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ACT AI Generated [YumamiSoft] Last Town: Fall of Felixia (RJ01067887)

I feel like there's a lot of toupee fallacy going on in the comments here...

Art style looks like "generic hentai game" art style, it's certainly not unique, but I wouldn't have pegged it as AI art if the devs hadn't said. Also feel like the devs have said like five times "we mostly created the art from scratch and then used AI to touch it up" and then people reply "but you didn't actually create anything". It's like people don't actually read, they just spit up their standard complaints about AI art without thinking.

Personally, I'll take a dev that is open and honest about their use of AI over one that isn't seven days a week and twice on Sunday. I have to imagine a lot of devs ARE using AI tools and NOT saying anything, exactly because of reactions like this. I'd rather people be encouraged to have it out in the open.

Also no one is talking about the dev's stance on piracy, which honestly I would buy this game if that was literally all I knew about them, because that's awesome.
I finally played through the whole thing. My opinion on the art remains the same - it's decent, for AI, and that's a low bar - and presumably down to the touch-ups or base images being drawn by a person. But even then, there are a lot of inconsistencies between images, and weird anatomical goofs that make it all the more uncanny. I think one of the major limitations of AI is the intricacy of images - and most of the animated and GO CGs are bland for what they are. With AI I'd have thought one would be able to compensate in a big way in terms of quantity, variety and novelty - but that's not really the case here. Which is fine, it seems to be as much an experiment as anything else, and it's wise not to have sunk too much effort into it.

AI art aside,
What I like:
The overall visual presentation. Sprite art style is cohesive and atmospheric. Day/night cycle adds to that.
The ease of access and progression. No extraneous dialog sequences or exposition dump - just a simple establishing blurb, here go kill things and (don't) get raped. Took me about 45 mins to complete and that was exploring everywhere, and that's a good thing for the amount of content. Other games might stretch it out by having longer, larger levels or fewer H-capable enemies, and I appreciate that this doesn't waste my time.
Controls are simple, easy, tight. Bounds of gameplay areas were always clear. Maps, while somewhat mazey, were easy enough to navigate.
Multiple costumes - always good.
Enemies are varied in their attack patterns and strengths/weaknesses, even if it's within a fairly barebones framework they did require some different tactics.
Attack/dash stamina tied to max HP, and debuffs from H

What I don't like:
No gallery - having to go around and lose to each specific enemy to see their loss CG.
Cut-ins during gameplay H-animations. This is a pet-peeve of mine. I get that it saves a fairly massive amount of effort, but it just feels disconnected when you have a window showing her tit getting sucked next to a full-size image that doesn't. Where possible (ie the body part in question is visible in the main image), try to include this as part of that main image.
Lack of things like spells or abilities beyond dash and attack.
Lack of navigational aids - a map, or road-signs, something to indicate where the next area is
Gameplay H-animations not corresponding to enemy type, and re-use of one of them; The spider apparently has opposable thumbs with which to tie proper rope, and that's terrifying - obviously, web would be more appropriate. The Succubi's animation was just a re-hash of the same one used by at least one (two?) other enemy.
Clothing/clothing damage not reflected in gameplay H-animations - It's a whole extra layer of work for each outfit, granted, but this is one area I'd have hoped AI would be an asset. I think I'd have preferred this to multiple costumes if I had to choose.
Standing image blocking your view of the right side of the screen - a toggle is always a good idea, or perhaps automatically hiding it when travelling that direction.
Progression felt a bit odd, but it was fairly straightforwards to grind to the next sword and next key.