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Re: Woods

Melissa checks Awareness
7+6+2 vs. 14, Success

The altar, resting in the center of a small clearing, is little more than a roughly constructed cairn, partially overgrown with creeper vines and other weeds. Atop the pile of rocks is a smooth slab made of weathered granite; despite the exposure there’s no sign of moss or debris on the top of the altar. Around the altar are a number of smaller granite slabs resting on the earth, maybe some kind of makeshift stools?

Nearby, Melissa notices a pile of neatly folded grey robes and a few pairs of simple sandals. If she weren’t so focused on escaping from the slimes, maybe she’d want to examine them. She places her hands on the surprisingly cool stone and concentrates.

Melissa checks Meditation
9+6 +2 (Collected) +2 (Determined) –2 (Grappled) vs. 15, Success. 1 more success needed.

Slime 1 erotic attacks Melissa
11+6 vs. Melissa 15, Hit, 17 arousal

Rosie checks Meditation
9+6 +2 –2 (Grappled) vs. 15, Success. 1 more success needed.

Slime 2 erotic attacks Rosie
7+6 vs. Rosie 13, Graze 18/2 = 9 arousal.

The stone seems to grow warmer under Melissa’s hands as she concentrates and the sounds around her, her own moans, Rosie’s cries and the squishing slurp of the advancing slimes, become muted. She feels the remaining slime concentrating its movements on her extremely sensitive clit sending pulses of pleasure through her body, distracting her with the continued squeezes. As if from a great distance she hears Rosie saying, “It’s working… keep going a little more…”

Health 70/70, Energy 46/60, Arousal 17/60

Health 60/60, Energy 4/45, Arousal 38/45

Slime 1
Health 55/55, Energy 40/40, Arousal Threshold --

Slime 2
Health 0/55, Energy 34/40, Arousal Threshold --
Re: Woods

Melissa breathes out heavily as slime pulses into her sex, her knees trembling and bending. She slumps against the altar, her chest pressing up against it. "Keep... going... Rosie" she whispers, as she continues to imagine sinking into the altar. The idea of escaping the slime creatures, and the strange sensation of the warming stone and fading sounds strengthening her attempts to use the odd altar.

(use altar)
Re: Woods

(( I hate rounds like this >.< ))

Melissa checks Meditation
5+6 +2 (Collected) +2 (Determined) -2 (Grappled) vs. 15, Failure. 1 more success needed.

Slime 1 erotic attacks Melissa
8+6 vs. Melissa 15, Miss.

Rosie checks Meditation
5+6 +2 -2 (Grappled) vs. 15, Failure. 1 more success needed.

Slime 2 erotic attacks Rosie
4+6 vs. Rosie 13, Miss.

Melissa can't shake off the feelings of the slime's stimulation, she shivers against the warm stone and forces herself to think only about the ritual. For the moment, she manages to push through any more of the pleasure and press down against the stone; the slime's movements don't distract her any more. She feels something cool on her legs and realizes that while she's focusing on the altar, one of the slimes is wrapping around her body again, oozing over her lower body while she is distracted. Though she can't see it, Rosie is in the same situation, with a thick coating of slime creeping up he knees...

Health 70/70, Energy 46/60, Arousal 17/60

Health 60/60, Energy 4/45, Arousal 38/45

Slime 1
Health 55/55, Energy 40/40, Arousal Threshold --

Slime 2
Health 0/55, Energy 34/40, Arousal Threshold --
Re: Woods

Melissa grits her teeth as the slime continues to pulse in and out of her, resisting it's attempts. The cool gel slithering up her legs gives her goosebumps, and makes it even harder for her to concentrate, but she focuses anyway. Into the stone, into the stone...

(use altar, 10 energy for +2)
Re: Woods

Melissa checks Meditation
7+6 +2 (Collected) +2 (Determined) +2 (Energy) -2 (Grappled) vs. 15, Success. Altar activated for Melissa

Slime 1 erotic attacks Melissa
6+6 vs. Melissa 15, Miss.

Rosie checks Meditation
3+6 +2 -2 (Grappled) vs. 15, Failure. 1 more success needed.

Slime 2 erotic attacks Rosie
7+6 vs. Rosie 13, Graze, 13/2 = 6 arousal

Melissa feels the strangest sensation creeping through her body as the warmth seems to rise off the stone, up through her arms and into her body. She feels intensely dizzy and
tumbles forward, expecting to feel her head smacking into the stone altar. But it doesn't... Instead she feels a rush of air moving past her body, like she's falling through the air. Strange sounds fill her ears but even though she tries, Melissa can't open her eyes. Everything seems to be spinning around her...

And then it all stops. Melissa hears the sounds of the forest around her again, even a few birds tweeting. She can't feel the slimes any more and when she opens her eyes she is kneeling next to the altar, totally naked, but there is no sign of either Rosie or the slime monsters. A thick fog hangs in the air here, but something feels different...

Health 70/70, Energy 36/60, Arousal 17/60

(( OOC Information: The items that you found this morning are not here either. ))
Re: Woods

Melissa sighs as she sinks against the stone altar, breathing heavily in relief. Her eyes flick open and she runs her hands across her naked body, to make sure that all traces of the slime creatures are gone, inside and out. Clearing her throat she says, "I can't believe that worked." Hearing only silence, she turns in place, searching the area. "Rosie?" she asks, "Rosie!" Dread sinks in as she realizes that she is alone. "Shit," she mumbles, her hand coming to her mouth as her eyes search out among the trees, feeling vulnerable now. Standing up slowly, she looks around for the robes she had noticed earlier, or anything else that might be of assistance.

(search the area)
Re: Woods

Melissa checks Awareness
8+6 +2 (Perceptive) vs. 14, Success.

Melissa is relieved to discover that she's totally free of the slime. In fact, as she examines her body, she can find no indication that the slime had ever touched her; her skin is dry and there doesn't appear to be even the smallest trace of the creature that attacked her.

She scans the area, noticing that the clothes she noticed before are gone but that there is another pile of carefully folded clothing concealed a few paces away from the altar in a different spot. Thinking for a moment she looks at the trail that she and Rosie had rushed down but can see no signs of their tracks... very strange.

While she is looking down the trail, she hears a low humming sound behind her and quickly whirls around to find Rosie, slumped against the stone altar, having appeared a few moments after Melissa. The other woman seems only barely conscious.

Health 70/70, Energy 46/60, Arousal 17/60

Health 60/60, Energy 2/45, Arousal 45/45
Re: Woods

"Rosie!" Melissa says, running to the girl and hugging her. "It worked!" She backed away from Rosie and looked at her. "Hey, you okay?" she asked gently, a hand on the girl's cheek. "Hang on, Rosie," she says, noticing the girls flush and fatigue. Melissa heads to the pile of clothing and picks through it, trying to find enough for both of them. The encounters with both the tentacled plant and the slimes makes her grab as much she can. With the clothes in hand she rushes back to Rosie and asks, "Here's some clothes. We should get to your grandfather's house as soon as we can. How are you feeling?"
Re: Woods

Rosie groans weakly, “Yeah, it worked.” She wraps her arms around her body and hugs herself, “At least we got away even if…” She accepts the robes and sandals thankfully, dressing herself with shaking hands and trying to calm down. She looks around the forest clearing, “Guess Granddad’s stories weren’t all bullshit after all. Shouldn’t be much farther, I guess he built it to keep close to that thing,” she says, nodding her head towards the altar. She looks around the area, “Damn, what happened to our guns? I don’t even have my hunting knife.”

Standing up gingerly, Rosie braces herself against a tree, obviously still shaking and distracted. “Okay… we should head north. It shouldn’t take more than an hour,” she pauses, “If the trails are clear…”


Health 70/70, Energy 52/60, Arousal 11/60

Health 60/60, Energy 5/45, Arousal 39/45
Re: Woods

Melissa dresses as Rosie does, then answers her question. "I don't know. I don't see my cell phone either, or the keys to my bike. At least the slime creatures aren't gone though."

Upon seeing Rosie's still weakened state, Melissa moves to catch her. "Whoa, okay, hold on. Let's just rest a second, okay?" She leans the girl against the tree, then settles in herself.

Re: Woods

Melissa meditates
9+6 +2 (Collected) vs. 14, Success. +20 Energy

Rosie meditates
8+6 vs. 14, Success. +5 Energy

"Yeah, okay," nods Rosie, seeming relieved to slump back down and lean against a tree. "This has been a hell of a day. Thanks for sticking with me, I don't even want to think about what would've happened if I'd been alone this whole time."

The forest doesn't seem quite as strangely silent as it did a few minutes ago, when they first parked the motorcycle, but as she looks around the clearing Melissa notices signs that someone has been here recently. Several sets of fresh footprints in the dirt lead towards the altar.

Health 70/70, Energy 60/60, Arousal 11/60

Health 60/60, Energy 10/45, Arousal 39/45
Re: Woods

"I wouldn't want to be out here by myself either," she replied with a smile a light touch on the arm. Leaving Rosie to sit by the tree, Melissa goes to investigate the footprints. "Looks like someone else has been here recently," she called out.

(check out footprints, let Rosie rest a bit more)
Re: Woods

There are several different sets of footprints. Checking them out and comparing them to her own, Melissa realizes that whoever made the tracks was wearing the same style of sandals as the ones that she found near the altar. Confusingly, it appears that all the tracks are leading in to the clearing; there's no sign that anybody has left the area.

"Other people, huh?" says Rosie, standing up and moving along behind Melissa, "Wonder what they were doing out here. Granddad used to talk about coming out her but he made it sound like he was the only one." She stops and looks up, "Hold on... you hear that?"

Melissa can hear something; it sounds like something moving through the wood, approaching the glade.
Re: Woods

Melissa immediately stands and faces the sound. "Yeah," she said simply. "It could be more people like the ones who left these tracks, but let's not take any chances," she said, lightly pushing on Rosie's arm. She led the girl to a small group of bushes not far away from the altar. If the approaching noises were people, perhaps they could get help. If not...

(use stealth)
Re: Woods

Melissa checks Stealth
7+8 +2 (Dexterous) = 17

Rosie checks Stealth
9+6 = 15

XXXX checks Awareness
3+5 = 8

The two women conceal themselves in the bushes near the forest glade, hoping that the robes won't be too obvious to anything that's searching around for them out here. As they crouch in the bush, Melissa and Rosie hear the sounds getting closer and realize that they're listening to footsteps.

Three grey robed figures enter the clearing, oblivious to the two women's presence and approach the stone altar. To Melissa's surprise, they begin stripping out of their sandals and robes (two men and one woman) revealing that they're naked (although each one is carrying a strange looking knife) and taking positions around the altar.
Re: Woods

At first relieved by the sight of humans, Melissa quickly becomes confused at their actions. Her eyebrows raise as the figures strip, then narrow as she notices the knives. With a hand on Rosie's arm, she signals the girl to stay hidden.

(stay hidden and watch)
Re: Woods

Once they've stripped and folded their robes, Melissa watches the three people kneel around the altar, each one placing both their hands flat on top of the granite slab. They close their eyes and begin to whisper some kind of chant, low enough that Melissa can't make out any of the words, although she is pretty sure that it's not in English or French. She feels Rosie tense up next to her, but the hunter stays quiet.

As the chant continues, Melissa is shocked to see each of the figures in turn yawn deeply, close their eyes and slump forward against the altar. Once all three are asleep, their forms seem to lose cohesion, blurring and fading away like smoke in the wind. The three disappear along with their knives, leaving no trace behind in the glade.
Re: Woods

Melissa stares wide-eyed at the scene, the sudden disappearance of the figures rendering her speechless. Slowly, she stands and approaches the altar, searching for some kind of trap door, mirror, or other sleight of hand trick. Finding nothing, she places her hands on the stone. 'Is that how we escaped the slimes?' she thought, her mind racing as she considered the implications.

Finally she turns to Rosie and says, "I think we should get to your house."
Re: Woods

"...Yeah, me too," Rosie stares, wide-eyed, back to Melissa. "It's a pretty long walk. We should get started." She rises to her legs, wobbling faintly before taking a calming breath. "Just so long as no more of that slime's hanging around, we should be okay..."
Re: Woods

"Yeah," Melissa mumbles, before taking a step towards Rosie. She reaches out to support the girl, afraid that she might not be strong enough to run should there be trouble, but too unnerved by everything that has happened to want to stay in the woods any longer than they had to. "Come on, Rosie, I got you," she says softly, leading the girl back to the path.

(head for the house)