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Witch's Chess Out of Character Discussion

Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

Ever played the original W40k Dawn of War?
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

OK, purity system...
It feels weird...
Rather than having a purity system why not have a will power system?
Instead of having a person suddenly go corrupted, why not how long can they hang on?
I dunno your base story for this PbP, so if you can, I'd like to hear some kinda base story, then I can give further advice. But for now, instead of have a character just suddenly turn on their team, it'd be much better to see a character 'break down'.

Purity, essence, call it what you will. It's not exactly draining willpower, so as eating at your very "soul", and corrupting it to become like the other monsters and enemies. Fortunately for the characters, "souls" are immaterial enough that they can slowly "fix" themselves given enough time (at least in this interperation). Sadly, while I would love to go into the concept further, anymore would be giving out too many spoilers that the characters have to learn for themselves once ingame.

@Tassadar: I'm not so sure about... "fucking the monsters" into submission. Having sex with the monsters eats away at the "purity" of the heroine and generally would have any effect on the monsters... "normally" that is. Should such a skill be used such as "Glorious Light" (name unfinalized) in a creative manner, I suppose that one "might" be able to purify certain, "more intelligent" enemies into things capable of helping you. However that's something I have to decide later.

On another note, I'll create the beta "character sheet" in a bit to give people some backstory on this... as that character creation process can be done either IC or OOC depending on the player's whim.
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

But how you 'explain' the concept of someone's soul being corrupted to their team?
If you have a way I suppose it's ok, but it's just that I think to have someone turn on their team so suddenly would be weird for the player and the their teammates, not to mention I might be a bit difficult to write.
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

That my friend, is what the NPC at the haven is for~
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

Just a suggestion: possibly have a skill that makes the character stronger as they become more corrupted (The trade off here is that if they keep high corruption levels, they're more likely to go berserk and rape other characters). Basically, it would let a character walk the fine line between having the powers of a monster and actually being one.
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

Errr... although not exactly the same as you describe, there are quite a few skills that involve trading off purity for power... in fact all "active attack skills", aka magic, all cost purity to cast/have their damage based off of how much purity you use. There are also some support skills such as "God Hand" (increase party's power via purity), "Divine Wind" (increase party's dexterity via purity), and "purification skills" like "Salvation" (heal teammate's corruption by sacrificing purity, 1 purity spent is 4 purity healed on a teammate. Purity obtained via this skill cannot be used to cast purification spells.) which all require purity to use.

But yes, speaking of which, there "WILL" be penalties for letting your purity run too low. Like past 50%, your character will begin to be a bit "aroused", which will hinder her slightly, past 25% your character is horny enough that if she's being raped, she'll have to pass a willpower test just to not submit, past 10% she'd have to roll to not attempt rape of a party member, and things such as that.
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

A simply role play where good role playing will help you out with roles sounds great. Simple combat with an area map sounds great as well. Really Keylo this all sounds great. Reasons why I don't seem to join role plays these days is things are way more complicated then they should be in most of them. Anyways, If you start up a PBP game I'd happily join. If ya need an extra person to GM for you to help keep things flowing I would be happy to do that.
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

Hahahaha, we'll see how things go. A game that's "too simple" can't really effectively implement things such as a party system and such, however a game that's far too complicated will drive me and possibly some of the players insane from trying to keep track of everything.

On another note, I am thinking of creating a "separate" skill tree for things such as "driving", skill in "electronics", etc which will include its own "point system" so characters can be more varied and not just bland pure combat types similar to adventures in games going out to slaughter monsters...

For now the test version of this tree is affectionately dubbed as the "Memories" skill tree, affectionately dubbed in that the characters would only have memories of the last two to four weeks of their normal lives according to the plot. Thus what "life skills" at the would be based on that. (Each character is to get five "memory points" at the start, allowing for the purchase of five individual "life skills" or levels of "life skills". Following that, you don't gain memory points again until level 10, in which you will gain memory points per "odd" level.)
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

this looks interesting i might join this
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

Ok, I "think" I have a basic plot figured out, as well as what the skills will be and how stats will work. All that's left are NPCs, a few gimmicks her and there, and of course, the mandatory rapist monsters.

So before I start making monsters/enemies to rape the NPCs and work out their stats/etc...Let me confirm which things people are comfortable and are "not" comfortable with (Note: Anything I myself am to discomfortable to write about is automatically discluded...)

  • Tentacles: Y/N (Anyone who votes N really shouldn't be on this site...)
  • Futas: Y/N (Will be uncommon if the majority vote for Y)
  • Mutated/Sex crazed Animals: Y/N
  • Demons/Succubi/Incubi: Y/N
  • Necrophillia (AKA zombie/corpses...): Y/N
  • Furries: Y/N

Oh and also, before anyone asks... female player characters only. So sorry to anyone who prefers to be a male character for this type of game.
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

  • Tentacles:

Furry people type creatures right? Eh, I don't care if they get added or not.
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

Tenta: HY (Hell yes)
Futas: DC (Don't Care)
Mutated/Sex Crazed Animals: P (Perfered)
Demons/Succubi/Incubi: A (Aye)
Necrophillia: D (Denied)
Furries: O (Other)

For Furries, I'd rather you make like cat girls etc. not full furries.
Like Half Human Half... Some other shit.
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

  • Tentacles: Always Yes.
  • Futas: Not really my thing, but I don't mink.
  • Mutated/Sex crazed Animals: Yes.
  • Demons/Succubi/Incubi: Not really my thing, but I don't mind.
  • Necrophillia (AKA zombie/corpses...): No.
  • Furries: Only a little (in terms of how, um, furry).
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

  • Tentacles: Y/N (Anyone who votes N really shouldn't be on this site...)
  • Futas: Y/N (Will be uncommon if the majority vote for Y)
  • Mutated/Sex crazed Animals: Y/N/O (I would prefer animals to be mutated rather than just horny)
  • Demons/Succubi/Incubi: Y/N
  • Necrophillia (AKA zombie/corpses...): Y/N/O(No rotted flesh, but I guess rape skeletons would be amusing)
  • Furries: Y/N/O(Similar to Zero: I prefer the to be more human than animal, so minimal muzzles if you will)
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

Well lets see... so far...

Four yes for tentacles (Big surprise there...)

2 yes, 2 don't cares for futas...

1 yes, and 3 "other" for animals... (Clarification: When I mean "sex-crazed" I'm mostly referring to snakes, jellyfish, that type of thing. Although I myself wouldn't mind writing a beastality scene all that much, I'll try to keep the mutated animals/animal monsters to "tentacle-esque" attacks.)

4 yes for demons...(Another classic.)

3 nos, and one "other" for Necrophillia...(Clarification: Yeah... I was thinking mostly rape skeletons or that type of thing, maybe some RE esque infected that are "not" decaying. Not a big fan of rotting penises either >_>;;)

4 "others" for Furries... (Clarification: Eh... this will mainly be the "cat girl"/ "bunny girl" type of thing, meaning some wings, ears, maybe a tail... I'm not a huge fan of "SO MUCH FUR THAT IT GETS EVERYWHERE DURING SMEX" either >.>;;)

Just slipping some comments in the middle... if all goes well I'll have a beta character sheet out by tonight.
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

Rather than fill out the list, I'll just go ahead and say I'm okay with all (especially after clarifications). ;)
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

Ok, I "think" I have a basic plot figured out, as well as what the skills will be and how stats will work. All that's left are NPCs, a few gimmicks her and there, and of course, the mandatory rapist monsters.

So before I start making monsters/enemies to rape the NPCs and work out their stats/etc...Let me confirm which things people are comfortable and are "not" comfortable with (Note: Anything I myself am to discomfortable to write about is automatically discluded...)

  • Tentacles: Y/N (Anyone who votes N really shouldn't be on this site...)
  • Futas: Y/N (Will be uncommon if the majority vote for Y)
  • Mutated/Sex crazed Animals: Y/N
  • Demons/Succubi/Incubi: Y/N
  • Necrophillia (AKA zombie/corpses...): Y/N
  • Furries: Y/N

Oh and also, before anyone asks... female player characters only. So sorry to anyone who prefers to be a male character for this type of game.

Tentacles: Yes. Self-explanatory.
Futas: If you don't like them, then don't use them. Though I kind of like them.
Mutated/Sex crazed Animals: Sure.
Demons/Succubi/Incubi: Yes. I imagine this is the only place futas would come from, if you decide to include them (IE: Succubi.)
Necrophillia: This is not Oblivion. Please, no.
Furries: Sure.
Re: A simple and elegant PbP game...

Yes to all aside from the Necrophillia. I'd rather not have that.