ???
Professor Laura Steiner: ???, spent 4 EP

Arclan Clay: ???

Jiub the Slaver: ???
Ayeila: ???
Caragor: ???
Grumush: ???
Gronkor: ???
Dalmen: ???
Scortha: ???
Nilsin the Red: ???
Trogo son of Trondor: ???
Ylsig: ???

Goblins x5
Tentacle Horror
Stalkers x3
Demon Mages x2
Orc Sorceress

The orc hauling her sled didn't immediately react in any way to Ashley's question, the wind mage's words coming out at nothing more than a harsh whisper. She hauled the wind mage up a slope, over a raised portion, leaving Ashley to feel the rise below as it forced her to arch her back, leaving her belly pressing into the fur blankets covering her in full profile. How it was just very slightly distended. After a few moments they stopped next to a fallen tree, however, and the huffing and puffing orc leaned against it. The tentacled horror stopped over her, its mandibles clicking just over her head as the two sleds that it was dragging stopped in turn. It gave a rattling grunt and shook its head.

"You want... Real... Answers," she said between panting breaths, "You'd best... Be ready... To put... That mouth... To better use... Later!" The orcess fixed the prone wind mage with a lascivious leer for a moment, but then her expression dipped back into a more normal scowl as she returned to drawing in deep breaths. "Dammit... This shit is WAY more trouble than I thought it'd be... Feh, I'm Sharog... And you're Ashley, mage from the Academy, adventurer who was at Artmirst... Yatta yatta blah blah, and finally you are very VERY fucked right now." The orcess grimaced at her in an expression that was still a bit of a grin even with some sympathy to it, "An' we're going to a cabin I know about right now. Unfortunately it's at the top of this fucking hill. Eventually we're going to a place where your fucked-ness will reach apex fucked-ness, more fucked than anyone has ever been fucked before. Any other questions?"
Ashley gritted her teeth, not glad to hear the vague and foreboding answers, and surprised at how hard it was not to scream as the tentacled horror looked down at her. She considered her options. Finally she laughed, painfully. If this woman could look down on her, after what she had seen, and say with a straight face that she was about to reach 'apex fucked-ness', then it probably wasn't possible to dig herself in deeper. So maybe it was time for a long shot.

"Is th-that who I am? Is that what they t-told you? A mage? An adventurer? A-at Artmirst? And they have you pulling a sled? I suppose that tells me what they think of you, Sharog. Not v-very threatened by me now... tied up, blocked off. But what did your masters think? They dropped a fucking mountain on me. And then set a trap. With half a freaking army. And they were so confident of their s-success that they didn't dare tell their boss until after they were sure I was in their power. Even now they want me kept in the dark? They don't want me to see their faces in the light?" Speaking seemed to get a little easier as she went, and Ashley drew in breath to continue, hardly wincing at all from the pain in her throat, though she didn't dare go much above a whisper.

"Because they're scared. Terrified. Because they haven't told you a fraction of what I'm capable of. Your masters are as scared of me, even beaten, as of their own masters."

The wind page paused again, then pushed on. "Right now I can't get free. Not on my own. But one day I will. And on that day a great many people will regret going against me. Would you like to be among them?"
Ashley: HP = 1/52, PP = 72, EP = 1/78, Status = Weakened x3, Naked, Sealed, Low on Energy, Pregnant with sixteen tentacled horror eggs, arms tied behind back

Jenn: Weakened x2, Naked, Sealed, Low on Energy, arms tied behind back, Pregnant with two stalkers
Karena Arselone: Bound, Clothed, Weakened, Pregnant with twin goblins, hogtied
Dornhall the Troll Slayer: ???

Daniella Boulay: ???, spent 18 EP
Ryon Toma: ???
Alex Kovisto: ???
Professor Laura Steiner: ???, spent 4 EP

Arclan Clay: ???

Jiub the Slaver: ???
Ayeila: ???
Caragor: ???
Grumush: ???
Gronkor: ???
Dalmen: ???
Scortha: ???
Nilsin the Red: ???
Trogo son of Trondor: ???
Ylsig: ???

Goblins x5
Tentacle Horror
Stalkers x3
Demon Mages x2
Orc Sorceress

"Yeah... They've got me pulling a sled.... Girl that fought the demon queen," Sharog replied with a bit of oddly conspiratorial mirth, "Look bitch... I don't really give a fuck who you are, even if I know more than they think I do. I'm doing this because I made some stupid ass decisions before and some people that could erase me are calling in markers that I never understood the value of when I offered 'em. When this is over, if you kill 'em... Well, good on you. Mortals over immortals and all that. You've got a big dick rep, but you literally can't POSSIBLY do worse to me than what I've already been threatened with before, and I have good reason to believe what they've been saying."

Tying off the sled that Ashley was riding on to the tree that she'd been leaning on, the orcess strolled over with panted breaths and stroked her cheek, "Besides... Threats or no, I've never had a hero suck my dick before, and fuck if THAT isn't an experience worth having! Maybe if you're good enough I'll just stick to having fun with you on the off hours, rather than adding in your girlfriend for... Extra fun. It won't matter in the long run since you're both demon fodder anyway, but it'll probably make you feel better."

Sharog glanced towards the sled on which Jenn was lying, her ebon hair splayed out around her, with an uncomfortable significance. "What, did you want me to cower? To fuckin run off when you tried to intimidate me? And leave the three of you here, alone, tied to sleds and sealed without magic, with only a tentacle monster to watch you? Is THAT what you wanted? Please... I know more of what you can do than you think. I just need to get you away from where people who will let yah go can LET you do that, and I'll be able to walk off from this clean. You'll be fucked in ways I'd rather not even imagine, but that ain't my problem. Savvy?"
It had been a small hope, but there weren't many hopes of any size left to Ashley, and even hearing this one fade hurt. Especially since it seemed like the orc was at least nominally on her 'side'. That she was only doing this under threat from the demons. Which were apparently more intimidating than her own threats. Well. At the moment, tied to a sled and probably helpless even if she were untied. Without her equipment, with her magic unavailable, still aching and exhausted as she could ever remember being... if the orc untied her, killed the demon, and left, Ashley might struggle even to free her allies and survive until someone came to rescue her, or at least unseal her magic.

But helpless was not a familiar situation to the wind mage, and the casual way threats to her annoyed her. But the added threat to Jenn... She instinctively reached for her magic. And nothing happened. She felt her face turn red, feeling humiliated by her repeated and continuing failure. "I expected you to have some honor. The orcs claim that's important, but I see that's just a show. Threatening to rape helpless prisoners. Working against your beliefs because you're afraid. Too weak even to get me to my allies, so they can fight your battles for you. Too cowardly even to try to stand up for what's right. Things might look bad for me right now, but at least I haven't given up."

It was probably stupid. But from what the orc said, she was already looking forward to forcing Ashley or Jenn into servicing her, or raping them. The tentacled thing would certainly be glad to... Ashley shuddered, imaging what it would do to her. Again and again. Even after she passed out. Remembering the feeling as it pulled her legs apart, how the only struggle was for it to decide which tentacle would go in first. And felt a twinge in the aching hole between her legs, remembering the shapes of the ones that hadn't been in her pussy yet. She could feel her face getting even redder.
Ashley: HP = 1/52, PP = 72, EP = 1/78, Status = Weakened x3, Naked, Sealed, Low on Energy, Pregnant with sixteen tentacled horror eggs, tied to a sled

Jenn: Weakened x2, Naked, Sealed, Low on Energy, tied to a sled, Pregnant with two stalkers
Karena Arselone: Bound, Clothed, Weakened, Pregnant with twin goblins, hogtied
Dornhall the Troll Slayer: ???

Daniella Boulay: ???, spent 18 EP
Ryon Toma: ???
Alex Kovisto: ???
Professor Laura Steiner: ???, spent 4 EP

Arclan Clay: ???

Jiub the Slaver: ???
Ayeila: ???
Caragor: ???
Grumush: ???
Gronkor: ???
Dalmen: ???
Scortha: ???
Nilsin the Red: ???
Trogo son of Trondor: ???
Ylsig: ???

Tentacle Horror
Orc Sorceress Sharog

"Pffffft, haaaah.... Haaahahahahahahahaha!" The orcess, having fully recovered her breath, let it out again in a belly laugh. "Barkin up the WRONG tree there honey.... Good effort though! Appealing to my better nature.... Haaah, ahahahaha... Just because I was conscripted into this don't mean I'm some kinda saint normally, and I sure ain't one of those crazy honor and valor obsessed types either. I was exiled from my clan for my abilities, an' I've done all manner of nasty and deplorable things to survive. Ain't proud of it, but pride don't fill my belly or warm my bed, or keep a dagger out of my kidneys. Sending you to the hell you're about to experience ain't fun, and it ain't something I'd do if I had any other choice, but even someone like you couldn't protect me from what would come after me if I reneged. 'Sides, when my kind takes over yours, you'd either be dead or enslaved to one of those knightly types anyway, an' they'd be pounding your brains out and filling you fulla little green halfbloods all the same. Mosta that bluster is just an excuse to seem like they ain't all killers and slavers all the same. You know who you were traveling with, right? Jiub the SLAVER and his bunch? They're the clansmen you're talkin about, d'they seem like the decent sort to you?"

There was a sudden low groan from one of the other sleds. Jenn was waking up. "Wha.... Ohhh.... Where.... Where am I? What happened? Oh... Oh gods, what... What did I do!? What... What's happening?" Jenn's voice shook, cracking towards her final question, and she began to quietly sob in her bonds. "You wanna tell her, or shall I?" Sharog asked mirthfully, though if Ashley elected to explain their situation to Jenn she would start untying Ashley's sled and apparently prepare to start moving again.

Regardless of her interactions with Jenn along the way, Ashley would find herself being dragged along again in short order. The tentacled horror gave another low hissing noise and started along after the orcess, following her along as they began to ascend the hill. Hours would pass uneventfully save for the occasional brief rest. The snowfall ended just as the sun was sinking towards the mountain, and about then the slope leveled out. Giving a relieved grunt, Sharog paused and scanned around, ultimately settling on a path to take before setting off again. A few minutes later, they came upon a cabin, and the orcess didn't even bother to check if it was occupied as she shoved the door open and dragged Ashley, sled and all, into the moderately sized dwelling. There was only one room, including a kitchen and a few beds, a couch, a fireplace, a table surrounded by wooden chairs, and an alcove off to the side with a primitive toilet that was little more than a hole over a chair. There was a door to it, but it was currently open, and a small table with an empty bowl beside it.

The tentacled horror followed them in, dragging the sleds carrying Jenn and Karena into the cabin as well. Sharog sighed and gave the demon a disgusted look before moving around it and closing the door. Then, she turned to Jenn and Ashley."Alright.... Done with traveling for today. Now... The knight I know I'm going to be leaving tied up, but you two... You ain't much of a threat without your spells. This is already unpleasant enough, and how well behaved you are now is going to determine how mean I am to you for the rest of this dumb fucking ordeal." Having said that, she went to the fireplace first, setting about putting together logs and kindling and getting it going, allowing warmth to start filling the cold space. What little light was coming in through the small, square windows was soon gone, and by the time a kettle was warming over the fireplace Sharog was moving over to her. "I'm not gonna let you wander around all willy nilly, but I can at least partially untie you, let you move around a bit. Take turns using the jacks maybe. I'd rather you feed yourselves, I'm already going to have to take care of that one."

With that, she would kneel down beside Ashley's sled and undo a few ties. Her bindings had felt like they were getting tighter, and a bulge had steadily grown over the course of the day. When Sharog pulled aside the blankets, she grunted in surprise at the sight of the wind mage's distended belly. "Shit... You're gonna be popping those out pretty soon, looks like. Maybe a couple hours, at most. Shit..." She went over to Jenn, doing the same to her while leaving Ashley able to move her hands and sit up, but leaving her legs bound to the sled, just out of her reach even if she hadn't been gravid with spawn. The creature that had planted its seed in her gave a hiss, multitude of limbs extending from its back turning towards her and descending in a small forest of writhing appendages. "Oi! Not now!" Sharog shouted, causing it to stop. The beast hissed, but it obeyed, even if it still gazed down at Ashley while tendrils quivered. Jenn was soon untied enough to move a bit as well, and she too was sporting a rounded belly. Her breasts were also swollen, and seemed to be leaking pearly white milk, the sight of which caused her to groan.
Ashley turned away from the orc as she responded to Ashley's second, somewhat less civil, attempt to convince her to help. She didn't seem to have taken offense, and if anything was showing more signs that she would rather not do this. But whatever she'd been threatened with, she believed it enough that no simple words were going to convince the orc to change sides. She'd failed. Again. But she had learned something. She knew the history of Jiub the Slaver, and there was little chance Sharog didn't. And he - and the others - were still out there. Would be trying to find their three missing companions. And this single orc and demon certainly wouldn't be able to stop them. Even if the other demons returned... as long as the rescue came before their master, whoever that was, returned as well.

But before she could worry about that, Jenn's voice was there. She sounded... upset. Rightly. And the orc laughed. Ashley forced herself not to lash out again, and instead spoke to her lover.
"We were ambushed. Twice. The first time to separate us from the rest. The second time to capture us. Me. They were after me. I... don't remember much after that but we were captured. Raped. And we're being taken somewhere." She didn't have to say that it was important they not get there, that would be perfectly clear. And while it was good to hear from Jenn again - even as hurt as she sounded, at least it proved she was alive and sane - the wind mage wasn't feeling especially talkative. Talking with the orc had proved unproductive, and it was starting to occur to her that the Succubi had commanded their tentacled pet - Ashley flinched at the thought - in Crolian. It might understand them, and that couldn't possibly be good.

Eventually, they stopped, in a cabin. It wasn't very large. Which didn't really matter, tied up as they were. Until Ashley realized that the tentacled thing might be too big to stay inside. That brought a smile to her face. One that lasted almost ten seconds, before the mass of tentacles writhed easily through the door, dragging Jenn and the knight. They were done for the night. Which is when the Orc had suggested 'fun' would happen. The wind mage doubted very much that any of the prisoners would find it 'fun'.

Ashley grunted as the orc started to undo some of the bonds, suddenly aware of how tight they were. Particularly the ones around her belly. She felt the blanket come off, shivering at the sudden cool air, and heard Sharog's surprised sound. Ashley strained her neck, and her eyes went wide. She'd half convinced herself that she wasn't pregnant. That she was infertile. That she had just felt the beast's cum expanding her belly. That was... clearly not the case. Or not the entire case. It also explained the way the ache in her breasts had grown rather than shrunk as the day had passed, even as all the others had somewhat diminished. She was pregnant. Extremely pregnant.

And suddenly, there were tentacles above her. She couldn't see past her own belly, but she could imagine the bizarrely-shaped tools pushing each other out of the way as they all tried to push inside her. She tried to scramble back, but her legs and chest were still firmly bound in place. She tried to push back with her hands, but couldn't find a grip. She screamed, panicking, certain she was about to be raped unconscious again. The orc shouted something. And the tentacles stopped moving. Nothing shoved its way between Ashley's bound legs and started having its way with her. She sobbed, then squeezed her eyes shut, trying not to cry in relief. She hated being helpless.

The orc moved on to Jenn, pulling off her furs, and untying her hands. Jenn was also pretty clearly pregnant, though not as big as Ashley was. And her breasts were bigger than they had been. And Ashley could see a drop of something white leak out of one nippled and run down the side of her breast. Which might explain why they looked wet. She looked back at her own breasts. Which ached, but didn't really seem to have changed size. And were perfectly dry, so far. Looking that way brought the tentacle monster back into view. And Sharog's shout suddenly replayed itself for Ashley's attention. Not now. Which explained why it was still hovering over her. Because that meant the same thing as "yes, later".

Ashley reached as far as she could, given the little freedom she had. And realize that she couldn't even touch any of her other bonds. She was as far from getting free as she had been being dragged through the snow. Only now she was also naked. With nothing productive to do, she instead tried to reach up and cover her breasts. That wasn't really what she needed to protect, not the part of her the beast wanted. But for that matter her hands were no defense against this thing. She needed her magic, or at least her gun. And she had neither. When later came, there would be nothing she could do.

Which meant she needed to do something before then. She couldn't just wait on rescue. But without equipment, without magic... she and Jenn would both be useless. Not so for Karena. If the knight was awake, and they could get her free... well, Ashley didn't know too much about the woman, but even what she'd seen in the caves might be enough to at least be worth a shot. They just needed the right opportunity. So she waited, not that she really had any choice.
Ashley: HP = 1/52, PP = 72, EP = 1/78, Status = Weakened x3, Naked, Sealed, Low on Energy, Pregnant with sixteen tentacled horror eggs, tied to a sled

Jenn: Weakened x2, Naked, Sealed, Low on Energy, tied to a sled, Pregnant with two stalkers
Karena Arselone: Bound, Clothed, Weakened, Pregnant with twin goblins, hogtied
Dornhall the Troll Slayer: ???

Daniella Boulay: ???, spent 18 EP
Ryon Toma: ???
Alex Kovisto: ???
Professor Laura Steiner: ???, spent 4 EP

Arclan Clay: ???

Jiub the Slaver: ???
Ayeila: ???
Caragor: ???
Grumush: ???
Gronkor: ???
Dalmen: ???
Scortha: ???
Nilsin the Red: ???
Trogo son of Trondor: ???
Ylsig: ???

Tentacle Horror
Orc Sorceress Sharog

Ashley's clipped explanation, necessary perhaps due to the remaining ache in her throat, was of little comfort to Jenn. The water mage sobbed quietly from when she awakened nearly until they arrived at the cabin, though it was unlikely that any newfound comfort had been the cause of the end of her crying.

What followed when they were finally at that cabin was tense, stressful, and boring all at once. Sharog busied about doing various things, grumbling all the while. Karena's litter remained fully tied after only a brief inspection and some more grumbling, while after staring down at her menacingly for a few minutes the tentacled demon turned and scuttled over to the corner beside the door and settled down. The massive array of tentacles seemed to recede into ports in the creature's shell while its legs folded under it, leaving look more or less like a legless turtle with the head of an ant. Ashley could only barely see it while lying down, but it still seemed to glower at her from the corner, occasionally clicking its mandibles. There was still no sign of the other demons that had assisted in their capture and ensuing rape. The smell of food being made was soon readily apparent, a deep kettle of stew made from something she'd pulled from the pack that had been on her back all day - glancing over would allow Ashley to see the familiar shape of her own gun's handle sticking out of it - and some sort of dough being baked in the hearth.

The wind mage would be left to lie for nearly half an hour before the orc returned her attention to Ashley and Jenn, at which point she dragged Jenn's litter over to the toilet and grunted; "Alright... No funny business. I know you'd probably like something better to clean up with, but that water and a cloth are all you'll get. Any of you get difficult once, and you're not getting off of that sled again until we're out of here, no matter how bad ya start to smell. Understand?" Jenn hesitated a moment, but then murmured her assent. The orc hummed to herself for a moment, walked over to the hearth with the water bowl, partially filled it with the fresh hot water, and then returned. She slopped a rag into it, placed it beside the toilet on which the primitive bench sat, and then untied Jenn.

The water mage was filthy, now that Ashley could see her. Dried cum stained the inside of her thighs all the way down to her knees, and similar stains were present on her chest, cheeks and chin. Her eyes were puffy and red still, and when she stood it was awkwardly. She stumbled, but Sharog didn't move to catch her, forcing her to catch herself on the doorframe into the bathroom. She was allowed to stumble into the room under her own power, Sharog watching with a frown but not acting to help her in any capacity, only moving when the water mage was well within the room and then only shutting the door.

Jenn took about twenty minutes, and when she was let out she was at least a little cleaner than she'd been. Sharog instructed her to lie back down on the sled impassively, and when she had her legs were bound once more. Then her sled was dragged back over to where Ashley was, and Sharog briefly went to dump the water out and replace it. The smell of fresh stew reached Ashley's nose, and a modest bowl of the thick substance was placed in Jenn's lap, with a pair of warm, slightly browned buns sitting next to it. A wooden spoon with a short, rounded tip was dropped next to her hand, and the orcess promptly grunted; "You cooperated, so you get seconds. And thirds, if there's some left."

Then she glanced at Ashley, briefly, before looking over at the tentacled horror sitting in the corner. Frowning, she swept back, and returned with some stew in a bowl, which she hastily placed in front of the demon and then quickly backed away. It glared, either at her or at the stew, for a few moments. Exactly where its rounded crimson orbs were focused was hard to say. Then it leaned forward, and from between its mandibles opened a chitinous maw from which a tongue extended, lapping at the offered food. Satisfied that it was distracted, Sharog moved to stand over Ashley and said; "Alright, your turn. Same deal, I let you clean up, you get to eat in peace." Then she was dragging the wind mage over towards the cabin's primitive bathroom, where she would start off by following the same procedure. Ashley's legs would be freed, followed by her shoulders, and then Sharog would back off and wait, letting her rise on her own and make her own way into room. If she wanted to try something, now might be the time, but unarmed and exhausted she might not get far... And doing so might cost her a decent meal that could leave her strong enough to try and escape when another opportunity presented itself.
Ashley watched as Jenn was untied, flexing her own arms and legs slightly, and trying to stifle a groan at the soreness and weakness she felt. But there wasn't a chance for communication, and if her lover tried something, she had to be ready to... to do *something*. There were options. She could see her gun, so that had to be plan A. Even if she couldn't enhance it, the demons hadn't taken away her ability to aim, and the enchantments she had helped work into the weapon would still be functional. It was, admittedly, not an amazing plan. She had no idea what sort of skill the orc had at her disposal, and without her magic to empower the shots it would be questionable if she could take out the tentacled beast before it managed to disarm her. Before it bound her arms and legs, holding her in the air, pussy exposed. Before its tentacles coiled around her breasts, her thighs, her neck. Before one shoved itself up her ass, another down her throat, and one in her pussy, fucking her until she screamed. And then adding more tentacles. Before it poured load after load of thick, sticky cum into her already huge belly. Before...

She shook her head. Jenn didn't look like making a move. Which was probably good, because before Ashley could even *try* something with the gun, she'd have to be freed herself. And even then it was a *bad* plan. So all she could do was watch as her lover washed some of the stains from her abused body. Watch as she wiped the milk from the tips of her nipples, and as more immediately leaked out. As she ate, then submissively lay back down on the sled, to be tied into place. The wind mage carefully averted her gaze and tried to think about something else as the orc went near the monster.

And then, suddenly, she was looking up into the woman's stern gaze. The sled was dragged over to the 'bathroom' area, and the ropes started to come undone. The wind mage waited patiently for the last of the knots to be undone, then leapt up. Or intended to, at least. Instead she managed to sit almost halfway up before her muscles failed, and she slumped back down. The orc didn't look likely to offer her help up, so Ashley tried again, pushing with her arms. They trembled and almost gave out as well, but she found herself sitting up, panting, and rubbing at her bare arms. She looked down. Dried cum formed spots on breasts that looked slightly larger than they had the last time she'd looked down at them. And below that her belly curved outwards, with little patches of pale where there *wasn't* evidence of why her belly wasn't flat. She couldn't see her pussy, but her thighs were practically caked with the stuff. She looked up, but the orc was standing out of reach, watching impassively. Muttering a curse under her breath, Ashley grabbed the doorframe to the little bathroom, and managed to pull herself to her knees, and then her feet. She was still a little unsteady, grasping the doorframe for balance, but she could feel strength flowing back into her as she moved under her own power for what felt like the first time in days.

Her thoughts immediately turned back to the pack, and the gun. But 'plan A' seemed stupid now. Even if nobody tried to stop her, she'd fall flat on her face before she reached the pack. Suddenly a chill went down her spine, and she turned towards the part of the room she'd been avoiding looking at. The mass of tentacles. Staring. At her. At her naked body. Her pussy. Hungrily. Ashley drew in a quick breath and turned away, trying to shield herself from its view as she shuffled awkwardly into the bathroom, and immediately moved to close the door.

That thing. It wanted her. And when she was done washing, the orc was going to tie her up. Leave her completely helpless. And before morning, she would let the beast have its way with her again. There was absolutely no way she could let herself be tied up again.