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Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Even as she was gathering her selection of purchases, Celeste knew the final price would be high. Still, a small part of her had hoped that she had somehow been lucky enough to find a fine clothing shop that was blessed with both a large selection and low prices. That was not to be, though, and after a quick tremor passed through her, Celeste nodded at Thymera. "That sounds like a very reasonable price," she said, wringing her hands together slightly as she thought about the wages she had made after her hard day working being immediately spent on fine lingerie. She had sought out employment, and indeed had encourage the others from the Academy Research Team to do so as well, intending to use the money to help pay for the rent on the mansion they were staying in for the moment. On the other hand, she did still have some of her own money that she had managed to hang on to after arriving in Acheron. It was enough to pay for the clothing, though if she were to give her wages and tips from the Wet Witch to Gravus as she had intended, it wouldn't leave much for her to have on hand afterward.

After considering for a few moments, Celeste finally gave a soft sigh and nodded firmly. "I-I'll take it!" she said happily, though her voice was strained with worry at the same time. A girl had to have a wide selection of clothing on hand to match whatever situation she found herself in, after all, and having a few sets of underwear for an emergency was always wise. There was also the warning Serina had given her to keep in mind as well. With her mind made up, Celeste nodded again to Thymera, then giggled and said, "Thanks for all your help! I can't wait to wear it all!"
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

"I'm happy to help!" Thymera said brightly, "would you like to model any of it for your boyfriend here, or shall we ring you up?" If Celeste opted for the former despite the shopkeeper's continued use of the inaccurate title, Danikles would merrily take in the sight of anything that Celeste opted to show him, but even if he didn't the demon would smile at her as she put down the coins for her new clothes. He would happily take the bags for her, carrying them on one arm with apparent ease while offering Celeste the other, and she would be able to wear one set of undergarments out since she had none of her own.

"So, where would you like to go now?" Danikles asked merrily, "want to drop this stuff off back at your place and maybe get something to eat? Maybe a few drinks? My treat!"
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

"M-model!?" Celeste shouted, before quickly clamping a hand over her mouth. With slow and deliberate motions she sneaked over to the curtain and pulled it aside just enough to look out for Danikles. As soon as she spotted him, she quickly pulled the curtain closed and turned back to look at Thymera, her face bright red. "H-here?" she asked much softer, obviously more shocked by the suggestion of activity than the incorrect title. For a moment, she hesitated, looking over the vast selection of clothing she had picked out. She bit her lip as she cast a glance back towards the curtain again, before finally saying, "W-well, he was nice enough to take me down here just because I asked him to. And he has been waiting rather patiently." After another second, a slight smirk spread across her face, and she said, "I suppose it wouldn't hurt to show off some of what I came here to get."

After taking a moment to pick out several pieces that she had decided to purchase, Celeste gingerly stepped toward the curtain. She took a deep breath, then threw the curtain open and walked out towards Danikles, her face red as she tried to ignore the other people in the store looking in her direction. Stepping up to the demonic commander, she softly said, "D-Dani, I thought you might like to see some of the things I wanted to come here to buy." She took a moment to pose in the blue underwear, smiling at Danikles' compliments, before returning to the dressing room. She shut the curtain and quickly changed into another pair of underwear she had selected, a bright red set with flowery detailing. Once again she opened the curtain and moved through a variety of poses for Danikles, then did the same for another set. Finally, she changed into the lacy teddy, shyly stepping out of the dressing room with a piece that felt like it showed off more of her body than the underwear, despite being made of more fabric. Despite her nervousness, she took the time to go through several poses before scurrying hurriedly back into the dressing room and changing back into a relatively more tame set of underwear, the dark fabric only slightly showing through her thin sundress.

With the lingerie purchased, Celeste eagerly took Danikles' arm as he led her from Thymera's, wishing the bell-tailed shopkeeper a good day as they left. "Oh, something to eat sounds lovely," she replied to his suggestion, suddenly realizing how long it had been since she ate, having just finished her first day of work at the Wet Witch. "And I'm rather thirsty too, so something to drink would be most welcome," she said, smiling brightly, obviously not understanding what he had meant. "I wasn't aware that demons ate and drank much, though! What kinds of food do you like?"
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

Danikles was smiling as he looked over a slim red dress, examining the fabric between his hands and looking away when Celeste peeked out at him. "Mmmhhmmm, I'm sure he'd appreciate a sample of what he's got to look forward to~" Thymera said, egging Celeste on further. A few of the other women in the shop glanced Celeste's way when she came out in the skimpy lingerie, one rolling her eyes knowingly and smirking while the others either looked back to their own concerns or took the opportunity to admire the busty mage's body. Danikles had been looking away when she had first emerged, but turned to Celeste with an initially curious expression that soon turned into a wide grin as he saw her choice of garments when she greeted him with the pet name she'd made up.

He gave her one look over and offered an appreciative whistle, and after she adopted a second pose - in the middle of the store no less - he quietly said; "Wonderful... Absolutely stunning!" His responses to every pose with every outfit were comparable, the demonic captain drinking in every new sight of Celeste's body as if it was brand new even though he'd already seen her naked to the skin when they had first met.

By the time they were heading out of the shop with her bags in tow while Thymera looked to another customer, Danikles actually seemed slightly flustered, his face rosy and his movements a little bit more excited. It didn't seem to alter his cheery demeanor though, as he laughed lightly at her query and said; "Well, certainly not Hellish cuisine, I'll tell you that much! Luckily we managed to snag a lot of your recipes when we showed up, else I'd only be eating as seldomly as possible. Come, I know a good place right around here!"

He led Celeste only a short distance from Thymera's shop after they dropped off her clothes to an almost empty house, to a pleasant looking one story building not far from the main street with a fresh white paint job and the title; "Croya's Creche" written in red over the glass double doors that Danikles led her through. It was a wide building, and apparently a long one if the open room was any indication, but first they found themselves in front of a small lectern behind which a red skinned girl in a blue outfit stood. "Hello! Table for two?" she asked, to which Danikles replied; "Yes please!" The girl nodded and took up two menus before leading them to a table, the spacious room occupied by only a few other groups, most of them couples.

They were left for about a minute before a server in similar garb to the greeter approached them, taller and more lithe than the curvy girl by the door but also possessing red skin. "Hello! What can I get for you tonight? May I start you off with a couple of drinks?" Danikles quickly replied; "Sure, two glasses of ice water to start, and can you put a bottle of red on ice for us and bring it out with our meal?" She nodded quickly, jotting down their request, "of course! I'll be right back!" And so she was, though she would leave to give them time to look over the menu, which sported mostly Badarian cuisine from the Southern regions, with lots of pasta, thick sauces, and varieties of fish on offer. There were a few dishes she recognized as Crolian, however, and she could go for something familiar if she preferred.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Though her first trip out of the dressing room had Celeste weak in the knees as she strode out under the gaze of so many random people, Danikles' appreciative compliments soon had the young woman switching through her poses with more and more confidence. With each trip back and forth, she walked more assuredly, and showed off her purchases with greater zeal, her own grin widening to almost match the commander's. She was even able to walk out calmly in the lace teddy, though the lingerie's skimpier cut sent shivers through the mage's body, keenly aware of how much of her body was on display, even as she showed it off. Upon returning to Thymera, Celeste was beaming and thanking the bell-tailed shopkeeper profusely for suggesting the activity. "I guess, even if it's underwear, it's fun to show off how well it's made," she confided to the woman as she gathered up the clothing to make her purchase final. Of course, when she dropped the lingerie off at the Academy Team's house, she was rather thankful that no one was around to see what she had bought.

Though she was rather surprised to hear Danikles' joking dismissal of Hell's food, Celeste realized that a world of people who fed on soul energy might not have the tastiest meals for a mortal such as herself. As such, when they approached Croya's Creche, Celeste was quite eager to see what kind of food the demons' had found appetizing enough to recreate. As they entered, Celeste took a moment to take in the restaurant's decorations, then grinned at the red-skinned greeter as they were shown to a table. "Thank you," she said softly to both the greeter and the waitress as they left the two at their table. "Oh my, this all looks delicious," Celeste said to Danikles as she looked over the restaurant, "With all the trouble between Badaria and Crolia, we never saw much of their cuisine. I can't wait to try some!" When the waitress returned, Celeste rather excitedly ordered a plate of Badarian pasta, with thick noodles and a white sauce and bits of seasoned meat that sounded delectable. After thanking the red skinned girl again, Celeste waited a moment before asking Danikles, "You said you wouldn't eat as much if you only hadn't found mortal food when you came to our world. How often do you eat? And do you come here often?"
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

"Tastes pretty good too!" Danikles replied amicably while looking over his own menu, and when the waitress returned the demon commander ordered fish and sliced potatoes. "Me? Oh I try to eat pretty regularly, even though I don't have to. At least once a week, preferably once a day!" he replied to her question, sounding like that wasn't unusual at all. "I come here every once in a while. I've got to say that sweets are my favorite though! You mortals have so many pleasant things to eat, even your wine is better, though I guess that's not surprising since you don't have to make yours out of blood."

He tilted his head curiously at her, "how often do mortals need to eat, if you don't mind me asking? I've heard that you need to eat every day from some of my, errr, colleagues, and I was wondering if that was true." After a few moments following that potentially awkward exchange, he cleared his throat and said; "So... What do you like to eat Celeste? What's your favorite dish?"

A few minutes later their food came out, the waitress carrying it and a bucket of ice with an open bottle sitting in it. She sat down their plates first and then poured a glass of wine for both of them before excusing herself so that they could enjoy their meal. The food was quite good, and the wine was pleasantly heady and had a sweet aftertaste that was reminiscent of crushed cranberries. "How's yours? I've never tried that stuff," Danikles asked while chewing a half mouthful of potato in the side of his mouth, letting his curiosity take precedence over his manners.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

"Wow! Only once a day?" Celeste asked in shock, rather surprised to hear Danikles' off hand revelation about demonic eating habits. While she had read in the Academy's ancient texts concerning previous demonic invasions that they 'fed on soul energy,' she had simply thought that as simply an embellishment about the demons' attacks on the peoples of Donevrion. She supposed that explained why so many humans were so resistant to the demons coming to live in their world. Well that and the whole invasion thing. "Yeah! I love sweets, too!" she replied with a giggle, completely oblivious to realizations that might cause other people to react more guardedly to present company. "I wish I could eat them all the time, but a girl's got to watch her figure, you know!" she added, with a wink, completely ignoring the comment about wine and blood.

"Well, how much we eat depends on a lot of things," Celeste said bringing a finger up to her chin and staring thoughtfully up at the ceiling, her tone becoming pensive as she responded to Danikles' straightforward question. "Normally, humans like to eat three meals a day, once in the morning, once around midday, and once in the evening," she explained, her expression becoming that of a teacher speaking to a student as she began to use her fingers to aid her presentation, "but how much a person eats usually changes due to factors like body size, the amount of strenuous activities engaged in, and dietary needs." She eagerly continued her explanation, enjoying feeling like how she imagined her professors felt during lectures, though in truth her knowledge of the eating habits of the various mortal races was rudimentary. Celeste was a magician, after all, not a nutritionist. After finishing her informative speech with some quick examples using elves, orcs, wizards, and warriors as reference points, the young woman appeared to be taken aback by Danikles' next question. "My favorite dish? I've never considered one dish my favorite" she said hesitantly, pausing for a moment to consider, before answering happily, "I do rather enjoy the tasty sausages Crolia is known for!"

As the waitress delivered their orders, Celeste examined her dish hungrily, a wide smile on her face as the aroma hit her nose. "Oh my, it's looks wonderful, thank you!" she said to the red-skinned girl before placing a napkin in her lap and daintily picking up the fork and knife to begin eating. Taking her first bite, she sighed dramatically at the wonderfully prepared dish, shivering as she savored the bite but eager for the next. She had a similar reaction to the wine, though it was accompanied by a slight blush. "Oh it's delicious, Dani!" she said with a slight giggle, before adding in a mock scolding tone, "Though you should really close your mouth when you chew your food, young man." She laughed again, then offered, "Would you like to try it? It's very yummy." Gathering up some of the pasta, meat, and sauce on her fork, she held it over the table and said, "Say 'Ahhh'!"
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

"Ahahaha, well I can certainly appreciate efforts in THAT regard!" Danikles said mirthfully when Celeste admitted to avoiding submitting to the desires of her sweet tooth in order to spare her figure. "You look so lovely as is, I can't imagine you being any more beautiful!" he continued casually, as if such flattery were something to be expected.

That left her able to go on her lecture regarding eating habits, something that the demonic commander would listen to with rapt attention. He seemed to take in her every word about the subject, though he didn't interrupt to ask questions unless Celeste left something particularly unclear. When she revealed her favorite dish, he simply smirked and said; "Sausage eh? Always a good choice, certainly!"

Once their food had arrived and Celeste had dug in, Danikles grinned at her enthusiastic response to the food and joined her in doing so. He rolled his eyes at her reprimand, and with a grin swallowed what he already had and then opened his mouth when offered a sample of her meal. He took the food from her fork and chewed thoughtfully, his face twisting into a grin as he savored the sampling. "Glllp, delicious!" he said when he'd finished, swallowing first this time before speaking. "Eheheh, I'll have to get myself a plate of my own next time!"

He poured himself another glass of wine, and then refilled Celeste's. "Care for a bite of mine?" he said, slicing off and spearing a piece of his own meal, hollow pieces of pasta filled with meat, cheese, and spinach.
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Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

"Aww, that's so sweet, thank you," Celeste replied as she grinned appreciatively at Danikles' compliments. She happily answered any questions the demon had, and even thought of a few she had for him on the subject. "So, I've read that demons normally sustain themselves with 'mortal soul energy'?," she began curiously, before blushing suddenly and pausing a moment before lowering her voice to ask, "And this is normally extracted through... intercourse?" She looked around swiftly after finishing her question, seemingly worried someone might have heard, then continued, "Are there other ways demonkind might... feed? How often must they, umm, do... that?" She seemed uncomfortable asking the questions, but eager to hear the answers. For research purposes, of course.

Though she had made the offer innocently, Celeste was still surprised when Danikles' accepted a bite of her food. She giggled as he took it, pulling her fork back and holding it close to her chest protectively while watching him enjoy the food. When he reciprocated the offer, she stared at him, stunned for a second, before leaning forward with a blush to try his. As she took the food, she looked at him and laughed self-consciously before returning to her chair. "It's very good," she said after swallowing, her face bright red before she quickly went back to eating her own meal. Seeing her wine glass refilled, she giggled a bit, then drank some more. "I don't drink much wine, normally," she admitted before taking another sip, "Students aren't allowed to at the Academy."
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

"Oh, well... Yes!" Danikles replied with a smirk when Celeste opened the topic on how many demons truly sustained themselves. "Ehhh, intercourse is one way to get what we need. It's certainly the most pleasant option! Though, not the only one," he explained teasingly during her shifting glance around, her words having drawn no immediate attention thankfully. "Like with humans, it depends on the individual. Some require more energy more regularly to sustain what they are.... Some also require more regular feeding to replace energies spent on sorcery and whatnot," he explained more reassuringly, "as for what those other ways are... Well, the less pleasant method is through pain. Some of us - not me though - can extract energy through torture. Almost any of us can take a soul from a fallen enemy, but that's a little dark for my tastes. Some mages can willingly surrender their essence if they wish, but that gift is rare as I understand it. Other than all those... Well, why don't I show you one?"

The demon turned to her, a confident grin spread across his handsome face, "it's less... Direct than the traditional method, and it does require a certain degree of intimacy... As all methods of feeding do. I won't take anything you'll miss~" Should she accept his suggestion, however, Danikles would smile and lean in slightly, snaking one arm around the busty mage's waist, "how about.... After dinner, hrm?"

Later, after sharing a bite each of their meals, Danikles would giggle boyishly at her dark flush as he leaned back and began finishing off his dinner. "Mmmmm, gggllppp, neither do I," he replied after swallowing a bite of pasta, "wine in Hell is usually made out of blood. It's really quite disgusting! Thankfully your people have better taste... And I guess more options to work with. Anyway, this stuff is much nicer, and we've got the whole bottle all to ourselves!" He finished off his own glass before pouring another, and when Celeste put down her own glass he refilled it. It wasn't potent stuff, this particular brand the sort meant to be enjoyed rather than the sort meant to intoxicate quickly, but after two glasses a pleasant warmth had begun to settle in Celeste's belly, the subtle haze that began to settle over her wonderfully relaxing and easily making the sweet alcoholic beverage more palatable.

Dinner was finished only a bit after that, and the bottle was half empty, though Danikles made no move to depart even though the waitress came by with their check and he paid it promptly. "So, how are you enjoying your stay in Acheron so far?" he asked as he poured another helping of wine, both for himself and for Celeste if the mage opted to keep drinking. "I hope that our city has been pleasant for you so far~"
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

As Danikles' smirkingly responded to her question, Celeste found herself blushing at his mention of intercourse being the most pleasant. She shrank into her chair shyly a little as he spoke about it, though listened intently to what he had to say. When he began to talk about pain and torture as methods of sustenance, Celeste grimaced and began to understand how so many of the ancient texts she had written described demons in such a foul manner. 'I suppose intercourse would be preferable if those are the alternatives,' she thought, relaxing as she considered his explanation.

"L-less direct?" Celeste asked nervously to Danikles' offer. After all his talk about intercourse, torture, and killing, she was a little nervous about seeing the process in person, despite what had happened to her in Acheron already. Still, she had come here to learn more about demons. "Alright..." she said nervously, smiling and glancing around once again, "a-after dinner." With their plans decided, Celeste returned to the meal, sipping her wine more often.

By the time they had finished, a bright blush was lighting up Celeste's face, which was graced with a genuine, if lopsided, grin. She giggled at Danikle's joke about the wine. "Yeah, this is tasty!" she added, before giggling again. "Oh, Acheron is really, really nice" she responded to his question, "I've seen a lot of really, really interesting things and met some really, really interesting peoples!" She laughed, then began to list off while counting on her fingers, "The gate guard, and the succubus, and Kiva, and some goblins, and that cute couple in the guard station, and the goblin, and you, and my team." She paused a moment, giggling after 'my team', then continued, "And then there was Al, and Serina, and the orc," she blushed brighter, then continued, "and the drinking guys, and Thymera!" Celeste paused, then happily said, "Wow that's a lotta people! Yeah, Acheron is a really, really nice place!" She laughed, then asked, "Has Acheron been nice to you? Y'know cause you live here?"
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

Danikles simply grinned and listened to Celeste's list of new acquaintances, idly twirling his wine glass but not drinking any more of it while she spoke. The question at the end brought a bubble of laughter up from his throat, and he downed the remainder of his glass and began to refill it as he replied; "Well, it's certainly been nicer than the alternative!" He lifted his glass and seemed to mull something over for a moment, once more swirling the liquid in his glass by tilting his hand this way and that.

"As you can probably guess, I came through from Hell, like most of my kin here. As you can imagine, that wasn't exactly the most pleasant place to live, so Acheron is most definitely an improvement!" He smiled at her widely, "I have met my fair share of interesting characters too, though I'm afraid not all have been entirely pleasant. Still, that's the life of law enforcement, wouldn't you say?" He took a slight sip of his wine, "Its been very... Interesting trying to adapt to your way of life. We have more food - and better tasting food I might add - than we ever did before, but we're not living as warbands loyal to one lord or another. Mostly. We actually have laws now, instead of rules that no one listened to anyway! Not everyone is adapting so well to that.

"Or to living with mortals as... Equals. We're definitely in a very transitional state right now, but luckily we're used to change. It'll take a few centuries to really settle some of the old bloods, but I personally like this new way! Fewer massacres and assassinations than before, even if we do need to figure out how to handle all of the paperwork and such."
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Danikles' quip brought a quick grin to Celeste's slightly flushing face, and she nodded understandingly to his question. Though she wasn't a dedicated peace officer as he was, her own run in with the criminal element of Acheron had been rather unpleasant. She took a sip of her wine as he did, then brought a hand up to cover her mouth as she stifled a giggle as the warmth hit her stomach. As the Commander continued, Celeste nodded along with his assessment. "Getting used to new things can be hard," she said, trying to sound experienced and knowledgeable, though the giggle at the end of the sentence ruined the effect a little.

After clearing her throat, Celeste happily continued, "But I'm glad you're liking our world so far, I'm sure it will be feeling like home in no time!" She paused to think for a moment, which was difficult with how light headed she was feeling right this second, then smiled and said, "Well, I mean, it will feel like this world is your home. Not that this world will feel like your old home. Because that was bad." She laughed as she struggled to explain herself, then meekly added, "Sorry, I think I may have had a little too much to drink."
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

"True," Danikles admitted with a tip of his glass. He laughed heartily at her giggling and fumbling over the issue of phrasing, "Nonsense!" he declared enthusiastically before glancing at the bottle, which by that point was mostly empty, "we've only got a little bit left. Looks like about one glass each, lets just finish it off!"

He poured some into his own, and then the rest into Celeste's, leaving her with just over three quarters of a glass to drink. Offering his glass forward, Danikles would say; "A toast! To new friends, new adventures, and new starts!" He would clink his glass against Celeste's and then drank it down, seemingly without trouble. The waitress came by with their check, and Celeste found that Danikles insisted on handling it himself, putting down a handful of coins with the tab.

"So then, before I walk you home... Shall I show you what I was talking about before?" he said softly, smiling playfully without rising just yet. There was a hint of color in his cheeks, and the alcohol was certainly starting to work in Celeste's system, leaving her feeling pleasantly warm and fuzzy at the very least. If she agreed, however, he would rise and offer Celeste his arm, and the bubbly mage would find herself before led outside...
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

The commander's spirited response to her apology brought a smile to Celeste's face and she giggled as he emptied the bottle into their glasses. Although she had meant to stop drinking after how dizzy she had been feeling, she just couldn't resist Danikles' enthusiasm for one more. At his toast, she held her glass forward and clinked it while saying "Here, here!" She sipped a bit of the drink, then giggled and leaned back to swallow the rest. As he handled the check, she gave a soft, "Oh, no, let me pay half," but let him take care of it after insisting.

Despite her earlier nervousness, when Danikles' mentioned his earlier offer, Celeste was more eager to know what he meant now. "Yeah, let's go, she said easily, the warmth in her body distracting her from her normally shy reaction. When Danikles rose, Celeste stood as well, though she wobbled slightly, steadying herself on the table. When the commander offered his arm, she smiled and took it, leaning close to him and saying, "Thanks, Dani!" As he led her outside, she giggled and held onto him tightly, using him to support her unsteady steps.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

"Oh no! No, I most certainly insist! My treat, to congratulate you on your new job!" After paying for dinner and aiding the bubbly and now mildly drunk mage out of the restaurant, giving a nod to the various staff members as they passed but never trading any words along the way, Danikles took Celeste outside and led her along the side of the building so that they were a bit away from the entrance.

Then he stopped and turned, facing her without removing the arm around her waist and thus leaving Celeste pinned against the demon's chest, her back facing the wall but not quite pressed against it. He looked the mage in the eyes, his smiling face slightly flushed with the alcohol in his system, and after a moment she felt herself almost falling into a trance. Within a few seconds she was lost in the demon's crimson eyes, which seemed to swirl in a way that she hadn't seen when she'd looked at the man before but that was so strangely familiar.

Her senses all seemed numbed save when perceiving the man holding her with such sudden and intense intimacy, the noise of Acheron's bustling streets fading into a meaningless buzz, and even the amazing sights offered by the demon city reduced to naught but a blur. His scent, at once pleasantly sweet but musky and masculine, filled her nostrils and left the heat settled in her belly changing into something that was all too familiar since her coming to this city. Her rising arousal only served to make the feel of her body pressed against his all the more electric, and through the haze that was settling over her Celeste felt a connection forming between her and Danikles on a level that no purely physical sense could perceive, tendrils of his soul sliding into her own to begin the promised feeding.

How long exactly they stood like that was hard to say, the pounding of her own heart the only method available for Celeste to tell and her attention diverted away from it as she fell deeper and deeper under the demon's spell. Eventually, however, Danikles leaned forward, his lips parting and heading for her own, the slow advance giving Celeste ample time to respond in any manner she chose, but should she accept the kiss pleasure would explode through her body as his parted lips met her own. The man's tongue slowly slid forward past her lips and began to dance slowly around her own, drawing Celeste into the act while he seemed to find points in her mouth that stimulated her like his tongue was much lower on her body. The tendrils of power that had wormed into her soul pulsed, and raw pleasure amplified in an all too familiar manner as streams of her essence were drawn out of her, the metaphysical sensation somehow multiplying the potency of her physical ones and leaving her decidedly weak in the knees.

Danikles only maintained the kiss for a few moments, assuming that Celeste allowed it at all, but when she felt him pull away the arousal that he had inspired lingered. He had only drained her lightly, not enough to even inhibit her to any relevant degree, but the embrace had left her body on fire. "As you can see... Even this method requires a great deal of... Intimacy," he said quietly, stroking the side of her face softly with the back of his fingers while his other arm remained around her waist, awaiting her reaction to his bold advance.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

"Awww, thanks!" Celeste said sincerely, grinning profusely under her flushed cheeks. As she stumblingly walked out of the restaurant on Danikles' arm, she leaned in closer to him, pressing her body against him. Though she had been eager to see what the commander had told her about, Celeste found herself feeling a bit sleepy ever since she stood from her chair.

Celeste's attention quickly returned when she felt herself suddenly stopped and brought close to Danikle's chest. She gasped at the sudden movement, and laughed a little as she fought to regain her footing, until she turned to look at the demon's face. As soon as her eyes met his she felt caught, as though she had just noticed his beautiful eyes for the first time. She gazed into them, marveling at their dazzling crimson color and captivating lovely swirls. His eyes were so gorgeous that she simply had to stare into them, her usual embarrassment at such a forward act going completely forgotten as she pressed her body even closer against him.

As she studied his wondrous eyes, Celeste also began to experience his incredible presence with every other part of her body. She could feel his warmth on her skin, inviting like a flame in the cold. His scent invaded her breath, even more intoxicating as the wine. Her large breasts shoved against his muscular chest tingled with arousal, and through them she could feel his heartbeat, it's slow, strong thump a stark contrast to her own heart's rapid beats. Every thought aside than him fled her mind, though at this moment Celeste knew nothing else mattered. In his eyes she could see everything, everything important, everything she cared about. She could feel a pull from his eyes, an inexorable, inescapable force like she was water and he a steep hill, inviting her to slide down, bit by bit, until there was nothing left of her.

Standing there, entranced, Celeste felt a thirst growing within her. Her body was warm, but not from the wine. Danikles had stoked a fire inside her and only he could put it out. As he leaned forward, lips parted, Celeste did the same, eagerly anticipating his kiss like a desert yearned for rain. The moment their lips met, Celeste felt her senses explode, every nerve in her body rejoicing at once. Even her soul ached at his insistent probing, like his tongue was not just stimulating her body, but her being as well. Teasing it, delving into it, and drawing out her essence. Every caress inside her mouth shot through her body, resonated with her spirit, and inflamed her mind. She shuddered at the incredible feeling, her legs shaking as she fought to hold on to what she knew, from experience, was an all too fleeting feeling.

As Danikles withdrew from their kiss, Celeste mewled from the sudden lack of stimulation, as though she were a torch suddenly dropped into ice water. She stared up at the demon for a moment, her mouth agape and her face flushed with more than alchohol. When he spoke she regained her composure somewhat, her gaze turning away nervously, though she made no attempt to disentangle herself from the commander. "Y-yes, very intimate," she said softly, her body shaking almost imperceptibly as she tried to maintain some kind of professional attitude despite her intense desire to experience his kiss again. "I-interesting! I mean interesting," she corrected herself quickly, looking up at him shyly before continuing nervously, "I-I can see why this is a less popular method of f-feeding." She paused for a moment, then seemed to realize what she said might have been insulting, as she hastily added, "I-I mean, because it must take a lot of... self control to j-just stop right there. It was really... good."
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

Danikles only smiled through Celeste's potential faux pas, the pleased expression only ticking a tiny bit as she seemed to indicate initially that the kiss hadn't been a pleasant experience. "Yes, well... That's the goal, is it not?" he replied playfully without releasing her from the comforting hold of his arms.

"To make someone give themselves willingly... To wear away at the will to resist the feeding... Isn't that much easier - and so much more pleasant - than the more traditional manner of holding down one's prey by force?" he continued softly, one of his hands softly stroking her side and making her body continue to thrum.

The fire he had lit in her belly wasn't going out - indeed it was only getting worse - and though the connection that had formed was mostly one way Celeste could still feel as much through it as through simple body language that Danikles was ready and willing to give her exactly what she was craving. "I'd be happy to show you how it feels again if you need more research... Or show you anything else that you might be curious about~"

His eyes were still locked to hers, maintaining his hypnotic gaze and drawing her deeper and deeper into those subtle crimson swirls. Every point of contact where their body's pressed together seemed to crackle with energy, some of what he had drawn from her already and some of her own essence seemingly trying to reach out and reestablish the full breadth of that connection.
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste shivered as Danikles stroked her face and nonchalantly explained the nature of what had just happened. "V-very pleasant," she agreed breathily as his touch sent tingles of stimulation echoing through her body. Still encircled by his arms, staring into his still swirling eyes, Celeste could think of little more than asking, begging to experience more of what Danikles had offered. Still, a part of her mind clung to her earlier promise to be more careful of the demons in this city. She had to be vigilant, lest she suffer from the corruption that she had been warned about. After a long agonizing moment, she managed to turn her eyes away from his entralling red orbs, looking around for anything around them to focus her attention on.

Despite her desperate attempts to find something else to focus on, Celeste couldn't ignore the wonderful feeling of Danikles' body against her, his hands still stroking her sides, and his voice ringing in her mind like the source of all warmth. His mention of research quickly piqued her interest, and she quickly looked back up into his face for a moment before blushing and turning away once again. "R-research?" she asked, gasping as his fingers brushed her waist for a moment. She paused for a moment, then said, "W-well, there are some... things I n-need to learn more about." She bit her lip as her hands involuntarily began to tighten against the commander's uniform. "I need to learn as much about demons as I can... for the Academy."
Re: Wizards are Easy (xivvix)

Celeste Seheraszad: HP = 44, PP = 57, EP = 47, Status = Fine

It was probably good that Celeste looked away when she did, as after the moment of clarity she took she realized that the demonic commander's lips had begun creeping back toward her own. There wasn't much to distract her with the objection of so much of her attention still right on top of her, the alcohol in her system and the hypnotic arousal that Danikles had induced in the bubbly mage making it difficult for her to see any of the passers by in any great detail. Finding no better recourse, Celeste found her gaze drawn back up to Danikles, to those bright crimson eyes that so effectively stoked the flames of desire and submission, though he seemed to have eased off on that effect enough that she wasn't totally overwhelmed.

"Well then," the demon said as he swept Celeste into a slow turn that put them facing down the street, "shall we away to your headquarters for some.... Research?"

Still held close against his side, Celeste would be walked slowly through the streets of Acheron towards the Academy headquarters. The lessened contact would let her get herself under control, to a point, but Danikles continued press against her side and his arm holding her around the waist was still as electric as ever. The alcohol running through her system made her slow to cool down and kept her from being able to concentrate on anything other than the thrumming need simmering in her belly. As they approached the door of the currently quiet building, she would have to decide just how far into the building she wanted to let him, as Danikles would aid her all the way up to her bedroom if she let him get away with it.