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You Can Trust Me (Alexia)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Alexia tossed and turned in her sleep, her mind constantly wanting to think about sex, about raping humans, male or female to satisfy this mad lust growing inside her. As time went on after the strange event with the pearl, Alexia slowly felt the island's curse seep into her being, more and more with every passing day. Her dreams are filled with thoughts of her, attacking and raping humans, pouncing on men, feeling them cum inside her. Pinning women to the ground, and making them cum over and over again...

Alexia suddenly woke up in a cold sweat, inside the giant dark cave of the Lizard Folk that allowed her to stay, given their shared ancestry. Most of the women that were apart of this clan were still awake, some conversing, others still working. Alexia eventually found the Lizard women of this clan to be tireless workers, only resting for a quarter of a day, and still having an incredible amount of energy during the day.

The Lizard woman that gave her a combination of leaves and other strange, soft material with which to lay on the rock noticed her 'cousin,' as she always called Alexia, awaken, and started walking over to her. "You were having nightmares again, cousin," she said, her voice echoing loudly in the large cave. The woman's name was Azure. She had brown hair, long enough for her to tie it into a pony tail that only went down past her shoulders. Her eyes were yellow, and catlike in that her pupils were almost always thin. But, whenever she appeared to be looking for something, they widen out.

"What were you dreaming about?"
Re: The tale of a dragon (Alexia)

Alexia just laid there and waved a claw at her 'cousin'. She felt she was about as related to these girls as well... well, as much as a cow was related to a pig. She half jokingly smiles, "I dreamed about being accepted as a full red dragon amongst my peers and eating a full and delicious meal!~"

And gets up into a sitting position, looking at the lizardfolk running around the cave, she had been trying to keep her dreams a secret. After all, the last thing you would want in your home is a rampaging lustful dragonkin, "Then of course my mother shows up and tells me how I'm worthless and not really a full dragon and ecetera and ecetera...". It was a weak lie at best, except for the part about her mother. That overgrown lizard scared the crap out of her, but it was a lie she told often enough that it seemed real.

She gets up slowly and gives a shake, loosening the pieces of shrubbery that was stuck to her skin, "So what's up with you, miss 'I never sleep!'"
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Azure nodded her head, "I'm sure that once you become mighty enough, she'll recognize she was wrong to shun you." she thought, "Once you become strong enough, you must go back to her, and show her your true strength!" she said with pride. The Lizard folk were proud of their strength and skill in combat. And whenever someone claimed they weren't worthy, they simply fought with the one who made the claim, to 'prove' their worth.

She stood up with Alexia, "A true warrior can go without sleep for long periods of time. It is a measure of willpower in the individual." she claimed, "But you, you are lazy!" she chuckled a little, "You will never prove your mother wrong at this rate. You must train more!" she announced. "I heard there will be more travelers going through the rain forest, and that there was a strong looking warrior with them," she told her, "Why don't you get yourself a morning exercise?" she suggested, her meaning being that she thinks Alexia should actually attack the travelers.
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia yawns and walks towards the entrance, shaking herself awake to prepare to take off into the sky, "I guess... I'll see you in a bit then." She walks to the edge and takes a giant leap, flying towards the forest as she yawns again and mutters to herself, "Most dragons just sleep all day... why did I have to stay with them... oh right, because I need a place to stay..."

Swooping around in a few circles, she carefully stays on the look out for the supposed group, she probably wasn't going to do much damage, set them on fire maybe, but not much... at least she hoped she wouldn't do much...
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

After a time of searching, Alexia saw, with her superior eyes, a group of three. A man and a woman, donned in the usual fare of travelers clothes, and a strange figure, wearing powerful looking armor. The warrior was fully dressed in heavy armor, all the way right up to the helmet, as if ready for war... Or a tough opponent. Either way, they were moving slow, as the travelers were carrying goods on their back, with the warrior taking the lead...
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia flies a few more circles, planning on how to attack. The small nagging feeling in the back of her head was pushing her towards doing something she didn't really want to do, but she decided after her fifth round that horny or not, she was going to fight these humans and take their goods...

She dives down as hard as she could in front of the group, trying to make a strong first impression, "Where do you humans think you're going huh~?"
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

The man and the woman screamed as Alexia appeared in front of them, but the warrior didn't seem moved. The two traders screamed for the knight to help them, and that's what the voiceless knight did, drawing his sword, and pointing it at Alexia, grabbing it in both hands. The next thing she knew, the knight was charging at her. The warrior made a quick slash, and to his surprise, and Alexia's annoyance, the blade simply made a *clink* against her dragon scales, rendering the attack useless, as Alexia's scales were the best armor in the whole world.
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia looks at the blade, then at the warrior, then pulls back her fist and swings it upwards as hard as she could in a single uppercut, trying to knock him off his feet as she let out a low growl, "I was just going to ask for some of your goods~ you're really going to regret doing that..."
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia's fist connected with the helmet of the warrior, sending the piece of armor flying off of the human's head, while the human itself fell down on it's rear. When Alexia looked, she did not see a man, as anyone would have presumed when they saw the armor. Instead, Alexia found herself looking at the face of a beautiful female knight... One of the kind she vividly remembers raping in her dreams, a powerful human, being subject to her will...

The human woman had long, silver hair, tucked into her armor, and bright blue eyes. She looked very young, and youthful... Not to mention attractive. The woman shouted to the two travelers she was accompanying, "Run! I'll handle this monster!" she told them, getting to her feet, and recollecting herself, as if ready for another attack.

Meanwhile, the two, middle aged, and nowhere near as desirable humans ran off, and as they did, the female knight stood, as if ready to stop Alexia from chasing them...
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia smiles at the knight, starting to lose a little bit of control as she carefully watches her motions, pointing at the sword, "Who're you calling a monster~? You were the first to attack after all~"

She suddenly pulls her arm back for another hard punch at the knight, hoping to knock the breath out of her for a quick victory.
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Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

"Shut up!" the woman shouted to Alexia, charging at her with her sword, aiming for a part that looked to be covered in less scales, only for Alexia to actually grab the sword in her reptilian hand, holding it, and the woman in place. The knight gasped as her weapon was caught, and simply stood as Alexia's powerful fist came flying at her. Her knuckles slammed against the woman's stomach, making her exhale sharply from the shock. The blow sent her weak human body back some distance, losing her grip on her only weapon, which was now in Alexia's hands, and her dignity as she fell to the ground on her back.

She lay there, panting, trying to get her breath back, before getting up only enough to look over at Alexia, at which point, she began to crawl backwards, "You monster!" she shouted, "What are you!?!"
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Looking the weapon over slowly Alexia grunts, "You came at me with such a worthless weapon... what an insult~ even those silly lizardfolk have better crafted weapons than you!"

She slams the weapon into the ground blade first then walks over to her fallen prey, "As for what I am, I'm surprised you haven't recognized me... you must be new around here~" She suddenly lunges forward and plants a foot squarely on the knight's abdomen, trying to prevent her from moving, "And who are you~ and where are you from~?"
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

The female knight grunted, and grasped the leg holding her down in both hands, in a futile attempt to get herself free. "I don't have to tell you anything, monster!" she spat. After noticing that trying to use brute force to get herself free wouldn't work, she drew a small knife hidden on the side of her leg, and desperately tried to stab Alexia's foot, her blade, once again, unable to pierce her tough dragon skin.

"Get off of me at once!" she demanded, and to Alexia, she almost sounded like one of those, holier-than-thou noblewomen. Her ceremonial armor, haughty expression on her desperate face, and accent only helped to further that suspicion.
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia let out a low growl and began to push her foot down onto the knight, pressing hard against her armor, threatening to crush her under her foot, "Beg for your life you miserable human~!"
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

The white haired young woman gasped, and clenched her teeth as she felt Alexia's foot threaten to crush her, "S... Stop..." she pleads as she is nearly unable to breath from the pressure. Alexia was sure, if she kept the pressure up, the woman would likely fall unconscious from lack of air.
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia eases her foot off, standing in front of the knight with a cruel smile on her face, "You went through the forest without paying the toll~ you insulted me, one of the great red dragons~ and now you're going to pay for it. Remove your armor and your clothing, or I'll do it for you~"

She takes a step back to allow the knight to get up, "And if you even think about running away or asking questions, I will set you on fire and let you bake in your little metal oven."
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

The woman went slightly wide-eyed at the order to remove her armor and clothes. She gives a defiant look to the Dragoness, "I-I'll never do such a thing!" she announced, slightly crawling away backwards from Alexia. It appeared the woman didn't want to go willing... Well, on the bright side, Alexia remembers, fondly or not, of her dreams, raping people just as haughty as her, the thrill of making them beg for her to make them cum again, and utterly humiliating them a very permanent memory from her dreams...
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia shrugs as she looks at the knight, "Well, I was only doing that to give you the option of saving that nice looking armor~" Taking a few steps forward and easily catching up with the knight, Alexia bends down to grab at the knight's breastplate, pulling it apart as hard as she could.
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

The woman tried feeble attempts to kick Alexia, but not before she latched onto the woman's armor, easily pulling it off with her greater strength. As soon as she broke the strap's holding the front and back tightly together, and bent the plate horridly, she caught sight of just how large the knight's breasts where, large, round and firm, as they bounced a little, covered by her shirt as they were no longer being held by the armor.

The rest of the woman's armor depended on the plate, and so she was robbed of that as well. She blushed, and quickly stood up as Alexia made off with the plate, trying to run away... However, the human's steps were dreadfully slow compared to her own, and catching up to her would only be a minor nuisance. It appeared the woman didn't know who she was dealing with...
Re: The tale of a cursed dragon (Alexia)

Alexia laughs as she waits for a few seconds, then suddenly charges at the knight, trying to knock her down and strip her completely, "I oughta burn you to a crisp for that~! But I have something much more interesting and fun in mind..."