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Jun 20, 2019
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Hello and welcome!
I bring to you the very rough draft/proof of concept of my RPG Maker H game! I am very new to RPG Maker, pixel art, and animation, so this has been quite a learning experience.
I present:

The Antiquarian Journals


What I want to make:
I want to make a pixel animated H game of the same quality or higher quality than my favorite H pixel games. Pixel Town and Alternate DImansion (both by Sprite Hills) have heavily inspired me to undertake this project and see it through to the end. I will strive for animations as good as theirs, but what I want to do differently is incorporate regular game aspects as well. I want my game to be fun to play for both H features but also just as a regular game. This means an engaging story, enjoyable and rewarding combat, non-H quests, non-H events.

What I have finished so far:

  1. Prologue cutscene with Irisa, multiple interactions with her after she wakes you up, and entirety of first day finished. Masturbation at end of first day with multiple options to think about (H scene not finished). Watch Irisa get dressed in the morning of 2nd day (H scene not finished).
  2. Interaction with toilets around the map to relieve need to pee variable.
  3. Need to pee variable influenced by liquids drank.
  4. Can receive bottled water from sink(s). Bread from pantry. Can read collected books at book shelf.
  5. Can get bottles of wine from wine rack.
  6. Fully mapped cabin, mountain glade (outside cabin), surrounding forest, swimming beach, university courtyard, University restroom, Novice and adept libraries, path to village, village outskirts, village market, village center.
  7. Face sheets for Avery's basic expressions and lore/magic tomes.
  8. Custom animations for custom starting spells.
  9. Goblins in the forest to fight. 6 sprite variations. 3 custom skills (various claw attacks)
  10. Merchants in village market sell various items, jewelry, food, drinks, and so on.
  11. Removing school outfit changes Avery to be a bra/underwear sprite, removing bra and underwear changes Avery to a nude sprite. (Still working on implementing restrictions for this so Avery cannot get nude just anywhere, however with high corruption and low shyness she may be brave enough some day ;) )
Planned H features:
More will be added to this list as time goes on, these are the "near" future plans.

Disclaimer: there will be NO massive unrealistic titties in this game.

SYSTEMS- general
  1. Can either stand up for and protect, or neglect and humiliate your little sister. Depending on how you deal with certain interactions with your sister she will grow to like you or dislike you. This will open up different opportunities. (Yuri, Wetting, Urine, Incest, Masturbation, group activities with other students, bestiality, BDSM).
  2. Make Avery into the character you want based on your choices. At night she can masturbate to different topics, opening up opportunities in the game. This is a big feature I've always wanted in most RPG H games I have played. You're not into ________? Well too bad, it's in the game. I HATED that. With my game, no fetish paths open until you tell the game you're into it by having Avery masturbate about it at night at least once. Returning to the same thought night after night opens up further opportunities.
  1. Can peep on sister doing various personal activities. (Dressing, masturbating, peeing, dog bestiality)
  2. Depending on how you deal with certain interactions with your sister, she will grow to like you or dislike you. This will open up different opportunities and lock you out of other oppertinities (Yuri, incest, Wetting, Urine, Masturbation, group activities with other students)
  3. Sister has a nervous bladder, can scare her in different situations to cause a wetting accident. (Urine, Wetting)
  4. If you are kind enough to her you can form a relationship with her (Yuri, incest)
PC- Avery
  1. Decide how daring Avery is: decide not to wear a bra/underwear, midnight pee naked at risk of encountering sister, and so on. These decisions may or may not effect following events.
  2. You can humiliate Avery in certain situations, changing certain stats.
  3. Masturbation, peeing, and more at various places around game space depending on corruption, shyness, and lust levels. Different activities, drinks, choices made, and so on will raise or lower these attributes.

A lot of this game is focused around exploration and encountering events as you explore. Sometimes your sister will be accompanying you, sometimes you will find her places. Eventually you learn that there are several different creatures of darkness in the surrounding areas and take it upon yourselves to hunt them down. The girls find several mysterious journals written by an unknown antique and artifact hunter, each explains the location of a long lost relic and the beast which protects it. Some H scenes will happen after combat, most will be triggered by events or choices in dialogue or quests. Core game play is exploration (encounters, quest events, not repeatable) trigger-able events (activities, usually repeatable) and combat (defeat H scenes, repeatable)

Current status of development:
I am very confident that my RPG Maker abilities are solid.
My pixel art and animation skills are a little rough still, but with the help of my pixel artist the art is coming along very well.
The areas I need some help in are getting my animations into RPG Maker.
The first H scene is currently being worked on!

I am now curious where a good place to purchase some Hentai sound assets would be, if anybody has any sites or suggestions on this matter please feel free to shoot me a PM. :)

Support the project:
If you want to help me out with my project in any way feel free to PM me here on ulmf. If you have any ideas/feedback on anything i am happy to hear it!
Also feel free to check out my patreon!

For those who took the time to read through this, I sincerely thank you! Happy hentai hunting!


  • Mountain Glade.png
    Mountain Glade.png
    925.4 KB · Views: 89
  • University Courtyard.png
    University Courtyard.png
    602.8 KB · Views: 87
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Could you add more of a gameplay description for those who haven't played your inspiration games? Like, are the scenes in combat? Do you get them through dialogue? What's the core gameplay loop?
I would be happy to!
In Pixel Town you play as a school girl who is looking for clues about a friend who is missing. There is no combat. You find items to help you progress through certain situations, usually if you dont have the required item(s) you will fail and be met with an H scene and game over afterward. What inspires me most here is the high quality pixel animation, and the dialoge that gives a good feel for personality in the characters.

In Alternate DiMansion Diary you also play as a school girl, but this time you get lost while on a hike. You stumble upon a mansion in the woods and try to find help here. This is my favorite of the two and i dont want to give too many spoilers, i would highly suggest checking this one out (i was surprised to find it available to buy on steam). But basically it is a mystery puzzle game, no combat, you also find items to progress but this time having the required items causes H scenes and there are no game overs (as far as i have got thru the game, about half way based on the walkthru, i am savoring it hahah) my insperation here is that the game itself is very entertaining, you could remove all the adult content and a kid could play it and enjoy it. You have to be somewhat observant and keep track of different things you find or see that may become important later. In pixel town the gameplay itself is similar to rpg maker, and when H scenes happen the quality goes way up in scene. In Alternate DiMansion Diary, the ENTIRE game is the quality of the H scenes in pixel town. If it is okay, i wouldnt mind taking some screen shots in both games to post here for anyone who wants to see exactly what i mean.
Also if there is anything i didnt clarify dont hesitate to ask for more details :)
Could you add more of a gameplay description for those who haven't played your inspiration games? Like, are the scenes in combat? Do you get them through dialogue? What's the core gameplay loop?

I realize now you may have been referring to adding more of a description of my game and not a description of the inspiration games, I have updated the story line information section to include more details.

Also an unrelated note, I have been hard at work learning the art of pixel art. Here are some animations i created as to get myself familiarized with the software and animating. feel free to let me know what you think, compliments or criticisms!
24270 24271 24272
This is actually generating some hype in me, exactly the type of game I like. Hope the project doesn't die, i've had so many do so :p
This is actually generating some hype in me, exactly the type of game I like. Hope the project doesn't die, i've had so many do so :p
I am so glad to hear! This is something i have wanted to make for years and i am surprised how easy it is so far, i feel pretty confident that within a month i will have a prologue with at least 20 mins of gameplay and at least a few H scenes, the hardest part so far is creating the animations at the quality i want them to be, but i am getting the hang of it faster than i thought i would! Your hype is very encouraging!

The animations doesn't look too bad.
Thank you! These are my first animations ever, I am excited to see how good i can do a few months or even a few weeks from now! I will make sure to post regular updates on here every few days/ once a week to share with everybody what i have been working on and the progress made. More animations coming soon!

Made this face image today, definitely still a rough draft. I want to make the eye look better, probably more shading, and i need to make the green background transparent or add a frame around the image. Any suggestions or comments are appreciated!

Edit: i made the image smaller than i should have and had to stretch it to fit the box, definitely needs some touching up i did not notice til i zoomed in, the finished image will look much better ;D
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Finished an image of Irisa, not sure which hair style she should have, which one looks better? Please let me know what you all think!
1) 24557 or 2) 24558

Also, the revised face image for Avery will be finished tomorrow, it looks much better now but still not finished.
I would say picture number 1 looks best. I also like picture number 2 as well!

Alllright it is here at last! Took much longer than i had wanted, my friend offered to go over it for me and i must say, it looks great! Took awhile but well worth it if you ask me. We will be working together on all future pixel art and animations, i am going to take on the game design aspects of the project while she will make my rough draft pixel art look incredible! We will begin working on Irisa's face tomorrow. Once Irisa's face is done we will make the expression variations for them both. We will take breaks from this now and again to work on our first H scene animation! The classic nightly masturbation. I am really excited to see how nice this is going to turn out with help from my pixel master friend!

I feel as though this image of Avery makes her look surprised/shocked, specifically the eye may be too wide open, please let me know what you think below, I really enjoy the feedback :)

Also, the standing picture of Irisa posted on friday will receive some touching up as well, i realized after posting she needs shading on her arms and legs which i somehow forgot to do. Has been a very scatterbrained week for me. Should look much better all once all finished up, but our priorities for now are face images and the first H animation.
I have to say, you friend made your pixel art quite well. I wonder how the nightly masturbation scene is going to turn out. I'm sure its going to turn out great, just like the picture shown!
First Avery expression sheet: finished!

Tomes you learn spells from, some teach H spells and some combat spells: half finished, they all will get more detail and touch ups.

Did a bunch of mapping in RPG maker,
finished up about half of the prologue
added more interactive items around the house and world:
Screenshot (172).png Screenshot (173).png Screenshot (174).png Screenshot (175).png Screenshot (176).png Screenshot (177).png Screenshot (178).png

A rough draft of Irisa's face is well underway too! Hopefully I will have some Irisa related things to post soon!
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That’s good to hear! You completed Avery’s expression sheet? It’s worth keeping my eyes out for Irisa’s face expression and more details about this spells.
That’s good to hear! You completed Avery’s expression sheet? It’s worth keeping my eyes out for Irisa’s face expression and more details about this spells.
Thank you! This expression sheet is complete, unless anybody has ideas or feedback on how it could be improved :)

There will likely be another that is similar to this one posted above, and a third with blushy faces for embarrassed and lewd dialogue. I will soon update the main post to include new info about general progress made so far and a few other things, including a list of spells, their combat and H uses in game, and which books they are learned from.

A big thing i am working on right now is creating a student training area within the school that allows for teleport into areas with enemies that may be hard to come by. For example, instead of traveling for months to a volcano to find some fire enemies, the university can telelport you to a training ground where you can fight these fire enemies. But first we need some awesome spells to defeat them with!

Meanwhile my pixel artist is working on the irisa face sheet, we should have something to post for Irisa within a few days, but no promises! :)
"Disclaimer: there will be NO massive unrealistic titties in this game. "

no giant tits?aight bro i'm boutta head out.

the game looks pretty good by the way,wish you luck.
"Disclaimer: there will be NO massive unrealistic titties in this game. "

no giant tits?aight bro i'm boutta head out.

the game looks pretty good by the way,wish you luck.
Thank you! I wouldn't check out that quick though, the two main characters have small or medium sized breasts, but i plan to incorporate two friends of theirs down the road. Beside to have a party size of 4 for combat, i plan to use these two new characters to appeal to fan base requests. One or both of them will very likely end up having rather large breasts.

I found this pic in a quick google search to help explain the disclaimer:
The woman on the left has a breast size that you may find in the game eventually, if people are wanting them. The woman on the right has massive unrealistic titties, and there is nothing wrong with that. To each their own, that is the glorious part about hentai, there is something for everyone somewhere out there!
I hope things are going Well. I’m looking forward to playing the demo!
I'm back, sorry for the long silence, one thing led to another and i had little time for the project for awhile. I wanted to have some cool updates for when i posted again, which made the wait a little longer, but some serious progress has been made. so here it goes.

The Art Updates:


Irisa's face is done, likely to get some updates and touch ups though


Avery is getting some upgrades!

Once the face sheets are finished we will move on to the the night time masturbation and dressing scenes.

The Game updates:
Two major game features have been implemented!

Finding spell tomes, Learning spells from them!
Currently there are two spell tomes, one fire (3 spells) one ice (2 spells), a total of 5 spells that can be learned. two spells are exclusive to Irisa, meaning only she can learn them, and two are exclusive to Avery. This is because of the difference in their skill and how their minds apply magic to spell casting. The tomes are not recipe books on how to create a fireball or lightning strike, instead they simply give a magic user the knowledge needed to create spells of their own design. There will be several tomes in the finished game, some can only be studied by one of the girls, some will be completely usable by both.
A new equipment slot had been added called "Spellbook." This is essentially a buff item slot but may have more function in the future. certain books may be found that cannot teach the girls anything new, yet still hold magical power and could enhance their abilities as a catalyst for their magic in combat. Tomes of power that teach the girls spells, once all the spells have been learned and the book mastered, can be equip in this slot and provide strong buffs.

Gathering plants, making potions from them!
Currently there are 10 potion ingredients, 6 of which can be found in the mountain forest, 2 spawn in either the forest or caves.
There are 6 potions, all variations of hp restore, mp restore, or hp&mp restore, but there will be potions that have certain uses or special effects later.
The ingredients have a random spawn system so they will not always be there when entering a world space.
There are two books that teach the girls how to make these potions, at this point any potion making requires finding one of the two books, but there will be potions they can make before finding the books too.
To make a potion you need an empty bottle and the two ingredients, though some potions have more ingredients.

The Map Updates:


I've made a map of the world spaces within the game, the lines show travel points from one space to the next, I made the paved road grey and forest paths black. The large red dots show where there will be more world spaces, and the purple ones show where i might add more world spaces. the purple X's mean the same thing as the purple dots, but in between two already existing world spaces. Gold buildings and world spaces are restrooms, though some non gold building have restrooms, and there are many other spots that become available if either girl needs to pee enough. the blue spots are lakes. The exteriors are mostly 99% done, the interiors of the village buildings are 20% done

Below will detail what benefits certain areas serve.
gold means it's in the project, its exterior and interior is built, and it is fully implemented/functional.
green means it is in the project and the exterior is built, but not complete enough for the player to use.
Red means it is guaranteed to be added at a later date.
Purple means its an idea under consideration but not guaranteed to be in the project.

The Village has:
Bathhouse (washing, peeping, stealing Irisas clothes, decrease shyness, public fun)
Inn (rest to restore stats, events with irisa, public fun)
Park (public fun, events with irisa)
Bar (serve drinks for money, decrease shyness, buy alcohol, events with irisa)
Church (manually decrease corruption, buy items)
Library (local quests, manually increase knowledge, public fun)

The Village Outskirts has:
(trinket tent, supply tent, produce tent, food tent, trading hub, quests)
Farms (shops, work for money, events with irisa, horses and doggies, public fun)
Black Market/Hidden Market (perhaps the girls could acquire certain kinky items here?)
Abandoned House (perhaps the girls could have fun in the abandoned house local teens use as a hangout spot?)

The University has:
The Gardens
(shops, learning alchemy, public fun)
The Archives (learning spells, public fun, manually increase knowledge)
Training Arena (combat training with trainers and student duels)
Student Dorms (maybe the girls are invited to a sleepover with a student in the dorms? maybe there is a mid spring break party in the dorms?)
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