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Yukimura Estate, Session 1


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
"These new maids, they are an intriguing lot, wouldn't you say, Fade?"



"The honest answer sir? They seem unruly and undisciplined. You must forgive me, Master Gomon, but I do not see why you sent the former help away."

"You've already answered your own question, Fade. You would have me accept a clay pot, made in a form I find unsightly, brittle to any change I would work upon it. No, Fade. I desire to make my own pot."

"Is that not illegal, sir?"

"What? No! Not that pot, I meant like a clay pot, clay!"

"I did not know the Master enjoyed pottery, sir."

"I don't! It was a metaphor!"



"So do these new girls -"

"Yes, they look as if they will do. Remind me of their names, please."

"Certainly sir. I have the list here."

"That silver haired one... she was screened by my agent in Attam, yes? What does it say about her?"

"Her name is Inoue Kasumi, age 25. A sad case. Seems she has lost her memory. She has no clue as to her own identity. No known family or references."

"How did she get past the screening process?"

"Your agent said he knew your tastes. He said he saw some things in her that you might appreciate. He notes her eagerness to be given a chance."

"Hmm. Kasumi..."

"The next girl is Ayeka. Last name Hirokisha."

"You needn't bother reminding me of her. I hired her personally last night, remember?"

"Ah yes. I thought she had a fae look about her. Something odd in those flame colored eyes of hers. Whatever did you see in her, sir?"

"I saw a wildness, and a challenge. She was very eager to sign the contract, who can deny such energy?"

"As you say, sir. The next girl, the one in the middle with the red hair, her name is Zehasael."

"An odd name. Where is she from?"

"It doesn't say. The agent said that he acquired her services through meeting with an intermediary contact, willing to pay to have her be trained properly as a maid."

"Not slavers, I hope?"

"Your agent has addressed that in his notes. He doesn't believe so. The group has paid a modest sum to secure the contract, and has agreed to pay twice that if she can be trained to proper levels."

"Is that what it says? Hmm. We are not a maid training service you know... ah but it may be quite interesting. Who knows, she may surprise us."

"Of course sir. Moving on, the blond maid is named Shiina, age 20."

"Twenty? She looks barely sixteen. Granted a well-endowed youth but still."

"It says here she's 20."

"She has an eye patch... does that mean?"

"The agent says that she suffered an injury while in your family's service. She is quite familiar with the Yukimura household, now she's simply being moved to your estate in return for her loyalty."

"Ah, no doubt a gift from my parents. I'm sure you approve as well. Still... look at that hair... those curls... how does it even stay like that?"

"I do not know sir. The last maid... her name is Ariane."

"Those pale eyes and white hair... she looks ghostly. But something about her suggests high bearing."

"She showed up to the interview with an incredible service record. Several strong references as well were all willing to vouch for her. Your agent thought she might be a good candidate for the head maid position."

"We'll see. Come then Fade, let us go and meet them properly.'


After having arrived at the grand palatial estate known as the Chateaux Azure, the five maids had been ushered in by the tall, dark, and handsome butler and shown to separate quarters. Each with their own room, with their very own, freshly laundered maid uniform ready to be donned. Each had been told that a bell would ring when the master was ready to meet them, until then they were told to get dressed and be ready to attend to the master immediately.

Their rooms were furnished pleasantly, with a comfy double sized mattress, and sheets the same color as their uniforms. Each had been given a small writing desk, with a candle lamp, as well as some ink and spare paper for writing letters to any correspondences they wished to keep. A small walk-in closet roughly half the length of the room was given to each to store her belongings, as well as a shoulder height wooden dresser, with five drawers, for additional storage space. A small table and chair were in the corner, where they could eat their own meals in privacy if they wished. Finally, a small shelf had been provided for them to put a few books or display items on. Each bedroom had a window that looked out onto the eastern side of the estate, across a well kept garden with many beautiful varieties of flowers, and curving slate rock paths winding their way amongst the flowerbeds.

Curiously, the ceiling of each room was a mirror, reflecting an upside down world right back at them. They did not realize it, but on the other side of the (one-way) mirror ceilings, their master Yukimura Gomon was already studying them from a secret hall on the second floor, with his loyal butler by his side. Had they known this, they might have been a bit more shy about the way they undressed and then redressed into their maid uniforms.

Finally, the bell chimed at 10:00 sharp in the morning, and the five maids exited their adjacent rooms, joining one another in the hall. Fade waited for them at the end of the hall.

"I have been instructed by Master Gomon to give the five of you a brief overview of the house. The house can best be described as being composed of a central hall, with both a western and eastern wing. It has two floors, as well as a small attic space at the pinnacle of the central part used for storage. You are now in the eastern wing on the first floor. Five bedrooms face the east, as well as a communal bath and lavatory at the northern end of this hall. Along the western edge of this hallway are a door leading to the rumpus room, and another to a large storage closet, which has in the past been used as a costume room. You may be called to appear in a number of costumes at the master's discretion, you will find such int that room."

Turning on his heels, the butler walked south leading them past a short hallway dominated on either side by large window which looked out onto grassy garden space on either side, though on their right they could see part of the central hall through a large window across the inner garden. In the corner ahead of them before they would turn right to go to the main hall, they saw a well kept spiral stairwell with a polished wood railing that led to the second floor.

"On the second floor of the eastern wing you will find a study room set aside for your collective uses, as well as an art studio and gallery. In the west wing on the first floor you will find my chambers at the far north end, and pool for recreational use. along the west, with a changing room, and a few spare guest rooms. The second floor of the western wing is where you shall find the master's chambers, his private study, and bath, along with bedrooms reserved for our honored guests. These, it should go without saying, are to kept in pristine condition at all times."

The butler moved on, stepping quickly into the main hall. Beside a semi-eliptical foyer which they had all entered through, when passing the grand entrance doors facing south, there was a large open space with two grand stair cases leading up to the east and west balconies on the second floor.

"These first two doors on your right are the laundry and kitchen, respectively. Directly across from the kitchens you will find the dining room, where we are headed. There is also a small cloak room, over there, and a ballroom and entertainment lounge dominate the northern edge of the house, behind those two doors. There are several other minor rooms, down here and then several major ones upstairs, including the library, office, conservatory, and armory, but we shall get to those in time."

Beside the door to the dining room were four carts and a decanter of wine with a wine glass next to it.

"Your master wishes to see how well you serve him. Each of you, take a cart or the wine. Then you may enter after I announce you."

The butler then went through the door, announced the names of the five maids, and held the door open for them. A grand dining table was in the center of the room, and sitting at one end was a young man in his mid twenties, dressed in the imperial style uniform of his household, with a violet sash crossing over from his right shoulder to left hip. He had long, beautifully kept, sky blue hair, and his eyes were dark blue, nearly indigo. He had delicate features, perfect skin, and enticing bone structure. To call him handsome was misleading, for he was beautiful. When he spoke, his voice was strong, but calm.

"I am ready to eat," he said. "Please select something for me to have for lunch. I was unable to decide for myself, so I have had many small dishes made."

The four maids who had carts would find several selections available for suggestion.

((Decide via play who will take the four carts and who is left with the wine, the four who have carts may each select a meal of their own choosing to suggest for the Master. This is a contest for the Master's favor!))
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Zehasael cast an appraising eye over the place as she was shown first to her bedroom. While she was certainly used to having her own room since she had come to this world, calling what she was used to a private bedroom could only be achieved with a sense of irony. Still, she had expected to have to share her sleeping space with the other servants causing her to make certain preparations ahead of time that now seemed unnecessary. No, not unnecessary, just less essential, they would still preserve her piece of mind, and keep her dark secrets hers alone.

She needn't worry about storing her belongings, she was lucky to have what she was wearing, having no possessions of her own beyond it. One could argue over whether or not even those were truly hers but she preferred to think of it that way. She removed her thick travelling cloak, as well as the rather plain yet serviceable clothing beneath it until she wore only her underclothing, a specifically chosen set of white cloth that covered most of her body from neck to knees, a matching two piece set of a long under-dress and pantaloons. She glanced suspiciously at the mirror in the ceiling, there was something about its placement that just seemed odd to her, it was hardly at a convenient location for her to inspect herself, which implied it served another purpose.

Regardless, she inspected her new uniform. She took a brief moment to wonder if she had been sent to the wrong room, or perhaps the person who assigned this particular coloured uniform had been colourblind. More likely, it was just a random assignment, but the black and green uniform didn't blend particularly well with her dark red hair, nor her pale blue eyes. She clashed with herself enough, colour-wise, without someone else adding more to the mix. Still, if they wanted to play dress-ups, it was the least of her concern, as she donned the uniform.

As they were given the tour, she remained silent, carefully appraising both this butler and the other staff, as well as the rooms they were shown. She did make an internal sigh when they were informed about costumes, she was making a wry joke to herself when she thought about dress-ups to herself, the universe didn't have to take her so literally.

With the conclusion of the tour and the instructions about the first test, Zeha moved without hesitation towards the decanter of wine, picking it up gently in her hands. She had a natural affinity for such things and while the extravagant food did resonate with her a little, the vice of alcohol did all the more so. It also allowed her to stand out as different which she decided was important at this stage.

As they were called in, she made her way around to his right and placed the glass above his knives, holding the decanter in her hands for the time being. As he declared his challenge, a smirk appeared across her lips; he may have had a variety of meals prepared; but there was only one bottle of wine. And only she, with her sensitive sense of smell and having grabbed it quickly, knew what it was. They would have to blindly choose a meal to match the wine or manage to present the dish in such a way that it superseded such symmetry. And so she watched and waited, keenly observing as they made their choices, glad she had secured the safe position earliest.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Ayeka dresses without any hint of shame at her body, as she has no idea that she's being watched. Before, she'd been in rags, so the silver and black maids outfit which she changed into was at once much less revealing and much more comfortable to her than her previous garments. She took the time to put her long pink hair up into a ponytail, before donning her headdress and heading outside. She gave the other maids an appraising glance as they all exited their rooms, but only for a moment as her head swiveled to watch the butler as he spoke.

She glanced between the food-laden carts, another girl having already snagged the wine. That was, honestly, fine by her, given that she'd never drunk in her life, so she'd likely have no idea what was good or bad. Food had never really been her thing, but she knew what she liked, so she could only take what she thought might be good and deliver it in as professional a manner as possible. Yes, that would be best.

She selected a tray containing a piece of breaded chicken doused in a sweet smelling sauce, surrounded by sliced vegetables and fruit. Yes, that would do nicely, a good amount of nutrition and energy, without being too heavy. Ayeka waited patiently for her name to be called, and when it was, she rolled her tray toward him, trying at once to not move too fast or too slow, and as soon as she reached him she curtsied in what she hoped was a charming fashion before laying the food out before him, her body not shaking despite her nervousness. She worked smoothly and efficiently, not letting anything spill or wind up out of place, appearing confident as she set about her work, and when she finished she turned her gaze to her master, smiled warmly, curtsied once more, and backed away.

(Use Affection. That, Skill and Luck all might sort of fit into this, but I feel that Affection works the best.)
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Ariane reach at least her room, she had been studied all the information about her target for many weeks, his likes, dislikes, story, his public life, etc; all thanks to the contacts of her mother and her own research using her servants around the house and gardens.

She made a deep breath and start dressing herself, she had a cute underwear down her clothes and she really was a little ashamed to undress herself in a weird place like this, but she only focus herself in do it the faster way possible and soon she ended to drees herself, she put her things on their place and then she saw the garden, she opened the window and make a little noise that was unable for the humans to heard as she hidden her mouth to made think to anyone that she was only looking the garden, then a little spider start to crawl until reach the window and then Ariane heard of it about the presentation event, she take the last time that she had to said to the spider in her spider idiom what to do, the creature and the others will take some pieces of a plant that the master of the house was a little alergic and then they will leave them in an hidden corner that lend to the place of the event. Now in the guide tour she just take the time to studie her opponents, some were really dangerous and she prepare tomake her best from the start, in a quick move she take the ingredient with a big spider close it when nobody was looking and then walk fast to be the first to saw all the dishes.

Now in the event whispered to the spider something and walk close the girl who take the wine and let the spider prepare her trap then she in a sudden move leave a touch in some of the dishes that werent the one that she would choice as she take it with the same now empty hand she of couse know exactly wich one take thanks to the info, then using the manners of the human royalty she bring the food to her master and then when all over she make a last vow before return to her place ready to saw how the others willact

GM Clarification:

Plmnko, your trap power is only used in battles. (just reread it and though the term "battle" can probably be stretched, I think this peaceful situation hasn't escalated to a battle just yet. Feel free to have your spider minions inform you of the carts if you wish. But if you are attempting to use a distraction to sabotage other maids' food, it's simply a contested cunning roll. Be careful, if you target all of the other maids, they can pool their defense together against you - meaning you'll probably lose and take heaps of stress. I suggest only targeting one maid, not all.)

(If ever I need to edit your posts for whatever reason, I'll do it like this, in blue font.)
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Giving a nod of thanks to the butler, Shiina enters her appointed room when it's pointed out to her. Quickly slipping out from her travelling clothes, she eyes the clean uniform layed out for her to wear. Orange wasn't a color she was fond off, but for the master, she would wear it with pride and joy. As she slips into the uniform, Shiina looks around the room, thinking it is was a rather nice room for a maid. Once she had set her frilled head-dress on, the new maid of Yukimura Estate took to waiting for the bell, excited at the thought of meeting Master Gomon in person.

Once the bell rang, Shiina was quickly out of her room and among the four maids as the butler came back to take them for their very first assingment. "They all look so nice.. and mature.. I seem like such a kid among all these women.." she thinks as they go through the house under the butler's supervision, her remaining eye scanning the other girls in a slighty envious way. She took the butler's words to heart, eager to learn her way around the house as quick as possible. She paid special attention to the master's room and surroundings, knowing those places would need a lot of work to keep in the proper condition demanded by such a nobleman.

Once the group arrived at the door of the dinner hall, Shiina takes a cart with an eloquent-looking dish set on top, as the wine is snatched up before she can take it. "It's... foie gras.." she thinks, recognising the goose liver even with her small knowledge about foods. The fatty liver was prepared along a small amount of vegetables and a strong gravy. Though the Master was no doubt used to eating such luxurious fare, Shiina was sure her choice would be a pleasing one with its delicate flavor.

After everyone has entered the dining hall, Shiina laid her eye on the Master for the first time. "The Master.. is such a beautiful man" she thought at first impression, Gomon's strong voice making a further statement of power about his position in the aspiring maid's mind. As the Master wished for a lunch to be picked for him, Shiina would keep her wits about her and work the best she could, giving utmost respect towards Gomon. Keeping herself steady and calm, the blonde maid offered her exquisite meal to the master, smiling at him brightly as she stepped back and waited for a reaction from the nobleman.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

"Thank you." Kasumi gave a bow to the butler as he showed the girl her room. While she would soon be a maid, and technically 'above' him, the butler was still the most experienced and senior member of the household, and Kasumi was conscious of that. Kasumi was also conscious of another facet of the butler; even glancing back at him as she rested her hand on the door, it was hard not to notice his handsome appearance. Forcing herself to turn back to the door in front of her, Kasumi took a breath and opened it, not sure what to expect.

The first thing Kasumi did, after taking a quick look through the empty furniture, was remove the simple peasant's dress she had been given by the priestess who had taken care of her when she had lost her memory, and reverently place it on top of the dresser. Clad only in an undyed chemise and panties, Kasumi walked over to her new uniform.

Taking a moment to hold it in her hands and inspect it, Kasumi smiled as she realized it matched her hair colour. 'Did he know? No, it was likely a fluke...' She thought and then looked up, noticing the strange ceiling for the first time. Examining herself in the mirror, Kasumi thought she felt a sense of nostalgia, but wasn't sure why. Pushing her concerns from her mind, Kasumi dressed, using the ceiling mirror to make sure her headdress was on correct, just as the bell rang.

During the tour, Kasumi took the time to examine the other maids. They all seemed much more sure of themselves than her and Kasumi hoped they'd all be able to get along.

Although she had heard rumours when she was trying to find out how to apply of the Master's appearance, when she laid eyes on him, Kasumi was almost entranced by his beauty (and the rose petals surrounding him*). So distracted was Kasumi, that by the time she returned to her senses, there was only one cart left unclaimed.

With a sinking feeling, Kasumi approached the last cart and inspected its contents. A far cry from the high class foods the other carts carried, the meal consisted of what even Kasumi knew was very average fare. Her heart sank as she took ownership of the 'commoner's' cart, at least, until she noticed a variety of seasonings and spices that were also on the tray. Seeing the other three meals being presented first, Kasumi quickly prepared the meal as best she could, she didn't have time to redo the whole meal. Instead, she used what she herself had put on such a meal, hoping that Master Gomon would share her taste.

Feeling her heart start to race as she presented the humble meal, Kasumi bowed and backed away. "I hope it is to your likings, Master." She moved to stand back, her hands folded in her lap, though it was rather obvious she was gripping the front of her uniform in a death-grip.

((Use Affection to present the meal.))
A reference to how bishonen commonly appear in manga and anime. Not to be taken to literally mean that he's surrounded by flower petals somehow. Just put it in there for a bit of light-heartedness.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

"If I may speak," Zehasael piped up as the meals were presented, although she continued before waiting for permission. "Assuming the master had specifically chosen this wine as his preference, he would ideally want a meal that would suit and compliment it. Looking at those offered, there is but one which stands out, the foii gras, for unless I am mistaken this light a fruity wine is a Merlot." As she finished speaking, she bowed her head and took a step back once more.

((Add her skill roll to Kakka's roll))
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

As Zehasael went to scoop up the wine decanter, she was momentarily startled to see no less than ten spiders skitter out from behind the table and onto the tray. Involuntarily she made a noise that drew everyone's attention, and the devious Ariane made good on her cunning ploy, moving first to Ayeka's tray, then to Shiina's, but before she could bother with Kasumi's more common fare, she was forced to abandon her sabotaging, as Zehasael had finished stamping and scattering the spiders. The rest of the maids returned to their carts.

When inside, Ayeka was the first to present her food. Her dedicated presentation drew the barest of nods from her master, happening when she curtsied. It made her heart lift momentarily.

"This is a good choice, for a late lunch or dinner, hmm..." Gomon rubbed his throat and made a small cough after he tasted a bite, a sour expression coming over him. "Thank you Ayeka," he said before dismissing her to the back with a light wave. Ariane rubbed her hands with glee, then she stepped forward to present her dish.

"Hmm.." Gomon inspected the tray that the white haired maid had put before him, not really caring what hers was, so long as it wasn't spiced with allergens. It had turned out to be a meat filled puff pastry. Gomon bit into it. "It's not bad. A brave choice, Ariane." He waved her away in a likewise manner.

Shiina approached and placed her dish before Gomon, stepping back and smiling brightly to her new master. Gomon leaned over and inspected the rich foie gras dish very carefully. He seemed hesitant to touch the dish until Zehasael cut into the growing tension with her suggestion of the red wine as an accompaniment.

"Ah, yes, that sounds nice," Gomon said, nodding to the proffered wine and giving her permission to pour for him. He sniffed at the wine briefly before taking a sip, then he dared a mouthful of the duck liver. "Mmm, I appreciate the thought, but it's all a bit rich for so early in the day... plus, something about this seems off." He pulled at his shirt collar, and it seemed a red rash was starting to form around his neck. "It is not your fault, Shiina, I cannot fault you for the cooking, still, this foie gras will not do. Thank you, Shiina, Zehasael, you choice" The two were dismissed to the side.

That left only Kasumi to bring forward her own dish. She put down her tray and took off the lid, revealing a humble club sandwich, sliced diagonally, with two olive tipped toothpicks placed through each half. Stepping back, Kasumi wore her nervousness on her sleeve, gripping the front of her dress tightly in an un-maidly fashion. Ariane grinned to herself, surely her performance would win the day!

But a slow smile spread across Gomon's lips as he noticed Kasumi's worried expression out of the corner of his eye. He picked up a sandwich half, examined it carefully, and then deliberately took a very long, drawn out bite. Kasumi was by this point forgetting to breath.

Gomon sat back in his chair, chewing. Then he swallowed and turned to her. "That was perfect, Kasumi."

Ariane was stunned with disbelief, her plan, so perfect! Whyyyyy!? (Ariane's plan backfired, gain 1 Stress.)

For her own part, Kasumi's heart leaped with joy at Gomon's praise, and she noticed that his gaze lingered on her as he took another bite.

Kasumi has made the most noticeable first impression! She gains 2d6 Favor!
(4+6=10 favor!)

Everyone else has managed to make an adequate impression. They gain 1d6 favor! (Shiina and Zehasael must split a single roll, since they only succeeded via combined effort.)

Shiina + Zehasael: 4/2 is 2 favor for each.
Ayeka: 5 favor.
Arian: 3 favor.


Gomon finished eating half of the sandwich, then asked for Kasumi to pack the other half up and bring it upstairs to his study.

"The rest of you, please clear this food and prepare a light meal for four house guests that we will be receiving today at noon. The guest rooms in the lower west wing should be cleaned and prepared for them as well. At 1pm I shall meet them in the lounge, and we will be leaving for a ride at half past one. I should return for dinner by six, with the house guests as well. Evening activities are as of yet unplanned. Perhaps some of you might think of a way to provide some entertainment?"

He left the question hanging in the air, then rose from his seat, and proceeded to exit the dining room at his leisure, not glancing back just yet. "Any further questions, please address them to Fade."

So saying he left the room.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Zehasael gave an apologetic shrug to Shiina from the master's blind-spot, what was otherwise a brilliant presentation and perfect synergy had been ruined by horrible luck. Woefully familiar to her, but she took it in stride, while she had not achieved the praise she had aimed for with her careful planning, she had at least avoided embarrassment and in the process appeared to have helped another save face also.

"Mr. Fade," she spoke up almost the moment the master had left. "Have you any suggestions on what entertainment would be suitable for such an occasion?" She honestly was drawing a complete blank, there were certain aspects of mortal society she was less well equipped for as she was well aware the majority of the things that leapt to her mind were not appropriate in this setting.

"As far as lunch, I think Kasumi is the obvious choice for food preparation," she said in a neutral voice, further attempting to take charge of the situation. "I'm sure I'm not the only one who noticed how much of a direct hand she took in things earlier. Will you require an assistant?" Her voice remained perfectly cordial, even if inwardly she found herself hoping the girl would fail. It was her own selfish nature, she supposed with a mental shrug, she couldn't stand the idea of being outshone, not her. But she reined herself in before she disappeared any further down a narcissistic internal rant, her façade wasn't so good that she could afford such luxuries.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

"I already let the Master down..." are Shiina's first thoughts as Gomon leaves them to clean up the leftovers of his meal. She had just barely managed to succeed with her first impression, the help of Zeha-chan saving them both from losing face at the first possible opportunity. She thanked the red-haired maid in her mind, even if she was not sure about her true intentions. With a somewhat heavy mind, she takes to collecting the remains away for proper disposal.

Opting to go with the others for now, Shiina moves closer to the conversation between Zeha and Fade, her thought process a bit slow at the moment. Surely the dashing butler would be able to help them come up with something, as the blonde maid's mind was pretty blank from any good ideas. She wasn't used to the ways of the nobles after all, her previous lifestyle being a relatively poor one.

Once the conversation between the two was queting down, the fledgling maid thought about an idea. Maybe she should ask the others for introductions, possibly get a vague idea about their skills so the group could work together in the best way possible. This might be a detrimental move to her future efforts, but her loyalty towards the Master was almost unshakeable as she respected the Yukimura family for their efforts in the past. With her cutesy curls shaking, she turns her head to face the others. "E-everyone, can we possibly exchange proper introductions? And exchange information about what we do best? It would make running the daily chores a bit easier if we know who's good with what." Shiina calls out to the others, starting to feel awkward among these more mature women. "I'll start myself... I'm Shiina Kazuki. I'm not terribly good at anything in particular, though I have good physical and mental conditioning to help me somewhat, even with this small stature of mine."

Having said those words, Shiina gives out a small bow and waits to see the responses from her co-workers.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

For a time Ariane stay astonish by how her plan was usseles against the human girl of grey hair, closing her hand with force she recover herself and look the bodies of her 3 citizens who died for her princess, she decide to take this with more call and make quick moves in the shadows mixed with the attemp to earn the thrust of all.

The spider princess help the others, as she heard the conversation between the buttler and the redhead maid, then she found the chance to break the ice when the blonde girl introduce herself.

With her beautiful royal voice said Nice to meet you Shiina, im sure that you had too many innate talents, after hear your knowledge in the conversation of wich food combine with the wine then she make a cursy and introduce herself My name is Ariane and it will be a great pleasure work with all of you. Its really hard to said it, but i dont had a special quality, i ussualy help the others to find a way to solve problems, maybe team work its my talent, so no mather wich is the activity i will find the way to succed.
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

(Should we keep track of our Favor and Stress, or will you be handling that Blue?)

Ayeka curtsied again, taking her masters praise with as much as grace as she could. Inwardly, however, she wondered what had happened that had caused such a sour expression on his face, and she glanced toward the girl who'd brought in the wine, as she'd had something happen to spoil her first impression as well. Once the master had chosen his favorite, Ayekas eyes settle on the winner, Kasumi apparently, and she pondered for a moment until the master addressed all of them. Her stomach twisted slightly when he'd mentioned that they should come up with nights "entertainment," her mind going to dark places, but she kept her composure and even curtsied to her master as he passed her by.

She was about to set about cleaning the remains of the meals when one of the other maids, the blond, spoke. She seemed to have been the one who'd fumbled the most out of all of them, and Ayeka wondered inwardly if she had any other motivations. That didn't show in her face, however, as she smiled warmly to the rest, waiting until all save Kasumi had introduced themselves before offering them an appreciative nod and saying; "My name is Ayeka, Ayeka Hirokisha. It is a pleasure to meet you all. I don't have any skills that stand out either, I'm afraid, so I suppose that leaves us to divide the labor as best we can."

She turned to the butler, Fade, whom the red haired maid had already asked for assistance on the issue of entertainment and said; "Mr. Fade, what might be to the masters taste in entertainment? And, perhaps more importantly, what might be to the taste of his guests? I believe that I am correct in saying that all of us are knew here, so any insight into what might provide enjoyment for the master and his circle of friends would be most appreciated. If you might provide any clues, I'm sure we could come up with something to cater to them properly." Almost as an afterthought, Ayeka continued; "Will we be preparing the horses for the masters ride with his guests, or do you have other members of staff to handle such?"

(So; plmnko: Ariane, brown outfit and cream colored hair, maikochan: Kasumi, gray outfit and silver hair, Incubus: Zehasael, green outfit and red hair, KakkaHousu: Shiina, orange uniform and golden hair, and myself: Ayeka, silver outfit and pink hair. Mostly earthy colors for the uniforms, and lighter hair colors.)
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

With the need of ideas the cream haired girl decide to talk again with her royal tone, as she continued heping in the kitchen Well i could play board games with them like chess or even card games,but other choices to make activities, hmm... maybe they could enjoy some class of craftworks or cooking, also we could make competition games like races of three legs or the chair game. Of course that they are only examples and we must know them first at the 1:00 before decide. If its needed i could clean some of the rooms
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

((Sorry for the late post, just got distracted. Damn you PSN for coming back up recently...))

Having expected only a simple nod like the other meals had recieved, Kasumi nearly fainted in suprise upon hearing the Master's praise. She bowed deeply, curtsying as well as she'd seen the other maids do. She wanted to say something, an aknowledgement of his praise, an insistance that she didn't really do anything but present the food, but her voice had caught in her throat.

Once Gomon had left the dining room, Kasumi was able to find her voice again as she packed up the remains of the sandwich. "Mm... My name is Inoue Kasumi." She turned to the other maids who were also introducing themselves to eachother. "I would like to prepare some food for the guests, but I'm not sure what Master Yukimura wishes of me, or how long it will be. Perhaps, Miss Zehasael, would you be able to do that? You seemed very knowledgable about proper wine pairing, something I'm sure would be important for recieving guests. If he doesn't need me for long, I'd be happy to help out in the kitchen, but for now, please excuse me."

Giving a short bow to the other maids, Kasumi followed after Gomon, hoping she wouldn't get lost finding his room, though with Fade's directions during the tour, she wasn't too worried about having problems.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

"I am Zehasael (Zair-ha-say-el)," she said simply, almost giving a slight shrug to go along with her name. "There is not much else to say. Oh well, if I am assist in the kitchen, the remainder is simple," she said, moving straight back on to business. "Someone should go over the lounge, to ensure it is immaculate. The remaining two should take to the guest rooms and ensure they're in a ready state for this evening," she pointed out, although she did fall short of actually assigning tasks.

"Once things are prepared for the evening, we can then consider what to do about entertainment." Hopefully Fade would give her some idea to go with, however. For that matter, she hoped the kitchen she had been saddled with was something she could work with; she was by no means an expert cook, in reality she had barely cooked before at all but certain aspects of it did come naturally to her. Cooking by instinct, this would be interesting.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Ayeka nodded at Zehasaels words, promptly replying; "Well, if you're going to work in the kitchen, would you mind cleaning up the food as well?" She quickly indicated with her head the food they'd served the master for lunch; "I would be happy to go to the guest rooms and ready them for our masters guests."
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Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

The butler stood near the doorway to the dining room, having held it open for both the Master and Inoue, after she had gathered the rest of Gomon's lunch and made her brief introduction to the assembled group.

At Zehasael's inquiry about entertainment, Fade merely adjusted his shoulders a slight fraction in what might have been a shrug, though done with enough poise and grace so as to not mar his butler facade.

Her stood tall and straight in his light gray suit, perfectly straightened without a wrinkle upon it. His eyes seemed to be in a half closes state, nearly to the point of rest. Presently, he spoke in a neutral tone, but one that could not hide the pleasant richness of his voice. He sounded like an old soul, occupying a younger man's body.

"The master has many varied tastes. He enjoys the fine arts, dancing, theater, and music. He also likes horseback riding and taking walks amongst the estate's extensive garden, where he has a decent knowledge of horticulture. He has a soft spot for mah jong, but is, in my opinion, not terribly proficient at the game. Any other hobbies he pursues are likely tied up in his day to day business dealings. As for what you might choose, the only entertainment that has gone on in this household during my brief time here has been a dance, two weeks ago. held by the Master for visiting family dignitaries and the local politicians with whom the Yukimura's share common interest. Music and singing and dancing all together. I suppose if one of you has a hidden talent with such, you might consider a small performance. I'm certain the Master and his guests have other entertainments already in mind beyond what you might provide."

The butler let the maids digest this information, and listened to them as they familiarized themselves with one another and divided up the tasks.

"There is also the matter of the Master's laundry. He has been letting it pile up since the old staff left. It should be done early in the day so that it has time to dry. Also, basic dusting needs to be done in all the central rooms, both upstairs and down I suggest starting here where the guests will be dining first."

There were definite things to be done:

Clearing of the dining room
Guest room preparation
Master's laundry

Fade wondered then if his earliest opinions about these new maids would be proven wrong. Gomon had charged him with seeing how each maid handled the tasks and reporting back to him about their performance. He noted that Zehasael seemed to have a take charge attitude and a lot of ambition. He resolved to research her background a little more when the Master gave him leave.

His low gaze swept to Shiina. The report about this one had come from the Master's uncle. A training accident had marred her rise. Would she be bitter about it? It did not appear outwardly so. Fade had a good feeling about her, young though she was, he trusted that of all the maids, she might look out for the Master's interests above all else.

Arianne on the other hand was a problem. A definite schemer that one. Her efforts with the allergens on the various platters of food had not escaped Fade's trained eyes, but he had been under orders not to oppose the maids unless they truly threatened the master. Gomon's constitution was not the best, but not weak enough to succumb to such mild doses. Still, if these petty games continued, Gomon might need to be notified.

Finally he looked at Ayeka. What a strange creature she was. Something about her seemed otherworldly, but the butler could not put his finger upon it. He watched her out of the corner of his eyes, noting her movements, her athletic frame, those eyes the color of flame... He allowed himself the slight shake of his head, reprimanding himself for getting lost in thought while looking at her. Question marks floated around her identity as well. Like all of them, she would bear future investigation, for the fact remained that there was a spy amongst these five maids, and he intended to discover who it was.


Kasumi followed the sound of Gomon's footsteps, which were already upstairs by the time she left the dining room. Quickening her pace, she vaulted up the large western staircase to the walkway above which wrapped around and overlooked the main hall below. She followed the sound of her Master's steps down to the hallway leading to the west wing, glimpsing his figure rounding the far corner ahead. She heard a door open and not close, so she was able to locate the study with ease, entering into the darkened room where heavy curtains had been pulled across the window to keep the light out. A large desk with a comfy, leather backed chair dominated the immediate center of the room. Book shelves lay at either end of the chamber, and a large tapestry bearing a heraldric crest hung from the wall next to the only entrance to the study. The crest showed a violet field with a golden charge depicting a golden hand holding three gold roses tightly by the uncut stem. There was a motto, but it was written in a tongue and script that Inoue could not read.

"Please close the door behind you," Gomon said, standing tall at the side of his desk, gazing at her in the low light. His eyes seemed fixed on her, like a predator eying its prey. She held up the plate and he indicated the desk with a tap of his fingers on the dark stained wood.

As she drew near the desk, she saw a leather bound volume closed in front of the chair, the title she could not help noticing was "The Art of Pain."

"Stay there," Gomon said as she leaned over to place the half-eaten lunch on his desk. "I would like to get to know my new servant better." Kasumi thought she detected a wolfish grin flash for a moment after he said this.

"The agent who hired you informs me you have amnesia. I'm very sorry to hear that. It must be difficult for you."
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

The cream haired girl hear all the information of the butler. Now that she had screw the presentation to know who will be her target, she must show her qualities to the master of the house and try to help the others to earn the trust of all. It could be hard for her as she dont know how the humans act, then armed with confidence on her said Well, i used to play the harp in my childhood, maybe i could train a little before the activities Ariane had it as hobby as also the innate talent to sing, but she always had do it in the spider language, she will need to practice to much to make it audible for the humanoid creatures.

Without know that she has been busted by the service man she choice Its acceptable if i choice dusting the central rooms before help Ayeka with the rooms of our guests?
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Shiina listens to her colleagues' introductions carefully, and was somehow imagining this would be the result. She couldn't fish any further info out from them with her inquiries, only the food-related skills of Kasumi and Zeha coming to the light. The youngish-looking maid didn't miss Fade's visual scan of her either, the training she had been given in her better times made Shiina notice these kinds of things. The butler was still a mystery to her, a young man with a much older spirit inside him, such was the her image of the man guiding them. Whatever entertainment they decided to provide, she would go along with it to the best of her abilities.

Once the chores are brought on the table, Shiina considers the possibilities. She didn't want to let her dreamy Master down by failing on some task that involved other public figures, so the guest room was out from her list. Once the mention about the laundry comes out, the girl's shoulders drop in embarassment. "Really now, foregoing basic hygiene? The Master seems to have some weird quirks about him, you should take care of these things even without staff.." she thinks. Quickly going through the other options, she considered the laundry to be the best option for her. "My Master, I'll use what little skills I have to be of use to you" Shiina's pondering continue as she volunteers to attend the pile of sweaty clothes.
Re: Yukimura Estate, Session 1

Zehasael moves to begin piling the un-eaten food back onto carts, she had not yet had a chance to study any sort of performance arts and thus had no comment to make on possible routines she could assist with. "I would not reject assistance in removing this food, there is certainly more than one can easily carry and I will need some time to get used to the new kitchens."

She piled as much as she could onto one of the carts and wheeled it towards the kitchens. Immediately she began exploring, taking stock of both supplies for cooking and the various equipment she had to work with. She had some ideas forming already for what she'd attempt, but would likely need to ensure she had the means avaliable to do so.